Derek Kenji Iwamoto - PSYC

Derek Kenji Iwamoto, Ph.D.

Curriculum Vitae

Updated: March 2016

Office: 2147A Biology Psychology Building

College Park, MD 20742




Assistant Professor

Counseling Psychology

Department of Psychology

Center for Addiction, Personality and Emotions Research

Department of Psychology

University of Maryland-College Park


Yale University School of Medicine ( 2008-2010

National Institute of Drug Abuse T32 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, ( 2007

Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology

Internship: University of California-San Diego, Psychological and Counseling Services, APA-Accredited, August 2006-July 2007.

Dissertation title: “The Role of Racial Identity, Ethnic Identity, and Asian Values as Mediators of Perceived Discrimination and Psychological Well-Being Among Asian American College Students”

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, ( 2003

Master of Arts in Education Psychology, specialization Counseling Psychology

University of California-Irvine, ( 2001

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology



Liu, W. M., Iwamoto, D. K., & Chae, M. (Eds.) (2010). Culturally Responsive Counseling Interventions with Asian American Men. Routledge Press.


Martin, J. L., Burrow-Sanchez, J. J., Iwamoto, D. K., Glidden-Tracey, C., & Vaughan, E. L. (revise and resubmit). Bridging counseling psychology and substance use training, practice, and research. The Counseling Psychologist.

Kane, J. C., Damian, A. J., Fairman, B., Bass, J. K., Iwamoto, D. K., & Johnson, R. M (in press). Differences in alcohol use patterns between adolescent Asian American ethnic groups: representative estimates from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2002-2013. Addictive Behaviors.

Brady, J.*, Iwamoto, D.K., Grivel, M.*, Clinton, L.*, & Kaya, A.* (in press). Femininity and substance use outcomes: A critical review. Addictive Behaviors.

Zamboanga, B. L., Audley, S., Iwamoto, D. K., Martin, J. L., & Tomaso, C. C. (in press). The risks of being "manly": Masculine norms and drinking game motives, behaviors, and related consequences among men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity.

Cheng, A., Iwamoto, D.K., McMullen, D.* (2016). Model minority stereotype and alcohol use disorders diagnostic: implications for practitioners working with Asian Americans. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse.

Zamboanga, B. L., Audley, S., Iwamoto, D. K., Tomaso, C. C.*, Ramos, G., Schwartz, S. J. (2016). “What’s in a Game?” Acculturation and drinking games among Asian American young adults. Asian American Psychology Journal.

Iwamoto, D.K., Grivel, M.*, Cheng, A., & Zamboanga, B. (2016). Asian American and white college students’ heavy episodic drinking behaviors and alcohol-related problems: within- and between-group differences. Substance Use and Misuse.

Kaya, A.*, Iwamoto, D.K., Grivel, M.*, Clinton, L.*, & Brady, J.* (2016). The role of feminine and masculine norms in college women’s alcohol use. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 206-214.

Miller, M. J., Chen, G., Alvarez, A., & Iwamoto, D.K. (2016). People of color racial identity attitudes scale. Psychological Assessment. 28, 116-122.

Iwamoto, D.K., Kaya, A.,* Grivel, M.,* & Clinton, L.* (2016). A review of alcohol use and abuse among Asian Americans. Alcohol Research: Current Reviews. 38.

Zamboanga, B., Iwamoto, D.K., Pesigan, I., & Tomaso, C.* (2015). A “player’s” game? Masculinity and drinking games participation among white and Asian American male college freshmen. Psychology of Men and Masculinity.

Iwamoto, D.K., Grivel, M.,* Cheng, A., Clinton, L.* & Kaya, A.* (2015). The role of feminine norms and alcohol related problems among Asian American women. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.

Negi, N. J., & Iwamoto, D.K. (2014). Validation of the revised BSI-18 with Latino migrant day laborers. Research on Social Work Practice. 24, 364-371.

Hsu, K. *, & Iwamoto, D. K. (2014). Testing for measurement invariance in the Conformity to Masculine Norms-46: A comparison of Whites and Asian American college men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 15, 397-406.

Iwamoto, D.K., Corbin, W., Lejuez, C., & MacPherson, L. (2014). College men and problem drinking: The role of masculine norms and alcohol expectancies. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 15, 29-39.

