Iowa State University

CONSTITUTION OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN IN COMMUNICATIONS IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT CHAPTERARTICLE INameThe name of this organization is the Iowa State University Student Chapter of the Association for Women in Communications (AWC). The abbreviated organization name is Iowa State AWC. ARTICLE IIPurposeThis chapter shall be a non-profit professional organization for undergraduate and graduate women and men studying the field of communications. This organization is affiliated with the Association for Women in Communications National Chapter.The purpose of this chapter shall match that of the national organization: to unite members for the purpose of promoting the advancement of women and men in the fields of communications; to work for free expression, free flow of information, and the First Amendment rights and responsibilities of communicators; to recognize distinguished professional achievements; and to promote high professional standards throughout the communications industry.ARTICLE IIIStatement of ComplianceIowa State AWC abides by and supports established Iowa State University policies, State and Federal Laws and follows local ordinances and regulations.? Iowa State AWC agrees to annually complete President’s Training, Treasurer’s Training and Adviser Training (if required).ARTICLE IVNon-Discrimination StatementIowa State University and Iowa State AWC do not discriminate on the basis of genetic information, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, race, ethnicity, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or status as a U.S Veteran”ARTICLE VMembershipSection 1. Qualifications: Membership and participation are free from discrimination based on race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, disability or status as a disabled or Vietnam-era veteran. To qualify for local and national membership, all applicants must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher. Membership shall be open to all registered students in good standing at Iowa State UniversitySection 2. Requirements: This chapter and its members shall meet the requirements of Iowa State University for participation in university-approved organizations. Iowa State University staff and faculty are eligible for adjunct membership, meaning they may not vote or hold office, through selection by the Executive Board.Section 3. Classifications: Classes of membership shall be:A. Students, as defined in the national bylaws – Individuals working towards a major or minor in communications who demonstrate a commitment to communications as a career and have a GPA of a 2.0 or above.B. Faculty Advisers, as defined by SAO – Non-student members with all rights and privileges therein, except for the right to vote or hold office.C. Chapter Honorary Members, as conferred by the student chapter – Individuals of local distinction who have made a significant contribution to communications or who have advanced the objectives of AWC.Section 4. The student chapter shall consist of a minimum of eight student members in good standing.Section 5. Admission of Members: Individuals qualified for membership in AWC may apply or be invited to join a chapter.A. Upon Confirmation of a candidate’s qualifications by the chapter VP of Membership, the candidate’s membership shall be approved by the chapter President and Faculty Adviser.B. The approved individual’s qualifications shall be submitted for national approval as required in the national bylaws.Section 6. Good Standing: Student members in good standing shall be members who have paid the national application fee and local dues. Members in good standing shall be the only eligible voters for affirmation of AWC policies.Section 7. Active Membership: A student member who participates in at least 50 percent of AWC’s sponsored activities and/or who has contributed significantly to committee work.Section 8: Transfer of Membership: A student member in good standing who transfers here from another student chapter automatically becomes a member of the Iowa State University Student Chapter of AWC upon review of national records for verification.ARTICLE VIRisk ManagementSection 1. The role of the risk management officer is to [a] help minimize potential risks for club activities, [b] recommend risk management policies or procedures to (name of student organization), [c] to submit documentation to ISU’s Risk Management Office and [d] to ensure that Iowa State University policies are followed at all of the organization’s events and [e] to ensure that proper waivers and background checks are on file with Risk Management for events (if applicable). The role of risk management shall be assumed by the President.ARTICLE VIIMembership and DuesStatement of Finances: All monies belonging to this organization shall be deposited and disbursed through a bank account established for this organization at the Campus Organizations Accounting Office and/or approved institution/office (must receive authorization via Campus Organizations Accounting Office). All funds must be deposited within 48 hours after collection. The Adviser to this organization must approve and sign each expenditure before payment.Description of dues— Dues will be $44 total, $34 for national, $10 for local.Section 1. National Membership: Application fees shall accompany the application for