Activity 4: Cultural Self Awareness (Assumptions …

Activity 3: Cultural Self Awareness (Assumptions Exercise)

Purpose: By the end of this unit, the supervisor will recognized and understand the strengths and weaknesses of his or her perception and their effects on working with staff.

Time: 60 minutes

Objectives: Through this activity, the supervisor will:

• Demonstrate how personal values and assumptions influence supervision of others

• Identify behavior to be more effective when working with staff


• Learner’s Guide

• Pen or Pencil,

• List of Characteristics (2 pages)

• Flip chart and markers

|Sequence: (of topics/exercises) |Time |

|Assumption challenge – group and individual |60 minutes |

|Activity 3: Practice 3: Cultural Self Awareness (Total Minutes = 60) |

|Method |Script |Tips/Notes |

|Assumption Challenge (60 minutes) |

|Do: |See tips/notes |Prepare in advance on a flip |

| | |chart a 2 column list. |

|[pic] | |On the left list the names of |

| | |each character in the |

| | |activity: |

| | |On the right you will enter |

| | |participants’ responses. |

| | |Note: Keep concealed until |

| | |needed |

|Transition Statement |“A worker…due to a lack of cultural competence may position the agency to provide less | |

| |or more help than required. Our view of workers is often clouded by our own personal | |

| |biases and assumptions, negative stereotypes and negative perception of workers.” | |

| | | |

| |“We will look at how culture and extraneous information from the environment influence | |

| |how we perceive and interact with others.” | |

|Say: | |Have everyone turn to page |

|[pic] |Everyone turn to page _44___ in the Learner’s Guide or take out a sheet of paper. |_44__in the Learner’s Guide. |

|Participant’s Guide | | |

|Say: |I am going to read aloud, one time without repeating, information about 10 people. |Read about each person. |

| | | |

| |Given the incomplete information about the following 10 people, list your first |Finish reviewing the list |

| |impressions of them. |before moving to the next |

| |Read each character description |part. |

|Say: |Now…Select 5 people you would take home for the weekend to get to know better.” | |

| |“You must select 5 people” | |

|Do: | |Reveal your columns |

| |Turn to the “character” page on the flipchart. | |

|Say: |How many of you would choose character one? | |

| |Repeat the process for each character. | |

|Do: |Have at least one person explain why they chose character # 1. | |

| |Ask at least one person why they did not choose character #1. | |

| | | |

|Say: |Read aloud the missing information for character #1. | |

| |Ask for reactions and comments. | |

| |Proceed with the other characters on the list. |Make connections to the goals |

| | |and objectives. |

|Debriefing |Which information surprised you the most? Why? | |

| |On what basis do people make assumptions? Why? | |

| |Have people ever made inaccurate assumptions about you based on your appearance, i.e., | |

| |because of your gender, racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, background or handicap? | |

| |4. How does that impact on your role as a fair supervisor? | |

| |5. What safeguard can you put in place to avoid jumping to conclusions and making | |

| |inaccurate assumptions? | |

|[pic] |We often are not aware that we automatically make assumptions. | |

|Key Points |Assumptions occur, and how they arise from the environment based on fear, lack of | |

| |information, differences. | |

| |We are usually more comfortable recalling times when we were on the receiving end of | |

| |someone else’s erroneous assumptions then when we make and act upon assumptions about | |

| |others. | |

| |Panel of Americans of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League training program. | |



1. Mary is 38, Latina, short, with long black hair with a touch of gray. She is seen carrying two large shopping bags and hurrying her children into the subway at 3:30 pm.

2. Leslie is 21, Jewish, and a college graduate. She was voted the most likely to succeed by her graduating class. She also is the founder of BFU, an organization that she will remain an advisor to.

3. Rodney is 18, African American, dressed in a sweat shirt, black Levi jeans, rolled up at the cuffs, unlaced Nike sneakers, a baseball cap on backwards, and he is playing basketball with his boom box playing in the background.

4. James is 15; Chinese, dressed in a blue and white striped tailored shirt, jeans and sneakers. He carries books in a backpack.

5. Christine is 16, Greek, has long black curly hair, is dressed fashionably and is quite beautiful. She moves down the school corridor in her motorized wheelchair. Christine is completing her 10th grade studies, one grade behind the other students in her age group.

6. Susie is 55, Asian, she speaks accented English. She and her husband own a fish market and vegetable stand in a poor community.

7. Winston is 27, wearing acid washed jeans, a muscle shirt with "Stop Apartheid, Free South Africa" written on it, air Jordan sneakers, has a dreadlock hairstyle and is carrying a briefcase.

8. Robert is 23, black, handsome, tall and muscular, and dressed in a tan sweater and black jeans. He is seen walking into a local restaurant while holding hands with an attractive young woman.

9. Akua is 19, dressed in a torn sundress, dirty ripped up sneakers and is pushing a shopping cart filled with junk.

10. Andrea is 36, white, dressed in a pretty, light blue dress with a darker blue blazer and navy shoes. She is seen shopping for dinner groceries with two children, one who is seven and the other is ten.


1. Mary is a junior high school foreign language teacher and a widow, whose husband died of AIDS-related complications. She and her children get tested every six months.

2. Leslie really worked very hard to earn her reputation at school. BFU stands for "Braille for Us". She was successful in getting the university to translate curricula into braille.

3. Rodney is an honor student with a gift for musical composition. The tapes he plays are his own pieces. The only way he can afford college is through a basketball scholarship.

4. James is a member of Ghost Shadows, a notorious gang. He faces juvenile delinquency charges of assaulting a news dealer who wouldn't pay protection money.

5. Christine is in a wheelchair because she has had repeated hip surgeries. She is one grade behind because she had to spend most of the last year in a hospital. She is one of the top scholars in her school and has had her poetry published in two journals.

6. Susie and her husband have no children and most of their family lives in Korea. Almost everyone who is in their employ lives in the community. One of their employees is teaching them English and they in turn are teaching them Korean.

7. Winston is a second year medical student who is doing his residency at Harlem Hospital. He spends his free time tutoring students in math and biology. He is also a volunteer in the AIDS unit at Harlem Hospital.

8. Robert and the woman are friends. Both are finishing their BA degree in

business at the local college. They are both active in the school's lesbian and

gay community center.

9. Akua is a junior at Columbia University's school of Journalism who is writing a special story on the homeless in NYC. She feels the only way to get the information she needs is to live the role for herself

10. Andrea is a social worker who works part-time at a social service agency. She is buying groceries for herself, her two children, and her companion of six years whose name is Judy.



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