Curriculum Vitae - JUST

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Nafez Abdel-Latif Yousef AL-Beitawi

|Work Address |Home Address |

|Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Jordan |P. O. Box: 3005 |

|University of Science and Technology (J.U.S.T). |Amman, Jordan 11941 |

| |Mobile: +962-796440448 |

|P. O. Box: 3030 |E-mail: |

|Zip code: 22110 | |

|City: Irbid | |

|Country: Jordan | |

|phone: +962-2-7201000 Ext. 22223 | |

|Mobile: +962-796440448 | |

|E-mail: | |

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← Ph.D. Animal Production/ Poultry Science and Nutrition.

Cairo University- Cairo- Egypt. 1988. Thesis title: The relationship between amino acids and egg production.

← M.Sc. Animal Production/ Poultry Science and Nutrition.

Cairo University- Cairo- Egypt. 1973. Thesis title: A study of amino acids supplementation in chick rations.

← B.Sc. Animal Production.

Cairo University- Cairo- Egypt. 1970.


✓ Arabic Language

✓ English Language

✓ German Language

Professional Development:

← Workshop on The distance education and the role of information technology and communications - AL-Quds Open University – Amman - Jordan.

← Workshop on The open learning and distance education - The Arab Network for Open Learning and Distance Education – Amman – Jordan.

← Workshop on education technology, Jan. 1998. JUST, Jordan.

← Workshop on student grading and evaluation, Jan. 1998. JUST, Jordan.

← Developing and Implementing Quality Assurance. Held by the British Council - Amman - Jordan.

← Training Course on the use of nuclear techniques in improving animal production. Held by the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority in collaboration with the Arabic Atomic Energy Authority - Cairo - Egypt.

← Training course on the fundamentals and applications of the system of hazard analysis and critical control points in the manufacture of meat and poultry (HCCP), University of Jordan - Amman - Jordan.

← Training Course on Modern Lab Techniques. Held by Consultative Group of Five - The University of Amman - Amman - Jordan.

← Training Course on Windows 95 and some of its applications. Jordan University of Science and Technology - Irbid - Jordan.

← Training course on the role of computer ready programs - DOS 6.22, Windows 3.11, Excel 5.0 and Word 6.0 – Held by EL-Naggar Cultural Center - Irbid - Jordan.

← Production and Nutrition of Poultry - The University of Hohenheim - Germany.

← A Training Course on Poultry Production and processing – Private Sector - Denmark.

Academic Experience:

❖ Associated professor- Department of Animal Production – Faculty of Agriculture - Jordan University of Science and Technology 2009 till now.

❖ Assistant Professor - Department of Animal Production – Faculty of Agriculture - Jordan University of Science and Technology – April 12, 1998 – 2009.

❖ Full-time Lecturer – Department of Animal Production – Faculty of Agriculture - Jordan University of Science and Technology – September 7, 1996 - April 12, 1998. Jordan.

❖ Assistant Professor – Jerash Private University – April 24, 1996 – September 1, 1996 – Jordan.


✓ Acting Director of Department of Animal Production - Center for Agricultural Research and Production – Jordan University of Science & Technology. September 1, 1997 - September 1, 1998.

✓ Supervisor of the production of broilers, egg and other bird’s production - Jordan University of Science & Technology. September 1, 1998 - December 31, 2000.

✓ Mandated by the Dean of Faculty of Agriculture to establish a poultry farm in University.

Non-Academic Experience:

❖ Technical Manager – AL-Ain Poultry Farm - The Government of Abu-Dhabi, United Arab Emirates – September 2, 1992 - July 15, 1995.

❖ General Manager - The village of veterinary and agricultural services - private sector – AL-Ain, United Arab Emirates – June 1, 1990 - August 31, 1992.

❖ Executive Manager – AL-Falojah of Agricultural Development Co. - private sector - Dubai, United Arab Emirates – October 1, 1988 - April 1, 1990.

❖ Manager and Partner - Agriculture Development EST. Ajman, United Arab Emirates. June 15, 1977 - May 31, 1978 and October 5, 1978 - October 1, 1984.

❖ Poultry Nutritionist - Agriculture Section - Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) – Kuwait. June 15, 1978 - October 1, 1978.

❖ Poultry Engineer - Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries - Dubai, United Arab Emirates. August 1, 1976 - June 1, 1977.

