ESE Model System Part VI Implementation Guide for ...

|End-of-Cycle Summative Evaluation Report: Superintendent | |

|Superintendent: |Jeffrey Schoonover |Summary Report |3/8/2018 |

|Evaluator: | | | |

| |Name |Signature |Date |

Step 1: Assess Progress Toward Goals (Complete page 3 first; circle one for each set of goal[s].)

|Professional Practice Goal |Did Not Meet |Some Progress |Significant Progress 2 |Met 5 |Exceeded |

|Student Learning Goal |Did Not Meet |Some Progress 1 |Significant Progress 2 |Met 4 |Exceeded |

|District Improvement Goals |Did Not Meet |Some Progress |Significant Progress 2 |Met 5 |Exceeded |

Step 2: Assess Performance on Standards (Complete pages 4–7 first; then check one box for each standard.)

|Indicators |Unsatisfac|Needs |Proficient|Exemplary |

| |tory |Improvemen| | |

|Unsatisfactory = Performance on a standard or overall has not significantly improved following a rating of Needs Improvement, or performance is consistently below the | |t | | |

|requirements of a standard or overall and is considered inadequate, or both. | | | | |

|Needs Improvement/Developing = Performance on a standard or overall is below the requirements of a standard or overall but is not considered to be Unsatisfactory at the | | | | |

|time. Improvement is necessary and expected. | | | | |

|Proficient = Proficient practice is understood to be fully satisfactory. | | | | |

|Exemplary = A rating of Exemplary indicates that practice significantly exceeds Proficient and could serve as a model of practice regionally or statewide. | | | | |

|Standard II: Management and Operations |( |( |7 |( |

|Standard III: Family and Community Engagement |( |( |7 |( |

|Standard IV: Professional Culture |( |( |6 |1 |

|End-of-Cycle Summative Evaluation Report: Superintendent | |

Step 3: Rate Overall Summative Performance (Based on Step 1 and Step 2 ratings; circle one.)

|Unsatisfactory |Needs Improvement | Proficient 6 |Exemplary 1 |

Step 4: Add Evaluator Comments

Comments and analysis are recommended for any rating but are required for an overall summative rating of Exemplary, Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory or Impact on Student Learning rating of high or low.

|Comments: |

|Mr. Schoonover has continued to make strides personally and professionally as he leads our district forward. This year featured a number of challenges, most notably the budget crisis brought on by the failure of |

|the override in Berkley. His aid through the process and his professionalism throughout was most appreciated by members of the Berkley community. Mr. Schoonover provided all of the information we needed and |

|relayed it to the members of my community. He oversaw the successful transition to a 1 to 1 environment. He continued to expertly handle the operating issues of the district. I am pleased, overall, with his |

|leadership, and I look forward to his assistance as the Berkley community continues to seek a long term solution to our budget woes. |

|Quality of work practices has shown improvement. Works on student safety and social emotional needs. Has demonstrated an effort to improve family involvement. Does great job to improve higher standards with |

|staff, to improve communication and shared division development with the staff. |

|As is clear from my comments which are incorporated into the various components of this evaluation, I am convinced that the Superintendent is performing at a proficient level. He has now been superintendent for |

|about 2 ½ years during which he has assembled his leadership team. That period of time is quite short to implement significant change particularly in view of fiscal constraints which exist. His efforts to embrace|

|input from many sources including outside organizations with expertise in critical areas of public education is refreshing. I believe the Superintendent’s goals and objectives for the District are positive and I |

|commend him for his efforts. |

|Mr. Schoonover is consistent in ensuring our high school is always striving for excellence as he is receptive to suggestions on improvements from all stakeholders and takes action on items that support the |

|Strategic Plan vision. |

|Superintendent Schoonover has effectively laid the groundwork to improve instructional leadership and the professional culture. Most of the initiatives are in the beginning stages, such as the capstone project, |

|review of counseling services, the creation of the science advisory committee and the development of common assessments. However, these are all key initiatives that will have high impact on student learning and |

