Posted: May 22, 2014 at 12:00 Noon

Washington Parish Council

Public Hearing

Washington Parish Courthouse

908 Washington Street

Franklinton, La 70438

Council Chambers

June 11, 2018

Monday – 5:45

Public Hearing – This Public Hearing is being called for the purpose of hearing comments from the public concerning the Parish’s performance of the activities funded under the FY2016 Community Development Block Grant (LCDBG) Program and to notify them the Parish intends to file documents to close out the project. A signature sheet has been prepared and we ask that those attending the Public Hearing sign in so we will have a record for our files.

The Parish received a grant from the Louisiana Office of Community Development to construct a new water well for the Bogue Lusa Water Works District which benefits the residents throughout the entire District. This project consisted of the installation of a new 300 GPM water well, electrical, yard piping, fencing and service road.

The grant funds awarded the Parish totaled $750,000.00. The contract was awarded and completed by Griner Drilling Service, Inc. with a contract price of approximately $611,613.00.

The Parish intends to submit closeout documents to the State by July 6, 2018.

Chairman Talley read aloud and then asked if anyone from the public if they have any questions or comments they would like to make concerning the project?

No one came forward.

Councilman Workman offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Anthony to close public participation.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Anthony, Talley, Fussell, Workman, Lewis, McMasters and Bedwell

NAYS: (0)



Washington Parish Council

Regular Meeting

Washington Parish Courthouse

908 Washington Street

Franklinton, La 70438

Council Chambers

June 11, 2018

Monday – 6:00 PM

Item No. 1. - Call to order – Chairman Talley called the meeting to order.

Item No. 2. - Invocation – Councilman Lewis gave the invocation.

Item No. 3. - Pledge of Allegiance – Councilman Fussell led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Item No. 4. - Roll Call – Council Clerk Sarah Cook called the roll. Present were Perry Talley, Michael Fussell, Chris Workman, Levi Lewis, Phillipp Bedwell, Reginald McMasters and David Anthony.

Item No. 5. – Approval of Minutes – Approval of minutes dated May 21, 2018.

Councilman Workman offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Fussell to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 21, 2018.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Anthony, Talley, Fussell, Workman, Lewis, McMasters and Bedwell

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 6. – Introduction of Ordinance 18-635 – An ordinance to accept Pine Cone Lane as a Washington Parish Road.

Chairman Talley: “This is an introduction only and we will be having a public hearing on June 25, 2018 at 5:45 pm.”

Item No. 7. – Introduction of Ordinance 18-636 – An ordinance changing a polling place in ward 2 precinct 1 from the current location of the Mt. Hermon old Library, 36015 Highway 438, Mount Hermon, Louisiana 70450 to the Ruritan National Club, 36101 Tennis Court Road, Mt. Hermon, Louisiana 70450.

Chairman Talley: “This is an introduction only and we will be having a public hearing on June 25, 2018 at 5:45 pm.”

Item No. 8. – Introduction of Ordinance 18-637 – An ordinance changing a polling place in ward 9 precinct 1 from the current location of the Washington Parish Fire District number 2, 41280 Highway 10, Franklinton, Louisiana 70438 to the new location of Washington Parish Fire District Number 2 (now Ronda Sylvest Varnado Memorial Fire Station), 39618 Highway 10, Franklinton, Louisiana 70438.

Chairman Talley: “This is an introduction only and we will be having a public hearing on June 25, 2018 at 5:45 pm.”

Item No. 9. Adopt Resolution 18-866 – A resolution of support for our local museums.

Chairman Talley: “Would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak before the council votes on Resolution 18-866?”

No one came forward.

Councilman Lewis offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Bedwell to adopt Resolution 18-866.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Anthony, Talley, Fussell, Workman, Lewis, McMasters and Bedwell

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 10. – Public Participation –

Chairman Talley: “Would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak? Please state your name and address.”

Peter Sullivan, CEO of Riverside Medical Center: Update for Riverside Hospital:

• Riverside purchased the old Family Medical Clinic building and we have officially opened the doors on May 1, 2018.

• 2017 audit has been produced and will be complete June 25, 2018.

• Completed Joint Commission report with very few findings and the findings we had, were corrected on site.

• Riverside will be changing ER management group in July. We made some adjustments and bringing in employees from our lady of Angels and St. Tammany to fill these positions.

