Annual Assessment Report WorksheetUse this worksheet to gather, organize and pre-record content for your annual academic program assessment report prior to completing the online submission form in AEFIS.?For AY 2020-21, programs will again have the option to submit either the Alternative Assessment Report Option or the Traditional Assessment Report Option. Each program only needs to complete one option.In general, a simple, straightforward assessment report includes:What – What are students expected to learn??Where – Where in the curriculum are students expected to learn and apply the knowledge and skills specified as the learning goals?How – How do program faculty know (what is the evidence) that students are learning what they expect them to?So, What – Faculty review the assessment activity findings to determine if students are meeting the expectations and identify ways to improve the program, if necessary.????Demographic InformationPlease provide your name.Please provide your administrative unit.Please provide your email address.If you are not the department chair/director or director of graduate studies (DGS), provide name of department chair/director or DGS who designated you to submit the reportPlease select the academic year. Report OptionsDetermine which report option the program will complete: either the Alternative Assessment Report Option or the Traditional Assessment Report Option. Programs may elect the alternative report option if data collection for AY 20-21 has not been completed. Each program only needs to complete one option.Option 1 – Alternative Assessment Report (Question #6)?Determine and list the learning outcome(s) you will discuss, and provide the program’s response to the following:???This option presents the opportunity for programs to reflect on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote instruction and remote academic advising on student learning and the student academic experience related to at least one of the program’s student learning outcomes.?We invite programs to select at least one of their program learning outcomes and reflect broadly on how the transition to remote instruction had an impact on student learning in regard to that outcome. Examples of guiding questions for this exercise might be:??In what ways did instructors pivot their emphasis of course learning outcomes to ensure student achievement of programmatic expectations???How did the department come together to decide “what is important” in regard to student learning in that short period of time???What positive changes were made to accommodate for remote instruction that the program will continue in a traditional environment???What would the program do differently in regard to helping students achieve this outcome if given the opportunity?Given this reflection, conclude with how the program adapted/plans to adapt to the changing landscape of instruction with student achievement of the learning outcome at the forefront. Also, highlight any summary data that may have been collected about the teaching and learning experience during the pandemic. You might elect this option if the program was not able to complete data collection for AY 20-21.?We anticipate the reflection being no more than two pages. Option 2 – Traditional Assessment Report (Question #7)This option follows the assessment reports submitted in the past, with all questions being the same.?All assessment reports should: 1) identify which program learning outcomes were assessed, 2) outline what data was collected and how, and 3) summarize the key findings and recommendations. Programs may elect this option if the program was able to complete data collection for AY 20-21.?In AEFIS, the program’s learning outcomes (as they currently appear in the Guide) will be listed.?You will need to select which outcomes were assessed for the given year and then answer the following about the assessment activities conducted.?Assessment Activities1. What type of assessment was conducted? (select one) Select either direct assessment or indirect assessment.?You may opt to select both.?You will be asked to provide information for each assessment activity conducted.??Direct Assessment?– Examples of direct assessment include:? embedded questioning, capstone assignments evaluated with rubrics, standardized testing, portfolio reviews, etc.Indirect Assessment – Examples of indirect assessment include:? use of institutional data such as the NSSE, Master’s and Doctoral Exit survey, course evaluation responses, surveying alumni or graduating students, etc.?2. How many students were assessed? Enter a whole number.?3. Please provide a brief description of how the assessment was conducted. Include: who was involved in the administration of the assessment activity, who was assessed (description of the students), and what was assessed (student work or survey analysis).???4. Optional: Include any instruments/rubrics/scoring guides.?Upload your .pdf, .xlsx, or .docx document.???5. What percentage of students assessed met the criteria for this outcome? Enter a number expressed as percent.?6. Briefly describe the analysis of the results of this assessment project.?Select “Yes” if there are recommendations for improvement.?Include: How the results were compiled and analyzed (faculty/staff involved in the process), how the results were disseminated to faculty/other stakeholders, what discussions occurred, what was seen in the data.Select “No” if no recommendations for improvement will be made.?7. Based on the results, are there any recommendations to improve students' achievement of the learning outcomes? If so, include expected timeline for action.?8. If you would like to upload additional documentation, you may do so here. This is not required. Typical upload documents include assessment reports the program provides to their discipline-specific accrediting agency or professional organization.Submitting a Report in AEFISFind detailed, step-by-step instructions (with visuals) for how to submit a report in the AEFIS assessment management system. ................

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