Yale Law notes

Yale Law notes—Class of 1968—2001

Update through-November 2007 2007-10 or 2008-1

|First |Last |Email |News |Date |

| |AA-35th Reunion| |If you missed our reunion--our 35th--in New Haven last fall, I am sorry|2003-11 |

| | | |for you. Our classmate Jim Woolsey gave us inside commentary about | |

| | | |intelligence gathering and politics. On Friday evening our classmates | |

| | | |got to visit with Bill Clinton who was attending a reunion of the class| |

| | | |of 1973, just one table away from us. Robert Morgenthau '48 visited | |

| | | |our class gathering at breakfast on Sunday morning and gave us a | |

| | | |private inside look at the pending Tyco case that we were reading about| |

| | | |in the headlines. The wonderful program revisiting Brown v. Board of | |

| | | |Education reminded us of how much has happened since we were last | |

| | | |together. Don't miss the next one! Mark 2008 on your calendar. As | |

| | | |always the best part of the reunion was our visit with each other. | |

| | | |Reunion coordinator Peter Hoagland (whose private law practice in | |

| | | |Washington includes a representation and of Tunisia, led a round table | |

| | | |discussion. | |

|aaa |aaa | |One small piece of evidence of the shift of power to my home region is |2006-03 |

| | | |that the most recent scholarly book about our law school has been | |

| | | |published not by Yale or Harvard, but by the University of North | |

| | | |Carolina Press. About Laura Kalman’s “Yale Law School in the Sixties,” | |

| | | |one commentator writes “[N]o academic institution has ever been studied| |

| | | |in greater depth.” This book will make for interesting reading for our | |

| | | |class even though its author says that the sixties at Yale Law School | |

| | | |did not begin until our final year there. In fact, she writes, the real| |

| | | |drama took place after we left. But we knew many of the major players | |

| | | |and the book tells stories about them that will both disturb and | |

| | | |delight us. Coincidently, on the same day that I prepared these notes, | |

| | | |Peter d’Errico sent me a comprehensive review of the book. If you do | |

| | | |not have time to read the book, ask Peter to send you a copy of that | |

| | | |review. | |

|AAA |AAA | |Thanks to those classmates who helped gather this news. Each of them |2006-03 |

| | | |received a valuable prize--recent photos of these classmates: Chuck | |

| | | |Stark, Richard Meyer, Fred Lowther, Steve Weiner, Joe Bell, Tom Grey, | |

| | | |Bob McManus, Rand Jack, Jim Woolsey, Rick Ober, Richard Epstein, | |

| | | |Harrison Wellford, Mike Reiss, Gene Moen, Bill Rutzick, Earl D. Weiner,| |

| | | |Stuart Sinder, Sally Barlow , Chris May, Larry Alexander, Mark Raven, | |

| | | |Tom Harvie, Tom Morawetz, David Schoenbrod, Dick Markovits, Russ | |

| | | |Carpenter, Peter Frelinghuysen, Steve Quarles, Geoffrey Cowan, Peter | |

| | | |d’Errico, and Clifford Pearlman. You can have the same prize, plus a | |

| | | |few more similar photos, in return for a brief report on your | |

| | | |activities or those of other classmates. | |

|Roger |Aaron | |Mike reported that Roger Aaron has agreed to head the 35th reunion gift|2002-11 |

| | | |effort for our class. Dean Kronman recently met with Roger, Mike, Max | |

| | | |Gitter, Alan Chapin, Bill Slattery, and several others. Thanks to them | |

| | | |and to all the rest of you who will be helping them help the rest of us| |

| | | |“do the right thing.” | |

|Roger |Aaron |raaron@ |35th Reunion: Roger Aaron modest as always, reminded us that he had |2003-11 |

| | | |been working at Skadden Arps since graduation. With a smile, told us | |

| | | |that he had been spending some time raising money for the law school, | |

| | | |as if we didn't know. Roger asked why more of our class did not come | |

| | | |back this year? An answer came from Bart Tiernan, who asserted that | |

| | | |Gloria McHugh, our longtime Alumni Director, had long ago said that we | |

| | | |were the "strangest class" ever. | |

|Roger S |Aaron |Roger.Aaron@ |Let’s don’t forget to support the work of our classmates on the Class |2008-03 |

| | | |Reunion Gift Committee as it works to persuade us to make meaningful | |

| | | |gifts to the Law School in honor of our 40th. Roger Aaron and Charlie | |

| | | |Hepner are the co-chairs. Arthur Malman, Max Gitter, Steve Kahn are | |

| | | |vice-chairs | |

| | | |  | |

| | | |Other committee members are: | |

| | | |  | |

| | | |George Bunn | |

| | | |John Carley | |

| | | |Jim Goetz | |

| | | |Michael Gross | |

| | | |Tom Harvie | |

| | | |Richard Meyer | |

| | | |Clif Pearlman | |

| | | |John Roberts | |

| | | |Ed Rodgers | |

| | | |Bob Sable | |

| | | |Jim Schink | |

| | | |Stu Sinder | |

| | | |Joel Sternman | |

| | | |Charlie Whitebread | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Let’s make their work easy—and worthwhile | |

|Rob |Agus | |Zyg saw Rob Agus when he came through Boston in December. “He has built|2004-03 |

| | | |up great expertise in planning and financing affordable housing, and | |

| | | |has been consulting on a big project in Boston.” | |

|Rob |Agus |ragus@ |At my request, Zyg tracked down Rob Agus (ragus@) in Washington,|2005-11 |

| | | |at the National Cooperative Bank Development Corporation, where, | |

| | | |according to Zyg, “He has developed a specialty in building or | |

| | | |renovating housing for non-profits in complex urban settings---some | |

| | | |impressive stories about working in political stewpots.” | |

|Robert |Agus | (robert.agus@) |Robert Agus (robert.agus@) hopes to attend the reunion. He |2008-03 |

| | |  |is working on an idea “that might generate some connections among us | |

| | | |[and] provide a framework for dialogue and sharing.” | |

|Larry |Alexander | (larrya@sandiego.edu) |Larry Alexander (larrya@sandiego.edu) writes that he and Elaine |2006-03 |

| | | |“continue in our ruts. She is Executive Director of Appellate | |

| | | |Defenders, Inc., which handles almost all criminal appeals in southern | |

| | | |California, and is one of the most prominent criminal appellate lawyers| |

| | | |in California.” He is the Warren Distinguished Professor at the | |

| | | |University of San Diego School of Law and Executive Director of The | |

| | | |Institute for Law and Philosophy. Their children include a lawyer and a| |

| | | |doctor, who have made Larry and Elaine grandparents several times over.| |

|Larry |Alexander |larrya@sandiego.edu |Larry (larrya@sandiego.edu) and Elaine Alexander write that three |2006-11 |

| | | |grandchildren are “the big change” in their lives. Elaine is still | |

| | | |running the appellate defense system in Southern California” and Larry | |

| | | |says it is “really the whole state.”) | |

|Larry |Alexander |larrya@SanDiego.edu |Larry Alexander reports that his wife, Elaine (Augustine) Alexander is |2001-03 |

|-Elaine | | |CEO of Appellate Defenders, Inc., which administers all indigent felony| |

|(Augustine)| | |appeals in San Diego, Orange, Imperial, Riverside, San Bernardino, and | |

| | | |Kern counties--about 10,000,000 people. Larry is the Warren | |

| | | |Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of San Diego. Their | |

| | | |daughter, Jennifer, is an attorney with the Justice Dept. in D.C. and | |

| | | |is married to an associate at Akin, Gump. Larry and Elaine have two | |

| | | |sons: David, a medical student who is married to a Japanese | |

| | | |English-Japanese translator, and Jonathan, a senior at Williams | |

| | | |College. In the past 4 years Larry and Elaine and I have been fortunate| |

| | | |enough to have traveled to India, Africa, Japan, Australia, New Zealand| |

| | | |and Moorea.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Do you all remember how jealous we were of Larry when we found out how | |

| | | |much Elaine liked him? | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Larry |Alexander | larrya@sandiego.edu |Larry Alexander (larrya@sandiego.edu) reports that his wife, Elaine A. |2005-11 |

|–Elaine | | |Alexander, “is still Director of Appellate Defenders, Inc. and the dean| |

|(Augustine) | | |of criminal appellate defense in California--surely the most important | |

| | | |person in the state in terms of how criminal appeals are managed on the| |

| | | |defense side. I continue as the Warren Distinguished Professor at the | |

| | | |University of San Diego School of Law and now have 8 books and 150 | |

| | | |articles as my contribution to deforestation. Our three children are | |

| | | |Jennifer Shah, a lawyer married to a lawyer and living in Buffalo with | |

| | | |her 2 year old; David, a doctor living in Seattle, married to a | |

| | | |Japanese film translator, and father of a 1 1/2 year old son; and Jon, | |

| | | |who's applying to medical school at the moment and otherwise doing | |

| | | |medical research.” | |

|Tom |Allen | tom@ |It was great to hear from Tom Allen (tom@). He and I |2004-03 |

| | | |spent a great summer together in 1967 clerking for a wonderful small | |

| | | |firm in Cleveland. While we were there, our small firm merged with | |

| | | |Squire, Sanders & Dempsey. Tom joined that firm after graduation and | |

| | | |later became a general partner in the tax section. He was a member of | |

| | | |the Lawyer Personnel Committee (which evaluated associates) and of the | |

| | | |Finance Committee (which, among other matters, dealt with mergers with | |

| | | |and acquisitions of other law firms). Tom left Squire, Sanders & | |

| | | |Dempsey on June 30, 1991. Since then he has been a solo practitioner in| |

| | | |tax and tax-related matters. Tom is active in the philatelic world. He | |

| | | |exhibits Cleveland postal history nationally and internationally and | |

| | | |compiled a 124-page brochure on 19th-century Cleveland postal marking. | |

|Roger |Anderson |roger.anderson@ |35th Reunion: Roger Anderson is in the investment banking business, |2003-11 |

| | | |buying and selling businesses all over the world. Roger studied in | |

| | | |Sweden before and after law school. He met his wife, Christina, there. | |

| | | |So it is natural that much of his work is in Scandinavia. He is a | |

| | | |trustee of the American Scandinavian Foundation. Recently, he has | |

| | | |developed an interest in Latvia, which he now represents is its | |

| | | |honorary council. | |

|Roger |Anderson |roger_anderson958@ |Roger Anderson (roger_anderson958@) is managing partner of |2004-11 |

| | | |Hamilton Capital Partners. He also serves as Honorary Consul, Republic | |

| | | |of Latvia, where he has business interests. | |

|Roger |Anderson |roger_anderson958@ |Roger Anderson’s (roger_anderson958@) son, Christopher, |2005-11 |

| | | |recently married Beverly Hoover, “a wonderful young woman he met while | |

| | | |working with Save the Children in Baku Azerbaijan. She is American and | |

| | | |was working for an NGO as | |

| | | |well.” They are living in Washington, where Christopher is working at | |

| | | |the State Department. “Come June,” Roger writes, “they will be | |

| | | |stationed with the Embassy in Buenos Aires. Several family and friends | |

| | | |are already planning trips south to this exciting part of the world so | |

| | | |any classmates sharing an interest prepare and book early.” | |

|Roger |Anderson |roger_anderson958@ |Roger Anderson’s (roger_anderson958@) youngest son who had |2007-11 |

| | | |been saving children in Azerbaijan is now married and living in | |

| | | |Argentina, posted there by the Department of State. | |

|Joan |Andersson |joanandersson@ |If Patti Skigen comes to our next neunion, so will Joan Andersson and |2003-11 |

| | | |she will be in even better shape than she was the last time we saw her.| |

| | | |She writes. “Last weekend I did an inline skate marathon – 26.2 miles. | |

| | | | I was first in my age group, second in the two age groups lower than | |

| | | |mine, completed the marathon in under 2 hours, 1 hour 53 minutes to be | |

| | | |exact, and averaged 4 1/3 minute miles. It was GREAT. In addition I | |

| | | |have just about completed my master’s degree in child development and | |

| | | |am now teaching at the college where I am getting my degree. Mathea | |

| | | |Falco and I often see each other, the most recent was a four day visit | |

| | | |in San Francisco with our families included.” | |

|Joan |Andersson |joanandersson@ |Joan Andersson (joanandersson@) is working on her thesis |2004-11 |

| | | |for a masters degree in child development, having finished all her | |

| | | |course work and has already taught a class on the neurobiology of child| |

| | | |development. “A scientist in my later years!” she exclaims. Before the | |

| | | |election she wrote, “My husband, Bill Zimmerman, is the political | |

| | | |strategist and media consultant for Move on, the political internet | |

| | | |group that has been running ads against Bush and involving its members | |

| | | |in various issues and actions. They have both a PAC and a 527 (you | |

| | | |should excuse the expression). So we live the campaign in a very daily | |

| | | |way.” | |

|Joan |Andersson |joanandersson@ |Emma Andersson, daughter of Joan Andersson (joanandersson@)|2005-11 |

| | | |enrolled in Yale Law School in the fall –exactly 40 years after her | |

| | | |mother. Joan reports that Emma “has an apartment a block away from | |

| | | |where Mathea [Falco] and I lived. She even has Calabresi for torts. We | |

| | | |traveled to New Haven together at the end of April. It was like time | |

| | | |traveling for me!” | |

|Joan |Andersson |joan@. |Joan Andersson’s new email address is joan@. She recently |2006-03 |

| | | |visited Mathea Falco, who has been at Harvard for a year. They took the| |

| | | |train to New Haven to visit Joan’s daughter, a student at Yale Law | |

| | | |School. Joan ran into Stan Sanders at a law alumni event in Southern | |

| | | |California. Dean Koh was the speaker, and Joan reports that he is “very| |

| | | |impressive and seems to be a very nice guy.” | |

|Joan |Andersson |joan@ |Joan Andersson (joan@) says, “Most of my classmates would |2006-11 |

| | | |probably not be surprised that my daughter is co-chair of this year's | |

| | | |Yale Law School's annual Rebellious | |

| | | |Lawyering Conference. However, what might be surprising is that my son,| |

| | | |also a lawyer, currently works for Sullivan and Cromwell in Melbourne | |

| | | |Australia. How is it that I've spawned two lawyers??!!” | |

|Joan |Andersson | (joan@) |Joan Anderrson (joan@) promises that she and Mathea Falco are|2008-03 |

| | | |coming to the reunion.  Joan’s daughter Emma is graduating from the Law| |

| | | |School this year. Sally Barlow is coming too. | |

|Joan |Andersson |joan@ |Joan Andersson’s (joan@) daughter graduated from the Yale |2008-11 |

| | | |Law School in the spring of 2008. Joan wrote for us her impressions of | |

| | | |the graduation activities, including, “At first everything seemed quite| |

| | | |familiar – the quad looks the same as when it was ‘our’ quad. However | |

| | | |as the graduates and their families began to arrive, I could see that | |

| | | |big changes had occurred. While our class was overwhelmingly white and| |

| | | |male, the class of 2008 looks like the United Nations, racially and | |

| | | |ethnically diverse. About half are female and a number are openly gay | |

| | | |and lesbian. Several young children accompanied or were carried in the| |

| | | |arms of their graduating mothers and fathers as they mounted the podium| |

| | | |to accept their degrees. One little infant, carried in the arms of her | |

| | | |mother, looked like she had just been born during finals week! | |

| | | |“The students’ choice for faculty speaker was someone we would not have| |

| | | |had the opportunity to select – a Japanese-American gay man, Professor | |

| | | |Kenji Yoshino. In the various commencement addresses two topics caught| |

| | | |my attention. Often mentioned were the many clinical opportunities now| |

| | | |available to students and encouraged as part of their curriculum. I | |

| | | |remember our class begging for clinical experience as none existed when| |

| | | |we entered. And in the speeches there was the urging to find happiness| |

| | | |and passion in one’s work, to find a career that brought satisfaction, | |

| | | |be that in a firm, in public interest law, or even in a field outside | |

| | | |of the law. Despite its presence in the Declaration of Independence, I| |

| | | |don’t remember the pursuit of happiness being especially stressed in | |

| | | |our legal education. | |

| | | |“Then there were the hugs – lots of them: students hugging students, | |

| | | |faculty hugging students. We may have felt the same fondness for each | |

| | | |other, for our faculty, and they for us, but hugging was not an | |

| | | |accepted expression of that affection. Can you imagine giving or | |

| | | |getting a hug from Professor Kessler or Professor Moore, wonderful as | |

| | | |they both were?! | |

| | | |“There was one constant: Professor and now Judge Guido Calabresi with | |

| | | |that same twinkle in his eye, clearly as beloved by the class of 2008 | |

| | | |as he was by the class of 1968. | |

| | | |“Watching it all, I felt very proud of our law school. And as I watched| |

| | | |the ceremony unfold, through the mist of time and nostalgia I found | |

| | | |myself missing all of you.” | |

|Bob |Baker | |Bob and Dalia Baker’s inspiring work in Albania was featured in the |2001-03 |

| | | |March issue of the magazine "Presbyterians Today." Its cover story on | |

| | | |Albania and Kosovo included a photo of Bob, and an editor's column | |

| | | |discusses their decision to come to Albania.  In addition, the March | |

| | | |issue of “The Church Herald" included a feature written by Dalia and | |

| | | |photos that Bob and Dalia took. Dalia continues to write eloquently | |

| | | |about their experiences--the latest is a wonderful article about the | |

| | | |incredible difficulties of dealing with the main Albanian airport at | |

| | | |Rinas. It is too long to include in this report, but I would be happy | |

| | | |to send you a copy by email. | |

|Bob |Baker |rhbaker@ |Robert Baker (rhbaker@) and his wife Dalia have concluded |2002-11 |

| | | |their wonderful work in Albania and are now living in Cleveland to be | |

| | | |near their daughter, Kristina, who is a doctor at the Cleveland Clinic.| |

| | | |Kristina’s husband, Jim, died in April, leaving her with two boys, ages| |

| | | |one and two. Bob immediately again offered himself for public service | |

| | | |and the new mayor of Cleveland made him the city’s Finance Director. | |

| | | |Maybe Bob’s experience in the Balkans will be good preparation for this| |

| | | |challenge. | |

|Bob |Baker |rhbaker@ |As I reported last time, Bob Baker (has returned from his great work in|2003-03 |

| | | |Albania. Here is his contact information: 13415 Shaker Blvd., Apt. 9D2,| |

| | | |Cleveland, Ohio 44120, Telephone 216-991-4060.  | |

|Bob |Baker |rhbaker@ |35th Reunion: Bob Baker (rhbaker@) reminded us that he and|2003-11 |

| | | |Dalia had spent several years in Albania and Kosovo after he retired | |

| | | |from Jones Day. Now he is still doing hazardous duty work as the | |

| | | |finance director for the city of Cleveland. | |

|Sally |Barlow | sbarlow@ |Lisa Molodovsky (emolodovsky@) reports that is doing great |2003-03 |

| | | |work on the AIDS crisis in Africa, especially in Nigeria, where she | |

| | | |recently traveled to survey the problem. Sally is now “of counsel” to | |

| | | |the Albuquerque firm of Rosenfelt, Barlow and Borg. During her career | |

| | | |she served for several years as General Counsel for the Pueblo of Taos | |

| | | |and the Pueblo of Santo Domingo and as a claims attorney in the U.S. | |

| | | |Claims Court for the Navajo Nation, helping to recover tens of millions| |

| | | |of dollars for past wrongdoing by the federal government. She has a | |

| | | |30-year history of involvement with compensation claims against the | |

| | | |United States and continues to work on Federal Tort Claims Act cases. | |

| | | |As Taos Pueblo’s counsel, she successfully resolved many long-standing | |

| | | |land and jurisdictional issues and helped to implement Taos Pueblo’s | |

| | | |gaming program. | |

|Sally |Barlow |pambsalb@ |35th Reunion: Sally Barlow delighted us with her exuberant attendance |2003-11 |

| | | |at her first reunion ever. She retired from practicing law two years | |

| | | |ago, having represented Native Americans for most of her career, first | |

| | | |in Arizona, and later in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Her current interest| |

| | | |is in garnering support for a Nigerian health clinic, which has a | |

| | | |primary focus on AIDS treatment and prevention. Sally Barlow saw Mike | |

| | | |Messina at the funeral of our classmate Bill Dixon who died of cancer | |

| | | |last April in Albuquerque. | |

|Sally |Barlow |pambsalb@ |Sally Barlow (pambsalb@) and her partner of 19 years, Pam |2006-11 |

| | | |Brown, are now married, the ceremony taking place “on the Canadian | |

| | | |banks of the Niagara River.” Sally credits Pam’s HIV fieldwork in | |

| | | |Nigeria with bringing about Sally’s “retirement career,” which is | |

| | | |coordinating U.S. support for Faith Alive Foundation, in Jos, Nigeria. | |

| | | |According to Sally, it was “founded 10 years ago by an amazing Nigerian| |

| | | |physician as a free clinic, it now runs a free hospital, sewing, | |

| | | |knitting and computer school, Support Group for People Living | |

| | | |Positively (with HIV), Home-Based Care Program, and Transitional | |

| | | |Housing (for homeless widows with children). Faith Alive Foundation is | |

| | | |treating 2140 people under the US-funded HIV treatment program, but | |

| | | |there are 6000 on its waiting list! Donations for FAF can be made | |

| | | |payable to “St. Thomas of Canterbury Nigeria Fund”, 729 Tulane Dr. NE, | |

| | | |Albuquerque, NM 87106. If someone you recommend (18 and older) is | |

| | | |interested in volunteering there, please have him/her email me at | |

| | | |pambsalb@. It was great to have recent help from Peter | |

| | | |Hoagland, Joe Bell (relentless networker) and Russ Carpenter.” | |

|George |Batista | |George Batista, too, now a major player in low-cost housing and |2004-03 |

| | | |community development in New York City, says Rob Agus, according to Zyg| |

| | | |Plater. | |

|Lennie |Becker | |Bob Sable remembers, “Lennie Becker saying at our 20th reunion that |2003-03 |

| | | |when we graduated we had all assumed that by our 20th anniversary we | |

| | | |would have abolished racism and poverty.  Here we are with poverty | |

| | | |having grown in the last decade and mired in another dubious war.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |And he concludes, “ I can't believe I did it, but I just bought nursing| |

| | | |home insurance!” | |

| Joe |Bell | JCBell@ | Joe Bell (JCBell@) has been active in the establishment of a |2002-11 |

| | | |new organization, the International Senior Lawyers Project, | |

| | | |, intended to take advantage of the skills and experience | |

| | | |of senior lawyers to service a range of international projects | |

| | | |including human rights protection, economic development, and the rule | |

| | | |of law.  Other Yalies involved include Herbert Hansell  (a founder), | |

| | | |Joe Onek, Bob Wald, and Bill Kelly.  Joe’s wife, Ruth, recently took | |

| | | |him to Japan where she was invited to lecture at the UN University and | |

| | | |to London where the Economist asked her to debate at the Royal | |

| | | |Institution.   She works on building workable environmental | |

| | | |institutions in transitional and developing countries and has become | |

| | | |well know for her critical appraisal of the attempt to transplant US | |

| | | |economic models to such countries. | |

|Joe |Bell |JCBell@ |Joe Bell (JCBell@), in addition his work with the |2003-03 |

| | | |International Senior Lawyers Project, is a senior partner at Hogan & | |

| | | |Hartson. There he is engaged in commercial, finance and regulatory | |

| | | |practice principally focused on energy. He has also been actively | |

| | | |engaged in privatization and institutional changes in Central Europe. | |

| | | |In 1991, he established Hogan & Hartson’s Warsaw office, and he is a | |

| | | |founding director of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation established| |

| | | |in 1999. | |

|Joe |Bell |jcbell@hhlaw |Ruth and Joe Bell missed the reunion, so they could visit their newly |2003-11 |

| | | |arrived first grandchild, Solomon Franklin Bell, in Seattle. | |

| | | |   | |

| | | |Joe heads up the Energy Regulatory Group at Hogan & Hartson in | |

| | | |Washington, coordinating that firm’s expanding activity in the Middle | |

| | | |East.  He is on the Executive Committee of the International Senior | |

| | | |Lawyers Project (). He is one of the U.S. Directors of the | |

| | | |Polish American Freedom Foundation. At the time of his letter to me, | |

| | | |Joe was working on a pro bono advisory project to the President of Sao | |

| | | |Tome and Principe to help the country deal with potential new oil | |

| | | |wealth.  “The hope is that the country might avoid the ‘curse of | |

| | | |oil,’” Joe writes. “ So far there has only been one aborted coup during| |

| | | |our efforts.”  If you think Joe is busy read about his wife Ruth Bell's| |

| | | |international environmental work at Resources for the Future at its | |

| | | |website (iidea). | |

|Joe |Bell | JCBell@ |Ruth and Joe Bell (JCBell@) have recently returned from South |2004-03 |

| | | |Africa where they spoke at a conference on public understanding and | |

| | | |participation in the energy sector, Ruth on access to justice issues, | |

| | | |focusing on her recent work in India, and Joe on transparency in the | |

| | | |oil sector. He continues his pro bono work with Sao Tome and Principe | |

| | | |in cooperation with a Jeff Sachs group at Columbia. He just completed | |

| | | |work on a draft new law regarding management of oil revenues, which is | |

| | | |currently being discussed by a governmental commission there. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |When Ruth and Joe were in Seattle to see their new grandson they | |

| | | |visited Dana and Rand Jack (randjack@) “in their | |

| | | |beautiful handcrafted home in the Northern Cascades, which Rand | |

| | | |constructed himself. The visit also gave us a chance to see his | |

| | | |life-size bird carvings in natural wood, truly wonderful productions. | |

| | | |You can see them too at . Del Miller’s wife, | |

| | | |Janet, was with us (Del was in Bali). Notably, the Millers spent the | |

| | | |summer sailing their boat to Alaska and back.” | |

|Joseph |Bell |JCBell@ |Like Sally Barlow, Joe Bell, (JCBell@) is active in African |2006-11 |

| | | |projects. He writes, “I have become engaged in an interesting pro bono | |

| | | |project assisting the new President of Liberia in the renegotiation of | |

| | | |the country’s most important concession agreements.  This is part of my| |

| | | |larger work for Revenue Watch (), an organization | |

| | | |devoted to strengthening civil society and governments in resource rich| |

| | | |developing countries, and the International Senior Lawyers Project | |

| | | |().   I continue to urge fellow classmates who are | |

| | | |interested in pro bono international work to become volunteers for | |

| | | |ISLP.” | |

| | | |Joe is also working with Revenue Watch and ISLP on matters in Sao Tome | |

| | | |and Principe, Mongolia, Iraq, and Rwanda. | |

|Jim |Betts | |Put Brown writes that, Our classmate Jim Betts is still at Shipman & |2008-03 |

| | | |Goodwin LLP, practicing the highest level of trusts and estates law, | |

| | | |and enjoys a national reputation in that area.  | |

|Doug |Blazey | drb@ |Doug Blazey (drb@) is practicing with Elliott Reihner|2004-03 |

| | | |& Siedzikowski in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania. He writes that he is leading| |

| | | |the Rotary International District 7450 (Greater Delaware Valley Area) | |

| | | |Group Study Exchange to Queensland, Australia, in the spring of 2004. | |

| | | |Doug is active in the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Air & Waste | |

| | | |Management Association, and he says, “Between all this I try to | |

| | | |practice law and help my wife, Julianna J. Zekan, raise our kids, now | |

| | | |eight and fourteen.”  | |

|Doug |Blazey |drb@ |I also tracked down some information about Doug Blazey |2004-11 |

| | | |(drb@), who wrote the following comparison of | |

| | | |governmental and private law practice for the Yale Law School web site:| |

| | | |“ The first 25 years of my environmental career were committed to | |

| | | |government service. I first spent 14 years with the Pennsylvania | |

| | | |Department of Environmental Resources-the last 7 years as its Chief | |

| | | |Counsel. The next 11 years were with the United States Environmental | |

| | | |Protection Agency at the Region II offices in New York City where I | |

| | | |served as the Regional Counsel. In 1995 I left government service to | |

| | | |enter private practice with a medium sized regional law firm with a | |

| | | |specialty in complex commercial and business litigation. My firm did | |

| | | |not have a significant environmental practice when I joined so I have | |

| | | |sought to build that practice during the last 7 years. I am pleased to | |

| | | |have been an environmental attorney for 30 plus years. I have | |

| | | |contributed to the environmental improvements we all value. My | |

| | | |disappointments are essentially twofold. Once I departed the | |

| | | |government, my role in setting environmental, and certainly enforcement| |

| | | |priorities ceased. Second, I find some aspects of our private legal | |

| | | |system to be so competitive as to be counterproductive to the | |

| | | |reasonable resolution of disputes. While the government attorney and | |

| | | |the corporate counsel can generally believe that are they are improving| |

| | | |the environment, the private environmental litigation attorney must | |

| | | |also enjoy "playing the game." The most challenging aspect of private | |

| | | |practice is staying current with the law, but it is also rewarding to | |

| | | |maintain proficiency in one's "craft." Providing useful solutions and | |

| | | |creative problem solving to clients is the greatest reward of private | |

| | | |practice. The sense of maintaining social order and progress is the | |

| | | |greatest reward of government service. My workday in the government, | |

| | | |regardless of the level I held at the time, tended to include more | |

| | | |meeting time and discussion time than a day in private practice. I | |

| | | |would say, in general, that I write more in private practice as I have | |

| | | |more time to write since my day is not nearly as committed to meetings | |

| | | |and conferences as it was in the government. The government | |

| | | |decision-making process is essentially hierarchical with work and | |

| | | |recommendations being reviewed and considered at many different levels.| |

| | | |This type of decision-making generates some of the collegial | |

| | | |satisfaction, but it also tends to isolate one from a sense of | |

| | | |individual responsibility and accountability for the ultimate legal | |

| | | |product.” Doug was formerly chief counsel of the Department of | |

| | | |Environmental Resources, then chief counsel for Region I of the U.S. | |

| | | |Environmental Protection Agency, and later joined the law firm of | |

| | | |Elliott Reihner Siedzikowski & Egan in Blue Bell and Philadelphia. | |

|Tom |Boeder |boedt@ |Several classmates are living and working in the Seattle area.   Tom |2002-03 |

| | | |Boeder (boedt@) is head of litigation for Perkins Coie | |

| | | |law firm, headquartered in Seattle with a dozen other | |

| | | |offices--including the newest opened recently in Beijing, but Tom says | |

| | | |that there is “not a lot of civil litigation work in that office - - at| |

| | | |least yet.” | |

|Peter |Bradford | |35th Reunion: Peter Bradford paid us a quick visit on his way to China,|2003-11 |

| | | |where he is consulting with the government on its energy and power | |

| | | |production plans. | |

|Dave |Brown |dave_brown@harvard.edu |Mike Gross (mpgross@) sent me an update about Dave Brown,  “who|2004-03 |

| | | |shouldn't have been in our class but was left back because of a stint | |

| | | |in the Peace Corps. After getting a bunch more degrees from Yale, Dave | |

| | | |marched off into the world of developing countries, then called third | |

| | | |world countries. He and his wife Jane set up a nonprofit institute | |

| | | |based in Boston and roamed India and Africa in search of NGOs who | |

| | | |needed help organizing, raising funds, etc. Along the way, Dave became | |

| | | |a scholar and now heads Harvard's Hauser Center at the Kennedy School, | |

| | | |which basically does what his nonprofit did. He and Jane visited us on | |

| | | |Martha's Vineyard a few years ago. We remember the event fondly for the| |

| | | |watermelon-seed-spitting-contest we conducted on the porch, an | |

| | | |anthropological extravagance, which I secretly filmed to add to my | |

| | | |collection of ancient tribal rites.” | |

|Put |Brown | (PBrown@) |Put Brown (PBrown@) hopes to see us at the reunion. He also |2008-03 |

| | | |plans to host a mini-reunion in West Granby, about an hour north of New| |

| | | |Haven, where he and his wife, Nannie, live. He has already invited Del | |

| | | |Miller (delmiller@); David Glater (dsglater@), Sandy | |

| | | |Hillyer (shillyer@), Hank Woodward, and Rand Jack | |

| | | |(rand.jack@wwu.edu). And he hopes others will join them. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“The short news about me,” Put writes, “is that, effective as of the | |

| | | |end of June this year, I will retire from Shipman & Goodwin LLP.  Our | |

| | | |classmate Jim Betts is still at the firm, practicing the highest level | |

| | | |of trusts and estates law, and enjoys a national reputation in that | |

| | | |area.  I am a Probate Judge, having been elected to that job last | |

| | | |year, and (I hope) will continue in that role until the age of 70, when| |

| | | |the Connecticut Constitution requires that I retire.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Put served on the McLean Fund’s Board of Trustees, most recently as | |

| | | |chairman, for a total of 29 years. The fund, established by U.S. | |

| | | |Senator George P. McLean, who died in 1932, operates a game refuge and | |

| | | |park of over 4200 acres of land and a retirement home, which is a | |

| | | |multi-faceted elder-care organization offering services ranging from | |

| | | |visiting nurses and adult day care to long-term care and hospice. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |The fund’s trustees awarded Put the Senator George P. McLean Award for | |

| | | |his “tremendous commitment to the trustees for decades,” adhering to | |

| | | |the “advanced vision of the Senator to preserve land and care for those| |

| | | |in need in the community.” | |

|William |Brown | brownwj@duq.edu |William Brown 68 llm (brownwj@duq.edu) reports that his wife, Eliza |2004-03 |

| | | |Smith Brown (Mt. Holyoke '77), wrote Pittsburgh Legends and Visions: An| |

| | | |Illustrated History. She is working on a proposal for a book about two | |

| | | |suffragette-relatives who fought political corruption for forty years, | |

| | | |magazine articles on various subjects, and an architectural survey | |

| | | |for Mt. Lebanon township (adjacent to Pittsburgh). Their oldest child, | |

| | | |Will, a high-school freshman, recently won a regional rowing/erg | |

| | | |competition. Their youngest, daughter Regina, was the second-fastest | |

| | | |second grader in the Junior Olympic Regional Race in Philadelphia last | |

| | | |fall, competing against the fastest-qualifying girls from PA, NJ, NY, | |

| | | |and MD over a 1.2-mile cross-country course. And their middle child, | |

| | | |Brendan, was the home-run king for his team and league. William serves | |

| | | |on the board of governors of the Yale Club of Pittsburgh, was president| |

| | | |of the Pittsburgh Chamber Music Society, and is secretary/treasurer of | |

| | | |the Pittsburgh Tax Club, on the board of Pittsburgh's Center for | |

| | | |Hearing & Deaf Services (a United Way agency). He is also director of | |

| | | |the Graduate Taxation Program at Duquesne University (having “retired” | |

| | | |from the University of Pittsburgh four years ago, after thirty-two | |

| | | |years as a law professor there).   | |

| | | |William has a question for the rest of us. “I'm curious about how many | |

| | | |members of the '68 Class were present for Chubb Fellow Ronald Reagan's | |

| | | |talk before the Yale Political Union. If I remember correctly, Charlie | |

| | | |Whitbread asked a question. But here's MY question: does anyone from | |

| | | |the '68 Class know whether George W. Bush was there? How about Harold | |

| | | |Dean?” | |

|George |Bunn | |George and Jane Bunn have moved back to New York City after their 14 |2001-11 |

| | | |year-old daughter, Sybil, went to Lawrenceville School in the fall. | |

|George |Bunn |GRBunnEsq@ |Maybe the most interesting news about our class is really old |2002-11 |

| | | |news--something we heard about the entire time we were in school | |

| | | |together, but never got a full telling of the tale. We just heard that | |

| | | |George Bunn (GRBunnEsq@) was a legend at Princeton because he and| |

| | | |his friends had once “held up a train.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Thanks to a recent New York Times article about The Dinky, a short line| |

| | | |railroad connecting Princeton to Amtrak’s main line we learned the | |

| | | |following: | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“Of course, the train has also figured in its share of student high | |

| | | |jinks. In the early 1960's, George R. Bunn, Jr., of the Bunn coffee | |

| | | |maker family, and three fellow students held up the Dinky on horseback.| |

| | | | | |

| | | |“‘We sat up in the woods beside the tracks--not entirely sober, if I | |

| | | |remember right,’ Mr. Bunn once recalled, ‘and waited for the 6:14. We | |

| | | |had hats and bandannas and rented horses. I had a .38 pistol loaded | |

| | | |with blanks. When the train came along, we galloped down and the | |

| | | |conductor screeched to a stop. We all climbed on and I fired off a | |

| | | |couple of shots -- it was very loud -- and everybody was yelling and | |

| | | |had their hands up and all the | |

| | | |businessmen were throwing their wallets at us. We didn't have any dates| |

| | | |on the train. We just picked the four girls we thought were most likely| |

| | | |to play along and told them what was going on. We all took off through | |

| | | |the woods.’” | |

|George |Bunn | GRBunnEsq@ |Following up, the report last time of the George Bunn |2003-03 |

| | | |(GRBunnEsq@)-led train robbery during his Princeton days, Bart | |

| | | |reminded me that “upon completion of his Parris Island training, George| |

| | | |was selected as that Marine who (and I am not making this up) best | |

| | | |exemplified the stout manly virtues of the Corps.”George has been | |

| | | |practicing law on his own for over 25 years in Manhattan, where he and | |

| | | |Jane live with their three daughters.  His children from his first | |

| | | |marriage, daughters Jennifer and Regan, live in Boulder, Colorado.By | |

| | | |the way, George introduced Bart and his wife and was the best man at | |

| | | |their wedding. | |

|George |Bunn |GRBunnEsq@ |35th Reunion: Steve Kahn reminded George Bunn that he had represented |2003-11 |

| | | |George's landlord. He said that George was the hardest tenant to evict | |

| | | |that he had ever encountered. | |

|George |Bunn |GRBunnEsq@ |George Bunn (GRBunnEsq@) and other classmates had a reunion in |2006-11 |

| | | |New York at a recent benefit to aid the Theatre Development Fund. They | |

| | | |saw the new production of "A Chorus Line." Earl Weiner and Jack | |

| | | |Carley's wife, Pia Lindstrom, were part of the organizing group. George| |

| | | |sees Pete Putzel and his wife, Anne, regularly for dinner prior to New | |

| | | |York Philharmonic events. | |

|George |Bunn |GRBunnEsq@ |George Bunn’s (GRBunnEsq@) daughter Lilly married Christopher |2007-11 |