• Riverside Board would like to schedule a Finance Committee meeting with the Council for some time in July to go over the joint commission, audit and budget.

Chairman Talley: “Would anyone else like to come forward and speak?”

Mary Ross reside at 45106 Sundance Lane, Franklinton La.: “I have been to this council meeting several times asking for your help and never get any phone calls as promised. Today I covenant and who is responsible for enforcing this?”

Chairman Talley: “The members of the subdivision would be responsible.”

Attorney Wayne Kuhn: “Any party who is affected by that can file a suit against the person who violated those restrictions. Those restrictions are not parish government restrictions, those are imposed by the developer. Typically, the developer or any individual that’s lives in that subdivision has a right to file a suit to enforce those restriction. It doesn’t have to be all the owners it can be just one person.”

Chairman Talley: “This a civil matter beyond the Parish Government?”

Attorney Kuhn: “That is correct. The Parish did not impose those restrictions.”

Mary Ross: “When I first bought this property and in closing, I asked can mobile homes be brought into this subdivision?” I was told yes, but they must meet certain standards with the Parish Permit Office to be approved. Which included being of a certain age limit, skirting around home, house pads, porches and so on. Now there are storage sheds have moved back there with intentions to move in. If the Parish allows them to get electric, water and sewer what is the purpose, who is following guidelines and procedures? I know none of you would want this in your neighborhood, I don’t live in a fancy home but I work very hard for my home and I can’t stand to see filth. I know for a fact that there is some stuff that should have never been allowed back there. You all tell me this Is private property, ok I understand but we pay taxes just like everyone else, yet you say there is nothing you can do? Also, we have a problem with a bridge on this road. It is very dangerous and a hazard, so I guess I will have to get with the state like I did to pave our road. Thank you for your time.”

Councilman Lewis: “Can anyone give her instructions to dedicate a road to the parish?”

Mary Ross: “I did that with Leo and he had me do certain things which I knew wasn’t legal. He had me go around and get everyone’s signature without a notary. I did everything he told me and never heard anything back from him. I guess he must have threw it all in the trash is how I feel. I took my time and went to everyone that lived in the subdivision at that time.”

Attorney Wayne Kuhn: “The property owner is selling each lot to the center of that road. Then they put in the paperwork that the property owner is responsible for the maintenance of that road but there is no subdivision committee to oversee it and all they done was recoded the restrictions. What your referring to, at the time a petition to ask the parish to accept the road and you are correct it has to be formally dedicated.”

Councilman Lewis: “If we have records of those signatures can we move forward to help Mrs. Ross?”

Ken Wheat: “We have changed that process a little bit to prevent people from having to do all that leg work without promising to put on a road. I will be glad to share a design spec for the road if you could come by and meet with me sometime this week. I will be out of the office for a DOTD class tomorrow but I will be glad to sit down with you and go over all the information. Another thing you mentioned earlier about the sheds being put on the properties out there, Mr. McMasters informed me of this information and I had our Code Enforcement Officer go out and talk to the property owner. We gave him a warning so he has been warned and in the meantime, we will go out and look at Penton Road bridge to see what we can come up with.”

Mary Ross: “Thank you and I appreciate all the help and time.”

Chairman Talley: “Would anyone else from the public, like to come forward and speak?”

No one came forward.

Councilman Anthony offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Fussell to close public participation.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Anthony, Talley, Fussell, Workman, Lewis, McMasters and Bedwell

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 11. - President’s Report –

Donna Graham – Finance Director: “Our 2017 audit report has been reviewed and approved by the Legislative Auditors office and is posted on their website for the public. We will have our report posted on Parish Government website sometime this week. At our next council meeting on June 25, 2018, Mr. Wilson LaGraize will be here representing the firm to report the audit to the council. We also received bids for our official journal and only received on bid from the Era Leader so, The Era Leader will be our official journal.

Public Works Director – Ken Wheat: “We have had over 50 Baseline Flood Elevations request and have about 5 left on my desk. A lot of the Parish has gone to zone A in 2010 and this is an activity that will increase more in a few years. Lastly, we have been working on the claims from the power outages here at the Government Office and the claims will be around $20,000. Good thing about it, we have been told to file it and go forward.”

Donnell Merritt – Transportation Supervisor: Beginning of May 2018.

• Drainage work on 16 roads covering 34 miles.

