Memorandum to Parents Regarding - Amazon S3





(Please read carefully)

2016 – 2017

Please keep this copy as a reference during your student-athlete’s participation in our athletic program.

Memorandum to Parents Regarding

Drug-Free Schools:

In accordance with Federal Law, we prohibit the use, possession, concealment, or distribution of drugs by students on school grounds or school approved vehicles, or at any school related event. Drugs include any alcoholic beverage, anabolic steroid, and dangerous controlled substance as defined by State statute or substance that could be considered a “look-a-like” controlled substance. Compliance with this policy is mandatory for all students. Any student who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, in accordance with due process and as specified in the student handbook, up to and including expulsion from school. When required by State law, the District will also notify law enforcement officials.

The District is concerned about any student who is a victim of alcohol or drug abuse and will facilitate the process by which s/he receives help through programs and services available in the community. Students and their parents should contact the school principal, counseling office, or student assistance program whenever such help is needed.


WARNING: Participation in supervised interscholastic athletics and activities may be one of the least hazardous activities in which any student will engage in or out of school.


Although serious injuries are not common in supervised athletic programs, it is impossible to eliminate this risk. Participants can have the responsibility to help reduce the chance of injury.




To Parents and Student-Athletes:

The athletic department rules and regulation handbook contains information you should review prior to participation in the Redford Union High School athletic programs. Note: As a condition of your child’s participation, you will be asked to attend an “Athletic Parents’ Orientation Meeting,” preferably at the start, during your child’s high school interscholastic athletic career.

Included you will find:

* General Athletic Information Pg. 2-3

* Philosophical Statement Pg. 4-7

* Athletic Code of Conduct Pg. 8-11

* Display of Letter Awards Pg. 12

* Spectator Code of Conduct Pg. 13

* Directions to Other Area Schools Pg. 14-16

* RU Athletics’ Parent Guide Pg. 17-18

We ask you to read through this material and familiarize yourself with your rights, responsibilities, and privileges.

The Redford Union Board of Education voted to discontinue activity fees for participation in all extracurricular activities in the Redford Union School District for the 2010-2011 school year. Therefore there will no longer be activity fees associated with extracurricular activities at Redford Union High School or Hilbert Middle School.

Please realize there may still be some outside fees required by some groups or teams at the high school or middle school. If your student-athlete must pay any fees as part of a team or group, please have cashiers checks or money orders made payable to the Redford Union athletic department. The district no longer will accept personal checks for any fees. If there are extenuating financial circumstances that make payment difficult, please contact the athletic office at 313-242-4271 to make appropriate arrangements. We thank you for your cooperation.

Please understand our entire athletic staff seeks to make your experience in athletics as safe and rewarding as possible. To achieve our goal, parental involvement and support, cooperation and communication are essential ingredients of the total athletic and educational process.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact me.


Mike Humitz

Assistant Principal



Assistant Principal/Athletic Director: Mike Humitz

Office Telephone No: 313-242-4200

Athletic Supervisor: Miles Tomasaitis

Office Phone No: 313-242-4272 Fax: 313-242-4395


Athletic Department Secretary: Carol Harris

Office Phone: 313-242-4271

League Affiliation: We are members of the Western Wayne Athletic Conference.

Directions to all other WWAC league schools are in the back of this book.

School Calendar: Please refer to the school calendar for Athletic Awards’ dates and other important dates as they relate to any of the Redford Union athletic seasons.

Equipment: Lost, stolen and missing equipment is one of our biggest expenses. If you find any equipment or uniforms, please turn into the Athletic Office, no questions asked. To match missing equipment is very expensive and sometimes not possible. Please make sure your son/daughter has a lock on their athletic locker. Too many athletes do not lock their lockers and this is how many things get stolen or come up missing. Also, we do not sell equipment or uniforms.

Swim Suit Purchase: The health department regulations require that we not reuse swim suits. As a result, we will require all swimming participants to purchase their suits. The cost of the suits will be determined.


Senior Citizens: Our fans who are Senior Citizens will be admitted at no charge to all Athletic Events (60 YOA plus)

Sportsmanship: Remember, interscholastic sports are an extension of the classroom. We will expect and demand all of our student-athletes, coaches, and teams to represent our school and community in the best possible fashion in every situation. At no time will poor sportsmanship be accepted.

Blue & Gold Club: The Redford Union Blue & Gold Booster Club is a great way for parents to become involved in our athletic department and other extracurricular programs. The booster club meets monthly and is responsible for much of the fundraising efforts that help support all our extracurricular programs. Parents, please consider volunteering your time and become an active member of the Blue & Gold Club.

Transportation: Bus transportation will be provided for as many away games as possible during regular season schedules. However, due to occasional limitations of available transportation, students may have to provide their own transportation. This will be determined by the assistant principal. In cases where student transportation is necessary, a signed permission slip will be required in advance, for any individual to travel with coaches, parents, or other students to or from any athletic event. These permission slips must be on file in the athletic department at least a day in advance.

College Eligibility: The academic requirements of students to participate in college athletics is ever changing and becoming more and more rigorous. If you have a desire to participate in sports at the collegiate level your individual academic records are vitally important to your attaining athletic eligibility. Every class you take from the first day you begin high school as a freshman to the conclusion of your senior year will factor into your academic credentials.

If you are planning to enroll in college as a freshman and you wish to participate in Division I or Division II athletics, you must be certified by the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse was established as a separate organization by the NCAA member institutions in January 1993. The Clearinghouse ensures consistent interpretation of NCAA initial-eligibility requirements for all prospective student athletes at all member institutions. For additional information regarding the NCAA Clearinghouse you may log onto their website at or contact the athletic office directly.

It is your responsibility to make sure the Clearinghouse has the documents it needs to certify you. These documents are:

1. Your completed and signed Student Release Form & fee.

2. Your official transcript from every high school you have attended.

3. Your ACT or SAT scores.

If you want to participate in Division I and Division II athletics, plan to start the certification process early - usually at the beginning of the senior academic year in high school.



