The Alienating parent, on the other hand, will exhibit ...

167 Examples of Parental Alienation

by Joan T. Kloth, Penny Threfall, Rebecca Gominger

and the members of various support groups for Parental Alienation

December 31, 2003

The Alienating parent, on the other hand, will exhibit quite different behaviors, signs and symptoms. The following examples of Alienators behavior are what are called Red Flags. The more of these a parent exhibits or enacts, the higher the probability of PAS occurring. Below is a list of 100 most often used tactics to alienate children from a parent.

1. Impeding with visitation, despite orders

2. Denigrating the other parent in front of anyone who will listen, including the children, including calling the TP or step-parent derogatory names in front of the child.

3. Filing allegations of abuse while constantly dragging the ex into court for child support or alimony. (Note: A truly abused individual wants to have nothing to do with the abuser, making face-to-face confrontation out of the question.)

4. Stopping any contact with the children and the ex’s extended family or friends who disagree with them

5. Believing that they are above the law, and that all orders/laws were made for everyone else but them.

6. Impeding Communication with the children, including blocking access to school records and meetings and events.

7. Grilling the children about their visit.

8. Refusing visitation because the ex spouse has been unable to afford the child support or not made a payment.

9. Statements of constant hatred and vengeance about the ex-spouse

10. Refusal to disclose their home address

11. Refusal to supply or keep the other parent in the loop on medical issues.

12. Continually referring to the child as their own children and not the spouses.

13. Continually not enforcing the visitation with the other parent by claiming the children do not want to go (This barring no abuse is truly going on) and using the excuse that they are not going to force the children to go see their other parent if they do not want to.

14. Impeding any court orders, including Counseling orders.

15. Moving the children away from a parent they once had a loving relationship with, and thus making visitation and a relationship next to impossible.

16. Calling the house 6 or more times a day, leaving messages either nasty or just to be disruptive.

17. On days that TP is in a public place the parent shows up to push, swear at or just intimidate them or the stepparent in front of the child.

18. Making the child feel emotional responsible for the parent's happiness so that the child is as protective as an adult might be towards a young child.

19. Lying to the child about divorce proceedings, custody or child support issues.

20. Making the child feel uneasy about talking to their therapist or other official person.

21. Having the child call his non-custodial parent by his/her first name; that is referring to the other parent by their first name instead of Daddy or Mommy

22. Preventing the children or the parent from contacting each other by pulling the phone out of the wall, changing their phone number, refusing to allow them to call, refusing to allow them to take phone calls or lying and claiming the children are not home or are asleep. 

23. Discussing and involving the children in court, child support and other legal matters, which they should not be involved in.

24. Insisting that the children call the new person in the AP's life "Mom or Dad"

25. Escalating PASing behavior if the NCP commences a new relationship

26. Insisting that the children NEVER call a stepparent “mum” or “dad”.

27. Hanging up the telephone if discussions do not follow “their” agenda

28. When the child is allowed to speak to the TP on the telephone the PASing parent will oversee the call, instructing the child on what to say and how to respond to the TP and force the end of the call if either child or TP fail to conduct the call as the PASing parent deems appropriate.

29. Deliberately pulling the children away if they meet the target parent out i.e. at the shops.

30. Avoiding children’s activities i.e. school events as the target parent may be there

31. Previous evidence of anger management issues

32. Poor family support network or a family network that supports the PASing behavior

33. Refuse to communicate via fax, email or letter as to do so will provide evidence in the form of a paper trail of their activities.

34. Will wait until the last minute to inform the target parent of changes to visitation.

35. Will feel it is their right to provide the children for visitation late but insist the children MUST be returned to the exactly on time.

36. Will not provide any information to the target parent about the children’s day-to-day activities but will insist on knowing exactly what the target parent will be doing with the children whilst they are with the TP.

37. Will choose to pay others to provide childcare and not utilize the TP even if it would be more suitable for all parties.

38. Will claim the child is too sick to visit the target parent.

39. Will claim the TP is not capable of parenting the child “Properly”

40. Cause the child to feel guilt about wanting to see their other parent

41. Avoid, at all costs, using a neutral drop off / pick up location

42. Refuse to allow the TP any contact with ‘Professionals’ who are in support of the PASing parent

43. Not allowing the children to participate in activities, where they may come into contact with children associated with the TP.