Kopetz, C., Richards, J., Magidson, J., Pickover, A., Iwamoto, D. K., & Lejuez, C. (2014). Gender and social rejection as risk factors for engaging in risky sexual behavior among crack/cocaine users. Prevention Science. 15, 376-384.

Seymour, K. E., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Iwamoto, D. K., Kurdziel, G., Townsend, J., & MacPherson, L. (2014). Emotion regulation mediates the association between ADHD and depressive symptoms in a community sample of youth. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 42, 611-621.

Iwamoto, D.K., Negi, N. J., Partiali, N.,* & Creswell, J. (2013). The ethnic and racial identity formation process of second-generation South Asian Americans---A phenomenological study. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development. 41, 224-239.

Iwamoto, D. K. & Smiler, A. (2013). Alcohol makes you macho and helps you make friends: The role of masculine norms, peer pressure and alcohol use among adolescents boys and girls. Substance Use & Misuse. 48, 371-378.

Iwamoto, D.K., Takamatsu, S.K.*, & Castellanos, J. (2012). Binge drinking and alcohol-related problems among U.S-born Asian Americans. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. 18, 219-227.

Iwamoto, D. K., Gordon, D., Oliveros, A. (2012). The role of masculine norms, informal support on depression and anxiety among incarcerated men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 13, 283-293.

Cheng, A. W., Lee, C. & Iwamoto, D. K. (2012). Heavy drinking, poor mental health, and substance use among Asian Americans in the NLAAS: A gender-based comparison. Asian American Journal of Psychology. 3, 160-167.

Gordon, D., Oliveros, A., Hawes, S., Iwamoto, D. K., & Rayford, B. (2012). Engaging fathers in Child Protective Services: A review of factors and strategies across ecological systems. Children and Youth Services Review. 34, 1399-1417.

Furman, R., Ackerman, A. R., Iwamoto, D.K., Negi, N. J., & Mondragon, G.* (2012). Undocumented Latino migrant men at risk. Social Development Issues. 35, 1-12.

Iwamoto, D. K., Cheng, A.*, Lee, C., Takamatsu, S.* & Gordon, D. (2011). “Man-ing Up: Masculine norms, drinking to intoxication and alcohol-related problems. Addictive Behaviors. 36, 906-911.

Corbin, W., Iwamoto, D. K., & Fromme, K. (2011). A comprehensive longitudinal test of the Acquired Preparedness Model for alcohol use and related problems. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 72, 602-610.

Iwamoto, D. K., Liu, W. M., & McCoy, T. E. (2011). An exploratory model of substance use among Asian American college women. Journal of Ethnicity and Substance Abuse. 10, 295-315.

Corbin, W., Iwamoto, D. K., & Fromme, K. (2011). Social motives, heavy drinking, and related problems: Mechanisms of risk from high school to college. Addictive Behaviors, 36, 222-232. PMID: 21126828

Gordon, D., Iwamoto, D. K., Watkins, N.*, Kershaw, T., Mason, D., & Judkins, A. (2011). Promoting Responsible Fatherhood Programming: Factors affecting low-income fathers’ involvement in Child Protection Services and court-restricted access to their children. Journal of Poverty. 15, 184-205.

Iwamoto, D.K., Corbin, W., & Fromme, K. (2010). Trajectory classes of heavy episodic drinking among Asian American college students. Addiction, 105, 1912-1920. PMID: 21040058

Iwamoto, D. K., & Liu, W. M. (2010). The impact of racial identity, ethnic identity, Asian values and race-related stress on Asian Americans well being. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 57, 79-91. PMID: 20396592

Iwamoto, D. K., Liao, L.*, & Liu, W. M. (2010). Masculine norms, avoidant coping and depressive symptoms among Asian American men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 11, 15-24. PMID: 20657794

Gordon, D., Iwamoto, D.K., Ward, N., Potts, R., & Boyd, E. (2009). Mentoring urban Black middle-school male students: Implications for academic achievement. Journal of Negro Education, 78, 277-289. PMID: 20379371

Furman, R., Negi, N., Iwamoto, D. K., Shukraft, A., & Gragg, J.*(2009). Social work practice with Latinos: Key issues for social workers. Social Work, 54, 167-174. PMID: 19366165

Caldwell, L. D., Tarver, D., Iwamoto, D. K., Herzberg, S., Cerda- Lizarraga, P.*, & Mack, T.*(2008). Defining cultural competency: From a human service provider prospective. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development. 36, 88-100.

