Marquette County, Michigan

Proceedings of a regular meeting of the Board of County Road Commissioners of Marquette County, Michigan held on Monday, June 15, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. EST at the Marquette County Road Commission located at 1610 N. Second Street, Ishpeming, Michigan.

Present: Commissioners David Hall, Joseph Valente, Russell Williams, Neil Anderson, and Ray Roberts.

Absent: None

In Attendance: Jim Iwanicki, Mary Herman, Mike Harrington, Kurt Taavola, Scott Mills, Norman Holmes, Darlene Turner, Mike Oertel, Elizabeth Pipzinsk, Bob Nault and Lisa Hammill who recorded the minutes.

1. Call Meeting to Order/Pledge of Allegiance:

Chairperson Hall called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Agenda Approval:

A motion to approve the June 15, 2015 Agenda with the addition of late items #10A-Grader Blades, #10B – Overband Crack Sealing, Chip Sealing & Fog Sealing, #10C – Ewing Township Construction Contract, #10D – US41/M553 Catch Basin Repair Bids, #10E – US41 Curb Removal and Replacement Bids was made by Comm. Roberts, supported by Comm. Williams and was carried.

3. Approval of the Minutes:

The reading of the May 18, 2015 regular meeting minutes was waived and a motion to approve the minutes, was made by Comm. Williams, was supported by Comm. Anderson and was carried.

4. Approval of the Financial Reports, Payroll & Accounts Payables and Accounts Receivables:

Mary Herman provided the May 2015 Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues & Expenditures, and MTF Revenue comparison report. In regard to significant use of fund equity this fiscal year, she noted the current fund balance from the Balance Sheet, and also noted that equipment is on order and the construction season is beginning. A motion to approve the May 2015 Financial Reports as presented was made by Comm. Roberts, was supported by Comm. Valente and was carried.

A motion to approve the May 21, 2015 and June 4, 2015 Payroll with associated Payroll taxes and fees and April 2015 Employer MERS in the amount of $397,989.40 was made by Comm. Anderson, was supported by Comm. Williams and was carried.

A motion to approve the Accounts Payable from May 14, 2015 to June 15, 2015 in the amount of $427,886.36 was made by Comm. Roberts, was supported by Comm. Williams and was carried.

The list of outstanding Accounts Receivables was provided to the Board for review. Mary Herman noted two items that were paid since the report was printed.

5. Public Comment:

Chairperson Hall opened this portion of the meeting to public comment.

Mike Oertel stated his concern about future road maintenance in the White City Falls area and reserved comment on Item #8A.

Bob Nault also voiced concern about future road maintenance on County Road PPE and reserved comment on Item #8A.

Elizabeth Pipzinsk reserved comment on Item #8A.

There being no further public comment offered, this portion of the meeting was closed.

6. Action Items:

A. MDOT Contract #125513: County Road 492

A motion to approve the resolution and authorize the Engineer Manager and Chairperson to sign MDOT Contract #125513 for County Road 492 paving and all necessary related work was made by Comm. Williams, was supported by Comm. Anderson and was carried. The resolution reads as follows:

“WHEREAS, the Board of County Road Commissioners wishes to enter into a construction agreement with the Michigan Department of Transportation for a F Funded Project, and

WHEREAS, the Board of County Road Commissioners has approved this project to be hot mix asphalt paving and hot mix asphalt crush and shape work along County Road 492 from West Grove Street northerly to Lost Creek Drive/ including subgrade undercutting, aggregate base, intersection approach, culvert, curb and gutter, guardrail installation, traffic control and pavement marking work; and all together with necessary related work,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Board of Marquette County Road Commissioners of Marquette County Michigan agrees to the terms of the contract as proposed by the Michigan Department of Transportation Contract number 15-5248 (MDOT Job Number 125513A, Control Section EDF 52566), and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, David E. Hall, Chairperson and James Iwanicki, Engineer Manager are hereby authorized to sign the contract documents.”

B. MDOT Contract #119479: County Road 426

A motion to approve the resolution and authorize the Engineer Manager and Chairperson to sign MDOT Contract #119479 for County Road 426 paving and all necessary related work was made by Comm. Roberts, was supported by Comm. Valente and was carried. The resolution reads as follows:

“WHEREAS, the Board of County Road Commissioners wishes to enter into a construction agreement with the Michigan Department of Transportation for a Surface Transportation Program project, and

WHEREAS, the Board of County Road Commissioners has approved this project to be reconstruction work along County Road 426 from the Delta County Line northwesterly for approximately 1.5 miles, including hot mix asphalt crush and shape, machine grading, aggregate base, slope restoration, pavement marking and traffic control work; and all together with necessary related work,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Board of Marquette County Road Commissioners of Marquette County Michigan agrees to the terms of the contract as proposed by the Michigan Department of Transportation Contract number 15-5295 (MDOT Job Number 119479A, Control Section STL 52555), and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, David E. Hall, Chairperson and James Iwanicki, Engineer Manager are hereby authorized to sign the contract documents.”