| | | |Weekes on June 23, 2007. (“We just had a fantastic wedding,” George | |

| | | |told me.) The couple will be living in New York City. This past fall | |

| | | |his 20-year-old daughter, Sybil, took her first semester of Junior Year| |

| | | |at Cape Town University. That gave George an excuse to visit and take a| |

| | | |short safari. George writes, “I have spent many years on the Board of | |

| | | |the African Wildlife Foundation and have a deep passion for that area.”| |

|George |Bunn |GRBunnEsq@ |George Bunn (GRBunnEsq@) wrote that he was planning to attend a |2008-11 |

| | | |November luncheon hosted by Mathea Falco for her organization, “Drug | |

| | | |Strategies.” George and Arthur Malman recently attended a Yale Law | |

| | | |breakfast seminar concerning foreign direct investment in the United | |

| | | |States as it affects our national security interests. George reports | |

| | | |that Bart Tiernan “could not make our Reunion because he was shooting | |

| | | |small birds in Scotland and England (or at least shooting at them).” | |

|Jack |Carley | John.Carley@ |Jack Carley (John.Carley@) writes, “When we last |2004-03 |

| | | |corresponded, you cajoled me into describing getting married by Vic | |

| | | |Marrero. That was nearly four years ago, and I am happy to report that | |

| | | |I am still married and Victor is still a federal judge whom I see from | |

| | | |time to time. Since that time, we have experienced 9/11 which changed | |

| | | |our world, and the blackout of 2003 which my wife and I happen to share| |

| | | |with George Bunn in the same train car going to Long Island for a long | |

| | | |weekend. Professionally, I have been digging through the criminal and | |

| | | |civil lawsuits that resulted from the 1998 discovery of a massive | |

| | | |accounting fraud at CUC International after it merged with HFS to form | |

| | | |Cendant, where I am in charge of overseeing them. As you may recall, we| |

| | | |settled the more than seventy consolidated class actions for the | |

| | | |largest amount ever paid in such an action, and after nearly six | |

| | | |years the criminal trial of the former CUC chairman and CEO and chief | |

| | | |operating officer who are charged with fraud began this April in | |

| | | |Hartford. That it has taken so long deserves analysis one day. One does| |

| | | |not learn some things in law school. When the criminal trial finally | |

| | | |ends, my attention will turn to the remaining civil cases, the most | |

| | | |significant of which is our lawsuit against the accountants who never | |

| | | |noticed that they were auditing cooked books for more than a decade. I | |

| | | |am really looking forward to that trial. One thing I can | |

| | | |say confidently is that our legal system is badly in need of reform if | |

| | | |it is going to be believed capable of handling with any | |

| | | |credibility large, complex cases in a global economy. Costly and | |

| | | |unnecessary delay is its most reliable achievement. The most obvious | |

| | | |candidate for the wrecking ball is the amount of pre-trial discovery | |

| | | |permitted, which is a weapon to delay trials through the imposition of | |

| | | |tremendous and largely wasteful costs in time and money on everyone. | |

| | | |The solution is rather simple: set trial dates and work backward to | |

| | | |complete pre-trial maneuvers, which is precisely what Justice Douglas | |

| | | |told a class visiting him with the late Fred Rodell at the Supreme | |

| | | |Court in the spring of 1968 when asked about how to eliminate congested| |

| | | |dockets. It is still good advice today. | |

| | | | “On the personal side, I have been enjoying life in the Big Apple with| |

| | | |all it has to offer, particularly the theater where I probably see | |

| | | |thirty plays a year, and occasional travel. Of our classmates, I | |

| | | |correspond regularly via email with Peter Bradford who writes me from | |

| | | |all over the world to rejoice over what he perceives to be the | |

| | | |latest Republican embarrassment until we both found common ground in | |

| | | |the amazing rise and fall of Howard Dean. When the voters ended that | |

| | | |campaign, I wept at the loss of an opportunity of a lifetime | |

| | | |while Peter sighed with relief. I see George Bunn and spoke recently | |

| | | |with Eddie Rogers who is in a semi-retirement mode and taking courses | |

| | | |to enrich himself. Pete Putzel is representing one of the former | |

| | | |employees in our cases, but thus far there has been no need to talk | |

| | | |with his client or pay Pete as much as he is undoubtedly worth.  | |

| | | |“This past fall my wife and I attended a gathering for the Foundation | |

| | | |for the Defense of Democracies, chaired by a friend of hers from her | |

| | | |media days in an exquisite Fifth Avenue apartment. The speaker was Jim | |

| | | |Woolsey, who gave his view that the world was engaged in World War | |

| | | |IV, the Cold War having been the third. Chillingly clear, Jim told his | |

| | | |audience that we would be fighting this war for a long time which we | |

| | | |could not afford to lose. It was a sobering talk in elegant | |

| | | |surroundings.”  | |

| | | |And my wife, Pia Lindstrom, was on Larry King last December with her | |

| | | |two sisters, Isabella and Ingrid, to discuss the life and career of | |

| | | |their mama, Ingrid Bergman, on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary| |

| | | |of the release of Casablanca, a film that Bergman never thought would | |

| | | |amount to much.” | |

|John |Carley |John.Carley@ |I persuaded Jack Carley (John.Carley@) to give more details |2006-11 |

| | | |and he obliged. “Last summer my wife came home from a meeting of the | |

| | | |trustees of the Theater Development Fund, that group that sells | |

| | | |half-priced tickets to New York theater of which she has been a trustee| |

| | | |for years, to tell me that Earl Weiner had just become a trustee.  I | |

| | | |called Earl and caught up after many years.  As you may know, Earl is a| |

| | | |partner at Sullivan & Cromwell where he has spent his career and from | |

| | | |which he shall have to retire soon, but that is not all he has been | |

| | | |doing.  Apart from his interest in theater and the arts, he is | |

| | | |President of the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens Association and had his | |

| | | |picture in the New York Times Style section, complete with a Panama | |

| | | |hat, for its summer gala with the swells.  On October 12 TDF had a | |

| | | |benefit, and both Earl and I got together with our wives, Gina and Pia,| |

| | | |respectively, for a ‘trustees’ photo op and were joined later by George| |

| | | |and Jane Bunn, making it a mini-class reunion.  I can report that Bunn | |

| | | |and Weiner look terrific, and Weiner favors snappy bowties that convey | |

| | | |an air of conviviality that John Foster Dulles could not have | |

| | | |foreseen at his former firm.    We all agreed that "Chorus Line" was | |

| | | |well worth the money we paid to support a wonderful | |

| | | |organization and hope to get together again soon.  I can also report | |

| | | |that I have had the pleasure of working with Pete Putzel, who | |

| | | |represents one of our former employees in the never-ending litigation | |

| | | |that arose from our 1998 accounting fraud.  He looks well and splits | |

| | | |his time between golfing in Sharon, Connecticut and work in town.  A | |

| | | |while ago we got together with Peter Bradford when he was in town for | |

| | | |lunch and catching up. None of us have Weiner's sartorial flair.” | |

| | | |  | |

|John |Carley, |John.Carley@ |After 10 years at Cendant Corp. where he was Senior Vice President for |2007-11 |

| | | |Legal Affairs, Jack Carley (John.Carley@) has been appointed| |

| | | |federal monitor for Stryker Orthopedics, Inc., of Mahwah, N.J., which | |

| | | |accepted compliance monitoring under an arrangement with Federal | |

| | | |prosecutors. | |

|Russ |Carpenter  | rcarpenter@ |Russ Carpenter (rcarpenter@) is a partner at Covington & Burling| |

| | | |in Washington “with a diversified litigation, federal and international| |

| | | |practice including insurance coverage litigation, oil and gas | |

| | | |litigation, mineral rights, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, | |

| | | |antiboycott regulation, and East-West joint ventures.” | |

|Peter |Carstensen |pccarste@facstaff.wisc.edu |From Peter Carstensen (pccarste@facstaff.wisc.edu): “For me the big |2002-03 |

| | | |news is that after nine years as Associate Dean for Research and | |

| | | |Faculty Development at the University of Wisconsin Law School, I will | |

| | | |be released to return to full time teaching this coming summer and so | |

| | | |can resume my torture of first year torts students as well as work on a| |

| | | |vast number of unfinished scholarly projects.  On a less personal | |

| | | |level, I have become involved in agricultural law issues, specifically | |

| | | |those focused on market access and competition policy.  My most recent | |

| | | |adventure was participation in drafting an analysis in support of the | |

| | | |ban on meat packer ownership of livestock.  The paper is currently | |

| | | |available on Senator Harkin's website: | |

| | | | . | |

| | | |Meanwhile, my wife, Carol, Yale MAT (Master of  Arts in Teaching, 1967)| |

| | | |is running for her fifth term on the Madison School Board. Diligent | |

| | | |readers of the ‘New Yorker’ will have seen her name mentioned in | |

| | | |reference to the school board's problems over the pledge of | |

| | | |allegiance.” | |

|Peter |Carstensen |pccarste@wisc.edu |Peter Carstensen (pccarste@wisc.edu) whom we share with the class of |2007-11 |

| | | |1967, reports: “ I trundle along at the University of Wisconsin.” He | |

| | | |recently co-edited a monograph for the ABA Section on Antitrust, titled| |

| | | |“Federal Statutory Exemptions from Antitrust Law.”  He also recently | |

| | | |argued his first case in the Wisconsin Supreme Court. He persuaded the | |

| | | |court that Milwaukee County could not deny airport access to taxis when| |

| | | |a passenger had made an advance arrangement to be picked up by a | |

| | | |specific taxi. | |

|March |Coleman |marchcoleman@ |March Coleman (marchcoleman@) retired from Arnold & Porter about|2006-11 |

| | | |three years ago.  He is enjoying five grandchildren and two dogs, lots | |

| | | |of reading, and, “unfortunately, enduring the game of golf that I | |

| | | |unwisely took up for the first time the day after I retired.” He still | |

| | | |lives in Washington near the zoo and also owns a house at Rehoboth | |

| | | |Beach in Delaware.  | |

|Geoff |Cowan | (gcowan@usc.edu) | Geoff Cowan (gcowan@usc.edu) has, since November 1996, been dean of |2005-11 |

| | | |the USC Annenberg School for Communication, which includes a School of | |

| | | |Journalism, and a School of Communication. He holds a joint appointment| |

| | | |in the USC Law School. He is author of See No Evil: The Backstage | |

| | | |Battle Over Sex and Violence on Television (Simon & Schuster, 1980), | |

| | | |and The People v. Clarence Darrow: The Bribery Trial of America's | |

| | | |Greatest Lawyer (Random House, 1993). | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Previously, Cowan served as Director of the Voice of America, and | |

| | | |earlier spent four years as principal owner of the Stockton Ports | |

| | | |Baseball Team, a Class A Farm Team of the Milwaukee Brewers. His team | |

| | | |won two championships and held the best overall record of any team in | |

| | | |professional baseball. His wife, Aileen Adams, is former Secretary of | |

| | | |State and Consumer Affairs for the State of California and former | |

| | | |director of the Justice Department's Office for Victims of Crime. They | |

| | | |have two children, Mandy and Gabe. | |

|Peter |d’Errico |derrico@legal.umass.edu |For detailed information on the activities of U. Mass law professor |2006-03 |

| | | |Peter d’Errico (derrico@legal.umass.edu), check out this website: | |

| | | | Peter continues his passionate | |

| | | |work on behalf of Native Americans and writes, “I'm still plugging away| |

| | | |with co-webmasters at and with co-counsel in several | |

| | | |actions involving the Western Shoshone, who just won an important human| |

| | | |rights decision against the US at the UN Committee for the Elimination | |

| | | |of Racial discrimination (after winning a similar victory  from the OAS| |

| | | |Human Rights Commission a year ago). We know how little human rights | |

| | | |means to the current administration, especially when  supported by | |

| | | |pesky international alliances, but I like to think these  actions will | |

| | | |be at least a footnote in the history of our times.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |He and his wife are traveling, too. They plan trips to South Korea and | |

| | | |to Beijing, where they will be guests of a former student. Recently, on| |

| | | |his first visit to Harpers Ferry and Antietam, he says he found himself| |

| | | |thinking, “maybe it would have been better to let the south and north | |

| | | |split up last century, and perhaps have prevented the right-wing | |

| | | |dominated central government we now have.” Oh my, you guys are just | |

| | | |figuring out that we only pretended to surrender! | |

|*Richard |Dahlen | |First of all, a sad note about Richard Dahlen. His wife, Anne, wrote |2003-03 |

| | | |Richard died on October 22, 2002 after a long battle with cancer. | |

|Peter |de Svastich | |Peter E. de Svastich was named Vice-President of General American |2005-11 |

| | | |Investors Company, Inc. in January 2005. Previously, he served as | |

| | | |partner and chief financial officer of Decision Capital LLC (2002-2004)| |

| | | |and of Hawkins McEntee LLC (2000-2001), both located in Greenwich, CT. | |

|John |Dean | |John Dean’s daughter’s wedding was covered in the Styles Section of the|2008-11 |

| | | |New York Times. In case you missed it, Johanna Colmo Deans and Edward | |

| | | |Osen Martell were married at the Chapel of the Sacred Heart in Grand | |

| | | |Teton National Park near Jackson, Wyoming. John is the owner of Centrix| |

| | | |Management, a residential property management firm in New Britain, | |

| | | |Connecticut, and is the owner of apartment buildings in Connecticut and| |

| | | |New York | |

|John |Deans | jbdeans@ |John Deans (jbdeans@) writes, “My son said we were doing too|2004-03 |

| | | |much traveling--Thailand, Cambodia, Ireland, England, Italy, St. Martin| |

| | | |in 2003--so he found some investors interested in real estate and got | |

| | | |me involved in totally renovating a house across the lake from where we| |

| | | |live in West Hartford. Our travel plans for March 2004 to Australia had| |

| | | |to be ditched, but I am enjoying the project.” | |

|Peter |d'Errico | |Peter d'Errico continues his passion for Native American studies. In |2001-03 |

| | | |March he participated in a conference at Yale on this topic organized | |

| | | |by the Law School’s Jayce Weaver, and supported by George Miles, | |

| | | |curator of the Beinecke Library. Peter writes, “The festivities | |

| | | |included dinner in the Beinecke, if you can imagine that! Along the | |

| | | |way, I talked with Jayce about what YLS might do to expand its | |

| | | |offerings in regard to indigenous peoples and law. We'll discuss that | |

| | | |more later. Meanwhile, I took a look at a casebook on 'federal Indian | |

| | | |law' and realized how little chance a law student has of actually | |

| | | |learning anything. It reminded me of my original disappointment with | |

| | | |the narrowness of legal education. I imagine that for most of us | |

| | | |experience has been the greatest teacher.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |I hear that kind of talk from lawyers in big firms all the time, but | |

| | | |not so much from law professors like Peter. | |

|Peter |d'Errico | derrico@legal.umass.edu |Peter d'Errico (derrico@legal.umass.edu) is taking an early retirement |2002-03 |

| | | |option from | |

| | | |the University of Massachusetts. “This is my last semester! Looking | |

| | | |forward to a vast freeing up of time and energy!” | |

| | | |Peter was recently named President of the Board of NativeWeb, Inc., | |

| | | |non-profit | |

| | | |entity that runs the website NativeWeb () and | |

| | | |will continue his involvement with the Western Shoshone people | |

| | | |(). | |

| | | |“Who knows,” he writes, what else will come along? An older colleague, | |

| | | |retired a few years ago, advised to let the grass grow for a year: | |

| | | |meaning, on one hand, take a break; on the other hand, see what emerges| |

| | | |in the space and time vacated by teaching and administration.” | |

|Peter |d'Errico |derrico@legal.umass.edu |Peter d'Errico (derrico@legal.umass.edu) is still retired from teaching|2004-11 |

| | | |“despite efforts by some former colleagues to lure me back for a | |

| | | |semester or two. I've cleared up the loose ends on just about all the | |

| | | |cases I was working on. That leaves time for the rest of life: reading | |

| | | |whole books (instead of chapters that are necessary for teaching or | |

| | | |research), carpentry (a long-time avocation, devoted mostly to our home| |

| | | |and the Peace Pagoda here in Leverett), travel (to New Mexico this | |

| | | |summer, where we visited with Sally Barlow and her partner and where I | |

| | | |met with Wilma Charley, a Navajo colleague from DNA legal services days| |

| | | |who is now an elected judge in the NM system for a district that is | |

| | | |almost wholly Navajo; some things do change for the better.” | |

|Peter |d'Errico |derrico@legal.umass.edu |Peter d'Errico (derrico@legal.umass.edu) writes, “My wife and I were in|2006-11 |

| | | |South Korea and Beijing in June, as guests of a student from years | |

| | | |back, formerly in the Korean government, now practicing in Seoul. | |

| | | |Visited many wonderful people and places. In Beijing, met with the | |

| | | |translator, editor, and rights manager for a Chinese edition (Huaxia) | |

| | | |of the 6th edition of Before the Law, a Legal Studies reader now in its| |

| | | |8th American edition (Houghton Mifflin). Very exciting to be connected | |

| | | |to changes in China's legal education system. Now working on a special | |

| | | |edition for China. New life for an old dog!” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Peter continues his work in Native American law. “I worked last spring | |

| | | |with 3 other lawyers to stop the big detonation planned for the atomic | |

| | | |test site: ‘Divine Strake.’ Part of the complaint involved Western | |

| | | |Shoshone land rights, which is what got me into the case. We were up | |

| | | |against DOD, the Nat'l Nuclear Security Admin. and the Defense Threat | |

| | | |Reduction Agency. Heavy hitters, to be sure. But we prevailed.” | |

|Peter |d'Errico |derrico@legal.umass.edu |When I caught up with Peter d'Errico (derrico@legal.umass.edu) last |2007-11 |

| | | |fall he was working on an effort to stop a test (code name: Divine | |

| | | |Strake) “that would have thrown radioactive material 10,000 feet or | |

| | | |more into the air to track where the winds would take it.” | |

| | | |Peter is campaign treasurer for Ed O'Reilly, a challenger to John Kerry| |

| | | |for the Democratic nomination for Senator from Massachusetts. In his | |

| | | |spare time, he is building a sauna. | |

|Peter |d'Errico | (derrico@legal.umass.edu) |Peter d'Errico (derrico@legal.umass.edu) served at treasurer for the |2008-03 |

| | | |U.S. Senate campaign committee of Ed O'Reilly, who challenged John | |

| | | |Kerry in the Massachusetts Democratic primary. Here is what he learned:| |

| | | |“I've seen the inside of the FEC and it looks a lot like Rube Goldberg | |

| | | |invented it. The most amazing loophole is the rule about anonymous cash| |

| | | |contributions. I'll tell you about it sometime. I'm about to hand over | |

| | | |the reins so I can get back to being ordinarily retired -- i.e., no | |

| | | |daily schedule but what I decide when I wake up.” | |

|Marv |Diamond |marvlaw@ |Norm Leventhalwrites that he recently was involved in a deal with Marv |2004-03 |

| | | |Diamond (marvlaw@), who is now semi-retired and living in | |

| | | |Naples, Florida. Norm says that Marv “sounds great, but I think he | |

| | | |probably has too much time on his hands.” | |

| *Bill |Dixon | |35th Reunion: 35th Reunion: Sally Barlow saw Mike Messina at the |2003-11 |

| | | |funeral of our classmatewho died of cancer last April in Albuquerque. | |

|David | Drabkin |drabkin@tkd.att.ne.jp |I last saw in the early 1970’s in Tokyo and was jealous of his ability |2002-03 |

| | | |to be an “insider.” I am still jealous. You will see why when you read | |

| | | |his report: “I resigned from law practice at O'Melveny & Myers - Tokyo | |

| | | |in 1994 and | |

| | | |relocated to Vietnam to do venture capital for a private investment | |

| | | |fund. With the onset of the regional financial crisis in 1997, | |

| | | |dependent as we were on foreign institutional capital that was suddenly| |

| | | |fleeing the region, we decided to put our projects on ice for the next | |

| | | |generation to pursue! Since 1998 I have been on assignment in Japan for| |

| | | |Prudential Financial, working on the business side of acquisitions and | |

| | | |other investments in | |

| | | |financial services and real estate.  It's challenging but also very | |

| | | |interesting to be back in Japan at a time when the entire economy is | |

| | | |going through a painfully slow restructuring but where opportunities | |

| | | |for foreign investment are better than they have been since the end of | |

| | | |World War II.” | |

|David |Drabkin |david_drabkin@.   |David Drabkin reports that, “This June I left Prudential Financial in |2003-11 |

| | | |Japan, having completed the Tokyo office/residential tower I had been | |

| | | |hired in 1998 to acquire and develop, and decided to relocate to | |

| | | |Shanghai.  It's a totally new life experience, and I'm very much | |

| | | |enjoying getting to know this dynamic city, making new friends (both | |

| | | |local and international), trying to learn Mandarin (much more of a | |

| | | |challenge than it would have been had I done it when young), and for | |

| | | |business fun I'm renovating some architecturally significant but | |

| | | |terribly tired 1930s apartments and houses in the former French | |

| | | |Concession area of central Shanghai.  I would be very happy to hear | |

| | | |from any of our classmates who happen to be passing through Shanghai.” | |

|David |Drabkin |david_drabkin@ |David Drabkin’s new email address is david_drabkin@. He has |2005-11 |

| | | |been living in Shanghai for the past two years and promises an update | |

| | | |on his adventures sometime soon. | |

|David |Drabkin |david_drabkin@ |David Drabkin (david_drabkin@)has relocated to Hong Kong in |2006-11 |

| | | |January after two and a half years in Shanghai where he was active in | |

| | | |acquiring and renovating old French Concession properties.  He writes, | |

| | | |“That market having become too frothy for me to want to do any | |

| | | |more, but wanting to be in a place close enough to keep an eye on the | |

| | | |projects, I decided after 12 years' holiday from law practice to take a| |

| | | |job as Managing Director and Associate General Counsel of The Bank of | |

| | | |New York, with my base in Hong Kong.  It's been quite an interesting | |

| | | |but very hectic year of re-entry into law, since I have been very much | |

| | | |involved in the Asia Regional aspects of our acquisition of the global | |

| | | |corporate trust business of JPMorgan Chase, with many legal and | |

| | | |regulatory issues to be resolved before the transaction closed earlier | |

| | | |this month.  I feel like it's time for another holiday!” | |

|David |Drabkin | (david_drabkin@) |David Drabkin (david_drabkin@) is living in northern |2008-03 |

| | | |Thailand, “looking into private investments in the resort hotel | |

| | | |business in Laos.  The chase is fun, but the end result is not yet | |

| | | |certain!   Hopefully there will be an opening party one of these years | |

| | | |to which I can invite you and my other Law School classmates!” | |

|Paul |Dykstra |PDykstra@ |Paul Dykstra (PDykstra@) writes, “I don't run into |2004-11 |

| | | |classmates very often, though I see Earl Weiner and Jim Schink | |

| | | |occasionally.  As for me, I've never worked so hard (and these are | |

| | | |supposed to be our ‘golden years’).  I represent mutual fund boards of | |

| | | |directors around the country (and a few in Europe)...the last year has | |

| | | |been an unusually frenetic time, but it's been fun too.  I teach a | |

| | | |course on mutual fund regulation at Northwestern Law School in the | |

| | | |spring, and serve on the Boards of the Chicago Public Library, the | |

| | | |Goodman Theatre and the Chicago Historical Society.”  | |

|Paul |Dykstra |PDykstra@ |“Fund Directions,” a mutual fund industry publication, recently named |2008-03 |

| | | |Paul H. Dykstra (PDykstra@) and one of his partners as | |

| | | |Independent Counsel of the Year for providing outstanding counsel to | |

| | | |independent fund directors. Paul is a co-chair of Bell, Boyd & Lloyd | |

| | | |LLP's Investment Management and Financial Markets Group. He is a member| |

| | | |of the boards of directors of the Chicago Public Library, the Chicago | |

| | | |Public Library Foundation, the Chicago History Museum, and the Goodman | |

| | | |Theatre, which he for two terms as board president. | |

|Richard |Epstein | |And, speaking of legal education, on February 19, 2001, Richard Epstein|2001-03 |

| | | |became Interim Dean at the University of Chicago Law School. He writes,| |

| | | |“I always thought that the academic side of this business was hectic, | |

| | | |but the pace of administration is more hectic still.” | |

|Richard |Epstein | r-epstein@uchicago.edu |Speaking of Epstein (r-epstein@uchicago.edu), he is still going strong.|2002-03 |

| | | |He writes from the University of Chicago: “I served a term as interim | |

| | | |dean of the Law School from February to June 2001, but have been back | |

| | | |happily teaching and writing since that time.  Now that our youngest | |

| | | |child is graduating high school, next year I shall take my first leave | |

| | | |of absence from the Law School to spend the winter quarter with my wife| |

| | | |Eileen at the Hoover Institution in Stanford, where I have been the | |

| | | |Peter and Kirsten Bedford Senior Fellow since 2000.  I shall continue | |

| | | |to work on the odd collection of projects that have interested | |

| | | |throughout my career:  some work on legal history and philosophy; some | |

| | | |on common law subjects; some on constitutional law; and some on a new | |

| | | |interest that I share with a multitude of others in the legal | |

| | | |business-intellectual property.  I had a great time teaching patents | |

| | | |several years ago, and am now at work on a number of projects about | |

| | | |patents, copyrights and trade secrets.  Oh, and last year, Cass | |

| | | |Sunstein and I published a collection of essays on the election:  “The | |

| | | |Vote:  Bush, Gore and the Supreme Court.” | |

|Richard |Epstein | repstein@uchicago.edu |Richard Epstein (repstein@uchicago.edu) reports that he now divides his|2004-03 |

| | | |time between his first love, the University of Chicago Law School, and,| |

| | | |in winter quarters, his new love, the Hoover Institution at Stanford | |

| | | |University. Epstein continues to write on a variety of subjects. | |

| | | |Skepticism and Freedom: A Modern Case for Classical Liberalism, | |

| | | |published in 2003, is his third and perhaps final book dealing with the| |

| | | |relationship between political theory and law. Although he makes some | |

| | | |pragmatic accommodations to modern “realities,” Epstein is, | |

| | | |nevertheless, solidly in the tradition of classical liberalism in | |

| | | |promoting limits on government, individual rights, and the ability of | |

| | | |markets to allocate resources fairly and stimulate efficient economic | |

| | | |activity. This year, Aspen Publishing released the eighth edition of | |

| | | |his casebook, Cases and Materials in Torts. This past January in | |

| | | |Seattle where he was lecturing, he “had the good fortune to run into | |

| | | |Mike Reiss at a University of Chicago Law School luncheon.” | |

|Richard |Epstein |repstein@uchicago.edu |Richard Epstein (repstein@uchicago.edu) is the James Parker Hall |2005-11 |

| | | |Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago and the | |

| | | |Peter and Kirsten Bedford Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. He | |

| | | |writes, “For the last several years I have spent winter quarter at the | |

| | | |Hoover Institution in Stanford, where I have caught up with Tom Grey.  | |

| | | |The occasional trip to Seattle has brought me back to Mike Reiss, who | |

| | | |started with me at USC in 1968.  And Jack Carley sends a note of | |

| | | |agreement after each op-ed I have done in the Wall Street Journal.” His| |

| | | |wife is the chief development officer for the Chicago Children's Choir.| |

| | | |Their daughter Melissa married a year ago and is in New York working in| |

| | | |real estate.  “Son Ben won the film prize at NYU and is working on | |

| | | |several major projects with some hope of success. Son Elliot is senior | |

| | | |at Brown with a major in psychology.” | |

|Richard |Epstein |(repstein@uchicago.edu), |Richard Epstein (repstein@uchicago.edu), after 34 years as a full-time|2006-03 |

| | | |member of the University of Chicago Law School Faculty, has gone | |

| | | |half-time. Do you think he plans to slow down? Not a chance. He will | |

| | | |spend the remainder of his time at the Hoover Institution and at NYU | |

| | | |Law School, where he plans to visit for the fall semesters in 2007 and | |

| | | |2009. His short book, “How Progressives Rewrote the Constitution,” was| |

| | | |published this February by the Cato Institute. His next one, “Overdose:| |

| | | |How Excessive Regulation Stifles Pharmaceutical Innovation,” will be | |

| | | |published by Yale University Press in the fall. | |

|Richard |Epstein |repstein@uchicago.edu |Richard Epstein’s (repstein@uchicago.edu) latest book “Overdose: How |2006-11 |

| | | |Excessive Regulation Stifles Pharmaceutical Innovation,” was published,| |

| | | |as scheduled, last fall by Yale University Press. After visiting this | |

| | | |winter at the Hoover Institution, he will be at NYU Law School for the | |

| | | |fall semester, which, he writes gives “the added bonus of being near | |

| | | |three children, one spouse, and one grandchild, coming this Spring.” | |

|Richard |Epstein |repstein@uchicago.edu |I have followed Richard Epstein’s (repstein@uchicago.edu) |2007-03 |

| | | |distinguished career with great admiration, but I had not heard him | |

| | | |speak since we left New Haven in 1968. But when he came to North | |

| | | |Carolina earlier this year to give a lecture at North Carolina State | |

| | | |University I heard him give (without a single note) a brilliant | |

| | | |argument for the social utility of simple, clear, and strictly enforced| |

| | | |rules to guide conduct and provide punishment and compensation for | |

| | | |violations. | |

|Richard |Epstein |repstein@uchicago.edu |Richard Epstein (repstein@uchicago.edu) is the proud first-time |2007-11 |

| | | |grandfather of Bella Catherine Pianko, born March 13, 2007 in New York | |

| | | |City, where Richard working this past fall as a be a visiting professor| |

| | | |at NYU’s law school. | |

|Richard |Epstein | (repstein@uchicago.edu) |Richard Epstein (repstein@uchicago.edu) has two new books |2008-03 |

| | | |”The larger project was the Ninth Edition of my casebook Cases | |

| | | |and Materials on Torts, Aspen Publishing. The shorter volume is Supreme| |

| | | |Neglect: How to Revive the Constitutional Protection of Private | |

| | | |Property (2008).” | |

|Mathea |Falco | |Mathea Falco and her husband, Peter Tarnoff, moved back to San |2001-03 |

| | | |Francisco after Peter completed the first Clinton term as | |

| | | |Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. She writes, “The | |

| | | |nonprofit drug policy organization I began in 1992 in Washington, Drug | |

| | | |Strategies, remains there, but I have also started a small San | |

| | | |Francisco office and I commute regularly. We all love living in San | |

| | | |Francisco, especially our 15 year old son, Benjamin, who is discovering| |

| | | |all the rock bands that made the place famous in the 1960s.  I see | |

| | | |several old law school friends, George Shenk '70, with whom I worked on| |

| | | |a report on the folly of U.S. military aid to Columbia, and Ed Strobehn| |

| | | |'69 (but actually one of us). Also keep in close touch with Joan | |

| | | |Andersson, in Los Angeles, whose son Nico may well be attending Yale | |

| | | |Law School next year.” | |

|Mathea |Falco | MFalcoT@ |Mathea Falco (MFalcoT@) writes from San Francisco, “I continue |2002-03 |

| | | |to work on drug policy, running Drug Strategies, a nonprofit research | |

| | | |institute based in Washington DC with a small office in San Francisco. | |

| | | |We have projects in a number of states, working on more effective | |

| | | |prevention and treatment strategies. I've made several recent trips to | |

| | | |Cuba, where the government is beginning to be concerned about their own| |

| | | |internal drug problem.  George Shenk (’70) and I ran a Council on | |

| | | |Foreign Relations study group out here on US policy towards Colombia a | |

| | | |year or so ago. Things there have only gotten worse. Our classmate, Ed | |

| | | |Strobehn (’69), and I live on the same street, several blocks apart. | |

| | | |Quite a small world.” | |

|Mathea |Falco | |“Mathea Falco and Joan Andersson often see each other, the most recent |2003-11 |

| | | |was a four day visit in San Francisco with our families included.” | |

|Mathea |Falco | MFalcoT@ |Mathea Falco (MFalcoT@) remains in San Francisco and hard at |2004-03 |

| | | |work. “Election year politics make our work at Drug Strategies (visit | |

| | | |us at ) even more interesting. We are about to | |

| | | |conduct a nationwide poll (with Peter Hart) of police chiefs on drug | |

| | | |policy. We did this eight years ago and found that they were, on the | |

| | | |whole, far more progressive than most politicians.  | |

| | | |Meanwhile, our son Benjamin (Tarnoff) is a freshman at Harvard, | |

| | | |studying intensive German and philosophy, promising never to become a | |

| | | |lawyer.” | |

| | | |Mathea remains close friends with Joan Andersson. “Our law school days | |

| | | |[were] a bonding experience, rather like combat under fire.” | |

|Mathea |Falco | |Lisa ran into Mathea Falco in Harvard Square. Mathea was on a year-long|2007-03 |

| | | |fellowship at Harvard and, according to Lisa, "looked great and seemed | |

| | | |to be thriving.” | |

|Mathea |Falco | |George Bunn wrote that he was planning to attend a November luncheon |2008-11 |

| | | |hosted by Mathea Falco for her organization, “Drug Strategies | |

|Eoghan |Fitzsimons |eoghan_fitzsimons@ |Eoghan Fitzsimons (eoghan_fitzsimons@), a favorite graduate |2008-03 |

| | | |student and honorary member of our class, will miss our reunion. His | |

| | | |wife Ann’s birthday is on October 5 and she prefers to spend it on the | |

| | | |other side of the pond. On the bright side, Eoghan is warm to the idea | |

| | | |of hosting a mini reunion for us in Ireland sometime soon. | |

|Bill |Frasure |wgfra@conncoll.edu |Bill Frasure (wgfra@conncoll.edu) has received word from Vietnam |2007-11 |

| | | |National University - Hanoi that he has been awarded an honorary | |

| | | |doctorate in recognition of work that he have done there during the | |

| | | |past decade. He writes, “Since 1997 I have initiated and administered a| |

| | | |number of programs with VNU: several faculty exchanges sponsored by a | |

| | | |grant from the US State Department, student exchanges, and curriculum | |

| | | |and faculty development programs in political science and economics. My| |

| | | |wife, Bonnie, and I have lived in Hanoi for more than two years, | |

| | | |cumulatively, during that time, and I have managed to learn Vietnamese.| |

| | | |I look forward to many more trips to Vietnam in the coming years, and I| |

| | | |would be delighted to show any classmates around Hanoi if our paths | |

| | | |cross there. I continue to be a professor at Connecticut College, where| |

| | | |I have been since 1974. Bonnie retired from the practice of law (JD, | |

| | | |U.Conn, '79) about five years ago.”  | |

|Peter |Frelinghuysen | |Peter Frelinghuysen, a partner at Morris & McVeigh, has served as |2005-11 |

| | | |Chairman of the Board of the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center in| |

| | | |New York. | |

|David |Gerber |musang@ |David Gerber (musang@) gave me this time’s most |2002-03 |

| | | |intriguing report: “I'm currently Senior Practice Advisor at Dharma Zen| |

| | | |Center in Los Angeles. As a Zen Buddhist monk in the Kwan Um School of | |

| | | |Zen I've traveled the world with my teacher, Zen Master Seung Sahn; | |

| | | |lived for a couple of years at a time in Korea; even paid an official | |

| | | |visit to the Vatican. I wish the best to all my classmates from what | |

| | | |must seem | |

| | | |like a former life, but one I remember fondly. | |

|David |Gerber |mrock7@ |Mu Sang Sunim (better known to us as David Gerber mrock7@) is |2008-11 |

| | | |still living as a Zen Buddhist monk in Los Angeles and recently had a | |

| | | |good recovery from prostate surgery. | |

|Max |Gitter |mgitter@ |Mike Parish reports that Max Gitter (mgitter@) took a two-week |2003-03 |

| | | |trip to New Zealand this winter and has been working on some aspect of | |

| | | |the Enron fall-out. Max continues to practice at Cleary Gottlieb. Like| |

| | | |Mike, he is a prolific author. Although he usually writes about legal | |

| | | |topics, his essay, “Born in Samarkand” was included in a recent | |

| | | |collection, Born into a World at War, published by St. Jerome Press. | |

| | | |Did you know that Max was born in Samarkand? It is in Uzbekistan, just | |

| | | |in case you don’t remember. | |

|David |Glater |glater@volpe. |35th Reunion: David Glater and his wife Marilyn ’67 live in Boston. |2003-11 |

| | | |David is chief counsel for the Volpe National Transportation Systems | |

| | | |Center of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Their son Jonathan | |

| | | |finished the Law School in 1998. | |

|Jim |Goetz | |Mike Gross sometimes sees Jim Goetz and his wife Jill in Bozeman, |2003-11 |

| | | |Montana, “where he has become famous as the lawyer who handled the | |

| | | |Charles Kuralt estate case.” | |

|Jim |Goetz |jim@ |Zyg says that Jim Goetz continues to be the best attorney in Montana, |2004-03 |

| | | |living in the midst of trout country in an amazing house he designed | |

| | | |himself in Bozeman.” | |

|Jim |Goetz | |I found this information from an independent source: “James Goetz is a |2004-11 |

| | | |well known Bozeman lawyer. For a number of years he taught | |

| | | |Constitutional Law and other political science courses at Montana State| |

| | | |University. His successful briefs before the Montana Supreme Court are | |

| | | |considered to be among the most important defenses and extensions of | |

| | | |the public trust doctrine in the history of American law.” | |

|Jim |Goetz | jim@ |Jim Goetz (jim@) and his wife, Jill Davenport had a |2005-11 |

| | | |very nice day floating and fishing with Zyg Plater (plater@bc.edu) on | |

| | | |the Madison River near Jim’s hometown of Ennis, Montana last August. | |

| | | |Jim writes, “Zyg gets the prize for the most fish and the biggest (also| |

| | | |the biggest ‘sucker,’ having hooked his fly in my cheek).” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |X Here is Zyg's version of the same event: “Jim and Jill hosted | |

| | | |[or skippered] me last month on a float down the beautiful Madison | |

| | | |River on a dramatic day with blustery skies and hyper-critical trout.  | |

| | | |We caught a few nice fish and developed a few theories for resolution | |

| | | |of some of the basic problems of world governance. Jim and Jill seem to| |

