Career Decision-making: Goal Setting

Academic Advising Portfolio

Educational Planning Assignment #1

Educational Goals:

*Present educational goal: To graduate with at least a…

associates degree bachelor’s degree master’s degree doctoral degree

*My academic goal is to graduate…

with the minimum about average above average with honors

*My degree will stress the following academic courses…

English Mathematics Sciences Social Sciences


*Possibly, with a major in…

Health fields Education Sciences

Mathematics English Languages

Business Technology Social Sciences


Additional goal(s)

Career Goals:

*My work for 2000 hours per year will emphasize my skills in…

sciences technical areas communication mathematics

leadership teaching helping people artistic

*I want to work in an environment where I will wear…

suits casual clothes uniform working clothes

*The time commitment to my career will be…

less than 40 hours/week 40 hrs/week more than 40 hrs/week

Additional goal(s)-

Financial Goals:

*My work will compensate me enough to be a part of…

lower middle class comfortable middle class upper middle class upper class

*My home will be in this type of neighborhood…

modest well-to-do prestigious

*Upon retirement I will depend on social security…

entirely to a moderate degree to a small degree not at all

Additional goal(s)

Family Goals:

*My family plans at present are best described as…

no plans remain independent small family large family

*I would like to raise my family in a…

rural area suburban area small city large city

*I plan to move my family to…

my home area my state my region another region anywhere for a job

*My desire for vacations…

local time off travel to regional spots travel within country international travel

Additional goal(s)

Health Goals:

*I plan to exercise each week…

not at all 1 to 2 times 3 to 4 times more than 4 times

Additional goal(s)

Spiritual Goals:

I plan to maintain the following hobbies:

I plan to spend my leisure time in the following activities:

I plan to be involved in the following community activities:


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