Literacy weekly plan- Dogger/ This is the Bear

|Prior learning and potential confusions |

|Year 1 work on questioning especially in Mantle. Knowledge of punctuation evident in their independent writing. When working on questioning children sometimes become fixated on answers! |

|Literacy work has included the use of reading journal responses. Children have responded to characters in books and questioned adults in role. |

|Literacy weekly plan- questions 10/09/12 |Year 2 LH/ SaH |Plenary |Afl |

|Objectives and starting point |Guided task |Guided task |Directed task | | |

|Books are full of questions. Do you agree? |Ants/ Beetles/ |Butterflies/ Bees |Continue looking for |If I put a question mark at the end | |

|Use a shared text to identify sentences and questions. Have a question |Grasshoppers |Sort questions and not |questions in texts. |of this sentence it becomes a | |

|hunt in books. Find question words and question starters. Look at |Sort a variety of |questions. |ONGOING |question. True or false? Check the | |

|punctuation. |sentences including | | |other sentences. | |

|Explore the similarities and differences between statements and |questions into groups. How| | | | |

|questions. |have you sorted them? | | | | |

|Look at riddle texts. Highlight the questions. Compare with |Work in small groups/ pairs – one with pictures/ photos of objects for the |Play “What am I?” again as a group. | |

|exclamations. |other[s] to work out what it is. Record the number of questions asked. Spot |Use blocks to show if the questions | |

|Play “What am I?” as detectives. Ask questions to find out what the |children asking linked/ follow up questions. LSA led focussed group. |are linked or if they are separate. | |

|mystery object/ thing is [like guess who]. |Make the game harder by asking only questions with a yes/ no answer. |Can we build a tower by linking | |

|Which questions do you think are most useful – those with yes/ no |Limit the number of questions so that they have to ask for important information.|questions? | |

|answers or those asking for more detail? Which one would you ask first | | | |

|and what would you follow up with? | | | |

|Set up a questions board. Modelled writing of questions for the board |Record what has been found out about the dog. Choose how to record – role on the |Look at the scene where the dog is at| |

|around the central theme of “Stray” by Maia Walczak [The Literacy |wall/ single bubble/ narrative/ list etc. |the edge of the road. What do you | |

|Shed]. |T and LSA to work with focus groups. |think is going on? What might happen | |

|Take scenes from just the opening of the story to model writing | |next? What are our predictions and | |

|questions. | |what are our questions. Reinforce the| |

|Adult in role as the dog – listen to each question and respond as the | |difference. | |

|dog. | | | |

|Watch the start of the animation again; continue but pause when the dog|Around a screen shot of the incident children ask different characters and |Meet with the chief superintendent | |

|has become injured. |potential witnesses questions. |and report back what has been found | |

|Who may have arrived at the scene? Who might have been called? Who |Mini plenaries to share questions. |out about the incident. Is there | |

|would want to ask questions? Who can be questioned? [Truck driver, | |someone to blame? Do we need to find | |

|pedestrians, other car drivers, the dog…] |Adults and/ or children in role - ask questions and gather information. As |out more? Is there conflicting | |

| |detectives how will we share this information with each other and with the chief |evidence? What is the outcome of the | |

| |superintendent etc.? Talk about how to take/ record notes. |investigation? | |

|The chief superintendent/ local newspaper would like a report. What |Provide choice of writing frames/ paper/ pictures for report writing. |Self and peer assessment of outcomes.| |

|information do we need to include? Does it need to be in a particular |Children draft ideas for the report. Mini plenaries as appropriate. | | |

|order? How might it look on the page? |Then work in focussed groups to edit/ improve with the T and LSA. |Share the reports with the audience | |

|Discuss and agree on who our audience will be. | |answer questions and receive | |

| | |feedback. | |

|I wonder what happened next. |What have we observed? What questions should we ask to confirm what we think? We |Evaluate outcomes against the | |

|Paired talk predictions. Snow ball ideas. |only have 5 questions to ask – what will they be? LSA and T to manage/ work with |generated criteria. | |

|Watch the rest of the animation. |focus groups. | | |

| |Does this change the incident and the report? What should we do? Follow the | | |

| |children’s ideas. Decide on success criteria. | | |

|Apply questioning and reporting in Mantle work. |Compose an interview to use within the fiction. Focus on the punctuation and how |Respond to the needs and responses of| |

|What skills do we have as excellent detectives? Observation/ |the questions are linked and/ or follow on from each other. |the client. | |

|Questioning/ Listening/ Reporting. | | | |

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|Where next… |

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