❖ Teachers - Ministry of Education – AL-Ain, United Arab Emirates. September 18, 1974 - September 1, 1976.

❖ Teacher and Head of poultry Section, AL-Shobak Agricultural Secondary School – AL-Shobak - Ministry of Education – Jordan. September 1, 1973 - August 24, 1974.

Published and accepted journal articles:

← Al-Beitawi, N. and El-Ghousein, S. 2015. The Use of Nigella sativa, Pimoenella anisum and Thymus vulgaris Mixture in Female Broiler Rations. European Journal of Medicinal Plants., 11(1):1-1.

← Al-Beitawi, N. and El-Ghousein, S. 2015 Effect of Feeding Antibiotics –Free Rations Supplemented With Some Selected Herbals Oil Mixture on Vaccinated and Non-Vaccinated Female Broilers Performance, Hematological Profile and Antibody Titer. Jordan Journal of Agriculture Sciences., 11(3) :713-724.

← Al-Beitawi, N. and El-Ghousein, S. 2015. Effect of Essential Oil Mixture of Selected Medicinal Plants on Growth Performance, Antibody Titer and Hematological Profile in Male Broiler Chicken Fed Antibiotics -Free Rations. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology., 15:1-10.

← El-Shuraydeh, K., Al-Beitawi, N. and Al-Faqieh, M. 2014. Effect of Aqueous Nanosuspention of Clay Minerals o Broilers Performence And Some Selected Antibody Titers., J. of Nanotechnology in Engineering And Medicine., 5:1-4.

← Abdullah, Y., Al-Beitawi, N., Qudsieh, R. and Abu-Shmais, M.2010.Growth Performance, Carcass and Meat Quality Charactistics of Different commercia Crosses of BroilerChicken. J.Poult.Sci., 47:3-21.

← AL-Beitawi, N.A., Awawdeh, F.T. and Khwaileh, M.M. 2009. The effect of Different Levels of Prosopis juliflora Pods as Unconventional Feed Ingredient on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Gastrointestinal Tract Segments of Broilers. Animal Nutrition & Feed Technology., (Accepted, ِApril, 2009).

← AL-Beitawi, N.A., EL-Ghousein, S.S. and Nofal, A.H. 2009. Replacing Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate by Crushed Nigella sativa Seeds in Broiler Rations and its Effect on Growth, Blood Constituents and Immunity. Livestock Science., (In Press).

← EL-Ghousein, S.S. and AL-Beitawi, N.A. 2009. The Effect of Feeding Crushed Thyme (Thymus valgaris L) on Growth, Blood Constituents, Gastrointestinal Tract and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chickens. J. Poult. Sci., 2 (46): 100-104.

← Obeidat, B.S., Abdulla, A.Y., Mahmoud, K.Z. Awwdeh, M.S., AL-Beitawi, N.A. 2009. Effects of Feeding Sesame Meal on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Carcass Characteristics of Awassi Lambs. Small Ruminant Research., 82: 13-17.

← AL-Beitawi, N.A., EL-Ghousein, S.S. and Nofal, A.H. 2009. Replacing Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate as Antibiotic Growth Promoter by Anise Seeds as Natural Growth Promoter in Broiler Diets. Jordan Journal of Agriculture Sciences., (Accepted, 4 March 2009).

← AL-Beitawi, N.A. and EL-Ghousein, S.S. 2008. Effect of Feeding Different Levels of Nigella sativa Seeds (Black Cumin) on Performance, Blood Constituents and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chicks. International Journal of Poultry Science., 7 (7): 715-721.

← AL-Beitawi, N.A. 2005. Prelimenary Study on Tomato Pomace as Unusual Feedstuff in Broiler Diets. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition., 4 (1): 57-63.

Manuscript in review

← Al-Beitawi, N. and El-Shuraydeh, K. 2015. Effect of Nanoclay Minerals on Growth Performance, Internal Organs and Blood Constituents of Broiler Chickens. Journal of Applied Animal Research.

Scientific activities:

Scientific books were arbitration:

← Poultry Production - AL-Quds Open University – Amman Office.

← Infectious Diseases of Poultry in Jordan - the Supreme Council for Science and Technology - Jordan.

← Atlas Book of Poultry Science - University of Mu’ata – Jordan.

Reviewer for several articles submitted for publication in local and regional periodicals and total introduction to the scientific research support from local institutions.

