
Qualys BrowserCheck and Plug-ins

What is the Qualys BrowserCheck ©? What does it do? How to use it?


A. Plug-in (or Add-in / Add-ons):

In computing, a plug-in is a software component that adds a specific feature to an existing software application. When an application supports plug-ins, it enables customization. The common examples are the plug-ins used in web browsers to add new features such as search-engines or the ability to utilize a new file type such as a new video format. Well-known browser plug-ins includes the Adobe Flash Player, the QuickTime Player, and the Java plug-in, which can launch a user-activated Java applet on a web page.

B. Web Browser: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and others.

The Qualys BrowserCheck is a free browser add-in tool that scans your Internet browser looking for potential vulnerabilities and security holes. This tool will also help you fix the security issues discovered by the scan. The threat of browser-based data breaches is growing. The number of vulnerabilities in browser plug-ins is on the rise. Now is the time to be proactive about the security of your Internet web browser.

Why is my browser insecure?

Your browser could be considered insecure for multiple reasons. Your browser installation could contain a software issue that makes it vulnerable to malicious activity. The Qualys BrowserCheck tool checks your browser as well as browser plug-ins and add-ons to identify insecure and out-of-date versions that put you at risk.

How to use it?

Download the Browser Plug-in at: (The "Install Plugin" command button will be available after a short delay. If you are asked for permission, click “Allow”. The software is safe.)

Scan Type:

The scan type appears in the top right corner of the screen. To begin, perform a “Basic” scan. You can also perform an “Intermediate” or “Advanced” scan; more on that later.

What is the next step after a scan?

Scanning your browser with Qualys BrowserCheck is the first step towards securing your browser. The next step is to review the browser scan results and follow the recommended actions to get software updates and resolve security issues. When you're done making updates, click the “Re-Scan” button to scan your browser again and verify that your browser and its plug-ins are current and secure.

What to do if you find a plug-in with an out-of-date message or warning?

1. Press the “Fixit” button next to the message in red. If the message is “Grayed out” then read the “Details” message for more information. You can find the “Details” button by moving the mouse over the button displayed in “Green” or “Red”. Left click the mouse when you see “Show / Hide Details”. Left click again to hide the message. (To magnify this area hold down the CTRL key and press the “+” key 4 times. To return the screen to normal press the CTRL key and the number zero.)

2. After pressing the “Fixit” button the system will load the up-to-date version of the plug-in software. Press any button that requests your permission to load the new software.

3. After the load is complete perform a “Re-Scan” by pressing the “Blue” button at the top right of the screen.

4. When all possible “Basic” scan repairs are complete then perform a new scan with the next higher level “Scan Type”. The “Intermediate Scan” type is the second level in sequence.

5. You’re finished when the “Advanced Scan” is complete.

For additional help, click the “FAQ” option at the top of the Qualys BrowserCheck web page.

Get rid of Junk and Ads in your Browser.

Does your Internet Explorer browser contain junk, ads and other garbage that you want to get rid of? Do you have PUPs (potentially unwanted programs)?

PUPs include any program that may be unwanted, despite the possibility that users consented to download it. PUPs include spyware, adware, and nuisance ware, and are often downloaded in conjunction with a program that the user wants. Did you download something and got a toolbar added to your browser that you weren’t expecting? Did you forget to remove the little check mark from the download request box? Did you disable a toolbar only to have it reappear the next time you used the web browser? Read the following to disable and/or remove the unwanted clutter from your browser.

How do I find what add-ins are on my PC?

1. Start your web browser (I will use Internet Explorer for demonstration purposes).

2. Left click on the word “Tools” in the menu list. (You could also left click on the “gear” [pic] in the top right corner of Internet Explorer.)

(If the menu bar isn’t displayed, right click your mouse while it’s located approximately a half inch from the top of the screen and 2 inches from the right side. When the drop down menu appears, left click on the line that says “Menu bar”.)

3. About half way down the drop-down menu left click on “Manage add-ons”.

4. Make sure the “Toolbars and Extensions” add-on type line is selected and the “Show:” selection list equals “Currently loaded add-ons”.

5. Look in the list and find the toolbar you want to remove. I will use the “Ask Toolbar” as an example. Left click on the first line you want to disable; it should be highlighted. Left click the “Disable” button in the bottom right of the screen. If the status column says “Disabled” on all “Ask Toolbar” lines you are done, if not, highlight another line and repeat.

6. Look in the bottom right corner of the screen; do you see a “Remove” button? If you see one and you want to permanently remove the toolbar then left click the button. Most toolbars, like “”, don’t have a “Remove” button on the “Manage add-ons” panel. In those cases, use the following steps to permanently remove a toolbar.

a. Close all Internet Explorer windows.

b. Left click on the “Start” button.

c. Left click on “Control Panel”.

d. View by “Small icons” and left click on “Programs and Features”.

e. Since the “Ask Toolbar” begins with the letter “A”, the line for this toolbar will sort near the top of the list. If the toolbar you want to delete begins with another letter and you can’t readily find it or don’t know its name then try sorting the list by date installed; to do this, left click the date column header.

f. To uninstall the “” toolbar right click over the line and press the “Uninstall” button. You need to uninstall both “” program lines.

7. Restart Internet Explorer and note the “” toolbar was removed and no longer appears in the “Manage add-ons” list.


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