JUNE 8, 1992




We believe that the opportunity for participation in a wide variety of student-selected activities is a vital part of the student’s educational experiences. Such participation is a privilege that carries with it responsibilities to the students themselves, to the school, to the activity, to the student body, and to the community. These experiences contribute to the development of learning skills and emotional patterns that enable the students to maximize his or her education.

The Redford Union High School athletic program is considered a supportive supplement to the school’s academic program, which strives to provide experiences that will help students develop physically, mentally, socially and emotionally. Athletic competition adds to our school spirit and helps all students, spectators as well as participants, develop pride in their school.

Coaches have one of the most potentially enjoyable and meaningful assignments in education. Accepting a position to coach a group of young men or women carries with it great responsibilities and commitment. By the very nature of their positions, coaches are held in high esteem by most young people, a coach is an influential adult role model who displays a depth of human understanding and exemplifies the highest moral character and ethical standards. Traditionally, we have been fortunate in the Redford Union School District to have coaches who meet these high standards. The district supports and salutes its coaches.

As of June 1992, the Redford Union School District adopted the Philosophy of Athletics with Objectives of Participation. Most of this information has been the method of operation for many years. The information that follows our guidelines for coaches, the assistant principal, parents, and students as to their responsibilities when working in the Redford Union Athletic Program. These guidelines were written and compiled by the assistant principal and the Athletic Philosophy Committee. The contents of the guidelines are taken from past methods of operation and points made during the discussion of the rationale for the Philosophy and Objectives. They are presented to insure successful application of this philosophy.


A. To provide opportunities that will allow the program to serve as a classroom where students may acquire fitness skills, personal management skills and teamwork skills that will enable them to cope with problems and handle situations similar to those encountered under conditions prevailing in the contemporary world. The athletic classroom should provide opportunities for:

1. Physical, mental and emotional growth and development.

2. Acquisition and development of special skills in activities of each student’s choice.

3. Team play with the development of such commitments as loyalty, cooperation and fair play.

4. Instruction in personal goals that stress self-discipline, self-motivation, excellence, and the ideals of good sportsmanship.



This objective points out that the athletic program offers students an opportunity to acquire not only specific athletic skills, but also personal management skills and teamwork skills identified by the Governor’s Commission of Jobs and Economic Development as some key Employability Skills with little availability in any other educational setting. Personal management skills are those related to developing the attitudes and behaviors required to get, keep, and progress on a job. Teamwork skills are those needed to work with others on a job. Students under the leadership and direction of the coach, learn teamwork, establish goals and strive to attain them, acquire individual and team skills, and have the opportunity to apply these skills in competitive situations. They see immediate results of their efforts. These are real life competitive experiences that help prepare for that time when they make their own way in our competitive world.

Coaches are to keep this in mind and discuss the importance of developing these habits and attitudes, as they will relate not only to athletics but also later in life.

B. To strive for playing excellence that will produce competitive teams within the bounds of good sportsmanship and mental health of the student-athlete.


This objective relates to Objective A but more specifically was added to stress developmental and competitive programs that are run within the bounds of good sportmanship and with the well being of the student in mind.

We expect that a student-athlete who continues through a program will show progressive development in the skills of that sport.

We want our teams to display good sportsmanship by showing respect for rules, coaches, teammates, officials, opponents and fans. Trash talk and taunts will not be tolerated.

As far as the mental health of the student-athletes, several things were discussed; those things include athletes’ treatment, motivation, and playing time.

Athletes should be treated in a firm, fair, and consistent manner. All student-athletes should be treated in the same positive manner. All interested adults should make certain each student-athlete knows the rules and enforces all rules uniformly among team members. No favoritism should be shown. Coaches should maintain a friendly, but professional role with the team members at all times. Coaches are not to be “buddies” to the athletes.

While there is a great deal of hard work and effort involved, students must enjoy participating in our athletic program. Athletes should be treated in same manner, as you would want to be treated. Motivation of athletes is one of the most important functions and is usually the key to a successful performance. Positive motivation is constructive while negative motivation can be destructive. One helps build team spirit and morale, the other helps tear them down. Rather than ridiculing a player stop and show them how you expect the skill to be executed and encourage them to do better. A proven technique in building team spirit and morale is when you praise athletes, do it in front of other team members.


Coaches have the uncontested authority to play those athletes they wish to play. Coaches are encouraged to consider the following when it comes to determining playing time. A contributing factor to positive team morale is contest participation. Some thoughts or suggestions for teams with large numbers might be: Avoid waiting until the last few seconds of a contest when your team is way ahead or behind to substitute a lesser skilled player. Sometimes this could be more embarrassing to the player than not playing at all.

At the middle school level, participation and skill development are primary objectives. While winning is a natural desire and all student-athletes want to win, it is of secondary importance at this level. If the primary objectives are reached and all students have developed skills, winning will be a natural outcome of this skill development.

Parents can be the greatest supporters of our program. It is important for parents and coaches to keep the communication channels open. Coaches and parents should feel welcome to ask questions and try to alleviate any concerns each may have. Pre-season parent’s nights and demonstrations are excellent activities to develop positive relationships.

It is our desire to have the best student-athletes represent Redford Union at the varsity level. This means that varsity tryouts should be open to all grades. In the long run, doing this helps eliminate resentment among those who were excluded because of their grade. Coaches will have the sole responsibility of squad selection.

In accordance with our philosophy of athletics and our desire to see as many student-athletes as possible participate in the athletic program while at Redford Union, we encourage coaches to keep as many student-athletes as they can without unbalancing the integrity of their sport.

Time, space, facilities, equipment, personal preference and other factors will place limitations on the most effective squad size for any particular sport. Again, squad selection is the sole responsibility of the coach. In order to allow a smooth tryout, we suggest the following:

Prior to trying out, the coach shall provide the following information to all candidates for the team:

1. Extent of the tryout period

2. Criteria used to select the team

3. Number to be selected

4. Practice commitment if they make the team

5. Game commitments if they make the team

When a squad cut becomes a necessity, the process should include three elements.

