Population in areas with infectious disease

Population in areas with infectious disease

README for population in infectious disease areas (dispop.*)

Variables in this data set: population in areas with infectious disease weighted by 1994 population for: yellow fever (1952 and 1996); plague (1952); leprosy (1952); visceral leishmaniasis (1954 and 1984); helminthiasis (1952); dengue fever (1951, and 1975 to 1995); schistosomiasis (1987); and lymphatic filiriases (1984).

Description of data (Word file) is a Microsoft Word document (dispop-dta.doc) containing a list of each variable within the infectious disease area data set, a description of each variable, how the variable was created, the source of the variable, and any extra notes.

Stata do file is a program (dispop.do) written in Stata to load the data in dispop.csv and create the variable labels etc. in dispop.dta. It can be used as a model to load the data into other statistical packages besides Stata.

Stata data file is the Stata data set with the infectious disease data by country (dispop.dta).

ASCII file is a comma separated value file (dispop.csv) of the infectious disease data that can be opened as a spreadsheet in Excel, or used in conjunction with the Stata do file (dispop.do).

These data sets were created as part of The Center for International Development’s ongoing research into the role of geography in economic development (see cid.harvard.edu/economic.htm). They have been created between 1998 and 1999. Please reference CID if you use this data in a publication.

Notes on dispop.dta

Contents: population in areas with infectious disease weighted by 1994 population: yellow fever (1952 and 1996); plague (1952); leprosy (1952); visceral leishmaniasis (1954 and 1984); helminthiasis (1952); dengue fever (1951 and 1975 to 1995); schistosomiasis (1987); and lymphatic filiriases (1984).

|Variable |Description |Creation/Source of Data & notes |

|wbcode |World Bank (ISO) country code |ESRI, 1996. Arcworld Supplement Data Reference and User’s |

| | |Guide. Redlands, Calif. |

|country |country name |ESRI, 1996. Arcworld Supplement Data Reference and User’s |

| | |Guide. Redlands, Calif. |

|disp1 |% of population living in areas with yellow fever, 1951 |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| | |“Distribution of Dengue and Yellow Fever: Atlas of Diseases |

| | |– Plate 5.” The American Geographical Society, The |

| | |Geographic Review, Vol. 42, No. 4, 1952. |

|disp2 |% of population living in areas with plague, 1952 |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| | |“Distribution of Plague 1900-1952: Atlas of Diseases – Plate|

| | |6.” The American Geographical Society, The Geographic |

| | |Review, Vol. 42, No. 4, 1952. |

|disp3 |% of population living in areas with leprosy, 1952 |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| | |“Distribution of Leprosy 1952: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 7.”|

| | |The American Geographical Society, The Geographic Review, |

| | |Vol. 42, No. 2, 1953. |

|disp4 |% of population living in areas with oriental sore |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |leishmaniasis, 1954 |“Distribution of Leishmaniases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate |

| | |14.” The American Geographical Society. 1954. |

|disp5 |% of population living in areas with kala azar |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |leishmaniasis, 1954 |“Distribution of Leishmaniases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate |

| | |14.” The American Geographical Society. 1954. |

|disp6 |% of population living in areas with american leishmaniasis,|Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |1954 |“Distribution of Leishmaniases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate |

| | |14.” The American Geographical Society. 1954. |

|disp7 |% of population living in areas with helminthiasis |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |schistosoma haematobium, 1952 |“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate |

| | |4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical |

| | |Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952. |

|disp8 |% of population living in areas with helminthiasis |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |schistosoma mansoni, 1952 |“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate |

| | |4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical |

| | |Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952. |

|disp9 |% of population living in areas with helminthiasis filariid |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |mansonella ozzard (% country area), 1952 |“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate |

| | |4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical |

| | |Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952. |

|disp10 |% of population living in areas with helminthiasis |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |paragoniumus westermani (% country area), 1952 |“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate |

| | |4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical |

| | |Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952. |

|disp11 |% of population living in areas with helminthiasis |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |fasciolapsis buski (% country area), 1952 |“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate |

| | |4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical |

| | |Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952. |

|disp12 |% of population living in areas with helminthiasis |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |optisthorchis felineus (% country area), 1952 |“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate |

| | |4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical |

| | |Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952. |

|disp13 |% of population living in areas with helminthiasis |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |diphyllobothrium latum (% country area), 1952 |“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate |

| | |4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical |

| | |Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952. |

|disp14 |% of population living in areas with helminthiasis |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |clonorchis sinensis (% country area), 1952 |“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate |

| | |4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical |

| | |Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952. |

|disp15 |% of population living in areas with helminthiasis hookworm |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |group (% country area), 1952 |“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate |

| | |4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical |

| | |Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952. |

|disp16 |% of population living in areas with helminthiasis filarid |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |loa loa (% country area), 1952 |“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate |

| | |4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical |

| | |Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952. |

|disp17 |% of population living in areas with helminthiasis filariid |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |wucheria bancrofti & malayii (% country area), 1952 |“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate |

| | |4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical |

| | |Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952. |

|disp18 |% of population living in areas with helminthiasis filariid |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |onchocerca volvulus (% country area), 1952 |“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate |

| | |4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical |

| | |Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952. |

|disp19 |% of population living in areas with helminthiasis filariid |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |acanthocherlonema perstons (% country area), 1952 |“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate |

| | |4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical |

| | |Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952. |

|disp20 |% of population living in areas with dengue fever (% country|Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |area), 1951 |“Distribution of Dengue and Yellow Fever: Atlas of Diseases |

| | |– Plate 5.” The American Geographical Society, The |

| | |Geographic Review, Vol. 42, No. 4, 1952. |

|disp21 |% of population living in areas with shistosomiasis, 1987 |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| | |Doumenge, J. P., et al. 1987. Atlas de la Répartition |

| | |Mondiale des Schistosomiases. Bordeaux: Presses |

| | |Universitaires de Bordeaux. |

|disp22 |% of population living in areas with yellow fever (% country|Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |area), 1996 |WHO. who.int/ith/english/map1.htm |

|disp23 |% of population living in areas with dengue fever (% country|Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |area), 1975 to 1995 |WHO. 1995. “Key Issues in Dengue Vector Control Toward the |

| | |Operationalization of a Global Strategy.” Geneva: WHO. Page |

| | |4. |

|disp24 |% of population living in areas with lymphatic filiariases |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |(% country area), 1984 |WHO. 1984. Lymphatic Filiriases. Technical Report Series |

| | |702. Geneva: WHO. |

|disp25 |% of population living in areas with visceral leishmaniasis |Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection. |

| |(% country area), 1984 |WHO. 1984. The Leishmaniases. Technical Report Series 701. |

| | |Geneva: WHO. Page 49. |

Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max


wbcode | 164

country | 164

disp1 | 164 .2095732 .3900249 0 1.12

disp2 | 164 .0638415 .1372714 0 .62

disp3 | 164 .5368293 .447826 0 1.05

disp4 | 164 .1306707 .2910825 0 1.01

disp5 | 164 .0645732 .1770839 0 1

disp6 | 164 .0427439 .178557 0 .98

disp7 | 164 .2379878 .3879254 0 1.01

disp8 | 164 .1105488 .2426623 0 1

disp9 | 164 .0037805 .0268209 0 .3

disp10 | 164 .1363415 .3210145 0 1.14

disp11 | 164 .0279878 .1338123 0 .94

disp12 | 164 .0031098 .0220031 0 .22

disp13 | 164 .1359756 .3153413 0 1.05

disp14 | 164 .0054878 .0395884 0 .42

disp15 | 164 .5077439 .4363475 0 1.14

disp16 | 164 .0379268 .1675463 0 .97

disp17 | 164 .3187195 .4145323 0 1.05

disp18 | 164 .1267073 .2984482 0 1.02

disp19 | 164 .149878 .3402399 0 1.01

disp20 | 164 .1481098 .325683 0 1

disp22 | 164 .1218293 .2244619 0 .65

disp21 | 164 .0042683 .0430446 0 .54

disp23 | 164 .1832317 .2499004 0 .61

disp24 | 164 .1493902 .2306425 0 .65

disp25 | 164 .0841463 .1674636 0 .56


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