|development. I commend Mr. Schoonover’s ability to begin the process of incorporating these initiatives within the District. |

|During the past year, the Superintendent has continued to lead the District in a professional manner with a clear focus on improving teaching, learning and student achievement. The specific goals that were |

|established for 2017 were admittedly ambitious both in scope and number. When I looked at the evidence strictly on its own, there were instances in which I paused between scoring progress either as Met or |

|Significant Progress. However, when I considered carefully where the District has been in each of these key areas or the culture of the past, I cannot help but realize the significant gains that have been made in |

|just the past year. As I considered the Superintendent’s performance in each of the key indicators, I did consider past operations of the District, especially given multiple changes in leadership across the |

|Administration team since its creation, the complex issues faced by our students and the teachers that strive to support them and the current economic realities facing both towns which have brought some limitations|

|to what can be done and funded. While I recognize some areas where improvements need to be made or more work needs to be done, the degree to which his dedication and leadership has made a positive impact in many |

|areas is reflected in my exemplary rating of his work over the past year. |

|In the area of Parent and Community Engagement, the Superintendent has made substantial outreach. While I would like to see the frequency of communications to parents increase, I applaud the start of the Parent |

|Academy, especially given the range of topics that were offered and hope that attendance will increase in the coming years with additional promotion on social media. The Open House was another very successful new |

|initiative that was implemented and I hope that the enthusiasm that we saw on the part of both faculty and existing students in that event, can extend to other outreach activities in the future. I am very happy to|

|see that the Superintendent has developed new advisory boards such as CVTE and Technology to bring community members. Over the next year, I hope to hear about some of their work and would like to see more |

|engagement on the part of the SBRHS School Council. Given the increased competition we face from Charter Schools, School Choice and Vocational Schools, I would like to see the development of a marketing plan that |

|is fully embraced by the High School Leadership Team and increased visibility on the part of that team within the community. Overall, I do believe that the Superintendent has met his goal of creating a positive |

|district climate. |

|Regarding the Student Learning Goal, I noted that Significant Progress Has Been Met, because there was still some work to do in developing a Technology Plan and expanding the Computer Coding or CVTE opportunities |

|offered to our students. That being said, the launch of the 1:1 Initiative is a significant advancement in this area and it appears to be going well so far. |

|The Superintendent continues to excel in his efforts to continually improve the District. Significant progress has already been made in the initial rollout of the 3-year Strategic Plan and I continue to be |

|impressed with the Professional Learning Opportunities offered to our faculty as they create amongst themselves a learning community that appears to focus on best practices and continually improving. As a parent |

|in the District, I am aware that some educators have not embraced this new culture to the extent that I believe the majority has and I hope to see more and more faculty fully embrace this mindset. However, I |

|believe that the Superintendent’s leadership in this area has been a benefit to so many of our teachers who have always sought to bring best practices and new ideas to the district. Lastly, one area in which has |

|shown such a marked improvement continues to be Data Informed Decision Making. For example, participating on the Budget Subcommittee, I have seen that budgets have been developed with information on enrollment, |

|future trends and reflection on the goals set forth in the strategic plan. In my experience that has not been always the case; I believe it is an important culture change that the Superintendent has brought to |

|Somerset Berkley Regional High School District. |

|There is still work to do, but thanks to the work of the Superintendent and his excellent leadership team, I feel there is a path forward to reaching the District goals as set forth in the Strategic Plan and there |

|is a district-wide momentum to achieve those goals. |

|Superintendent’s Performance Goals | |

Check one box for each goal.

