JEFFREY F - University of Arizona

Curriculum VitaeJeffrey F. MilemErnest W. McFarland Distinguished Professor in Leadership for Education Policy and Reform Head, Department of Policy Studies and PracticeDirector, Center for the Study of Higher EducationCollege of EducationProfessor of Medicine (by courtesy)University of ArizonaPersonal InformationOffice Address:1430 E. 2nd StreetPhone:520-621-4931P.O. Box 210069Fax:520-621-1875University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721-0069Home Address:4370 N Avenida Del CazadorPhone:520-577-1321Tucson, AZ 85718Cell: 520-444-3465Fax:520-577-1472E-Mail Address:jmilem@email.arzona.eduEducationPh.D.University of California, Los Angeles1992Major: Higher Education and Work Cognate: Sociology/Social PsychologyM.Ed.University of Vermont1981Major: Student Personnel Services in Higher EducationB.A.Michigan State University1979Major: Political ScienceProfessional Work Experience2011-presentHead, Department of Policy Studies and Practice2011-presentDirector, Center for the Study of Higher Education2008-presentErnest W. McFarland Distinguished Professor in Leadership for Education Policy and Reform2008-2011Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Education, University of Arizona2008-presentProfessor, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Arizona2006-presentProfessor, Center for the Study of Higher Education, College of Education, University of Arizona2000-2006Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director, Higher Education Program, Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, University of Maryland, College Park2005-2006Director, Provost’s Research Collaborative, University of Maryland, College Park2000-2001Associate Professor, College Student Personnel Program, Department of Counseling and Personnel Services, University of Maryland, College Park1998-2006Research Associate, Testing, Research, and Data Processing, Counseling Center, University of Maryland, College Park1998-2000Assistant Professor, College Student Personnel Program, Department of Counseling and Personnel Services, College of Education, University of Maryland, College ParkAssistant Professor, Department of Educational Leadership, Peabody College of Vanderbilt University1992-1993Research and Policy Analyst, Office of the Dean, Graduate School of Education, UCLA1989-1992Research Analyst, Higher Education Research Institute (HERI), UCLA1987-1990Curriculum Coordinator, Middle Earth Housing Office, University of California, Irvine1982-1987Complex Coordinator/Assistant Dean of Students, Mesa Court Housing Office, University of California, Irvine1981-1982Hall Director/Assistant to the Dean of Students, The Colorado College1979-1981Hall Director, Living Learning Center, The University of VermontFellowships, Prizes, AwardsAmerican Educational Research Association Fellow—(2012).Peter W. Likins Inclusive Excellence Award—Presented to the Faculty of the Center for the Study of Higher Education, University of Arizona, (October, 2010). Faculty Mentor of the Year Award—Graduate Student Association, Department of Education Policy and Leadership, University of Maryland, (May 2004)Outstanding Outcomes Assessment Research Award—American College Personnel Association, Commission IX, (2001, April)Salva Dignitate Award—Outstanding Alumni Award, Higher Education and Student Affairs Program, University of Vermont, (2001, April)Special Recognition Award—Asian Pacific American Student Association, University of Maryland, (2001, 2002, May)Diversity Network Award—University System of Maryland Diversity Network, (2000, July)ASHE Graduate Student Seminar on Higher Education Policy, participant (1991, October)Philip Neil Clark Award [awarded to the outstanding graduate student in the Division of Higher Education and Work, UCLA, Graduate School of Education] (1991, June)University Graduate Fellowship, 1990–1992, UCLA Graduate School of EducationCACUHO Recognition Award [presented by the Committee for Diversity and Affirmative Action, California Association of College and University Housing Officers], (1989, April)University of California, Irvine Rainbow Festival Award [presented in recognition of contributions to the promotion of diversity on the Irvine campus], (1985, April)Publications Books/MonographsColeman, A.L., Palmer, S.R., Milem, J.F. and Lipper, K. (2010). A Diversity Action Blueprint: Policy Parameters and Model Practices for Higher Education Institutions. New York: The College Board. Milem, J.F., Chang, M.J., and antonio, a.l. (2006). Making Diversity Work on Campus:A Research Based Perspective. Washington, DC: Association of American Colleges and Universities.Milem, J.F. & Hakuta, K. (2000). The benefits of racial and ethnic diversity in higher education, featured report, In D. Wilds (author) Minorities in higher education: Seventeenth annual status report. Washington, DC: American Council on Education, 39-67.Hurtado, S., Milem, J.F., Clayton-Pedersen, A.R., & Allen, W.R. (1999). Enacting diverse learning environments: Improving the campus climate for racial/ethnic diversity in higher education. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Reports Series, 26 (8). San Francisco: Jossey Bass.Book Chaptersantonio, a.l., Milem, J.F. and Chang, M.J. (in press). Approaching diversity work in the university: Lessons from an American context. In As the world turns: Implications of global shifts in higher education for theory, research, and practice. Part of the series Advances in diverse communities: Research Policy and Praxis, Volume 8. Bradford, West Yorkshire, England: Emerald Publishing Group, Ltd, 371-401. Cantwell, B. and Milem, J.F. (2010). Locating space and place in the college access debate: New tools for mapping and understanding educational inequity and stratification. In Peterson, P., Baker, E. and Macgaw, B. (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (Third Edition). Elsevier Ltd, 636-648. Chang, M.J., Milem, J.F., & antonio, a.l. (2010). Campus climate and diversity. In J.H. Schuh, S.R. Jones, & S.R. Harper (Eds.), Student services: A handbook for the profession (5th ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 43-58. Milem, J.F. and Cabrera, N.L. (in press). The Organizational Context for Promoting Diversity in Higher Education. In Banks, J. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of multicultural education. Milem, J.F. and Umbach, P.D. (2008). Understanding the difference diversity makes: Faculty attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. In S.R. Harper (Ed.), Creating inclusive campus environments for cross-cultural learning and student engagement. Washington, DC: National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), Inc., 155-172. Milem, J.F., Dey, E.L., & White, C.B. (2004). Diversity considerations in health professions education. In B.D. Smedley, A.S. Butler, & L.R. Bristow, (Eds.), In the nation’s compelling interest: Ensuring diversity in the health-care workforce. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 345-389. Milem, J.F., Umbach, P.D., & Ting, M.P. (2004). Educating citizens for a diverse democracy: How students learn from diversity in college. In Hampton, R.L. & Gullotta, T.P. (Eds.), Promoting racial, ethnic, and religious understanding in America. Washington, DC: Child Welfare League Press, 87-108.Milem, J.F. (2003). The educational benefits of diversity: Evidence from multiple sectors. In M. Chang, D. Witt, J. Jones, & K. Hakuta (Eds.). Compelling interest: Examining the evidence on racial dynamics in higher education. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 126-169.Milem, J.F. (2001) Diversity is not enough: How campus climate and faculty teaching methods affect student outcomes. In G. Orfield (Ed.), Diversity challenged: Legal crisis and new evidence. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Publishing Group, 233-249.Milem, J.F., Sherlin Jr., J.H., & Irwin, L.E. (2001). The importance of collegial networks to college and university faculty. In E.G. Creamer and Associates. Working equal: Academic couples as collaborators. New York: Garland Press, 146-166. Berger, J.B. & Milem, J.F. (2000). Organizational behavior in higher education and student outcomes. In J.C. Smart (Ed.), Higher education: Handbook of theory and research, Volume XV, New York: Agathon Press, 268-338. Laden, B.V., Milem, J.F., & Crowson, R.W. (2000). New institutional theory and undergraduate retention. In J.M. Braxton (Ed.) Rethinking the departure puzzle: New theory and research on college student retention. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 235-256. Astin, H.S. & Milem, J.F. (1997). The status of academic couples in U.S. institutions. In M.A. Ferber & J.W. Loeb (Eds.), Academic couples: Problems and promise, Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 128-155. Journal Articles Fries-Britt, S.L., Rowan Kenyon, H.T., Perna, L.W., Milem, J.F., and Gerald, D.S. (in press). Underrepresentation in the Academy and the Institutional Climate for Faculty Diversity. Journal of the Professoriate.Milem, J.F. (2011). Considering our legacy: Doing work that really matters. 2009 ASHE Presidential Address. Review of Higher Education 34 (1), 319-333.Hall, W.D., Cabrera, A.F., & Milem, J.F. (in press, published on line 11/02/10). A tale of two groups: Differences between minority students and non-minority students in their predispositions to and engagement with diverse peers at a predominantly white institution, Review of Higher Education. Perna, L.W., Fries-Britt, S.L, Gerald, D.S., Rowan-Kenyon, H.T., and Milem, J.F. (2008). Underrepresentation in the Academy: A study of race equity in three southern states. Journal of the Professoriate. Perna, L.W., Gerald, D.S., Baum, E., and Milem, J.F. (2007). The status of equity for Black faculty and administrators in public higher education in the South, Research in Higher Education 28 (2), 193-228.Perna, L.W., Milem, J.F., Gerald, D.S., Baum, E., Rowan, H., and Hutchens, N. (2006). The status of equity for Black undergraduates in public higher education in the South: Still separate and unequal. Research in Higher Education 47 (2), 197-228.Milem, J.F., Umbach, P.D., and Liang, C.T.H. (2004). Exploring the perpetuation hypothesis: The role of colleges and universities in desegregating society. Journal of College Student Development, 45 (6), 688-700.Umbach, P.D. & Milem, J.F. (2004). Applying Holland’s Typology to the Study of Differences in Student Views About Diversity. Research in Higher Education 45 (6), 625-649.antonio, a.l., Chang, M.J., Hakuta, K., Kenny, D.A, Levin, S., & Milem, J.F. (2004). Effects of racial diversity on complex thinking in college students. Psychological Science, 15 (8), 507-510. Milem, J.F. & Umbach, P.D. (2003). The Influence of Pre-college Factors on Students’ Predispositions Regarding Diversity Activities in College. Journal of College Student Development, 44 (5), 611-624. Berger, J.B. & Milem, J.F. (2002). The Impact of Community Service Involvement on Three Measures of Undergraduate Self-Concept, NASPA Journal, 40 (1), Article 6,, J.F. (2000). Why race matters: The individual and institutional benefits of diversity in higher education, Academe, 86 (5), 26-29.Milem, J.F., Berger, J.B., & Dey, E.L. (2000). Faculty time allocation: A study of change over twenty years, Journal of Higher Education, 71 (4), 454-475.Berger, J.B. & Milem, J.F. (2000). Promoting undergraduate self-concept: Differences between historically Black and predominantly White colleges, Journal of College Student Development, 41 (4), 381-394.Braxton, J.M, Milem, J.F., & Sullivan, A.V.S. (2000). The influence of active learning on the college student departure process: Toward a revision of Tinto’s theory, Journal of Higher Education (5), 569-590.Berger, J.B. & Milem, J.F. (1999). The role of student involvement and perceptions of integration in a causal model of student persistence. Research in Higher Education, 40 (6), 641-664.Milem, J.F. (1998). Attitude change in college students: Examining the effects of college peer groups and faculty reference groups. Journal of Higher Education, 69 (2), 117-140.Hurtado, S., Milem, J.F., Clayton-Pedersen, A.R., & Allen, W.R. (1998). Enhancing campus climates for racial/ethnic diversity through educational policy and practice. [20th Anniversary Edition] The Review of Higher Education, 21 (3), 279-302.Dey, E.L., Milem, J.F., & Berger, J.B. (1997). Changing patterns of publication productivity: Accumulative advantage or institutional isomorphism? Sociology of Education, 70 (4), 