membership. The national application fee for members in good standing must be renewed each academic year.Section 2. Local Membership: Student chapter dues are payable at the beginning of the academic year, August-May, or at the beginning of the second academic semester, January-May. Changes in AWC chapter dues shall be set by a majority vote at a regular business meeting, provided that notice of a pending vote to change the dues amount has been circulated to members prior to the meeting at which the vote is taken.Section 3. National Organization Dues: $34 to be paid directly to?The?Association for Women in Communications?via online payment. This fee covers the expense of an annual membership with the national AWC professional chapter. For further details about the benefits of this membership visit:? fee is not optional,?membership in the professional organization AWC is a prerequisite for local chapter membershipSection 4. Local Chapter Dues: $10 to be paid in cash or check to a board member of the Iowa State AWC chapter.?These funds are to be pooled in an account and?used?only?to cover the expense of local chapter meetings and events. These funds are?in no way dispersed to chapter officers. If funds remain at the end of the academic and fiscal years, they will be rolled over into the coming year. Individuals are not considered members nor may they participate in local chapter events until Local Chapter Dues are paid, unless given express permission from the sitting chapter president.Section 5. Event Fees: In certain instances, individual members will be asked to pay a fee to cover the cost of travel, attendance or admission to special events hosted by the group. These fees are expected to be submitted to the Treasurer by the deadline set forth for that specific event.ARTICLE VIIIOfficers and Executive Board InterviewsSection 1. Officers shall include a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Membership Chair, Public Relations Chair and Secretary.Section 2. Petitioning for Office: Prospective candidates must be members in good standing who also have been active members for at least one semester. Prospective candidates for office shall submit a petition by the date and time designated by the current Executive Board. These petitions shall be reviewed at the next Executive Board meeting,Selection of the President: In order to be considered for the presidency, prospective candidates must have served on the Executive Board for a minimum of one year unless extreme circumstances prevail. Section 3. The Executive Board shall consist of the selected officers. Elections shall occur when there is a vacancy on the Executive Board or regularly during the beginning of the academic year’s second semester. Officers will be elected by a majority vote by use of secret ballot submitted to the Adviser and shall assume office on May 1 of the calendar year through April 30 of the following calendar year, unless impeachment or resignation occurs.Section 4. Powers: The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the student chapter between its business meetings.The current Executive Board Power has the power to appoint a successive Executive Board.The Executive Board also is responsible for suggesting and implementing changes for AWC.Section 5. Executive Board Interviews: Outgoing Executive Board members will interview all prospective candidates one week prior to the last chapter meeting of the spring semester. An officer shall serve for one full year until successive officers are selected. A majority agreement from the Executive Board shall be used to select a new officer or her or his replacement. An officer’s term of office shall begin May 1.Section 6. Vacancies: A vacancy in an office shall be filled by the Executive Board.How to Handle a Lack of Sufficient Candidates or Vacancies:The selection shall be by majority vote of Executive Board members.The President shall appoint an officer to the vacant position.The Executive Board shall share duties amongst themselves Type of Vacancies: Due to death, resignation, departure from the university, or non-execution of duties as defined in Article V Section 7 (see description of officer duties in the following section).Impeachment or Resignation shall occur when an officerGraduates during their serving termGraduate shall notify the Executive Board and they will notify members of the upcoming vacancy.Quits attending meetings and events without proper notice or causeOfficer will be given the right to speak before the board and be present during the final vote. The Executive Board will vote on the impeachment by a 2/3 majority vote. Causes for impeachment could include recurring absences without notification or following a disorderly conduct while serving as an Iowa State AWC officer. The impeached officer will be notified by email.Has been determined by the Executive Board to be following a disorderly conduct while serving as an officer in Iowa State AWC.Section 7. Officer Duties:A. President: The President shall lead at all meetings of the chapter and the Executive Board. The President shall share information with the organization’s members and Executive Board, and she or he shall take care of other administrative duties needed by the Business Office for Student Organizations.B. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep records of all financial reports and collect and photocopy records of dues collected. She or he will then pass national dues on to the Membership Chair. The Treasurer shall pay out money when directed by the chapter, provide necessary financial information to Iowa State University, and collect money for trip excursions and activities not covered by organizational funds (such as philanthropic events or fundraising). This officer shall keep accounts, deposit the organization’s funds, and make expenditures in a manner approved by the Business Office for Student Organizations. The treasurer shall give a financial report upon request.C. Vice President: The Vice President shall develop and plan programs for the year, schedule meeting location, and arrange for speakers. The VP shall also lead at chapter meetings when the President cannot attend. This officer is responsible for purchasing and distributing speaker gifts, planning the annual dinner, and organizing a committee to assist her or him.D. Membership Chair: The Membership Chair shall process all application forms, send required money to the AWC National Headquarters by week seven of the fall and spring semesters. This officer shall also keep an official list of current members and produce and distribute the student chapter directory at the spring callout. Additional updated shall be distributed by e-mail by this officer. Also, the Membership Chair shall plan strategies and make membership recruitment and retention recommendations to the Executive Board. Strategies may include social activities for current members and recruiting events.E. Public Relations Chair: The Public Relations Chair shall develop and coordinate special projects for student chapter members. These projects shall include but not be limited to networking with communication professionals, planning special trips, and organizing philanthropic activities (one per semester). This officer shall also be responsible for publicizing organizational events open to the campus.F. Secretary: The Secretary shall collect and distribute useful materials to members. Useful materials may include but not be limited to recommendations on classes, internships and jobs. The Secretary shall also be in charge of website upkeep and other appropriate communication publications useful for recruiting.ARTICLE IXAdviserSection 1. Adviser Duties: The adviser shall oversee all special projects, maintain coordination with the Executive Board on a regular basis and maintain elections through the secret ballot. The adviser shall provide support to Iowa Stat AWC.Section 2. In the instance of an absent adviser position, the adviser shall be elected by the general membership. This shall be the process of adviser replacement.Section 3. The adviser’s term of service shall last while he or she is with Iowa State University unless he or she so chooses to resign from the position.Section 4. In the case that an adviser chooses to distance himself or herself from the organization, becomes no longer able to serve, follows a disorderly conduct or inexcusable behavior, the Executive Board shall hold a 2/3 majority vote on the impeachment of the adviser. The adviser can choose to be present and speak at the final vote. The adviser will be notified by email of the impeachment.ARTICLE XMeetingsSection 1. Chapter Meetings: Chapter meetings shall be held monthly.Section 2. Executive Board Meetings: Executive Board meetings shall be held monthly and ideally one week prior to the monthly chapter meetings, Executive Board meetings will be called by the President.ARTICLE XIDelegates to AWC National Conference and Regional ConferencesSection 1. AWC National Conference: The student chapter’s delegate and alternate for the annual national conference shall be elected by a majority vote at a monthly chapter meeting. In an emergency when the delegate or alternate cannot attend, the President shall appoint a member in good standing to be the chapter delegate.Section 2. AWC Regional Conferences: The student chapter’s delegate and alternate to the regional conferences shall be selected and replaced in the same manner as delegates for the annual national conference.ARTICLE XIIDisbursement of FundsThe Iowa State University Student Chapter of AWC shall use funds only to accomplish the objectives and purposes specified in these bylaws, and no part of said funds shall be distributed to members of the organization. Should there be dissolution of this student chapter, any funds remaining shall be distributed to one or more regularly organized and qualified charitable, educational or philanthropic organizations to be selected by the Executive Board.ARTICLE XIIIAmendment to the ConstitutionSection 1. Method: The constitution may be amended by a majority vote of those present and voting, provided that the pending amendment has been announced in advance of formal voting to the voting body of the student chapter. Acceptance of amendments shall not conflict with national AWC constitution.Section 2. Filing Amendments: The current student chapter constitution shall be filed with AWC National Headquarters and the Student Activities Center at Iowa State. All amendments to the constitution are subject to the approval of the Student Activities Center, Amendments may only take effect upon this approval. Amended or ratified constitution should be submitted within 10 days to Student Activities Center for approval. ................

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