Assessment of the following inventions submitted for registration in the Ministry of Industry:

← Automatic valve for poultry drinkers.

← The manufacture of several industrial products and fodder from olives pomace.

Member of the Egyptian Society of Poultry Science.

Chairman of the Committee in charge of the development of the foundations of Winners of the Agricultural Engineers Association copyright and encourage scientific research and guidance.

National Advisory Committee member in charge of preparing the country report on the status of animal genetic resources in Jordan - The National Center for Agricultural Research and Technology Transfer - Ministry of Agriculture - Jordan.

Constructive member of the committee formed to study reports of laboratory tests and analysis of the results of cadmium presence in a mixture of minerals and vitamin premixes samples produced by Provemi - Jordan.

Member of the committee formed to put and development of teaching plan for Poultry Production Section – National University of Ajlun (under construction) – Jordan.


Taught the following undergraduate and graduate courses during the past 4 years:

❑ AP 206 Principles of Animal Science.

❑ AP 200 Farm Animals.

❑ AP 232 Fed and Animal Feed.

❑ AP 300 Feed Analysis.

❑ AP 313 Poultry Production.

❑ AP 314 Poultry Nutrition.

❑ AP 396 Summer Practical Training.

❑ AP 712 Advanced Animal Physiology (2).

❑ AP 716 Integrated Management of Poultry Farms.

❑ AP 715 Advanced Poultry Nutrition.

❑ VM 323 Animal Nutrition.

Research Interests

❑ All fields of nutrition.

❑ Replacing antibiotics and other poultry drugs by natural medicinal plants.

❑ Immunity of poultry.

❑ Unconventional feed ingredients.

❑ Ostriches, Turkeys and Quails production and nutrition.

Scientific conferences, theses supervised, or participated in the discussion, or attended or contributed to the organization:

Supervision and Committees of Master’s Research

Supervised and co-supervised the following thesis topics:

✓ Asma Bani Hani- Jordan University of Science & Technology- 2016. The Use of Nano technology in Broiler Nutrition.

✓ Mustafa Kholeh - Jordan University of Science & Technology - 2007.

The effect of Prosopis juliflora pods as unusual feed ingredient on the performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chicks.

✓ Abdullah Hussein Nofal - Jordan University of Science & Technology -2007. Effect of growth promoter and anticoccidial compounds interaction on performance, carcass characteristics and some physiological performance of broiler chicks.

✓ Amal Duwairi - Jordan University of Science & Technology -2006.

The effect of enzymes supplementation of barley containing diets on the performance of broiler chicks.

✓ Arig Hzaimh - Jordan University of Science & Technology -2006.

Effect of Nigella sativa (Black seeds) supplementation on the growth performance and physiological aspects of broiler chicks.

✓ Murad Muhammad Rajoub - Jordan University of Science & Technology -2005.

Growth performance, carcass and meat quality characteristics of different commercial cross of broiler strain of chicken.

✓ Mustafa Ahmed Ababinh - University of Jordan -2001.

The effect of high environmental temperature on broiler chicks’ carcass.

✓ Hashim Mohammad Tlafha - University of Jordan -2001.

The effect of some feed additives on the performance of broiler chicks reared under heat stress conditions.

Participate in the membership of the following committee’s student’s master (1998 – 2009):

✓ Ayman al-Salti - Faculty of Agriculture - University of Jordan.

Effect of high ambient temperature on broiler breeders and their egg hatchability in Jordan.

✓ Ziad Hamdan Apodih - Faculty of Agriculture - University of Jordan.

Effect of heat stress on broiler performance in Jordan.

✓ Ammar Ahmed Saleh - Faculty of Agriculture - University of Jordan.

Effect of ration composition and texture on broiler chick's heat tolerance.

✓ Rania Mohamed Saleh Qtam - Faculty of Agriculture - University of Jordan.

Some factors affecting eggs hatchability of broiler breeders in Jordan.

✓ Kamel Inam Sultan - Faculty of Agriculture - University of Jordan.

Effect of enzyme supplementation to barely containing diet on the performance of laying hens.

✓ Hatem Mohamed Eboumeilch - Faculty of Agriculture - University of Jordan.

Effect of enzymes and Zine bacteria supplementation in the diet on the performance and cost broilers using corn and / or barely.

✓ Anas Mahmoud Abdel-Kader - Faculty of Agriculture - University of Jordan.