308-323.Milem, J.F. & Berger, J.B. (1997). A modified model of college student persistence: The relationship between Astin’s theory of involvement and Tinto’s theory of student departure. Journal of College Student Development, 38 (4), 387-400.Milem, J.F. (1994). College, students, and racial understanding. Thought and Action, 9 (2), 51-91. Milem, J.F. & Astin, H.S. (1993). The changing composition of faculty: What does it really mean for diversity? Change, 25 (2), 21-27.Milem, J.F. (1991). Overcoming barriers to college attendance among Blacks: Learning from those who have succeeded. UCLA Journal of Education, IV (1), 39-53.Milem, J.F. & Wolff, S.J. (1981). On moving on. The Vermont Connection: Journal of the Vermont Student Personnel Program. Volume I, Burlington: University of Vermont.Other ManuscriptsMilem, J.F. (2001). Building a diverse democracy, College Park: The University of Maryland Magazine, 12 (2), 24-27. Technical ReportsAstin, H.S. & Milem, J.F. (1992). Science faculty: Culture, roles and pedagogy (Chapter 9). In A. W. Astin & H. S. Astin, Undergraduate science education: The impact of different college environments on the educational pipeline in the sciences (pp. 7-1 – 21). (Final report, National Science Foundation Grant SPA-8955365). Los Angeles: Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA.Astin, H.S., Heath, T.M., Milem, J.F., & Sax, L.J. (1992). Persistence in, defection from and recruitment into science and engineering (Chapter 5). In A. W. Astin & H. S. Astin, Undergraduate science education: The impact of different college environments on the educational pipeline in the sciences (pp. 5-1 – 69). (Final report, National Science Foundation Grant SPA-8955365). Los Angeles: Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA.Milem, J.F., Astin, H.S., Astin, A.W., Ries, P., & Heath, T. (1991). A study of Connecticut College alumni, 1970-1990. Los Angeles: Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA.Astin, H.S., Milem, J.F., Astin, A.W., Ries, P., & Heath, T. (1990). The courage and vision to experiment: Hampshire College 1970-1990. Los Angeles: Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA. Papers and Presentations Cabrera, N.L., Deil-Amen, R., Marquez Kiyama, J., Luca, S.G., Milem, J.F., Miner, D., Rios Aguilar, C., and Sutton, F. (2010, November). Theory and Practice: Higher Education Scholars and Student Affairs Professionals Researching the New Start Summer Program. Symposium, Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.Cantwell, B., Gonzales Canche, M., Milem, J.F., and Sutton, F. (2010, November). Do Data Support Discourse? Assessing Holistic Review as an Admissions Process to Promote Diversity at a U.S. Medical School, Research paper, Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.Tuitt, F., Patton Davis, L., Harper, S., Milem, J.F. and Solozano, D. (2010, November). Moving from Theory to Praxis: Meeting the Challenge of Transforming Higher Education Scholarship and Policy in CRT Classrooms. Symposium, Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.Milem, J.F. (2010, October). Making diversity work on campus: Creating a culture of inclusive excellence. Invited lecture. Whitworth University, Spokane, Washington. Milem, J.F. (2010, May). Making diversity work on campus: Creating a culture of inclusive excellence. Inaugural Eric L. Dey Memorial Lecture, Michigan Student Affairs Research Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Milem, J.F. and Hurtado, S. (2010, March). Faculty-led innovation for academic excellence, inclusion, and student achievement. Faculty Roles in High Impact Practices Conference (Association of American Colleges and Universities), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Milem, J.F. (2009, November). Considering our legacy: Doing work that really matters. Presidential keynote address, Annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Milem, J.F. (2009, October). Making diversity work on campus: Creating a culture of inclusive excellence. University of Wisconsin Diversity Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.Milem, J.F. (2009, July). Applying the lessons: Critical research: A key topic for policymakers. ASHE Institute on Critical Policy Research and Analysis. Boulder, Colorado.Milem, J.F. (2009, May). Hoisted by their own petard: Using data to stimulate transformative discourse. 3rd Annual Critical Race Studies in Education Conference 2009: Reclaiming the village. Tucson, Arizona.Milem, J.F. (2009, January). Making diversity work on campus: A research based perspective. Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.Milem, J.F. (2007, December). Making diversity work on campus: A research based perspective. Dean’s Centennial Lecture Series, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts. Milem, J.F. (2007, May). Making diversity work on campus: Creating a culture of inclusive excellence. Keynote speech at The Diversity Summit, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado. Milem, J.F., Clayton-Pedersen, A.R., Knefelkamp, L., and McTighe Musil, C. (2006, January). Mapping the Future of Inclusion and Excellence, Featured presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, DC. Perna, L.W., Milem, J.F., Gerald, D.S., Baum, E., Rowan, H., and Hutchens, N. (2005, May). The Status of Equity for Black Undergraduates in Public Higher Education in the South: Still Separate and Unequal. Research paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, San Diego, CA. Fries-Britt, S.L., Milem, J.F., Perna, L.W., Williams III, J.B., Baum, E., Gerald, D.S., Hutchens, N., Rowan, H., and Shek, Y.L. (2005, April). The Status of Race Equity and Diversity in Public Higher Education in the South. Research symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Note: also presented as part of the Provost’s Conversations on Diversity, University of Maryland, 2005, April). Milem, J.F., Alvarez, P., and Rowan, H. (2004, November). The Impact of Diversity on Attributional Complexity in Undergraduates: Are Different Students Affected in Different Ways? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Kansas City, MO. Bensimon, E.M., Clayton-Pedersen, A.R., and Milem, J.F. (2004. October). Making Excellence Inclusive: The Next Generation of Institutional Transformation, Opening Plenary Session at the Diversity and Learning: Democracy’s Compelling Interest Meeting, Association of American Colleges and Universities, Nashville, TN. Perna, L.W., Fries-Britt, S.L., Milem, J.F., Williams III, J.B., Gerald, D.S., Hutchens, N., Rowan, H., and Shek, Y.L. (2004, September). Race Equity and Diversity in Public Higher Education in the South, Research symposium presented at Still Not Equal: Expanding Opportunity in Global Societies 2004 Patterson Research Conference, The Frederick Patterson Research Institute of the United Negro College Fund, Washington, DC. Milem, J.F. (2004, September). Why race matters: Lessons learned from the attack on affirmative action. Keynote Speech, Diversity Scholar Series, Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA.Milem, J.F. (2004, September). Why race matters: Lessons learned from the attack on affirmative action, Panel presentation, Tools for Social Justice Conference, Consortium on Race, Ethnicity, and Gender, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.Milem, J.F. (2004, March). Why race matters: Lessons learned from the attack on affirmative action. Invited keynote presentation given at the Mid Atlantic Conference on the Scholarship of Diversity, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. Milem, J.F., Sedlacek, W., & Clayton-Pedersen, A.R. (2004, March). Selective Access—For Whom, When? For How Long, Why? Invited keynote presentation given at the Fullbright Visiting Scholar Conference, Council for the International Exchange of Scholars and the United States Department of State, Washington, DC. Milem, J.F., Umbach, P.D., & Liang, C.T.H. (2003, November). Exploring the Perpetuation Hypothesis: The Role of Colleges and Universities in Desegregating Society. Research paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Portland, OR.Milem, J.F., Trevi?o, J.G., & Sellers, L. (2003,October). Developing and sustaining diverse campus environments. Invited presentation given at the American Council on Education’s Educating All of One Nation Conference, Atlanta, GA. Milem, J.F. (2003, October). Why race matters: Lessons learned from the attack on affirmative action. Inaugural address given for the President’s Lecture Series on Diversity in Higher Education, State University of New York at Geneseo, Geneseo, NY.Milem, J.F. (2003, May). Why race matters: How diversity benefits higher education. Invited address at the Connecticut College Seminar Series on Race in Higher Education, New London, CT. Berger, J.B., Milem, J.F. & Crowson, R. (2002, November). Enduring Organizational Challenges in Higher Education. Symposium paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Sacramento, CA.Milem, J.F. & Umbach, P.D. (2002, November). Examining the perpetuation hypothesis: The influence of pre-college factors on students’ predispositions regarding diversity. Research paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Sacramento, CA. Milem, J.F. (2002, October). How to assess campus diversity initiatives. Training workshop presented at Diversity and Learning: Education for a World Lived in Common Conference, Association of American Colleges and Universities, St. Louis, MO. Milem, J.F. (2002, July). Understanding and improving racial dynamics on college campuses. Invited address at the annual Diversity Group Meeting of the Southern Association of College Student Affairs, Spartanburg, SC. Umbach, P.D. & Milem, J.F. (2002, June). Applying Holland’s typology to the study of differences in student views about diversity. Research paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Milem, J.F., Umbach, P.D., Ting, M.P., Fries-Britt, S.L., Kelly, R., Alimo, C., VanCollins, J., Hurtado, S. & Waters, R. (2001, November). Integrating research and practice: Learning from studies of racial climate at one university campus. Symposia presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Richmond, VA.Milem, J.F. & Umbach, P.D. (2001, November). Understanding the difference that diversity makes: Disciplinary differences in faculty views about diversity in higher education. Research paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Richmond, VA. Hurtado, S., Maruyama, G., Milem, J.F., Nagda, B., Sierra, A., Zú?iga, X. (2001, October). Pedagogies fostering interaction: Changing student learning through interaction with diverse peers. Symposium presented the Educating All of One Nation Conference sponsored by the American Council on Education, Cincinnati, OH. Milem, J.F. & Clayton-Pedersen, A.R. (2001, October). Campus diversity and climate: The benefits of creating inclusive environments for minority students. Invited address at the Diversity Among Equals Conference. An Invitational Symposium on the State of Affirmative Admissions in New England sponsored by the Nellie Mae Foundation, Boston, MA. Milem, J.F. (2001, July). Difficult dialogues: The importance of color consciousness in campus-based research. Keynote address at research conference sponsored by the Center for Urban Education, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.Milem, J.F. (2001, January). Why race matters: The educational benefits of diversity in higher education. Keynote address at the Occidental College Faculty Development Conference, Los Angeles, CA.Berger, J.B., Paulsen, M.B. & Milem, J.F. (November, 2000). Aspects of the college experience as indicators of class-based differences in students’ habiti. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Sacramento, CA. Milem, J.F. (2000, October). Why race matters: The educational benefits of diversity in higher education. Keynote address presented at the Diversity and Learning: Identity, Community, and Intellectual Development meeting, Association of American Colleges and Universities, Pittsburgh, PA. Milem, J.F. (2000, September). The benefits of diversity and diverse faculty in higher education. Keynote address at the First Annual Diversity and Learner-Centered Education Faculty Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. Milem, J.F., Marin, P., Hurtado, S., Chang, M.J., & Coleman, A. L. (2000, April). Applying and expanding diversity and affirmative action research. Extended research workshop session presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. Milem, J.F. (2000, April). Why race matters: The benefits of diversity in higher education. Presented as part of the invited speaker series, Arizona State University Higher Education Student Association, Tempe, AZ. Milem J.F. (2000, February). Enhancing the campus climate for diversity: A framework for institutional success. Presented as a part of the Provost’s Conversations on Community, Diversity, and Higher Education, University of California, Davis, CA. Milem, J.F. (2000, February). Why race matters: The educational benefits of diversity in higher education. Presented by the President’s Office on behalf of the University Diversity Enhancement Committee, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA. Milem, J.F. (2000, February). The learning climate for African American students on predominantly White campuses. Presented at the annual meeting of National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education, Washington, DC. Milem, J.F. (2000, February). The educational benefits of diversity in colleges and universities. Presented at the 26th Annual Maryland Student Affairs Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Milem, J.F. (2000, February). Why race matters: The educational benefits of diversity in higher education. Presented as part of the Hewlett Foundation Faculty Development Series, College of Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. Milem, J.F. (2000, January). The educational benefits of diversity: Evidence from multiple sectors. Presented as part of the Dialogues on Diversity Series, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Berger, J.B. & Milem, J.F. (1999, November). The impact of community service involvement on three measures of undergraduate self-concept. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Antonio, TX. Milem, J.F. (1999, October). Issues of diversity on campus: A framework for conceptualizing and assessing the campus racial climate. Presented at Educating All of One Nation—Diversity, Equity, and Democracy: Optimizing Our Future Conference (American Council on Education), Albuquerque, NM. Milem, J.F. (1999, October). Current Studies on the Benefits of Diversity in Higher Education: The Educational Benefits of Diversity. Presented at Educating All of One Nation—Diversity, Equity, and Democracy: Optimizing Our Future Conference (American Council on Education), Albuquerque, NM.Milem, J.F. (1999, May). The educational benefits of diversity: Evidence from multiple sectorsPaper presented at Facing the Courts of Law and Public Opinion: Social Science Evidence on Diversity in Higher Education Conference, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CAAllen, W.R., Bonous-Hammarth, M., Freeman, K., McDonough, P., & Milem, J.F. (1999, April). African American College Choices and Educational Success Study (ACCESS): A lifespan model for studying postsecondary access and equity. Symposium conducted at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.Banks, J.A., Hakuta, K., Hurtado, S., Levin, S., Milem, J.F., Wightman, L.F., & Trent, W.T. (1999, April). AERA Consensus Panel on Racial Dynamics in Colleges and Universities: Findings and recommendations. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.Milem, J.F. (1999, January). The importance of faculty diversity to student learning and to the mission of higher education. Paper presented at A Symposium and Working Research Meeting on Diversity and Affirmative Action, Conference sponsored by the American Council on Education, Washington, DC.Milem, J.F. (1998, November). The influence of campus racial climate on the educational practices of college and university faculty. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Miami, FL.Berger, J.B. & Milem, J.F. (1998, November). The development of an operational definition of "Habitus" as a multi-dimensional construct. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Miami, FL.Berger, J.B. & Milem, J.F. (1998, April). An examination of the development of undergraduate self-concept: Differences between historically Black and predominantly White colleges. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.Braxton, J.M., Milem, J.F., & Sullivan, A.V.S. (1998, April). The influence of active learning on the college student departure process: Toward a revision of Tinto’s theory. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.Milem, J.F., Berger, J.B., & Dey, E.L. (1997, November). Faculty time allocation: A longitudinal study of change. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Albuquerque, NM.Berger, J.B. & Milem, J.F. (1997, November). The role of student involvement and perceptions of integration in a causal model of student departure. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Albuquerque, NM.Milem, J.F. & Wakai, S.T. (1997, June). Active learning in the classroom: who uses it, why they use it, and how to encourage others to use it. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the United Methodist Institute of Higher Education, Nashville, TN.Milem, J.F. (1997, May). Key educational outcomes of diversity for college and university faculty. Paper presented at Diversity and Higher Education: Answering the Social Science and Legal Questions After Hopwood, Conference sponsored by The Civil Rights Project, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.Dey, E.L., Milem, J.F., & Berger, J.B. (1997, March). Changes in publication productivity: Accumulative advantage or institutional isomorphism. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.Milem, J.F. & Berger, J.B. (1996, November). A modified model of college student persistence: The relationship between Astin’s theory of involvement and Tinto’s theory of student departure. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Memphis, TN.Milem, J.F. & Wakai, S.T. (1996, November). Understanding how faculty teach: Facilitators and inhibitors of student-centered pedagogy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Memphis, TN.Milem, J.F. (1996, June). Assessing and improving the campus racial climate on your campus. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the United Methodist Institute of Higher Education, Nashville, TN. Milem, J.F. & Wakai, S.T. (1996, April). Student centered approaches to teaching and learning: lessons to be learned from faculty at historically Black colleges and women’s colleges. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.Milem, J.F. & Berger, J.B. (1995, November). Exploring the relationship between Astin’s theory of involvement and Tinto’s social and academic integration. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Orlando, FL.Dey, E.L. & Milem, J.F. (1995, November). Accumulative advantage in research productivity: An institutional-level analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Orlando, FL.Hurtado, S., Milem, J.F. & Clayton-Pedersen, A.R. (1995, October). Improving the campus racial climate. Paper presented at the biannual meeting of Educating One Third of a Nation Conference, Sponsored by the American Council on Education, Kansas City, MO.Milem, J.F. & Astin, H.S. (1995, April). An analysis of the status of academic couples in American higher education, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, CA.Milem, J.F. (1994, November). Attitude change in college students: Examining the effect of college peer groups and faculty normative groups, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Tucson, AZ.Milem, J.F. & Astin, H.S. (1994, April). Scientists as teachers: A look at their culture, their roles, and their pedagogy, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.Dey, E.L. & Milem, J.F. (1993, November). Are we approaching equal pay for equal work? Gender differences in academic salaries, 1972 to 1989. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Pittsburgh, PA.Milem, J.F. (1992, October). The impact of college on students’ commitment to the goal of helping to promote racial understanding. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Minneapolis, MN.Astin, H.S. & Milem, J.F. (1992, April). Science faculty: Culture, roles, and pedagogy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.Milem, J.F. (1991, November). The role of college peer groups and faculty reference groups in the development of student attitudes toward race. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Boston, MA.Milem, J.F. (1991, November). Faculty racial attitudes: The climate within the disciplines. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Boston, MA.Milem, J.F. (1991, April). An analysis of faculty attitudes and behaviors toward race: Evidence from a national survey of college and university faculty. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. Milem, J.F. (1991, April). Active learning and interdisciplinary knowledge: An assessment of the outcomes of the Hampshire experience. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.Funded ResearchPrincipal Investigator, Study of Medical School Admissions and Medical Education Outcomes. Study to explore different ways of selecting candidates for medical education and study of the outcomes of medical education. University of Arizona College of Medicine. ($95,000 per year). 08/08—present.Co-Principal Investigator, Engaging Latino Students in the Learning Process for Successful College Completion. Excelencia in Education/Kresge Semillas Grant. ($75,000). 10/10-present. Principal Investigator, Towards Humanistic Admissions: What do GHHS Members Have That Admissions Committees Should Look for? The Arnold P. Gold Foundation. ($15,000). 09/09-present. Principal Investigator, An Exploratory Case Study of Medical School Climate. Association of American Medical Colleges. ($42,000). 01/10-present. Co-Principal Investigator, Tucson GEAR UP Project. 01/08-present.Principal Investigator, Study of New Start Summer Enrichment Program. Explores the impact of the New Start Summer Program on participants. 08/07-present.Principal Investigator and Director, Provost’s Research Collaborative. Longitudinal study of the ways in which students’ experiences with diversity while they are at the university influence a range of important learning outcomes. ($75,000 per year). 01/05—06/08. Co-principal Investigator, Status of Equity and Access in Public Higher Education in Southern and Border States. Grant funded by Lumina Education Foundation to study the status of equity and access in public higher education institutions in southern and border states subject to Title VI regulation and court cases related to the desegregation of public higher education. ($323,000) 01/04—12/05.Evaluation Consultant, Liberal Education and Global Citizenship: The Arts of Democracy — Initiative of the Association of American Colleges and Universities supported by the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education. Projects works with colleges and universities to develop societal, civic, and global knowledge in their graduates by linking liberal education and democracy in the context of our interdependent but unequal world. 10/01—12/03Principal Investigator, Evaluation of Civil Rights Summer Internship Program — Summer program for rising college juniors sponsored by the Harvard Civil Rights Project, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, and Citizens’ Commission on Civil Rights. 6/01—6/03. Campus Coordinator/Principal Investigator, Diverse Democracy Project — A ten campus study which examines the ways in which students’ experiences with diversity while they are in college prepare them to participate as citizens in a diverse democracy (Principal Investigator, Sylvia Hurtado, University of Michigan). Principal Investigator, An Experimental Test of the Effects of Racial Diversity on the Critical Thinking of College Students — Sub-contract from larger grant based in the School of Education, Stanford University (anthony antonio and Kenji Hakuta, Co-Principal Investigators) ($50,000). 10/01—6/02.Senior Research Consultant, Study of the Impact of Diversity in Classrooms –– Funded by the Spencer Foundation and coordinated by the American Council on Education and the Julian Samora Institute at Michigan State University. Study designed to investigate the impact of diversity in classrooms. Data gathered from a national random sample of faculty from four-year colleges and universities ($35,000). 9/98—6/00. Co-principal Investigator, Vanderbilt Retention Study — Two-year study funded by the Office of the Provost to study the process of persistence among freshmen students at Vanderbilt ($37,000). 