SAC Minutes, August - LACCD

LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEESMINUTES – STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEEEducational Services CenterBoard Room, 1st Floor 770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90017Friday, August 17, 2018 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.mittee: Kellie Williams, Student Trustee; James Ingram, LACC; Beatriz Espinoza, LAMC; Oscar Juvera, LAVC; Michelle Keung, ELAC; Mandy Ponce, LAHC; Isha Pasricha, LAPC; Franco Linares, LATTC; Sarah Moss, WLAC The following colleges were present: LACC, LAMC, LAVC, ELAC, LAHC, LAPC, LATTC, WLACThe following colleges were absent: LASCA quorum was present.Student Trustee Williams called the meeting to order at 9:40 a.m.ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODY PRESIDENTS’ REPORTSThe following colleges gave reports: LACC, LAMC, LAVC, ELAC, LAHC, LAPC, LATTC, WLACLIAISON REPORTSEducational Services Center Report, Ms. Betsy Regalado Ms. Betsy Regalado distributed the following handouts:-California Community Colleges: FAQ’s on AB705-California Community Colleges: AB19, Questions and Answers-Center for a Competitive Workplace Announces the “California Cloud Workforce Project” (“CA Cloud”)Ms. Regalado, ESC Liaison, announced that Student Trustee Williams had recently been elected as a student representative to the Community College League of California (CCLC), and congratulated her on the election.Ms. Regalado reported state initiatives that will impact the California Community Colleges. The first of which is AB 19, initially referred to as the LA College Promise Program, but is now statewide and referred to as the California College Promise Program. Ms. Regalado also provided information about AB 705, which is designed to allow students to enroll into transfer level math and English courses upon their entry into the community college system. The initiative will be heavily focused on providing guidance counseling for students to promote their success. Motion to extend ESC Liaison Report by five minutes.Motion approved by LACC and seconded by LAMC.Vote: Yes 8, No 0Motion passed.Ms. Regalado also announced the ‘California Community Colleges 100% Smoke Free’ Initiative that strives to eliminate the use of tobacco, and the “California Cloud Workforce Project” - an education collaboration in which community colleges and high schools across Los Angeles are partnering with the Amazon Web Services Educate Program to offer a cloud computing certificate. The certification is aimed at developing talent for future employment in various technological industries.ASG/ASO/ASU Advisors’ Report – Advisor’s RepresentativeMr. Robert Crossley, LAMC, ASO Advisor, introduced himself to the new members of the Committee, and encouraged everyone to utilize their advisors for guidance and information that they may be able to provide. He reported that at the most recent advisor meeting, they discussed updating the LACCD ‘S-Regs’, the Administrative Regulations pertaining to the District’s associated student organizations. He noted that the last time the regulations were updated was in 2010, and that the advisors will be reviewing and updating the regulations in the upcoming year and will present the updates to the Student Affairs Board Committee. Mr. Crossley also reminded all student organizations to consistently monitor their ASG/O/U funds, and explained that the ASG/O/U Advisors and College Business Offices can assist them with keeping track of their budgets. Mr. Crossley also announced upcoming student leadership events:Student Leadership Retreat, October 5, 2018 (LATTC, Aspen Hall, Room TE-101)California Community College Student Affairs Association (CCCSAA) Conference, October 19-21, 2018 Student Senate of California Community Colleges (SSCCC) General Assembly, October 26-28, 2018Mr. Crossley also reported that the advisors have discussed LACCD’s free speech policy, and asked that the Committee be aware of the free speech policy well. He noted the importance of student leaders having a thorough understanding and being aware of the free speech areas at their colleges. STUDENT TRUSTEE MONTHLY REPORTStudent Trustee Williams reported that at the Regular Board Meeting held on August 8, 2018, the Board discussed several ways in which California State Assembly Bills 705 and 19 will impact the District. The Student Trustee noted that the Board is anticipating significant changes come to curriculum, programs and course offerings, student success outcomes, etc. The Student Trustee also suggested that meeting with each other in less formal spaces may open up their conversations, and allow for fresh solutions for the unique issues that students face at each representative’s college. Student Trustee Williams also encouraged the committee members to find other ways to engage the students and administrators at their colleges. The Student Trustee listed ways to engage through attending meetings, becoming