| | | |have worked out a superb solution to the epigraph I remember from | |

| | | |one member of our Class in '68 – ‘The challenge is to remember that | |

| | | |you're working to make a life as well as a living... and, if you're | |

| | | |lucky, to make a difference.’ (Story: Jim took three tries to pass the | |

| | | |Montana bar exam. Montana has a state law school whose graduates are | |

| | | |automatically admitted to the state bar. But Montanans so pretentious | |

| | | |as to have gone to non-Montana law schools -- never to mention Ivy | |

| | | |Leaguey New England law schools -- are subjected to the Bar Exam from | |

| | | |Hell. Not long after finally passing the bar, as I understand it, Jim | |

| | | |was litigating cases in the U.S. Supreme Court and has never looked | |

| | | |back.)”x | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Cal |Grant | cdgrant@ |Cal Grant (cdgrant@) is a partner in Tran Vuong Grant and |2005-11 |

| | | |Associates, based in Los Angels and doing business in Viet Nam, | |

| | | |operating out of Los Angles. | |

|John |Graubard | (GraubardJ@) |John Graubard (GraubardJ@), who plans to join our reunion, |2008-03 |

| | | |serves in the Division of Enforcement of the Securities and Exchange | |

| | | |Commission. So, he says, “ I guess I can take some credit for the | |

| | | |current state of affairs (having often expressed the wish that Bear | |

| | | |Stearns would disappear from the Street).  Personally, I have just | |

| | | |passed my 40th wedding anniversary, collecting two children and one | |

| | | |grandchild along the way.” | |

| | | |  | |

|Tom |Grey |tgrey@law.stanford.edu |Tom Grey (tgrey@law.stanford.edu) writes that he is a grandpa for the |2002-11 |

| | | |first time. And he asks, “How many of our classmates are experiencing | |

| | | |this, yet how sensational an event it is in each one's life!?” His | |

| | | |daughter Rebecca and her husband Chris Luomanen bought a house in San | |

| | | |Francisco a year ago, where Rebecca practices law. On September 10, | |

| | | |2002, she gave birth to Dinah Grey Luomanen. Tom is still teaching at | |

| | | |Stanford Law School and, of course, writing, mostly legal theory and | |

| | | |its history. He and his wife, Barbara Babcock, ’63, live on the | |

| | | |Stanford campus. | |

|Tom |Grey |tgrey@law.stanford.edu |Tom Grey, who is teaching and writing at Stanford Law School, was |2003-11 |

| | | |recently elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.| |

| | | |On the side, he has become an avid birder. Tom says that his colleague | |

| | | |Tom Heller (theller@stanford.edu) and his wife, Barbara, are new | |

| | | |grandparents. | |

|Tom |Grey | tgrey@stanford.edu |Tom Grey (tgrey@stanford.edu) writes from Stanford Law School to say |2004-03 |

| | | |“grandparenting gets continuously better. Also I'm still having fun | |

| | | |with bird photography, and I may actually be improving--I got a new | |

| | | |camera, and a semi-fancy lens, and even had a picture accepted in a | |

| | | |birding magazine. My wife and Law School colleague, Barbara Babcock | |

| | | |'63, is retiring this year in glory; she has won law school's best | |

| | | |teacher award for a record-breaking fourth time in this her last year | |

| | | |of teaching. Me, I'm planning to keep going for a while. But I must say| |

| | | |I'm tempted. My two years' younger sister, Alison Anderson, has just | |

| | | |retired from the UCLA law faculty, and she seems to be pretty keen on | |

| | | |her new condition too. I got a kick this last fall reading over the | |

| | | |manuscript of Laura Kalman's forthcoming history of YLS, which includes| |

| | | |the years we were there. Laura is an excellent and thoughtful | |

| | | |historian, as anyone knows who has read her Legal Realism at Yale, | |

| | | |1927-1960 or her biography of Abe Fortas. And she tells a good story | |

| | | |too. So classmates should keep an eye out for this book. Gang…We’re | |

| | | |history! Oops...” | |

| | | |To keep up with Tom, check his website at | |

| | | | or for some of his bird | |

| | | |photos look at . | |

|Mike |Gross | |Bob Kellogg (mjl.kellogg@worldnet.) in Austin, Texas. He and |2003-03 |

| | | |Jane keep up with Mike Gross .. | |

|Mike |Gross |mpgross@ |It has been more than 30 years since I heard from Mike Gross. So I was |2003-11 |

| | | |glad to get a detailed report. I wish there were room for all of it. “I| |

| | | |left YLS to spend what I thought would be a short stint working for a | |

| | | |legal services program on the Navajo Reservation. On my first day I was| |

| | | |asked to help a remote Navajo community get back its local high school | |

| | | |just shut down by the New Mexico Education Department because of lack | |

| | | |of enrollment. The odyssey that followed is still not concluded. It | |

| | | |includes a failed suit to reopen the school, a successful effort to | |

| | | |start a local community-run school to replace it (where Bob Kellogg | |

| | | |taught math for 2 years in the early 1970s), and a successful effort to| |

| | | |enact a new federal Indian policy of self-determination. In turn that | |

| | | |1975 law spawned a victory against the State of New Mexico in the | |

| | | |Supreme Court to recover taxes imposed when the community built its own| |

| | | |school with federal bucks, and on to a 14-year old, still pending class| |

| | | |action to recover damages from the U.S.A. for failure to pay the | |

| | | |amounts set forth in contracts under the new Indian Self-Determination | |

| | | |Act, which allows Indian tribes to operate their own federal Indian | |

| | | |programs. (We've achieved two settlements so far but the war is far | |

| | | |from over.) Along the way I linked up with the Navajo Code Talkers as | |

| | | |their pro bono counsel, and am now organizing a return visit with a | |

| | | |group of them to their Pacific WWII battlefields. The trip is to be | |

| | | |filmed for nationwide TV by a major historical-theme documentary | |

| | | |company.”Mike’s wife, Andi, serves on the local library board and runs | |

| | | |a small cross cultural arts foundation in Santa Fe where they have | |

| | | |lived .since 1971. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |They have three daughters. The oldest, Ashley, is currently in India | |

| | | |doing free lance radio journalism and may accompany Mike on the Navajo | |

| | | |Code Talkers trip. The second (Lisa) is in film school at the | |

| | | |University of Texas in Austin. The third (Katy) is a junior at Brown. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |When Mike and Andi visit Lisa in Austin they often see Bob and Jane | |

| | | |Kellogg. Mike writes that “Over the years Bob moved from teaching | |

| | | |accounting and law at the University of Texas and then SMU in Dallas, | |

| | | |to the City of Austin's fraud department, and lastly to what he's doing| |

| | | |now, teaching at a local historically Black college where he has single| |

| | | |handedly created the school's accounting department and staffed it.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Mike sometimes sees Jim Goetz and his wife Jill in Bozeman, Montana, | |

| | | |“where he has become famous as the lawyer who handled the Charles | |

| | | |Kuralt estate case.” | |

|Mike |Gross | mpgross@ |Mike Gross (mpgross@) sent me an update about Dave Brown,  “who|2004-03 |

| | | |shouldn't have been in our class but was left back because of a stint | |

| | | |in the Peace Corps. After getting a bunch more degrees from Yale, Dave | |

| | | |marched off into the world of developing countries, then called third | |

| | | |world countries. He and his wife Jane set up a nonprofit institute | |

| | | |based in Boston and roamed India and Africa in search of NGOs who | |

| | | |needed help organizing, raising funds, etc. Along the way, Dave became | |

| | | |a scholar and now heads Harvard's Hauser Center at the Kennedy School, | |

| | | |which basically does what his nonprofit did. He and Jane visited us on | |

| | | |Martha's Vineyard a few years ago. We remember the event fondly for the| |

| | | |watermelon-seed-spitting-contest we conducted on the porch, an | |

| | | |anthropological extravagance, which I secretly filmed to add to my | |

| | | |collection of ancient tribal rites.” | |

|Mike |Gross |mpgross@ |Mike Gross (mpgross@) says that he “had a little heart surgery |2004-11 |

| | | |to fix a leaky valve last May and have bounced back.  I'm now playing | |

| | | |squash again. I'm getting ready to write a book on Indian | |

| | | |self-determination, both a personal history and an objective analysis. | |

| | | |Kids are pretty much off the leash.  Only one still in college (at | |

| | | |Brown), another, the oldest, a public radio newscaster and producer in | |

| | | |Alaska, and the middle one a film student at the University of Texas | |

| | | |graduate school of film making. Still married to first wife.  We live | |

| | | |in the woods above Santa Fe.”   | |

|Mike |Gross | (mpgross@) |Mike Gross (mpgross@) saw Jane and Bob Kellogg |2008-03 |

| | | |(odoublegood@) recently in Austin and “had two exquisite gourmet| |

| | | |meals with them at Katz's Deli.” Mike remembers that he met his wife, | |

| | | |Andrea Hughes, 40 years ago on a blind date at Mt. Holyoke. “ I was | |

| | | |invited along by Carl Helmstetter (chelmstetter@) and | |

| | | |Jim Goetz (jim@) because I had the car.” | |

| | | |This spring Mike is teaching a short course on the American legal | |

| | | |system at the University of Warsaw Law Faculty and through the Center | |

| | | |for International Legal Studies based in Salzburg, Austria, a program | |

| | | |for senior lawyers. | |

| | | |He remains immersed in Indian class actions related to the government’s| |

| | | |failure to adequately fund contracts required by laws that give Indian| |

| | | |tribes the right to control their own federally funded programs. | |

|Stephen |Haber |Shaber4444@ |Stephen K. Haber (Shaber4444@) is “out of polo after a |2006-11 |

| | | |roller-coaster 12-year run.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |When I pressed him for details about his polo career, he told me, “I | |

| | | |played regularly in New Jersey and Pennsylvania up until three years | |

| | | |ago when I had a bone-crunching accident which gave me more than ample | |

| | | |time to ponder both the legal doctrine of assumption of the risk and | |

| | | |the statistical implications of probability theory: none of these | |

| | | |musings filled me with optimism to put it mildly… so I sold my string | |

| | | |and trailer and have been focusing on far less lethal sports. The | |

| | | |highlight of my polo career was being captain of a team serendipitously| |

| | | |named Manhattan Polo, which in fact won the Eastern Circuit Centennial | |

| | | |Cup at the Far Hills Polo Club in 2000. When the trophies were passed | |

| | | |out I was quoted as saying, ‘This is one of the happiest days of my | |

| | | |life.’ This was not hyperbole. As a footnote, I might observe that once| |

| | | |I quit I never looked back.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Now that polo is behind him, he says, “My days are spent, in rather | |

| | | |unequal measure, between my tennis club, my fencing club, and my | |

| | | |money-management office (risk arbitrage). Whew! In retrospect it took | |

| | | |me far too long to prioritize my interests. My son, Benoit, has | |

| | | |graduated from GW and is now an entrepreneur in training in DC; | |

| | | |startlingly, he is utterly financially independent. There's a | |

| | | |provocative French redhead in my life and an impetuous fifth grader.  I| |

| | | |bumped into Bart Tiernan on East 73rd Street not long ago; he was as | |

| | | |debonair as ever. Incidentally, I've been doing some philanthropic work| |

| | | |with the blind for the last five years and I strongly recommend it to | |

| | | |anyone with the time and inclination.” | |

|Tom |Harvie | |Some of our classmates never share their news with us. So I have to |2001-03 |

| | | |track them down. For instance I found the following report about Tom | |

| | | |Harvie on the Goodyear Tire web page: “C. Thomas Harvie was named | |

| | | |senior vice president and general counsel of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber| |

| | | |Company in 1999, having been vice president and general counsel since | |

| | | |1995. Prior to joining the company he was vice president and associate | |

| | | |general counsel at TRW Inc., where he had served since 1976. “After | |

| | | |service as a captain in the U.S. Army, he joined the New York law firm | |

| | | |of Debevoise & Plimpton in 1971. “In 1975 he joined TRW in its | |

| | | |securities and finance department and was named senior counsel of the | |

| | | |department in 1978. Two years later he was named vice president and | |

| | | |assistant general counsel and, in 1983, was appointed vice president, | |

| | | |law, of the company's automotive sector. He subsequently was named vice| |

| | | |president and associate general counsel at TRW in 1989.” | |

| | | |So here is a message to Crawford Thomas Harvie and all you other | |

| | | |non-correspondents: Send me some news or I will track you down and tell| |

| | | |all! | |

|Tom |Heller |theller@stanford.edu |Tom Grey says that his colleague Tom Heller and his wife, Barbara, are |2003-11 |

| | | |new grandparents. | |

|Carl |Helmstetter |(chelmstetter@) | |2008-03 |

| | | |Carl Helmstetter is a partner at Spencer Fane, Kansas City, in the | |

| | | |firm’s environmental group and its litigation and dispute resolution | |

| | | |group. | |

|Charlie |Hepner | |Charlie Hepner and his family are in good health and he has some good |2001-03 |

| | | |words of advice for us as we approach the senior years that he has been| |

| | | |exploring for us: “I am now 1 1/2 years out from radical prostatectomy| |

| | | |and feeling great - with no measurable PSA.  And if any male member of | |

| | | |the class doesn't know what PSA means, it is time for him to visit a | |

| | | |physician and find out.  It can save his life. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“Five years after fully retiring, I have finally discovered the meaning| |

| | | |of "Golden Years."  Everyone has to be prepared for a rough few years | |

| | | |at first, while metamorphosing from their career-created identity to | |

| | | |the wonderful, if terminal, butterfly stage.  This is the stage when | |

| | | |you truly realize you are who you are, you get to fraternize with other| |

| | | |retireds who know who they are, and none of you cares a hoot about what| |

| | | |anybody else thinks you ought to be.  Sounds confusing, but it's | |

| | | |remarkably liberating. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“Anne and I are starting to do more traveling.  Last November we took a| |

| | | |three-week tour through Argentina and a little bit of Chile.  It was | |

| | | |fabulous.  We started and ended in Buenos Aires, a beautiful city, with| |

| | | |visits in between to most of the Patagonian and Fueggian "must see" | |

| | | |spots and a final side trip to the Iguazu Falls on the southern border | |

| | | |of Brazil.  As well as having spectacular scenery, Argentina is an easy| |

| | | |country to visit because their currency is fixed at parity with the | |

| | | |dollar.  So almost everywhere you can pay either in dollars or in | |

| | | |pesos.  They have good hotels, and you can drink tap water anywhere in | |

| | | |Patagonia. In April, we are going for one week to Burgundy, to fill up| |

| | | |on good food and wines.  One week is all the cholesterol and alcohol | |

| | | |that our systems can take.  We will be traveling with some German | |

| | | |relatives of mine with whom we toured Poland last spring, digging up | |

| | | |some Hepner roots in Gdansk and Torun.  This time, the only roots we'll| |

| | | |be digging up will be truffles.  Yes, I know truffles aren't really | |

| | | |roots, but it makes a nice segue.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Writing in late March, Charlie wrote, thoughtfully, “Today marks the | |

| | | |100th consecutive day of complete snow cover around our house.  This is| |

| | | |a record for us since we moved to Sharon 21 years ago. It's time for | |

| | | |spring.  I've been so house bound that I've become hooked on internet | |

| | | |news forums, specializing in the Greeneville/Ehime Maru collision.  It | |

| | | |has been a fascinating, though tragic, story.  The Navy started out | |

| | | |slowly, and had to wipe a lot of egg off its face, but overall the | |

| | | |court of inquiry has done a remarkable job.  This incident demonstrates| |

| | | |how thin the line can be between safety and disaster. Faulty | |

| | | |assumptions, based on insufficient contact evaluation, were enough to | |

| | | |cause nine deaths and the end of at least one Navy career.” | |

|Charlie |Hepner | hep@ |Charlie Hepner (hep@) was, as you remember, a few years older|2004-03 |

| | | |than the rest of us. And he retired earlier than most of us, too, | |

| | | |leading the way, showing us how wonderful a world without law books and| |

| | | |office hours might be. This time he writes, “Once again I am going back| |

| | | |to school. The last time was for three years; this time it's for two | |

| | | |weeks. I have signed up for the basic boat-building course at the | |

| | | |Wooden Boat School in Brooklin, Maine, this June. Sixty years after | |

| | | |trying to build a sailboat as a teenager and giving up through lack of | |

| | | |knowledge, I got the urge to build a boat again. Something to leave my | |

| | | |grandson, Arlo, who is now one and a half. I should be finished about | |

| | | |the time he is big enough to use it. I have in mind a ‘lapstrake’ | |

| | | |rowing/sailing dinghy, but that may be too ambitious to start out with.| |

| | | |I will have to rely on the instructor's assessment of my skills after | |

| | | |completion of the course. Meanwhile, I am reading various boat-building| |

| | | |books to learn the terminology and steps to follow. Also, I am getting | |

| | | |my chisels and planes really sharp; it's amazing what a difference that| |

| | | |makes. If none of this sounds very legal, you can realize that I have | |

| | | |left that career behind and am ready to take on something new. Now that| |

| | | |the rest of the class is nearing retirement age, I can let them know | |

| | | |that life after retirement is the best of all.” | |

| | | | | |

|Charlie |Hepner |hep@ |More and more of us are looking pondering retirement and its |2005-03 |

| | | |consequences, which is why I always welcome an update from the senior | |

| | | |member of our class, Charlie Hepner (hep@). His reports | |

| | | |inspire me and give me courage. So I must share it with you in full: | |

| | | |“My own news is small potatoes. My only progress toward building a boat| |

| | | |(after attending a two-week class last June at the Wooden Boat School | |

| | | |in Brooklin, Maine) has been the recent completion of a lawnmower | |

| | | |storage shed that is big enough to build a boat in if I return the | |

| | | |lawnmowers to the garage from which I removed them to make room for my | |

| | | |pickup truck. That sounds sort of like returning to square one. The | |

| | | |other alternative is to build a chicken coop (using my newly-developed | |

| | | |shed building expertise) and then expanding my shop into the current | |

| | | |chicken coop. This would require delicate negotiations with “the | |

| | | |chicken lady” (aka “the little woman”) to assure her that the living | |

| | | |conditions for the chickens in the new house would be at least as good | |

| | | |as in the old one. As you can see, I continue to be involved in affairs| |

| | | |of the utmost importance, locally if not globally. My big plans for | |

| | | |2005 are to celebrate my 80th birthday with wife, children, and | |

| | | |grandchildren at the Claremont Hotel in Southwest Harbor, Maine this | |

| | | |coming July. This is a place where Anne and I stayed on our first | |

| | | |wedding anniversary in September 1957 and have returned to infrequently| |

| | | |since then.” | |

|Charlie |Hepner |hep@ | Charlie Hepner (hep@) blazes a retirement trail for us. “As |2005-11 |

| | | |the class leader in one category, I am happy to report that I | |

| | | |successfully navigated my 80th birthday this summer with a series of | |

| | | |celebrations…Oddly enough, 80 was my most dreaded of the major | |

| | | |birthdays in life, but I feel younger than when I was 79. It's quite | |

| | | |liberating to know for sure now that I will be described as an ‘elderly| |

| | | |person’ if I get run over crossing the street. I have decided to start | |

| | | |out my boat building activities by ordering a kit | |

| | | |rowing/sailboat. The boat kit is for an 11' 4" Shellback Dinghy | |

| | | |designed by Joel White, the son (or maybe grandson) of E. B. White. It | |

| | | |is glued plywood construction, which is | |

| | | |easy and long term watertight, but not quite up to par for | |

| | | |traditionalists. It | |

| | | |will be a handy and nice looking boat, without being pretentious. All | |

| | | |are most welcome to stop by - and even lend a hand. My address is 170 | |

| | | |Sharon Mountain Road. Sharon, CT 06069-2404, and the phone number is | |

| | | |860-364-5771.” We will keep up with Charlie’s project—and at our 40th | |

| | | |reunion in the spring of 2008, we inspect the ship. | |

| | | | | |

|Charlie |Hepner | (hep@) |Charlie Hepner (hep@) and his wife Anne spent a few weeks in |2006-03 |

| | | |Seattle recently to attend the birth of the second child of their | |

| | | |daughter, Elizabeth, prompting Charlie to remember, that “Elizabeth, | |

| | | |herself was born on a Saturday of the weekend of Guido Calabresi's | |

| | | |infamous take home Estate and Gift Tax final, May 18, 1968.” Charlie’s | |

| | | |boat building project continues slowly, but he promises to keep a photo| |

| | | |journal, one that I hope he will share at our upcoming reunion. | |

|Charlie |Hepner |hep@ |Charlie Hepner (hep@) andAnne celebrated their 50th wedding |2006-11 |

| | |achepner@ |anniversary last September with a four-day second honeymoon stay at the| |

| | | |Claremont Hotel on Mount Desert Island in Maine. He writes, “We stayed | |

| | | |there on our first anniversary. The weather was fine. We did some | |

| | | |hiking and binged on popovers at the Jordan Pond House. | |

| | | |(I also drove up to Orono on the one rainy morning and ordered a pair | |

| | | |of oars for the boat from Shaw & Tenney. They have been making oars and| |

| | | |paddles there since 1858. A fascinating place.)” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |We have been keeping up with Charlie’s boat building project over the | |

| | | |past few years. Here is the latest: “The boat has gone very slowly this| |

| | | |summer. With all the rain, the grass has needed constant mowing. Now | |

| | | |the grass is dormant, but the leaves need raking. Natheless, the hull | |

| | | |is almost ready to come off the building form and move from the light | |

| | | |and airy back room of the house to my cramped workshop. There, I will | |

| | | |install the interior fittings: breast hook, knees, outer rail, inwale, | |

| | | |seats, centerboard trunk, and mast step.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |I have my fingers crossed that the boat will be ready for our | |

| | | |inspection at our 2008 class reunion. | |

|Charlie |Hepner |achepner@ |This spring, Charlie Hepner (achepner@) and Anne interrupted|2008-03 |

| | | |his work on his boat (which he has promised will be ready for | |

| | | |inspection by us at the reunion) to travel to the west coast to visit | |

| | | |their daughter, Liz, and grandchildren Arlo (5) and Frida (2) in | |

| | | |Seattle.  | |

| | | |“We flew out to San Francisco and rented a car to drive up the coast.  | |

| | | |Highlights included winery visits in Santa Rosa and Philo, climb to top| |

| | | |of lighthouse at Point Arena, hike through old growth redwood forest | |

| | | |and two night stay at Requa Inn B&B on Klamath River (wonderful place | |

| | | |with excellent dinners), visit to Sea Lion Caves near Heceta Point, | |

| | | |fabulous oysters at Local Ocean Cafe in Newport, OR, and more winery | |

| | | |visits in the Willamette Valley.” If we could all manage retirement as | |

| | | |nicely as Charlie, we would be a happy group. | |

|Charlie |Hepner | achepner@ |Our oldest classmate, Charlie Hepner (achepner@) looked to |2008-11 |

| | | |be the youngest at the reunion. He and Anne stay busy traveling | |

| | | |including trips to Seattle to visit their daughter, Liz, and their two | |

| | | |youngest grandchildren, Arlo (6) and Frida (2). At the reunion we | |

| | | |missed the chance to check the progress of Charlie’s boatbuilding | |

| | | |project. But he has finished painting it, and it should be ready to | |

| | | |launch by the time we come back to Connecticut for our next reunion. | |

|*Coleman |Hicks | |Hamilton Osborne (hosborne@) shared with me the sad news |2005-03 |

| | | |about his classmate at Princeton and Yale Law School. Coleman Hicks, | |

| | | |died August 3, 2004 at age, 61 at his home in Boston of complications | |

| | | |from cancer and a massive stroke. After Princeton, where he roomed with| |

| | | |Bill Bradley, and law school, he joined the navy as an officer and | |

| | | |worked in the judge advocate general's office in Washington. Later he | |

| | | |became a personal assistant to Henry Kissinger. In 1972 he joined | |

| | | |Covington & Burling, where he practiced law until 1995, except for a | |

| | | |tour as general counsel of the Navy during the Carter Administration. | |

| | | |He moved to Boston in 1995 to join Oak Industries, a small | |

| | | |manufacturing company, as general counsel and chief financial officer. | |

| | | |Corning Industries acquired this business in 2000, about the time | |

| | | |Coleman learned that he had cancer. Coleman and his wife of 36 years, | |

| | | |Jutta Bielefeldt Hicks, had two children. | |

| | | |Our classmate, William Iverson, and a former colleague of Coleman’s at | |

| | | |Covington and Burling, said of Coleman, “He was outgoing, irreverent, | |

| | | |enthusiastic. He took himself much less seriously than most lawyers | |

| | | |do.” | |

|Sandy |Hillyer | |Peter Hoagland is also in touch with Sandy Hillyer, who lives in |2003-03 |

| | | |Annapolis. His wife, Ann, organized a surprise 60th birthday party for | |

| | | |him this spring, marking the milestone that many in our class are | |

| | | |“celebrating” this year. | |

|Peter |Hoagland |peter.hoagland@ |Peter Hoagland is busy organizing our 35th reunion set for New Haven |2003-03 |

| | | |for the weekend of October 31-November 2. He is anxious for help from | |

| | | |the rest of us. Give him a call to thank him and offer your assistance | |

| | | |at (202) 822-8484. Peter organized a mini-reunion a few months ago with| |

| | | |dinner at the University Club in Washington. Jim Woolsey, Russ | |

| | | |Carpenter, Norm Leventhal, Joe Bell, Marv Diamond, and Bill Iverson | |

| | | |joined Peter to wish Chuck Stark good luck in his new assignment in | |

| | | |Brussels. While Peter continues his government practice, he says he is | |

| | | |devoting more time to traditional law practice—and enjoying it more and| |

| | | |more. | |

|Peter |Hoagland |peter.hoagland@ |35th Reunion: Reunion coordinator (peter.hoagland@), whose |2003-11 |

| | | |private law practice in Washington includes a representation and of | |

| | | |Tunisia, led a round table discussion. | |

|Peter |Hoagland | (peter.hoagland@) |Peter Hoagland (peter.hoagland@) writes from Washington, |2006-03 |

| | | |D.C., that his five children are “mostly grown’ and that he is a part | |

| | | |of a group of four in a practice specializing in federal funding of | |

| | | |Higher Education and other public entities. He says with his usual | |

| | | |Nebraskan modesty, “We've managed to get quite a lot of funds | |

| | | |through.”   | |

|Peter |Hoagland | |We were shocked to learn of the death of Peter Hoagland on October 30, |2007-11 |

| | | |2007, Parkinson's disease. The world knew Peter as a U.S. Congressman | |

| | | |from Nebraska. We knew him as the friendly, modest, caring friend in | |

| | | |law school and afterwards, as someone who would take an interest in our| |

| | | |families and in our projects, and as the one who organized our | |

| | | |reunions. Sally Barlow remembers how he introduced her to Bill Clinton | |

| | | |(1973) at our last reunion dinner and how he was very helpful in | |

| | | |linking her with people to assist her when her Nigerian charity had | |

| | | |audit problems. Many others of us have similar stories. | |

| | | |Peter and his wife Barbara had five children: Katherine, Elizabeth, | |

| | | |Christopher, David and Nicholas. | |

|Bill |Horwich | |Lisa shared this news from Bill Horwich, who wrote her recently, “I am |2007-03 |

| | | |still practicing law, from a home office, with all the same clients as | |

| | | |before.  My only assistants are my wife, who accompanies me some days | |

| | | |on the mail run, and my dog, Fanny the Brussels Griffon, who brings me | |

| | | |the mail every afternoon, in exchange for a treat.” | |

|Bill |Horwich |bill@ |Because many of us had not seen him for a while, we were thrilled when |2008-11 |

| | | |Bill Horwich (bill@) turned up at the reunion in, as | |

| | | |Mike Parish remembers, “his lumberjack plaid and jeans.” Bill and his | |

| | | |wife Mijo had returned from hiking in France and Spain. Bill said that | |

| | | |they had just completed their fourth trip as part of a plan to follow | |

| | | |the chemin de Compostele, the ancient pilgrims' path towards Santiago | |

| | | |de Compostele in Northwest Spain. Bill continued, “This year's | |

| | | |installment was 90 miles or so.  I returned home to the birth of my | |

| | | |third grandchild and first grandson.  Still practicing corporate and | |

| | | |commercial law from a home office in Berkeley, with my dog Fanny as my | |

| | | |only assistant.  She brings me the mail and has yet to destroy a single| |

| | | |client check.”  | |

|Jonathan | Hyman | |remains at Rutgers Law School in Newark, “still litigating in the |2001-03 |

| | | |Constitutional Litigation Clinic, and teaching and doing mediation, and| |

| | | |some arbitration.  I'm trying to bring mediation and civil rights | |

| | | |litigation together by adding a mediation advocacy project to the | |

| | | |Clinic, supervising students who represent employment discrimination | |

| | | |plaintiffs in mediation.  We're enjoying our dramatic new building, and| |

| | | |generally doing pretty well under our new dean, Stuart Deutsch '69.” If| |

| | | |anyone in our class remembers supervising Stuart on his first year moot| |

| | | |court brief and argument, Jon will pay big bucks for a confidential | |

| | | |report. | |

|John |Iskrant | |Cliff continues, “I ran into John Iskrant at a dragon boat festival in |2008-11 |

| | | |Philadelphia this summer; his wife and mine compete for the same dragon| |

| | | |boat team. John has | |

| | | |stepped down from his partnership at Schnader, Harrison in Philadelphia| |

| | | |but continues to serve as a trustee of a foundation he counseled while | |

| | | |at the firm. He has a special interest in multi-day strenuous hikes in | |

| | | |remote locations around the world.” | |

|Bill |Iverson | |With his usual understatement, writes, “Can't say I'm doing anything |2001-11 |

| | | |new likely to be of interest to my classmates -- professionally, just | |

| | | |moiling along at Covington & Burling; personally, mostly trying to | |

| | | |convert my black and white photography (a hobby acquired our last | |

| | | |semester in law school, when I abandoned the library for the A&A school| |

| | | |darkroom) from the darkroom to the computer.” | |

|Rand |Jack | |Randy Jack’s retirement as a much-admired professor at Western |2003-11 |

| | | |Washington University, noted in the last issue, was the subject of a | |

| | | |long article in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer Reporter. The lead | |

| | | |paragraph disclosed, “Rand Jack is going to spend a lot more time with | |

| | | |his birds. On the side, Jack has been carving shorebirds, hawks, owls | |

| | | |and other birds -- mostly out of wood, but sometimes out of stone -- | |

| | | |since 1980. He said he's looking forward to devoting more time to | |

| | | |them.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |The article praised Randy for founding the university’s Law and | |

| | | |Diversity Program in 1991. “The program is run within Western's | |

| | | |Fairhaven College, a funky, forward-thinking school in which students | |

| | | |build their own interdisciplinary majors and receive evaluations rather| |

| | | |than letter grades. Jack moved to Bellingham in 1971 and started | |

| | | |teaching law-related classes at Fairhaven while practicing law part | |

| | | |time. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“He said a speech by an African American judge concerning the low | |

| | | |number of people from minorities in the legal profession started him | |

| | | |thinking about creating the Law and Diversity Program. The lack of | |

| | | |diversity among judges and lawyers -- the American Bar Association | |

| | | |estimates that minorities make up less than 10 percent of the nation's | |

| | | |attorneys -- struck him as a problem he wanted to do something about. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“Instead of focusing solely on students of color, however, he wanted to| |

| | | |build a program for anyone who could add diversity to the profession --| |

| | | |gays and lesbians, people with disabilities, students from poor or | |

| | | |otherwise disadvantaged homes, as well as people from racial and ethnic| |

| | | |minorities.” | |

|Rand |Jack |randjack@ |When Ruth and Joe Bell were in Seattle to see their new grandson they |2004-03 |

| | | |visited Dana and Rand Jack (randjack@) “in their | |

| | | |beautiful handcrafted home in the Northern Cascades, which Rand | |

| | | |constructed himself. The visit also gave us a chance to see his | |

| | | |life-size bird carvings in natural wood, truly wonderful productions. | |

| | | |You can see them too at | |

|Stephen |Kahn | |From Stephen Kahn, a wonderful report and invitation to visit him in |2001-03 |

| | | |Brooklyn: “I continue to enjoy practice at Weil, Gotshal immensely.  | |

| | | |Intellectual property has come into the mainstream and simultaneously | |

| | | |expanded in subject matter with the rise of the Internet and | |

| | | |e-commerce.  In addition to litigating, counseling and doing | |

| | | |transactions involving all forms of intellectual property, I'm now | |

| | | |dealing with fundamental legal issues like the first one Fritz Kessler | |

| | | |tortured us with: how do you make a contract? Questions like that need | |

| | | |to be readdressed anew in the electronic environment where there is not| |

| | | |only the U.S. statutes to contend with, but also the EU Directive, | |

| | | |Member State legislation throughout Europe and legislation in Asia, | |

| | | |etc.  The questions of contract law are the ones we all grappled with | |

| | | |30-plus years ago, but now with interesting technological twists. | |

| | | |“Beyond practicing law, my wife Betty (Andrew Fluegelman's sister, for | |

| | | |those who remember) and I had the pleasure of seeing our younger | |

| | | |daughter Amy married last June, a few weeks after getting her NYU law | |

| | | |degree.  Amy intends to use her law degree only indirectly, as she | |

| | | |grows her handmade wedding invitation/note card business. Check out her| |

| | | |website at .  Our other daughter, Melissa, | |

| | | |lives happily in Boston and works in consulting for non-profit | |

| | | |organizations with her masters, also from NYU. We had dinner recently | |

| | | |with Roger and Ginny Aaron, who are both terrific as always. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“If any of you ever want a special tour of Brooklyn, where Betty and I | |

| | | |have lived since leaving New Haven, call or email me | |

| | | |(stephen.kahn@).” | |

|Stephen |Kahn | |35th Reunion: |2003-11 |

| | | |Steve Kahn entertained us with his stories of intellectual property law| |

| | | |practice, trying to keep up with the law related to consumer software | |

| | | |protection and running marathons in his spare time. He reminded George| |

| | | |Bunn (GRBunnEsq@) that he had represented George's landlord. He | |

| | | |said that George was the hardest tenant to evict that he had ever | |

| | | |encountered. | |

| | | | | |

|Stephen |Kahn |stephen.kahn@ |How about this report and photo from Stephen Kahn |2007-11 |

| | | |(stephen.kahn@): “Five YLS graduates, most, like me, with | |

| | | |spouses, spent 10 days in August in the Pantanal. The Pantanal, a World| |

| | | |Heritage Site in western Brazil, is the largest freshwater environment | |

| | | |in the world, home to hundreds of bird, fish and mammal species.  Our | |

| | | |Yale-sponsored trip was led by Gus Speth (1969), Dean of the Forestry | |

| | | |and Environmental Studies School, and included, besides Gus, Peter | |

| | | |Cooper (1964), Ed Strobehn (1969), Marty Senzer (1969) and yours truly.| |

| | | | Hiking, water excursions, even horseback trips kept Betty, me and the | |

| | | |rest of the group going from pre-dawn bird watching to stargazing in | |

| | | |the hemisphere many of us had never visited. It was an experience that | |

| | | |won't recede in our minds.  Truly an extraordinary place.  I think most| |

| | | |of us came home changed by what we saw, and by some informal talks we | |

| | | |got Gus to give about climate change, the Yale school he heads, etc. | |

| | | | I'm slowly becoming knowledgeable about carbon offsets, a concept that| |

| | | |Gus mentioned and which fits with law firms that earn income flying | |

| | | |large numbers of miles.”  | |

| | | |Note on photo: Left to right the YLS alums are: Ed Strobehn, Stephen | |

| | | |Kahn, Gus Speth, Marty Senzer and Peter Cooper. | |

|Bob |Kellogg |mjl.kellogg@worldnet. |I tracked down my first year roommate, Bob Kellogg |2003-03 |

| | | |(mjl.kellogg@worldnet.) in Austin, Texas. He and Jane keep up | |

| | | |with Mike Gross and Eoghan FitzSimons (’66), who was a graduate student| |

| | | |during our first year at the law school. If you ever travel to Austin, | |

| | | |check out Jane’s great web-site () about the goings-on | |

| | | |in the area. | |

|Bob |Kellogg | |When Mike and Andi Gross visit in Austin they often see Bob and Jane |2003-11 |

| | | |Kellogg. Mike writes that “Over the years Bob moved from teaching | |

| | | |accounting and law at the University of Texas and then SMU in Dallas, | |

| | | |to the City of Austin's fraud department, and lastly to what he's doing| |

| | | |now, teaching at a local historically Black college where he has single| |

| | | |handedly created the school's accounting department and staffed it.” | |

|*Flip |Kissam |flip@ku.edu |Flip Kissam (is another of productive authors. The Discipline of Law |2003-03 |

| | | |Schools: The Making of Modern Lawyers is being published this spring by| |

| | | |Carolina Academic Press. According to the publisher, “This book a | |

| | | |comprehensive look at the basic practices, ideas and habits in American| |

| | | |law schools. By examining the many interrelationships between these | |

| | | |practices and ideas, this book discloses the implicit or tacit | |

| | | |knowledge about law and lawyers that is produced in unintended ways by | |

| | | |legal education.” Although this knowledge “empowers law students…it | |

| | | |also creates tendencies or predispositions among them to think about | |

| | | |the law and lawyering in ways that substantially limit the study of law| |

| | | |and legal practice.” | |

|*Philip |Kissam |flip@ku.edu |Philip Kissam has two “relatively new” grandchildren. Eliza (4) and |2003-11 |

| | | |Simon (2) live in Burlington, Vermont, where, says Flip, “their parents| |

| | | |(our son Jonathan and his wife Heather) form sort of a union family -- | |

| | | |Heather is a field organizer for the United Electrical Workers and | |

| | | |Jonathan a part-time worker in a UE shop and he's also on the national | |

| | | |executive board due to his position as Secretary-Treasurer of the New | |

| | | |England region.” Flip’s daughter Ariane is in the urban and regional | |

| | | |planning masters program at Cornell. | |

|*Phillip |Kissam | |We followed Phillip “Flip” Kissam’s brave struggle against biliary duct|2005-03 |

|“Flip” | | |cancer over the past few years. He gave us a winning example of how to | |

| | | |live and how to face death, which came to him on December 23, 2004. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |After graduation from Amherst College, Flip taught economics at the | |