Intermittent heat acclimation of broiler chickens.

✓ Dahok Ahmad Azzam - University of El Fasher - Sudan - Jordan Branch.

Estimating the economic effects of brucellosis in Jordan.

✓ Hassan Abdul Kader Nuseirat - University of El Fasher - Sudan - Jordan Branch.

✓ Haytham Othman Maharmeh - Faculty of Agriculture - Jordan University of Science & Technology.

✓ Ahmed Kassem Moumani - College of Agriculture - Jordan University of Science & Technology.

Growth performance and biological parameters of Awassi, F1 charollais-awassi and F1 romanov-awassi ram and ewe lambs.

✓ Amer Mohammed Qtrameez - Faculty of Agriculture - Jordan University of Science & Technology.

Effect of garlic (Allium sativum) supplementation on egg quality, yolk cholesterol and humeral immunity response in layers.

✓ Omar Sami Mrashidh - Faculty of Agriculture - Jordan University of Science & Technology.

✓ Murad Mohammed Said al-Rajoub - Faculty of Agriculture - Jordan University of Science & Technology.

Growth performance, carcass and meat quality characteristics of different commercial crosses of broiler strains of chicken.

✓ Asad Mohamed Yassin - Faculty of Agriculture - Jordan University of Science & Technology.

Effect of feed withdrawal and heat adaptation on stress responses of chicken.

Scientific Conferences:

1. Agricultural Scientific Conference IV, held by Jerash Private University – Jordan.

2. The first conference of the problems of the problems of the environment, held by Mua’ta University - Jordan.

3. The Second Scientific Conference (Scientific Today and Veterinary and Poultry Feed) – Participation with scientific paper under the title “Non-conventional feeds of poultry” – Amman - Jordan.

4. The 4th Conference of Agricultural under the banner of “Scientific Research for the production of an Agricultural Security” participating by a working paper entitled: Prospects and Development of the poultry industry in Jordan.

5. The Development of Agricultural education in The Near East Region, which held in collaboration between the Faculty of Agriculture, United Arab Emirates University and the Food and Agriculture Organization under the title: “The objectives and philosophy of Agricultural education and its association with the objectives of agricultural development”.

Serve the College, University and Social Community:

First: The boards and committees at Animal Production Department:

← Scientific Research Committee

← Graduate Studies Committee

← Re-examination of the instructions of Graduate Studies Committee.

← Plan and the equivalent of courses Committee.

← Feed Analysis Laboratory evaluation Committee.

← Comprehensive plan and summer training course content Committee.

← Committee for evaluation of teaching plan proposal at Animal Production Section - Faculty of Agriculture – Jerash Private University.

← Production Projects Committee.

← Guidance and Student Affairs Committee.

← Member of the Committee for Upgrading of Faculty member Dr. Rami Kridli from Assistant Prof. to Associate Prof.

← Member of the Committee for Upgrading of Faculty member Dr. Kamel Zohdi from Assistant Prof. to Associate Prof.

← Supervision of the elections to choose the tenth session of the Council of the Federation of University Students Department of Animal Production.

← Supervision of his master's.

College committees:

← Representative of Department of Animal Production in the College Board - two sessions.

← Scientific Research Committee.

← Equipment and laboratories Committee.

← Students advising Committee.

← Social Committee.

← Preparatory Committee for the Scientific College day of Agriculture -3 sessions.

← Scientific cultural Committee.

← Arrange and supervise the many scientific and cultural activities in college

← Supervisor of specialized workshops in poultry productions.

← The College's representative to coordinate with the Deanship of Student Affairs in attracting companies and institutions that provide job opportunities for graduates - two sessions.

← Member of the following research groups:

- Sustainable Livestock Production.

- Agricultural Technologies.

- Nutritional Extension and Education.

← Participation in a meeting held with Prof. Dr. Nihad Daghir Faculty of Agriculture - American University - Beirut.

← Mandated by the Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, to carry out the necessary for the establishment of a poultry farm ( ± 8000 broilers).

University committees:

← Member of University Council.

← Teaching course VT 334 Animal Nutrition - College of Veterinary Medicine.

← Participate in the Workshop to create mechanisms for linking between academic institutions and productive enterprises.

← Participating in brainstorming sessions with Dr. Thomas Murphy, which was held in collaboration with the Higher Council for Science and Technology.

← Participate in the Workshop to assess the training needs of faculty members at the university.