Iwamoto, D. K., Creswell, J. & Caldwell, L. D. (2007). Feeling the beat: The meaning of rap music for ethnically diverse Midwestern college students—A phenomenological study. Adolescence, 42, 337-352. PMID: 17849940

Liu, W. M., & Iwamoto, D.K. (2007). Conformity to masculine norms, Asian values, coping strategies, peer group influences and substance use among Asian American men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 8, 25-39.

Liu, W. M., & Iwamoto, D. K. (2006). Asian American men's gender role conflict, distress, self-esteem, and Asian values. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 7, 153-164.

Iwamoto, D.K. (2003). Tupac Shakur: Understanding the identity formation of hypermasculinity of a popular hip-hop artist. The Black Scholar, 33, 44-49.

*Graduate or undergraduate student


Brady, J.*, & Iwamoto, D.K. (in preparation). Alcohol and Gender. K. Nadal (Ed.). The Sage Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender.

Kaya, A.*, Iwamoto, D.K., Clinton, L.*, & Grivel, M *(2015). Social identity and addition among ethnically diverse populations. C. Kopetz & C. Lejuez (Eds.). Frontiers in Social Psychology: Addiction.

Iwamoto, D.K. & Kaya, A.* (2015). The experiences of stereotypes and discrimination experienced by Asian American men. J. Wong and S. Wester (Eds). Handbook of Men and Masculinity. American Psychological Association.

Iwamoto, D. K., Kindachi, M., & Miller, M. (2013). Advancing Asian American health disparities research by enhancing racial identity measurement. In L. Gomez & N. Lopez (Eds.).‘Race’: A Critical Reader on Health Disparities Research. Rutgers University Press.

Partali, N.*, Takamatsu, S.*, & Iwamoto, D.K. (2013). Substance use and abuse, social class and counseling. In W. Liu (Ed.). Handbook on Social Class and Counseling Psychology. Oxford University Press.

Iwamoto, D.K. (2010). Alcohol abuse and alcohol-related problems among Asian American men. In W. Liu, D. Iwamoto, M. Chae (Eds.). Culturally Responsive Counseling Interventions with Asian American Men (pp.145-170). Routledge Press.

Liu, W. M., Iwamoto, D. K., & Chae, M. (2010). Introduction to Asian American masculinity. In W. Liu, D. Iwamoto, M. Chae (Eds.). Culturally Responsive Counseling Interventions with Asian American Men (pp.1-18). Routledge Press.

Iwamoto, D.K., & Liu, W.M. (2009). Asian American men and Asianized Attribution: Intersections of masculinity, race, and sexuality. In N.Tewari & A. Alvarez (Eds). Asian American Psychology: Current Perspective (pp.211-232). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates.

Iwamoto, D. K., & Caldwell, L. D. (2006). Asian American identity in the classroom. In W. Ross & V.O Pan, (Eds.), Race, Ethnicity, and Education: The Influences of Racial and Ethnic Identity in Education. Greenwood Publishing Group.

Iwamoto, D. K. (2006). Tupac Shakur: understanding the identity formation of hypermasculinity of a popular hip-hop artist. In C. Carter & K. Weaver (Eds.), Critical Readings: Violence and the Media. Open University Press.

Yakushko, O., Mack, T., & Iwamoto, D. K. (2007). Minority Identity Development Model. In C. C. Claus-Ehlers (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.


Iwamoto, D.K., Corbin, W., Brady, J., Grivel, M., Clinton, L., Kaya, A., & Lejuez, C. (under review). Heavy episodic drinking developmental trajectories among underage young adult women: The role of feminine norms. Manuscript under review.

Iwamoto, D.K., Fox, L., & Brady (under review). A longitudinal examination of the predictors of current and lifetime e-cigarette use among young adult women. Manuscript under review.

Iwamoto, D.K., Um, M.*, Brady, J.* & Takamatsu, S.* (under review). Are every woman’s experiences the same? Capturing Asian American women’s experience of feminine norms with the Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory-45. Manuscript under review.

