Sue Yudovin, R.N., M.N, C.P.N.P.

ADDRESS: UCLA School of Medicine

Division of Pediatric Neurology

10833 Le Conte Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90095-1752

310) 206-8083 or

EDUCATION: 1975-1976 University of California, Santa Barbara

1976-1980 California State University, Northridge

1980-1983 California State University, Los Angeles

R.N., B.S.N.

1987-1990 University of California, Los Angeles

M.N., Clinical Nurse Specialist Pediatrics

1994-1995 University of California, Los Angeles

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

CAREER Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in a large teaching institution with

OBJECTIVES: an emphasis on pediatric neurology.

PROFESSIONAL UCLA School of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Neurology

Clinical Nurse Specialist

1986 - Present

Assistant Clinical Professor, UCLA School of Nursing

1994 - Present

Plan, provide and coordinate the management of care for the child and their families undergoing evaluations for epilepsy. This includes pre and post operative teaching; discharge teachings; gathering data regarding both medical and psychosocial problems and distributing information to all the members of the multidisciplinary team; providing community resources and teaching; interaction with school systems; designed and wrote two different brochures describing our pediatric epilepsy programs which were distributed to hundreds of physicians throughout the country; provide continuing education to staff; supervise two secretaries; implemented several forms to gather data on neurology patients.

2005-Present Participate in the evaluation, assessment and clinical/research care of the pediatric traumatic head trauma patient. Coordinate the IRB approved research study that looks at outcomes of children who have sustained mild, moderate or severe head trauma. Participate as a member of the multidisciplinary team caring for these children. Our research involves looking at factors that may determine a child’s outcome and create specific guidelines for the treatment of these children n both the acute and chronic setting.

PROFESSIONAL UCLA Medical Center Adult Neurology Service

EXPERIENCE: Staff Position

1983 - 1986

Delivered in patient hospital care to the adult neurology patient. Developed a care plan for patients undergoing an invasive monitoring procedure.

Other professional history includes experience as a staff nurse in an acute care burn center and emergency room.

Details available on request.

LICENSURE: Board Certified Registered Nurse in California

CERTIFICATION: Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in California


ORGANIZATIONS: American Nurses Association

California Nurses Association

Epilepsy Foundation of America

American Epilepsy Society

American Association of Neuroscience Nurses

UCLA Nursing Alumni Association.

Association of Child Neurology Nurses

National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners

Member of the University of California Brain Institute Research Center


PRESENTATIONS: “Pre and post operative counseling for the child/family undergoing surgery for epilepsy.” Presented to nurses at the American Epilepsy Society, October., 1988.

“Infantile Spasms; A Case Presentation.” Presented to nurses at the Child Neurology Society, October, 1990.

“Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist in Epilepsy Surgery”. Presented at the meeting of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, April 1992.

“Nursing Care and Assessment of the Critically Ill Pediatric Patient.” UCLA Medical Center Outreach Program, March 1993.

“Pediatric EEG/Video Monitoring for Epilepsy Surgery”. Presented to pediatric staff at Shand’s Hospital, University of Florida, Gainesville, July 1993.

“Being the Best Advocate for Your Child.” Presented at a UCLA Symposium entitled “Treating Epilepsy”. Los Angeles, CA Nov. 1993.

Guest lecturer: UCLA School of nursing.

“The Challenges of the Childhood Epilepsies.” Presented at a UCLA Symposium entitled, “Management of Epilepsy - Nursing Considerations.” November, 1994.

“Neurology Physical Assessment” Long Beach Memorial Hospital. September, 1994.

“Nurses’ Epilepsy Advisory Meeting. San Francisco, CA. June, 2004

ABSTRACTS: Farria, D.M., Curran, J.G., Hall, T.R., W.D. Shields, S.L. Yudovin. MR Imaging in Infantile Spasms. Presented at the Scientific Exhibit at the 78th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, 1992.

Caplan, R., Guthrie, D., Shields, W.D. & Yudovin, S. Communication Deficits in pediatric complex partial seizure disorder. Presented ;the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry. Washington, D.C., 1992.

Caplan, R., Guthrie, D., Shields, W.D., Yudovin, S., Vinters, H.V. & Peacock,, W.J. Communication Deficits in Children Undergoing temporal lobectomy. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society. Seattle, WA. 1992.