• Delivered 42 tons of cold mix on 16 roads covering 28 miles.

• Delivered 927 tons of hot mix on 26 roads covering 53 miles.

• Installed 39 culverts.

• Graded 178 roads covering 356 miles.

• Bush hogged 221 roads covering 437 miles.

• Picked up 474 bags of trash covering 30 roads.

• Sprayed around 79 road signs and bridges.

• Bridge replace with culverts by Parish workers:

o Dummy line Road

o Lee Road – 2 bridges

o Hoyt Stafford Road

o Hilltop Church Road

o Crawford Road was replaced with Cement over culverts

• Three bridges being replaced by State:

o Lawrence Creek Bridge

o Pleasant Hill Road with 2 bridges

Item No. 12. Council Discussion –

Chairman Talley: “The LSU Ag Center has submitted their quarterly report. You all have the report in your council packets. If you have any questions, please contact Henry Harrison.”

Councilman Bedwell: “I would like to commend the Hospital on the Joint Commission Audit. It is a big deal, and thanks for the excellent job.”

Councilman Lewis: “I would like to commend the Hospital staff for the progress being made. Also, one of the board members of the Hospital, Sister Cynthia August is our Pastors wife and suffered a stroke a couple of weeks ago, please keep her in our prayers. Lastly, I would like to commend the administration for a good audit report and the work crews worked getting done. Sister Sarah thank you for your work. I would like to offer Councilman McMasters our condolences for the passing of his mother-n-law. God bless you.”

Councilman Fussell: “I would like to thank you for the Hospital report and you’re doing a good job. I would like to thank all the public for showing up and it’s good to have you Mrs. Ross and sorry for the ordeal you are going through and we are going to see if we can get you some help. Please continue to lift Picola McClain up as she is still recovering from surgery.”

Councilman McMasters: “I would like to thank everyone for the calls and prayers for my wife as she lost her mother. Please continue to pray for the family because they need it. Their mother was the rock of their family and it has been a tough time for us. Also, I would like to thank the hospital for the progress. I know at the beginning we had some rocky roads that we had to face upon and the decision that this council has made may have not been in the best interest that everybody thought. We feel good about the decisions we made and feel good about the people that are still there. We thank you for the good job that you are doing and your audit report reflects that and we appreciate that very much. We appreciate the administration staffs audit reports, Mr. Ken thank you for coming in hitting the ground running, Mr. Donnell thank you, Cary Menard, Mrs. Ross and the public thank you for coming tonight. Mrs. Sarah, Attorney Kuhn and Jeannine we appreciate all your work.”

Councilman Workman: “I would like to extend my condolences to McMasters and his family on the loss of his mother-n-law and thank the administration for the work that has been done with the audit. Just as a reminder, I would like to wish everyone a Happy Father’s Day that is coming up. Lastly, I do appreciate our comments that are made here and our civility in which our meetings are conducted. If you go and look at some other council meetings throughout the area, all are not conducted in the same level as professionalism and civility, even with some of the concerns our citizens have. They are handling it in such a good manner and I want to thank everybody for being able to handle themselves appropriately and in a professional manner.”

Councilman Anthony: “I would like to commend the Hospital and thank all those at the hospital for all the work they did on some test I had to have and they done a great job.”

Chairman Talley: “I would like to extend my condolences to McMasters family. Congratulations to the hospital it looks like everything is going in the right direction and we appreciate you coming out today. I would very much like to commend Bogalusa City Council in agreeing to have a meeting to hopefully take care of some business. Lastly, I would like to thank everybody for coming out tonight.”

Item no. 13. – Adjourn – No further business to come before the Council, meeting was adjourned on motion by Councilman Fussell, seconded by Councilman Bedwell.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Anthony, Talley, Fussell, Workman, Lewis, McMasters and Bedwell

NAYS: (0)



Order of Voting:

David Anthony Levi Lewis

Perry Talley Reginald McMasters

Michael Fussell Phillipp Bedwell

Chris Workman

Next meeting will be held on Monday, June 25, 2018

In accordance with the Americans Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Sarah Cook, Clerk to the Council at 985-839-7825 Ext. 313 describing the assistance that is necessary.

(All Ordinances, Resolutions and Attachments in its entirety are available at the office of Clerk of the Council at 909 Pearl Street, Franklinton, Louisiana or at (985)839-0105 or .)

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