peer counselors, having a strong presence from the student government at welcome weeks and club rushes, etc.The Student Trustee also noted a large absence of school pride in the Los Angeles Community College District. She encouraged the Committee to find new ways to spread awareness of the ASG/O/U’s. Student Trustee Williams emphasized the importance of LACCD students being proud of their institutions, and feeling more inclined to engage beyond academics. Student Trustee Williams also reported that she would also like to extend this effort to raise school pride to other Student Trustees within the Community College League of California (CCLC). MATTERS FOR THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESNone.DISCUSSION ITEMSStudent Worker Policy Changes, Ms. Betsy Regalado Ms. Regalado reported that Chancellor Rodriguez has formed a taskforce to address the conversation that has been ongoing for the past few months concerning the role of LACCD’s student workers. There have been questions raised about the number of hours they work, the areas in which they are working, and the professional levels of the duties that they are assigned to do. Ms. Regalado informed the Committee that Chancellor Rodriguez is welcoming them to provide her with the names of students that they believe would make good student representatives on the taskforce. She noted that LACCD’s Human Resources Guide Rule 320 is still in effect as the current guideline for student employment classifications while the taskforce investigates the matter further. The taskforce will be examining the regulations regarding student workers in accordance to LACCD Board Rule 101901 (Chapter 10, Article 19), and LACCD HR Guide Rule 20. Assembly Bill 3101; CCC Apply Bill, Student Trustee Kellie WilliamsThe Student Trustee announced that AB 3101 is likely to be moving forward. If it does move forward, it would require that community college applications be simplified, with certain statewide application guidelines that all California Community Colleges would need to follow.Assembly Bill 2306; Student Financial Aid; Cal Grant Program Dead; Assembly Appropriation Suspense, Student Trustee, Kellie WilliamsStudent Trustee Williams explained that this bill is not currently active, but that it may still be possible to influence future legislation regarding Cal Grants. The Student Trustee noted various ways that the Cal Grant system can improve to benefit community college students – such as by extending the amount of time that students are eligible to use their Cal Grant, by not factoring in the time that students are enrolled in community colleges toward the total length of time that they would have to be able to use their Cal Grants, etc. March for Our Lives, Voting Registration Event Organized by the LACCD ASG/O/U’s, Student Trustee, Kellie WilliamsStudent Trustee Williams noted the importance of voter participation in the upcoming political elections, and emphasized the importance of student leaders advocating for greater student participation in the voting process. Noting the significant role that the ASG/O/U’s have at their colleges, the Student Trustee suggested that the Committee dedicate a day in which all of the ASG/O/U’s participate in voter registration outreach. The Committee designated September 25, 2018 as the date for voter registration activities to raise voting awareness Districtwide.Deadline to Submit Outlines for SAC Representative Candidates and Committee Summaries: August 29, 2018, Student Trustee, Kellie Williams The Student Trustee announced August 29, 2018 as the deadline to submit candidates to serve as Student Affairs Committee representatives to outside committees. Student Trustee Williams requested that they submit their nominations to their ASG/O/U Advisors, who will communicate the information to Ms. Betsy Regalado. ASG/O/U Cohesion & Technology for Student Success in Fall 2018, Peter SerranoMr. Peter Serrano, DCOC Appointee, presented an overview of the ‘Yammer’, a social media platform within the student information system portal. He used the application in real time to demonstrate some of the functions that students can use to communicate with each other on the platform. Mr. Serrano suggested that the Student Affairs Committee members and their ASG/O/U’s might like to consider using the app to stay up to date with the other colleges in the District. ACTION ITEMSReview and Approve Student Affairs Board Committee Meeting Dates for 2018-19This action has been tabled until further notice. NEW BUSINESSMr. Crossley asked about the possibility of LACCD and LA Metro (Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority) collaborating to install lighted crosswalks at the District’s colleges, noting that traffic safety at other institutions has vastly improved after their installation. ADJOURNMENTThere being no objection, the meeting was adjourned at 11:35 a.m. ................

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