| | | |University of Ibadan in Nigeria, and studied economics at MIT before | |

| | | |joining our class. He married Brenda Roberts in 1968. Flip and Brenda | |

| | | |had a son and a daughter—and two grandchildren. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |After graduation he joined Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton and Garrison, | |

| | | |before joining New York City government in 1970, first as assistant | |

| | | |counsel in the Health Services Administration and later as deputy | |

| | | |commissioner in the Department of Mental Health and Retardation. In | |

| | | |1973 he moved to the University of Kansas School of Law, where he | |

| | | |became a full professor in 1977. Over the years, he was a visiting | |

| | | |professor at Duke, the University of Vienna, the London Law Consortium.| |

| | | |He had a great interest in constitutional law and legal education. His | |

| | | |2003 book, “The Discipline of Law Schools,” is already considered a | |

| | | |classic. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Several of our classmates, including Mike Reiss and Hardy Wieting, | |

| | | |attended Flip’s memorial service in Kansas. | |

|John |La Fond | LafondJ@umkc.edu |John La Fond (LafondJ@umkc.edu) is still teaching at the University of|2004-03 |

| | | |Missouri-Kansas City School of Law and is writing extensively on sex | |

| | | |offenders, law, and public policy. He co-edited Protecting Society from| |

| | | |Sexually Dangerous Offenders: Law, Justice, and Therapy, the state of | |

| | | |the art monograph on sex offenders and current law reform, recently | |

| | | |published by the American Psychological Association and co-authored his| |

| | | |third edition of Criminal Law: Examples and Explanations, published by | |

| | | |Aspen Publishers. | |

|Luis |Lanier |l.lanier@ |35th Reunion: Luis Lanier has been in the business and industrial real |2003-11 |

| | | |estate and management in Los Angeles for 25 years. But the beginning | |

| | | |of his career he worked as a pro bono legal service officer in Los | |

| | | |Angeles. Luis explained that he is active in the Jewish -Chicano | |

| | | |dialogue in Los Angeles. "I talk to myself," he laughed. He is also | |

| | | |active in the New Israel Fund, promoting peace in Israel. | |

|Chuck |Lawrence |lawrenc1@law.georgetown.edu |Chuck Lawrence ’69, but actually one of us, |2005-11 |

| | | |(lawrenc1@law.georgetown.edu) is a professor at Georgetown Law School. | |

| | | |Chuck has taught in law schools at Stanford, San Francisco, Harvard, | |

| | | |Berkeley, UCLA, USC, and, recently, Hawaii. He is the co-author of We| |

| | | |Won't Go Back: Making the Case for Affirmative Action (Houghton | |

| | | |Mifflin, 1997). Chuck writes from Hawaii, “My co-author for the book | |

| | | |you mention and one other is Mari Matsuda who is also my wife and | |

| | | |colleague at Georgetown.  She grew up in Hawaii.  We come here every | |

| | | |summer and have visited here at UH twice.” Chuck agreed to keep an eye | |

| | | |out for another Hawaiian, Mel Masuda, one of my favorite classmates, | |

| | | |who I believe is now teaching at Hawaii Pacific University. | |

|Norm |Leventhal | |After starting his own law firm in 1982, specializing in communications|2001-03 |

| | | |and media law, Norm Leventhal resigned as manager after 18 years.  He | |

| | | |now says he should have done it years ago. But he is not slowing down. | |

| | | |Following a six week sabbatical (Norm would have preferred six months),| |

| | | |he is continuing his full-time communications practice, more recently | |

| | | |focusing on satellite and space law.  In addition, Norm is building the| |

| | | |firm's IP practice, with emphasis on media-related copyright and | |

| | | |trademark issues. | |

|Norm |Leventhal |NLEVENTHAL@lsl- |Norm Leventhal (NLEVENTHAL@lsl-), for the past 30 years a |2002-03 |

| | | |communications lawyer in Washington, D.C., has now fully transformed | |

| | | |himself into an intellectual property lawyer.  Several years ago, when | |

| | | |one of his larger media clients began asking Norm to handle more and | |

| | | |more of their copyright, trademark and internet matters, he decided to | |

| | | |begin focusing his practice in this area. Now, he “is virtually a | |

| | | |full-time intellectual property practitioner.” | |

|Norm |Leventhal | nleventhal@lsl- |Norm Leventhal (nleventhal@lsl-) founded a law firm (now |2004-03 |

| | | |Leventhal, Senter & Lerman) in Washington twenty-two years ago as a | |

| | | |single practitioner with one secretary and one law clerk. The firm now | |

| | | |has thirty attorneys and an additional staff of thirty secretaries, | |

| | | |paralegals, accountants, and the like. ”We are, he writes, “involved in| |

| | | |all areas of trademark, copyright, and communications law, including | |

| | | |the most recent brouhaha about broadcast indecency (Janet Jackson's | |

| | | |breast notwithstanding). Now that I am sixty, and certainly not working| |

| | | |as hard as I used to, I am taking my amateur photography to a new | |

| | | |level, although it is difficult to know what level that is.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Norm and his wife Ilene now have a granddaughter (Jaclyn Rose; almost | |

| | | |three years old) and a grandson (Cole Samuel; about six months old). | |

| | | |Norm writes that he recently was involved in a deal with Marv Diamond | |

| | | |(marvlaw@), who is now semi-retired and living in Naples, | |

| | | |Florida. Norm says that Marv “sounds great, but I think he probably has| |

| | | |too much time on his hands.” | |

|Norm |Leventhal |nleventhal@lsl- |Norm Leventhal (nleventhal@lsl-) is hoping to attend our |2008-03 |

| | | |reunion. But the expected birth of a grandchild that weekend might | |

| | | |require him to be another place. | |

|Norman |Leventhal | (nleventhal@lsl-) |Norman Leventhal’s (nleventhal@lsl-) wife Ilene is the |2006-03 |

| | | |co-author of “Extraordinary Women: Fantasies Revealed,” published by | |

| | | |Stewart, Tabori & Chang, a division of the Abrams Company.  It is a | |

| | | |photographic compilation of 58 accomplished women depicting in text and| |

| | | |photographs what their dream job might have been had they not become | |

| | | |what they are today.  Norm reports that Mike Messina's wife, Patsy | |

| | | |Madrid, now Attorney General of New Mexico, is running for Congress and| |

| | | |could use our help. | |

|Norman |Leventhal |nleventhal@lsl- |Norm. Leventhal (nleventhal@lsl-) wrote to remind us that Mike |2006-11 |

| | | |Messina's wife, Patsy Madrid, currently Attorney General of New Mexico,| |

| | | |was running for the House of Representatives as a Democrat. By the time| |

| | | |you read this report, we’ll know the results! | |

|Fred |Lowther | |First, Frederick Lowther tries to persuade me that life is too boring. |2001-03 |

| | | |Then he tells me what he’s up to and I wonder what the term “boring” | |

| | | |means to him. Here is what he has been doing. “Despite my age and | |

| | | |general decrepitude, I continue pursuing my passion for auto racing.  | |

| | | |Last May, I competed in the California Mille Miglia, a race which | |

| | | |begins at the west end of the Golden Gate Bridge and ends four days | |

| | | |later in Napa, after 1000 grueling miles.  The race is limited to | |

| | | |vintage racecars that actually competed in sanctioned races during | |

| | | |their era.  I competed in a 1953 Ferrari 340MM, which won the actual | |

| | | |Italian Mille Miglia in 1953.  And, most importantly, I finished the | |

| | | |race (no small task in a 47 year old race car).  We are prohibited by | |

| | | |the rules from disclosing the order of finish, but suffice it to say | |

| | | |that I was very pleased with my result.  Beyond that, I continue my | |

| | | |career at Dickstein Shapiro in D.C., which we have managed to grow to | |

| | | |300 lawyers (from 12 at inception).” | |

| | | |Maybe what he means is that compared to auto racing, the rest of life | |

| | | |seems “boring.” | |

| | | | | |

|Fred |Lowther |LowtherF@ |Frederick Lowther (LowtherF@) became a grandfather on Mother's |2002-11 |

| | | |Day (May 12).  His daughter is finishing her Ph.D. in clinical | |

| | | |psychology at the Univ. of | |

| | | |Kentucky, where her husband is a medical student.  Fred writes, “And we| |

| | | |thought our lives were complicated back then!  Grandchildren are pretty| |

| | | |wonderful, and all powerful!” | |

|Fred |Lowther |LowtherF@, |Also in the Washington area is Frederick Lowther (LowtherF@), |2003-03 |

| | | |who writes: “I just passed my 30th anniversary with Dickstein Shapiro | |

| | | |Morin & Oshinsky, during which time the firm has grown from 13 lawyers | |

| | | |to 330--270 in Washington and 60 in Manhattan.  It’s been a heck of a | |

| | | |ride.  I divide my time about equally between managing the firm and | |

| | | |practicing law.  I have chaired the firm’s partnership compensation | |

| | | |committee for 16 years, which means that my partners understand and | |

| | | |recognize that I have a very high tolerance for pain.  My area of | |

| | | |concentration is energy law, which means most of the clients I service | |

| | | |are energy companies (I never did figure out what ‘energy law’ meant). | |

| | | |I have been married for 35 years, have one child and one grandchild.” | |

|Fred |Lowther |LowtherF@ |Fred Lowther has spent thirty-one years at Dickstein Shapiro managing |2004-03 |

| | | |and developing its energy practice, “with more than a modicum of | |

| | | |success (he said modestly). As a reward, I have now been installed as | |

| | | |the head of our Corporate & Finance Group, which is divided equally | |

| | | |between New York and Washington. I'm hoping I will have thirty-one | |

| | | |more years to turn that into ‘more than a modicum’ of success.”  | |

|Fred  |Lowther |LowtherF@ |Fred Lowther (LowtherF@) is a partner in Dickstein Shapiro |2004-11 |

| | | |Morin & Oshinsky in Washington. He focuses his practice on domestic and| |

| | | |international energy and water supply projects and transactions, and | |

| | | |general counseling of energy companies in all sectors of the industry. | |

| | | |Fred and his wife have been debating when and where to retire. He says | |

| | | |the “when” is easy. Probably never, he says, because he is having too | |

| | | |much fun. Nevertheless, they are working on the “where.” He writes, “We| |

| | | |decided that we love living in the Washington Metropolitan area, and we| |

| | | |decided that our ‘retirement’ program would be to buy a historic house | |

| | | |in Old Town Alexandria and be its stewards for as long as we can.  So | |

| | | |we took the plunge and bought the Hopkins-Lee House -- built in 1790 by| |

| | | |George Washington's business partner, a George Washington "hang out" in| |

| | | |the late 1790's, then owned by Robert E. Lee's grandmother (during | |

| | | |which time it housed the Hallowell School, where R.E. Lee prepared for | |

| | | |entry to West Point), then sold into the George Mason family, and on | |

| | | |and on.  It abuts the Robert E. Lee ‘Boyhood Home,’ where Lee grew up, | |

| | | |and is across the street from the Lee-Fendell House, which was owned by| |

| | | |‘Light Horse’ Harry Lee, R.E. Lee's father.  So we're moving from an 8 | |

| | | |room, 3000 sq. ft. farmhouse in Virginia to a 17 room, 11,000 sq. ft. | |

| | | |colossus in Old Town.  In the meantime, our daughter is about to have | |

| | | |her second son and we're hoping our new house will be passed from | |

| | | |generation to generation.” Fred’s retirement home sounds like a good | |

| | | |place for our class to have a mini-reunion sometime soon. How about it | |

| | | |Fred? | |

|Frederick |Lowther | (LowtherF@) | |2006-03 |

| | | |Frederick Lowther (LowtherF@) is “fighting bitter battles with | |

| | | |the States of Connecticut and Rhode Island -- homes of my two Alma | |

| | | |Maters” over efforts to construct energy infrastructure facilities in | |

| | | |those states. He and his wife are two years into their project to | |

| | | |resurrect a 1790 house in Old Town Alexandria (VA), best known for its | |

| | | |connections to George Washington and Robert E. Lee, and, he says, “they| |

| | | |are many, many years from done.”  | |

|Frederick |Lowther |LowtherF@ |Frederick Lowther (LowtherF@) has two |2008-03 |

| | | |grandchildren. His daughter (a clinical psychologist) and her husband | |

| | | |(an MD) are expecting another, in the midst of their residencies in | |

| | | |Charleston, South Carolina. | |

|Art |Malman | |Art Malman joins Larry and Elaine in reminding us how fast our families|2001-03 |

| | | |can grow when the children grow up and start to multiply: “I became a | |

| | | |grandfather to Jason Blake Albert on December 22, 2000.  His mother, my| |

| | | |daughter Heidi Albert, is a vice president of institutional sales at | |

| | | |Lehman Bros., and his father Craig is a partner in a new hedge fund, | |

| | | |Osprey, which is an affiliate of Tudor.  Middle daughter, Jessica, is | |

| | | |in her third year at Yale Law School and will be clerking after taking | |

| | | |the bar this summer.  Youngest daughter, Dana, is a sophomore at | |

| | | |Princeton.”In March, Art ran into Gerry Baker ‘67 and his wife Susan | |

| | | |while skiing at Courcheval in France. Art says, “They left us back in | |

| | | |the dust.” | |

|Art |Malman |ABMalman@ |Art Malman (ABMalman@) traveled to South Africa to visit his |2002-03 |

| | | |daughter, Dana, who spent a semester at the University of Capetown. He | |

| | | |also reports, “Our other daughter, Jessica, is clerking for a federal | |

| | | |judge in New York City  after graduating from Yale Law School last | |

| | | |spring.  Our oldest daughter Heidi is a VP at Lehman in institutional | |

| | | |equity sales and mother of grandson Jared, age 14 months, who can | |

| | | |almost count to ten, but can throw a football so will probably soon be | |

| | | |recruited.” | |

|Art |Malman |ABMalman@ |35th Reunion: Art Malman, cheerful as ever, told as cryptic stories of |2003-11 |

| | | |his travels across the world. | |

|Art |Malman | |Ham Osborne: During June, I received a visit from the youngest of Art |2004-11 |

| | | |Malman's three daughters, Dana, who, like her father, is a Princeton | |

| | | |graduate.  She was in South Carolina on behalf of College Summit, a | |

| | | |non-profit organization for which she works in Washington, DC. Art | |

| | | |graduated from Princeton in 1964, one year before Mike and I graduated,| |

| | | |and he enrolled in YLS but took the second year off and graduated with | |

| | | |us in 1968.  (Dana told me that he was living with a belly dancer | |

| | | |during his year off.)  During the summer of 1968, Art married Dana's | |

| | | |mother, Laurie, who is now a professor of law at NYU School of Law.  | |

|Art |Malman |ABMalman@ |Art Malman (ABMalman@) writes that he is “over the hill” but |2006-11 |

| | | |that his three daughters are busy.  His oldest, Heidi Albert, is the | |

| | | |mother of “three perfect grandchildren” and has launched a children’s | |

| | | |skin care line, “Dr Bobby,” which has attracted national press | |

| | | |including a mention in People Magazine. His second daughter, Jessica | |

| | | |Phillips ‘03, is a lawyer in Bear Stearns’ litigation department and | |

| | | |recently gave Art another grandchild named Emily. His youngest | |

| | | |daughter, Dana Malman, “recently entered Columbia Business School's | |

| | | |social entrepreneurship program after completing a two-year stint a | |

| | | |College Summit, a not for profit that helps economically disadvantaged | |

| | | |kids learn how to apply and get into college.  College Summit works | |

| | | |with school districts around the country and Ham Osborne was | |

| | | |instrumental in helping Dana launch its program in South Carolina.” | |

|Arthur |Malman | |George and Arthur Malman recently attended a Yale Law breakfast seminar|2008-11 |

| | | |concerning foreign direct investment in the United States as it affects| |

| | | |our national security interests. | |

|Jim |Mandel | |Jim Mandel writes from “Moscow, where I commute frequently from my home|2001-03 |

| | | |in Washington D.C.   Eleven years ago I opened a one-person office of | |

| | | |LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae in Moscow, and now we have more than | |

| | | |twenty lawyers here plus three other offices in the former Soviet | |

| | | |Union.  Visitors, of course, are always welcome.” | |

|Jim |Mandel |Jim Mandel James.Mandel@ru. |Jim Mandel (James.Mandel@ru.) started with the class of '67 and |2006-11 |

| | | |finished with us. He has “been practicing law in Moscow since 1990, | |

| | | |when I opened the office of LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae here.  At | |

| | | |present I am a partner and General Counsel at Ernst & Young in the | |

| | | |CIS.   Working here during the last 16 years has been and continues to | |

| | | |be an exciting experience.    I will be | |

| | | |forever be grateful to Gene Rostow and Leon Lipson who encouraged me to| |

| | | |combine an M.A. in Russian and East European Studies with my law | |

| | | |studies. | |

|Dick |Markovits | |Joe Bell (JCBell@) forwarded a long article from the |2008-03 |

| | | |Independent in London about Inge LLM '69 and Dick Markovits’s son | |

| | | |Benjamin Markovits, who is a successful author. Explaining Benjamin’s | |

| | | |interest in things Victorian, the Independent wrote, “Markovits didn't | |

| | | |come from a standard family. The son of two law professors - his mother| |

| | | |is German - he spent his childhood in Texas, London and Berlin. His | |

| | | |father, an enthusiastic collector of Victoriana, took his family on | |

| | | |regular trips to antique shops and markets. Perhaps it's not surprising| |

| | | |that both his offspring developed a passion for the 19th century that | |

| | | |stuck. That passion is evident in all three of Markovits's novels. The | |

| | | |Syme Papers, his first, switches between the world of a contemporary | |

| | | |academic and a crackpot scientist in 1820s Baltimore. His second novel,| |

| | | |Either Side of Winter, is set in a private school in contemporary New | |

| | | |York, but has the ponderous and nuanced feel of Edith Wharton or Henry | |

| | | |James. His new novel, Imposture (Faber, £10.99), is set in the early | |

| | | |19th-century London of Lord Byron.” | |

| | | | | |

|Richard |Markovits | rmarkovits@mail.law.utexas.edu |Richard S. Markovits (rmarkovits@mail.law.utexas.edu) is Professor and |2005-11 |

| | | |John B. Connally Chair at the University of Texas Law School. He is the| |

| | | |author of Matters of Principle: Legitimate Legal Argument and | |

| | | |Constitutional Interpretation (NYU, 1998). | |

|Victor |Marrero | |Victor Marrero has been a judge for the U. S. District Court, Southern |2005-11 |

| | | |District of New York since 1999. | |

|D.G. |Martin | |Now some news from me. My daughter, May, and son, Grier, each had a |2002-11 |

| | | |first child this fall, giving Harriet and me our first grandchildren | |

| | | |all at once. Grier, an Army JAG officer left for a tour in Afghanistan | |

| | | |a few days after his daughter’s birth. I have completed a wonderful | |

| | | |tour of duty with the Trust for Public Land, and am now retired again, | |

| | | |resting, and waiting for another call. | |

|D.G. |Martin | |Finally, I am enjoying my latest retirement by preparing to host |2003-03 |

| | | |another series of North Carolina Bookwatch, a statewide public | |

| | | |television program featuring our state’s authors. If you are ever down | |

| | | |in North Carolina on a Sunday afternoon at 5:00, check us out on | |

| | | |UNC-TV. And Harriet and I are looking forward to seeing many of you at | |

| | | |our reunion in New Haven on October 31. | |

|D.G. |Martin | |As for me, Harriet and I are enjoying retirement in Chapel Hill, very |2004-11 |

| | | |near our two children and two granddaughters. This summer, my lawyer | |

| | | |son, Grier, completed his army activity duty, which included a tour in | |

| | | |Afghanistan. Upon his return home, he jumped right into North Carolina | |

| | | |politics and promptly won a seat in the state legislature in the | |

| | | |November elections. North Carolina’s “Our State” magazine recently | |

| | | |published a collection of my articles on locally owned, home cooking | |

| | | |restaurants near the intersections of the big highways in this state. | |

| | | |It is titled “Interstate Eateries” and is available only through the | |

| | | |magazine. (800-948-1409 or ) If you ever drive down | |

| | | |this way on I-95 or I-85, you ought to have a copy | |

|D.G. |Martin |dmartin13@nc. |Earlier this year I came out of retirement again to serve for a short |2007-03 |

| | | |time as interim executive director of North Carolina’s Clean Water | |

| | | |Management Trust Fund, which distributes about $100 million a year to | |

| | | |fund conservation and construction projects that enhance or protect the| |

| | | |quality of our state’s waters. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Harriet and I are already looking forward to our next year’s class | |

| | | |reunion in New Haven and we are hoping to see you then. | |

|Mel |Masuda | |Mel Masuda, one of my favorite classmates, who I believe is now |2005-11 |

| | | |teaching at Hawaii Pacific University. | |

|Mel |Masuda | mmasuda@hpu.edu |I finally got back in touch with Mel Masuda, (mmasuda@hpu.edu) who |2007-03 |

| | | |reports that he is “still alive and well in his ‘Plato's Cave’ in that | |

| | | |faraway land called Hawaii.”  Mel was born in Hawaii and did not leave | |

| | | |until he entered Princeton. Today He rarely leaves his homeland. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“Our two kids are now grown-ups: Makamae, our son, is a corporate | |

| | | |business client coordinator for the Mariners pro baseball team in | |

| | | |Seattle.  Kaiewa, our daughter, is a counselor for teenagers here on | |

| | | |Oahu and working on earning her master's degree in counseling and | |

| | | |psychology.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Mel teaches law courses at in the college of business administration at| |

| | | |Hawaii Pacific University. Mel writes that his university is , “rated | |

| | | |as one of U.S. News' ‘Top 100 Values’in its latest ranking of U.S. | |

| | | |universities and colleges, [and] is now the largest private independent| |

| | | |university in Hawaii, with 9,000 undergraduate and MBA students from | |

| | | |all 50 states and 140 out of the 200 countries in the world.” | |

|Mel |Masuda | mmasuda@hpu.edu |Mel Masuda, Professor of Business Law and Criminal Law at Hawaii |2007-11 |

| | | |Pacific University, recently attended the annual meeting of the White | |

| | | |House Fellows Alumni Association in San Francisco. Mel explains, “I | |

| | | |served in the first Nixon administration, prior to the ‘crack-up’ in | |

| | | |the second one. We Alumni had a great time, getting an after-hours tour| |

| | | |of the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals from our fellow alumna, | |

| | | |Judge Margaret McKeown [a possible U.S. Supreme Court nominee if the | |

| | | |Democrats win the White House in 2008?], and also a by-invitation | |

| | | |only tour of George Lucas's new Lucasfilm headquarters at the | |

| | | |Presidio.” | |

|Mel |Masuda |(mmasuda@hpu.edu) |Mel Masuda (mmasuda@hpu.edu) writes, “As you know, I stick pretty close|2008-03 |

| | | |to my ‘Plato's Cave’ and ‘Candide's Garden’ here in this earthly | |

| | | |Paradise called the Islands of Hawaii; so, I apologize that I can't be | |

| | | |at the Reunion in October.” Mel has a standing offer to treat any of us| |

| | | |who show up to a “fabulous Sunday brunch of Pacific fusion-Hawaii | |

| | | |regional cuisine at Sam Choy's Diamond Head Restaurant” if he gets a | |

| | | |little advance notice. One classmate who has already showed up on Mel’s| |

| | | |doorstep is Jim Woolsey, who was the keynote speaker at a conference on| |

| | | |renewable energy. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Mel reports that Jim regaled him “with his tales about being CIA chief | |

| | | |and, among other things, negotiating a list of 28 items with Boris | |

| | | |Yeltsin--after Boris had had ‘six beers, two vodkas, and four glasses | |

| | | |of wine’--and ‘still remembered all 28 items and went down each item | |

| | | |from memory.’ It turned out to be, by serendipity, a wonderful | |

| | | |one-to-one mini-reunion!” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Hopefully, Jim will share some more of those stories with us in | |

| | | |October.  In March Jim became a Venture Partner and Senior Advisor at | |

| | | |VantagePoint Venture Partners, a venture capital firm, and has made a | |

| | | |transition from Vice President at Booz Allen Hamilton to Senior | |

| | | |Executive Advisor. | |

| | | |  | |

|Chris |May |Christopher.May@lls.edu |The news about Flip prompted a short note from Chris May |2005-03 |

| | | |(Christopher.May@lls.edu), who remembered our years in New Haven, | |

| | | |“Those were exciting, deeply formative years, setting us down paths | |

| | | |that I, at least, could never have imagined on the day I set foot in | |

| | | |New Haven.  Most of us will slip quietly into oblivion, but we can hope| |

| | | |that, like Flip, we may have left a mark, however fleeting, on the | |

| | | |colleagues, friends, students, and others whose paths we crossed in our| |

| | | |all-to-fleeting presence here.  I guess that's how we start to think | |

| | | |when we enter or sixties!” Chris is the James P. Bradley Professor of | |

| | | |Constitutional Law at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. | |

| | | | | |

|Christopher|May |Christopher.May@lls.edu |Chris May (Christopher.May@lls.edu), after 33 years on faculty of |2006-11 |

| | | |Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, resigned in June 2006, but remains | |

| | | |for the current academic year to work on a special project. He | |

| | | |explains, “I think the real reason they hired me back for a year was to| |

| | | |make sure I'd start cleaning out my office, a project that could take | |

| | | |well over a year to complete!” | |

|Bob |McManus | mcmanusrj@, |Bob McManus (mcmanusrj@, RMcManus@) writes that |2004-03 |

| | |rmcmanus@ |he is “a partner in the elite and exotic Washington, D.C., | |

| | | |international law firm of Kile Goekjian Reed & McManus, PLLC. (Our | |

| | | |motto: ‘From the sidewalk outside our office building you can see the | |

| | | |Treasury Department and the East Wing of the White House, sort of.’) I | |

| | | |do international environmental law when the opportunity arises, but | |

| | | |mostly it doesn't. In the seventies I was at EPA, and served as Russell| |

| | | |Train's international lawyer and the EPA rep on the U.S. Delegation to | |

| | | |the Law of the Sea negotiations, where it was my privilege to work | |

| | | |with, and come to know, the late Elliot Richardson. I later served for | |

| | | |more than four years as general counsel of NOAA in the Reagan | |

| | | |Administration (over the tedious but technically accurate objections of| |

| | | |the White House personnel office, which protested that I was a preppie | |

| | | |from Yale Law School, alleged to be friendly with Elliot Richardson). | |

| | | |From NOAA, I was recruited by the chemical industry, and then | |

| | | |spent three years in Babylonian Captivity in Philadelphia at FMC Corp.,| |

| | | |where I did pesticides, Superfund, what-have-you, returning | |

| | | |triumphantly in 1989 to the D.C. office of Webster & Sheffield--which | |

| | | |promptly shut its doors. All of them. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | “I have been happily remarried for twenty-five years, and Nancy and I | |

| | | |just celebrated our anniversary by visiting daughter Lily (Bates | |

| | | |College '05) in Firenze, where she's doing her junior year abroad, | |

| | | |majoring in classical civilization and studio art. Daughter Katie, an | |

| | | |accomplished a capella singer and musical comedy actress, is a freshman| |

| | | |at U. of Rochester.”   | |

| | | |Bob is updating for a new edition his chapter titled “Environmental | |

| | | |Considerations in Investment Decisions,” which is a part of Manual of | |

| | | |Foreign Investment in the United States, published by West. | |

|Robert |McManus |Rmcmanus@) |Robert McManus’s (Rmcmanus@) email address is new. His firm,|2006-03 |

| | | |Kile Goekjian Reed & McManus, PLLC, has moved to the Thurman Arnold | |

| | | |Bldg., 1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, WDC 20036.  His revised chapter | |

| | | |on “Environmental Considerations in Investment Decisions” is a part of| |

| | | |the 3rd edition of West's 2-volume Manual of Foreign Investment in the | |

| | | |US. He says, however, that he has “‘retooled’ as a litigator, which I | |

| | | |like, since it largely involves writing what amount to nasty letters.  | |

| | | |(We call them ‘briefs.’)… I did an oral argument in a Circuit Court | |

| | | |(the 4th, in Richmond).  This ‘went well, as they say, in that -- | |

| | | |contrary to my expectations -- I did not say ‘um’ and ‘ah’ (I have the | |

| | | |CD to prove it), and my pants did not fall down. My biggest news, | |

| | | |really, has been the total replacement of my right hip, perhaps | |

| | | |necessitated by 30 years of jogging.  Thus far, this has been a | |

| | | |delightful relief.  I recommend it.  And, while out of the office, I | |

| | | |grew a beard and mustache, which inexplicably grew in white!  I had no | |

| | | |idea I had become so wise.” | |

|Mike |Messina | |35th Reunion: Sally Barlow saw Mike Messina at the funeral of our |2003-11 |

| | | |classmate Bill Dixon who died of cancer last April in Albuquerque. | |

|Richard |Meyer |meyer@ |Clifford Pearlman writes that he sees Richard Meyer from time to time, |2004-03 |

| | | |most recently at Richard’s son Hugh’s engagement party. Richard | |

| | | |practices labor law at Blank Rome in Philadelphia. | |

|Richard |Meyer |meyer@ |Richard Meyer (meyer@) practices with Blank Rome in |2004-11 |

| | | |Philadelphia and works in all phases of Management Labor Law. In | |

| | | |addition he has experience in higher education, health care, including | |

| | | |pharmaceutical manufacturing, newspaper and magazine publishing and | |

| | | |distribution and mass transit. | |

|Richard |Meyer |meyer@ |Richard Meyer (meyer@) and his wife Jill have moved from |2008-03 |

| | | |Philadelphia (Bryn Mawr) to Manhattan. He is practicing with the same | |

| | | |firm, Blank Rome LLP in their offices in the Chrysler Building-“still| |

| | | |doing management side labor and employment work.” | |

| | | |He reports, “We have our first grandchild, Zachary, born to our | |

| | | |daughter in law and son who reside in Los Angeles this past August.  I | |

| | | |have been having periodic lunches with Joel Sternman, once joined by | |

| | | |Roy Regozin, and remain an avid follower of Cliff Pearlman's famous | |

| | | |Sports Report (usually covering anything but sports).” | |

|Jim |Mezzanotte | |Charlie had a good visit at the reunion with Jim Mezzanotte and shared |2008-11 |

| | | |this detailed report: “Jim has had a varied and interesting career.  | |

| | | |From a long time New Haven family, Jim started his own, highly | |

| | | |successful, law firm in New Haven.  Eventually, he turned the firm over| |

| | | |to his associate lawyers, free of any charges, and embarked on a second| |

| | | |career building and renting apartments to low income tenants.  He was | |

| | | |not the usual landlord, however; he held training sessions to teach new| |

| | | |tenants how to maintain their apartments, how to change light bulbs, | |

| | | |and how to do all the other things that most of us homeowners take for | |

| | | |granted that everyone knows.  Now in his third incarnation, Jim owns a | |

| | | |horse farm in rural Virginia.  His horses are truly beautiful, as you | |

| | | |can see from his website .” | |

|Del  |Miller | |From Joe Bell: Del Miller’s wife, Janet, was with us (Del was in Bali).|2004-03 |

| | | |Notably, the Millers spent the summer sailing their boat to Alaska and | |

| | | |back.” | |

|Del  |Miller | |Del Miller’s wife, Janet, died June 29, 2007 in her sleep at home on |2007-11 |

| | | |Bainbridge Island, Washington, following a yearlong struggle with | |

| | | |kidney cancer. She left Del, a daughter, Cameron Gard, a son, | |

| | | |Christopher Miller, and three grandchildren. | |

|Gene |Moen |Gene@ |Gene Moen’s (Gene@) official bio from his Seattle law firm |2005-11 |

| | | |touts his “25 years experience in handling complex personal injury | |

| | | |cases and is a frequent lecturer at legal seminars on medical | |

| | | |negligence and trial techniques.” | |

| | | |But if you remember Gene and the way he cared for everybody he came in | |

| | | |contact with, you will not be surprised at the rest of his story, which| |

| | | |he wrote to catch me up after being out of touch since we left New | |

| | | |Haven. “I practice in a 3-partner firm -- we've been together for | |

| | | |almost 30 years.  For a good while we had a general practice, then did | |

| | | |general P.I., but gradually started to concentrate on medical | |

| | | |negligence cases (only plaintiffs), and have limited ourselves to that | |

| | | |for about twenty years. I win a few and lose a lot, but that's about | |

| | | |par for medical cases.  We're facing an initiative on the ballot in | |

| | | |November that, if it passes, will probably put us out of business.  My | |

| | | |wife (Peggy) and I (celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary last | |

| | | |October) have five children and two grandchildren.  We adopted twins | |

| | | |from Korea first, then a private adoption (black and Native American | |

| | | |girl), then a black-Korean boy, and then had our only birth child (our | |

| | | |"token blonde").  We had a rainbow coalition before Jesse Jackson came | |

| | | |up with the name. Kids have mixed success in life.  My oldest daughter | |

| | | |is an attorney, and my youngest is a junior at the U.W.  My oldest son | |

| | | |has cerebral palsy and lives with us.  He works, but will never be | |

| | | |self-sufficient.  My middle daughter lives in Hawaii where she tries to| |

| | | |find enough day work to allow her to sing at night.  My youngest son | |

| | | |has had a tough course with drugs and gangs and has been in and out of | |

| | | |prison, but we have never given up hope.  Still struggling.  I have | |

| | | |spent a lot of time in jail and prison visiting rooms and waiting in | |

| | | |lines to get there.  Don't get me started on the waste and futility of | |

| | | |our prison system in this country.  No educational programs, no job | |

| | | |training, and no efforts at rehabilitation any longer.  I have no | |

| | | |hobbies or activities apart from work, reading, and listening to music | |

| | | |(jazz/blues).  No plans to retire, ever.  I'll die in the courtroom | |

| | | |with my tasseled loafers on.”   | |

|Lisa |Molodovsky |emolodovsky@ |Lisa continues her practice in health law in Boston with Partners |2003-03 |

| | | |HealthCare, which is the successor to Brigham and Women’s and | |

| | | |Massachusetts General Hospitals. | |

|Lisa |Molodovsky |EMOLODOVSKY@ |Liza Molodovsky (EMOLODOVSKY@) |2006-11 |

| | | |married Sam McMurtrie last February. For the last 24 years Liza has | |

| | | |worked at Partners HealthCare System (and at Brigham and Women's | |

| | | |Hospital which joined with Massachusetts General Hospital to form | |

| | | |Partners).  Although she is retiring from Partners, she will continue | |

| | | |to do its international legal work for Partners. In semi-retirement she| |

| | | |says that she looks forward to learning how to row on the Charles. | |

|Liza |Molodovsky |emolodovsky1@ |Last time we learned of Liza Molodovsky’s retirement from Partners |2007-03 |

| | | |HealthCare in Boston and her marriage to Sam McMurtrie. Her new email | |

| | | |address is (emolodovsky1@). In the spring she wrote that she| |

| | | |is enjoying retirement so much that I stopped doing the part time legal| |

| | | |work for Partners International that she planned. “ I’m auditing a | |

| | | |great course at the Kennedy School at Harvard on Energy Policy.   I’m | |

| | | |volunteering a lot of time for the Undersecretary of Energy in the new | |

| | | |Deval Patrick administration, to help her develop a program to educate | |

| | | |the public on climate change and on ways they can reduce their energy | |

| | | |consumption.  She’s great.  I’ve been taking a drawing class I like a | |

| | | |lot.  I’m surprised how absorbing and calming I find drawing.  I | |

| | | |exercise a lot more.  In an hour, I’ll go to my weekly Pilates class. | |

| | | | My gut has gotten much stronger in the last 3 months.  And on Monday, | |

| | | |I start my rowing class.  This summer, Sam and I are going to Alaska | |

| | | |for two weeks – first a wilderness cruise out of Juneau in the Inside | |

| | | |Passage, then a few days at a back country lodge in Denali National | |

| | | |Park. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Lisa ran into Mathea Falco in Harvard Square. Mathea was on a year-long| |

| | | |fellowship at Harvard and, according to Lisa, "looked great and seemed | |

| | | |to be thriving.” | |

| | | |Lisa shared this news from Bill Horwich, who wrote her recently, “I am | |

| | | |still practicing law, from a home office, with all the same clients as | |

| | | |before.  My only assistants are my wife, who accompanies me some days | |

| | | |on the mail run, and my dog, Fanny the Brussels Griffon, who brings me | |

| | | |the mail every afternoon, in exchange for a treat.” | |

|Liza |Molodovsky |emolodovsky1@ |Liza Molodovsky (emolodovsky1@) attended the installation of|2007-11 |

| | | |Harvard’s new president, Drew Faust where saw Mathea Falcot who, as a | |

| | | |past Overseer of Harvard was an honored guest. Last summer, Lisa and | |

| | | |her husband, Sam McMurtrie traveled to Alaska for a wilderness cruise | |

| | | |of the Inside Passage and a visit deep inside Denali National Park. | |

|Thomas |Morawetz | |Thomas Morawetz is the Tapping Reeve Professor of Law and Ethics at the|2005-11 |

| | | |University of Connecticut Law School. He has written or edited nine | |

| | | |books, including his collected essays in legal philosophy under the | |

| | | |title Law's Premises, Law's Promise: Jurisprudence. | |

|Tom | Morawetz |thomas.morawetz@law.uconn.edu |Tom Morawetz (thomas.morawetz@law.uconn.edu) at |2008-03 |

| | | |University of Connecticut School of Law hopes to join us this fall. He | |

| | | |says, “My work has, in the last decade, moved heavily in the direction | |

| | | |of law and literature.  I published a major course book with Aspen last| |

| | | |June.  But I have not abandoned legal philosophy or criminal law | |

| | | |theory.  And I'm continuing to work on books related to movies and | |

| | | |movie-making.  I recently bought a townhouse in Santa Monica as an | |

| | | |eventual retirement property.  I try to spend as much time as possible | |

| | | |in California, collecting Pacific sunsets.” | |

|Rick |Ober | |Life is not boring for Rick Ober either. “Big changes for me,” he |2001-03 |

| | | |says.  “After 26 years as General Counsel of (United Jersey Banks/UJB | |

| | | |Financial Corp/Summit Bancorp) we were acquired by FleetBoston | |

| | | |Financial Corporation on March 1, 2001, so I'm out looking for | |

| | | |interesting new opportunities.  I'm one of the 150,000 resumes sitting | |

