1. Acta orthopaedica Scandinavica 1981

2. Adverse drug reaction bulletin 1979 – 1983

3. AIDS 1993 – [12](1998)

4. American heart journal 1995+

5. American journal of epidemiology 1993 - [144](1996)

6. American journal of hospital pharmacy 1986 – 1989, 1991 - 1992

7. American journal of kidney diseases 1994+

8. American journal of medicine 1999+

9. American journal of nephrology 1990

10. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 1977 – 1992

11. American journal of occupational therapy 1987 – 1989, 1991 – [84](1994)

12. American journal of ophthalmology 1977 – 1983, 1985 – 1993, 1995+

13. American journal of otolaryngology 1998+

14. American journal of psychiatry 1987 – 1982, 1992 – 1993, 1995+

15. American journal of public health 1981, 1983, 1993 - 1995

16. American journal of respiratory and critical care 1994 – 1995, 1998+


[FORM] American review of respiratory diseases

17. American journal of roentgenology 2000+

18. American journal of surgery 1992+

19. American review of respiratory disease 1978 – 1983,

[CONT] American journal of respiratory and 1989 – [147](1993)

critical care medicine

20. Anaesthesia 1978 – 1992, 1995+

21. Anaesthesia and intensive care 1977+

22. Anesthesia and analgesia 1988 – 1990

23. Anesthesiology 1986 – 1987

24. Annals of clinical biochemistry 1994+

25. Annals of internal medicine 1976 – 1983

26. Annals of neurology 1994+

27. Annals of pharmacotherapy 1992 – 1997, 2000+

[FORM] Drug intelligence and clinical pharmacy

28. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1978 – 1983

29. Annals of Saudi medicine 1999

30. Archives of dermatology 1977+

31. Archives of disease in childhood 1976 – 1998, 2000+

32. Archives of general psychiatry 1979 – 1983

33. Archives of neurology 1989 – [48](1991)

34. Archives of otolaryngology--head and neck surgery 1978 – 1983, 1993+

35. Asian journal of surgery 2001+

36. Asian Pacific journal of allergy and immunology 1995+

37. Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists 1999+


38. Australian and New Zealand journal of medicine 1977 – 1983, 2000

39. Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry 1996 – 1997, 2000+

40. Australian and New Zealand journal of surgery 1982, 1984–1989, 1991,1996, 2000+

41. Australian family physician 1979 – 1982

42. Australian journal of hospital pharmacy 1977 – 1983, 1986 - 1988

43. Australian journal of physiotherapy 1976 – 1983, 2000+

44. Australian occupational therapy journal 1995+

45. Australian radiology 1976 – 1977, 1979 – 1982


46. Bailliere’s clinical obstetrics and gynaecology 1993, 1996+

47. Blood 1989 – 1990, 1999+

48. Brain 1976 - 1980

49. British dental journal 1976 - 1990

50. British heart journal 1976 - 1983

51. British journal of anaesthesia 1976+

52. British journal of cancer 1977 – 1981, 1983,

1996 – [84](2001)

