General Comments

General InstructionsFor the Class Size 2010 Data Collection the Ministry will accept an upload of class size data in Comma Separated Values (csv) format as follows:All data must be either ASCII or UTF-8 codedIt is recommended that class size data containing special characters (i.e. French characters) be uploaded in UTF-8One record must be provided in the file for each class being given at the school with a carriage return and line feed at the end of each record (CRLF)The file will be accepted with or without double-quotes surrounding each field – if one field has double-quotes then all fields in the file must have double-quotes or the file will be rejectedEach field must have a trailing comma with the exception of the last field on each recordFor more information please see the sample csv file.File NamingThe name of the csv file must follow the naming convention below to indicate which school the file belongs to and that the data is for Class Size 2010 Data Collection. The file name will be validated when the file is uploaded via Ed Access/TSW. The entire file will be rejected if the file name (entered in lower case) is not as expected and/or the record format does not follow the specifications shown below: aaaaaaaa_class_size_2010.csv (where aaaaaaaa = School Code)The School Code is an 8-digit code starting with a zero, for example:00501006 – Sparwood Secondary04949004 – Bella Coola ElementaryRecord LayoutField Position in RecordField NameField DescriptionFormatExpected Data1Subject CodeA known (default) value for the subjectAlphanumeric (2) characters00 – Full Grade05 – Applied Skills10 – English Language Arts15 – Fine Arts20 – Health and Career Ed25 – Information and Communications Technology30 –Languages35 – Mathematics40 – Physical Ed45 – Sciences50 – Social Studies60 – Special Ed65 – Other2Class / Division NameA name used in the school to identify the group of students - a class. The class name may be a division name, a course title or free form text.Alphanumeric (250) charactersRequired3SectionMay be used to uniquely identify different offerings of the same Class or DivisionAlphanumeric (10) charactersOptional and free form4Headcount for Kindergarten Half DayCount of students in classNumeric (10) digitsMust be blank or a whole number between 1 and 3005Headcount for Kindergarten Full DayCount of students in classNumeric (10) digitsMust be blank or a whole number between 1 and 3006Headcount for Grade 1Count of students in classNumeric (10) digitsMust be blank or a whole number between 1 and 3007Headcount for Grade 2Count of students in classNumeric (10) digitsMust be blank or a whole number between 1 and 3008Headcount for Grade 3Count of students in classNumeric (10) digitsMust be blank or a whole number between 1 and 3009Headcount for Grade 4Count of students in classNumeric (10) digitsMust be blank or a whole number between 1 and 30010Headcount for Grade 5Count of students in classNumeric (10) digitsMust be blank or a whole number between 1 and 30011Headcount for Grade 6Count of students in classNumeric (10) digitsMust be blank or a whole number between 1 and 30012Headcount for Grade 7Count of students in classNumeric (10) digitsMust be blank or a whole number between 1 and 30013Headcount for Grade 8Count of students in classNumeric (10) digitsMust be blank or a whole number between 1 and 30014Headcount for Grade 9Count of students in classNumeric (10) digitsMust be blank or a whole number between 1 and 30015Headcount for Grade 10Count of students in classNumeric (10) digitsMust be blank or a whole number between 1 and 30016Headcount for Grade 11Count of students in classNumeric (10) digitsMust be blank or a whole number between 1 and 30017Headcount for Grade 12Count of students in classNumeric (10) digitsMust be blank or a whole number between 1 and 30018EA Support ProvidedIndicator if education assistant(s) support is provided to the Class or DivisionChar(1)Y or NDefault set to NPlease capitalize19Headcount for Students Entitled to IEPHeadcount of students entitled to Individual Education Plan in classNumeric (10) digitsMust be blank or a whole number between 1 and 30020Headcount for Gifted StudentsHeadcount of gifted students in classNumeric (10) digitsMust be blank or a whole number between 1 and 30021Headcount for ESL/ESD StudentsHeadcount of English as Second Language/English as a Second Dialect students in classNumeric (10) digitsMust be blank or a whole number between 1 and 30022RationaleRationale required for classes over 30 studentsAlpha-Numeric (250) charactersOptional and free formNo carriage returns, line fields, or double quotation marks allowed. ................

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