University of Minnesota

5TH ANNUAL HEIBO CONFERENCE“FINANCIAL ORCHESTRATION OF GLOBAL EDUCATION” September 30 - October 1, 2019Boise, IdahoRequest for Conference PresentationsDEADLINE JUNE 7, 2019The Higher Education International Business Officers (HEIBO – Pronounced Hi Bo) is an educational association that supports higher education international business professionals. The membership now consists of over 100 financial professionals representing higher education institutions and global providers from across the country.HEIBO’s 5th Annual Conference embraces their commitment to developing and advancing the knowledge, skills, best practices, and network of professionals who provide financial, operational, and business leadership for global higher education. We are seeking proposals for presentations at our 2019 Annual Conference, September 30-October 1, at The Boise State University. The morning of October 2nd is optional time for committee meetings.Proposals are due by Friday, June 7, 2019. We are looking for presentations in one of the below formats:Plenary sessions – Attended by all participants, usually 20-30 minutes in length followed by Q&AConcurrent sessions: 45 minutes in length; a proposal, if needed, can possibility be divided into Session A and Session B, to be extended to 90 minutes long in totalInteractive Presentation– small or bigger groups, lead by 1-2 key presenterRoundtable Discussion– spirited discussion between the presenter(s) and attendees about a central question, typically for small group with mutual interestCase Study/Symposia– panel discussions presenting different perspectives on a topic or question related to one of the focus points for each strand. Panels must include a moderator and a minimum of three panelists representing different organizations, ideas, or experiences.Workshop/Toolbox session– A practical, hands-on experience with take-aways, including discussion and Q&AA successful proposal will show how a presentation may:Demonstrate proven results Articulate lessons learned—including concrete examples of what worked, and what did notProvide tangible takeaways, so audience members can put good ideas to work right awayRelate or be of strong interest to our conference participants and/or is included on the suggested “hot topics” list (following page)Proposals for presentations need to include:Name of proposer(s) and short bio (about 50-100 words) for each presenter Daytime phone number and e-mail address for each person presenting during the sessionTitle of proposed sessionYour target audience (Study Abroad, ISS, Global Operations)Target Audience/Level: Foundation, Intermediate, AdvancedKey reason why your target audience will care about this presentationA brief description of the main thrust of the presentation, including learning outcomes (this description will be used in the conference program if your proposal is accepted)Format (Plenary, Interactive Presentation, Roundtable Discussion, Case Study/Symposia, Workshop/Toolbox)Non-institutional presenter must have an institutional partner to co-presentNote: By submitting a proposal, presenter(s) are granting permission for hard copy and online distribution of supplemental resource material. Address questions and submit proposals (in MS Word document) to:Cheryl HeckDirector, International Business OperationsOffice of the Vice Provost for International Affairs & Global StrategiesUniversity of Illinois 507 E. Green St., Suite 426Champaign, IL 61820E-mail : chaheck@illinois.eduPhone : 217-333-6104Thank you for your interest in making a presentation at our annual fall conference. Your proposal will be reviewed by a peer group of the Conference Planning Committee. The committee may consider combining single presentations with other compatible presentations. We look forward to reviewing your proposal.Suggested Presentation Hot TopicsFunding Structures of Int’l OfficesReserve ManagementChange ManagementFinance Staff StructuresChanging Face of Study AbroadChina Relations with the US & the Impact on International EnrollmentBenchmarking Salaries for Employees AbroadManaging Overseas CampusesHow You Share Fees with Other Units/Colleges at the UniversityWorking with Third Party Providers ................

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