|Goal(s) |Description |Did Not |Some |Significan|Met |Exceeded |

| | |Meet |Progress |t Progress| | |

|1 |District Climate |( |1 |1 |5 |( |

| |Create a positive district climate by building strong internal and external relationships to support student | | | | | |

| |achievement through a high level of administrative visibility and providing timely communication with families and | | | | | |

| |staff to ensure they are well informed about the district goals, initiatives, and accomplishments. | | | | | |

|Student Learning | | | | | | |

|2 |21st Century Skills Development |( |( |3 |4 |( |

| |Foster a 21st century learning environment through the evaluation and expansion of STEM and CTE opportunities and the| | | | | |

| |implementation of a personalized, student-centered learning environment. | | | | | |

|District Improvement | | | | | | |

|3 |District Strategy Implementation |( |( |2 |5 |( |

| |Lead the Administration, School Committee, teachers, students and community in the implementation of the 2017-2020 | | | | | |

| |district strategic plan. | | | | | |

|4 |Organizational Leadership and Professional Learning Communities |( |( |2 |5 |( |

| |Build a culture of collaboration, trust, creative thinking, and collective inquiry among administrators and staff, | | | | | |

| |working together to meet students’ needs and to advance the vision and mission of Somerset Berkley Regional School | | | | | |

| |District. | | | | | |

|5 |Data-Informed Decision Making     |( |1 |( |5 |1 |

| |Use a variety of data to inform decisions related to budget, time on learning/scheduling, staffing/human resources, | | | | | |

| |and materials and implement aligned systems of assessment and inquiry that use multiple sources of data to inform | | | | | |

| |classroom practice. | | | | | |

| | |

|Superintendent’s Performance Rating for Standard I: Instructional Leadership | |

|Check one box for each indicator and circle the overall standard rating. |Unsatisfact|Needs |Proficient |Exemplary |

| |ory |Improvement| | |

|I-C. Assessment: Ensures that all principals and administrators facilitate practices that propel personnel to use a variety of formal and informal methods and |( |1 |6 |( |

|assessments to measure student learning, growth, and understanding and make necessary adjustments to their practice when students are not learning. | | | | |

|I-D. Evaluation: Ensures effective and timely supervision and evaluation of all staff in alignment with state regulations and contract provisions. |( |1 |6 |( |

|I-E. Data-Informed Decision Making: Uses multiple sources of evidence related to student learning—including state, district, and school assessment results and |( |( |6 |1 |

|growth data—to inform school and district goals and improve organizational performance, educator effectiveness, and student learning. | | | | |

|Overall Rating for Standard I |The education leader promotes the learning and growth of all students and the success of all staff by cultivating a shared vision that makes powerful teaching |

|(Circle one.) |and learning the central focus of schooling. |

|Unsatisfactory |Needs Improvement 1 | Proficient 6 |Exemplary |

|Comments and analysis (recommended for any overall rating; required for overall rating of Exemplary, Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory): |

|Professional Practice Goal 1: District Climate: The Superintendent has made a real effort to improve communication with parents and staff. He has increased his presence in the classrooms. I am not clear on |

|whether these efforts have impacted on ‘student achievement’ referenced in the goal. |

|Student Learning Goal 2: 21st Century Skills Development: The senior capstone project initiative is a positive step. The Computer Programming initiative is crucially important and I am disappointed that we have |

|been unable to fill the teaching position that had been posted. I realize that changes in curriculum are being made in Science but I remain concerned about progress in various areas. |

|District Improvement Goal 3: District Strategy Implementation: A comprehensive student counseling program is important and movement toward that model is encouraging. Reports indicate significant improvement in |

|staff professional development. |

|District Improvement Goal 4: Organizational Leadership and Professional Learning Communities: There is an obvious effort to improve and broaden the professional development of our teachers as well as increased |

|and improved observation. The comments of teachers regarding the Ed Camp experience were interesting and identified certain issues regarding student needs that should definitely be addressed. |

|District Improvement Goal 5: Data-Informed Decision Making: I am pleased that the Aspen program is now fully implemented. A careful review of attendance/achievement data as well as out-of-school suspensions is |

|important and something I fully support. I expect the committee will be informed of the result of these reviews. |

|I-B: Is there a way to measure the effectiveness of the learning walks and improved teaching practices? |

|I-C: Implementation of the PSAT for all sophomores is a very positive step. Common assessments are very important and it is positive to hear that much work is being done in this area. AP recognition is excellent|