Each candidate should have:

1. Competed in a minimum of three practice sessions (may be reduced due to time constraints).

2. Performed in at least one intra-squad game or scrimmage session.

3. Been personally informed of the cut by the coach, including the reason for it.

Student-athletes should not be cut or kept solely on the basis of their grade. We want our coaches to avoid any reference to “rebuilding” or any other term that indicates that the current season is not as important as another.


We also expect all coaches and student-athletes to understand that any form of hazing to any team members will not be tolerated. All student-athletes will be expected to respect their own teammates and are expected to be mutually respectful to all other extracurricular groups in our athletic program and school district.

In summation, our program goal for each of our student-athletes is that the coaching effort be directed and focused on assisting each of them to develop and grow into the best possible person, student, team member, and athlete s/he is capable of becoming. Coaches are to help provide their student-athletes and teams with enjoyable athletic experiences and fond memories they will have for the rest of their lives. These are the real lasting values of athletics.

To develop an understanding of the values of athletics in a balanced educational process.


This object relates to Objective A but more specifically it was designed to send the message to the student-athletes that their classroom education has to be the top priority. We are striving to encourage consistent academic responsibility. The athletic department will work on this objective in several ways.

1. A statement will be made by the assistant principal and coach regarding the statistics and probability of past high school participation, which will include percentage of scholarships available and a profile of such.

2. We have established a minimum GPA of 1.67 per grading period/semester.

3. We will require participation in our academic support program for those who are academically eligible for participation but have a sub 2.0 GPA.

4. We will continue to recognize outstanding academic performance.

C. To provide a positive image of Redford Union High School through athletics.


We set high standards for language and behavior. Under no circumstances shall the use of profanity be accepted. Appearance, expression and actions always influence people’s opinions of athletes, the team, the school, and the community. Once a student has volunteered to be a member of the squad s/he has made a choice to up hold certain standards expected of athletes in this community. The following rules will be expected to be adhered to by all athletic department members.

1. Hairstyles are to be maintained in neat and clean manner so as to present a positive image for both teams and the school.

2. An athlete shall dress presentably at all times, on trips, or at assemblies and banquets.

3. Only uniforms issued by the school will be permitted to be worn for contests. No additional clothing allowed. Uniforms are to be clean and neat.

4. Block RU’s will be displayed in accordance with our adopted policy.

5. Athletes may not be permitted to participate until deviations of the above rules are corrected.

Every effort will be made to have equity within the athletic program in terms of facilities and equipment. Coaches and athletes are expected to place a high priority on the care of upkeep of the equipment.




Adopted by the Redford Union Board of Education, June 8, 1992


This policy provides a common set of rules for all junior and senior high school students participating in athletic activities in the Redford Union School District. It combines the rules and regulations of the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) and specific District rules governing athletic participation. Students must comply with all aspects of this Athletic Department policy if they desire to establish and continue eligibility. Rules of the MHSAA are identified with an asterisk (*).

Section I: Eligibility for Participation

*A. Enrollment

Students must be enrolled in the school for which they compete by the Monday of the fourth week of the semester in which they complete, or must move into the school district with parent/guardian with whom they last lived during the current school year. Students must reside in the school service area in which they attend school unless they have received prior district and MHSAA approval to compete in a different school.

*B. Age

1. Students who compete in any high school interscholastic athletic contest must be under nineteen (19) years of age. Students whose nineteenth birthday occurs on or after September 1st of a current year are eligible for participation for the balance of that school year.

2. Seventh/eighth grade students must be under fourteen/fifteen (14/15) years of age, respectively. Students who reach that age on or after September 1st are allowed to participate for the remainder of that school year.

*C. Physical Examination

Students must have a physical examination completed by a physician certifying that the student is fully able to compete in athletics. Students shall not participate in any practice session or contest until the completed form has been given to the athletic department. (Any physical examination given after April 15th of the previous school year is acceptable.)

*D. Physical Examination and Permit Form

Students must submit the Physical Examination and Permit Form prior to participating in practices and/or contests.

*E. Semesters of Eligibility

High school students who have been enrolled in grades nine to twelve for more than eight semesters shall not complete in athletics. The seventh and eighth semesters must be consecutive.

*F. Academic Eligibility

The Michigan High School Athletics Association requires that student-athletes must have passed four classes the previous semester and must be passing four classes in the current semester. In addition to that, Redford Union student-athletes must have achieved a C- average (1.67 GPA) in their most recent grading period. Any student-athlete who is above the 1.67 GPA but below a 2.0 GPA for a grading period, will be required to participate in the Athletic Department’s academic support program. These student-athletes will be required to submit an academic progress report to the assistant principal on a weekly basis to maintain their eligibility. If their up to the minute GPA falls below the 1.67 minimum, they will become immediately ineligible until their academic performance is raised to the minimum standard. These progress reports are due in the athletic department each Friday by 2:30pm for approval. Final semester grades must take precedent over card marking grades at the end of either semester. Eligibility may be granted to any student-athlete who raises their GPA above the required minimum of 1.67 after a card marking period. Conversely, if a student-athlete’s academic performance falls below the minimum 1.67 GPA after any grading period, that individual will become ineligible for the remainder of the next grading period. Transfer students will have these requirements beginning the second grading period of their enrollment in Redford Union High School. Effective September 11, 1992-93. (Amended November 6, 2000)

*G. Transfers

Transfer students generally have to have had an accompanying change of residence by their parents, guardian, or other persons with whom they have been living during the period of their last high school enrollment into the district or service area of the school to be eligible during the first

Semester in attendance. All transfer students must report to the Athletic Supervisor for clarification.


Failure to Comply with Any Part of Section I:

Students failing to meet any of the above regulations will not be allowed to participate until such time as they do comply with the section. Students are ineligible until deficiencies are made up.

Section II: Awards

*A. Students will not accept from any source anything for participation in athletics other than an emblematic award. An emblematic award could include (but not be limited to) any medal, ribbon, badge, plaque, cup, trophy, banner, picture, or regular letter award.

