SOUTH ASIA STUDY GUIDE - 7th Grade Social Studies

East and Southeast Asia STUDY GUIDE

2010 – 2011

East and Southeast Asia UNIT TEST – FRIDAY, APRIL 29TH

Vocabulary: Be able to define, understand, and give examples of









Asian Tigers (pg.557)

Sphere of influence



Human Rights


Trade deficit



Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

Land Reform




1. Be able to locate and identify all of the following on a map and understand their relative location.

China Mongolia Thailand Laos Vietnam Cambodia Myanmar North Korea South Korea Mekong River Huang He River Japan Taiwan Philippines Hon Kong Singapore

2. Any other countries, landforms, or bodies of water that you are responsible for having labeled on your South and Southeast Asia map. (need a blank copy – available on our websites)

History and governments: Dynasties/civilizations - China

- Where did they start? Where did they settle?

- What is a dynasty? Good or bad? Why?

- Know the following 4 dynasties: Zhou, Han, Tang and Song, Ming. Why were they important? Accomplishments?

- Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism – What are they? What dynasty did they go with?

- Silk Road – what is it? Where? Why important?

- 4 inventions that changed Chinese life? What dynasty?

- Who conquered China in 1211? Where did they come from? Who ran the government after?

- Who was Marco Polo? Why was he important?

- Forbidden City. What? WHERE? Who?


- What culture heavily influenced these countries and rest of region?

- Who became Japan’s 1st shogun? What is a shogun? Who supported/protected the shoguns?

- List 3 major economic activites

Modern Nations:


- When did Europeans arrive? What were there goals? how were they greeted/received?

- What good became highly valuable in Europe?

- Did china willingly open their ports? How?

- Who was Mao? Why was he important? Where did he get early support from? 1st 5 year plan? What was his 100 flowers campaign? Great leap forward plan? Who was Cultural Revolution aimed at? Why?

- What type of government do they have today?


- Was Japan receptive to western influences?Why?

- After strong pressure from the western influence what did they become major powers in?

- Why did they invade neighboring countries? Did this lead to war? What war? What was the end result?


- Why was the country divided into 2? What is the dividing line? Who did the US support?What types of government do they have today?

Southeast Asia:

- What trade/goods did Europeans control?How did US gain power in the region?

- What led to Vietnam war? When did US start to leave? How many people killed?How many Americans?End result?

Economic Powers:

- Asian Tigers-who? Why are they important?

- Taiwan is claimed by who?

- Hong Kong- Who claims it? Why is it important? What type of economy? Why?

- Singapore? Do they collect a lot if tax?


- Large or small? How many? Why? Evenly or unevenly distributed?

- What is China doing to control? Why?

- Population decrease seen in what counrites?

- Climate is good for what 2 types of economic activites?

- Smallest country in land area, but highest pop. Per sq. mile?

- 3 largest cities in china?

- Why and where have educated workers gone?


- What has greatly influenced the region? what has brought change?

- What do they speak in Japan? Korea? Northern China? Southern China? China’s official language? Philippines?

- Major religions in South Korea? Thailand? Japan? What is Shinto?

- Who brought Islam to east and Southeast Asia?

- May artist base their paintings on what?

- What do craftspeople make in this region?

- What is a pagoda?

- Poetry associated with Shinto?

- Types of plays that are popular in Southeast and East Asia?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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