AAACE American Association for Adult and Continuing Education

1. ABE Adult Basic Education

2. ABLE Adult Basic Learning Exam

3. ACE American Council on Education

4. ADA Americans with Disabilities Act

5. ALP Adult Learning/Learner Plan

6. ALSIG International Reading Association (Adult Education and Family Literacy (AEFL) Special Interest Group

7. ALWG Adult Learning Work Group

8. ASE Adult Secondary Education (also HSC)

9. AYP Adequate Yearly Progress

10. BEST Basic English Skills Test

11. BWT Bureau of Workforce Transformation

12. CAI Computer-Assisted Instruction

13. CASAS Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System

14. CDX Credential Exchange Data

15. CEA Correctional Education Association

16. CEPI Center for Educational Performance and Information

17. CLEG Council on Labor and Economic Growth

18. CNAP Child Nutrition Application Program

19. COABE Commission on Adult Basic Education

20. CTEIS Career and Technical Education Information System

21. DAEL Division of Adult Education and Literacy (US DOE)

22. DHS Department of Human Services (formerly FIA)

23. DELEG Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth (formerly DLEG or MDCD)

24. DOE Department of Education

25. DOL Department of Labor

26. EAG Educational Advisory Group

27. EDP Educational Development Plan (also ALP)

28. EFF Equipped for the Future

29. EFL Educational Functioning Level

30. EL Civics English Literacy and Civics Education

31. ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

32. ESL English as a Second Language

33. ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages

34. FIA Family Independence Agency (Current name is DHS)

35. FID Financial Information Database

36. FTE Full Time Equivalent

37. GCMRS Grants, Cash Management and Reporting System

38. GED See General Educational Development

39. GEDTS GED Testing Service

40. GEPA General Education Provisions Act

41. HSC High School Completion

42. HSD High School Diploma

43. ICAE International Council for Adult Education

44. IEP Individual Education Plan

45. INS Immigration and Naturalization Service

46. IRA International Reading Association

47. ISD Intermediate School District

48. JOBS Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training Program

49. LDA of MI Learning Disabilities Association Michigan

50. LEA Local Educational Agency

51. LSN Local Student Number

52. LVA Literacy Volunteers of America

53. MAACE Michigan Association of Adult and Continuing Education

54. MAC2 Michigan Adult Curriculum Connection

55. MACAE Michigan Association of Community and Adult Educators

56. MACUL Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning

57. MAEO Michigan Alternative Education Organization

58. MAEPD Michigan Adult Education Professional Development

59. MAERS Michigan Adult Education Reporting System (state reporting system to fulfill NRS requirements)

60. MAGIC Michigan Automated Grant Information Connection

61. MALT Michigan Adult Learning and Technology Center

62. MAME Michigan Association for Media in Education

63. MBEA Michigan Business Education Association

64. MCCTE Michigan Center for Career and Technical Education

65. MCEA Middle Cities Education Association

66. MCSS Michigan Council for the Social Studies

67. MCTE Michigan Council of Teachers of English

68. MDE Michigan Department of Education

69. MDOC Michigan Department of Corrections

70. MEA Michigan Education Association

71. MEAP Michigan Educational Assessment Program

72. MEGS Michigan Electronic Grant System

73. MELT Mainstream English Language Training

74. MFLA Michigan Foreign Language Association

75. MHOEA Michigan Health Occupations Educators Association

76. MICIS Michigan Compliance Information System

77. MICTM Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics

78. MITESOL Michigan Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

79. MLI Michigan Literacy Inc.

80. MPAAA Michigan Pupil Accounting and Attendance Association

81. MPSERS Michigan Public Schools Employees Retirement System

82. MRA Michigan Council of Learning for Adults/Michigan Reading Association

83. MSHA Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association

84. MSPRA Michigan School Public Relations Association

85. MSTA Michigan Science Teachers Association

86. MWA Michigan Works Agencies

87. NAASLN National Association for Adults with Special Learning Needs

88. NAEPDC National Adult Education Professional Development Consortium

89. NALS National Adult Literacy Survey

90. NCAL National Center on Adult Literacy

91. NCCE National Center for Community Education

92. NCEA National Community Education Association

93. NCFL National Center for Family Literacy

94. NCLE National Clearinghouse for ESL Literacy Education

95. NCTE National Council of Teachers of English

96. NCTM National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

97. NIFL National Institute for Literacy

98. NLC National Literacy Council

99. NLL Native Language Literacy

100. NRS National Reporting System

101. OERI Office of Educational Research and Improvement (US DOE)

102. OSSID Oklahoma scoring Service Identification Number

103. OVAE Office of Vocational and Adult Education

104. REP Registry of Educational Personnel

105. RESA Regional Educational Service Agency

106. RFA Request for Application

107. RFP Request for Proposal

108. SCALE Student Coalition for Action in Literacy Education

109. SCANS Secretary of Labor’s Commission on Achieving the Necessary Skills

110. SDA Service Delivery Area

111. SID Student Infrastructure Database

112. SORT Slosson Oral Reading Test

113. SPL Student Performance Level

114. SRSD Single Record Student Data

115. TABE Tests of Adult Basic Education

116. TANF Temporary Assistance to Needy Families

117. TESOL Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

118. UIC Unique Identifier/Identification Code

119. USDOE United States Department of Education

120. USDOE, DAEL United States Department of Education, Division of Adult Education and Literacy

121. WIA Workforce Investment Act of 1998

122. WRAT Wide Range Achievement Test


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