C. MDOT Contract #116522: County Road 611

A motion to approve the resolution and authorize the Engineer Manager and Chairperson to sign MDOT Contract #116522 for County Road 611 paving and all necessary related work was made by Comm. Williams, was supported by Comm. Anderson and was carried. The resolution reads as follows:

“WHEREAS, the Board of County Road Commissioners wishes to enter into a construction agreement with the Michigan Department of Transportation for a Surface Transportation Program project, and

WHEREAS, the Board of County Road Commissioners has approved this project to be hot mix asphalt reconstruction and paving work along County Road 611 from the Baraga County Line northerly to Mesnard Street; including pavement removal, approach, subgrade undercutting, aggregate base, geogrid reinforcement, pavement marking and traffic control work; and all together with necessary related work,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Board of Marquette County Road Commissioners of Marquette County Michigan agrees to the terms of the contract as proposed by the Michigan Department of Transportation Contract number 15-5294 (MDOT Job Number 116522A, Control Section STL 52103), and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, David E. Hall, Chairperson and James Iwanicki, Engineer Manager are hereby authorized to sign the contract documents.”

D. Ishpeming Township – County Road 494 Project Agreement

A motion to approve the Marquette County Road Commission/Ishpeming Township Construction Agreement for County Road 494 wedging and overlay from US41 to patch west of James Street and authorize the Engineer Manager and Finance and Office Manager to sign the document was made by Comm. Roberts, was supported by Comm. Anderson and was carried.

E. Big Bay Garage Building Plaque

Jim Iwanicki provided a sample of the proposed building plaque for the new Big Bay Garage. A motion to approve the sample building plaque was made by Comm. Anderson, was supported by Comm. Williams and was carried.

F. FOIA Policy Revision

In order to comply with the required changes to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that will be effective on July 1, 2015, a revised FOIA Policy was proposed to the Board. Mary Herman stated that templates for the revised policy were available from the Michigan Township Association and were edited to reflect changes relevant to the Marquette County Road Commission. A motion to approve the revised Freedom of Information Policy, effective July 1, 2015, in accordance with legislature, was made by Comm. Roberts, was supported by Comm. Valente and was carried.

G. Public Health – Fish Signs in Right of Way

Jim Iwanicki reported that the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services have requested “Fishing Carp River” signage. He stated that as it is in the best interest of public health, staff recommends a no cost permit to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services for installation of the signage. A motion to approve the permit at no cost to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services for fishing signage along the Carp River was made by Comm. Williams, was supported by Comm. Anderson and was carried.

7. Unfinished Business:

A. County Road EHH Abandonment

Jim Iwanicki stated that he spoke with the citizen that requested the abandonment on County Road EHH. He stated that a survey of the property has not been completed and the requestor has requested that this issue be tabled until September. A motion to deny the abandonment request until the property owner can obtain a survey of his property with all fees waived if a re-petition is received,within a 365 day period, was made by Comm. Roberts, was supported by Comm. Williams and was carried.

B. Iron Pin Mitigation Site

A motion to reaffirm the Board’s stance on the property transfer at the Iron Pit Road site in Gwinn from the Marquette County Road Commission to MDOT and have staff prepare a deed for the Chairperson’s signature was made by Comm. Anderson, was supported by Comm. Williams and was carried.

8. New Business:

A. Seasonal Road Policy – County Road CG

Jim Iwanicki reported that an amendment was made to the Seasonal Road Policy in November 2011 which allowed for winter maintenance on County Road CG to assist a resident with medical needs, provided a turn-around be provided. As this property owner no longer resides on County Road CG, it was recommended by staff that the Marquette County Road Commission Seasonal Road Policy be amended to extract the “exception” language. He stated that the Marquette County Road Commission has been willing to work with the public in the winter, pushing back banks, should the property owners provide their own winter maintenance.

Bob Nault, County Road PPE resident, asked for a plow to push banks back a few times during the winter and he requested gravel on County Road CCU.

Mike Ortell, White City Falls resident, requested gravel on County Road CU.

Elizabeth Pipzinsk, County Road CG resident, expressed her concern with not being able to get to work and medical appointments due to receiving a lower level of service in the winter months.

It was staff recommendation to modify the Seasonal Road Policy, which would remove the County Road CG plowing exception, and ask Ely Township to respond to this amendment. Further information will be brought back to the Board of Marquette County Road Commissioners when received. A motion to table the amendment to the Seasonal Road Policy/County Road CG exception until input from Ely Township is received, was made by Comm. Williams, was supported by Comm. Anderson, and was carried.

