Lesson Plan - Australian Indigenous Culture

Lesson Plan

|Practicum Lesson Number|4 (Camp lesson 2) |Time of Lesson | |Duration of Lesson |2hr |

|Learning Focus |

|Group-based activity where students will decide what area of land they would burn, and when and how they would do it from the perspective of being an aboriginal clan in Pre-European settlement times and |

|from the perspective of a firefighter in modern day Australia. |

|Resources and Materials |

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|Activity instruction and question sheet |

|Blank sheet of paper for drawing of area and burn plan. |

|‘The Fire book’- pdf document detailing fire-stick farming practices by aboriginal people. |

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|Student Teacher Focus |

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|Promoting discussion in the class by all students. |

|Clear and effective explaining |

|Effective Questioning while explaining to promote student involvement and thinking |

|Facilitating effective group work |

|Context of Lesson |

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|AUSVELS: Science scope and sequence: |

|Level 9- Biological sciences: Ecosystems consist of communities of interdependent organisms and abiotic components of the environment; matter and energy flow through these systems |

|Stage of Lesson |Tasks |Time |Student Action |Teacher Action |

| | | |What will students be doing? Explain how |What will you be doing during this time? What prompting questions may you |

| | | |the students are expected to work. |need to prepare? How will you monitor student progress and needs? What |

| | | | |preparation have you made for early finishers so that they will be extended |

| | | | |in a relevant and interesting way? |

|Stage 1 Introduction | |20mins | | |

|How will you engage and stimulate |Introduction of today’s | |Students are expected to be listening |Introduce the task for the today’s lesson and hand out the sheet with details|

|the interest of the students? |lesson | |attentively and asking questions if they |of the task. Ask students to draw on their knowledge from all previous |

|Include possible questions that | | |need clarity. |lessons in particular the lesson on controlled burning as todays task |

|you may choose to use, | | | |involves the application of this knowledge |

|Demonstrations etc. | | | | |

|Stage 2 Body | |60min | | |

|Describe each distinct task in the|Hand out ‘the fire book’ | |Students are to explore the area |Monitor the students exploring the camp. Offer some hints as to what they may|

|order to be undertaken. Start a |document, the Activity | |surrounding the camp and complete the task.|do. Ask open-ended questions that promote some higher order thinking and |

|new task each time the teacher or |instruction and question | |The first part including the drawing should|encourage some creative ideas and solutions to what would be the best |

|students behave in a different |sheet and a | |be completed at least before the students |approach to take to make an effective burn plan. |

|manner. State an estimated length |Blank sheet of paper and | |have returned inside the camp | |

|of time for each task. |pens for drawing of area | | | |

| |and burn plan. Commencement| | | |

|Ensure that there is some sort of |of activity | | | |

|prompt or reinforcements available| | | | |

|for students. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|What preparations have you made | | | | |

|for early finishers? | | | | |

| |Return to inside space at |25mins |Students are to return to the inside space |Facilitate effective answering of the question sheet. Ask some thought |

| |the camp and complete | |at the camp and ask questions about the |provoking questions with careful attention not to influence the students |

| |questions | |task they are unsure about. They should |thinking. Questions such as: why would we need to consider the density of the|

| | | |complete the questions on the activity |foliage? How can rivers and roads help us? Some times of the year would be |

| | | |instruction and question sheet. |more suitable than others, why would this be the case? Are there |

| | | | |considerations the firefighters have to make that the aboriginals wouldn’t |

| | | | |have. What about considerations the aboriginals had to make that the |

| | | | |firefighters aren’t concerned with? |

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|Stage 3: Conclusion |Summary of today’s lesson |10mins |Students are expected to be listening |Summarise the topic and try to help the students understand the purpose of |

|How will you draw the findings of |and students to hand in | |attentively and asking questions if they |the activity. Explain some of the differences between the traditional burning|

|the lesson together so that the |question sheet. Discussion | |need clarity. Hand in question sheet and |as part of the aboriginal people’s culture and how burning today has other |

|students can evaluate what they |of aboriginal culture in | |contribute when the teacher has asked them |motives. Also bring to the students attention the possibility of how by |

|have learnt? |relation to the lesson | |to |returning the aboriginal practices to our country there is the possibility of|

| | | | |re-establishing some of the important aspects of their culture as well as |

| | | | |benefiting some of our animals and lowering the risk of high intensity |

| | | | |bushfires. |

|Stage 4: Closure |Details of the next lesson |5mins |Students are expected to be listening |Explain details of the next lesson and instructions for students in terms of |

|Do you need to prepare the |and instructions for | |attentively and asking questions if they |what they need to do to prepare for the next lesson on the camp. |

|students for handing over to |students in terms of what | |need clarity | |

|another teacher, or another |they need to do to prepare | | | |

|subject? |for the next lesson | | | |

|Reflection on Student learning What did you observe about student learning? |

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|Comments of future lesson directions Are there areas you need to go over or move beyond? |

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|Reflection on Lesson How was the timing or flow? What other observations did you make? |

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|Reflection on Student teacher outcomes Did you meet your own focus objectives? Can you improve on that aspect? Were there other areas to concentrate on in future? What were the positives of the lesson? |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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