44. Will instruct the school that the TP is not to be trusted, inferring or clearly stating that the TP has lied to others about the PASing parent and children, including putting notes in school files about not allowing contact or pick up by Targeted Parent.

45. If cornered about providing TP’s information for school records, Protective Services or any other official, the PASing parent will give false or misleading information.

46. PASing parent has removed pages from a child’s classroom journal that fail to support PASing parent’s ideology and/or support the TP.

47. Totally controlling the children’s social life

48. Becoming overly involved with the children’s activities i.e. cub leader, parent support worker so that they are constantly with the children and keep the other parent from attending these activities.

49. Lie to the children about the separation/divorce including by giving details that are ‘obviously’ untrue which deliberately impede the child’s ability to love the other parent i.e. dad spends all his money on his girlfriends so I can’t afford to let you go to camp.

50. Involve the children in all the aspects of the separation, divorce and on going legalities whilst claiming the child has the ‘right’ to know what is happening

51. Claiming the TP is victimizing, stalking, abusing, and harassing them to the point of actually involving the police. Filing of false allegations of abuse, making false and repeatedly harassing complaints to child protective agencies, police and others so as to constantly put the Targeted Parent under attack and investigation.

52. Encouraging the child to support the PASing parent to lie to authorities on how they are treated when with the TP even though there is no evidence of poor treatment, but just the reverse.

53. Encourages the child to be defiant, to go on strike, to not comply with the reasonable rules when in the presence of TP.

54. PASing parent deliberately organizes ‘activities’ for the children on the TP’s visitation time i.e. parties, outings and social gatherings.

55. The PASing parent will use bribery and enticements to prevent a child from visiting with the TP, and make the child feel guilty for wanting to be with the TP rather than attend an event the PASing parent has organized to happen during TP visitation time.

56. Not allowing the children to have photos of or objects provided by the TP in the house.   The PASing parent will destroy any gifts, photo’s etc should the child bring them home.

57. When the child receives gifts from the TP and takes them home to show the PASing parent, the PASing parent refuses to allow the child to take them back to the TP’s house or keep them.

58. PASing parent refuses gifts from the TP and his family, actually making the children return them saying they are no good or cheap or useless and so on.

59. PASing parent will deliberately condemn the target parent’s gifts or purposely purchase them ahead the target parent so that the target parent’s gift is meaningless.

60. The PASing parent changes the child’s surname to the ‘new dads’ name without asking or notifying the birth father.

61. PASing parent will attend TP’s family functions without prior invite despite ‘knowing’ that their behavior will be viewed negatively.    The PASing parent will use this negativity to inform the children of the TP’s family’s hatred of them.

62. Refuses to pick up the telephone when the child is calling from the TP’s residence.

63. Insist that when the child is with the TP that they have the ‘right’ to excessive telephone contact with the child, yet allow the TP to have little to no telephone contact.

64. Deliberately changed the telephone number and maintaining a ‘silent’ number without notifying the TP or providing the TP with the number.

65. The PASing parent tells the child that ‘they hope they will be OK when with the TP, that they shouldn’t need to go to hospital, etc. thus creating an image of fear for the child when with the TP.

66. Telling the child that “Something” may happen to the PASing parent whilst the child is with the TP.

67. Demanding the TP pay for extra costs associated with child rearing i.e. Orthodontic work.

68. Informing the child that they cannot have ‘braces’ or other essentials because the TP won’t pay for it.

69. Refuse a child’s request to spend extra time with the TP, even when this time is for a one off special occasion.

70. Refusing to send the child to school for events when the PASing parent becomes aware that the TP will be attending.

71. Removing money placed in the child’s bank account by the TP and not allowed the child to spend it or has not spent it on the child.

72. Tells the child in a deliberately malicious and vindictive manner that a behavior the child is / has done is similar to the TP.

73. PASing parent will excessively emphasize the physical and facial features that are similar to the PASing parent and associated family and ignore or deny features associated with the TP.

74. PASing parent refuses to allow the child to take a pet on visitation with TP even though TP is happy and willing to accommodate the pet.

