Literary Devices Worksheet

Literary Devices Worksheet

Get into groups of 3 or 4 students and as a group, select three of the literary devices below that you feel that you know best and for each device come up with three different sentences that provide an example of that device.

For example, if you wanted to do hyperbole, you could write:

“Upon seeing the horror movie, the boy’s eyes were the size of dinner plates.”

|Alliteration |Consonance |Personification |

|Allusion |Flashback |Satire |

|Analogy |Foreshadowing |Simile |

|Anthropomorphism |Hyperbole |Situational Irony |

|Antithesis |Metaphor |Symbolism |

|Archetype |Onomatopoeia |Understatement |

|Assonance |Oxymoron |Verbal Irony |

|Dramatic Irony |Paradox | |

← Literary Device 1: ______________________

o Example 1.1: _____________________________________


o Example 1.2: _____________________________________


o Example 1.3: _____________________________________


← Literary Device 2: ______________________

o Example 2.1: _____________________________________


o Example 2.2: _____________________________________


o Example 2.3: _____________________________________


← Literary Device 3: ______________________

o Example 3.1: _____________________________________


o Example 3.2: _____________________________________


o Example 3.3: _____________________________________



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