The Social Approach: How science works

Multiple choice questions: Questionnaires, qualitative and quantitative dataBeware some of these questions may have more than one correct answer.Personal data questions generally should come...First in a questionnaireMiddle of the questionnaireLast in a questionnaireOn the front of the questionnaire2. A likert scale question is a type of closed question which asks participants to...a. Mark how they feel or what they think about an issue by indicating their position between two polar opposites such as secure at one end of the scale and insecure at the other end.b. Indicate the extent to which they agree which a statement by circling or ticking a box where the options range from strongly disagree to strongly agreec. give a detailed answer in their own wordsd. order a series of items in terms, of how important they are to them3. A semantic differential is a type of closed question which assesses attitudes, opinions an feelings by asking participants to...a. Mark how they feel or what they think about an issue by indicating their position between two polar opposites such as secure at one end of the scale and insecure at the other end.b. Indicate the extent to which they agree which a statement by circling or ticking a box where the options range from strongly disagree to strongly agreec. give a detailed answer in their own wordsd. order a series of items in terms, of how important they are to them4. The use of standardised instructions is important as this improves the...a. subjectivity of the resultsb. reliability of the resultsc. external validity of the resultsd. analysis of the results 5. Ethical considerations relating to questionnaires includea. ensuring that participants do not have to waste their time asking irrelevant questionsb. ensuring that the participants understands that he or she has the right to withdraw and knows how to contact the researcher in case he or she changes his or her mindc. ensuring that data is stored securely, that participants confidentiality is maintained and that data is not used for any purpose other than the current researchd. all of the above6. It is important that questionnaires are not too long as this could jeopardise...a. the validity of the responses givenb. the reliability of the responses givenc. the objectivity of the responses givend. the ethics of the study7. A frequent problem with closed questionnaires that students do not consider carefully enough the full range of answers that a participant may give and this means Pps are often forced to give answers which do not reflect their experiences. This limits the ...a. the validity of the studyb. the reliability of the studyc. the objectivity of the studyd. the ethics of the study8. Questionnaires can be subject to demand characteristics. This is because...a. It is hard to design questions which do not give away what the study is aboutb. it is not ethical to ‘hide’ critical questions away amidst lots of irrelevant itemsc. participants are always told the exact aim and hypothesis in questionnaire studiesd. the researcher is usually with the participant when they fill the questionnaire in9. Questionnaire are deemed to have fairly high reliability because...a. they ask a wide range of questions which allow the researcher to access a lot of informationb. they can be given to a large number of peoplec. they can be administered under controlled conditions and following a standardised format which means that they can be replicatedd. participants are often allowed the opportunity to express their thoughts, feeling and opinions in their own words and this provides rich and detailed information. 10. The validity of questionnaires including fixed responses (closed) questions may be dubious unless...a. a large number of questionnaires are issuedb. the researcher conducts a pilot study first and asks for feedback on the range of alternative answers providedc. the researcher conducts a focus group first where potential participants can discuss the general research aims and give their ideas about how the questions and answers should be phrased d. the results can be replicated11. Qualitative data is analysed by...a. examining the participants responses very carefully and searching for themes and relationships between the themes.b. calculating percentages, measures of central tendency and measures of dispersionc. drawing flow charts and other diagramsd. constructing tables and graphs12. Quantitative data is analysed by...a. examining the participants responses very carefully and searching for themes and relationships between the themes.b. calculating percentages, measures of central tendency and measures of dispersionc. drawing flow charts and other diagramsd. constructing tables and graphs13. A strength of qualitative data is that ...a. It is easy to replicateb. It is easy to analysec. It is not constrained by the researcher’s expectationsd. it is not affected by leading questions14. A weakness of qualitative data is that...a. it can be considered unscientific because the focus is on the construction of meaning and this is individual to both the participant and to the researcherb. it can be considered subjective as the researcher selects quotes which support emergent themes c. it is not easy to replicate and thus reliability may be hard to establishd. it is very detailed and some of the things participants say might be meaningless15. A strength of quantitative data is that it is...a. easy to analyseb. easy to replicatec. generally validd. generalisableAnswers: 1. C, 2. B, 3. A, 4. B, 5. D, 6. A , 7. A, 8. A and B, 9. C, 10. B and C, 11. A and C, 12. B and D, 13. C, 14. A, B and C, 15. A and B ................

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