|but I really would like to see greater numbers of students taking the science AP tests. |

|I-D: Positive to hear that observations by Superintendent are utilized to establish goals for the following year. |

|I-E: I know the Superintendent and Curriculum Director are committed to data-informed decision making. |

|I-B: There seems to be a disconnect with high expectations and opportunities for students who struggle academically. I would like to see going forward more of a pedagogical approach in reaching out to these |

|students and guiding them in exploring options of interest and encouraging them to engage in their strengths, in day school. |

|Please present best practices through data on how we can decrease the drop-out rate from day school to evening school by 50%. How many are on IEPs, 504s or should have been placed on a plan for support? |

|Mr. Schoonover has demonstrated a strong ability to create an effective model for evaluation and assessment through learning walks, PSAT implementations, school-wide rubrics and the identification of key data |

|projects. In order to obtain a proficient rating in this category, I would like to see evidence of the implemented assessments throughout the district and the steps taken to make the necessary adjustments for |

|populations of students that need the attention. I understand that this is a multi-year effort and would stress that my rating of ‘Needs Improvement’ is a reflection of this. |

|Instructional Leadership continues to be one of the Superintendent’s major strengths. |

|Superintendent’s Performance Rating for Standard II: Management and Operations | |

|Check one box for each indicator and circle the overall standard rating. |Unsatisfact|Needs |Proficient |Exemplary |

| |ory |Improvement| | |

|II-D. Laws, Ethics, and Policies: Understands and complies with state and federal laws and mandates, school committee policies, collective bargaining agreements, |( |( |6 |1 |

|and ethical guidelines. | | | | |

|II-E. Fiscal Systems: Develops a budget that supports the district’s vision, mission, and goals; allocates and manages expenditures consistent with district- and |( |( |6 |1 |

|school-level goals and available resources. | | | | |

|Overall Rating for Standard II |The education leader promotes the learning and growth of all students and the success of all staff by ensuring a safe, efficient, and effective learning |

|(Circle one.) |environment, using resources to implement appropriate curriculum, staffing, and scheduling. |

|Unsatisfactory |Needs Improvement | Proficient 7 |Exemplary |

|Comments and analysis (recommended for any overall rating; required for overall rating of Exemplary, Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory): |

|Understands and complies with state laws and mandates, school committee policies and collective bargaining agreements. |

|Superintendent Schoonover has done a remarkable job, along with business manager, Lindsey Albernaz, in navigating difficult economic conditions and delivering a sound, comprehensive budget strategy for dealing with|

|tough times. |

|2A: Positive steps taken in this area. |

|2D: I have absolutely no doubt that the Superintendent subscribes to the highest ethical standards. |

|2E: I concurred that the district has been fiscally responsible and the Superintendent has been instrumental in achieving that goal. |

|2E: I would like to see other proposals to increase the budget by $100k then charging students to pay to play. |

|Mr. Schoonover has exhibited a strong understanding of the laws, ethics and policies of the district. Updates to the bullying policy and the student handbook were effectively communicated to both students and |

|parents. Mr. Schoonover’s oversight of the budget process, specifically with the rollout of the one-to-one initiative and user fees, demonstrated his ability to manage expenditures consistent with the district’s |

|goals. |

| | |

|Superintendent’s Performance Rating for Standard III: Family and Community Engagement | |

|Check one box for each indicator and circle the overall standard rating. |Unsatisfact|Needs |Proficient |Exemplary |

| |ory |Improvement| | |

|III-B. Sharing Responsibility: Continuously collaborates with families and community stakeholders to support student learning and development at home, school, and |( |( |6* |( |

|in the community. | | | | |

|III-C. Communication: Engages in regular, two-way, culturally proficient communication with families and community stakeholders about student learning and |( |( |6* |( |

|performance. | | | | |

|III-D. Family Concerns: Addresses family and community concerns in an equitable, effective, and efficient manner. |( |( |6* |( |

|Overall Rating for Standard III |The education leader promotes the learning and growth of all students and the success of all staff through effective partnerships with families, community |