← Preparation of proposed study for submission to The Islamic Bank of Jeddah, for funding entitled: Poultry Production Project.

← Preparing a research project entitled: Breeders Farms and Hatchery. Within the project of development of higher education for submission to the World Bank.

← Representative of the university in the status of ongoing training - Agricultural Engineers Association for 3 years.

← Housing Fund, a member of the university.

← Member of the Preparatory Committee for the implementation of procedures to start a valuable plan for producing chicken meat at the university.

← Member of the Committee to Study the goat project funded by USAID.

← Preparation of a feasibility study for the two following poultry production:

- Production capacity of Broiler chicken ± 9000.

- Table egg production project (layer chicken) a capacity of 5000 egg-laying hens.

← Production of poultry meat (± 5000 broilers per rotation) between 1997-2002 to the account of the scientific research project No. 47/97. (supplied to the university restaurant).

Distinguished services to serve the learning process:

← Establishment of poultry farm of a production capacity of ± 8000 Broiler chickens.

← Establishing of Turkey Farm of a production capacity ± 1000 birds .

To provide an opportunity for students of bachelor's and master's in Animal Production Section of the training and conduct scientific research.

Scientific activities outside the university and academic associations degrading:

I: Community Service:

❑ Provide many of the technical and scientific consultancy, and working towards solving many of the problems experienced by many of the poultry farmers in various Governorate, especially the following areas: Irbid (Kurah - Banee Kananeh - Ramtha), Jerash, Ajloun, AL-Mafraq.

❑ Field visits to many of the poultry farms to provide consultancy and advices in order to develop their production and a questionnaire about the reality of the production of chicken meat in parts of northern Jordan.

❑ Preparing, Supervising and introducing the following workshops inside the university campus - to serve the poultry farmers:

o The reality of the production of chicken meat - problems and solutions.

o Modern management of poultry farms.

❑ Special symposia held in breeding turkeys, ducks, Quail in Bani Kananeh area.

❑ Cooperation with the Association regarding the Anwar-Obein cooperative training courses for the women's association Anwar-Obein in poultry - Ajloun.

❑ Invitation made by the Director of Education departments in AL-Kurah to visit Deir Abi-Said secondary comprehensive school for boys to provide recommendations and guidance to work on the development of animal production sections.

❑ Invited Speaker on the scientific day of Dentists Association Branch - Irbid.

❑ Carrying out a field and lab study in order to solve the problems facing the production in Poultry farm in favor of the North Agricultural Development Est., Irbid.

❑ Carrying out a field and technical study in order to solve the problems facing the production in Poultry farm in favor of Mr. Ziad Aerqan – AL-Mafraq.

❑ Carrying out a field and lab study entitled “The determination of the validity of using dried fat (by product) in poultry rations”. Modern establishment for manufacturing acids and glycerin -Amman - Jordan.

❑ Prepare feasibility study (A Feasibility Study) to set up a breeding ostrich’s farm. Mr. Zuhair Al-Halawani, Captain Abdullah Mdaber.

❑ Assist in resolving many problems in production. Ostriches farms in the Jordan Valley and Madaba.

❑ Assist in resolving many problems in production. Rabbits and Local chicken’s farms. Bani Kenana - Jerash – AL-Mafraq.

❑ Participating in a workshop under the title: "Small Production Projects – A weapon against poverty," National Center for Research and Extension - Ramtha.

II: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO):

❑ Chairman of the working group prepared a report entitled:

(An Assessment of the Socio-Economic Impact of Avian Influenza in Jordan). 2007.

❑ Implementation of the above study for discussion in a workshop -Amman.

❑ Participating in the workshop of the discussion of a report entitled: (forage and problems in Jordan) - Amman.

❑ Participating in the workshop of the discussion of a report entitled: (the poultry industry in Jordan) - Amman.

III: Agricultural Engineers Association:

❑ Chairman of the Scientific Committee for 3 years.

❑ Representative of Jordanian universities (Jordan University of Science & Technology) at the center of ongoing training for 3 years

❑ President of the Working Group charged with elaborating the conditions and requirements for the Agricultural Engineers Association Award for the promotion of scientific research, literature and guidance.

❑ Organization and implementation of many of the specialized scientific days.

❑ Participating in the activities today under the title of the scientific (the foundations of modern poultry feed) the records of the President - Agricultural Engineers Association - Amman.