| | | |in the White House Personnel Office, so if there are any classmates | |

| | | |with influence in the Bush-Cheney Administration please get in touch.  | |

| | | |Also looking at other possibilities in the financial, securities, M&A | |

| | | |and executive compensation fields | |

|Rick |Ober |rober@alumni.princeton.edu |Rick Ober (rober@alumni.princeton.edu) writes: “On May 25, 2001, I |2002-03 |

| | | |finished up 26 years as General Counsel of Summit Bancorp, as a result | |

| | | |of its sale to FleetBoston Financial.  During that period we built the | |

| | | |bank from $2 billion to $39 billion through 27 acquisitions and $5.5 | |

| | | |billion of securities offerings.  Since then I've been pursuing another| |

| | | |in-house position in corporate, securities and M&A law, as well as a | |

| | | |couple of government political appointments.  Any leads from classmates| |

| | | |gratefully accepted--609-620-1533.” | |

|Rick |Ober |rober@alumni.princeton.edu |35th Reunion: Rick Ober is still resting on his laurels as the |2003-11 |

| | | |successful former head of the legal department of the United Jersey | |

| | | |Bank in Princeton where he oversaw 27 acquisitions before United Jersey| |

| | | |was itself absorbed by Fleet. Notwithstanding a very nice parachute, | |

| | | |Rick asserted that he was ready to go back to work. | |

|Rick |Ober | rober@alumni.princeton.edu |Rick Ober’s (rober@alumni.princeton.edu) daughter, Julia, is married |2004-03 |

| | | |and finishing a master in public health at Michigan. His daughter Molly| |

| | | |is in the midst of a doctorate in clinical psychology at Antioch New | |

| | | |England. “Looks like they’re both trying to offset the damage to | |

| | | |society caused by us lawyers,” says Rick. | |

| | | |Rick and his wife, Carol, are planning their “first RV trip out of Las | |

| | | |Vegas to see the national parks in the area. After all, an RV is just a| |

| | | |boat on wheels.” | |

|Rick |Ober |rickober@ |Rick Ober (rickober@) has joined TerrraCycle |2004-11 |

| | | |() as Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary.  | |

| | | |TerraCycle was started by two Princeton University students in 2002 to | |

| | | |recycle organic waste using earthworms, turning it into high-quality | |

| | | |plant food.  He writes, “It's a unique combination of young people and | |

| | | |old folks who can work for equity.  The amazing thing is they listen to| |

| | | |our advice, most of the time.  It's incredibly exciting and energizing.| |

| | | |  We're currently in our Round B financing, having raised $1.2 million | |

| | | |in previous financings.  Any 'angels' out there send me an email.” | |

|Rick |Ober | (rober@alumni.princeton.edu) |Richard Ober (rober@alumni.princeton.edu) writes that he is “peddling |2006-03 |

| | | |worm poop.” He is Vice President and General Counsel & Secretary of | |

| | | |TerraCycle, Inc. (), a startup with plant food on the| |

| | | |shelves of Wal-Mart and Home Depot.  Sound like a soft retirement job? | |

| | | |He says no. “Bet you didn't know that 48 states regulate fertilizer | |

| | | |manufacturers and products, each with a different law, different forms | |

| | | |and fees. Often state condition-specific published | |

| | | |peer-reviewed efficacy studies are required. Keeps the state ag schools| |

| | | |in business.  And you have to report sales, often on a county-by-county| |

| | | |basis.”  | |

|Rick |Ober |rober@alumni.princeton.edu |Rick Ober (rober@alumni.princeton.edu) and his wife, Carol, spent two |2006-11 |

| | | |weeks in Kenya on photo safari. Their first grandchild, Bem Price Allen| |

| | | |IV, arrived last May. | |

| | | |Rick and Yale Law Professor Ian Ayres recently published an | |

| | | |article,“The Hollow Promise” in the Association of Corporate Counsel’s | |

| | | |“Docket.” | |

|Rick |Ober |rickober@ |Richard Ober (rickober@), you may remember, is now Vice |2007-11 |

| | | |President and General Counsel & Secretary of TerraCycle, Inc, which | |

| | | |markets plant food made by worms, or as Rick’s four-year-old | |

| | | |granddaughter explained it him, “worms make dirt with their ‘number | |

| | | |2.’” TerraCycle’s success in getting shelf space in retail stores due | |

| | | |the attention of a larger competitor, Scotts-Miracle-Gro, which has | |

| | | |sued Rick’s company alleging trademark violations, thus insuring that | |

| | | |Rick will have plenty to keep him busy. | |

|Rick |Ober |Richard F. Ober, Jr. |Rick Ober (rober@alumni.princeton.edu) plans to see us in October, |2008-03 |

| | |(rober@alumni.princeton.edu) |having more time now that he has “retired from the ‘worm poop’ business| |

| | | |after settling the lawsuit brought by Scotts Miracle-Gro,” which we | |

| | | |described in an earlier report. Rick is “ now looking for the 'next big| |

| | | |thing' within commuting distance of Princeton.”  Earlier this year he | |

| | | |traveled on a Yale sponsored trip to Peru, including the Amazon River | |

| | | |and Machu Picchu. He has taken several alumni educational trips and | |

| | | |highly recommends them.  | |

|Hugh |Oechler |hugh@ |Hugh Oechler (hugh@) works at Linguistic Systems |2005-11 |

| | | |Incorporated in Cambridge, MA. | |

|Ham | Osborne |hosborne@ |Ham Osborne (hosborne@) is a shareholder in the Columbia,|2002-03 |

| | | |S.C. office of Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A., which is the successor to| |

| | | |the firm with which he became associated in January, 1975.  The firm | |

| | | |has undergone two mergers and is now one of the largest law firms in | |

| | | |South Carolina.  | |

| | | |Ham writes, “My practice is concentrated in business and commercial | |

| | | |litigation.  My principal outside activity is serving as a member of | |

| | | |city council.  I was first elected in April, 1990, and I am currently | |

| | | |running unopposed for my fourth four-year term.   | |

| | | |I have had the pleasure of seeing Bill Slattery several times in the | |

| | | |past two years because he invited me to become a member of the advisory| |

| | | |council of the Atlantic Legal Foundation, of which he is the | |

| | | |president.  Bill and his wife Margaret appear to have discovered how to| |

| | | |age much more slowly than the rest of the population.  They do not look| |

| | | |nearly old enough to be the parents of their two adult daughters, both | |

| | | |of whom live in New York City.”   | |

|Ham |Osborne |hosborne@ |Stan Sanders: Stan also reminds us, “My oldest daughter, along Ham |2004-11 |

| | | |Osborne's only daughter from Columbia, S.C., are sophomores together at| |

| | | |Georgetown U. in D.C., and Melba and I see Ham and his wife when we | |

| | | |attend parent events on campus.” | |

| | | |Speaking of Ham (hosborne@), he is also keeping up with | |

| | | |our classmates, “My 15-year-old son and I visited Steve ‘69 and Amy | |

| | | |Unfried at their home in Jackson Hole, WY, during the first week of | |

| | | |August.  As you will probably recall, Steve, Mike (Parish), and I were | |

| | | |classmates at Princeton, and he (Steve) entered YLS with us as a member| |

| | | |of the Class of '68 but stayed an extra year after marrying Amy to | |

| | | |obtain a joint degree in law and economics.  Steve retired to Jackson | |

| | | |Hole a few years ago after a long and successful career with Credit | |

| | | |Suisse First Boston in New York.  He now devotes his time and talents | |

| | | |to several environmental causes, including the Greater Yellowstone | |

| | | |Coalition, and he recently completed a term as chair of the board of | |

| | | |the Coalition.  During June, I received a visit from the youngest of | |

| | | |Art Malman's three daughters, Dana, who, like her father, is a | |

| | | |Princeton graduate.  She was in South Carolina on behalf of College | |

| | | |Summit, a non-profit organization for which she works in Washington, | |

| | | |DC. Art graduated from Princeton in 1964, one year before Mike and I | |

| | | |graduated, and he enrolled in YLS but took the second year off and | |

| | | |graduated with us in 1968.  (Dana told me that he was living with a | |

| | | |belly dancer during his year off.)  During the summer of 1968, Art | |

| | | |married Dana's mother, Laurie, who is now a professor of law at NYU | |

| | | |School of Law.  My daughter, Sara, now in her second year of college at| |

| | | |Georgetown University, spent July working for John Spratt,  '69, as an | |

| | | |intern in his office in Washington.  She greatly enjoyed the experience| |

| | | |and plans to work in John's office as a volunteer during this academic | |

| | | |year. With a daughter in college and a son in the 10th grade of high | |

| | | |school, I have no chance of retiring for many more years.  Life is | |

| | | |good, nevertheless, and I am enjoying it.” Ham practices with | |

| | | |Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd in Columbia, S.C. | |

|Hamilton |Osborne |hosborne@ |When Hamilton Osborne and his wife, Sharron, took their daughter, Sara,|2003-11 |

| | | |to Washington last fall to enroll her as a freshman at Georgetown | |

| | | |University, they unexpectedly encountered Stan Sanders and his wife, | |

| | | |Melba.  The Sanders’ daughter, Alex, was also enrolling as a freshman. | |

| | | |Ham reports that Alex is as attractive and friendly as her parents. | |

|Hamilton |Osborne | (hosborne@) |Hamilton Osborne (hosborne@) recently attended a meeting |2006-03 |

| | | |of The Atlantic Legal Foundation, of which our classmate Bill Slattery | |

| | | |is the president.  Bill had Hamilton appointed as a member of the | |

| | | |advisory council of the Foundation shortly after he became the | |

| | | |president about five years ago. More recently, Jack Carley joined the | |

| | | |advisory council | |

|Hamilton |Osborne |hosborne@ |Hamilton Osborne (hosborne@) writes, after seeing Stan |2007-11 |

| | | |Sanders and his wife Melba again at Georgetown University when their | |

| | | |daughters graduated together last May.  “With the exception of a few | |

| | | |gray hairs, Stan has changed very little over the years.  He still has | |

| | | |his friendly, outgoing personality, and he looks physically fit.  He | |

| | | |and I spent some time reminiscing about years past when the cost of | |

| | | |higher education was still relatively affordable.  As best we could | |

| | | |recall, three years at Yale Law School cost us less than half the | |

| | | |amount one semester at Georgetown now costs an undergraduate student.  | |

| | | |Times have definitely changed.” | |

| | | |  | |

|Michael |Parish | mparish@ | |2002-11 |

| | | |Michael Parish (mparish@) has joined New York Office of | |

| | | |Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen LLP in the firm's | |

| | | |Corporate/Securities Practice Group. Previously Mike was with the New | |

| | | |York office of Thelen Reid & Priest. Abby Wenzel, Mike’s new managing | |

| | | |partner, had this to say about him: “Michael Parish is one of the | |

| | | |premier attorneys in the energy and corporate finance arena.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Mike is the author of numerous articles on finance and restructuring | |

| | | |and served as Chairman of the Energy Committee of the Association of | |

| | | |the Bar of New York City. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Maybe more interesting than Mike’s professional success is this. His | |

| | | |daughter Maya had a speaking role on American Dreams, the NBC prime | |

| | | |time Sunday night series about Philadelphia in the 60's through the | |

| | | |eyes of an American family of four. | |

|Mike |Parish | |Thinking about all these family reports reminded me of a poem Mike |2001-03 |

| | | |Parish wrote for his daughter. He send me a copy recently and it took | |

| | | |me back to the time right after we left Yale and began work and | |

| | | |families. Here it is, with thanks to Mike for sharing and apologies to | |

| | | |him for reformatting his poem so it would fit in narrative form: | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“My Darling--If you want to investigate your past take a walk with your| |

| | | |dad and ask him about the times he and your mom when they first met | |

| | | |would spend an hour parceling through the green beans, haricots vert, | |

| | | |to find a handful of the best for dinner--sweet plump small cummerbund | |

| | | |beans, delectable and fresh and after the hours of cooking and eating | |

| | | |and some wine and talk, we would dream our dreams, looking in each | |

| | | |other’s eyes--thinking of our little green bean and how she would grow,| |

| | | |never imagining such magnificence. Your eyes like opals in the making | |

| | | |your long brown hair a web to catch the world.” | |

|Mike |Parish | |continues to write poetry and fiction. The Green Bag, an “entertaining |2001-11 |

| | | |journal of law” in Washington, DC, published his story titled Fred | |

| | | |Gucci. Mike writes that it is “about the quintessential NYC lawyer | |

| | | |(‘quality is remembered long after price is forgotten’).” Mike has | |

| | | |written a sequel called Advice of Counsel. He will send you a copy on | |

| | | |request.  | |

|Mike |Parish | |Mike Parish (mparish@), has been writing poetry and |2003-03 |

| | | |fiction, in addition to his law practice at Wolf, Block, Schorr and | |

| | | |Solis-Cohen in New York City. Mike won the 2003 W.B. Yeats Society of | |

| | | |New York poetry contest with a poem called “Moths: Night Fishing”--and | |

| | | |a $250 prize that came with it. Several of his stories, “Advice of | |

| | | |Counsel,” “Fred Gucci,” “Business Friends,” and “True Minds” have been| |

| | | |published in The Green Bag, an entertaining journal of law, published | |

| | | |by professors at George Mason Law School.  | |

|Mike |Parish |mparish@alumni.princeton.edu |35th Reunion: Mike Parishis happily retired. He writes that he has |2003-11 |

| | | |“moved to Oradell, NJ, 25 minutes by car from 79th and Broadway but 200| |

| | | |years away from Manhattan in other regards-- settled by the Dutch in | |

| | | |the 1600s.  I’m still unpacking boxes from the office and our move, and| |

| | | |playing golf and tennis, hoping to find some repose to do some writing | |

| | | |but mostly feeling unstressed after 35 years on Wall Street.” | |

|Mike |Parish |mparish@alumni.princeton.edu |Mike Parish (mparish@alumni.princeton.edu) had a series of poems |2004-03 |

| | | |published in the latest issue of Legal Studies Forum, which was devoted| |

| | | |to lawyer/poets (or poet/lawyers, the term Mike prefers). His most | |

| | | |recent lawyer story, “True Minds,” which addresses the subject of | |

| | | |pre-nups and includes a Bob Bork/Alex Bickel anecdote, is in the latest| |

| | | |edition of The Green Bag, an Entertaining Journal of Law. | |

|Mike |Parish |mparish@alumni.princeton.edu |Mike Parish (mparish@alumni.princeton.edu), in retirement, has become |2004-11 |

| | | |the non-management board chairman of Forum Funds—a group of 25 mutual | |

| | | |funds that manages about $3 Billion in assets. He writes, “I figured | |

| | | |that in this era of ease and good feeling among regulators, state | |

| | | |attorney generals, money managers and shareholders it would be a nice | |

| | | |quiet gig. Hope you detect the irony, but since looking after | |

| | | |shareholder interests has always been a cause of mine and one I found | |

| | | |corporate America to be very uninterested in, it's a chance to keep in | |

| | | |touch with the financial world and try to do something positive.” | |

| | | |Mike’s son, Billy, a Yale College student and active environmentalist | |

| | | |was a winner of an Earth Island Institute's 2004 David Brower Youth | |

| | | |Award. Billy has been working closely with Yale School of Forestry and | |

| | | |Environmental Studies Dean Gus Speth ’69. | |

|Mike |Parish |mparish@alumni.princeton.edu) |Mike Parish (mparish@alumni.princeton.edu) has started volunteer work |2006-03 |

| | | |with the Hackensack Riverkeeper, “a great organization in North Jersey | |

| | | |that saved the Meadowlands and has a lot more to do.” Mike continues to| |

| | | |turn out great short stories. His latest, “Tax Policy,” the eighth in | |

| | | |the “Fred Gucci” series, was recently published in “The Green Bag.” | |

| | | |Another one, “A Grain of Salt” will be finished by the time you read | |

| | | |this. Mike will be glad to forward you copies or tell you where you | |

| | | |can find them on the web. | |

|Mike |Parish |mparish1@ |Mother Jones magazine named Mike Parish’s (mparish1@) |2006-11 |

| | | |son, Billy, Student Activist of the Year for his founding of the Energy| |

| | | |Action Coalition, which united green campaigns on 270 campuses. | |

|Mike |Parish |mparish2@ |Mike Parish’s (mparish2@) son Billy was married to Wahleah |2007-11 |

| | | |Johns in Winslow, Arizona on September 22 in a traditional Navajo | |

| | | |ceremony in a teepee. Mike reports that “the happy couple were also | |

| | | |featured in the May (Green issue) Vanity Fair in a two page photo with | |

| | | |a quote from Billy about their work on global warming and energy | |

| | | |self-sufficiency.” Earlier “Mother Jones” named Billy the Student | |

| | | |Activist of the Year for his founding of the Energy Action Coalition, | |

| | | |which united green campaigns on 270 campuses. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Mike continues to write poetry and great short stories, which he shares| |

| | | |with me from time to time. Here is a short sample: | |

| | | |Mrs. Smudge | |

| | | | | |

| | | |A remarkable woman named Smudge | |

| | | |Was a goddess at holding a grudge | |

| | | |She’d complain and she’d cry | |

| | | |Til she didn’t know why | |

| | | |But remained more than willing to Judge. | |

|Mike |Parish |mparish2@ |Mike Parish (mparish2@) is celebrating the birth of his |2008-03 |

| | | |first grandchild. Parents are Billy Parish and Wahleah Johns. Salon | |

| | | |Magazine recently named Billy “one of the sexiest men alive.” Noting | |

| | | |his work for the environment, Salon said, “His unshakable idealism and | |

| | | |optimism in the face of the biggest threat to the planet today gives | |

| | | |even us complacent and cynical oldsters hope.” | |

|Cliff |Pearlman | |Richard Meyer: remain an avid follower of Cliff Pearlman's famous |2008-03 |

| | | |Sports Report (usually covering anything but sports).” | |

|Clifford |Pearlman |cliffordpearlman@ | Thanks to Clifford Pearlman (cliffordpearlman@) for sending me |2002-11 |

| | | |the article about the train robbery. Clifford learned to row last | |

| | | |summer and competed in the prestigious Head of the Schuylkill Regatta | |

| | | |Oct 26 in a mixed quad (two men, two women, one oar in each hand) of | |

| | | |rowers at least 45 years old. His boat finished second (out of three | |

| | | |entrants). He continues to write an email newsletter, The Sports | |

| | | |Report, about the challenges and lessons learned from new recreational | |

| | | |endeavors, sometimes about his travels and sometimes about issues of | |

| | | |the day. He finds himself experiencing the world with an amateur | |

| | | |journalist's mind and playing closer attention to unusual details. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |He still consults with some philanthropic organizations. He serves on | |

| | | |the board of the Juvenile Law Center, a public interest law firm with | |

| | | |ambitions to grow and become better known, and helped guide its | |

| | | |strategic planning process that has already attracted the interest of | |

| | | |potential funders. | |

|Clifford |Pearlman |cliffordpearlman@ |35th Reunion: Clifford Pearlman reminded us that he left the practice |2003-11 |

| | | |of corporate law in 1980 and started a business working to increase the| |

| | | |effectiveness of nonprofits. Now he is managing an active retirement, | |

| | | |including writing and editing a daily e-mail newsletter. He is | |

| | | |learning how to row. "It is difficult to learn a new motor skill at | |

| | | |55," he said. "My teachers are all Olympic gold medal winners, so it is| |

| | | |kind of humbling." Clifford races regularly. So far, he has finished | |

| | | |dead last in every race--except for one, when he came in next to last. | |

| | | |His objective, within the next five years, is to win at least one race.| |

| | | |Clifford wrote a great description of our class’s reunion activity in | |

| | | |his email newsletter, “The Sports Report.” One of Clifford’s comments | |

| | | |really touched me: “Returning every five years is very important to me.| |

| | | |I always make Alexander Bickel's constitutional law classroom my first | |

| | | |stop. I was 59 on Saturday, but in Room 128 I was the 20-year-old boy | |

| | | |from Queens, slowly realizing I wasn't in Kansas anymore.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Write Clifford at (cliffordpearlman@) and I bet he will send you| |

| | | |a complete copy of his report. | |

|Clifford |Pearlman | cliffordpearlman@ |Clifford Pearlman (cliffordpearlman@) writes that he sees |2004-03 |

| | | |Richard Meyer from time to time, most recently at Richard’s son Hugh’s | |

| | | |engagement party. Richard practices labor law at Blank Rome in | |

| | | |Philadelphia. Clifford also keeps up with Mike Bailin ’69, who started | |

| | | |in our class. “Mike is president of the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation| |

| | | |in New York, where he has taken an interesting approach to | |

| | | |entrepreneurial philanthropy. You can read about it at . | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“I also continue to do some Sisyphean consulting work with nonprofit | |

| | | |organizations. Weighed against those crushing moments is the | |

| | | |satisfaction of seeing the growth of a Philadelphia-based public | |

| | | |interest law firm on whose board I sit. Since I started coaching the | |

| | | |staff, the budget has doubled, the support base greatly expanded, and | |

| | | |the board has changed from an almost all-lawyer board to one whose | |

| | | |members from the corporate, academic, philanthropic, and sports | |

| | | |communities offer a variety of perspectives on how things work.” | |

| | | |Clifford’s older son, Justin, is working on a Ph.D. in Los Angeles. His| |

| | | |younger son, Zach, is about to begin the college application process. | |

| | | |His wife, Lynn, continues to work at improving the judicial system in | |

| | | |Pennsylvania and in the fall becomes the chair of Living Beyond Breast | |

| | | |Cancer, a national nonprofit organization. | |

|Clifford |Pearlman | cliffordpearlman@) | At our 2003 reunion reported on his vigorous rowing training schedule.|2006-03 |

| | | |We smiled, but he recklessly promised that before our next reunion he | |

| | | |would win a big race. Here is his report: “ I have won the 60 and over | |

| | | |men’s single event in a local 2.5 mile head race the past two years. I | |

| | | |am now training for the World’s Masters Championship Regatta, the | |

| | | |largest regatta in the world, which will be held in Mercer County, NJ | |

| | | |in September 2006 and hope to be writing a daily newspaper column about| |

| | | |the Regatta.” | |

|Clifford |Pearlman |cliffordpearlman@ |Clifford Pearlman (cliffordpearlman@) has kept us apprised |2006-11 |

| | | |of his efforts to become a championship rower. Here is the latest for | |

| | | |him. | |

| | | |“I rowed in the Masters World Championship in September, held in New | |

| | | |Jersey, which allowed me to cover the Regatta for the Trenton Times. I | |

| | | |finished last in my 62 year-old single event. Wait ‘till next year.” | |

|Clifford |Pearlman | (cliffordpearlman@), |Zach Marks, son of Clifford Pearlman (cliffordpearlman@), |2007-03 |

| | | |served as secretary of the Yale College Council during the past year. | |

| | | |His main claim to fame comes from his monthly column in the Yale Daily | |

| | | |News. He teaches his readers how to improve on the institutional food | |

| | | |served to Yale students. His expertise earned extensive coverage in the| |

| | | |January 31, 2007, New York Times. Marks shares ideas about how to use | |

| | | |readily available ingredients like milk, lemon, peanut butter, and sour| |

| | | |cream. He microwaves them into sauces that turn ordinary dining room | |

| | | |fare into exotic dishes. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“I’m not saying that Yale food isn’t good — it is good, especially | |

| | | |compared to most colleges,” the Times quotes Marks. “But I’ve learned | |

| | | |that by playing around you can make your own excellent meals.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Maybe we can persuade Zach to join us next year at our reunion dinner | |

| | | |and see what improvements he can make. | |

|Clifford |Pearlman | (cliffordpearlman@) |Clifford Pearlman (cliffordpearlman@) promises to lose 20 |2008-03 |

| | | |pounds before the reunion, which would "which would get me down close | |

| | | |to my law school weight.” His son Zach will be winding up his final | |

| | | |year at Yale College. | |

|Clifford |Pearlman | cliffordpearlman@ |Thanks to Clifford Pearlman (cliffordpearlman@) for helping |2008-11 |

| | | |gather news at our recent reunion. He writes that he continues “to | |

| | | |prove that you're never too old to have a happy childhood. I spend a | |

| | | |fair amount of time outdoors, primarily rowing on the Schuylkill, where| |

| | | |I continue to be a last place finisher in most races I enter. The $12 | |

| | | |‘Chinatown’ bus gets me to New York City a few times a month, mostly to| |

| | | |see what's in the City's world class collection of museums, and to take| |

| | | |some of my Philadelphia friends on tours of different neighborhoods, | |

| | | |the Lower East Side being my specialty these days. When the weather's | |

| | | |not great, I am likely to be taking one of the video on-line | |

| | | |courses Yale makes available. As Yogi Berra once said, ‘You can observe| |

| | | |a | |

| | | |lot just by watching.’” Cliff really enjoyed following his beloved | |

| | | |Phillies this year. | |

|Clifford |Pearlman, |cliffordpearlman@ |Another classmate who makes us look forward to the challenges that the |2005-03 |

| | | |end of our careers might bring is Clifford Pearlman, who sent the | |

| | | |following report in the third person: “At our 2003 reunion this novice| |

| | | |rower (cliffordpearlman@) promised us he'd win a race before| |

| | | |our next reunion. In September 2004 Clifford won the singles race in | |

| | | |his age group in the 2.5 mile Hutchinson Cup Regatta Head Race on the | |

| | | |Schuylkill River in Philadelphia. Clifford still believes he has a | |

| | | |third career, as a free lance writer, ahead of him, but for now he is | |

| | | |focusing on training for the Worlds Masters Championships which come to| |

| | | |Mercer County, NJ in August, 2006.” Wow! Let’s go to New Jersey to | |

| | | |watch Clifford row. | |

|Dick |Pilch |rpilch@rci.rutgers.edu |Dick Pilch (rpilch@rci.rutgers.edu) says he is working “part-time |2008-03 |

| | | |(part-time pay for full-time work) at Rutgers University, teaching | |

| | | |courses in Political Science, running the internship program of our | |

| | | |department, directing the Certificate Program in International Studies,| |

| | | |and serving as one of the pre-law advisors.  Interacting with students | |

| | | |has made me feel young again, and has kept me abreast of current | |

| | | |developments in computer technology (which I have yet to master).” | |

| | | |Dick enjoys traveling to Prague, for organ concerts in the city's many | |

| | | |churches and the world-famous beer. He writes, “One of my sons soon | |

| | | |will take command of an F-22 squadron in the Air Force, and can be seen| |

| | | |on the History Channel's program about that impressive new fighter | |

| | | |plane.  My other son is a leading expert on bioterrorism, and for | |

| | | |several years has inspected the biological weapons facilities of the | |

| | | |former Soviet Union (first in Moscow, now in Baku, Azerbaijan).” | |

|Zyg |Plater |plater@bc.edu |Jim Goetz (jim@) and his wife, Jill Davenport had a |2005-11 |

| | | |very nice day floating and fishing with Zyg Plater (plater@bc.edu) on | |

| | | |the Madison River near Jim’s hometown of Ennis, Montana last August. | |

| | | |Jim writes, “Zyg gets the prize for the most fish and the biggest (also| |

| | | |the biggest ‘sucker,’ having hooked his fly in my cheek).” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |X Here is Zyg's version of the same event: “Jim and Jill hosted | |

| | | |[or skippered] me last month on a float down the beautiful Madison | |

| | | |River on a dramatic day with blustery skies and hyper-critical trout.  | |

| | | |We caught a few nice fish and developed a few theories for resolution | |

| | | |of some of the basic problems of world governance. Jim and Jill seem to| |

| | | |have worked out a superb solution to the epigraph I remember from | |

| | | |one member of our Class in '68 – ‘The challenge is to remember that | |

| | | |you're working to make a life as well as a living... and, if you're | |

| | | |lucky, to make a difference.’ (Story: Jim took three tries to pass the | |

| | | |Montana bar exam. Montana has a state law school whose graduates are | |

| | | |automatically admitted to the state bar. But Montanans so pretentious | |

| | | |as to have gone to non-Montana law schools -- never to mention Ivy | |

| | | |Leaguey New England law schools -- are subjected to the Bar Exam from | |

| | | |Hell. Not long after finally passing the bar, as I understand it, Jim | |

| | | |was litigating cases in the U.S. Supreme Court and has never looked | |

| | | |back.)”x | |

|Zyg |Plater |(plater@bc.edu) |Jim Goetz (jim@) and his wife, Jill Davenport had a |2005-11 |

| | | |very nice day floating and fishing with Zyg Plater (plater@bc.edu) on | |

| | | |the Madison River near Jim’s hometown of Ennis, Montana last August. | |

| | | |Jim writes, “Zyg gets the prize for the most fish and the biggest (also| |

| | | |the biggest ‘sucker,’ having hooked his fly in my cheek).” | |

|Zyg |Plater | plater@bc.edu |Ann and Zyg Plater (plater@bc.edu) celebrated their 25th Anniversary |2008-11 |

| | | |with a summer trip through the Olympic Peninsula, Mt. Baker area, and | |

| | | |coastal British Columbia. After visiting with bears, eagles, whales, | |

| | | |and salmon in a sea kayak, they enjoyed high tea at the Empress Hotel | |

| | | |in Vancouver. | |

| | | |On a more serious note, Zyg continues his work in environmental | |

| | | |protection. He is the co-editor/author of the nationally-used | |

| | | |coursebook, “Environmental & Policy: Nature, Law & Society” (3d ed. | |

| | | |2004, Aspen Publishers). | |

| | | |He organized a nation-wide coalition of law professors in the fall of | |

| | | |2009 to research and critique an eleventh-hour attempt of the Bush | |

| | | |Administration to undercut fundamental regulatory elements of the | |

| | | |Endangered Species Act. He says that “The collective effort over two | |

| | | |months time submitted a document of critical commentary totaling more | |

| | | |than 70 pages of text. The Administration brought in 15 staffers to try| |

| | | |to process and respond to voluminous citizen criticism in time to | |

| | | |finalize changes to the regulations before leaving office.” | |

|Zygmunt | Plater | |In October 2001, Zygmunt Plater, professor of law at Boston College Law|2001-11 |

| | | |School, was the Lewis & Clark Visiting Natural Resources Scholar at | |

| | | |Northwestern Law School of Lewis & Clark University, Portland Oregon, | |

| | | |and he led a workshop on Public Interest Law and the Fourth Estate at | |

| | | |Georgetown Univ. Law Center. He was scheduled to be the Lloyd K. | |

| | | |Garrison Lecturer in Environmental Law, Pace University, in February | |

| | | |2002. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |He writes that he is finally doing a book on the project that made him | |

| | | |famous, what he calls the “Endangered fish versus TVA dam case.” Zyg is| |

| | | |also gearing up for the Third Edition of Plater, Goldfarb, Graham, | |

| | | |Heinzerling & Wirth, Environmental Law | |

| | | |And Policy: Nature, Law And Society scheduled to be published in 2003 | |

| | | |by West. | |

|Zygmunt |Plater | plater@bc.edu |Zygmunt Plater (plater@bc.edu) writes from Boston College Law School, |2004-03 |

| | | |“I have just survived the creation of our casebook’s third edition, | |

| | | |which we moved from West to Aspen [erstwhile Little, Brown, the red | |

| | | |books]. Plater et al., Environmental Law & Policy: Nature, Law & | |

| | | |Society. The new edition topped 1,400 pages, thanks to the | |

| | | |extraordinary demands placed upon it by the broad-scale depredations | |

| | | |being worked by Bush Mr.’s cabal. Mr. Kerry (a notable graduate of this| |

| | | |law school, at which I’ve now been teaching for twenty years!) would be| |

| | | |a whole lot better for the environment. But then I’d have to re-write | |

| | | |the damn book.” | |

| | | |Zyg saw Rob Agus when he came through Boston in December.“He has built | |

| | | |up great expertise in planning and financing affordable housing, and | |

| | | |has been consulting on a big project in Boston. George Batista, too, | |

| | | |now a major player in low-cost housing and community development in New| |

| | | |York City, says Rob. Cliff Pearlman, you know about through his great | |

| | | |blog, ‘The Sports Report,’ which sometimes is about sports. Jim Goetz | |

| | | |continues to be the best attorney in Montana, living in the midst of | |

| | | |trout country in an amazing house he designed himself in Bozeman.” | |

|Henry |Putzel | hputzel@ |Henry Putzel (hputzel@) was inducted as a Fellow of the American|2002-03 |

| | | |College of Trial Lawyers last October.   | |

|Henry |Putzel |hputzel@ | George and his wife Jane recently had supper in Brooklyn with Henry |2002-11 |

| | | |Putzel (hputzel@) “across the street from Bargemusic where we | |

| | | |then heard a beautiful chamber music ensemble as we gazed across the | |

| | | |river to watch the lower Manhattan skyline (sadly without the Towers). | |

| | | |Pete is keeping my clients out of jail.”  | |

|Henry |Putzel, |hputzel@ |Pete Putzel (hputzel@) plans to be at our reunion unless |2008-03 |

| | | |it conflicts with the celebration of his father’s October 8h | |

| | | |birthday—his 95th. With those genes, Pete is my candidate for chair of | |

| | | |our 70th reunion in October 2038. | |

|Steve |Quarles | squarles@ |  |2005-11 |

| | | |According to Chris May (Christopher.May@lls.edu), “Steve Quarles | |

| | | |(squarles@) is a very successful partner with Crowell & | |

| | | |Moring in Washington, D.C., where he specializes in natural resources | |

| | | |and environmental law.  He and his wife, Suzanne, own and operate one | |

| | | |of the largest horse breeding farms in Maryland, where they live.” | |

| | | |Another place for our Washington based classmates to aspire to gather. | |

| | | |Steve is chair of the natural resources and environmental law group of | |

| | | |his firm. | |

|Mark |Raven | (mraven@) |Mark Raven (mraven@) is a principal in the Tucson law firm of|2005-11 |

| | | |Raven & Awerkamp, P.C., founded in 1973. He is the founder of | |

| | | |International Consulting Services, a U.S./Mexico cross-border law firm | |

| | | |consisting of Mr. Raven and two Mexican attorneys, with offices in | |

| | | |Tucson, Arizona, Hermosillo, Sonora and Rocky Point, Sonora. | |

|Roy |Regozin | |Richard Meyer: .  I have been having periodic lunches with Joel |2008-03 |

| | | |Sternman, once joined by Roy Regozin | |

|Michael |Reiss |MikeReiss@ |A nationwide class action employment discrimination case against Boeing|2008-03 |

| | | |that kept Mike Reiss (MikeReiss@) for almost 10 years came to a | |

| | | |close earlier this year. Mike was the lead lawyer for Boeing and earned| |

| | | |accolades for his work including one from the National Law Journal. In | |

| | | |its report on the Boeing victory, the journal praised Mike and | |

| | | |summarized his approach to the case as follows: “Reiss, Boeing’s | |

| | | |attorney, said that his winning technique at trial was to treat the | |

| | | |plaintiffs with dignity and to use statistics to prove that they as a | |

| | | |group fared as well as, if not better than, whites in securing | |

| | | |promotions. Boeing’s internal documents bolstered his claim that the | |

| | | |company was committed to fair labor practices. ‘It was with total | |

| | | |respect, and it led the jury to conclude these are good people…but the | |

| | | |evidence did not show discrimination against them,’ said Reiss, a | |

| | | |partner at Davis Wright Tremaine of Seattle.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Earlier this year, the trade magazine, Human Resource Executive, named | |

| | | |Mike one of the country's top 50 management-side employment lawyers.  | |

| | | | | |

|Mike | Reiss | |Our classmates shared the mixture of feelings that followed the events |2001-11 |

| | | |of September 11……Mike and Shelly Reiss were vacationing in France when | |

| | | |it happened and wrote to Hardy Wieting:  "Since Tuesday, we have been | |

| | | |alternating [the pleasures of vacationing in France] with watching CNN | |

| | | |whenever we can and reading the Int'l Herald Tribune when we can get | |

| | | |it.  The pictures have been horrifying.  The people here have been | |

| | | |very sympathetic, but it is strange to be here." | |

|Mike |Reiss |MikeReiss@ |Mike Reiss (MikeReiss@), also in Seattle, has been selected as |2002-03 |

| | | |one of the lawyer representative to the 9th Circuit Judicial Conference| |

| | | |for a three-year term.  Mike writes, “The judges from each judicial | |

| | | |circuit meet once a year, with spouses, families and the lawyer | |

| | | |representatives; and the lawyer representatives work with the federal | |

| | | |judges to put on legal education programs, hold annual meetings and | |

| | | |facilitate interactions between the bench and bar in their respective | |

| | | |districts.” | |

|Mike |Reiss |MikeReiss@, |During the reunion Harriet and I stayed at the same bed and breakfast |2008-11 |

| | | |with Shelley and Mike Reiss ( MikeReiss@), who followed our time| |

| | | |together in New Haven with a trip on the Queen Mary II, its final | |

| | | |trans-Atlantic crossing before its retirement to a new life as a | |

| | | |floating hotel in Dubai. | |

|John |Roberts |jroberts@depaul.edu |35th Reunion: John Roberts is enjoying spending time with his 11 |2003-11 |

| | | |year-old daughter and teaching at DePaul where he was for many years | |

| | | |the dean. | |

|John |Roberts |JROBERTS@depaul.edu |It has been 10 years since John Roberts (JROBERTS@depaul.edu) retired |2007-11 |

| | | |from the DePaul deanship and took up full time teaching and writing | |

| | | |there. Last fall, he went “on half-time, meaning that I teach only in | |

| | | |one semester.  I am looking forward to having more time to write | |

| | | |fiction (I hope) and do some traveling in the West.  I still have a | |

| | | |daughter in high school, so no full retirement for a while yet.  My two| |

| | | |older ones are both lawyers.  Kate, who was born a few days before our | |

| | | |graduation, is in Portland, Maine; she and her husband are deeply | |

| | | |involved in the Edwards campaign.  John, Jr., will be clerking for | |

| | | |Judge Cudahy here on the Seventh Circuit next year and then going to | |

| | | |Jenner & Block.  I am starting the fiftieth reunion cycle this year | |

| | | |with my fiftieth high school get-together in Nebraska.”  | |

|John |Roberts | (JROBERTS@depaul.edu) |John Roberts (JROBERTS@depaul.edu) had “a bracing hike into the Tetons |2008-03 |