*B. No acceptable award shall exceed twenty-five ($25) dollars in value. This price does not include engraving.

*C. No one, such as a parent, friend, or other person, may accept an award on behalf of the student-athlete at any time prior to graduation from high school.

*D. Acceptance of such items as merchandise, membership privileges, services, sweaters, athletic equipment, wearing apparel, and watches would be a violation.

Failure to Comply With any Part of Section II:

Students violating any area of this section would be ineligible for interscholastic athletic competition for a period of at least one semester from the date of violation. If violation occurs after Monday of the fourth week of a semester, students are ineligible for the balance of that semester and the succeeding semester.

*Section III: Maintaining Amateur Status

*A. Students participating in athletics or planning to do so in their school career will not:

1. Accept any money for participating in athletics, sports, or games;

2. Receive money or other valuable consideration for officiating an interscholastic athletic contest; or

3. Sign a contract with a professional team.

*B. The above rule applies to the following sports: baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, ice hockey, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track, volleyball, and wrestling.

Failure to Comply With any Part of Section III:

Students violating the above rule may not apply for reinstatement until the equivalent of one full school year has elapsed from the date of the last violation. After that date, students may request reinstatement.

*Section IV: Limited Team Membership (Outside of School Athletic Competition)

Students, who after participating in an athletic contest as a member of their school team, will not participate in any athletic competition outside of school not sponsored by their school, during the same sport season.

The following exception to this competition regulation will apply:

1. During a season an individual may participate in a maximum of two (2) individual sports meets or contests during that sport season of a school year while not representing his or her school.

2. Points earned, weight established, times, or records established shall not count toward any qualifying requirement for MHSAA meets or tournaments.

3. Meets or tournaments entered under the above provisions shall not affect the number of games, contests, weigh-ins, or days of competition specified for each school team (1978).

Football, basketball, baseball, softball, and volleyball are team sports and not affected by this exception.

Failure to Comply With Any Part of Section IV:

Students violating this section will be ineligible for athletic participation for a minimum of three contests up to a maximum of all interscholastic games of that sport of the current season.

*Section V: Student Attendance, Day of Athletic Contests

In order to compete in any athletic activity, a student must attend a minimum of three (3) classes. In addition, any student who is serving any form of suspension may not participate in anyway. Any exceptions must be cleared through the principal and assistant principal.


Failure to Comply With Any Part of Section V:

Students who do not attend school on the day of an athletic contest or skip classes on the day of a contest, and would normally receive an unexcused absence, will not participate in the next regularly scheduled athletic contest.

Section VI: Traveling To and From Away Athletic Contests

Students traveling to an away contest as a member of a team on school owned or chartered mode of transportation or other such approved vehicles, shall return to the home school on the same vehicle after the contest is over. The only exception is if a parent obtains prior approval from the assistant principal, in this case the student may return home after a contest with the student’s parent or guardian. Participants are not allowed to travel to away contests in private vehicles unless prior written permission is obtained from the coach and with the assistant principal’s knowledge.

Failure to Comply With Any Part of Section VI:

Students not returning with a team will be subject to suspension for the next contest the student-athlete is eligible for. Further violation of this section may result in the student being dropped for the remainder of the sport season.

Section VII: Supplemental Rules and Regulations

A. Student-athletes are expected to display good sportsmanship by showing respect for rules, officials, coaches, teammates, opponents, and fans. Student-athletes are expected to maintain a neat clean appearance and dress presentably at all times: on trips, or at assemblies and banquets. Supplemental contest regulations unique to a given sport may be implemented upon approval of the assistant principal. These rules will generally relate to participant attitude, cooperation, attendance at practice, and training rules. These rules should be in writing and/or discussed with the participants prior to the start of the season. Such rules shall be consistent with Board of Education policies and MHSAA rules, and applicable to State and Federal laws. The District’s Student Code of Conduct applies to athletics as they do to all school sponsored activities.

B. The use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco is prohibited. Violators will be punished. Suspension from the team should be expected and expulsion from the team may result from these types of violations. Any involvement with these activities will result in a mandatory meeting with the Athletic Review Board. Punishments will include:

Alcohol and Tobacco Violations

1st offense = suspension from athletic activity for a period of time ranging from one week

up to one month. To be reinstated the student-athlete and parent must agree to provide a monthly substance screening for the remainder of that academic year.

2nd offense = suspension from athletic activity for a period of time ranging from the

remainder of that sport season to one academic year. To be reinstated the student-athlete and parent must agree to provide a monthly substance screening for the remainder of that academic year.

3rd offense = suspension from athletic activity for a period of time ranging from one

academic year to permanent expulsion from athletic activity.

Illegal Drug and Performing Enhancing Drug Violations

1st offense = suspension from athletic activity for a period of time ranging from one month

to one academic semester. To be reinstated the student-athlete and parent must agree to provide a monthly drug test for the remainder of that academic year.

2nd offense = suspension from athletic activity for a period of time ranging from one year

to permanent expulsion from athletic activity. To be reinstated the student-athlete and parent must agree to provide a monthly drug test for the remainder of that academic year.

3rd offense = permanent expulsion from athletic activity.

C. The coach may suspend a player from a practice session or a single game for disciplinary reasons and report such action to the assistant principal. The parents of the suspended player will be notified. A suspension for more than one practice or game and/or removal from the squad must be reviewed with the assistant principal and approved by the principal.


D. The expectations of our student-athletes are extremely high. Conduct in the classroom, school building, and community in general are a large part of these expectations. It is expected that student-athletes be role models in our school and community. Any disruptive behavior in school may become a means for discipline by the athletic department. Any involvement in theft or other character issues will also be means for discipline that may include suspension or expulsion from the team and an appearance before the Athletic Review Board. Punishment will include:

Involvement with Theft

1st offense = suspension from athletic activity for a period of time ranging from one week

to one month.

2nd offense = suspension from athletic activity for a period of time ranging from one

athletic season to the remainder of the academic year.

3rd offense = permanent expulsion from athletic activity.