53. British journal of clinical practice 1986 - 1990, 1992 – 1996

[CONT] International journal of clinical practice

54. British journal of dermatology 1976 - 1983, 1986 – 1992, 2000+

55. British journal of diseases of the chest 1978 – 1985

56. British journal of haematology 1995 – 1997

57. British journal of hospital medicine 1977 - 1993, 1995 - 1998

[CONT] Hospital medicine

58. British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology 1976 - 1990, 1992, 1994+

59. British journal of occupational therapy 1977 - 1983, 1985 – 1986, 1998+

60. British journal of ophthalmology 1976 - 1983, 1989 – 1997, 1999+

61. British journal of oral surgery 1978 - 1983

62. British journal of psychiatry 1976 - 1990, 1993 – 1999, 2001+

63. British journal of radiology 1976 - 1982, 1985 - 1996

64. British journal of surgery 1976+

65. British journal of urology 1977 - 1981, 1993+

66. British medical bulletin 1976 - 1979

67. British medical journal 1960+

68. British medicine 1976 – 1977


69. Canadian journal of anaesthesia 1988 – 1989, 1993+

70. Canadian journal of surgery 1975 – [21](1978)

71. Cancer 1978 - 1981

72. Cardiovascular and thoracic anaesthesia journal club 1997


73. Chest 1990+

74. Child abuse and neglect 1994 - 1998

75. Circulation 1977 - 1982, 1993, 1995+

76. Clinical and laboratory haematology 1994 - 1998

77. Clinical chemistry 1979 - 1988

78. Clinical laboratory science 1988 - 1993

[FORM] Journal of medical technology

79. Clinical medicine: journal of the Royal College 2001+

of Physicians of London

80. Clinical nuclear medicine 2000+

81. Clinical obstetrics & gynecology 1997

82. Clinical orthopaedics and related research 1992+

83. Clinical otolaryngology and allied sciences 1977 - 1983

84. Clinical pediatrics 1979 – 1990

85. Clinical radiology 2000+

86. Clinical symposia 1973, 1976 - 1977

87. Clinics in obstetrics and gynaecology 1979 - 1983, 1985 – 1986, 1997

88. Clinics in plastic surgery 1996+

89. Current anaesthesia and critical care 1990 - 1993

90. Current clinical chemistry 1979 – [10](1983)

91. Current medical research 1977 – 1979, 2000+

92. Current opinion in obstetrics and gynecology 1993 – 1997

93. Current opinion in paediatrics 1993 – 1997

94. Current pediatrics 1998+

95. Current therapeutics 1995 – 1996


96. Dermatology 1996 – 1999

97. The diplomate: the journal of the diplomates of the 1998 – [5](1999)

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

98. Drug and therapeutics bulletin 1979 – [19](1981)

99. Drug intelligence and clinical pharmacy 1979 – 1983, 1986 - 1991

[CONT] Annals of pharmacotherapy

100. Drug safety 1998 +


101. Emergency medicine 1995 – 1996

102. European journal of nuclear medicine 1996 – 1997

103. European respiratory journal 1997 – 1998, 2000+

104. Excerpta medica . Section 11. Oto-, rhino-, laryngology 1977 – 1979


105. Family practitioner 1979, 1982

106. Fertility and sterility 1979 – 1983


107. Genitourinary medicine 1989 – 1997

[CONT] Sexually transmitted infections

108. Gut 1987 - 1990, 2001


109. Highlights of ophthalmology 1979 – 1983, 1985

110. Histopathology [26, 27](1995)

111. Hospital equipment & supplies 1977 – [27](1981)

112. Hospital medicine (UK) 1987 – 1989, 1991 – 1996, 1998+

113. Hospital medicine (US) 1980, 1983 – 1989, 1993 – 1997

114. Hospital update 1978 – 1988, 1990 – 1996

115. Human pathology 1991 – 1998


116. Index medicus 1977 – 1987, 1981, 1988, 1993

117. Indian journal of psychiatry 1977 – 1980

118. Infection control and hospital epidemiology 1994+

119. Intensive care medicine 1995 – 1997

120. International journal of clinical practice 1997, 1999

121. International journal of health care quality assurance 1995, 1997 – 1999

122. International journal of tuberculosis and lung disease 1997+

123. International ophthalmology clinics 1979 –1990


124. Japanese journal of surgery 1975, 1980

125. Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume 1992+

126. Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume 1976 – 1980, 1984+

127. Journal of clinical microbiology 1989 – 1998

128. Journal of clinical pathology 1977 – 1983, 1999+

129. Journal of clinical pharmacy 1979 –1983

[CONT] Journal of clinical and hospital pharmacy

130. Journal of dermatological treatment 1994 – 1995

131. Journal of hospital infection 1993+

132. Journal of human nutrition 1977 – 1980

133. Journal of laparoendoscopic & advances

surgical techniques 1995, 1998

134. Journal of laryngology and otology 1979 – 1989, 1991 – 1997

135. Journal of maternal and child health 1980

136. Journal of medical technology 1987

[CONT] Clinical laboratory science

137. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry 1989 – 1998, 2000+

138. Journal of neurosurgery 1976 – 1981, 1983, 1999+

139. Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology 1997 – 1999

140. Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 1977 – 1989, 1991 – 1993,

[52](1994) – 1995

141. Journal of orthopaedic science: official journal of the 1996+

Japanese Orthopaedic Association

142. Journal of paediatrics and child health 1991

143. Journal of pediatric surgery 1992 – [36](2001)

144. Journal of paediatrics 1987+

145. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 1977 – [69](1980)

146. Journal of psychosomatic research 1979 – 1981

147. Journal of the American Academy of 1994 – 1998

Orthopaedic Surgeons

148. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 1994+

149. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 1994 – [186](1998)

[FORM] Surgery, gynecology and obstetrics

150. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 1977 – 1981, 1983

151. Journal of the American Medical Association 1996+

(Southeast Asia)

152. Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners 1979 – 1983

153. Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 1987 – 1988, 1990 – 1994, 1997+

154. Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular 1977 – [31](1982)

[CONT] Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 1995+

155. Journal of trauma 1985 – [34](1993)

156. Journal of urology 1977 - 1981, 1985 – 1986, 1995+

157. Journal of vascular surgery 1996 – [34](2001)


158. Lancet 1961 – 1962, 1964+

159. Laryngoscope 1976 – 1982, 1987 – 1993

160. Leprosy review 1976 – 1978


161. Materia medica polona 1976 – [10](1978)

162. The medical clinics of North America 1977 – 1989, 1991+

163. Medical journal of Malaysia 1972 – 1983, 1994+

164. Medical laboratory world 1979 – 1983

165. Medical letter on drugs and therapeutics 1978 – 1979, 1981 – 1983

166. Medicine 1978 – 1979

167. Medicine, science and the law 1994+

168. Medicine: quarterly add-on journal 1980 – 1989

169. Medicine: the monthly add-on journal 1978 – 1981, 1983

170. MIMS: monthly index of medical specialities 1976 – 1978

171. Modern medicine of Asia 1976 – 1977

172. Morbidity and mortality weekly report 1990, 1995 – 1996


173. New England journal of medicine 1977 – 1993, 1995+

174. New Zealand journal of physiotherapy 1983, 1989 – 1991, 1994 – 1997


175. Obstetrical and gynecological survey 1979 – 1993, 1995 – 1998

176. Obstetrics and gynecology 1979 – 1981, 1983 – 1989

177. Obstetrics and gynecology clinics of North America 1987 – 1992, 1998+

178. Oral surgery, oral medicine and oral pathology 1976 – 1984

179. Orthopedic clinics of North America 1979 – 1983, 1989, 1993, 1995+

180. Otolaryngologic clinics of North America 1994+

181. The obstetrician & gynaecologist 1995+


182. Patient management 1991

183. Pediatric clinics of North America 1977 – 1983, 1985 – 1989, 1992+

184. Pediatric infectious disease journal 1992 – 1993, 1995 – 1997

185. Pediatrics 1977 – 1983, 1985 – 1994

186. Perfusion 1995+

187. Pharmaceutical journal 1976 – 1979, 1981

188. Pharmatherapeutica 1976 – 1977

189. Physiotherapy 1985 – 1992, 1994+

190. Plastic and reconstructive surgery 2000+

191. Postgraduate medical journal 1977 - 1982

192. Practitioner 1976 – 1983

193. Prescribers journal 1978 – 1985

194. Preventive medicine 1982 – 1983

195. Proceedings of the Royal College of Physicians 1997+

of Edinburgh

196. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 1964 – 1965, 1967 – 1972,

1974 – 1983

197. Psychiatric clinics of North America 1992+


198. QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians 1976 – 1983, 1994+


199. Radiologic clinics of North America 1989, 1991+

200. Radiology 1976 – [146](1983)

201. Respiratory medicine 1989+

202. Respirology 1997 – 2001


203. Saudi journal of gastroenterology: official journal of 1997+

the Saudi Gastroenterology Association

204. SEAMIC health statistics 1993+

205. Seminars in family medicine 1982

206. Seminars in hematology 1977 – 1984

207. Seminars in nephrology 1990+

208. Seminars in nuclear medicine 2000+

209. Seminars in oncology 1978 – 1982

210. Seminars in pediatric surgery 1995, 1998 – [9](2000)

211. Sexually transmitted infections 1989 – 1998, 2000+

212. Singapore medical journal 1972, 1976, 1986 – 1999

213. Social work today 1977 – 1982, 1986 – 1988

214. Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine 1977 – 1980, 1982 – 1987,

and public health 1989 – 1990

215. Stroke: a journal of cerebral circulation 1980 – [[13](1982)

216. Surgery 1977 – 1985

217. Surgery (International edition) 1989 – 1990, 1994 – 1997, 2001+

218. Surgery , gynecology and obstetrics 1986 – 1993

[CONT] Journal of the American College of Surgeons

219. Surgical clinics of North America 1977 – 1981, 1983, 1985

220. Surgical neurology 1976 – 1982


221. Thorax 1976 – 1980, 1989, 1993+

222. Tobacco control 1994+

223. Tubercle and lung disease 1977 – 1983, 1993 – 1996


224. Update: the journal of the postgraduate general practice 1978 – 1986, 1997

225. Urologic clinics of North America 1977 – 1981

226. Urology 1978 – 1980


227. WHO chronicle 1976 – 1977, 1979 – 1980

228. World health 1979 – 1982


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