9/94—6/97.Principal Investigator, The Processes and Outcomes of Community and Volunteer Service at United Methodist Affiliated-Colleges –– Eighteen month study funded by the Vanderbilt University Research Council, the United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry, and participating institutions. This study was designed to examine the impact of involvement in community service and volunteer activities on a range of undergraduate student outcomes. Longitudinal data were gathered from a sample of students attending ten United Methodist-affiliated liberal arts colleges ($10,000). 6/96—6/97Editorships, Editorial Boards, Reviewing Activities2008-presentEditorial Board, Journal of Higher Education2004-presentConsulting Editor, Research in Higher Education1999-2005Editorial Board, Journal of College Student Development2008-2010Reviewer, American Educational Research Journal2010Reviewer, Higher Education2009Reviewer, Journal of Engineering Education2007Reviewer, Research Policy2004-2008Reviewer, Social Psychology Quarterly2003-2008Reviewer, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis2002Reviewer, The Urban Review2002Reviewer, Economics of Education Review1998-2008Reviewer, Journal of Higher Education1997-2003, 2008-2009Reviewer, Review of Higher Education2001, 2004Reviewer, Research in Higher Education2001Reviewer, Equity and Excellence2000-2001Reviewer, Educational PolicyReviewer, Peabody Journal of Education1998Reviewer, Educational Researcher1991-1993Editor-in-Chief, UCLA Journal of Education (Volume V), Graduate School of Education, UCLA 1994-presentReviewer, AERA Conference Research Paper Proposals1992-presentReviewer, ASHE Conference Research Paper Proposals Teaching ExperienceCenter for the Study of Higher Education—University of ArizonaHED 601Higher Education in the U.S. HED 608College Student DevelopmentHED 632Race, Class and Gender in Higher EducationHED 696cReadings in Critical Race TheoryDepartment of Education Policy and Leadership – University of MarylandEDPL 650Professional Seminar in Higher and Adult EducationEDPL 653Organization and Administration of Higher EducationEDPL 662Research on Ethnic Minorities and Demographic Trends in Higher EducationEDPL 788The American Academic ProfessionEDPL 788FCollege Students and Their LearningEDPL 850Special Problems in Higher Education—Assessing Campus Racial ClimatesEDPL 895Research Critique SeminarCounseling and Personnel Services Department – University of Maryland (graduate courses except where noted)EDCP 420Education and Racism (undergraduate course)EDCP 789CAdvanced Topics in Counseling and Personnel Services-Race/Ethnicity, Class, and Gender in Higher Education: Theory and ResearchEDCP 789KAdvanced Topics in Counseling and Personnel Services-Environmental AssessmentEDCP 798/799Masters Research SeminarEDCP 888UApprenticeship SeminarDepartment of Educational Leadership – Vanderbilt University (graduate courses)EDLS 3453Social Context of EducationEDLS 3750Social and Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Higher EducationEDLS 3830Literature and Research in Higher EducationEDLS 3860College Student Personnel Services in Higher EducationEDLS 3920Integrated Inquiry IIDepartment of Human Resources – Vanderbilt University (undergraduate courses)HR 1000Applied Human DevelopmentHR 1001Intrapersonal LaboratoryHR 2240Multicultural Issues in Contemporary SocietyService ActivitiesNational, State, and Community 2008-2010Member, Research Advisory Committee, Building an Agenda for Research on Affirmative Action and Diversity, Harvard University Medical School2008Member, Governor’s P-20 Education Council, Higher Education Sub-committee (State of Arizona)2008-2009Member, The Education Coalition (State of Arizona)2007-presentMember, Committee on Holistic Admissions, Association of American Medical Colleges (Chair, Sub-Committee on Evaluation)2005-2008Consultant, Access and Diversity Collaborative, The College Board2004-2009Advisory Board, DiversityWorks, Association of American Colleges and Universities2002-2005Advisory Board, Underrepresented Minorities in the Academy: Understanding the Career Attainment Process (William Trent, Principal Investigator)2001-2004Advisory Board and Evaluation Consultant, Liberal Education and Global Citizenship: The Arts of Democracy Project, Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, DC2000-2004Advisory Board, National Campus Diversity Project, Harvard University1998-1999Workshop presenter, Technical Assistance Workshops on College Admissions and Affirmative Action, American Council on Education and Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education1997Workshop presenter, Council of Presidents, Black College Fund, United Methodist Board of Higher Education and MinistryProfessional2011External Reviewer, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, University of Oklahoma2009-2010Past President, Association for the Study of Higher Education2009Chair, Program Review Committee, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Iowa State University2008-2009President, Association for the Study of Higher Education2007-2008President-Elect, Association for the Study of Higher Education2006-2007Member at Large, Association for the Study of Higher Education Governing Board2006Member, Awards Committee, Association for the Study of Higher Education2004- 2006Program Faculty, Greater Expectations Institute, Association of American Colleges and Universities2003-2006Member of Committee L, Committee on Historically Black Institutions and Scholars of Color, American Association of University Professors2002-2003Program Co-chair, Division J, American Educational Research Association1999-2001Advisory Board, Cooperative Institutional Research Program, Higher Education Research Institute and American Council on Education1998Reviewer, Final Grant Proposals, Education and Race Initiative, Public Education Network1997, 1998Reviewer, Final Grant Proposals, Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE)1998-2008Discussant, Research Paper Sessions, ASHE Annual Conference1995, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2003-2005,2009 Discussant, Research Paper Sessions, AERA Annual Conference1996Workshop presenter, NASPA Doctoral Student Research Seminar1995ASHE Mentor, 1995 ASHE Annual ConferenceUniversity2011-presentTask Force on Race Equity and Fairness, Faculty