E. A student athlete will only be allowed to transfer to another sport in the current season following the recommendation of both head coaches of the concerned sports and the approval of the assistant principal. A student athlete may not quit a sport any time after the first contest and participate in any school sponsored pre-season conditioning for another sport.

F. High School Athletic Awards

1. Each student athlete will receive one letter award during the high school enrollment. Student-athletes are awarded a varsity letter when earned. All participants - Freshmen, Junior Varsity, and Varsity – are granted certificates for each sport. Included in this handbook are the rules and regulations for the display of the letter on a letter jacket. Student-athletes are expected to comply with all such rules.

2. To qualify for the award, the student-athlete must participate for the entire season except as prevented by injury. An award is not granted until all equipment issued to the student-athlete has been returned following the conclusion of the sport season.

3. All student-athletes may be granted an award at the end of the season of the fourth year of participation in a particular sport (or with coaches' discretion for others of similar commitment) even though other requirements for the award have not been met.

4. Specific award eligibility requirements based upon such things as game or meet participation, number of games, and playing time in individual games will be established for each sport by the varsity coach and approved by the assistant principal. Student-athletes should be informed of specific participation requirements by their coach prior to the beginning of that sport season.

5. All student-athletes must finish the season in good standing both academically and behaviorally to be eligible for a varsity letter or award.

*G. Disqualification

1. When a student-athlete is disqualified from a contest for unsportsmanlike conduct, that student shall be withheld by his/her school for at least the next contest for that team.

2. Disqualification from one season carries over the next season in that sport for undergraduates, or the next season in any sport for seniors.

3. Any disqualification could lead to further disciplinary action by the athletic department.

Section VIII: Equipment-Financial Responsibility

Student-athletes in the Redford Union Public Schools are responsible for the athletic equipment issued to them by the athletic department. Only uniforms issued by the school will be worn for contests. No additional clothing or effects will be allowed. This equipment is to be worn only for practice or competition in the sport for which it was issued. It is not to be worn at other times. This equipment represents a large expenditure of money by the athletic department and is to be returned to the coach within one week of completion of the sport season. If equipment is stolen, damaged, lost, or not returned, the student-athlete will be held responsible for the replacement cost of the equipment.

Section IX: Athletic Review Board and Appeal Procedures

The Athletic Review Board has jurisdiction over serious problems and incidents that involve student-athletes. The Code of Conduct for Athletes is directly related to the Redford Union High School Student Code of Conduct. Student-athletes should expect discipline by the athletic department for serious infractions against either code of conduct. Participation in athletics is a privilege and voluntary. Joining an athletic team carries added responsibility to represent the school and community in a positive manner. The Athletic Review Board is to be comprised of the assistant principal, two other members of the athletic department staff, an assistant principal and one parent from within the community. Any decision made in accordance with the foregoing rules and regulations regarding lengthy suspensions or expulsions may be appealed to the Athletic Philosophy Committee. This committee is comprised of the principal, assistant principal, and a member of the faculty.



In order to promote pride in our school, develop respect for our letter awards and present a positive image of our school, we have standardized the display of block RU letters with the following rules and regulations. These guidelines were put together by a committee of students and coaches and were approved by all groups who award block RU letters.

For meeting minimum requirements established by the varsity teams and groups, ONE award in the form of a six (6) inch block “RU” will be given. Only one 6 inch block “RU” is awarded a Redford Union letter winner. The award remains property of Redford Union High School and may be recalled by the principal, assistant principal, or group director at any time prior to graduation should the student’s conduct be in violation of the Redford Union Code of Conduct. Letter jackets may not be worn until the letter certificate has been received or the letter awards are posted by the coach. IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO SHOW YOUR CERTIFICATE TO PROVE YOU ARE A LETTER WINNER AND THUS ENTITLED TO PURCHASE A JACKET. Arrangements may be made to purchase a letter jacket prior to the season’s end; see the assistant principal or group director for details.


We have two (2) styles of letter jackets: Royal blue body with tanish gold leather sleeves/gold trim, and a royal blue jacket with gold trim. To assure uniformity, the letter award should be worn to the left of the snaps.


On the back of the jacket only the following words may be stitched: “Redford Union”, plus the name of the type of letter you receive. The type of letter is stated on your letter certificate, examples being, “Varsity”, “Band”, “Chorus”, “Pom Pon”, “Flags”, and “Majorette”. NO NICKNAMES OR OTHER STATEMENTS ARE ALLOWED. REMEMBER THIS IS A REDFORD UNION LETTER JACKET. The letter winner’s name may be stitched in gold to the right of the jacket snaps.



For each school year that the participant wins a letter in a sport or activity, s/he will be entitled to wear a gold, outlined in royal blue, chevron on a letter jacket sleeve. The letter winner may have no more than 4 of these stripes/chevrons.

“All Conference” athletes are entitled to wear a gold stripe, outlined in royal blue chevron on the varsity jacket sleeve.

“All Area” athletes are entitled to wear a green, outlined in white chevron on the varsity jacket sleeve.

“All State” athletes are entitled to wear a red, outlined in white chevron on the varsity jacket sleeve.

“All American” athletes are entitled to wear a red, white and blue chevron on the varsity jacket sleeve.


In the case of a league championship, or other championship, the letter winner is entitled to wear “Champs”, “Co-Champs”, or “District Champs” patch. This patch may be worn on the varsity jacket.

Captains for a sport are entitled to wear a 2 (two) inch gold, outlined in royal blue, star on the top right shoulder of the varsity jacket.

Gold, outlined in royal blue, year of graduation numerals may be worn on the top of the left shoulder of the varsity jacket.

Approved sport or activity patches of no more than 8” x 8” may be worn on the back of the jacket, between “Redford Union” and the letter type, for example, “Varsity”. These patches must be directly related to the sport or activity.

Students, who win medals while competing as a member of a Redford Union varsity team or activity, may attach the medal to the monogram letter on the varsity jacket. Student council and academic medals may also be worn.

Pins, which indicate the sport or activity of the letter winner, may also be attached to the letter on the varsity jacket.