Gordon, D., Campbell, C., Howard, D., Rayford, B.S. & Iwamoto, D.K. (under review). Intimate partner violence among low-income fathers: testing a stress-coping model. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Iwamoto, D. K., Corbin, W., Takamatsu, S.*, & Castellanos, J. (under review). The role of feminine norms and normative social-cognitive processes in binge drinking and negative consequences among college women. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Grant activity

Ongoing Research Support

National Institute of Mental Health

R01. Multi-Component Early Intervention for Socially Inhibited Preschool Children

Principal Investigators: Andrea Chronis-Tuscano and Kenneth Rubin

Role: Co-Investigator

Period: January 2015-Dec. 2019

R34 National Institute of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse

Behavioral Activation to reduce problem alcohol use in college students with ADHD

Principal Investigator: Andrea Chronis-Tuscano

Role: Co-Investigator

Period: August 1, 2016- July 2019

University of Maryland-College Park BSOS Dean Research Initiative Grant

Pushing through the “Asian Glow”: The role of aldehyde dehydrogenase gene variant ALDH2*2, physical distress tolerance and gender norms on problem drinking among Asian American young adults.

Principal Investigator: Derek Iwamoto

Period: August 2014-July 2015

Total award: $12,500

University of Maryland-College Park

Act Like a Lady, Binge Drink Like a Man: A Multiphase Mixed Methods Study Exploring the Intersection between Feminine Norms, Race and Problematic Drinking among Asian American and White College Freshman

Principal Investigator: Derek Iwamoto

Period: March 2014-January 2015

Total award: $3,100

National Institute of Drug Abuse

R03. Racial Discrimination and Risk Behavior among African American Young Adults

Principal Investigator: Cristina Risco

Role: Co-Investigator

Period: 8/1/14--7/1/15

Total Award: $100,000

National Institute of Drug Abuse

R21. (DA034176) Novel Assessment of Maternal Distress Tolerance Underlying Substance Use Relapse

Principal Investigator: Carl Lejuez

Role: Co-Investigator

Period: 8/1/12--7/1/15

Total Award: $228,000

Past Research Support

Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation

The Role of Feminine Norms on the Development of Binge drinking and Related Problems

Principal Investigator: Derek Iwamoto

Period: August 1, 2013- July 31, 2015

Total Award: $100,000

National Institute of Drug Abuse

R03 (DA032676-01A1): Risk Taking Propensity among Asian American Young Adults

Principal Investigator: Derek Iwamoto

Period: 8/1/12--7/1/13

Total Award: $93,945

National Institute of Drug Abuse

Diversity Supplement under R01-DA018730, Laura MacPherson (PI on Parent Grant)

Principal Investigator: Derek Iwamoto

Period: 1/1/11--12/31/12

Total Award: $181,000

Annie Casey Foundation

Juvenile Justice Strategy Group’s Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative

Principal Investigator: Derek Iwamoto

Period: 12/1/11--8/1/12

Total Award: $10,000

Pending Application

R21 National Institute on Drug Abuse

Title: Race-based stress and substance use vulnerability among African American young adults.

Principal Investigator: Cristina Risco

Role: Co-Investigator.

R01 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Title: Prospective Behavioral Assessment of Negative Reinforcement in Youth Alcohol Use

Principal Investigator: Laura MacPherson

Role: Co-Investigator

Submission: Fall 2014

conference Presentations

Brady, J. *, Kaya, A. *, Fox, L. *, Park, A. *, Moorhead, M. * & Iwamoto, D.K. (2016). Body image experiences among Asian American women: An intersectionality framework. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, Colorado. 

Fox, L. *, Iwamoto, D.K., Brady, J. *, Kaya, A. *, Park, A. *, Moorhead, M. * (2016). Thank you for smoking: risk and prevalence of e-cigarette use in college students. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, Colorado.

Park, A.*, Kaya, A.*, Brady, J.*, Fox, L.*, Moorhead, M.*, & Iwamoto, D.K. (2016). Act Like a lady, binge like a man: feminine norms, race, and alcohol use. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, Colorado.

