Art design and craft room - GENERIC RISK ASSESSMENT


|SchoolEstablishment: Gorran School |Assessment by: Sarah Scott |Date:1/9/1722/6/17 | | |

|Contact: Katie Rawlings | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Review Date: |Approved by: Henrietta Boex |Date:1/9/1722/6/17 | | |

|Hazard / Risk |Who is at Risk? |Normal Control Measures |Additional Control Measures |Risk Rating |

| | |(Brief description and/or reference to source of information). |(to take account of local/individual circumstances). |H/M/L |

| |Pupils, teachers and |Talk by teacher prior to visit. Adequate helpers to assist with | |M |

|Being hit by a car on route to the |helpers |supervision of children. Safest route planned in advance. | | |

|gallery. | | | | |

| |pupils |Children counted prior to leaving, on arrival in the gallery, on | |M |

|Children going missing. | |departure from the gallery and on return to school. Children to walk in | | |

| | |pairs in crocodile fashion. | | |

|Lift in art gallery as exit to main |pupils |All helpers warned of danger of children playing with lift buttons and | |M |

|road | |finding themselves on street level. One helper to monitor area of lift | | |

| | |whilst children are in gallery. Gallery staff also made aware. | | |

|Liability for damage to paintings |Pupils, teachers and |The Art Gallery is insured for public liability, and is conscious to | |M |

| |class helpers |create an environment that is family friendly and suitable for young | | |

| | |children. Nevertheless it may be advisable for teachers to explain to | | |

| | |the children why oil paintings should not be touched or rested against. | | |

|Gallery staff and freelance educators|pupils |Teachers should be informed. Children should not be left with only one | |L |

|have been police checked. However, | |supervisor, even if they have had a police check | | |

|gallery artists and volunteers have | | | | |

|not been police checked | | | | |

|Children and public tripping on |Pupils, teachers, class |Children to be asked to leave all bags and coats in one obvious place, | |L |

|school bags left on the floor |helpers and members of |and a clear passage around the paintings for visitors to get round. This| | |

| |the public. |can be done by teachers prior to the visit and/or gallery staff. | | |

| | |Signs will be put up around the gallery notifying the general public | | |

| | |that a school workshop is in progress. | | |

|Supervision / class sizes |Pupils, teachers, class |Group size should be appropriate to the design and size of the room, | |L |

| |helpers and members of |take account of the nature of the task, the equipment, the age, ability,| | |

| |the public. |aptitude and special education needs of pupils. | | |

| | |Health and Safety forms part of curriculum work where relevant. | | |

|Use of Equipment |teachers, class helpers.|Ensure that all equipment handed out is returned at the end of the | |L |

| | |lesson. | | |

| | |Identify and records kept of any servicing / maintenance requirements | | |

| | |for equipment. | | |

| | |Identify if there are any training or instruction needs for members of | | |

| | |staff. | | |

| | |Identify who is authorised to use the equipment. | | |

| | |Identify the management system in place for preventing unauthorised use | | |

| | |to ensure that it is removed from service. | | |

| | |Specify any personal protective equipment that users must wear. | | |

|Storage | |Equipment and substances stored appropriately and do not present a | | |

| | |manual handling or trip, slip or fall hazard. | | |

| | |Heavy items stored at the appropriate level. | | |

| | |Flammable liquids (paint, white spirit, etc kept to a minimum and must | | |

| | |not exceed 50 litres). | | |

| | |All highly flammable substances should be stored in suitably labelled, | | |

| | |lockable metal storage bin or cupboard designed for the purpose. | | |

| | |Concentrated acid stored in the studio should be should kept to a | | |

| | |minimum and stored in standard acid bottles. | | |

| | |Rags, cotton waste, polyurethane foam or similar materials should not be| | |

| | |allowed to accumulate or be stored near naked flames, very hot objects | | |

| | |or immediately against electrical equipment. | | |

|Pug Mill and Blunger | |The machine only to be used by authorised staff or strictly supervised |On no account must a machine be run with the barrel | |

| | |by a responsible person. |open, outlet or drive guards removed. | |

| | |Equipment serviced by a competent contractor in the last 12 months. | | |

| | |Throat and guard present. | | |

| | |Grill to prevent foreign objects being placed in the mechanism. | | |

| | |Hand lever feeding devise fitted and operational. | | |

| | |Local lockable isolator switch. | | |

| | |Clear working area of at least one metre around the machine. | | |

|Pottery Wheel / jiggers / batting | |Moving parts where entrapment is possible guarded and in place whilst | | |

|machines | |the machine is in use. | | |

| | |Electric wheels properly earthed and sealed water proof switches fitted | | |

| | |and in good condition. | | |

| | |Clear working area of at least one metre around the machine. | | |

|Substances including Paints, inks, |Pupils, teachers and |Water based paints and inks to be used where possible. | |L |

|pastels., varnishes etc / may be |classroom assistants. |COSHH management system in place. | | |

|toxic, cause allergic reactions, be | |Someone trained to carry out COSHH risk assessments. | | |

|irritants or react with other | |Inventory of chemicals used within the department in place, identifies | | |

|substances | |the quantity stored, that material safety data sheets have been | | |