| | | |last fall with Steve Unfried (actually ’69 but began with us) and our | |

| | | |friend Chuck Herz, class of 1967, who also lives in Jackson Hole.  | |

| | | |Despite our age and infirm condition, we acquitted ourselves well.” He | |

| | | |promises to tell us all about it this fall.  | |

|Walter |Rockenstein | (WRockenstein@) |Walter H. Rockenstein (WRockenstein@) practices with Faegre |2008-03 |

| | | |& Benson LLP in Minneapolis. He concentrates in land use and zoning | |

| | | |law, environmental review and permitting, and building codes. For 10 | |

| | | |years he served on the Minneapolis City Council. | |

|Ed |Rogers |eddier3@ | Ed Rogers (eddier3@) is usually “loath to provide the |2002-11 |

| | | |sort of stuff that appears in Class Notes,” but he has given me a | |

| | | |welcome update for this issue. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |He writes: “After 20 years in junior and senior legal positions at J.P.| |

| | | |Morgan & Co., I left in 1995 to become Deputy Superintendent & Counsel | |

| | | |(i.e., general counsel) of the New York Banking Department. This | |

| | | |fulfilled a long-held ambition to perform some public service. It was a| |

| | | |period of considerable turmoil, particularly among foreign banks in New| |

| | | |York, and a period of great opportunity for commercial banks, as the | |

| | | |old Glass-Steagall barriers continued to crumble.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Now retired, Ed is spending time with his two boys (ages 27 and 29) and| |

| | | |grandchildren (ages 3 and 1). He lives in a townhouse in Bedminster | |

| | | |N.J. “It's very convenient for travel, etc.--about an hour from NYC, 30| |

| | | |minutes from Newark airport.” He is active on several not-for-profit | |

| | | |boards, including a women's halfway house and a Jersey City inner city | |

| | | |high school. And he sings in his church choir. In summary, Ed writes, | |

| | | |“My life is full, with golf, fly-fishing, travel, theater, and numerous| |

| | | |other pastimes and hobbies. I often wonder where I found the time to | |

| | | |work!” | |

| | | |  | |

|Len |Rubinowitz | |The students of Northwestern Law School have honored by changing the |2001-11 |

| | | |name of their summer public interest fellowships from "SFPIF grants" | |

| | | |(Student Funded Public Interest Fellowship grants) to "Len Rubinowitz | |

| | | |Public Interest Fellowships."   | |

| | | | | |

| | | | At the ceremony Len made some remarks including the following report | |

| | | |about his family: “My daughter is an award-winning journalist, having | |

| | | |spent the better part of a decade as a public radio reporter. Yes, | |

| | | |she’s that Edie Rubinowitz. And, no, you haven’t heard her on the air | |

| | | |for a while. She’s currently spending a year in a master’s program at | |

| | | |Harvard’s Kennedy School Of Government. And I have gotten used to | |

| | | |being known as Edie Rubinowitz’s father. Then just last week, my wife | |

| | | |Linda received the ‘distinguished alumnus award for contributions to | |

| | | |family therapy’ at the family institute on the Evanston campus. She is| |

| | | |a kind of a ‘prodigy,’ having taken over as Director of Northwestern’s | |

| | | |master’s program in marital and family therapy several years ago. That| |

| | | |was less than a decade after entering the field of clinical psychology | |

| | | |as her third professional career. And then last week, this prestigious| |

| | | |award. So now I am known as Linda Rubinowitz’s husband.” | |

|Bill |Rutzick | |Gene sees Bill Rutzick from time to time. “He's a partner with a |2005-11 |

| | | |largish PI firm called Schroeter, Goldmark & Bender.  Did a lot of | |

| | | |asbestos litigation and also wage-hour stuff, plus appellate work.  | |

| | | |Hasn't changed a bit from when he was at law school.  Married to the | |

| | | |same person, has five kids (all doing very well -- they're probably | |

| | | |smarter than their father).  I met Bill a couple of days before law | |

| | | |school started our first year, and we remained good friends throughout | |

| | | |law school.  I think we were both destined to travel a slightly | |

| | | |different path than our law school brethren and (sistren?).  In my | |

| | | |case, I don't think too many Yalies hang out a shingle and hustle | |

| | | |clients so the rent can be paid. It's been a fun ride.” | |

|Bob |Sable | |Mike saw in Boston on September 13, and reports that he is “still slim,|2001-11 |

| | | |cheerful and fighting oppression in all its hydra-headed forms.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Speaking of Bob Sable, he writes: “I continue as Executive Director of | |

| | | |Greater Boston Legal Services.  We are now wrestling with the economic | |

| | | |impact of September 11th.  Layoffs of low wage workers and fear in the | |

| | | |immigrant community has increased the demands for our services just as | |

| | | |our income starts to go down as state government, foundations and | |

| | | |individuals all have less funding for us. My son Alan graduates | |

| | | |Wesleyan this December.  My daughter works in New York for Accion | |

| | | |International doing "micro lending".  Right now they are lending money | |

| | | |to minority entrepreneurs in the World Trade Center area whose business| |

| | | |have suffered.  Sloan [Bob’s wife] continues as Chair of the History | |

| | | |Department at the Winsor School. | |

|Bob |Sable |rsable@aya.yale.edu |Bob Sable (rsable@aya.yale.edu) has been Executive Director of Greater |2003-03 |

| | | |Boston Legal Services since 1991.  “Our latest ventures,” he writes, | |

| | | |“are trying to find alternative health care for about 6,000 Boston long| |

| | | |term unemployed area residents cut off from health insurance in our new| |

| | | |Governor's cost cutting spree and suing the Mass Bay Transit Authority | |

| | | |on behalf of a number of people with disabilities, mostly | |

| | | |African-Americans who frequently lose jobs or drop out of school or | |

| | | |training programs because the accessibility features of the busses and | |

| | | |subways in Boston never seem to work.” Bob’s wife, Sloan, continues as | |

| | | |the Chair of the History Department at the Winsor School, a girls | |

| | | |private high school in Boston.  Her latest challenge is teaching the | |

| | | |history of Islam. Their daughter Sarah has been named a Luce Scholar | |

| | | |and will spend next year studying and working in Beijing. Their son, | |

| | | |Alan, recently graduated from Wesleyan, and now works for a consulting | |

| | | |arm of IBM in New York City. | |

|Bob |Sable |rsable@aya.yale.edu |35th Reunion: Bob Sable is in charge of the Greater Boston Legal |2003-11 |

| | | |Services. The demand for legal services has grown and resources have | |

| | | |declined, compounding the situation of increased economic inequality. | |

| | | |"No one seems to care anymore," Bob asserted. He explained that he is | |

| | | |having a hard time persuading the best law school graduates, who often | |

| | | |have a $120,000 debt, to practice law for $37,000 a year with his | |

| | | |organization. | |

| | | | | |

|Stan |Sanders | |Stan Sanders’ letter reminded me how much I admired his rich, full, |2001-03 |

| | | |diverse embrace of life as a set of opportunities to serve and learn: | |

| | | |“I continue to practice law full time in Los Angeles but blending legal| |

| | | |affairs with church affairs, as it were, more so these days than with | |

| | | |political affairs.  We represent the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) | |

| | | |Church in its 19 districts in the U.S. and Africa, and the initiatives | |

| | | |of the Church these days hold far more promise for advancement than any| |

| | | |state-sponsored projects.   Of course, there is a new convergence of | |

| | | |Church, state and my law practice as we write, and the AME Church, | |

| | | |which expects to be on the cutting-edge of the development of | |

| | | |faith-based initiatives, has already singled us out for some Washington| |

| | | |lobbying. Both sons are emancipated, one a banker, the other a lawyer | |

| | | |(but not at the same firm), practicing their trades at venerable Los | |

| | | |Angeles institutions.  My two teenage daughters, while presenting a | |

| | | |far greater parenting challenge for their father, are without a doubt | |

| | | |the center of my nonprofessional life, managing to keep me busy | |

| | | |attending swim meets, volleyball games and tennis matches, and, of | |

| | | |course, voice recitals.  The fifteen year old has realistic Olympic | |

| | | |aspirations in the women's 100 breaststroke.  Her younger sister, | |

| | | |however, will leave the volleyball and tennis courts forever as soon as| |

| | | |she is cast in any singing role in somebody's musical production.  As | |

| | | |yet, no marriages and no grandchildren. I have no ambitions to run | |

| | | |again for mayor.  I continue to practice hatha yoga three days a week. | |

| | | |I write book reviews for a local monthly.   I am in the outline-stage | |

| | | |of a somewhat autobiographical screenplay with a collaborator, my | |

| | | |morning walking companion, a Yalie of mid-70's vintage.” | |

|Stan | Sanders |Jstansanders@ |Stan Sanders (Jstansanders@) has just formed a new technology |2002-03 |

| | | |company, called GlobalGnossis, which, with its strategic partners at | |

| | | |Cisco Learning Institute, Stanford Learning Lab and Rand Corporation, | |

| | | |is delivering web-based teacher training classes to Nigeria's eastern | |

| | | |states.  This venture, coupled with the increased business activity of | |

| | | |some of his other clients in Nigeria, has Stan traveling there once | |

| | | |again for the first time since 1983. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Stan says, “My sons are out of professional school and into practice, | |

| | | |one as a banker, | |

| | | |the other as a lawyer.  My daughters are just now prepping for | |

| | | |undergraduate | |

| | | |school, the older one pointing toward Stanford and swimming, the | |

| | | |younger one | |

| | | |toward Yale and drama.”  | |

| | | |He also writes, “Politics seems more remote now than ever before.”   | |

| | | |I hope this is just a temporary thing. When Stan is ready to run for | |

| | | |President, he will get a warm reception in North Carolina. [ | |

|Stan |Sanders | |When Hamilton Osborne and his wife, Sharron, took their daughter, Sara,|2003-11 |

| | | |to Washington last fall to enroll her as a freshman at Georgetown | |

| | | |University, they unexpectedly encountered Stan Sanders and his wife, | |

| | | |Melba.  The Sanders’ daughter, Alex, was also enrolling as a freshman. | |

| | | |Ham reports that Alex is as attractive and friendly as her parents. | |

|Stan |Sanders | Jstansanders@ |Stan Sanders (Jstansanders@) writes that his most interesting |2004-03 |

| | | |challenge these days is figuring out how he can integrate his solo law | |

| | | |practice with his wife Melba's new downtown Los Angeles yoga studio. “A| |

| | | |lot of legal practitioners out here are abandoning their practices to | |

| | | |delve full time into a yoga regimen. I have no interest in doing that.| |

| | | |I still carry a full load of transactional clients that I minister to, | |

| | | |including several Nigeria-based deals that require me to travel to West| |

| | | |Africa several times a year.” Stan and Melba have two daughters, one a | |

| | | |freshman at Georgetown and the other still in high school. | |

|Stan |Sanders | Jstansanders@ |Stan Sanders (Jstansanders@) skipped the Democratic Convention |2004-11 |

| | | |this year, sending his son, also a lawyer, to represent the family. He | |

| | | |reminisced, “Party conventions are not what they used to be: the last | |

| | | |great Democratic Party convention was in 1972, Miami, when McGovern | |

| | | |slugged it out against Muskie, Humphrey, et. al.  I was a Muskie | |

| | | |delegate from California that year and was unseated by McGovern's | |

| | | |victory on the Rules fight.  McGovern's nomination represented the | |

| | | |triumph of the presidential primary derby over the convention as the | |

| | | |method of selecting the nominee.  Everything since then in the way of | |

| | | |party conventions has been a staged event.” Stan also reminds us, “My | |

| | | |oldest daughter, along Ham Osborne's only daughter from Columbia, S.C.,| |

| | | |are sophomores together at Georgetown U. in D.C., and Melba and I see | |

| | | |Ham and his wife when we attend parent events on campus.” | |

|Stan |Sanders |Jstansanders@ |Stan Sanders will almost certainly be at our 40th reunion this fall. |2007-11 |

| | | |His travels now take him regularly back to New Haven where his youngest| |

| | | |daughter is a sophomore in the Yale class of 2010. He writes that | |

| | | |“… she has brought me into town more times in the last year than all of| |

| | | |the years since our graduation from the Law School put together.  I | |

| | | |practice law solo now, from my residence, which is very close to my | |

| | | |only grandson upon whom I am often called to baby-sit.  My lawyer-sons | |

| | | |are busy making partner at the Firm and running political campaigns.  | |

| | | |My oldest daughter graduated from Georgetown U. in May (with Ham | |

| | | |Osborne's daughter) and lives in Atlanta. I'm still busy with Nigerian | |

| | | |oil, contemporary Black art, and local Los Angeles politics.  | |

| | | |Understandably, when I travel it is usually on account of one of those | |

| | | |interests, to Lagos and Abuja, to European capitals and back-alley | |

| | | |urban haunts, and to City Hall.” | |

| | | |  | |

|Mark |Schantz, |(mark-schantz@uiowa.edu) |Mark Schantz (mark-schantz@uiowa.edu) has retired as University of |2008-03 |

| | | |Iowa General Counsel in 2005 and is teaching at the College of Law “on | |

| | | |a 2/3 time phased retirement plan.” He say, “ I have a great bunch of | |

| | | |students and don't have to attend faculty or committee meetings!”  | |

|Eric |Schnapper | |Eric Schnapper writes that his son, John Paul, started Stanford in the |2001-11 |

| | | |fall. And, as always, Eric has been busy. “In January 1995 after 25 | |

| | | |years at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund in New York City I moved to | |

| | | |Seattle to teach at the University of Washington Law School, where I | |

| | | |hold the Pendleton Miller chair. Most of my non-teaching time since | |

| | | |1995 has been spent in appellate litigation, representing without | |

| | | |charge plaintiffs in civil rights cases. Most of the litigation has | |

| | | |been in the US Supreme Court. Since that year I won Pollard v. DuPont, | |

| | | |Reeves v. Sanderson Plumbing, Kolstad v. American Dental Ass'n.,  | |

| | | |Burlington Industries v. Ellerth, Faragher v. City of Boca Raton,  | |

| | | |Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Oil,  Johnson v. Fankell, and  Robinson v.| |

| | | |Shell Oil Co. | |

| | | |Not all the news is good.  I also lost Alexander v. Sandoval, Troxel v.| |

| | | |Granville, Bogan v. Scott-Harris, and United States v. Armstrong. This | |

| | | |term I am representing the plaintiffs in 4 cases so far, Ragsdale v. | |

| | | |Wolverine Worldwide (an FMLA case), Edelman v. Lynchburg College (a  | |

| | | |Title VII case), US Airways v. Barnett (an ADA case) and Raygor v. | |

| | | |Regents of the University of Minnesota (an ADEA case).” | |

|Eric |Schnapper |schnapp@u.washington.edu |From the University of Washington law school, Eric Schnapper |2002-03 |

| | | |(schnapp@u.washington.edu) reports that, in January, he argued his | |

| | | |eleventh case in the U.S. Supreme Court: Edelman v. Lynchburg College. | |

| | | |The case concerns what steps a discrimination victim must take to file | |

| | | |a timely discrimination charge with the EEOC.  | |

| | | |In addition, Eric writes, “I wrote or co-authored briefs for the | |

| | | |plaintiffs in five other Supreme Court cases this term:  (1)  Raygor v.| |

| | | |Regents of University of Minnesota (constitutionality of 28 U.S.C. § | |

| | | |2167(d) as applied to the states)(we lost on another ground), (2) | |

| | | |Barnett v. US Air (application of the ADA to seniority systems), (3) | |

| | | |Ragsdale v. Wolverine Worldwide (validity of a regulation under the | |

| | | |FMLA), (4) National Passenger Railroad Corp v. Morgan (limitations | |

| | | |period under Title VII), and (5) Gisbrecht v. Barnhart(standard for | |

| | | |claculating counsel fees for claims under Title II of the Social | |

| | | |Security Act).  All but Raygor are still pending.” | |

| | | |Eric’s son, John Paul, is an undergraduate at Stanford.  | |

|Eric |Schnapper |schnapp@u.washington.edu |Eric Schnapper (still teaching at the University of Washington School |2003-11 |

| | | |of Law admits, “ I lost a pair of Supreme Court cases last term, both | |

| | | |unanimously, but did win Desert Palace v. Costa.” Eric and his wife | |

| | | |Susan, a distinguished art historian, have one son, John Paul who is | |

| | | |now a junior at Stanford. | |

|Eric |Schnapper |  (schnapp@u.washington.edu) | Eric Schnapper (schnapp@u.washington.edu) continues to teach at the |2006-03 |

| | | |University of Washington School of Law, and to litigate.  “Last month I| |

| | | |won two Title VII cases in the Supreme Court, Ash v.Tyson Foods and | |

| | | |Arbaugh v. Y & H Corp..  I am representing the plaintiff in a third, | |

| | | |still pending, Title VII case, Burlington Northern v. White.  My son, | |

| | | |John Paul Schnapper-Casteras, is now a 1L at Stanford law School.  This| |

| | | |summer he will be at Sidley and Austin in Washington, D.C., the firm | |

| | | |representing the defendant in the Burlington Northern case.  Small | |

| | | |world.” | |

|Eric |Schnapper |schnapp@u.washington.edu |Last time we reported that Eric Schnapper (schnapp@u.washington.edu) |2006-11 |

| | | |won two Title VII employment discrimination cases in Supreme Court and | |

| | | |that a third, Burlington Northern v. White, was pending. Now we can | |

| | | |tell you that he won that one, too. | |

|David |Schoenbrod | dschoenbrod@nyls.edu |David Schoenbrod (dschoenbrod@nyls.edu) is Professor of Law at New York|2005-11 |

| | | |Law School. He is an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute. His 1993 | |

| | | |book, Power Without Responsibility: How Congress Abuses the People | |

| | | |Through Delegation, and his 2003 book, Democracy by Decree: What | |

| | | |Happens When Courts Run Government, were published by Yale University | |

| | | |Press. He co-authored Remedies: Public and Private (West, 2002), now in| |

| | | |its third edition. Not to be out done by Jim Woolsey and Harrison | |

| | | |Welford, he is a member of the American Tree Farmers' Association and | |

| | | |has raised and tended trees at his country home in the Adirondacks for | |

| | | |many years. | |

|*John |Schulz |schelter123@ |John Schulz(is still doing “non-law” work in a US Postal Service call |2003-11 |

| | | |center in Denver now operated by contractor Convergys Corp. Recently he| |

| | | |has had a bad experience with “a mysterious peripheral neuropathy | |

| | | |condition that has badly weakened both my hands and some muscles in my | |

| | | |legs.  So far even the most experienced neurologists cannot figure out | |

| | | |what it is.” | |

|*John |Schulz | |First, the sad news. Our classmate John Schulz died May 9, 2004, of |2004-11 |

| | | |complications from ALS. We learned some of the details from the report | |

| | | |in the alumni bulletin from Princeton where he graduated in 1961. After| |

| | | |law school he worked with Ralph Nader, taught law at USC, and practiced| |

| | | |in the San Francisco area. A few years ago he moved to Denver. John had| |

| | | |a son, Evan, and a daughter, Jordan. He was a good friend, so smart and| |

| | | |full of spirit. | |

|Jonathan |Shepard | |Our classmates shared the mixture of feelings that followed the events |2001-11 |

| | | |of September 11…Meanwhile, our other lives go on. As we hear about the | |

| | | |accomplishments of some of our classmates, some of us wonder whether we| |

| | | |are doing enough. I surely do, and I sympathized with Jonathan Shepard,| |

| | | |who wrote in response to the last report on the activities of the Class| |

| | | |of 1968: “Honestly. I get such a complex reading about what others are | |

| | | |doing. Here I am in a small firm doing securities law in Boca Raton (of| |

| | | |all places) and then I read about my friend Stark (I already knew) | |

| | | |going off to do interesting stuff in Brussels, Charlie Whitebread | |

| | | |giving a commencement address, Roger Aaron having dinner, Mathea Falco | |

| | | |saving the world. Me, I just do physical stuff like motorcycles, fast | |

| | | |cars, flying, and marathons. Once in a while, I read something other | |

| | | |than offering documents.”Then he promised to tell me about his | |

| | | |children. “Like my son Brook's (Columbia) being an artist and otherwise| |

| | | |making a living in Brooklyn. Or my daughter Lindsay's getting married | |

| | | |to a Parisian and living in Paris after graduating from Barnard in | |

| | | |three years and now being a 22 year-old executive with Dior traveling | |

| | | |the world teaching merchandising in English and French to Dior | |

| | | |retailers.”I wrote him back, saying that I thought a lot of us would | |

| | | |envy him and his family. | |

|Stuart |Sinder | ssinder@ |Table tennis leads to news about another classmate, as reported by |2005-11 |

| | | |Alan: “Stuart Sinder (ssinder@), after a hiatus of 5 years, | |

| | | |has rejoined the New Jersey Table Tennis Club, where, under my weekly | |

| | | |tutelage, he is working to bring his game back to his former expert | |

| | | |class level of play. Stuart was the Law School ping pong champion back | |

| | | |in 1968 but as he readily admits, neither of us back then really knew | |

| | | |how vastly different the tournament level table tennis play is from the| |

| | | |basement game most people are familiar with. Stuart is one of the | |

| | | |senior partners of Kenyon and Kenyon, a major intellectual property | |

| | | |firm with its main office in New York City. He is still married to | |

| | | |Jane, whom he wed while attending the Law School. This past year he | |

| | | |became a grandfather twice over. His son Michael, originally a lawyer, | |

| | | |is now a booking agent with the William Morris Agency. His other son | |

| | | |Daniel has a doctorate in electrical engineering and currently works | |

| | | |for QualCom on the West Coast.” | |

|Patti |Skigen |Patricia.S.Skigen@ |Another classmate, Patti Skigen has a connection to Santa Fe. Read on |2003-11 |

| | | |and you will find out why. I have not seen her since our 20th reunion. | |

| | | |She writes, “ I've made several significant life style choices since | |

| | | |then, including exchanging the highly-compensated, but relentless | |

| | | |schedule of a law firm partnership for the much more moderately-paid, | |

| | | |but reasonable work week of in-house counsel.  One of the unexpected | |

| | | |benefits has been the opportunity to be more closely involved with the | |

| | | |regulatory, business and credit aspects of the corporate transactions | |

| | | |on which I had been working.  Other benefits have been the expected | |

| | | |ones - no pressure to spend my free time ‘marketing’, more time (albeit| |

| | | |less money) to spend in art galleries and similar pursuits, and time to| |

| | | |read books unrelated to the law. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“Since moving to what is now known, after two mergers, as JPMorgan | |

| | | |Chase, I have become internal counsel for the wholesale bank's North | |

| | | |American credit risk management, diversified and transportation groups | |

| | | |and for The J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation, a major not-for-profit | |

| | | |institution.  I have curated two art shows, started a collection of | |

| | | |Native American contemporary pottery, and designed and built a house in| |

| | | |Santa Fe, New Mexico (which is currently available for renting, should | |

| | | |you or any of our classmates be interested...) I have also watched my | |

| | | |adorable son, Alex, mature into a witty and charming (albeit highly | |

| | | |opinionated) adult intent upon forging a career in sports management.  | |

| | | |After graduating from Emory University magna cum laude in 2002, he | |

| | | |joined the National Hockey League as an intern in its club marketing | |

| | | |group.  He now works as an assistant to its chief financial officer, | |

| | | |who sounds as if he were born to mentor. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“Although I never expected to marry again, I surprised myself by saying| |

| | | |‘yes’ two years ago - to a wonderfully warm and loving man, named Gary,| |

| | | |who proposed under the thatched roof of a Tahiti hut during a vacation | |

| | | |in Australia and Tahiti.   Both of his sons from his previous 25-year | |

| | | |marriage have since married and had delightful children who thankfully | |

| | | |refer to me as Patti, rather than grandma.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |While we were at our reunion at Yale, Patti and Gary were part of a | |

| | | |group of volunteers installing computers in the homes of | |

| | | |underprivileged students. If it takes a service project in New Haven to| |

| | | |get them back for our 40th I will do the organizing. | |

|Bill | Slattery |whslattery@ |I have had the pleasure of seeing Bill Slattery several times in the |2002-03 |

| | | |past two years because he invited me to become a member of the advisory| |

| | | |council of the Atlantic Legal Foundation, of which he is the | |

| | | |president.  Bill and his wife Margaret appear to have discovered how to| |

| | | |age much more slowly than the rest of the population.  They do not look| |

| | | |nearly old enough to be the parents of their two adult daughters, both | |

| | | |of whom live in New York City.”  As Ham mentioned, Bill Slattery | |

| | | |(whslattery@) is President of the Atlantic Legal Foundation. | |

| | | |The organization’s website describe ALF as “a nonprofit, nonpartisan | |

| | | |public interest law firm whose mission is to protect and advance the | |

| | | |principles of limited government, private enterprise and the rights of | |

| | | |individuals through legal action and counseling. In recent years, ALF | |

| | | |also has been a recognized leader in fighting for the integrity of the | |

| | | |judicial process by ensuring that courts apply correct legal and | |

| | | |scientific principles in those cases in which scientific and other | |

| | | |expert testimony is offered.” | |

| | | |The website also gives a good rundown on Bill’s full career as follows:| |

| | | |“His six-year stint with Simpson Thacher & Bartlett in New York City | |

| | | |was interrupted by active duty in Vietnam and Okinawa as a Captain in | |

| | | |the United States Army. He subsequently served as Vice President and | |

| | | |Counsel of Irving Trust Company and, from 1982 to 2000, was employed by| |

| | | |Republic National Bank of New York, where he served as Senior Vice | |

| | | |President and General Counsel. He has been active in several | |

| | | |professional groups, including the New York Bankers Association, the | |

| | | |Financial Services Roundtable, the New York Clearing House Association | |

| | | |and the Association of the Bar of the City of New York.” | |

|Bill |Slattery |whslattery@ |stays busy as President of the Atlantic Legal Foundation. “ I had |2003-11 |

| | | |mistakenly thought that going into the non-profit world would be | |

| | | |somewhat more relaxed.”  If you are interested in the work of Bill’s | |

| | | |organization, visit the website (). | |

|Bill |Slattery |whslattery@ |Bill Slattery (whslattery@) continues to lead the Atlantic |2006-11 |

| | | |Legal Foundation, a public interest law firm based in New York City. | |

| | | |Jack Carley and Ham Osborne are on Bill’s Advisory Council.  Other Yale| |

| | | |Law graduates in the group’s leadership include Director Cliff | |

| | | |Storms,'57, and Advisors Arthur Fergenson'72, and Alan Charles Raul | |

| | | |'80. | |

|Chuck |Stark | |Eunice recently ran into Chuck Stark and learned that he is moving to |2001-03 |

| | | |Brussels with Wilmer, Cutler. | |

|Chuck |Stark |charles.stark@ |Chuck Stark (Charles.Stark@), writing from Brussels and |2004-03 |

| | | |Wilmer Cutler Pickering, is doing European and U.S. antitrust work and | |

| | | |“enjoying both work and life over here.” | |

|Chuck |Stark |chuck.stark@ |Chuck Stark (Charles.Stark@) has returned to Washington |2004-11 |

| | | |after three years in Brussels with Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and | |

| | | |Dorr. He writes, “I'm continuing to do US and EC antitrust work, and | |

| | | |hope I'll see more of our classmates more often than before.  I loved | |

| | | |Brussels, and at the same time am delighted to be back.”  | |

|Chuck |Stark | chuck.stark@ |Chuck Stark (chuck.stark@) retired from WilmerHale on July 1, |2005-11 |

| | | |2005. | |

|Chuck |Stark |chuck.stark@ |Chuck Stark (chuck.stark@) is still enjoying retirement in |2007-11 |

| | | |Washington, D.C. “enormously--studying drawing and painting, lots of | |

| | | |reading and concert-going, some travel (a month camping in the | |

| | | |Australian outback last year, a motorcycle trip in southern Spain this | |

| | | |spring” and five grandchildren, all under four years old. He says that | |

| | | |it is the “best time of life, by my reckoning.” He is planning a trip | |

| | | |to our reunion in the fall. | |

|Chuck |Stark |chuck.stark@ |Steve Weiner (SMWeiner@) and Chuck Stark |2008-11 |

| | | |(chuck.stark@) deserve our highest praise for their good work | |

| | | |organizing a very successful and well-attended reunion. Chuck has been | |

| | | |fully retired from law and “all other arguably productive activities | |

| | | |since mid-2005.” Although he “loved it while I was doing it,” he says | |

| | | |he doesn’t “miss it a bit now that I'm not.” In place of the old | |

| | | |activities, he is studying drawing and painting at the Corcoran in | |

| | | |Washington, reading, attending concerts and enjoying the grandchildren | |

| | | |of his wife, Terry. And lots of travel, including recently, a month | |

| | | |camping in the Australian outback. | |

|Jeff |Steinborn |Steinborn@ |Finally, Jeff Steinborn (Steinborn@) writes that he is still |2002-03 |

| | | |living in Seattle. “Been with my wife Melinda since 1974. Married life| |

| | | |is good.  No kids. We travel a lot, preferring small boats -- bareboat| |

| | | |charters -- to land travel. I practice criminal defense, mostly drug | |

| | | |cases, victimless crimes, some civil rights. Just took on my first law| |

| | | |partner, Alison Holcomb, a great lawyer, born in a great year: 1968.”  | |

| | | |And, in typical “Steinbornese,” he says, “I am told I am a constant | |

| | | |thorn in the government’s ass.” | |

|Jeff |Steinborn |jsteinborn@ |Jeff Steinborn (jsteinborn@) tells me that he has “Just |2004-11 |

| | | |bought a Cal 46 sailboat and plan to spend as much time as possible on | |

| | | |it. Itinerary:  Mexico to Panama this winter; Caribbean in '05 then who| |

| | | |knows? Married to Melinda about 30 years now. No kids. Still practicing| |

| | | |law in Seattle.  Not looking at retirement.  Took way too many long | |

| | | |vacations when I was young.” | |

|Jeff |Steinborn | |Jeff Steinborn has practiced law in Seattle ever since his graduation. |2008-11 |

| | | |For the last 30 years he has been defending persons accused of drug | |

| | | |crimes -- mostly marijuana. He has been active at the appellate level. | |

| | | |His victory in State of Washington v. Thein forced the Washington state| |

| | | |government to stop using boilerplate search warrants for the homes of | |

| | | |suspected drug traffickers. | |

| | | |Jeff writes regularly, mostly for alternative press, maintains an | |

| | | |informational website for pot users - , and speaks at | |

| | | |continuing legal education events, as well as political events where | |

| | | |the war on drugs is discussed. | |

| | | |He says that he is old enough to remember the sixties and the Fourth | |

| | | |Amendment, and may even be persuaded to talk about them from time to | |

| | | |time. When it comes to marijuana prohibition, his comment is simple: | |

| | | |“How dare they spend a dime to keep desperate | |

| | | |Jeff is old enough to remember the sixties and the Fourth Amendment, | |

| | | |and may even be persuaded to talk about them from time to time. When it| |

| | | |comes to marijuana prohibition, his comment is simple: “How dare they | |

| | | |spend a dime to keep desperate patients from their medicine, and the | |

| | | |rest of us from the giggles and the munchies?” | |

|Jeffrey |Steinborn |jsteinborn@ |Jeffrey Steinborn (jsteinborn@) continues to practice |2006-03 |

| | | |criminal defense law. He writes that he is “still happily married to | |

| | | |Melinda (32 years), I'm on NORML's (the National Organization for the | |

| | | |Reform of Marijuana Laws) board of directors, and spend as much time as| |

| | | |possible on my boat, the Windy Dancer, a Cal 46 motor sailer currently | |

| | | |docked at Rio Dulce, Guatemala. For a cartoon summary of Jeff’s legal | |

| | | |advice check out this website: | |

| | | |Jeff sent me his recent photo, one that might answer the question of | |

| | | |whether or not “defense attorneys are bloodsuckers.” It is too gruesome| |

| | | |to publish here, but I will share a copy with any classmate who asks | |

| | | |for it and sends me news for the next report. Jeff recently ran into | |

| | | |Kirk Wickersham '66 in Puerto Vallarta.  “I wouldn't have recognized | |

| | | |him but I spotted a Yale baseball cap and a Seahawks t-shirt.  He's | |

| | | |living on his boat in Marina Del Rey.” | |

|Joel |Sternman | |Richard Meyer: .  I have been having periodic lunches with Joel |2008-03 |

| | | |Sternman, once joined by Roy Regozin | |

|Cathryn |Stevenson | cats1921@ |Tom Grey (tgrey@law.stanford.edu) reports that his former wife, Cathryn|2005-11 |

| | | |Stevenson (cats1921@), lives in Menlo Park, CA. “She went to | |

| | | |medical school at Stanford in the 70s, and practiced as a doctor in | |

| | | |Northern California for many years. She is now retired.” | |

|Stuart  |Sinder |SSinder@ |Stuart Sinder’s wife’s name is Janet—not Jane as I reported last time.|2006-03 |

|Nini |Taub | |Lisa led me to Nini Taub, who lives on Washington Square in New York |2003-03 |

| | | |City with her husband, Olof Widlund, a math professor at NYU. Nini | |

| | | |taught Civil Rights and Women’s Rights law at the Rutgers Law School, | |

| | | |but a disability recently forced her to step down at least temporarily.| |

| | | |Nini was co-editor of Reproductive Laws For The 1990's, a classic that | |

| | | |is still available from its publisher, Humana Press. | |

|Bart |Tiernan |BartTiernan@ |Bart Tiernan (GemelliLBO@) writes, and I quote him word for word|2002-11 |

| | | |so you won’t miss any of the great Tiernan flavor: | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“As these are enervating times for a securities promoter and | |

| | | |speculator, I fear that I must limit myself to family issues (an | |

| | | |utterly revolting practice, indulged in all too frequently by all too | |

| | | |many of our classmates). My daughter Julia graduated magna cum laude | |

| | | |from Yale, having won its “Montaigne Prize” for proficiency in French. | |

| | | |After a year in Paris perfecting her spoken French at Christies’ art | |

| | | |and antiques connoisseurship institute, she returned to the States to | |

| | | |teach French at a leading independent school in Philadelphia (as an | |

| | | |“uncertified teacher”). She plans to return to Yale next year to read | |

| | | |for a Ph.D. in philology and linguistics. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“Happily, I have another daughter. Olivia graduated summa cum laude | |

| | | |from Penn, with a degree in diplomatic history. She had hoped to work | |

| | | |for Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., the New York City private bank, but | |

| | | |was forced to ‘go on hold’ when it decided to defer its “new hires.” | |

| | | |(She proposed going on hold in my own global headquarters, but I’m not | |

| | | |hiring either.) Olivia has therefore associated herself with New York’s| |

| | | |leading publicist for the fashion trade. Her first assignment involved| |

| | | |work for a prominent recording artist and fashion designer named Sean | |

| | | |(‘Puff Daddy’) Combs. It appears that Mr. Combs had experienced a bit | |

| | | |of unpleasantness arising out of the discharge of a firearm and related| |

| | | |matters, which unpleasantness occasioned the temporary postponement of | |

| | | |his exciting new line of gentlemen’s clothing. Olivia reports that the | |

| | | |fashion trade is the only other sector known to her that has been as | |

| | | |deeply penetrated by crackpots, nitwits, and other misfits, as a | |

| | | |university faculty. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“I have been whipping myself into delirium over the prospect of our | |

| | | |35th reunion, with the thought that Jim Woolsey | |

| | | |(jwoolsey@) might address us on the subject of Islam – | |

| | | |the religion of peace. My own relevant credentials are of course | |

| | | |unassailable, as I had successfully defended the former Shah of Shahs | |

| | | |and his consort, the former Empress, when they were sued by the Islamic| |

| | | |Republic of Iran for $54 billion alleged to be rightfully the property | |

| | | |of such republic. (Keenly interested readers of the New York Law | |

| | | |Journal will doubtless recall that I had also successfully defended | |

| | | |Jean Claude [‘Baby Doc’] Duvalier, the former President For Life of the| |

| | | |Republic of Haiti, when he was sued for the recovery of certain sums | |

| | | |alleged to be rightfully the property of that republic.) In default of | |

| | | |Jim Woolsey’s appearance as aforesaid, we must all await our 50th | |

| | | |reunion, with the thought that Peter Hoagland and D. G. Martin may then| |

| | | |be dusted off by the Democrats (or hosed down, as the case may be) and | |

| | | |encouraged to run yet again. | |

|Bart |Tiernan |BartTiernan@ |I appreciate the rare fan mail that comes my way. Here is the latest |2003-03 |

| | | |from Bart Tiernan (GemelliLBO@) in Nassau, The Bahamas: | |

| | | |“Although Class Notes are second only to memorial services as sources | |

| | | |of information one might happily live without, one cannot help but read| |

| | | |such notes with interest (unless one is hopelessly irony-impaired).” | |

|Bart |Tiernan | |35th Reunion: Roger Aaron asked why more of our class did not come back|2003-11 |

| | | |this year? An answer came from Bart Tiernan, who asserted that Gloria | |

| | | |McHugh, our longtime Alumni Director, had long ago said that we were | |

| | | |the "strangest class" ever. Bart’s reunion talks are always the | |

| | | |highlight of my reunion visits. This year’s story of the leveraged | |

| | | |buyout and public offering of a Florida cemetery was his best ever. | |

|Bart |Tiernan | |Bill Brown (brownwj@duq.edu) LL.M. '68, supplements his earlier report |2003-11 |

| | | |with more about one of our legendary classmates. “I should have | |

| | | |included Bart Tiernan among my list of remembered personages. He | |

| | | |claimed credit for single-handedly causing the jump in starting | |

| | | |salaries paid by Wall Street firms.  I think Bart went to Milbank | |

| | | |Tweed.  He imagined the senior partner's finding that less-than-stellar| |

| | | |Tiernan resume on his desk one morning, with a note to the effect: "Our| |

| | | |newest incoming associate!"  Salaries were set higher the very next | |

| | | |day, as reported on the Journal's front page (to a whopping $15,000 per| |

| | | |year!), because - Bart surmised - the firm realized it was necessary to| |

| | | |attract far better qualified people than himself!”  | |

|Bart |Tiernan | (barttiernan@) |Bart Tiernan (barttiernan@) wrote recently to repeat a |2005-11 |

| | | |prior claim that he “was the first man in the class to go on social | |

| | | |security.” Now, Bart, do your really think you beat Charlie? | |

|Bart |Tiernan |barttiernan@ |Bart Tiernan (barttiernan@) and Nini traveled to London |2007-11 |