Moorhead, M. *, Iwamoto, D.K., Brady, J. *, Kaya, A. *, Fox, L. *, Park, A. * (2016). A longitudinal examination of feminine norms and mixed energy consumption among college women. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, Colorado. 

Iwamoto, D.K. (2015). Heavy episodic drinking trajectories among under-the-legal-drinking age U.S. college women. Invited symposium. DYUTI International symposium on evidences in global mental health. Ragagiri College, Kerala, India.

Cook, C.*, Iwamoto, D. (2015). The role of media consumption, feminine norms, and alcohol use on attitudes about dating violence. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada. 

Brady, J.*, Iwamoto, D.K., Grivel, M.*, Clinton, L.*, & Kaya, A.* (2015). Femininity and health outcomes: A critical review. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Kaya, A.*, Iwamoto, D.K., Grivel, M.*, Clinton, L.*, & Brady, J.* (2015). College women’s androgyny and alcohol use. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada.

Grivel, M.*, Clinton, L.*, Brady, J.*, Kaya, A.*, & Iwamoto, D.K. (2015). Feminine norms, alcohol expectancies, and alcohol-related problems among underage college women. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada.

Iwamoto, D.K., Grivel, M.,*, Kaya, A.*, Clinton, L.*., Kuo, P.*, & Corbin, W. (2014). The role of feminine norms and alcohol related problems among underage women. Poster presentations at the Research Society on Alcoholism. Seattle, WA.

Iwamoto, D.K., Lejuez, C., & Grivel, M. * (2014). The role of feminine norms and alcohol related problems among underage women. Poster presentations at the Research Society on Alcoholism. Seattle, WA.

Iwamoto, D.K., Grivel, M.,*, Kaya, A.*, & Clinton, L.* (2014). "Real Men" and Casual Sex: Conformity to Masculine Norms, Disinhibition & Number of Sexual Partners. Poster presentations at the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.

Iwamoto, D., Lejuez, C., Hamilton, E.* & Grivel, M.* (2014). Model minority stereotype, distress, and alcohol-related problems among U.S born Asian Americans. Research Society on Alcoholism. Seattle. WA.

Iwamoto, D., Lejuez, C., Hamilton, E.* (2014). Model Minority Stereotype, Psychological Distress, Substance Use among Asian American Young Adults. College on Problems of Drug Dependence. Puerto Rico.

Grivel, M.*, Kaya, A.*, Clinton, L.*, Kuo, P.*, Iwamoto, D. K. (2014). Feminine norms and risky sex. American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.

Kaya, A.*, Cheng, A., Grivel, M.*, Clinton, L.*, Kuo, P.*, & Iwamoto, D. K. (2014). The role of feminine norms and alcohol related problem among Asian American women, American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.

Clinton, L.,* Lucaine, E.*, Grivel, M.*, Kaya, A.*, Kuo, P.*, Breakstone, D.*, & Iwamoto, D.K. (2014). Damsels in distress: How conformity to feminine norms influences psychological stress and well-being. American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Um, M.*, Iwamoto, D.K, Grivel, M.*, Lucaine, E.*, & Takamatsu, S.* (2013). Are every woman’s experiences the same? Capturing Asian American women’s experience of feminine norms with the Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory-45. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.

Iwamoto, D.K. (2013). Alcohol related problems among Asian American and White men. Symposium. Research Society on Alcoholism.

Iwamoto, D.K. (2013). Counseling Psychologists and Substance Use Research: Prevention, Treatment and Funding. Symposium at the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.

Iwamoto, D. K. (2012). Alcohol-related problems among Asian American and white young adult men: The role of masculine norms, race and nativity on binge drinking and alcohol-related problems. Invited poster presentation at the National Institute of Drug Abuse, Diversity Supplement Workgroup. Bethesda, MD.

Iwamoto, D. K. (2011). Measurement of racial identity development among Asian Americans. NIH-sponsor invited talk on Race and Health Disparities. University of New Mexico.

Iwamoto, D. K., Cheng, A.*, Lee, C., Takamatsu, S.* & Gordon, D. (2011). “Man-ing Up: Masculine norms, drinking to intoxication and alcohol-related problems. Poster presentation at Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy. Toronto, Canada.