1. All packages, parcels and bags are subject to search.

2. Radios, tape players, etc. will not be allowed in the facility.

3. No “noisemakers” of any kind are allowed at athletic events. Example: air horns, whistles, thunder sticks, cowbells, etc.

4. Abusive and/or profane language will not be tolerated.

5. No items or debris shall be thrown onto the playing surface.

6. Your admission allows you a seat at the contest. Standing in the aisles, walking up and down bleachers or through hallways, unruly or disruptive behavior (taunting) may be cause for dismissal without refund.

7. Congregating is prohibited.

8. Any spectator who is removed from an athletic contest may be PERMANENTLY BANNED from all future contests.

9. Once you leave the facility you may not re-enter.

10. No one will be allowed on the playing field.

11. Immediately following the contest, exit quickly.




DIRECTIONS FROM REDFORD UNION HIGH SCHOOL TO OTHER AREA HIGH SCHOOLS (Please notify the Redford Union Athletic Office for corrections or better routes)

Allen Park – (18401 Champaign): Take I-96 east to Southfield. Go south on Southfield to the end of the expressway. Follow Southfield to Allen Road and go right (south). Go south on Allen to Champaign. The school is on the south side of Champaign, between Pelham and Allen.

Anderson – (15475 Leroy): Take Telegraph south to east Eureka, go east to Reeck Road (light after Allen Road). Turn right on Reeck Road follow is as is crosses Dix Toledo (it changes into Leroy) and winds around to the east. As you straighten out, you will see the school on the right. Southgate Anderson is on the southwest corner of Leroy and McCann.

Belleville – (501 W. Columbia): Take Telegraph to I-275 south to I-94 west to Belleville Road (exit 190) and go south across the bridge and winds through town. Turn right at Huron River Drive (4th light), go two blocks, the school is on the left.

Carlson – (30550 W. Jefferson): Take Telegraph to I-75 to Gibraltar Road. Go east to West Jefferson. Turn right (south) on West Jefferson, the school is on the west side of West Jefferson, about a mile south of Gibraltar Road. Hockey is played at the Trenton Arena on West Road across from Trenton High School.

Dearborn - (19501 Outer Drive): The school is on the east side of Outer Drive, between Michigan Avenue and Cherry Hill. The baseball field is across Outer Drive. Hockey is played at Adray Arena on the north side of Ford Road, east of Greenfield Road.

Dearborn Edsel Ford – (20601 Rotunda): Take I-96 to southbound Southfield to Rotunda. Go right on Rotunda past Oakwood, past Pelham to Edsel Ford. The school is on the south side of Rotunda.

Dearborn Fordson – (13800 Ford Road): Take Ford Road west to the school, which is on the north side of Ford Road, just west of Schaefer. The baseball field is at Hemlock and Maple. From the school, take Neckel north two blocks, until it curves to the left. The field is on the right.

Dearborn Heights Annapolis – (4650 Clippert): Take Telegraph south to Annapolis, the school is at the southwest corner of Annapolis and Clippert, a quarter mile east of Monroe. It’s in the neighborhood bounded by Van Born on the south, Telegraph on the west and Southfield Freeway on the east. Annapolis is the main east west road in the neighborhood. On Telegraph, Annapolis is the first light north of Van Born. Basketball, wrestling and swimming are contested at the high school. The football field/track and softball fields are on the south side of Annapolis, just west of Pardee and a quarter mile east of Telegraph.

Dearborn Height Crestwood – (1501 N. Beech Daly): Take Beech Daly south just past Ford Road. The school is on the west side of Beech Daly, a quarter mile south of Ford Road. Tennis matches and some baseball and softball games are held at Central Park, immediately north of the school. Hockey is played at the Canfield Arena which is a block north of the high school.

Dearborn Heights Robichaud – (3601 Janet): Take Telegraph south to Michigan Avenue, turn right. Take Michigan Avenue to Gulley Road, turn left (will have to do a turn around on Michigan Avenue). Take Gulley approximately 8 blocks down, you will see the back of Robichaud. The high school and the junior high school are at the same location.

Ecorse – (27385 W. Outer Dr.): Take 96 east to the Southfield Fwy. – exit 183. Take Southfield Fwy. to exit 3 toward Outer Dr/Van Born Rd. and make a slight left onto Southfield Fwy. Turn left onto Outer Dr. West.

Garden City – (6500 Middlebelt): Take Middlebelt south past Warren. The school is a couple blocks north of Ford Road on the east side of Middlebelt.

Highland Park – (15900 Woodward): Take I-96 east to Davison east. Exit north on Woodward. The school is on the right just past the viaduct.

Inkster – (3250 Middlebelt): Take Middlebelt Road south. The school is on the west side, just south of the viaduct.

Kennedy – (13505 John F Kennedy Drive): Take Telegraph Road south to North Line, go east on North Line. Kennedy Drive is south of North Line, a quarter mile east of Telegraph.


Lincoln Park – (1701 Champaign): Take I-96 east to Southfield. Go south on Southfield to the end of the expressway. Follow Southfield to Fort Street. Turn right (south) to Champaign. The school is on the south side of Champaign, between Dix and Fort.

Livonia Churchill – (8900 Newburgh): Take I-96 west to Newburgh. Go south on Newburgh. The school is on the east side of Newburgh between Plymouth Road and Joy Road.

Livonia Clarenceville – (20155 Middlebelt Rd): Take 7 Mile Road to Middlebelt. Go north on Middlebelt. School will be on your left side of the road.

Livonia Franklin - (31000 Joy Rd.): Take 7 Mile Road to Middlebelt. Go south on Middlebelt to Joy Road. Go west on Joy Road. School on the north side of Joy.

Livonia Stevenson – (33500 W. Six Mile Rd.): Take 6 Mile Road west. School on the north side of the road. The school is about ½ mile past Farmington Road.

Melvindale – (18656 Prospect): Take I-96 east to Southfield. Go south on Southfield to Oakwood. Go east on Oakwood three blocks past Allen Road to Prospect. The school is on Prospect south of Oakwood. Softball games are at Strong Junior High School, which is on the other side of Oakwood.