D.Alan Shewmon, M.D., W.Donald Shields, M.D., Raman Sankar, M.D., Ph.D., Sue Yudovin, R.N., M.N., Diane Kinnon, R.N., Pertti J. Rintahaka, M.D., Warwick J. Peacock, M.D. UCLA School of Medicine. Follow-up on Infants with Surgery for Catastrophic Epilepsy. Presented at the Sixth International Cleveland Clinic - Bethel Epilepsy Symposium. Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery.

PUBLICATIONS: Surgical Treatment of Pediatric Epilepsy at UCLA. W.D. Shields, D.A. Shewmon, H.T. Chugani, W.J. Peacock, air, S. Yudovin, S. Roper. Epilepsia. Vol. 31, #5. 1990. Pgs. 652-653.

Middle Childhood Onset of Interictal Psychosis. R. Caplan, W.D., Shields, L. Mori, S. Yudovin. Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 30:6, Nov 1991.

Communication Deficits in Children Undergoing Temporal Lobectomy. R. Caplan, D. Guthrie, W.D. Shields, W.J. Peacock, H. Vinters, S. Yudovin. Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 32:3, May 1993.

Communication Deficits in Pediatric Complex Partial Seizure Disorder and Schizophrenia. R. Caplan, D. Guthrie, W.D. Shields, S. Yudovin. Development and Psychopathology. Revised and resubmitted.

Follow-up on infants with surgery for catastrophic epilepsy. Shewmon, D.A., Shields, W.D., Sankar R., Yudovin, S.L., Rintahaka, P.J., Peacock, W.J. In: Tuxhorn I, Holtausen H., Boenigk, H.E.: Paediatric Epilepsy Syndromes and their Surgical Treatment. London, John Libbey & Coi. 1997.

Post-Operative Seizure Control and Antiepileptic Drug Use in Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Patients: The UCLA Experience, 1986-1997. Mathern, GM, Giza, CG, Yudovin, S., Vinters, HV, Peacock, WJ, Shewmon, DA, and Shields, WD. Epilepsia, 40 (12): 1740-1749. 1999

Cook, SW, Nguyen ST, Hu, B. Yudovin, S. Shields, WD, Vinters, HV, Van de Wiele, BM, Harrison, RE, Mathern, GW. Cerebral Hemispherectomy for pediatric epilepsy patients: A comparison of three techniques by pathologic substrate in 115 patients. Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics. 100 (2) 125-141. 2004

Jonas, R. Nguyen, BS, Hu, B., Asarnow, RF., LoPresti, C., Curtiss, S., de Bode, S., Yudovin, S., Shields, WD., Vinters, HV., Mathern, GW. Cerebral Hemispherectomy: Hospital Course, seizure, developmental, language and motor outcomes Neurology. (62): 1712-1721. 2004.

Koh, S., Nguyen, S., Asarnow, RF., LoPresti, C., Yudovin, S., Shields, WD, Vinters, HV., Mathern, GW. Five or More Acute Postoperative Seizures Predict Hospital Course and Long –term Seizure Control after Hemispherectomy. Epilepsia, 45(5): 527-533. 2004

Jonas, R., Asarnow, RF., LoPresti, C., Yudovin, S., Koh,S., Wu,J., Sankar, RS., Shields, WD., Vinters, HV., Mathern, GM.. Surgery for Infant-onset Epileptic Encephalopathy With and Without Infantile Spasms. Neurology, (64): 746-750. 2005.

J.Y. Wu, MD; W.W. Sutherling, MD; S. Koh, MD; N. Salamon, Md; R.Jonas, MD; S. Yudovin, RN,MN,PNP; R. Sankar, MD,PhD; W.D.Shields, MD; and G.W. Mathern, MD. Magnetic Source Imaging Localizes Epileptogenic Zone in Children with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. Neurology. (66). 1270-1272. 2006.

D. Arndt, J. Breault, D. McArthur, S. Yudovin, C. Giza. Post- Traumatic Headaches in an Outpatient Pediatric Population. UCLA Brain Institute Research Center. Presented at New Frontiers in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury. San Diego Ca. November, 2007

REFERENCES: Available on request.


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