Iwamoto, D.K., & Smiler, A. (2011). Alcohol makes you macho and helps you make friends. Symposium at the American Psychological Association 2011 annual convention in Washington, D.C.

Takamatsu, S.*, Iwamoto, D. K., Rahman, A.*, & Castellanos, J. (2011). A structural equation model of the effects of feminine norms and alcohol expectancies on binge drinking and alcohol related problems among Asian American young adult women. Poster presentation at the Asian American Psychological Association Conference, Washington, D.C., August 2011.

Iwamoto, D. K., Takamatsu, S.*, & Rahman, A.* (2011). The stress vulnerability framework: Uncovering the social-cultural mechanisms and determinants of problem drinking in Asian American young adults. Symposium at the Asian American Psychological Association Conference, Washington, D.C., August 2011.

Iwamoto, D. K., Cheng, A.*, Lee, C., Takamatsu, S.* & Gordon, D. (2011). The Role of masculine norms, drinking to intoxication and alcohol-related problems. Poster presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy. Toronto, Canada.

Takamatsu, S.*, Cheng, A.*, Beccera, C.*, Kim, H.*, Iwamoto, D. K. (2011). Problematic Drinking among Asian American Young Adults: The Role Negative Affect Regulation. Poster presentation at the UCLA Risk Prevention and Treatment of Mental Health for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islander Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Cheng, A. W.*, Lee, C. S., & Iwamoto, D. K. (2011). Heavy Drinking, Poor Mental Health, and Substance Use among Asian-Americans in the NLAAS: A gender-based comparison. Poster session accepted by Division 27(Community Psychology) American Psychological Association 2011 Annual convention in Washington, D.C.

Takamatsu, S.*, Iwamoto, D. K., Corbin, W., & Castellanos, J. (2010). Binge drinking with a Feminine Touch: The role of feminine norms and normative social cognitive process in binge drinking among Asian American Women. Poster presentation at the Asian American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA, August 2010.

Iwamoto, D. K., Takamatsu, S. *, Corbin, W., & Castellanos, J. (2010). Conformity to feminine norms, binge drinking and alcohol related problems: A zero-inflated negative binomial regression model. Poster presentation at the National Institute of Drug Abuse Asian American and Pacific Islander Workgroup Conference, Alexandria, VA., June 2010.

Iwamoto, D. K., Corbin, W., & Fromme, K. (2010). A longitudinal test of the Acquired Preparedness Model. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Conference, San Diego, CA., August 2010.

Iwamoto, D. K., & Thai, N. (2010). Boozing, binging, buzzing and the “model minority”? Emerging developments in substance use research and treatment among Asian American adolescents and young adults. Symposium at the Winter Roundtable, Columbia University, NY, NY, February 2010.

Iwamoto, D. K., Corbin, W., & Fromme, K. (2009). Trajectory classes of heavy episodic drinking among Asian American college students. Poster presentation at the National Institute of Drug Abuse Addiction Conference, Honolulu, HI., May 2009.

Iwamoto, D. K. (2008). Exploratory factor analysis on the People of Color Racial Identity Attitudes Scale with an Asian American sample. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Conference, Boston, MA., August 2008.

Iwamoto, D. K. (2008). The impact of racial identity, ethnic identity, Asian values and perceived discrimination on the psychological well being among Asian American college students. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Conference, Boston, MA., August 2008.

Singley, D., Manese, J., Iwamoto, D. K., & Davis, C. (2008) Goals In Action. Symposium at the International Counseling Psychology Conference, Chicago, IL., March 2008.

Iwamoto, D. K., & Liu, W. M. (2007). Protective and risk factors of substance use among Asian American college women: A path analytic model. Poster presentation at the Multicultural Summit, Seattle, Washington. January 2007.

Iwamoto, D.K., Castellanos, J., & McNeill, B. (2005). The examination of the therapeutic variables: Creditability and gift-giving with ethnically diverse university students. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Conference, Washington, D.C., August 2005.

Iwamoto, D.K., Liu, W.M., & Gonzalez, J. (2005). Acculturation, masculinity, psychological distress and substance abuse among Asian American men. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Conference, Washington, D.C., August 2005.

Liu, W.M., & Iwamoto, D.K. (2005). Asian American men's gender role conflict, distress, self-esteem, and acculturation. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Conference, Washington, D.C., August 2005.

