Baylor University

Baylor UniversitySpring, 2012CSD 2351: Introduction to Phonological ScienceInstructor: Susan ShermanOffice: 167 Neil MorrisOffice Hours: T 9:00-12:00 or by appointmentPhone: 710-1243E-mail: Susan_Sherman@baylor.eduClass Meeting Times: 8:00-8:50 M/W/FTextbooks and MaterialsSmall, Larry H. (2005) Fundamentals of Phonetics: a practical guide for students-3rd ed. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.Small, Larry H. (2005) Audio CDs for Fundamentals of Phonetics: A Practical Guide for Students- 3rd ed., Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.ResponseCard NXTCourse DescriptionThis course provides a theoretical, descriptive, and clinical framework including some of the ways that phonetic theory helps to understand and improve speech. This course includes: the introduction of phonetics as a field of study; a detailed examination of each of the sounds of American English; a study of the dynamic nature of speech; an analysis and transcription of specific samples of speech.Course Learning Objectives: In this course, students will be able to - Identify (i.e. multiple choice exam) and define professional terminology as related to phonological science (Standard III C)Identify (i.e. multiple choice exam) vocal tract anatomy (Standard III C)Classify the sounds of speech (Standard III C)Identify, produce, and transcribe the sounds of American English (Standard III C)Transcribe "live" speech samples (Standard III C)Broad vs. narrow transcriptions Disordered speechDemonstrate knowledge of dialects (i.e. regional, social, ethnic) and ASHA’s position concerning clinical treatment of individuals with dialectal variation. (Standard III C)Content of CoursePart I: Introduction to PhoneticsSection 1: Phonetics – Sound ScienceUse of the International Phonetic AlphabetTerminologyApplications of Phonetic TheorySection 2: Vocal Anatomy Section 3: Phonetics – Representation of English Consonant/Vowel Parameters Broad vs. Narrow Transcriptions Syllables/Word Stress Part II: Sounds of American English Sections 1: VowelsPlacement of Tongue PositionTenseness of VowelsLip Rounding of VowelsVowel chartsMore vowel parameters Section 2: DiphthongsSection 3: ConsonantsPlaces of articulationManners of articulationConsonant chartsMore Consonant ParametersPart III: Clinical PhoneticsSection 1: Connected SpeechSuprasegmentalsStress, intonation, and rhythmSyllable TypesAccommodation/AssimilationSection 2: Clinical PhoneticsBroad vs. Narrow TranscriptionsAbnormal SpeechPart IV:Dialectical Variation of PhonemesCourse RequirementsClass participation: You are expected to attend class and participate in discussions and activities. Attendance: To earn course credit in the College of Arts and Sciences, a student must attend at least 75% of all scheduled class meetings.? Any student who does not meet this minimal standard will automatically receive a grade of “F” in the course.? Any University-related activity necessitating an absence from class shall count as an absence when determining whether a student has attended the required 75% of class meetings.Exams: There will be four in-class exams. These exams will be based on assigned readings, class discussions/activities and transcription. 50% totalExam 1: 100 points possibleExam 2: 100 points possibleExam 3:100 points possibleExam 4:100 points possibleQuiz Fun and Book/Assigned Worksheet Assignments: Quizzes and Weekly assignments will be given. The quizzes and assignments must be completed on the assigned day.15% total10 Quizzes 100 points possible10% total10 Homework100 points possibleComprehensive Final Exam: The final exam is all transcription.25% totalFinal Exam 100 points possibleGrading Criteria: Final grades will be determined according to the following scale. Grade Percentile Score A 90.0 - 100% B+ 88.0 – 89.9% B 80.0 - 87.9% C+ 78.0 – 79.9% C 70.0 – 77.9% D+ 68.0 – 69.9% D 60.0 – 67.9% F Below 59.9% Course PlanCSD 2351Spring, 2012Please note: Readings and assignments are to be completed before the class session for which they are listed. DateTopicReading andAssignmentsJanuary 9-13Introduction to PhoneticsDefinitionsSmall: Ch 1Sound Cards/o/, / u/, /i/, /e/, /ɑ/, /k/, /j/Quiz 1January 18-20Metaphonological AwarenessJanuary 16th Holiday No ClassSmall: CH 2Assignment 2-1, 2-2 /? /, /?/, /?/, /?/Quiz 2 January 23-27AnatomySmall: CH 3/?/, /?/January 30February 1-3Exam January 30 Chapter 1-3Classifying Vowels and DiphthongsFront VowelsMonday Exam Small: CH 4Assignment 4-1Quiz 3/?/? /?/February 6-10Central VowelsBack VowelsSmall: CH 4Quiz 4Assignment 4-2, 4-3February 13-17 DiphthongsVowel LabSmall: CH 4Quiz 5Assignment 4-4/t?/? /d?/February 20-24Exam February 20 Small CH 4Classifying the ConsonantsStopsMonday ExamSmall: CH 5Assignment 5-1February 27-29March 2FricativesAffricatesSmall: CH 5Quiz 6Assignment 5-3, 5-4March 5-7ApproximantsNasalsMarch 9th TSHA no ClassSmall: CH 5Quiz 7 Assignment: 5-5. 5-6March 12-16March 12-16 Spring Break March 19-23 Consonant LabSmall: CH 5Quiz 8Assignment: 5-7March 26-30Exam 3 March 26 Chapter 5 ConsonantsSuprasegmentalsConnected SpeechMonday Exam 3Small: Ch 6Quiz 9Assignment 6-1, 6-2April 2-4Connected SpeechApril 6-9 Easter HolidaySmall: Ch 6Assignment 6-3April 11-13Clinical Phonetics Small: Ch 7Quiz 10Assignment: Assigned WorksheetApril 16-20DialectsExam 4 April 20 CH 6, 7, 8Small: CH 8 pg. 268-271Friday Exam 4April 23-27Transcription LabsMay 3 ThursdayFinal Exam 2:00 p.m.Final Exam: Transcription ................

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