COUN 504.doc.docx

MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION IN COUNSELINGCOUN 504Summer 2017Syllabus3 creditsInstructor: Mary Campbell, EdS.Mon & Wed, 4:00 – 9:00 PMVoice/text: (208) 869-2091May 30 through July 2, 2015Email: marycampbell1@boisestate.eduCourse Description:Students will access theory and practice of standardized test development and procedures, applications and limitations of standardized tests, techniques of administering individual/group tests and of interpreting assessment instruments and profiles; and communication strategies with clients, parents, school personnel, and relevant professionals. PREREQ: COUN 512 or similar graduate statistics course.CACREP Standards Addressed in the Course:historical perspectives concerning the nature and meaning of assessmentbasic concepts of standardized and non-standardized testing and other assessment techniques including norm-referenced and criterion-referenced assessment, environmental assessment, performance assessment, individual and group test inventory methods, psychological testing, and behavioral and cultural factors related to the assessment and evaluation of individuals, groups, and specific populationsethical strategies for selecting, administering, and interpreting assessment and evaluation instruments and techniques in counselingstatistical concepts, including scales of measurement, measures of central tendency, indices of variability, shapes and types of distributions, and correlationsreliability (i.e., theory of measurement error, models of reliability, and the use of reliability information)validity (i.e., evidence of validity, types of validity, and the relationship between reliability and validity)an understanding of general principles and methods of case conceptualization, assessment, and/or diagnoses of mental and emotional statusObjectives:Upon completion of this course, the student will be able toparticipate as part of a team in the decision-making process regarding human beings in relationship to assessment data.recognize and describe the different types of assessment instruments (personality, aptitudes, interests, intelligence, achievement, special abilities, group, individual)identify test manual items necessary to make appropriate selection of assessment instrumentsdefine and apply introductory assessment terms and concepts, including basic statistical knowledgeintegrate the “Ethical Principles of Psychologists,” the “Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education,” “Responsibilities of Users of Standardized Tests,” and the “Code of Professional Responsibilities in Educational Measurement” into decisions regarding test selection, administration, and interpretationanalyze and explain student or client profiles that result from various assessment instrumentsinclude cultural awareness, sensitivity, and possible testing/interpretation alternatives in discussions and presentationsaccess the Internet, periodicals, and publications relevant to test and measurement research.Required Text:Reader available from BSU BookstoreGrading Criteria:A = 100 – 90; B = 89 – 80; C = 79 – 70Assignments not submitted when due will not earn full points. Those submitted more than three days past the due date will not be accepted. Plagiarism is sufficient grounds for failure for the course. See current Boise State Graduate Catalog for academic regulations and appeal procedures.30%Class participation and attendance Three points per class, and 3 points for perfect attendance. 30 points total30%Summary papers (2)Students will write a brief summary of specific psychological test reports provided by instructor. Fifteen points per paper, 30 points total40%Final paper—Critique/commentary of psychological test reportTest report will be provided by instructor at last class session. Students will write a 3 – 5 page critique/commentary to include an identification and review of assessment instruments used, summary of evaluator’s interpretations and recommendations, and a critique of the report.. A scoring rubric will be presented to the class. 40 points totalCOUN 504CALENDARSummer 2017DateTopicsAssignmentMay 31Intro, review syllabusHistorical foundationsReporting & Interpreting results: “Adam”Read: Legal/ethical chapterJune 5Legal/ethical considerationStatistical reviewRead: Interpreting scores chapterJune 7Measurement conceptsTest development (ex: MBTI)Reporting & Interpreting Results: “Student D”DUE: Paper 1: “Student D”Read: IQ chapterJune 12Intelligence and IQ testing (Wechsler Scales)Read: “Jim Doe” reportJune 14More Intelligence tests! (SB-V, WJ-III/IV, DAS-II, KABC-II, RIAS, WNV)Reporting & Interpreting results: “Jim Doe”Read: RTI Article “John Junior” reportJune 19Achievement & Aptitude tests(WJ-III, WIAT-II, WRAT4, GORT4, Y-CAT, WDRB)RTI process/Sped criteriaReporting & Interpreting Results: “John Junior”DUE: Paper 2: “John Doe” Read: Interpreting Rating Scales: The Primary Scales and Validity Indicators June 21Interviews, checklists, self-reports(MSE, BASC-2, BDI-II, BAI, SCL-90R, BSI, ChIA, SRS, BRIEF, Brown ADD) Validity indicatorsReporting & Interpreting Results: “John Doe”Read: Projective article @ (2000).pdfLEP chapter“Sally” ReportJune 26Personality/behavioral assessment (Rorschach, TAT, Roberts, Bender, MCMI-III, 16pf, JI-R, PDS, AUI, SASSI, )Adaptive behavior (Vineland-2, SIB-R, DP-3)Special PopulationsReporting & Interpreting Results: “Sally”Read: Counselor Competencies,FAQ chaptersNeuropsychological Screen “Joe”June 28Neurocognitive/processing/memory (Wisconsin Card Sort, NEPSY-II, D-KEFS, IVA, CMS)Communicating assessment resultsReporting & Interpreting results: Neuropsychological Screen “Joe”FinalFINAL DUE: Noon, July 5, 2017 ................

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