❑ The publication of an article entitled: (a reality and the prospects for the poultry industry in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) the number of agricultural engineers (62) March 1998 page 46-57.

❑ Giving lectures at Jerash and Mafraq on poultry breeders and livestock production.

❑ Scientific participation in today under the title: Health in the balance of our food.

IV: The Ministry of Planning:

❑ ERADAH Programs. Lecturer in Animal and Poultry Production fields at most areas of Jordan. Between the years 2001-2006.

V: The Ministry of Agriculture:

❑ Member of the following committees:

❑ Feed committee involving with the problem of cadmium in the poultry feeds.

❑ Feed committee involving with the problem of dioxin in poultry feed.

❑ The committee of feed registration since 2005-now.

❑ Livestock Program Council - National Center for Research and Extension for a period of two years.

❑ Committee of animal feed.

❑ Reviewing the initial proposal for raising geese and turkeys, which was prepared by the National Team of the Program for Food Security in Jordan as one of projects to combat poverty and reduce unemployment and directed to rural women in particular and rural families in general.

❑ Evaluate the information that some U.S. states allow the use of dead birds in the factories for the production of waste powder feed of animal origin, while prohibiting the use of ruminant animals, dead or slaughtered for the production of waste powders to be used in feeding ruminants.

VI: The Authority of Standards and Metrology Jordan:

❑ Committees to examine and evaluate the standard specifications:

o Animal powders used in the manufacture of feed.

o Plant by-products.

VII: Ministry of Health:

❑ Committee to Study the subject of feed concentrates in the use of animal tissues and residues in the concentrates and the relationship of that mad cow disease.

❑ Committee for discussion of the problem of disease, salmonella in poultry products.

VIII: Miscellaneous:

❑ Participating in the activities of scientific seminars and lectures held by the following companies from the poultry production (private sector):

o Grandparent stock production in Jordan - AL-Jazeera Grandparent Stock Company - Jordan.

o Grandparent stocks production (Lohman strain) under the climatic conditions of Jordan - Arab Company for Livestock Development - Jordan.

o Layers (Scheffers strain) productivity in Jordan

o Medicines used in treating chronic diseases (CRD) in poultry.

o Medicines used in the treatment of bacterial diseases - Dar Al Dawa - Amman.

o The impact of high temperatures on the performance of Breeder Broiler - the Association of American soybeans.  

o Salt as a feed additive in poultry rations. AL-Safi Jordanian salt co-Ltd. / Amman.

❑ Visiting South China Agriculture University, 2005.

❑ Participating in the activities of the seminar entitled: "One-day Seminar of biotechnology", which was held by: "US Department of Agriculture.

❑ Participating in the activities of a seminar entitled “Biotechnology ".

❑ Teaching the following courses at the University of Jerash:

o Poultry Nutrition.

o Genetic improvement of farm animals.

❑ Teaching the following course at Yarmouk University.

o 332 poultry and bees.


|Professor Mustafa Q. Husein |Professor Naji M. Abuirmeileh |

|Dept. Of Animal Production |Nutrition and Food Technology Department |

|Faculty of Agriculture |Faculty of Agriculture |

|Jordan University of Science & Technology | Jordan University of Science & Technology |

|P. O. Box 3030 |P. O. Box 3030 |

|Irbid 22110, Jordan |Irbid 22110, Jordan |

|Work phone +962-2-7201000 Ext. 22221 |Work phone +962-2-7201000 Ext. 22222 |

|Fax +962-2-7201078 |Fax +962-2-7201078 |

|E-mail: |E-mail: |

| | |

| | |

|Professor Mahmoud |Professor. Saed S. Hijazi |

|Al-Dwairy |Faculty. of Medicine |

|Faculty of Agriculture |Former President of JUST |

|The Jordan University |Jordan University of Science & Technology |

|P. O. Box 3030 |P. O. Box 3030 |

|Amman 11941, Jordan |Irbid 22110, Jordan |

|Work phone +962-6-5355000 |Work phone +962-2-7201000 Ext. 237976 |

|Fax +962-6-5355533 |personal phone +962-795-604080 |

| | |

Personal data:

|Name |Nafez Abdel-Latif Yousef AL-Beitawi |

|Date of Birth |: December 23, 1946 |

|Sex |: Male |

|Marital status |: Married, 4 children’s |

|Nationality |: Jordanian |


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