Monroe – (901 Herr): Take Telegraph Road south to Dixie Highway (M-50) and turn right. The school is on the left, at the corner of Dixie Highway and Herr.

Redford Thurston – (26255 Schoolcraft): Take Beech Daly south to Schoolcraft, go west on Schoolcraft about ½ mile. The school is on the south side of Schoolcraft.

River Rouge – (1460 Coolidge): Take I-96 to Southfield south to Oakwood. Go east on Oakwood to Schaffer Highway. Take Schaffer Highway south – it will become Coolidge Highway. The school is on the north side of Coolidge between the railroad viaduct and West Jefferson. Swimming and wrestling will be contested there. The new football field/track is on the north side of Coolidge, jut west of the viaduct.

Wyandotte Roosevelt – (450 Eureka): Take Telegraph south to Eureka, go east on Eureka through Taylor and Southgate to Wyandotte. The school is on the north side of Eureka, between Biddle and the viaducts. The softball and baseball teams play at Memorial Park, which is on the north side of Pennsylvania Road, a quarter-mile east of Fort. Note: Freshman boys’ basketball games are played at he Jo Brighton Skills Center between 18th Street and 20th Street and between Pennsylvania and Grove Streets. (Old Lincoln Middle School Building).

Romulus – (9650 S. Wayne Road): Take I96 west to I-275 south to I-94 east. Exit at Wayne Road and go north. The school is on the west side of Wayne Road, just north of I-94. The football field and track are at Romulus Middle School, which is on the north side of Wick Road, about a mile west of Wayne Road.

Trenton – (2601 Charlton) – Take Telegraph to I-75 to West Road. Go east on West through Woodhaven into Trenton. The school is at the southeast corner of Charlton and Westfield, on the north side of West Road and just west of Fort Street. To get to the school, take Westfield or Edsel north off of West Road. Hockey is played at Trenton Arena on West Road across from the high school.

Truman – (11211 Beech Daly): Take Middlebelt south to Goddard. Go left (east) on Goddard. The school is on the east side of Beech Daly, just south of Goddard.

Woodhaven – (24787 Van Horn Road): Take Telegraph south to Van Horn. Go left on Van Horn. The school is on the south side of Van Horn, just east of Telegraph.

Ypsilanti – (2095 Packard): Take I-96 to I-275 to I-94 west to Michigan Avenue east (exit 181B). Go a quarter-mile to Hewitt Road and turn left. The school is at the southeast corner of Hewitt and Packard. The athletic facilities are off Packard.

Ysilanti Willow Run – (235 Spencer): Take I-96 to I-275 to Michigan Avenue west to Business Route US 12 (still Michigan Avenue) west. Go about a mile to Holmes Road and go west. Go about a half-mile and the school will be on the left, across from the football field/track. To get to the baseball field, take Holmes past the school, then Midway to Clark and turn right, then go to the Ypsilanti Township Recreation Center.



(Please notify the Redford Union Athletic Office for corrections or better routes)

Allen Park Middle School - (8410 Vine): Take Southfield south to Rosedale (light before Dix), turn right. Take Rosedale to Champaign, turn left. Take Champaign to first stop sign, must turn right (this is Vine). School is on the left after the apartment buildings.

Belleville North Middle School – (47097 McBride): Take I-275 south to I-94 west. I-94 to second exit (Belleville Road), turn right. Get in the left lane immediately because you will turn left at the next light, which is the service drive. Take service drive to Quirk Road, make right. Take Quirk to McBride (gravel) make left. School is beyond this.

Belleville South Middle School – (45201 Owen Street): Take I-275 south up through town until you come to a double signal light. Don’t turn right but bare to the right, will go over railroad tracks. About 2/10th of a mile you’ll see Community Care Service Building, the school is just beyond that.

Brake Middle School – (13500 Pine St.): Take Telegraph south and turn right on Northline Rd. Take Northline Rd.

and turn right onto Pine Ave. To stay on Pine Ave. you’ll make another right turn.

Davidson Middle School – (13940 Leroy): Take Telegraph south to Eureka, go east to Reeck Road (light after Allen

Road). Turn right on Reeck Road follow it as it crosses Dix Toledo (it becomes Leroy) and winds around to the east.

As you straighten out, you will see Anderson High School on the right. Continue on Leroy to Davidson, which is on

the north side near Trenton Road.

Edmonson Middle School – (1800 East Forest): Take Michigan Avenue (approximately 8 miles west of I-275) to Spencer Lane and make a right turn (Spencer Lane is by the Boulevard Administration Building and White Factory, if you hit the Kroger you went too far). Go approximately ½ mile to Holmes and make a left. Take Holmes to blinking yellow light, which is Forest Avenue and make a left. The school is on the left-hand side at curve.

Gerisch Middle School – (12601 McCann): Take Telegraph south to Goddard, turn left. Take Goddard to Allen Road and turn right. Take Allen Road to Northline and turn left. Three lights down on Northline is McCann. Make a left turn.

Hoover Middle School – (27101 Beverly Rd): Take Telegraph south and turn right on Van Born. Turn left onto Hazel and right onto Beverly.

Monguagon Middle School – (4000 Marian Drive): Take Telegraph south to West Road and turn left. Approximately 2 miles down (past Allen Road) is a signal light (residential street) by the name of Longmeadow and turn right. Stay on this street and it will run into a service drive. You can see the football field from there.

O.W. Best Middle School – (22201 Powers): Take Telegraph south (past Michigan Avenue) to Annapolis. Go east on Annapolis to Pardee south. The school is on the corner of Pardee and Powers.

Pierce Middle School – (25605 Orangelawn): Take Beech Daly south. The school is one block east of Beech on Orangelawn. The first light south of Plymouth Road.

Riverside Middle School – (25900 West Warren): Take Beech Daly south. The school is on the corner of Warren and Beech Daly.

