Transition Evaluation SAMPLE - St. Croix River Education ...

Transition Evaluation SAMPLE

For Informal Assessment Tools from MDE Secondary Transition Toolkit

Description of the Assessment Tool:

Informal Assessment Tools (from MDE Secondary Transition Toolkit):

The Informal Assessment Tools from Minnesota Department of Education Secondary Transition Toolkit are used for the purpose of assisting the student and their coordinated team of service providers including family members to identify and prioritize needs for transition services or activities. The tools include open-ended questions for student response comments, several rating system checklists, and a pre-employment checklist of content areas taught in work seminar high school courses. These informal assessments are considered valid for the purpose of assisting a student to identify their needs for secondary transition services. The rating system is used to identify skills as emerging, in need of more practice, or mastered. The tools are not intended to be a comparative to peers without disabilities. Results are only interpreted as a comparison of the selected transition skills the student has acquired at the start and finish of high school.

One way to summarize the information collected is to record the total number of items identified as mastered. The remaining checklist skills marked as either emerging or in need of practice would then need to be prioritized at a team meeting to determine needs for the current year’s plan. Items marked as mastered are an indicator of overall readiness for employment, further education and independent life after high school graduation. There are a total of 192 skills in the skill rating checklists. A student at mastery levels on all 192 items would be considered proficient at a high level for adult life and coping skills for their disability. The Pre-Employment Checklist section of these informal tools can be used as an indicator of the level of experience and mastery of content in a work seminar course. The sections in the Informal Assessment Tools contain the following: A self report comment section “What Are My Dreams?”, A timeline list of activities to consider and complete, student/family resources checklist, career exploration comments, Life Skills rating checklist, Informal Work Readiness Student Evaluation rating checklist, and a Functional/Vocational Skills rating checklist. The checklists are administered by having the student, family members and other evaluation team members rate the items.

Results Sample:

This is the first experience for Val to participate in an evaluation of her transition skills. The team of persons participating included Val, her parents, her special education teacher, her audiologist, a service provider from the Regional Deaf/Hard of Hearing center, her classroom teachers, and a high school special education teacher for work skills experience program. Each member filled out the checklist and submitted the responses to the evaluation manager to combine into a collective summary format. The summary results are:

Val completed the Dreams section and Career Exploration section of the tools with her family and special education teacher. She identified that she really has not given much thought to her plans after high school. She is more concerned about entering high school and worries about credits for graduation. Val did suggest that after high school she would like to attend college to become a clothing designer. She is not sure if she needs to attend college for this career. She likes fashion. She is good at shopping for clothing and making her own jewelry accessories. She comments that she knows nothing about buying a home and has never given a thought to living arrangements after high school. She assumes she will live at home and then move to an apartment with friends. She might chose to live with an older relative who lives in a large city and offered a room in return for light housekeeping help. Val reports that she hates her hearing disability and does not like the hearing aids. She reports that the aids make her look weird. Val reported that she is not age 16 and eligible for a job. She does on occasion mow the lawn for neighbors and is paid. She reports that she needs assistance with hearing and communication. She does not know if she will want to drive. She likes many activities, but not team sports. Her favorite hobbies are crafts and gardening/lawn care. She would like to take a golf class with her friends.

Val and her family reviewed the pre-high school and freshman year tasks. Val started a portfolio to hold important transition documents and work samples for transition planning. Val has no items to mark as complete at this time.

The evaluation participants completed the rating checklists.

Summary of rating checklists:

Life Skills: Total items: 27

These skills include communication, problem solving, demonstrating work ethic and pre-employment skills. The team rated 6 of 27 items at mastery level for skills in the Life Skill checklist.

Informal Work Readiness: Total items: 42

These skills include teamwork, customer service, self-management, integrity/honesty, personal life, complete tasks, sociability, responsibility, information skills, and money. Val demonstrates strengths in money skills, sociability, and integrity/honesty. The total items at mastery level are 19 of 42.

Functional/Vocational Skills: Total items: 123

These skills include mobility, communication, self-care, self-direction, interpersonal skills/acceptance, work tolerance, work skills, physical work tolerance, work preparedness and job seeking. The total items at mastery level are 27 of 123 items.

In summary, Val has some strengths for transition for integrity/honesty, handling money, and sociability. She also has work strengths for work tolerance, physical strength, and attendance. Most items were marked emerging because she has not had any course work or experience for work and post secondary planning. Val was rated as emerging for 53% of the total skills in comparison to a mastery of 27% of the skills.

Informal Transition Assessment Tools Rating Checklists

|Skill Section |Total Emerging |Total Needs More Practice |Total Mastery |

|Life Skills 27 items |2 |19 |6 |

|Informal Work Readiness 42 items |22 |1 |19 |

|Functional/Vocational Skills 123 |78 |18 |27 |

|items | | | |

|Totals at each rating level 192 |102 |38 |52 |

|items total | | | |

|Percentage of total items at rating|53% |20% |27% |

|level | | | |

Results of the Pre-Employment Checklist Informal Assessment Tool

There are 11 content areas to receive instruction in work seminar related courses in high school. The student keeps a dated list of topics for which they have received instruction and their skill rating. Val has not enrolled in any high school work seminar related courses at the time of this evaluation. She has had no instruction in any content area other than Self-Advocacy Skills

|Topic |Date Introduced |Skill Rating Emergent, Improving|Notes on completion |

| | |or Mastered | |

|Attendance | | | |

|Appearance | | | |

|Self-Advocacy Skills |10-20-07 |Emergent |Using MN Compensatory Skills |

| | | |instruction for grades 6-8. |

|Taking Initiative/Responsibility| | | |

|Job-Searching Skills | | | |

|How to Apply for a Job | | | |

|Interviewing Skills | | | |

|Writing a Resume | | | |

|Filling Out Time Sheets | | | |

|Workplace Safety | | | |

|Job Resources | | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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