75. PASing parent has deliberately moved without providing TP details prior to the move.

76. PASing parent has deliberately moved and refuses to provide TP with appropriate details.

77. PASing parent allows a person contact with the child contrary to the TP’s wishes especially when the TP has reasonable grounds for their concern, i.e. domestic violence, previously proven abuse.

78. The child undergoes or has undergone unnecessary surgical procedures without the prior knowledge or consent of the TP when there is evidence supporting the TP’s position.

79. The PASing parent attempts to bribe, extort or threaten the TP into signing court documents that will exclude the TP from the child’s life or enhance the PASing parent’s position.

80. The PASing parent has expressed a desire for the TP to be dead, die or be killed, or severely injured.

81. The PASing parent has expressed a desire for the TP and other family members / friends associated with the TP to suffer some major mishap or injury.

82. The PASing parent attempts or succeeds in changing the child’s religion.

83. Told the child they can’t see the other parent because they are behind in their child support payments.

84. Is unjustly rude and refuses to work co-operatively with the new partner of the other parent for the benefit of the child.

85. Has refused of failed to provide mental health support for the child when there is reasonable evidence to support the child needs and would benefit from mental health intervention.

86. Refusing to allow the child to participate in weekend sporting / developmental classes as the other parent would be present during the child’s attendance for part / half of the time.

87. Parent has attempted to bribe officials, specialists and professionals to act / report in the favor of that parent even when there is evidence to the contrary.

88. Parent has deliberately mislead, lied or concealed information or evidence to further his or her own case.

89. Parent has physically assaulted the target parent in the presence of the child.

90. Parent has forged, altered or tampered with official documentation to further his or her own case.

91. The parent has submitted false and misleading statements to the police about the target parent and their family that that parent knew in advance to be false and misleading.

92. Has displayed anger / verbal abuse concerning the target parent in front of the child or third party.

93. Has attempted to or actually assisted the child to write letters / notes or to delivery same to the target parent

94. Encouraged the child to support them in their allegations against the target parent despite obvious evidence disputing claims made by both parent and child.

95. Coaching, threatening or intimidating the child to remain silent about incidents the child has witnesses that do not support the custodial parent.

96. Threatening or punishing the child for saying positive things about the target parent.

97. Refused to provide the child for DNA testing when requested to do so.

98. Deliberately cause alienation between siblings when one supports the custodial parent and the other the target parent.

99. Told the child that the other parent does not love him or her that the other parent never wanted the child to be born.

100. Told the child about intimate details pertaining to the marriage, which are inappropriate and done in a way to deliberately cause distress to the child.

101. Has refused to share prescribed medication with the other parent during access.

102. Alienator insists that the target parent’s extended family is not the children’s “real family” or that they are no good.

103. Alienator tells the child(ren) that they have been replaced by the TPs new partner.

104. Alienator tells the child(ren) that they have been replaced by children born to the AP and any new partner – whether or not children have been born.

105. Alienator tells the child(ren) that they have been replaced by the AP’s new partner’s child(ren) and that they are therefore not wanted or loved by the AP.

106. Alienator denigrates all statements, answers, discipline and activities of the AP with regard to their child(ren).

107. Alienator frequently suggests to the child(ren) that the AP and/or new partner will do harm to the child(ren).

108. Alienator demands that the AP be subjected to and accept blame for any injury incurred by the child however minor and natural in the course of life.

109. Alienator forces the child to report minor injuries, bumps and bruises from play to a professional person as being the result of the AP and/or new partner.

110. Alienator shaves of the child’s hair when the cut is provided by the AP stating that the cut is bad and the hair ruined.

111. Alienator refuses the AP to comfort the child when injured in play.

112. Alienator demands medical intervention for minor illnesses (ie. Demanding antibiotics for colds) and play injuries.

113. Alienator undertakes “doctor shopping” until a practitioner sympathetic to their cause is found.

114. Alienator does not comply with appropriate medical advice from practitioners who are not sympathetic to their cause.

115. Alienator actively damages (cutting, tearing or staining) clothing provided for the child by the AP.

116. Alienator refuses reasonably required medical treatment where the AP has sought review for a serious medical condition which impairs the child or causes them to suffer.

117. Alienator allows the child to undertake activities after separation from TP which were previously refused and blames the TP for denying the child such activities.