Iwamoto, D.K., Creswell, J. & Caldwell, L. (2005). The ethnic and racial identity formation process of second-generation Asian Indian Americans---A Phenomenological study. Poster presentation at the Winter Roundtable, Columbia University, New York, February 2005.

Iwamoto, D.K. Examination of beliefs and attitudes about mental health counseling with a culturally diverse sample—A pilot study. Poster presentation at the Winter Roundtable, Columbia University, New York, February 2004.

Caldwell, L., Iwamoto, D. K., & Tarver, D. Human Service Providers Definitions of Cultural Competence: Implications for the field of Counseling Psychology. Symposium presentation at the Winter Roundtable, Columbia University, New York, February 2004.

Caldwell, L.D., Iwamoto, D.K., & Tarver, D. The Family Potential Center: A Model of a Strength-Based Community/University Collaboration. Poster presentation at the Eastern Psychological Association: Society of Community Action Research National Conference, April 2004.

Caldwell, L.D., Iwamoto, D. K., Tarver, D. From the Frontline: Human Service Providers Definitions of Cultural Competence. Poster presentation at the Eastern Psychological Association: Division of Society of Community Action Research, April 2004.

Teaching Experiences

Assistant Professor August 2007-July 2008

California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University

Classes taught: Research Practicum, Advanced Psychopathology, Clinical Interviewing I & II, Research Practicum

Received an average of 4.8/5 (5 = excellent) on teaching evaluation

Co-author section of APA Self Study; developed alumni survey

Dissertation committee member for three dissertations

Human Participants Protections Committee

Instructor Winter 2007

University of California-San Diego

Academic Engagement Instructor for Goals In Action (GIA) seminar

Class is for students on academic probation; the program encourages students to identify concrete academic goal; increasing their resilience to barriers; devising multiple pathways to achieve goals


Iwamoto, D.K. (February 23, 2015). Invited Guest Speaker. Developmental trajectories of heavy episodic drinking among underage college women: The role of feminine norms. University of Maryland, Center for Addiction, Personality and Emotions Research.

Iwamoto, D.K. (February 18, 2015). Invited Guest Speaker. The development of heavy episodic drinking patterns among underage college women: The role of feminine norms. University of Maryland, Counseling Center.

Iwamoto, D. K. (March 25, 2014). Invited Guest Speaker. Asian Americans and alcohol use and abuse. American Psychological Association, Ethnic Minorities Affairs, Asian American Heritage Month.

Iwamoto, D. K. (March 7, 2014). Provided Continuing Education Units training. Cultural Considerations in Substance Abuse Treatment for Teens and Young Adults. Alvord, Baker, & Associates, LLC.

Iwamoto, D. K. (June 28, 2013). Provided Continuing Education Units training. Asian and Asian American health: issues, identity, and interventions. George Washington University, Counseling Center.

Iwamoto, D. & Risco, C. (September 29, 2012). Grant Writing Workshop. University of Maryland-College Park, Counseling Psychology program.

Iwamoto, D. (December 5, 2011). Invited Guest Speaker. Addictive Behaviors among Asian Americans. Asian American Center on Disparities Research at the University of California-Davis.

Iwamoto, D. (February 9, 2010). Invited Guest Speaker: Advanced Qualitative Research Methods. University of Georgia-Athens.

CLINICAL experience

Doctoral Intern Aug. 2006-July 2007

University of California, San Diego, Psychological and Counseling Services

Supervisors: Jeanne Manese, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist, Internship Training Director; Samuel Park, Ph.D., Licensed, staff psychologist.

APPIC Internship

40-50 hours a week, psychotherapy to university students, crisis intervention, multicultural assessment, consultation with faculty, colleges, staff and parents

Group counseling: Building Social Confidence, Enhancing Interpersonal Relationships, Goals In Action (integrating positive psychology with students on academic probation)

Outreach and psychoeducational program development, suicide prevention and crisis training to all new residence and housing assistants

Supervise weekly two Peer Educators from the Substance /Alcohol Feedback Education (SAFE) program

Supervisor for Master’s Level Counselors Aug. 2005-May 2006

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Counseling Psychology Program

Supervisor: Robert Portnoy, Ph.D., Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Director of University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Counseling and Psychological Services.

