TEST 1: SPHP 125

CSAD 112 Study Guide Test 2


1. Owens talks about children who are internationally adopted; for example, Americans adopt children from other countries. When these children arrive in the U.S., what happens with their first language (e.g., Russian)? What can we expect in terms of these children’s language progression?

2. In chapter 6, Owens discusses children who attend preschool. What are some advantages of attending preschool? What can preschool teachers do to encourage toddlers to talk?

3. Why do infants and toddlers use gestures? Why are gestures helpful?

4. At what age do infants possess the basic social-cognitive and motivational skills for engaging in human-style cooperative communication?

5. By ___ months of age, most children are naming or labeling favorite toys, foods, and house pets; they are also exclaiming (e.g., “uh oh”) and calling (“Daddy!”) to attract attention.

6. Do preschool children engage in monologues? If so, what is the function of these monologues?

7. Describe the impact of socioeconomic status (SES) on children’s developing language skills. According to Owens, the differences in vocabulary and language processing efficiency in children from high- and low-SES backgrounds are already evident at ________months of age. For low-SES children, during a story-listening task, it’s been found that there is less neural activity in ____________________.

8. Define the following terms:

Cohesion, underextension, overextension, holophrase, presupposition, evocative utterance, selective imitation, formula, attribution, incidental teaching, determiner, copula, ellipsis, cooperative play, compound sentence, complex sentence, state verb, process verb, extension, phonological processes, fast mapping, extended mapping, temporal words, anaphoric reference.

9. Describe what different cultures believe in terms of interacting with infants and small children.

10. In the recent ASHA Leader article From Couching to Coaching, the authors gave suggestions for early interventionists to get parents more involved with their young children with communication difficulties. What were some of these specific suggestions?

11. What is taxonomic knowledge?

12. What is the difference between an expansion and an extension?

13. What does new research on child-directed speech tell us? (e.g., that parents talk more to their first-born children).

14. An ASHA Leader article cited a study where researchers recorded videos of parents reading to toddlers in several different conditions. What were the findings of this study?

15. Describe toddler development in the social, motor, and cognitive domains. What can we expect?

16. What happens in typically-developing children between 18-24 months of age? Why is this such a critical period in a child’s language development?

17. What are semantic relations?

18. What is joint attention? How does it differ from joint action?

19. Young children use phonological processes or patterns to make adult words pronounceable. Give examples, of reduplication, diminutization, weak syllable deletion, and consonant cluster reduction.

20. Summarize the development of preschool children in the areas of cognition, social skills, and motor development. What can we expect from typically-developing children?

21. In terms of vocabulary growth, how many words will a child be able to say when she is 3 years old? 4 years old? 5 years old?

22. Define the kinds of play that children engage in (e.g., solitary).

23. At an ASHA Schools Conference, speaker Pamela Wiley talked about the possible consequences of poor social skills. What are they? What skill steps can we teach young children to help in this area?

24. What is simultaneous bilingual language acquisition? How does it differ from successive acquisition?

25. In terms of development of morphemes, list bound morphemes and at what age they are mastered. For example, -ing develops between 19-28 months old.

26. Please remember to know how to count morphemes from the class handout and exercises that we did. For example, you should know that

My brother’s blueberry muffin tasted good and I asked him if he’d share.

Has 13 words and 17 morphemes.

27. What are comparatives and superlatives? Give several examples of each.

28. What is an interrogative? What is a declarative sentence? Give an example of a passive sentence.

29. Leslie Rescorla and colleagues examined late talkers at age 2. What were the findings of this study?

30. Hammer et al. examined the consequences of being a late talker at 24 months of age. What did this study find?

31. What is a language sample, and why do we use it? What populations especially benefit from being assessed using a language sample?

32. **Please be sure to know MLU norms in morphemes. For example, if a child is 2½-3 years old, what should his MLU be?


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