118. Alienator refuses to allow the child(ren) time alone with other adults or children.

119. Alienator refuses to allow children to attend sleepovers with friends accusing friends parents of abuse.

120. Alienator refuses to allow sleepovers stating that they ‘do not want the children to see how others live.”

121. Alienator frequently tells the child(ren) that AP will harm them, has mental health problems etc. creating a fear of the AP.

122. Alienator informs the child(ren) that the AP has a criminal record for harming children.

123. Alienator will not allow the child(ren) to undergo any medical or psychological assessment without being present.

124. Alienator informs the child(ren) that they were unwanted by the AP and that the AP insisted that pregnancy be terminated.

125. Alienator insists that AP’s family never accepted she or the children and insisted that the pregnancy (ies) be terminated.

126. Alienator blames AP for poor food quality, housing quality and/or availability of funds even where child support is paid and/or alienator contact is minimal.

127. Alienator blames AP and new partner for stealing home, food, resources from the Alienator and child(ren).

128. Alienator ignores the child(ren) when they discuss activities with the AP.

129. Alienator becomes angered when the child(ren) discuss activities with the AP.

130. Alienator becomes angered when the child(ren) express a desire to see/phone the AP.

131. Alienator becomes angered when child(ren) engage in mother’s/father’s day activities at school which are focused on the AP.

132. Alienator becomes angered when child expresses desire for contact with AP to school teachers/mates/colleagues.

133. Alienator removes child from school and relocates child without cause if the child expressed a desire for contact with AP.

134. Alienator informs child(ren) that AP is happier without them.

135. Alienator informs child(ren) that AP does not love them anymore, is never going to see them again, does not want them any more.

136. Alienator accuses the child(ren) of causing rifts/separation in the marriage.

137. Alienator informs child(ren) that AP is leaving THE CHILD(REN) rather than the marriage or the alienator..

138. Alienator accuses the AP of infidelity in earshot of the child(ren).

139. Alienator writes letters ‘on behalf’ of the child(ren) claiming that the child(ren) have had input.

140. Alienator actively seeks to ensure that children believe that AP sends no letters, gifts or monies.

141. Alienator removes and destroys any items sent to the child(ren) through an outside facility (ie. School, grandparent). This usually occurs on leaving the facility and appearing publicly to accept the items for the child.

142. Alienator actively destroys and discards any gifts or letters that the child(ren) do see.

143. Alienator insists that the child(ren) refer to AP using only a derogatory term (ie. The Bastard)

144. Alienator presents school teachers/principals with falsified documents/letters from leg

145. practitioners or the AP which support their alienation and prove their case in maintaining barriers to the AP.

146. Alienator pawns the AP’s private belongings citing financial hardship to the child(ren).

147. Alienator pawns or returns to the retailer, gifts from AP citing financial hardship to the children.

148. Alienator takes every opportunity to belittle the AP, in the presence of the child(ren), when seeking assistance from welfare agencies and providers.

149. Refuses to provide AP with vital medical information thereby impeding the child(ren)s medical wellbeing.

150. Refusing to notify AP of identified allergies.

151. Refusing to notify AP of medical concerns or treatments for child(ren)

152. Accuse AP of stealing items the child has lost.

153. Attributing failure in school activities/ studies to AP.

154. Accusing AP of neglecting the child(ren).

155. Denies essential medical care or treatment on the basis of financial hardship caused by AP.

156. Consumes drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol and blaming AP for addictions.

157. Purchases personal luxuries whilst denying children essentials and blaming AP for financial hardship.

158. Refusing to allow child to bid AP goodbye after visitation with any affection shown in front of Alienator.

159. Makes derogatory noises/comments when child or AP exhibit affection in presence of alienator.

160. Accuses AP of displaying affection to child(ren) for ulterior motive.

161. Accuses AP of PAS behaviours.

162. Denigrates new partner or partner’s children to PAS children.

163. Makes accusations of abuse against AP’s new partner.

164. Makes accusations of abuse against AP’s extended family.

165. Makes accusations of abuse against AP’s consequent children or children of new partner.

166. Contacts AP’s extended family in presence of child(ren) to make false allegations of abuse/neglect/PAS.

167. Refuses to allow child to give gifts/notes/paintings/letters to AP, new partner, children or extended family.


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