Provide weekly supervision to two Master’s level counselors in-training

Observe counselor in session; provide feedback; develop counselor’s micro-skills, case conceptualization and strengthen counselor’s theoretical orientation.


Early Career Researcher of the Year Award August 2014

Asian American Psychological Association

NIDA Director’s Travel Award to the CPDD Conference June 2011

NIDA Travel Award August 2010

American Psychological Association Conference, San Diego, CA

NIDA Travel Award June 2010

NIDA AAPI Conference, Alexandria, VA

NIDA Travel Award May 2009

Addictions Conference, Honolulu, HI

Travel Award Grant September 2005

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Education and Human Sciences


American Psychological Association 2001-Present

Asian American Psychological Association 2001-Present

APA, Division 17 (Counseling Psychology) 2001-Present

APA, Division 45 (Society for the Psychological study of Ethnic Minority Issues) 2001-Present

APA, Division 50 (Drugs and Addictions) 2006-Present

APA, Division 51 (Men and Masculinity) 2004-Present

American Counseling Association 2004-2010

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Ethnic Minority Affairs Committee 2001-2006


My program of research is aligned with the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) strategic plan and aims to address and reduce health disparities by 1) identifying sociocultural determinants and mechanisms that impact mental health and health outcomes among underserved populations, and 2) conducting translational research to inform and augment mental health and substance abuse treatment and interventions targeting ethnic minority populations. The primary focus of my research is on Asian Americans and African Americans.

JOuRnal activities

Consulting Editor, Journal of Counseling Psychology (2015-2017)

Consulting Editor, Psychology of Men and Masculinity (2010-2012)

Ad hoc Reviewer, Psychology of Men and Masculinity (2007-present), Addiction (2010-present), Addictive Behaviors (2009-present), Addiction, Theory and Practice (2013-present), Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (2011-present), American Journal of Community Psychology (2010-present), American Journal of Public Health (2011-present), Asian American Psychology Journal (2013-present), Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology (2011-present), Culture, Health and Sexuality (2013-present), Developmental Psychology (2011-present), Drug and Alcohol Dependence (2011-present), Journal of Adolescence Research (2011-present), Journal of Black Psychology (2007-present), Journal of Counseling Psychology (2011-present), Journal of Research on Adolescence, (2010-present), Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, (2013-present)

Addiction Research and Theory (2013-present), Personality Disorders: Theory, Research and Treatment (2011-present), Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (2012-present), Sex Roles (2014-present), Substance Use & Misuse (2012-present)


Chair, Master’s Thesis, Jennifer Brady (May 2015)

Chair, Master’s Thesis, Aylin Kaya (May 2015)

Chair, Undergraduate Thesis, Christine Cook (May 2015)

Chair, Undergraduate Thesis, Samiha Islam (May 2016)

Dissertation Committee Member, Gloria Huh (Counseling Psychology, 2016)

Dissertation Committee Member, Hyeeun Chung (Public Health, May 2015)

Dissertation Committee Member, Minji Yang (Counseling Psychology, May 2015)

Dissertation Committee Member, Andres Rojas (Counseling Psychology, 2014)

Undergraduate Thesis Committee Member, Sydney Baker (May 2015)

Search Committee Member, University of Maryland-College Park, Counseling

Center Fall 2014

Reviewer for University of Maryland’s ADVANCE Seed Grant Program Fall 2014

Asian American Psychological Association Dissertation Reviewer May 2011- Present

Search Committee Member, University of Maryland-College Park, Asian American Studies Program, Senior Coordinator of Programs Fall 2011


Carl Lejuez, Ph.D.


College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Kansas University


William Ming Liu, Ph.D.


University of Iowa

Counseling Psychology

N361 Lindquist Center

Iowa City, Iowa


Derrick Gordon, Ph.D.

Assistant Clinical Professor

The Consultation Center

Yale University

389 Whitney Ave.

New Haven, CT 06511

William Corbin, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Clinical Psychology

Arizona State University

Tempe, AZ 85287-1104

(480) 766-1846

John Creswell, Ph.D.


University of Nebraska-Lincoln

241 Teachers College Hall

Lincoln, NE 68588-0345



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