Robichaud Junior High School – (3601 Janet): Take Telegraph south to Michigan Avenue and turn right. Take Michigan to Gulley Road and turn left (will have to do a turn around on Michigan Avenue). Take Gulley approximately 8 blocks and you will see the back of Robichaud. The high school and junior high school are at the same location.

Romulus Junior High School – (37300 Wick Road): Take I-96 to I-275 South. Take I-275 to I-94 east. Take I-94 to 1st exit (Wayne Road) and turn left. Go to second light (Wick Road) and turn left. The school is approximately 1-½ miles down.

Strong Junior High School – (3303 Oakwood Boulevard): Take Telegraph south to Michigan Avenue and turn left (east). Take Michigan to Oakwood and turn right. The school is on Oakwood (you will cross Allen Road).

West Middle School – (10575 William St.): Take Telegraph south and turn right onto Goddard Rd. Take Goddard Rd. to William Street and turn left.

Wilson Middle School – (1275 Fifteenth): Take Telegraph south to Northline Road and turn left. Take Northline to Fifteenth Street (once you go past Fort Street start looking for Fifteenth) and turn left. Take Fifteenth to school. First school you come to will be an elementary school. The junior high school is the second school.


Parents/Guardians of High School Student-Athletes:

Welcome to Redford Union High School. As your son or daughter enters high school, it is an exciting time, but it can also be a time of apprehension about this new experience. The members of the Redford Union Athletic Department strongly believe that involved students are happier with their high school experience. These students get more out of high school and perform at an academic level closer to their potential. We also believe that athletics promotes good health, mental alertness, and good citizenship. For these reasons, may we suggest that you encourage your son or daughter to participate in extra-curricular activities throughout their high school years. Here is some additional information about our athletic program:


The following is a list of the sports that have separate ninth grade teams:


Girl’s Volleyball Boy’s Basketball

Girl’s Basketball


These sports do not have separate freshmen teams, but encourage ninth graders to try out for either the varsity or junior varsity teams.


Football (Varsity/JV) Boy’s Swimming & Diving (Varsity) Boy’s Baseball (Varsity/JV)

Boy’s Soccer (Varsity/JV) Boy’s Wrestling (Varsity) Boy’s Track & Field (Varsity)

Boy’s Cross Country (Varsity) Boy’s Basketball (Varsity/JV/FR) Boy’s Golf (Varsity)

Girl’s Cross Country (Varsity) Girl’s Basketball (Varsity/JV/FR) Girl’s Track & Field (Varsity)

Girl’s Swimming & Diving (Varsity) Sideline Cheerleading (Varsity/JV) Girl’s Softball (Varsity/JV)

Girl’s Volleyball (Varsity/JV/FR) Girl’s Soccer (Varsity/JV)

Sideline Cheerleading (Varsity/JV) Girl’s Tennis (Varsity)

Boy’s Tennis (Varsity)


1. A current athletic physical on the MHSAA form that contains ALL required signatures including those of a physician, parent, and student.

2. Proof of Insurance. Each student-athlete must have some type of current family insurance plan. Students without insurance coverage will not be allowed to participate.

3. A current Emergency Form that contains all necessary parental consent and emergency information.


According to the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) Handbook; it is required that in case of serious injury or extended illness, students should be re-examined by a physician (M.D. or D.O.) before again being allowed to compete. It is required by the Athletic Department that a signed and dated medical clearance be on file in the athletic office before the student-athlete may participate.


1. Athletic Handbook Acknowledgement Form




Both parenting and coaching are extremely difficult vocations. By establishing an understanding of each position, we are better able to accept the actions of the others and provide greater benefit to the student-athlete.

As parents, when your children become involved in our athletic programs, you have a right to understand the type of expectations that are being placed on your child. This begins with clear communication from the coach of your child’s program.

As your children become involved in the athletic programs at Redford Union High School, they will experience some of the most rewarding moments of their lives. It is important to understand that there also may be times when things do not go the way you or your child wishes. At these times, discussions with the coach are encouraged.

Communication you should expect from your child’s coach:

1. Expectations the coach has for your child as well as all the other team members.

2. Locations and starting times of all practices and contests.

3. Team requirements such as fees, special equipment, off-season conditioning, etc.

4. Procedures should your child be injured during participation.

5. Team rules and guidelines, and varsity letter requirements.

Communication coaches expect from student-athletes:

1. Notification of any schedule conflicts in advance.

2. Special concerns in regards to a coach’s philosophy and expectations.

Appropriate concerns to discuss with coaches:

1. The treatment of your child, mentally and physically.

2. Ways to help your child improve in their performance.

3. Concerns about your child’s behavior.

It is very difficult to accept your child not playing as much as you may hope. However, please keep in mind, coaches are professionals. They make judgements and decisions based on what they believe to be the best for everyone involved. As you have seen from the list above, certain things can be and should be discussed with your child’s coach. Other things such as the items listed below, must be left to the discretion of the coach.

Issues not appropriate to discuss with coaches:

1. Playing time.

2. Team strategy.

3. Play calling.

4. Other student-athletes.

There are some situations that may require a conference between the coach and the parent. These are to be encouraged. At times it is important that both parties involved have a clear understanding of the other’s position. When these conferences are necessary, the following procedure should be followed to help promote a resolution to the issue of concern.

If you have a concern to discuss with a coach, the procedure we ask you to follow is listed below:

1. Call to set up an appointment. The RUHS athletic department phone number is 313-242-4271.

2. If the coach cannot be reached, please ask for the assistant principal. He will arrange a meeting for you.

3. Please do not attempt to confront a coach before or after a contest or practice. These can be emotional times for

both the parents and coach. Meetings of this nature seldom promote a resolution.

What can a parent do if the meeting with the coach did not provide a satisfactory resolution?

1. Call and set up an appointment with the Athletic Supervisorl to further discuss the situation.

2. At this meeting, the appropriate next step can be determined.


Research indicates a student involved with extra-curricular activities has a greater chance for success during adulthood. Many of the character traits required to be a successful participant are exactly those that will promote a successful life after high school. We hope the information provided here helps make both your child’s and your experience with the Redford Union athletic programs more enjoyable.



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