9. Informational Business:

A. US41 Corridor Report

The June 2015 Agenda and Minutes will be given at the July 2015 meeting.

B. MCRCSIP Board of Directors Election

A motion to cast a vote for Russell Gronvelt (Houghton) and Peter Stropich (Delta) for the two open MCRCSIP Board positions was made by Comm. Williams, was supported by Comm. Anderson, and was carried.

C. CRASIF Board of Trustees Election

A motion to cast a vote for all three CRASIF Board of Trustees incumbent candidates, Dale Linton (Montcalm), Mike Larrabee (Delta), and Ken Hulka (Muskegon) was made by Comm. Roberts, was supported by Comm. Williams, and was carried.

D. Huron Mountain Club v MCRC Appeal

Jim Iwanicki provided an update from Attorney William Henn regarding the denial of the Huron Mountain Club’s (HMC) appeal to the Supreme Court.

E. Joint Insurance Conference

The County Road Commissions’ Joint Insurance Conference will be held on July 22–23, 2015 at the Soaring Eagle in Mt. Pleasant, MI. Please RSVP with Lisa Hammill in the office if you plan on attending.

10. Late Additions:

A. Grader Blades

Mike Harrington stated that bids for furnishing and delivering grader blades were received last October and the low bidder, Truck and Trailer Specialties, will hold the price for Winter 2015-2016. A motion to approve the prices and quantities recommended for blades from Truck and Trailer Specialties for a total of $114,755.70 was made by Comm. Roberts, was supported by Comm. Williams and was carried.

B. Overband Crack Sealing, Chip Sealing, & Fog Sealing

Kurt Taavola stated that bids were received on behalf of Ely, Ishpeming, Negaunee, and Tilden Township for Crack Sealing, Single Chip Sealing and Fog Sealing. It is staff recommendation to award the bid for Overband Crack Sealing on 2.10 miles of Marquette County Road Commission Primary Roads to Fahrner Asphalt at $5,358.84 and award Overband Crack Sealing for Michigamme, Tilden Township and the City of Negaunee to Fahrner Asphalt (pending Township and City approval), Crack, Chip and Fog Sealing to the sole bidder, Fahrner Asphalt for Ishpeming and Tilden Township (pending Township approval), Chip and Fog Sealing to the low bidder, Fahrner Ashpalt for Ely, Negaunee and Tilden Township (pending Township approval), and Chip and Fog Sealing for $76,457 on County Road 492 to sole bidder, Fahrner Asphalt.

A motion to award the bid for Overband Crack, Chip and Fog Sealing to the low bidder, Fahrner Asphalt Sealers, pending Township and City approvals was made by Comm. Williams, was supported by Comm. Anderson and was carried as follows: Overband Crack Sealing on 2.10 miles of MCRC Primary Roads, along with Overband Crack Sealing on Michigamme and Tilden Township and City of Negaunee roads (pending Township and City approval); Crack Sealing, Chip Sealing, and Fog Sealing for Ishpeming and Tilden Townships (pending Township approval); Chip Sealing and Fog Sealing for Ely, Negaunee, and Tilden Township (pending Township approval); and, Chip Sealing & Fog Sealing on County Road 492 for a total cost of $76,457.

C. Ewing Township Construction Project/Graveling Camp 9, Plantation and Homestead Roads

A motion to approve the Marquette County Road Commission/Ewing Township Construction Agreement for gravel work on Camp 9, Plantation and Homestead Roads and to authorize the Engineer Manager and Finance and Office Manager to sign the document was made by Comm. Williams, was supported by Comm. Anderson and was carried.

D. US41/M553 Catch Basin Repair Bids

A motion to award the bid for US41 and M553 catch basin repair to the low bidder, Premeau Construction, at $58,806 was made by Comm. Williams, was supported by Comm. Anderson and was carried.

E. US41 Curb Removal and Replacement Bids

A motion to award the bid for US41 curb removal and replacement to the low bidder, UP Concrete Co., for $127,140 ($48.90/ft) was made by Comm. Williams, was supported by Comm. Valente and was carried.

11. Public Comment:

Chairperson Hall opened this portion of the meeting to public comment.

There being no public comment offered, this portion of the meeting was


12. Adjournment:

A motion was made by Comm. Williams, was supported by Comm. Roberts and was carried to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 p.m.

This is to certify that the minutes above were passed by a majority vote of the

Board of County Road Commissioners of Marquette County, Michigan,

at a meeting held on the 15th day of June, 2015 and which was

duly spread upon the minutes of said meeting, the record

of which is on file at the office of said Commission at Ishpeming, Michigan.


Mary Herman, Clerk


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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