|(Circle one.) |organizations, and other stakeholders that support the mission of the district and its schools. |

|Unsatisfactory |Needs Improvement | Proficient 6* |Exemplary |

|Comments and analysis (recommended for any overall rating; required for overall rating of Exemplary, Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory): |

|*I don’t have the information to complete this section. |

|Works constantly with his administrators to support families to improve student’s needs. |

|3-A: The Superintendent has been quite proactive in this area. It is unfortunate parents are not always responsive to important programs which are scheduled to benefit them and their students. |

|3B: Student support times are really important and the Superintendent along with the Curriculum Director have provided critical support for these programs. We need to continue to facilitate this effort to |

|increase student achievement. |

|3C+D: Face-to-face interaction between parents and administrators in discipline situations is a very proactive initiative. |

|3C: Communication from the principal to families should be more frequent via email preferred for a brief weekly update and upcoming events. |

|Mr. Schoonover’s participation at school and district events, as well as town meetings, is evidence of his commitment to both communities. Throughout the year and when appropriate, Mr. Schoonover has proactively |

|reached out to parents and students when incidences occur. Cyber-security, school building safety and Superintendent’s newsletters are evidence of this. |

|The Superintendent is present at many school functions and has increased his efforts over the past year to communicate with parents on a regular basis through newsletters and emails. I applaud his efforts to bring|

|in outside community members to serve on both CVTE and Technology Advisory Boards. I would like to see that level of community engagement modeled more by the High School Leadership Team and would like to see more |

|engagement on the part of the School Advisory Board. |

| |

| |

|Superintendent’s Performance Rating for Standard IV: Professional Culture | |

|Check one box for each indicator and circle the overall standard rating. |Unsatisfact|Needs |Proficient |Exemplary |

| |ory |Improvement| | |

|IV-C. Communication: Demonstrates strong interpersonal, written, and verbal communication skills. |( |( |5 |2 |

|IV-D. Continuous Learning: Develops and nurtures a culture in which staff members are reflective about their practice and use student data, current research, best |( |( |6 |1 |

|practices, and theory to continuously adapt practice and achieve improved results. Models these behaviors in his or her own practice. | | | | |

|IV-E. Shared Vision: Successfully and continuously engages all stakeholders in the creation of a shared educational vision in which every student is prepared to |( |1 |6 |( |

|succeed in postsecondary education and become a responsible citizen and global contributor. | | | | |

|IV-F. Managing Conflict: Employs strategies for responding to disagreement and dissent, constructively resolving conflict and building consensus throughout a |( |( |7 |( |

|district or school community. | | | | |

|Overall Rating for Standard IV |The education leader promotes the learning and growth of all students and the success of all staff by nurturing and sustaining a districtwide culture of reflective|

|(Circle one.) |practice, high expectations, and continuous learning for staff. |

|Unsatisfactory |Needs Improvement | Proficient 6 |Exemplary 1 |

|Comments and analysis (recommended for any overall rating; required for overall rating of Exemplary, Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory): |

|Communication skills are one of our Superintendent’s greatest assets as evident at our school committee meetings. |

|4A, C, D and E: I am convinced that the Superintendent is committed to high standards as am I. Many of his initiatives are important steps to maintain and improve student achievements. In my view we must do |

|everything we can to attain Level One status for the sake of our students and faculty. |

|4E: In every context in which I have observed him, including but not limited to collective bargaining, the Superintendent is always calm, respectful and even-handed. |

|Mr. Schoonover has exhibited his commitment to high standards through Learning Walks with the administrative team. His support of continuous learning for the staff is evident in the implementation of more |

|meaningful PD with the introduction of EdCamp-style PD. Mr. Schoonover has begun the process of creating a shared vision throughout the District. |

|A culture of continuous learning appears to be growing within the district due in great part to the leadership of the Superintendent. This is even more impressive to me as I consider that day to day issues with |

|social emotional learning, unfunded mandates and budget constraints, continue to take the focus away from improving teaching and learning. |


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