Senate, UA2010-presentMedical School Diversity Committee, UA2010-presentStrategic Priorities Faculty Initiative, Screening Committee, UA2010-2011Business Intelligence Advisory Council, UA2009-2011Chair, Henry and Phyllis Koffler Prize Committee, UA2008-2011College Academic Administrators' Council (CAAC), UA2009-2010Online Annual Evaluation Steering Committee Meeting, UA2009-2010Working Team 1: Integrity and Mission, NCA Accreditation Team, UA2003-2006Member, Human Relations Committee, University Senate, UMCP2002-2005Member, Faculty Course Review Working Group on Human Cultural Diversity, UMCP2002-2004Graduate Council Committee on Programs, Curricula and Courses, UMCP2003-2004Member, Provost’s Task Force on the CORE Diversity Requirement, UMCP2004Workshop Presenter, Consortium on Race, Ethnicity and Gender Spring Colloquium, UMCP2001-2002Ad Hoc Committee on Indicators of Graduate Student Success, Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School, UMCP2002Workshop Presenter, Presidents Commission on Ethnic Minority Issues, UMCP2000-2002Campus Assessment Working Group Advisory Committee on Campus Climate, UMCP1998-2002Workshop Presenter, Graduate Teaching Assistant Training, The Center for Teaching Excellence, UMCP1999-2006Faculty Relations Committee, Diversity Initiative, UMCP2000, 2002Workshop Presenter, Retention 2000 Conference, Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education, UMCP2000-2001Workshop Presenter, University of Maryland Equity Conference, UMCP2000-2002Workshop Presenter, Black Faculty and Staff Association Annual Conference, UMCP2000Workshop Presenter, Counseling Center Research and Development Sessions, UMCP2000Workshop Presenter, President’s Diversity Panel, UMCP1999-2000Equity Council, Climate Assessment Group, UMCP1999Workshop Presenter, Office of Campus Programs, Division of Student Affairs, UMCP1999Workshop Presenter, Office of Human Relations Programs, UMCP1998Graduate Teaching Assistant Training, Department of English, UMCP1996-1998Faculty Advisory Committee, Community Vanderbilt, VU1993-1998Retention Research Committee, VU1994-1995Committee on Multicultural Education, VU1996-1997Student Affairs Research Committee, VUCollege2009-2010Chair, College Awards Committee, UA2008-presentCo-chair, Pima Educational Research Collaborative (PERC), UA2008-presentProfessional Practice Board, UA2008-2011Academic Programs Committee, UA2007-2009College Personnel Committee, UA2006-presentCollege Leadership Council, UA2001-2006Faculty Associate, Maryland Institute for Minority Achievement and Urban Education, UMCP2000-2004Diversity Committee, College of Education, UMCP1999-2001Program Review Board, College of Education, UMCP1998-1999Graduate Education Committee, College of Education, UMCP1995-1998Committee on Affirmative Action and Diversity, VU1995-1997Ad Hoc Committee on Gender Equity in Faculty Salaries, VU1994-1997Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Committee, VU1994-1997Peabody College Mentoring Committee, VU1994-1997Peabody Technology Committee, VUDepartment2007-2009Chair, Department Personnel Committee, UA2000-2006Department Executive Committee, EDPL, UMCP2001-2006Equity Officer, EDPL, UMCP2003-2004Chair, Promotion and Tenure Committee, EDPL, UMCP2001-2004Promotion and Tenure Committee, EDPL, UMCP2001-2002Comprehensive Examination Committee, EDPL, UMCP2000-2001Search Committee, Higher Education Faculty Positions, EDPL, UMCP2000-2001Mentoring Committee, EDPL, UMCP2000-2001Promotion and Tenure Committee, CAPS, UMCP1999-2000Co-chair, CSP Admissions Committee, CAPS, UMCP1998-2001CSP Steering Committee, CAPS, UMCP1998-2001CSP Multicultural Interest Group, CAPS, UMCP1998-2001CSP Community Events Committee, CAPS, UMCPCoordinator, Academic Appeals, VU1994-1998Coordinator, Student Personnel Services Master’s Program, VU1993-1997Coordinator, Student Affairs Graduate Assistantship Program, VU1993-1994Coordinator, Restructuring of Master’s Degree Programs in Higher Education Administration, VU1993-1994Higher Education Administration Curriculum Committee, VUConsultancies and Commissioned ResearchAmerican Association for Higher EducationAmerican Council on EducationAmerican Educational Research AssociationAssociation of American Colleges and UniversitiesAssociation of American Medical CollegesCalifornia Polytechnic State University, San Luis ObispoCalifornia State Polytechnic University, PomonaCentral Michigan UniversityChristopher Newport UniversityThe College BoardConnecticut CollegeDrexel University, College of MedicineEducational Testing ServiceHarvard University, Civil Rights ProjectHarvard University Medical SchoolIndiana University Purdue University, Fort WayneInstitute of Medicine, National Academies of ScienceLegal Defense and Education Fund, NAACPMichigan State UniversityMinnesota State University SystemOccidental CollegeOregon State UniversitySt. Mary’s College of MarylandState University of New York at GeneseoTucson Unified School District No. 1 United States Department of Education, Office for Civil RightsUnited States Department of JusticeUniversity of ArkansasUniversity of California, DavisUniversity of California, San DiegoUniversity of DenverUniversity of Massachusetts, AmherstUniversity of PennsylvaniaUniversity of RichmondUniversity of ScrantonUniversity of Southern California, Center for Urban EducationVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityWhitworth UniversityWinona State UniversityInterviews, Op Eds, or Feature Stories in Local, National, and International MediaBlack Issues in Higher EducationBloomberg NewsDiverse: Issues in Higher EducationHelsingborgs Dagblad (Sweden)KGUN9 Television (Tucson)KIRO Radio (Seattle)Knack (Belgium) KUAT, Arizona Public TelevisionKUAZ, Arizona Public RadioNewsweekThe Arizona Daily StarThe Arizona Daily WildcatThe Arizona RepublicThe Baltimore SunThe Chronicle of Higher EducationThe Maryland DiamondbackThe Michigan DailyThe New York TimesThe Newport News Daily PressThe Tucson Daily StarThe Philadelphia InquirerThe Washington PostTucson WeeklyProfessional Associations/AffiliationsAmerican College Personnel AssociationAmerican Educational Research AssociationAmerican Sociological AssociationAssociation for the Study of Higher Education ................

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