| | | |for the opening at the Royal Academy of the "Paul Mellon centennial | |

| | | |exhibition" of works from the Yale Center for British Art, where as | |

| | | |Bart puts it he has “concentrated my alumni support, as its one of the | |

| | | |few remaining locations where high culture is still clinging to the | |

| | | |rock face at Yale.” Bart has agreed to arrange a special visit to the | |

| | | |Yale Center for our class at our reunion in October 2008. | |

|Bart |Tiernan |barttiernan@ |I will miss Bart Tiernan (barttiernan@) at the reunion. |2008-03 |

| | | |Instead he writes, “I will be shooting in Devon.” It will be our loss. | |

| | | |His irreverent humor and love of life is always one of the highlights | |

| | | |of our gatherings. | |

|Bart |Tiernan | |George reports that Bart Tiernan “could not make our Reunion because he|2008-11 |

| | | |was shooting small birds in Scotland and England (or at least shooting | |

| | | |at them).” | |

|Steve |Unfried | |Bart keeps up with our former classmate Steve Unfried (’69) and his |2003-03 |

| | | |wife, Amy. Here is Bart’s report: “While Steve’s activities are of no | |

| | | |importance and of little interest, those of his wife Amy constitute a | |

| | | |different matter altogether. When her children were grown, Amy | |

| | | |disdained all offers and opportunities to go into real estate or | |

| | | |decorating, and instead became a sculptress. Indeed, she became a | |

| | | |sculptress of some renown. I own a number of her pieces, each of which| |

| | | |is proudly displayed in my getaway home in the Bahamas. (The wretched | |

| | | |woman nevertheless charged me with the New York sales tax anyway.)” | |

|Steve |Unfried | |35th Reunion: Steve Umfried ‘69 is actually one of us. In fact Bart |2003-11 |

| | | |Tiernan asserted that Steve had simply fallen behind because he could | |

| | | |not keep up with us. Steve has “retooled himself as a conservationist.”| |

| | | |He and Amy live in Jackson Hole most of the year. | |

|Steve |Unfried | |Ham Osborne: “My 15-year-old son and I visited Steve ‘69 and Amy |2004-11 |

| | | |Unfried at their home in Jackson Hole, WY, during the first week of | |

| | | |August.  As you will probably recall, Steve, Mike (Parish), and I were | |

| | | |classmates at Princeton, and he (Steve) entered YLS with us as a member| |

| | | |of the Class of '68 but stayed an extra year after marrying Amy to | |

| | | |obtain a joint degree in law and economics.  Steve retired to Jackson | |

| | | |Hole a few years ago after a long and successful career with Credit | |

| | | |Suisse First Boston in New York.  He now devotes his time and talents | |

| | | |to several environmental causes, including the Greater Yellowstone | |

| | | |Coalition, and he recently completed a term as chair of the board of | |

| | | |the Coalition.  | |

|Steve |Unfried |smunfried@ |Steve Unfried ’69 (smunfried@) started with us and we |2006-11 |

| | | |claim him. He writes, “We're living full time in Jackson Hole, hiking, | |

| | | |skiing and try working to preserve wildlife and wild lands.  Our first | |

| | | |grandchild was born last December, so we now also travel to Seattle and| |

| | | |other places to see him and his parents.  After eight wonderful years | |

| | | |on the board of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition, last June I was | |

| | | |termed off and joined the board of Earthjustice, which does a great job| |

| | | |helping to enforce our environmental laws.  I'm also on the board of | |

| | | |the Ruckelshaus Institute of Environment and Natural Resources at the | |

| | | |University of Wyoming. | |

|Steve |Unfried | |John Roberts (JROBERTS@depaul.edu) had “a bracing hike into the Tetons |2008-03 |

| | | |last fall with Steve Unfried (actually ’69 but began with us) | |

|Earl |Weiner | |Earl Weiner continues as a partner at Sullivan & Cromwell. He has |2005-11 |

| | | |served recently as Chairman of the Board of the Brooklyn Botanic | |

| | | |Garden. | |

|Steve |Weiner | SMWeiner@ |Steve Weiner (SMWeiner@) is chair of the Health Section of |2004-03 |

| | | |Mintz, Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky and Popeo, P.C. The firm now has seven| |

| | | |offices, with significant health law presence in Boston, New York, and | |

| | | |Washington, D.C. Steve says, “As long as health care is dysfunctional, | |

| | | |there will clearly be work for the lawyers.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |On December 31, 2003, Steve’s son and daughter-in-law, Jay and Rebecca,| |

| | | |became the parents of Andrew, who is Steve’s first grandchild. Steve’s | |

| | | |daughter is engaged. “The only negative is that her fiancé is a Harvard| |

| | | |Law School-educated lawyer (can’t have everything). He’s working for | |

| | | |the Justice Department dealing with terrorist financing. I expect this | |

| | | |will be one of the rare orthodox Jewish weddings where the same-sex | |

| | | |father and step-father will be prominent participants, along with the | |

| | | |mother.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Steve’s son, Ben, is in Rabbinical school, training to be a | |

| | | |Reconstructionist Rabbi. Another son, Isaac, is in a Ph.D. program at | |

| | | |Chapel Hill in religious studies, “with a special focus on the | |

| | | |difficulty posed for public policy and political discourse by | |

| | | |participation of groups with, shall we say, strongly held religious | |

| | | |convictions.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Steve is treasurer and finance committee chair of The Boston Ballet. He| |

| | | |writes: “For those of you who follow Boston cultural developments, I am| |

| | | |pleased to say that I played a role in getting us past the recent | |

| | | |Nutcracker Troubles.” He is on the board of the Huntington Theatre | |

| | | |(“the theatre company here that puts Harvard’s ART to shame on a | |

| | | |regular basis”). | |

| | | | | |

| | | |It is against Yale Law Report policy to report weddings before they | |

| | | |happen, but Steve and his longtime partner, Don Cornuet, are making | |

| | | |some plans for an event that would be a first for our class. Steve | |

| | | |writes, “While Don and I may be announcing our own wedding sometime | |

| | | |after May 17 (I am sure everybody has heard about the remarkable | |

| | | |decision by Yale Law School graduate Margaret Marshall, our chief | |

| | | |justice here), Don and I have promised our daughter that we won’t get | |

| | | |married before she does.” | |

|Steve |Weiner |SWeiner@ |Last time we summarized some of Steve Weiner’s (SWeiner@) |2006-11 |

| | | |many activities in addition to his law practice in Boston. He has also | |

| | | |served as president of | |

| | | |the HealthWell Foundation, which offers financial assistance to | |

| | | |patients who need help paying for medical care to treat cancer, | |

| | | |rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases. | |

|Steve |Weiner |SWeiner@ |Steve Weiner (SWeiner@) and his reunion co-chair Chuck Stark |2008-03 |

| | | |are busy planning a great weekend for us in October. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Meanwhile, Steve and his longtime companion, Donald G. Cornuet, were | |

| | | |married on March 18, 2008. Steve’s son, Ben, in his last year at | |

| | | |Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, officiated at the ceremony. The | |

| | | |couple’s long-time friends, Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson and his | |

| | | |partner, Mark Andrew, gave toasts. | |

| | | |Steve continues to serve as President of The HealthWell Foundation, a | |

| | | |national patient support charity that provides financial assistance to | |

| | | |people undergoing expensive drug therapies and who cannot afford their | |

| | | |cost share obligations.  For the second year in a row Boston Magazine | |

| | | |named him one of the 100 best lawyers in Massachusetts. | |

| | | |His son Jay has worked extensively on Native American legal issues and | |

| | | |currently represents the State of Montana in negotiating water rights | |

| | | |treaties with several tribes.  | |

| | | | | |

| | | |You may remember that several of our classmates have devoted much of | |

| | | |their professional lives to Native American legal matters, including | |

| | | |Sally Barlow (pambsalb@), Peter d'Errico, and Mike Gross. | |

| | | |Steve is trying to persuade them to present a short program for us at | |

| | | |the reunion. | |

|Steve |Weiner |SMWeiner@ |Steve Weiner (SMWeiner@) and Chuck Stark |2008-11 |

| | | |(chuck.stark@) deserve our highest praise for their good work | |

| | | |organizing a very successful and well-attended reunion. Steve serves as| |

| | | |president and board chair of The HealthWell Foundation, the largest | |

| | | |patient support foundation in the country, which provides financial | |

| | | |assistance to persons whose insurance coverage is inadequate to allow | |

| | | |them to pay their obligations for high cost drug therapies. HealthWell | |

| | | |has provided support to over 50,000 patients suffering from chronic or | |

| | | |life-threatening disease. Steve notes that it is a shame that the | |

| | | |dysfunctional way in which health care is financed in the United States| |

| | | |- a topic for one of the panels during Alumni Weekend this year - | |

| | | |necessitates the formation of foundations like HealthWell, but that | |

| | | |HealthWell will continue to play a crucial role in the lives of many, | |

| | | |many people until serious reform of the health care system is | |

| | | |implemented. Steve is also the recipient this year of an Rx for | |

| | | |Excellence award from the Massachusetts Medical Law Report as a leader | |

| | | |in the Commonwealth in health care excellence. | |

|Harrison |Wellford | |Speaking of Washington area farm homes, Harrison Wellford, a senior |2005-11 |

| | | |partner at Latham & Watkins, where he practices in the areas of energy,| |

| | | |M&A, and project finance. Harrison and his wife Sue retreat from | |

| | | |Washington to a house they recently built on property his family has | |

| | | |owned since the 1800’s. Here is a description I found in a promotion | |

| | | |for a local home and garden tour: “They engaged the acclaimed landscape| |

| | | |architectural firm Oehme, van Sweden and Associates, Inc. to design for| |

| | | |them in the "New American Garden Style". Here, clusters of grasses and | |

| | | |sweeps of colorful flowers and shrubbery change the scene several times| |

| | | |within the seasons. Planting is environmentally suited for the region | |

| | | |with the expectation that little maintenance will be needed. The owners| |

| | | |say they are still in the learning stage with a developing wildflower | |

| | | |meadow, located just beyond the kitchen garden.” Maybe we can persuade | |

| | | |Harrison to match Jim Woolsey’s invitation. Harrison and Sue’s | |

| | | |daughter, Susannah Shakow, is the President and cofounder of Women | |

| | | |Under Forty Political Action Committee (WUFPAC). | |

|Charles |Whitebread | |Charlie Whitebread is the George and Harriet Pfleger Professor of Law |2001-03 |

| | | |at the University of Southern California Law School. He teaches | |

| | | |Criminal Procedure, Gifts, Wills and Trusts, and an undergraduate | |

| | | |course.  In the spring of 2000 he was the William Minor Lyle Visiting | |

| | | |Professor of Law at the University of Virginia and gave the | |

| | | |commencement address. | |

|Charlie |Whitebread |cwhitebr@law.usc.edu |Another active writer, Charlie Whitebread (cwhitebr@law.usc.edu) also |2003-03 |

| | | |published an article in The Green Bag. “Selecting Juries in High | |

| | | |Profile Criminal Cases” appeared in a 1998 edition. Charlie continues | |

| | | |to teach Criminal Procedure, Gifts, Wills, and Trusts at the University| |

| | | |of Southern California Law School where he is the George T. Pfleger | |

| | | |Professor of Law. He is co-author of Criminal Procedure, published by | |

| | | |Foundation Press, now in its fourth edition. | |

|Charlie |Whitebread | cwhitebr@usc.edu |Charlie Whitebread (cwhitebr@usc.edu ) has been teaching at the |2005-11 |

| | | |University of Southern California Law School since 1983 and is “loving | |

| | | |every minute of it… I also tour the country giving a how to succeed in | |

| | | |the first year of law school lecture to 81 law schools.” | |

|Charlie |Whitebread | |At our reunion we mourned the loss of University of Southern California|2008-11 |

| | | |Law School Professor Charlie Whitebread, who died from cancer in | |

| | | |September. Earlier he was a popular professor at the University of | |

| | | |Virginia Law School. He traveled across the country visiting more than | |

| | | |80 law schools to give his famous lecture on how to succeed in the | |

| | | |first year of law school. | |

| | | |Perhaps these words Edgar Allan Poe, from Charlie’s website, can serve | |

| | | |as his goodbye to us: | |

| | | |“Take this kiss upon the brow! | |

| | | |And, in parting from you now, | |

| | | |Thus much let me avow- | |

| | | |You are not wrong, who deem | |

| | | |That my days have been a dream” | |

|Eunice |Whitney Thomas | |and her husband John ’69 have big news: Their older daughter Oleta’s |2001-03 |

| | | |admission to St. John's College in Annapolis. “We can begin to feel her| |

| | | |floating away into the world,” Eunice writes. “Our younger daughter | |

| | | |Jean Marie is a high school junior.  She is a committed varsity | |

| | | |cheerleader.  I continue an administrative judge at the Armed Services | |

| | | |Board of Contract Appeals, where I was appointed vice chairman last | |

| | | |year.  We decide disputes between the Department of Defense and its | |

| | | |contractors.  John is associate director of the FDIC's receivership | |

| | | |goodwill section.” | |

|Hardy |Wieting |hardyw@ |Hardy Wieting (hardyw@) and his family are setting up shop in |2002-11 |

| | | |Kunming, Yunnan Province, in China for a year.  Hardy explains: “This | |

| | | |will aid my daughter's Mandarin and allow me to pursue data center | |

| | | |opportunities in China…  My group, The Biodiversity Group, has signed | |

| | | |an MOU with Yunnan University's Institute of Ecology and Geobotany | |

| | | |(IEG) to cooperate in this pursuit.  I will be Visiting Senior | |

| | | |Researcher at IEG and will do some lecturing, though my main activities| |

| | | |will be centered on Tashkent….The Biodiversity Group has gotten a grant| |

| | | |from National Geographic Society in aid of our proposal to set up a | |

| | | |Natural Heritage Data Center in Tashkent.  (Kunming is not Tashkent, | |

| | | |but it is closer to it than DC is). Our partner in Tashkent, Botanika | |

| | | |Centre of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, has been informed of our | |

| | | |progress and is helping us begin the process of finding an | |

| | | |English-speaking Coordinator for the data center.” | |

|Hardy |Wieting |hardyw@ |After a short vacation in Arizona this spring, Hardy Wieting |2003-03 |

| | | |(hardyw@) and his family are back in Kunming, China, where | |

| | | |he is based while working on a proposal to set up a Natural Heritage | |

| | | |Data Center in “nearby” Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Hardy writes, “We will be| |

| | | |in China for another year, building data centers in western China and | |

| | | |central Asia (and attempting to raise funds to support their initiation| |

| | | |-- they eventually become permanent, just like in the States and in | |

| | | |Canada, when provincial government agencies see how valuable they are | |

| | | |for making any decision affecting the landscape; but first you have to | |

| | | |get them started).” Maybe when Hardy is in Uzbekistan, he can drop by | |

| | | |“nearby” Samarkand and check out Max Gitter’s birthplace. | |

|Hardy |Wieting | hardyw1@, |Hardy Wieting (hardyw1@; hardyw@) writes from his |2004-03 |

| | |hardyw@ |temporary home in China, “My little NGO, The Biodiversity Group, has | |

| | | |been making some progress here in the past year and a half. Our | |

| | | |alliance with the Institute of Ecology & Geobotany at Yunnan University| |

| | | |is still going strong, thanks mainly to Professor Ou Xiaokun, and we've| |

| | | |in effect opened up an office here. I am going back and forth on a | |

| | | |regular basis between Kunming and D.C. We are building the Yunnan | |

| | | |Natural Heritage Data Center, using the same methodology employed in | |

| | | |the network of state and provincial Natural Heritage Data Centers | |

| | | |throughout the U.S. and Canada and in much of Latin America. The path | |

| | | |here, as well as the software, is somewhat different, though. Instead | |

| | | |of a contract with a state agency, which will later take it over, we | |

| | | |are starting by building the data center here at the Institute using | |

| | | |grad students. That way we will have something concrete to show | |

| | | |government agencies when we do take the idea around. Many grad students| |

| | | |have been willing to work on the data center. I wanted them to get | |

| | | |academic credit for doing so. The Institute told me that, if so, I | |

| | | |would have to teach a course. I told them I was willing to do that, but| |

| | | |it would have to be in English. They said, OK. I am now teaching | |

| | | |Ecological Information Management--Clinical Studies. They tell me I am | |

| | | |the first foreigner to teach a course at the university outside of the | |

| | | |foreign languages department.”  | |

|Hardy |Wieting | (hardyw@) |Hardy Wieting (hardyw@) and his family have rented out their |2006-03 |

| | | |house in Georgetown and taken up residence in Carmel Valley, | |

| | | |California.  He continues his efforts to establish a network of | |

| | | |biodiversity data centers in China, starting in Yunnan province. He is | |

| | | |spending two months there this spring.  Meanwhile, his daughter has | |

| | | |made him proud by being one of the winners of a local scrabble | |

| | | |tournament and gaining a free trip to Boston to compete in the | |

| | | |nationals.” | |

|Hardy |Wieting | (hardyw@) |We will also miss Hardy Wieting (hardyw@) this fall. He spends|2008-03 |

| | | |about six weeks in the spring and again in the fall to work in Kunming,| |

| | | |China. | |

|Junius |Williams | juniusf@andromeda.rutgers.edu |Junius Williams, (juniusf@andromeda.rutgers.edu) is Director of the |2005-11 |

| | | |Abbott Leadership Institute a part of Rutgers University in Newark. The| |

| | | |institute “provides parents, community members, and various school | |

| | | |personnel the tools to effectively participate as partners in the | |

| | | |education of Newark school children.” One commentator referred to the | |

| | | |“gray-bearded Junius Williams, a legendary Newark scholar/activist.” | |

|Junius |Williams | |In a retrospective of the 1967 “disturbances” in Newark the New York |2007-11 |

| | | |Times featured Junius Williams. Today Williams is the director of the | |

| | | |Abbott Leadership Institute, a nonprofit group that promotes parental | |

| | | |involvement in the public schools in Newark. In the summer of 1967, he | |

| | | |organized opposition to a Newark urban renewal project that would | |

| | | |provide land to build a new medical school by forcing out 20,000 poor | |

| | | |residents. | |

| | | |“I came here to be on the cutting edge of the movement,” Williams told | |

| | | |the Times. The Times article states, “For Junius W. Williams, who was a| |

| | | |young law student at the time, the civic unrest paved the way for a | |

| | | |golden era of black empowerment.” | |

| | | |In the aftermath, Williams stayed in Newark and led groups that gained | |

| | | |concessions from the authorities. He told the Times, “When we sat down| |

| | | |at the bargaining table, an unnamed person sitting with a brick was | |

| | | |with us…. The most important weapon was that there had been a riot and | |

| | | |the powers that be were afraid of us. They would do anything to keep a | |

| | | |lid on black anger.” | |

| | | |But the excitement about the possibility of change did not last. | |

| | | |Williams continued, “A lot of people thought all we had to do was get | |

| | | |rid of the white racist people and everything would get better…. We | |

| | | |thought it would happen overnight, but we were wrong.” | |

|Junius |Williams | junius@andromeda.rutgers.edu) |Junius Williams (junius@andromeda.rutgers.edu) continues his great work|2008-03 |

| | | |through Rutgers and hopes to join us at the reunion. | |

|Norm |Williams | nrwilliams@ |Norm Williams (nrwilliams@) has retired--for the second |2004-03 |

| | | |time. He says that he is “enjoying it more than my Protestant | |

| | | |upbringing suggests that I should.” In 1995, after retiring from | |

| | | |Intelsat, the then-international organization that operated a global | |

| | | |telecommunications system, he joined the Inter-American Development | |

| | | |Bank, where he worked until his recent second retirement. He writes | |

| | | |from Washington where he lives now, “I am looking forward to a quieter | |

| | | |time in a rural setting--when and where yet to be determined. For | |

| | | |thirty years I have lived near fire stations or routes to local | |

| | | |hospitals, but I don't want to hear any more sirens unless they are for| |

| | | |me. The nature of my work at the IDB largely kept me here in D.C., with| |

| | | |the occasional trip to Latin America or Europe. The same was true of my| |

| | | |stint at Intelsat, where trips to London and Paris on launch insurance | |

| | | |issues were always a treat. In my first Washington job, with the Agency| |

| | | |for International Development, I traveled throughout Latin America and | |

| | | |the Caribbean, and enjoyed two wonderful years posted in Lima, Peru.” | |

|Norm |Williams |nrwilliams@ |Norm Williams (nrwilliams@) has retired from both Intelsat|2004-11 |

| | | |and the Inter-American Development Bank and writes that he is “enjoying| |

| | | |both rural life and avoiding serious dress other than good, serviceable| |

| | | |jeans.” | |

|Norm |Williams |nrwilliams@ |Norm Williams has moved from Washington, D.C., to Rye, Colorado, and |2006-03 |

| | | |has a new email address: nrwilliams@ | |

|Jeff |Wood | jswood@ |Jeff Wood (jswood@) writes, “ I am still practicing law at|2004-03 |

| | | |the Hong Kong office of Debevoise & Plimpton. We opened a China office | |

| | | |(Shanghai) at the beginning of 2003 and had the great thrill of acting | |

| | | |as issuer's counsel for China Life Insurance Company in 2003's biggest | |

| | | |IPO. Hong Kong remains after ten years an exciting place to be--not | |

| | | |just because of the political/economic importance of China and | |

| | | |southeast Asia. On weekends, we can drive for thirty minutes, get on a | |

| | | |trail, and then walk twenty or thirty kilometers in the hills of the | |

| | | |New Territories (up to 3,000 feet) without crossing a single road. The | |

| | | |contrast between that and the crowds of Kowloon is remarkable. The only| |

| | | |unsatisfactory thing about being here this long is that the law school | |

| | | |was unkind enough to inform me recently that I seem to be the oldest | |

| | | |YLS alumnus in Hong Kong. While not quite cause and effect, it does | |

| | | |seem likely that sometime between now and September we will return to | |

| | | |New York, where there are some other ‘old guys’ still around.”  | |

|Henry |Woodward |hw843@ |Henry Woodward (hw843@) still better known to us as Hank, is|2008-03 |

| | | |“enjoying graybeard status in legal services here in Virginia, still | |

| | | |avoiding evictions, attacking errant collectors, and these days | |

| | | |especially, fighting foreclosures.” He teaches as an adjunct at | |

| | | |Washington and Lee Law School and enjoys some hiking with his son, | |

| | | |“who's finished a doctorate at U of Washington and is doing post-doc | |

| | | |research at Johns Hopkins Med School.” Hank is my engaged to Anne | |

| | | |Perrin, a fellow Peace Corps alum who lives nearby and “ has a kindred | |

| | | |spirit of adventure.”  He says, “While colleagues and agemates are | |

| | | |dropping into retirement like flies, I seem to be doing more and | |

| | | |enjoying it immensely!” | |

|Henry L. |Woodward |henry@; henry@ |Henry L. Woodward (henry@; henry@) is General Counsel |2005-11 |

| | | |for the Legal Aid Society of Roanoke Valley in Virginia, where he | |

| | | |manages a staff of five lawyers and four support personnel in serving | |

| | | |the legal services needs of eight counties. “There are probably easier | |

| | | |ways to make a living within the law,” he told a writer preparing a | |

| | | |recent feature story about him, “But I can’t imagine any job that’s | |

| | | |more satisfying.” | |

|Jim |Woolsey | |Speaking of Jim Woolsey, I missed seeing him when he came down to give |2002-11 |

| | | |a speech in North Carolina this fall. But the promotional material for | |

| | | |the event gave a good summary of his career so far, and I share it with| |

| | | |you as a part of our class record: “R. James Woolsey is a partner at | |

| | | |the law firm of Shea & Gardner in Washington, D.C. He returned to the | |

| | | |firm in January 1995 after serving two years as director of the Central| |

| | | |Intelligence Agency. He has practiced there for 21 years, on four | |

| | | |occasions, since 1973. Besides serving as director of central | |

| | | |intelligence, Mr. Woolsey has served in the U.S. government as: | |

| | | |ambassador to the Negotiation on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe | |

| | | |(CFE), Vienna (1989-1991); under secretary of the Navy (1977-1979); and| |

| | | |general counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services | |

| | | |(1970-1973). He was also appointed by the president as delegate at | |

| | | |large to the U.S.-Soviet Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) and | |

| | | |Nuclear and Space Arms Talks (NST), and served in that capacity on a | |

| | | |part-time basis in Geneva (1983-1986). During military service in the | |

| | | |U.S. Army, he served as an adviser on the U.S. Delegation to the | |

| | | |Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT 1), Helsinki and Vienna | |

| | | |(1969-1970).” | |

|Jim |Woolsey | |35th Reunion: Our classmate Jim Woolsey gave us inside commentary about|2003-11 |

| | | |intelligence gathering and politics. | |

|Jim |Woolsey |jimwoolsey@ |Jim Woolsey (jimwoolsey@) is a vice president of Booz |2004-11 |

| | | |Allen Hamilton working in the area of that firm’s Global Strategic | |

| | | |Security practice in McLean, Virginia, where Jim no doubt feels at | |

| | | |home. In addition to his government service, he had practiced law for | |

| | | |22 years as a Partner in the law firm of Shea & Gardner in Washington. | |

| | | |I had the great pleasure of interviewing him recently for the local | |

| | | |Chapel Hill radio station. If you would like to hear our conversation, | |

| | | |send me a note and I will give you the web address to get the program. | |

|Jim |Woolsey | |Jim Woolsey, former CIA Director and now a vice-president with Booz |2005-11 |

| | | |Allen Hamilton, has gained some attention lately as an environmentalist| |

| | | |and as the owner of a “hybrid” car. His reasons are related to security| |

| | | |concerns. “Bin Laden would rather we stay dependent on the Mideast for | |

| | | |oil,” he told a reporter recently. “I originally came at this from the | |

| | | |national-security path but over the years have also become a committed | |

| | | |environmentalist.” On his 35-acre Maryland farm, Jim grows hay and | |

| | | |harvests solar energy on the roof of his family’s home. Jim says he’ll | |

| | | |be glad to host a low-key visit for our Washington area classmates | |

| | | |sometime before our next reunion. Let me know if you are interested, | |

| | | |and I will be sure you are on the invitation list. | |

|Jim |Woolsey | |One classmate who has already showed up on Mel’s doorstep is Jim |2008-03 |

| | | |Woolsey, who was the keynote speaker at a conference on renewable | |

| | | |energy. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Mel reports that Jim regaled him “with his tales about being CIA chief | |

| | | |and, among other things, negotiating a list of 28 items with Boris | |

| | | |Yeltsin--after Boris had had ‘six beers, two vodkas, and four glasses | |

| | | |of wine’--and ‘still remembered all 28 items and went down each item | |

| | | |from memory.’ It turned out to be, by serendipity, a wonderful | |

| | | |one-to-one mini-reunion!” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Hopefully, Jim will share some more of those stories with us in | |

| | | |October.  In March Jim became a Venture Partner and Senior Advisor at | |

| | | |VantagePoint Venture Partners, a venture capital firm, and has made a | |

| | | |transition from Vice President at Booz Allen Hamilton to Senior | |

| | | |Executive Advisor. | |

|Jim |Woolsey | jwoolsey@ |Cliff caught up with Jim Woolsey (jwoolsey@) at our reunion and|2008-11 |

| | | |learned that Jim “is committed to freeing the US from its dependence on| |

| | | |foreign oil; not a barrel of imported oil is his goal. He has become a | |

| | | |Venture Partner and Senior Advisor with VantagePoint Venture Partners, | |

| | | |Clean Tech, of San Bruno, California. Jim's role is to prospect for | |

| | | |potential ‘alternative energy’ investments. Jim showed another side of | |

| | | |himself at the reunion dinner when he sang along with The Duke's men | |

| | | |during their finale/alma matter. If you go to the You Tube web site and| |

| | | |search for ‘rockin' Woolsey’ you can watch him sing with the lead | |

| | | |guitarist for the Doobie Brothers.” | |

|Alan |Ziegler | |Our classmates shared the mixture of feelings that followed the events |2001-11 |

| | | |of September 11. For instance, Alan Ziegler saw “from the roof of my | |

| | | |firm's building in Montclair, New Jersey, the collapse of the Trade | |

| | | |Towers.  The term ‘surreal’ has been used so frequently in a casual | |

| | | |manner in the media that it has lost any true meaning, but that is | |

| | | |exactly what I felt at that moment (as opposed to retrospectively) to | |

| | | |be the scene I was watching. Later that reaction was followed by a | |

| | | |sense of empathetic horror, when I realized I knew some people who | |

| | | |worked in one of the towers (they all survived).” | |

|Alan |Ziegler |aziegler@ |Last fall (2002) Alan Ziegler (aziegler@) enriched his |2002-11 |

| | | |time by teaching a class entitled “#101 Clones, Cyborgs and Conscious | |

| | | |Computers: Should Government Regulate Scientific Research?” It dealt | |

| | | |with debate over human cloning and fetal stem cell research. So if you | |

| | | |have any questions on this controversial topic, you know whom to call. | |

|Alan |Ziegler |aziegler@ |35th Reunion: Alan Ziegler’s daughter, Alona Ayer-Ziegler, recently |2003-11 |

| | | |graduated from Eckerd College’s honors program. She and her new husband| |

| | | |live in the Dayton Ohio suburbs near the Wright-Patterson Air Force | |

| | | |base. He is working on a graduate degree in astronautical engineering | |

| | | |from The Air Force Institute of Technology. | |

|Alan |Ziegler |aziegler@ |Alan Ziegler (aziegler@) is one of the three directors of|2005-11 |

| | | |the Converging Technologies Bar Association, a relatively new | |

| | | |association of lawyers, scientists and other professionals as well as | |

| | | |government agencies and technology companies. Alan writes, “The | |

| | | |organization addresses the multi-faceted impact of converging | |

| | | |technologies (nanotechnology, biotechnology, information-computer | |

| | | |technology, and cognitive-neurological technology) and provides a | |

| | | |cross-disciplinary forum on legal, ethical, and societal issues | |

| | | |generated by this technological convergence. On its behalf, I gave a | |

| | | |presentation and participated in a panel sponsored by the NSF in Hawaii| |

| | | |this past February. I’m due to give another at the University of | |

| | | |Minnesota in mid September I am continuing as a director of the | |

| | | |Institute of New Dimensions, and will be co-teaching this fall a course| |

| | | |entitled The Rise, Fall and Rebirth of Eugenics. I also still work at | |

| | | |the Sweeney Lev law firm. I sold my half of my home in Greenwich, | |

| | | |Connecticut to my ex-wife and I am now happily living in the Radburn | |

| | | |section of Fair Lawn, New Jersey. I just returned from visiting my | |

| | | |daughter Alona in Albuquerque, where her husband, an Air Force Officer,| |

| | | |was reposted after receiving his masters in Astronautical Engineering. | |

| | | |She too has decided to obtain an advance degree in the field of | |

| | | |Speech/Linguistics. . I was also elected President of the Yale Law | |

| | | |School Association of New Jersey and a Trustee of the New Jersey Table | |

| | | |Tennis Club.” | |

|Alan |Ziegler |aziegler@ |Alan Ziegler (aziegler@) is retiring from the regular |2006-11 |

| | | |practice of law. He plans “to concentrate on my future society studies | |

| | | |and teaching interests, such as those set forth in my chapter, | |

| | | |“Regulation: The Threat To Converging Technologies,” in a volume on the| |

| | | |subject of nanotechnology and related converging technologies that will| |

| | | |be shortly published by New York Academy of Sciences. In a couple of | |

| | | |weeks, I will be giving a lecture in a graduate course on the topic of | |

| | | |eugenics and the law and another to a futurist group | |

| | | |on the topic of the scope of personhood under the Constitution. Stuart | |

| | | |Sinder and I continue to meet weekly to play at the New Jersey Table | |

| | | |Tennis Club, of which I am a director.” | |

|Alan |Ziegler |alanzieg@ |Alan Ziegler (alanzieg@) recently traveled to the see |2007-11 |

| | | |“remains of several ancient civilizations in Turkey. The timing of the | |

| | | |trip proved felicitous. My companion and I departed Izmir the day | |

| | | |before a terrorist bomb exploded in one of that city’s shopping centers| |

| | | |and we arrived back the weekend before the beginning of the | |

| | | |Congressional Committee Armenian genocide flap. I still play table | |

| | | |tennis weekly with Stuart Sinder at the Club I head, continuing a | |

| | | |custom we initiated at the Law School over forty years ago.” | |

| | | |  | |

|Mat |Zwerling | mzwerling@; mat@ |Mat Zwerling (mzwerling@; mat@) is Executive Director |2005-11 |

| | | |of the First District Appellate Project in San Francisco. Mat explained| |

| | | |what he does: “Briefly, for the past 20 years I have worked in an | |

| | | |office that oversees the appointment of counsel for indigent appellants| |

| | | |in the California Court of Appeal.  By providing assistance and | |

| | | |training, and by reviewing the work of the appointed attorneys, our | |

| | | |office has greatly improved the quality of representation these | |

| | | |appellants receive.  I've been director for the past eight years, and | |

| | | |I'm quite happy to be involved in this work.  Family-wise, I've been | |

| | | |married for 21 years and we have a 16-year old son. I keep active with | |

| | | |mountain hiking and family stuff, and overall life is good.” | |

|Mat |Zwerling |mat@ |Mat Zwerling (mat@), with a son about to enter college, is |2008-03 |

| | | |still directing a program in San Francisco that provides counsel for | |

| | | |indigent appellants in criminal and juvenile cases. | |

|Frank |ZzLLM Cihlar |Frank.P.Cihlar@ |Frank Cihlar LLM  (Frank.P.Cihlar@) recently began a 2-year |2006-11 |

| | |Frank Cihlar LLM '68  |term as President of the Potomac Guild of the Horological Association | |

| | | |of Virginia (an association of professional and amateur watch and | |

| | | |clockmakers). He repairs clocks in his spare time when he is not | |

| | | |fly-fishing. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Frank is Senior Counsel for International Tax Matters in the Department| |

| | | |of Justice, where he has served since 1991. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |After graduating Notre Dame Law School, he came to Yale, where he was a| |

| | | |research assistant to Professor Boris Bittker. | |

| | | |Earlier, he taught law for three years and practiced law for twenty | |

| | | |years, advising both foreign and domestic clients on the international | |

| | | |aspects of the U.S. tax laws, including treaty issues. He also served | |

| | | |as Assistant Counsel to a subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary | |

| | | |Committee, Senior Counsel in the Justice Department’s Office for | |

| | | |Improvements in the Administration of Justice, and a member of the Tax | |

| | | |Division’s Appellate Section. | |

| | | |He won the Justice Department’s John Marshall Award for Outstanding | |

| | | |Legal Achievement in 2002 for his work on The Boeing Company v. United | |

| | | |States, and the Attorney General’s Distinguished Service Award in 2004 | |

| | | |for his work on the Tax Division’s tax shelter promoter summons | |

| | | |enforcement litigation. | |

|Mark |ZzLLM Leibler |MLeibler@.au |Mark Leibler (MLeibler@.au) (’68, LLM) is Senior Partner at |2002-03 |

| | | |Arnold Bloch Leibler, Lawyers and Advisers in Australia. According to | |

| | | |reports on the “web,” he is Australia's leading tax lawyer. The annual | |

| | | |publication Legal Profiles says: "Mark Leibler is consistently noted | |

| | | |for having outstanding expertise and being technically spot on." In | |

| | | |February 2000, Leibler was the only lawyer cited in an Australian | |

| | | |publication as one of the "50 most influential business people in | |

| | | |Australia." | |

| | | |The website also reports that Mark “has long championed the cause of | |

| | | |anti-racial vilification laws. His firm has been at the forefront of | |

| | | |efforts to secure respect and recognition of indigenous Australians’ | |

| | | |Native Title rights. He is National Chairman of the Australia/Israel &| |

| | | |Jewish Affairs Council and a Governor of the Australia/Israel Chamber | |

| | | |of Commerce. Mark Leibler was Federal President of the United Israel | |

| | | |Appeal of Australia (1995-2001) and President of the Zionist Federation| |

| | | |of Australia (1984-1994). He is a member of the Executive of the | |

| | | |Jewish Agency for Israel and holds numerous other public positions in | |

| | | |Israel.” | |

|S. Rao |ZzLLM |pemmarajuin@ |In 2002, S. Rao Pemmaraju  LLM (pemmarajuin@), retired from |2006-11 |

| |Pemmaraju  | |the Government of India service, after 27 years of service as the | |

| | | |Additional Secretary and the Legal Adviser in the Ministry of External | |

| | | |Affairs. For 20 years, until last year, he served as a senior Member of| |

| | | |the International Law commission. He says, “My work on the ILC was | |

| | | |very exciting, educative and rewarding. I had the benefit of | |

| | | |participating in the progressive development and codification of | |

| | | |international law, according to the UN mandate, on a number of subjects| |

| | | |and most notably on the State responsibility, the law of | |

| | | |non-navigational uses of international watercourses, sovereign | |

| | | |immunity, draft | |

| | | |code of crimes, international criminal jurisdiction and criminal court,| |

| | | |shared natural resources and, in particular, the ground waters, | |

| | | |reservation to treaties, diplomatic protection, unilateral acts of | |

| | | |States, fragmentation of international law. These are the subjects that| |

| | | |were finalized or in the process of finalization only awaiting their | |

| | | |customary second reading. . I also had the distinct honor of piloting | |

| | | |the subject of transboundary harm arising from hazardous activities | |

| | | |since 1997 as a Special Rapporteur and finalised that topic which was | |

| | | |on the agenda of the Commission for about 30 years. This work resulted | |

| | | |in two different outcomes: 1.A draft convention on prevention of | |

| | | |transboundary harm in 2001; and 2. A set of draft principles on | |

| | | |allocation of loss in case of transboundary harm in spite [of] the | |

| | | |adoption by all concerned of the best practices enjoined by the | |

| | | |obligation of prevention. The later set of principles were finalized as| |

| | | |part of the work of the Commission this August 2006 and are currently | |

| | | |before the UN General Assembly.” | |

| | | |His son, Raghuram Pemmaraju, a member of the senior staff of the | |

| | | |Information Technology Department of the Georgetown University, | |

| | | |recently married Allison Mistrett, an occupational therapist. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |He and his wife, Suvydehi are spending time with their daughter, | |

