Study guide for Population Chapter 2

Study guide for Population Chapter 2

1. What is demography and why is it important?

2. Answer why and where in relation to Population?

3. What are the four major regions of clustered population in the world?

4. What is a cartogram and which countries are exaggerated?

5. What are the 4 cluster areas of where most people live?

6. Where do most people live in East Asia and why?

7. Describe the population in East Asia?

8. Describe the population for South Asia

9. Where do most people live in South Asia

10. Where do most people live in SE Asia and why?

11. Describe why people are clustered in certain regions in Europe?

12. In the Western Hemisphere where are most of the population clustered and why?

13. Where are most of the people clustered in Africa?

14. What is an Ecumene- give three regional examples?

15. 3/4ths of the world population live on what % of land?

16. How is dry land related to population?

17. How is wet lands related to population?

18. How are cold lands and highlands related to population?

19. What in population density?

20. What is arithmetic density?

21. What is physiological density and list an example?

22. What is agricultural density and give 2 examples

23. What is the difference between MDCs and LDCs with agricultural density?

24. What is CBR, CDR, and NIR-natural increase rate?

25. Why does the NIR change?

26. What is doubling time?

27. Why is fertility important to population?

28. How does mortality effect a population?

29. Where is life expectancy more favorable?

30. Why does the USA have a higher CDR than Mexico?

31. What is the demographic transition?

32. List the stages of the demographic transition and describe each one and give an example for each.

33. What does a population pyramid relate to?

34. How does age distribution help with population?

35. Describe Cape Verde and Denmark’s Demographic transition.

36. What are the characteristics of stage for D.T?

37. How does food supply effect population growth?

38. What was Thomas Malthus view of population and growth?

39. What does his critics say about his theory?

40. How does contraceptives help with population and how is it diffused in LDCs?

41. What is epidemiologic transition?

42. How does the black plague and Cholera relate to population?


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