| | |obtained, level of risk from the substance has been identified and if | | |

| | |there is a requirement to undertake a specific COSHH risk assessment. | | |

| | |Any known hazards from substances and appropriate controls must be | | |

| | |communicated to people who may be exposed to any risk, including | | |

| | |teaching, cleaning staff and pupils. | | |

| | |Only low hazard paints, glazes and inks used where possible. | | |

| | |Food should not be consumed at the same time as the use of materialsor | | |

| | |brought into work areas where chemicals are used. | | |

|Use of plaster of paris. | |No risk from thin layers, Plaster of Paris not to be used to make casts | | |

|Heat generated when water added. | |/ encase parts of body | | |

| | |Wash off any splashes. | | |

| | |Wear disposable gloves in event of prolonged contact. | | |

| | |Use safer alternatives if moulding body parts such as an alginate, a | | |

| | |medically inert moulding compound used by dentists to make impressions | | |

| | |of teeth. (ModRoc is not recommended). | | |

|Inhalation of dusts including pottery| |Regular cleaning regime to keep dust to a minimum. | | |

|glazes / Harm to health | |Clay dropped on the floor should be removed as soon as possible and the | | |

| | |floor checked at the end of each session. | | |

| | |Spilt clay slip not allowed to dry out, i.e. dry dust avoided. | | |

| | |Controlled allocation of small quantities of glaze materials and use of | | |

| | |leadless glazes. | | |

| | |All equipment to washed down at the end of the session. | | |

| | |Floors washed or damp-cleaned and vacuumed using an approved industrial| | |

| | |wet/dry vacuum cleaner. | | |

| | |Cleaning methods communicated to any external cleaning company. | | |

|Sharp blades / Scissors. Cuts |Pupils, teachers and |Safety blades used where possible | |M |

| |classroom assistants. |Controlled storage and allocation of craft knives, etc. | | |

| | |Child size scissors should be used and be supervised by teachers and | | |

| | |classroom helpers | | |

|Electricity / | |Electrical equipment subject to regular safety inspection and test ('PAT|See also use of electrical equipment | |

|Electric shock | |testing') | | |

| | |Mains powered portable equipment protected by RCD to distribution board,| | |

| | |wall socket or lead. | | |

| | |Isolators for all circuits in readily accessible positions and local | | |

| | |isolators fitted to each fixed machine. | | |

| | |Sufficient outlets to support the range of equipment normally used with | | |

| | |resorting to regular use of multi-socket adaptors. | | |

| | |Visual check prior to use | | |

|Gas supplies and gas burning | |All mains gas supplies to equipment should be controlled in each work | | |

|appliances | |area by a clear marked emergency master valve. | | |

| | |Gas kilns should not be used unless staff have had specialist training | | |

| | |in firing procedures. | | |

| | |Fixed supplies tested annually | | |

|Kiln | |Ensure that a specific kiln risk assessment has been carried out which |See kiln risk assessment | |

| | |identifies all of the generic hazards. | | |

|Acid Etching | |Hydrofluoric acid must not be used in schools. Use of caustics kept to a| | |

| | |minimum | | |

| | |Acid bath located in a ventilated cupboard or have a lid, of which | | |

| | |should be lockable when not in use. | | |

| | |Acid spills neutralised with sodium carbonate. | | |

| | |PPE (eye protection, gloves and rubber apron) provided. | | |

| | |First aid measures in place for immediate eye irrigation and for washing| | |

| | |affected parts of the body in water. | | |

| | |Provide facilities for immediate eye irrigation and washing affected | | |

| | |parts of the body. | | |

|Photographic dark room (proximity of | |Separation of wet and dry areas. | | |

|electricity and water, poor | |Extract fan vented to exterior and provide suitable number of air | | |

|ventilation and handling chemicals). | |changes per hour. (expert advice should be sought). | | |

| | |Developing chemicals included in the COSHH management system and PPE | | |

| | |used. Suitable rubber gloves must be made available. | | |

| | |Appropriate eye protection used when operating ultra violet and mercury | | |

| | |vapour lamps. | | |

|Photography |Pupils |The gallery is required to provide photographs of children for funding | |L |

| | |bodies, local press etc. | | |

| | |To protect children, first names only are ever used. | | |

| | |If there are children that cannot be photographed the teacher must | | |

| | |inform the gallery prior to the visit. This is a condition of the | | |

| | |booking and with some particular funding projects a workshop may not be | | |

| | |able to take place if photographs cannot be taken. However, the gallery | | |

| | |will endeavour to re-schedule a workshop where this is not a | | |

| | |requirement. | | |

| | |Permissions from parents should be sought prior to the visit. | | |

| | |Some schools find it best to get permission from parents at the start of| | |

| | |the school year to cover all visits. | | |

|First Aid |Pupils, teachers and |At least one first aid kit in the galleryart/design department of a | | |

| |classroom assistants. |secondary school. | | |

| | |Contents regularly checked. | | |

| | |Nearest first aiders names displayed. | | |

| | |Mains tap water or 900ml (3 x 300ml) eye wash bottles or sterile tube / | | |

| | |mains water supply available | | |






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