| | | |Kiranmaye, and son-in-law Ronald Scott Neary “and mostly deriving the | |

| | | |pleasure of being the grandparents of Jennifer Asha Neary. She is an | |

| | | |energetic and engaging three-year-old grandchild who loves to refer to | |

| | | |herself as a 'grandbear'. She loves music, dancing, painting and reads | |

| | | |well. | |

|Fletcher |ZzLLM Baldwin |(BaldwinFN@law.ufl.edu) |Fletcher Baldwin Jr. LLM is Chesterfield Smith Professor of Law and |2008-03 |

| | | |Director, Centre for International Financial Crime Studies at the | |

| | | |University of Florida’s Levin College of Law. | |

|S. Rao |ZzLLM |pemmarajuin@ |Having completed am 20-year assignment with the International law |2007-11 |

| |Pemmaraju  | |Commission of the United Nations as a “Special Rapporteur” on the | |

| | | |subject of international liability for trans-boundary harm arising from| |

| | | |hazardous activities, S. Rao Pemmaraju  LLM (pemmarajuin@), is| |

| | | |presently advising the office of the Attorney General of Qatar on | |

| | | |matters of international criminal law in particular and on | |

| | | |international law developments in general. He has an additional | |

| | | |assignment with the International Court of Justice in November as an ad| |

| | | |hoc judge in a case involving Singapore and Malaysia concerning | |

| | | |sovereignty over a disputed island territory. | |

| | | | | |

|Sreenivas |ZzLLM Pemmaraju| (pemmarajuin@) |Sreenivas Rao Pemmaraju (LL.M'68, J.S.D.'70) (pemmarajuin@), |2008-03 |

|Rao | | |after 20 years as a member of the International Law Commission, is | |

| | | |residing in Doha, Qatar, serving as a special adviser to the Attorney | |

| | | |General of the State of Qatar. | |

| | | |He writes, “ I am glad to hear from time to time form Justice Leo Barry| |

| | | |of Nova Scotia, a classmate with whom I shared some fine moments when | |

| | | |we were at Yale.” | |

|Mike |ZzLLM Swygert |SWYGERT@law.stetson.edu |Mike Swygert (SWYGERT@law.stetson.edu), 68 LL.M., writes that he will |2002-03 |

| | | |be visiting at Notre Dame Law School for the 2002-03 academic year | |

| | | |teaching contracts, jurisprudence, and law and economics. Since | |

| | | |graduation from Yale, Mike practiced law in Chicago one year and has | |

| | | |been a law professor for the past 33 years, teaching at DePaul, | |

| | | |Indiana, Wake Forest, Stetson, Valparaiso, and Emory universities. | |

| | | |Given the passage of time, he still remains in awe of Richard Epstein | |

| | | |and his graphs in Ward Bowman's "contracts and vertical integration" | |

| | | |class. Actually it was Bowman and Fritz Kessler together, although | |

| | | |Kessler, as you may recall, spent a portion of the semester in New | |

| | | |Hampshire primary campaign working for Eugene McCarthy's presidential | |

| | | |bid. Plus, Kessler, like many of us, kind of let Richard and Ward run | |

| | | |the show.” | |

|Mike |ZzLLM Swygert |mswygert@nd.edu |Mike Swygert (a ‘68 LL.M. grad, is currently visiting on the law |2003-03 |

| | | |faculty at the University of Notre Dame.  After one year of practice in| |

| | | |Chicago, he has been teaching law for thirty-four years, including | |

| | | |stints at Emory, Wake Forest, Cambridge, Stetson, DePaul, Valparaiso, | |

| | | |and Indiana.  He writes, “I left Yale Law as a committed civil rights | |

| | | |and economic liberal, but something happened.  The influence of Ward | |

| | | |Bowman and our classmate Richard Epstein began to sink in, and now I | |

| | | |teach Chicago as well as Yale “school” law and economics, although I | |

| | | |have attempted in my scholarship to reconcile fundamental fairness and | |

| | | |efficiency theories. [See. e.g., A Unified Theory of Justice; The | |

| | | |Integration of Fairness and Efficiency, 72 Wash. L. Rev. 249 (1998), | |

| | | |combining Coasean and Rawlsean consensus constructs.] ”Mike is writing | |

| | | |the history of the Valparaiso University School of Law.  “It turns | |

| | | |out,” he says, “that I was one of fifteen Valparaiso grads who went on | |

| | | |to Yale to earn LL.M. degrees, thirteen of whom then went into law | |

| | | |teaching.  That is one way to spread the influence of the Yale Law | |

| | | |School.” | |

|Mike |zzLLM Swygert |swygert@law.stetson.edu |Mike Swygert, LL.M., (swygert@law.stetson.edu.), Professor of |2006-11 |

| | | |Law Emeritus at Stetson University College of Law, has authored his | |

| | | |second history of an American law school, Florida's First Law School, A| |

| | | |History of Stetson University College of Law (Durham Academic Press, | |

| | | |2006).  He earlier wrote, "And, We Must Make Them Noble," A Contextual | |

| | | |History of Valparaiso University School of Law, 1829-2004. Mike is now | |

| | | |an emeritus professor of law after teaching for thirty-seven | |

| | | |years either as a regular or visiting faculty member at Cambridge, | |

| | | |DePaul, Emory, Indiana, Notre Dame, Stetson, Valparaiso, and Wake | |

| | | |Forest universities. Though retired from teaching, he continues to | |

| | | |write, currently working on a biography of a person whom he describes | |

| | | |simply as “a great American lawyer.” | |

|Peter |Bradford | |Meanwhile, on March 24, Peter Bradford was testifying before the Senate|2009-03 |

| | | |Committee on Environment and Public Works, Subcommittee on Clean Air | |

| | | |and Nuclear Safety about the lessons learned from the accident at Three| |

| | | |Mile Island. One such lesson, he said, is “that safety must always be a| |

| | | |higher priority than economic interest or the licensing of more power | |

| | | |plants in specified time periods is one that needs constant | |

| | | |reiteration. Among the lessons of TMI is that nuclear power is least | |

| | | |safe when complacency and pressure to expedite are highest. The sense | |

| | | |that everything is safe enough already may be its worst enemy.” | |

|George |Bunn |grbunnesq@ |Thanks to George Bunn’s (grbunnesq@) daughter Lilly Bunn Weekes, |2009-03 |

| | | |he recently became the grandfather of Grace Weekes. | |

|Bill |Davis |DAVISDEV1@ |Bill Davis (DAVISDEV1@) served as Chair of the Host Committee of|2009-03 |

| | | |The People's Inaugural Gala, a group of citizens in the District of | |

| | | |Columbia, which launched six separate events, to entertain and educate | |

| | | |residents and visitors to the DC area, who wished to celebrate the | |

| | | |inauguration of President Obama. The six events included a prayer | |

| | | |breakfast, and gospel concert; a women's leadership luncheon, a jazz | |

| | | |concert, a dressy dinner dance, and a Black Tie Ball attended by | |

| | | |hundreds of low income residents, who would otherwise never have had an| |

| | | |opportunity to attend such events. | |

|Richard |Epstein | |We are familiar with Richard Epstein’s prolific contributions to legal |2009-03 |

| | | |scholarship and opinion. In the March 26 edition of the Wall Street | |

| | | |Journal, he used his great gifts to argue why the proposed taxation of | |

| | | |the “AIG bonuses” should be found unconstitutional—and then to explain | |

| | | |why the Supreme Court would probably not follow his advice. | |

|David |Gerber |mrock7@ |David Gerber (new email address, mrock7@) writes that he is |2009-03 |

| | | |“continuing to enjoy being a Zen Buddhist monk, living at Dharma Zen | |

| | | |Center in Los Angeles. In April I will visit South Korea, where we have| |

| | | |an international Zen Center, for a week and a half. Korea is especially| |

| | | |beautiful in the spring and fall.” | |

|Jim |Goetz |jim@ |Jim Goetz (jim@) still works full time in his Bozeman, |2009-03 |

| | | |Montana trial and appellate practice (including 2 trips to the US | |

| | | |Supreme Court on abstruse constitutional issues). But out west, | |

| | | |“full-time does not mean all the time. Jim writes, “My wife, Jill | |

| | | |Davenport and I spend the bulk of our summers, after our annual trip to| |

| | | |the Big Hole River in June to fish the Salmon Fly hatch, at our little | |

| | | |place on Flathead Lake near Bigfork, Montana, with our cat and two | |

| | | |Newfoundlands. We love to take out our rowing shells when the Lake is | |

| | | |calm. The ‘go away’ sign over the porch entrance is not meant for | |

| | | |former classmates.” | |

|Bill |Horwich, | |Liza Molodovsky (emolodovsky1@) and husband Sam recently |2009-03 |

| | | |spent a week in Northern California, in and around Berkeley. “Spring | |

| | | |there is glorious. We had a very nice supper with Mijo and Bill | |

| | | |Horwich, served with a number of French flourishes, at their charming | |

| | | |home.” | |

|Bill |Iverson |wiverson@ |Bill Iverson (wiverson@) continues his work at Covington & |2009-03 |

| | | |Burling, Washington, DC, currently as a senior counsel. According to | |

| | | |the firm’s website, “He specializes in complex civil litigation and has| |

| | | |represented clients and tried bench and jury cases in state and federal| |

| | | |cases throughout the country in a wide variety of matters, including | |

| | | |antitrust, intellectual property, RICO, Internet law, contract, class | |

| | | |action torts, environmental, securities, and qui tam cases. His cases | |

| | | |have involved the pharmaceutical, healthcare, computer, aerospace, | |

| | | |airline, railroad, defense, banking, investment banking, and mining | |

| | | |industries among others.” I would say “Wow” but we all knew that he was| |

| | | |a brilliant multi-tasker, didn’t we? | |

|Flip |Kissam | |Hardy says that events often remind him of Flip Kissam. Before Flip’s |2009-03 |

| | | |death, Hardy visited him in Lawrence, KS, where “he dragged me to a | |

| | | |pre-season basketball game in the House That Wilt Built. “A nice | |

| | | |reminder of our old friend,” writes Hardy, “whom we still miss.” | |

|Dick |Markovits |RMARKOVITS@LAW.UTEXAS.EDU |Inga (69 LLM) and Dick Markovits’s (RMARKOVITS@LAW.UTEXAS.EDU) son |2009-03 |

| | | |Benjamin lives in London, where his reputation as an author is soaring.| |

| | | |His latest book, "A Quiet Adjustment," the second novel in a trilogy, | |

| | | |focuses on the life of Lord Byron from the perspective of Annabella | |

| | | |Milbanke, his wife for a short time. | |

|DG |Martin | |Gene checked out my new web page that features family owned homecooking|2009-03 |

| | | |restaurants near the North Carolina interstate highways | |

| | | |() and was moved to write, “That's a tough | |

| | | |job you have, but I guess someone has to do it. As an accomplished | |

| | | |eater, I really appreciate the stuff you write about. In fact, I am a | |

| | | |bit of a cook myself, but only on Sunday. We have big family dinners | |

| | | |every Sunday, and that's when I whip our kitchen into action (and | |

| | | |everybody stays out). Lot's of fun -- cooking and stirring and | |

| | | |listening to good jazz on our local public radio. I even like cleaning| |

| | | |up afterwards.” | |

|Mel |Masuda |mmasuda@hpu.edu |Mel Masuda (mmasuda@hpu.edu) broke his self-imposed rule never to leave|2009-03 |

| | | |Hawaii to visit Woolsey in order to introduce him to one of Mel’s best | |

| | | |students at Hawaii Pacific University where Mel teaches law. Here is an| |

| | | |invitation from Mel: “Please be sure to remind all of our classmates | |

| | | |that, if--despite the ‘down economy’--they are headed my way to fulfill| |

| | | |their life-long dream of an Hawaiian vacation to give me a ‘heads up | |

| | | |alert’ so that I can treat them to a Mai Tai at the newly opened (yes, | |

| | | |despite the ‘down economy’) Jimmy Buffet's Restaurant in Waikiki.” | |

|Del |Miller |delmiller@ |Joe Bell (JCBell@) reports that he heard from Del Miller |2009-03 |

| | | |(delmiller@) about his recent travel including a trip to Peru and | |

| | | |the Galapagos. | |

|Gene |Moen |gene@ |Gene Moen’s (gene@) multi-racial family now has five children|2009-03 |

| | | |and five grandchildren. His oldest daughter is an attorney, and his | |

| | | |youngest is a first year student at Northwestern. Gene, a plaintiff’s | |

| | | |trial attorney in Seattle, limits his practice to medical negligence | |

| | | |cases on a contingency fee basis. He writes, “ I love the risks, and | |

| | | |the highs and lows, of trial practice and they will probably haul me | |

| | | |out of the courtroom on a gurney.” | |

|Liza |Molodovsky |emolodovsky1@ |Liza Molodovsky (emolodovsky1@) and husband Sam recently |2009-03 |

| | | |spent a week in Northern California, in and around Berkeley. “Spring | |

| | | |there is glorious. We had a very nice supper with Mijo and Bill | |

| | | |Horwich, served with a number of French flourishes, at their charming | |

| | | |home.” | |

|Rick |Ober |rober@alumni.princeton.edu |Rick Ober (rober@alumni.princeton.edu) writes from Princeton, where he |2009-03 |

| | | |awaits another in a series of interim general counsel positions. While | |

| | | |waiting for the call, he takes on tasks as a business dispute mediator.| |

| | | |Last year he also worked as Research Director for the New Jersey U.S. | |

| | | |Senate campaign of Dick Zimmer '69. | |

|Zyg |Plater |plater@bc.edu |Zyg Plater (plater@bc.edu), Professor of Law at Boston College Law |2009-03 |

| | | |School, writes, “My book on a very small fish is finally nearing | |

| | | |completion.” Insiders will know what small fish he is talking about. | |

| | | |Zyg wrote from Alaska where “I've been giving some lectures for the | |

| | | |20th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez incident; I'd chaired the state | |

| | | |oil spill commission's legal research task force.) Temperature last | |

| | | |week driving to one lecture was 25 below. Yesterday we drove through a | |

| | | |blizzard, were trapped on a long spur road by an avalanche, then | |

| | | |learned all flights out had been ‘volcanoed.’” | |

|Mark |Raven |mraven@ |Mark Raven (mraven@) wrote from Mexico City, where he goes at|2009-03 |

| | | |least once a month. He writes, “I get to read, write and speak quite a | |

| | | |bit of Spanish. The immersion in a different culture is endlessly | |

| | | |interesting despite the complete absence, at least so far, of any | |

| | | |involvement in the drug wars. The immersion in a different culture is | |

| | | |endlessly interesting despite the complete absence, at least so far, of| |

| | | |any involvement in the drug wars.” In between trips to Mexico he | |

| | | |practices real estate and corporate law in Tucson, Arizona and keeps up| |

| | | |with three children, two of whom live in New York City. | |

|Hardy |Wieting |hardyw@ |Hardy Wieting (hardyw@) continues to spend substantial time in|2009-03 |

| | | |Kunming, China where he pursues the development of a natural heritage | |

| | | |data center for adoption by the provincial government. Hardy says that | |

| | | |events often remind him of Flip Kissam. Before Flip’s death, Hardy | |

| | | |visited him in Lawrence, KS, where “he dragged me to a pre-season | |

| | | |basketball game in the House That Wilt Built.” “A nice reminder of our | |

| | | |old friend,” writes Hardy, “whom we still miss.” | |

|Jim |Woolsey | |Also this winter, I persuaded Jim Woolsey to talk to me on the radio |2009-03 |

| | | |about how he brings together his “conservative” defense policies with | |

| | | |his “liberal” environmental and energy ideas. He talked about the | |

| | | |role-playing exercise in which he frames an imaginary discussion | |

| | | |between John Muir, an environmental hero, and General George S. Patton,| |

| | | |an unapologetic militarist. Jim can play both roles and brings them to | |

| | | |a common energy policy that improves the environment and strengthens | |

| | | |national defense. (The program is available for listening or | |

| | | |downloading at listen.html?showname=dgpodcast) | |

| | | |Woolsey’s ideas are also summarized in a chapter of a new book | |

| | | |published by Brookings Institution Press, “Climatic Cataclysm: The | |

| | | |Foreign Policy and National Security Implications of Climate Change,” | |

| | | |edited by Kurt M. Campbell. Woolsey’s chapter is titled “A Partnership | |

| | | |Deal: Malevolent and Malignant Threats .” | |

|Alan |Ziegler | |Alan Ziegler (ziegler-law@) says that he has cut back on |2009-03 |

| | | |some of his volunteer activities and is “only teaching a short | |

| | | |follow-up seminar on social and economic implications of recent | |

| | | |scientific discoveries and technological advances.” | |

| | | | | |

|Roger |Anderson |roger_anderson958@ |Roger Anderson (roger_anderson958@) attended the latest Alumni |2009-11 |

| | | |weekend where he heard Sonia Sotomayor, who was attending her 30th, give a | |

| | | |short "off the record" that was “wonderful, intelligent, sensible and | |

| | | |humorous.” Roger’s son, having been in Argentina for two years as a consular | |

| | | |official at the U.S. Embassy is presently in Mongolia from where he will be | |

| | | |assigned to Armenia. | |

|Bob |Baker |rhbaker@ |Bob Baker (rhbaker@) writes that he has “failed at retirement |2009-11 |

| | | |again and am the Finance Director for Shaker Heights, Ohio in these troubled | |

| | | |times. One daughter, Jennifer Kotilaine, graduated from Oxford with a law | |

| | | |degree this year and is training to be a barrister (at an age over 40). Our | |

| | | |other daughter, Kristina Sole, has accepted a position as Assistant Professor| |

| | | |of OB/GYN at the Cornell Medical School in Qatar and is the Director of | |

| | | |Women's Health.” | |

|Jack |Carley |jhc@ |Last spring, Jack Carley (jhc@) completed his assignment as a |2009-11 |

| | | |federal monitor of one of five public orthopedic device manufacturers subject| |

| | | |to deferred or non-prosecution agreements with the United States following a | |

| | | |criminal investigation for “kickbacks. ” Then, he writes, “I took the summer | |

| | | |off at our house on the East End of Long Island and played tennis, sheared | |

| | | |privet hedges, pruned trees, read and went swimming. In August I became a | |

| | | |Grandfather for the first time (a boy). In September I traveled to Abilene, | |

| | | |Kansas, Independence, Missouri and Springfield, Illinois and visited the | |

| | | |Eisenhower, Truman and Lincoln libraries and homes where they lived. In | |

| | | |October I went to Quincy, Massachusetts to visit the houses of John Adams and| |

| | | |his son John Quincy and then to Boston to revisit the John F. Kennedy | |

| | | |Library. Wonderful trips. I hope to visit all Presidential libraries and | |

| | | |have been to all but Hoover, Ford, Bush 41, and Clinton....I accompany my | |

| | | |wife to Broadway, where she has to see every play because of being one of | |

| | | |those who determine next year’s Tony nominees when she is not doing her | |

| | | |weekly radio show, “Pia Presents” on Sirius/XM interviewing authors and | |

| | | |titans of the literary world about their books. It is shaping up to be a | |

| | | |good theater season should anyone visit our fair city.” | |

|Peter |d'Errico |derrico@legal.umass.edu |Peter d'Errico (derrico@legal.umass.edu) recently spent a few weeks in |2009-11 |

| | | |Albuquerque, staying with his daughter and visiting “Sally Barlow and other | |

| | | |long-time colleagues from Navajo legal services days. Lots of good weather | |

| | | |and conversation. I'm still consulting on Wampanoag fishing/hunting rights, | |

| | | |writing occasional columns for Indian Country Today, and being a member of | |

| | | |the Leverett, Massachusetts, Select Board (local town government).” | |

|David |Drabkin |david_drabkin@ |David Drabkin (david_drabkin@) has “been living for the past two |2009-11 |

| | | |years in northern Thailand, enjoying the beautiful environment around | |

| | | |ChiangMai, while developing a small river resort on the banks of the mighty | |

| | | |Mekong River in the south of Laos. Progress has been slow, but that's turned| |

| | | |out to be just as well since the worldwide recession has negatively affected | |

| | | |tourism in this part of the world. If all goes well, we will break ground | |

| | | |early in the spring of 2010.” | |

|Richard |Epstein |repstein@uchicago.edu |Richard Epstein (repstein@uchicago.edu) is moving into a time of transition. |2009-11 |

| | | |“I shall take a permanent position at NYU, where I have taught in the fall | |

| | | |for the past three years and ‘retire’ from the University of Chicago, where I| |

| | | |shall in turn visit, at least for the next several years, as a visitor in the| |

| | | |Spring. I will also keep my connection as a Senior Fellow at the Hoover | |

| | | |Institution where among other things I am a member of its general property | |

| | | |rights task force and its spin off on intellectual property. For more than a| |

| | | |year now I have authored a regular Tuesday column, The Libertarian, on | |

| | | | touching on a wide range of regulatory structures. My wife Eileen| |

| | | |organizes the shuttle back and forth among three cities. Two of my children,| |

| | | |Melissa and Elliot live in New York City. My third child Benjamin lives in | |

| | | |Los Angeles.” | |

| | | |Then he writes, “All is well.” | |

|David |Gerber |mrock7@ |David Gerber (mrock7@), a Zen Buddhist monk, lives and works in a |2009-11 |

|(Mu Sang | | |small residential Zen Center in Los Angeles () where he | |

|Sunim) | | |practices meditation, gives talks, and teaches people one by one. “It's | |

| | | |satisfying, he writes. “This year we finally put out a DVD of a film (‘Wake | |

| | | |Up: On the road with a Zen Master’) I produced some years ago about our | |

| | | |teacher, the late Korean Zen Master Seung Sahn, on a trip we took together in| |

| | | |Europe back when I was his secretary. (I'm referred to in the film as Mu Sang| |

| | | |Sunim, which is my monk's name.). Someone also put it up on YouTube, in six | |

| | | |parts, so you can see a version of it there….Buddha's teaching is called | |

| | | |Dharma; Dharma can actually be translated as Law; so I guess I'm still in the| |

| | | |law business after all. | |

|David |Hopmann |david.hopmann@ |David Hopmann (david.hopmann@) brings us up-to-date: “I am |2009-11 |

| | | |still practicing law part-time at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman in San | |

| | | |Francisco. Although I have done some low-key dispute resolution work over | |

| | | |the years, I have spent most of my time on transactional work and counseling | |

| | | |in IP, marketing and advertising topics, technology transfers, and licenses | |

| | | |of various flavors. My domestic partner of 19 years, Jim Taul, recently | |

| | | |retired from Kaiser Permanente, where his last job was Director of Medicare | |

| | | |Finance. He had a series of pricing and quasi-actuarial jobs at Kaiser | |

| | | |before that. We split our time between our loft in downtown San Francisco | |

| | | |and our house in Boonville, Anderson Valley, Mendocino County. Upon Bill | |

| | | |Iverson’s first seeing our Boonville house a few years ago, he remarked that | |

| | | |we ‘deserved it.’ I will leave that comment to your interpretation. Jim | |

| | | |sits on a local theater board in SF and volunteers his time at the local | |

| | | |health center in Boonville. I serve on several boards in SF. I sit also on | |

| | | |the Anderson Valley Land Trust board and the board of our local public radio | |

| | | |station in Mendocino County, KZYX. Jim and I have traveled extensively, both| |

| | | |on our own and with the Stanford Alumni Association. Perhaps because the | |

| | | |Cold War loomed so large in our childhoods, we have taken a special interest | |

| | | |in the East European remnants of the USSR.” | |

|Bill |Iverson |wiverson@ |In the fall, Bill Iverson (wiverson@) walked for several hundred miles|2009-11 |

| | | |along the Camino de Santiago trail in northern Spain. Later he joined his | |

| | | |wife, Susan, “who sensibly declined to join me on the Camino,” for a few | |

| | | |weeks together in Paris | |

| | | |Bill writes, “Back in 1967 I remember seeing the members of the Class of 1947| |

| | | |walking around on alumni weekend with red "Class of Destiny" Superman capes | |

| | | |(as the first postwar class they did have lots of major success stories). My| |

| | | |reaction was to wonder how old men could be so silly. Now I understand a | |

| | | |little more, although I hope there are no capes in our future. (I also have | |

| | | |to add that guys 30 years out of law school no longer look like oldsters to | |

| | | |me.)” | |

|Norm |Leventhal |norm.leventhal@ |On January 1, 2009, Norm Leventhal (norm.leventhal@) left the firm |2009-11 |

| | | |he started in 1982 and built into a 30-lawyer communications firm. He joined | |

| | | |Holland & Knight as a partner in their Communications Regulatory, Media and | |

| | | |Entertainment group. His new association gives him the ability to expand the| |

| | | |services he offers his international clients: Grupo Televisa and Grupo Prisa | |

| | | |-- the two largest media companies in the Spanish speaking world. | |

| | | |Norm has four grandchildren and his wife, Ilene, has written a book of | |

| | | |children's stories and is working to have them published. | |

|Fred |Lowther |LowtherF@ |Fred Lowther (LowtherF@) is beginning his 37th year at |2009-11 |

| | | |Dickstein Shapiro in Washington. He has three grandsons and just completed | |

| | | |(“to the extent one can ever ‘complete’”) the restoration of a historic home | |

| | | |in Old Town, Alexandria. He says, “Life has been good.” | |

| | | |According to his firm, Fred “leads the Firm’s Corporate & Finance Practice. | |

| | | |He focuses his practice on domestic and international energy, water supply | |

| | | |projects and transactions, and general counseling of energy companies in all | |

| | | |sectors of the industry.” | |

|Arthur |Malman |abmalman@ |Arthur Malman (abmalman@) is still “actively practicing law in |2009-11 |

| | | |New York City and chasing my six grandchildren.” | |

| | | |Something new is his involvement in local politics. Here is his complete | |

| | | |report: “I have never been too involved in local politics but about a year | |

| | | |ago, a couple of friends and I formed the Town of East Hampton Group for Good| |

| | | |Government in order to bring back competence and civility to our local | |

| | | |government which had, in a couple of years, turned a $15 million surplus into| |

| | | |a $20 million deficit. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“Meanwhile Town Board meetings were being held in midday when no working | |

| | | |person could attend and when questions were asked they were ignored. Moreover| |

| | | |audits had not been completed for years, no one knew the town's day to day | |

| | | |cash position, bond offering statements were falsified, town employees | |

| | | |multiplied, funds were improperly being taken out of segregated preservation | |

| | | |funds to cover operating deficits, etc. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“At first we all wondered if our voter registration drives, press interviews | |

| | | |and meetings with county legislators and potential candidates would matter. | |

| | | |It took us about a year, but the budget director has been indicted on seven | |

| | | |felony counts, the Supervisor resigned and we now have six new people running| |

| | | |for three vacancies on the five member town board--any three of whom would be| |

| | | |a dramatic improvement. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“We are now focused on turning the town government into a town manager format| |

| | | |to make sure there is professional management of a town with a $60 million | |

| | | |budget. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“If nothing else I now know I never want to be an elected official--having | |

| | | |been the managing partner of a law firm for about 10 years (a position I left| |

| | | |several years ago) was bad enough!” | |

|Mel |Masuda |mmasuda@hpu.edu |Mel Masuda (mmasuda@hpu.edu)says that he is hearing the sounds of the Paul |2009-11 |

| | | |McCartney-Michael Jackson song, “Ebony And Ivory,” with the weddings of his | |

| | | |two now-grown Native Hawaiian children: The “Ivory” side--Son Makamae | |

| | | |(nickname Maka), 28, now with the public relations team for the new 787 | |

| | | |Boeing Dreamliner aircraft in Seattle-Everett, has married fellow Boeing | |

| | | |worker Allison Ayersat at “the happiest place on earth,” “Disneyland,” in | |

| | | |Anaheim, on November 7. On the “Ebony” side, Mel’s daughter Kaiewa (nickname| |

| | | |Kai), 25, recently earned her master’s degree in counseling psychology from | |

| | | |Chaminade University of Honolulu and is now a counselor at Kipapa Elementary | |

| | | |School on Oahu. We will have a further report in an upcoming Law Notes. | |

|Rick |Ober |rober@alumni. princeton.edu |Isles, Inc., an award-winning environmental and community development |2009-11 |

| | | |nonprofit in Trenton and Hamilton Township, New Jersey, recently appointed | |

| | | |Rick Ober (rober@alumni.princeton.edu) as Vice President and General Counsel.| |

| | | |Marty Johnson, founder and CEO of Isles, said: “We are very fortunate to get| |

| | | |someone with Rick’s expertise in both the for-profit and nonprofit fields. | |

| | | |As Isles’ growth accelerates, we will benefit from his wise counsel.” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Rick writes, “Daughter Julie is working at University of Michigan Department | |

| | | |of Public Health (got her Master's there and they wouldn't let her leave) | |

| | | |while bringing up grandson Bem (now 3). Daughter Molly now a licensed | |

| | | |Clinical Psychologist in Massachusetts while son-in-law Ethan finishing up | |

| | | |veterinary school at Tufts. Tennis 2x per week, gym classes 3x per week, ski| |

| | | |season coming - life is good.” | |

| | | | | |

|Cliffor |Pearlman |cliffordpearlman@ | |2009-11 |

| | | |Clifford Pearlman (cliffordpearlman@) sent this note that connects| |

| | | |our class to one of the most important historical developments of the 20th | |

| | | |Century: “While you and your family and friends sing “Rudolph the Red-Nosed | |

| | | |Reindeer” during the Holiday season, keep in mind these two Class of ’68 | |

| | | |connections to the song. Rudolph was the creation of Robert L. May, father of| |

| | | |our classmate Christopher May. It was written in 1939 for Montgomery Ward as | |

| | | |a promotional give away, a much needed upgrade from the coloring books that | |

| | | |had traditionally been handed out. Needing money for the medical bills | |

| | | |incident to his first wife’s terminal illness, May talked Montgomery Ward | |

| | | |into assigning the IP rights to him and then persuaded his brother-in-law | |

| | | |Johnny Marks to write a song. Johnny Marks is the great-uncle of [Clifford’s | |

| | | |wife] Lynn Marks. ‘Rudolph’ still holds its place as the second-best selling | |

| | | |Christmas song. Lynn alas is not in the royalty distribution chain.” | |

|Bob |Sable |rsable@aya.yale.edu |Bob Sable (rsable@aya.yale.edu) is still heading up Greater Boston Legal |2009-11 |

| | | |Services, and his wife, Sloan, still teaches at the Windsor School. He | |

| | | |writes, “The recession has been very hard for legal services. We have lost a| |

| | | |lot of funding and had to cut back our lawyers and paralegals by 15% at a | |

| | | |time when the need for our help has never been greater. I still think this | |

| | | |society can do away with poverty and that lawyers and the law have an | |

| | | |important role to play, but boy it is a lot harder and taking a lot longer | |

| | | |than we thought in 1968 when we all marched off to change the world.” | |

|Stan |Sanders |jstansanders@ |Stan Sanders   (jstansanders@) writes that “much has transpired in my |2009-11 |

| | | |life during the time since I last submitted and now feel obliged to pass on | |

| | | |these few highlights: | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“1.   “I got married in March----again, this for the third time, and now | |

| | | |qualify as a much-married man, and entitled to all of the rights and | |

| | | |privileges appurtenant thereto.  Debbie, my bride, herself is the mother of | |

| | | |five children (all daughters), and together with my four children (two sons, | |

| | | |two daughters) and three grandsons, make our blended family of nine | |

| | | |children---their whereabouts and activities----a source of considerable joy. | |

| | | |Nine adult offspring, in season, produce piles of soiled linens, shortages of| |

| | | |dinner-table chairs, and their share of greenhouse emissions far in excess of| |

| | | |anything Charlie Reich ever taught about.   The collective political wisdom | |

| | | |of this family is awesome and includes, with all due modesty, freely given | |

| | | |dispatches of intelligence more often than either Debbie or I care to have | |

| | | |from West Africa and from the state capitols of California, Rhodes Island and| |

| | | |Connecticut.  We are, in short, happy in marriage once again. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“2.   I have begun my book in earnest, which is the tale of my grandmother's | |

| | | |long march to freedom by foot in the days following Emancipation Proclamation| |

| | | |from the tobacco plantations of North Carolina to the plains of south Texas. | |

| | | |In the Age of Obama, this is just another of an endless array of American | |

| | | |stories that can choke you up emotionally but told, they must be.  No | |

| | | |publication date has been set at this writing. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“3.   One of my sons and I formed The Sanders Firm, LLP, a cross-generational| |

| | | |law practice, the year before last, and I am convinced there is no greater | |

| | | |way, nor bigger thrill, to transmit wisdom in single lanes of two-way | |

| | | |traffic. Too, I have been assured that I have been neither a bad lawyer nor a| |

| | | |bad father. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |“4.    Two journeys back-to-back I have made in recent days stand out----one | |

| | | |to Monterey, California, the other to the northern province of Limpopo, in | |

| | | |South Africa. I was a regular visitor to both of these destinations for | |

| | | |almost 30 years, until 1997, but when I visited them in September and in | |

| | | |October 2009 I had not visited either in 12 years.  Taken together these two | |

| | | |places are a study in how things change and yet stay the same.  On one hand, | |

| | | |Monterey is exactly the same as I remember it being 12 years ago; everything | |

| | | |in-town and along the coast the same as it was the last time.  Not even the | |

| | | |location of a single Monterey Pine or Monterey Cypress tree had changed, and | |

| | | |the same old jazz was played.  On the other hand, Limpopo, and South Africa, | |

| | | |have been entirely transformed---new construction is everywhere, a formerly | |

| | | |stooped population now walks upright and stands erect, and the public | |

| | | |discourse is all about subject-matters and the conversation is on topics that| |

| | | |were unthinkable during my early trips there. The national transformation is | |

| | | |incomplete but it is clear that the process of reinventing that country and | |

| | | |its people is well underway.” | |

|Eric |Schnapper |schnapp@u.washington.edu |Eric Schnapper (schnapp@u.washington.edu) reports that he “argued two cases |2009-11 |

| | | |in the Supreme Court of the United States last year, Crawford v. Nashville | |

| | | |(which I won)(a Title VII retaliation case) and Gross v. FBL Industries | |

| | | |(which I lost)(a demotion claim under the Age Discrimination in Employment | |

| | | |Act).  I am still teaching at the University of Washington School of Law in | |

| | | |Seattle.    My son graduated from Stanford Law School in June, and is | |

| | | |clerking for the next two years.”  | |

|Bill |Slattery |whslattery@ |Bill Slattery (whslattery@) continues to enjoy his work as |2009-11 |

| | | |President of the Atlantic Legal Foundation, whose mission is to advance the | |

| | | |rule of law by advocating limited and efficient government, free enterprise, | |

| | | |individual liberty, school choice and sound science. He writes that | |

| | | |“Margaret, my bride of thirty-six years, continues teaching Spanish at the | |

| | | |Convent of the Sacred Heart in Greenwich, Connecticut. Our daughter, Susie, | |

| | | |was married in New York City last December and is now living in Amsterdam | |

| | | |with husband Pieter van den Berg. They are expecting their first child (and | |

| | | |our first grandchild) next spring. Our daughter, Cristina, is living and | |

| | | |teaching in Barcelona. Our daughters are both too far away, but they do live | |

| | | |in places that are great to visit, which we do as often as we can.” | |

|Jeff |Wood |jswood@ |Jeff Wood (jswood@) is a retired partner with Debevoise & |2009-11 |

| | | |Plimpton in New York. He is an advisor to the International Senior Lawyers | |

| | | |Project (ISLP) on mining laws and regulations, procurement law, and related | |

| | | |financial management issues. He.was recently recognized by the President of | |

| | | |Liberia for “the significant time and enormous energy” he has spent as an | |

| | | |ISLP volunteer advising the government of Liberia over the last 18 months and| |

| | | |for assisting it in its goals of poverty reduction and the revitalization of | |

| | | |the Liberian economy. | |

|Alan |Ziegler |Ziegler.law@ |Alan Ziegler’s correct email address is alanzieg@ |2009-11 |

|Sreenivas|ZzLLM Pemmar|pemmarajuin@ |Sreenivas Rao Pemmaraju (LL.M'68, J.S.D.'70) (pemmarajuin@) |2009-11 |

|a Rao |aju   | |continues to function as a Special Adviser to the Attorney General of the | |

| | | |State of Qatar, currently organizing “the Sixth and perhaps the last in the | |

| | | |series of the Global Forum on Fighting Corruption, a Forum which was first | |

| | | |held at Washington, D.C. in 1999 at the initiative of the U.S. Government.” | |

| | | |“On personal front, I and my wife, Suvydehi, are blessed by the arrival of | |

| | | |our grand-son, Nikhil Joseph Pemmaraju, born on June 22, 2009. The young one | |

| | | |has already become personality of his own. The proud parents are my son, | |

| | | |Raghuram Pemmaraju, and our daughter-in-law, Allison Mistress of Chevy Chase,| |

| | | |Maryland. Our grand-daughter, Jennifer Asha Neary, has entered her second | |

| | | |year of her schooling and is now in the second standard at Apex, N.C. My | |

| | | |daughter, Kiranmaye Neary, and grand-daughter visited us at Doha, Qatar | |

| | | |during the summer holidays and gave us a very good time.” | |

|Frank |ZzLLMCihlar |Frank.P.Cihlar@ |Frank Cihlar LL.M (Frank.P.Cihlar@), Senior Counsel for |2009-11 |

| | | |International Tax Matters in the Tax Division of the Department of Justice, | |

| | | |writes that “In addition to working on the prosecution team, I was part of | |

| | | |the American delegation that negotiated the new protocol to the | |

| | | |US-Switzerland Income Tax Treaty, and was part of the civil trial team that | |

| | | |litigated the “John Doe” summons enforcement action against UBS [the largest | |

| | | |bank in Switzerland]. Also, in September, I gave a paper at the 27th | |

| | | |International Symposium on Economic Crime, at Jesus College, University of | |

| | | |Cambridge.” | |

| | | |For its work, the prosecution team of which Frank was a part was awarded the | |

| | | |Attorney General’s John Marshall Award, which is the most prestigious | |

| | | |litigation award presented by the Department of Justice. Frank previously | |

| | | |received the John Marshall Award in 2003, for his appellate work in Boeing | |

| | | |Corp. v. United States, a refund suit that went to the Supreme Court. | |

|First |Last |Email |News |Date |

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