An Astrological Tale

An Astrological Tale 

     The cosmos is a vast living body, of which we are still parts.  The sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins.  The moon is a great nerve center from which we quiver forever.  Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus?  But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us all the time.  

~D.H. Lawrence

Astrology can get complicated but here is a fun way to understand how it works....

            Suspend reality for a few minutes and imagine that at the moment of your birth you find yourself in a beautiful house in the middle of an amazing party with you at the center of attention.  This particular house is filled with your personal touches represented by the décor and energy of every room. Your house has 12 rooms and each one is assigned to an aspect of your life. One room is for partners, one has your parents in it, one is designed for creativity, one is where you make your money, etc., For every experience on Earth that you can imagine, there is a dedicated space in this house for you to use. The house is completely decorated and filled with furniture; some spaces may have cluttered corners or meticulously tidy ones, comfortable sofas for relaxing or a desk piled high with books for studying. 

            This house already has lots of important guests roaming around.  They have been invited for their specialized skills and knowledge.  They are scattered here and there, curiously hovering around the various rooms and seem to be mingling with purpose.  They want to celebrate and support you since they have known you since before you were born. They also want to do what they can to help with your happiness as well as be thoughtful teachers.  But as with any party, there are lots of unique personalities…those who laugh a lot, those are rigid and grumpy, some that are itching for a fight, those who only talk about work, some who are fast talkers who can't seem to sit still.    Because it's a party, everyone changes positions and is continually moving from room to room, talking to who ever is there and will listen.  They even share gossip about you and the other guests.  They never stay in one place too long.  They love to talk to each other so there is no place to hide.

            Since the party is an all day event, your guests collect information about you as they move from room to room so they can make suggestions about what is important or helpful for your growth. They get annoyed when there is too much clutter and may even complain.  Eventually they make such good arguments that they cannot be ignored and they force you to empty spaces and clean up messes in your house, perhaps even renovate completely.   They only have your highest good at heart but it takes their insistence at times for you to listen.  If you try to ignore them and don't respond they make lots of noise and may start to move stuff.  They are unconditionally loving and also understand your stubbornness may get in the way of your best interests, so they don't mind and keep trying.

            As the party proceeds the Sun slowly moves across the sky and shines into different rooms, lighting up corners, helping you become aware of what was in the shadows before.  As the corners are exposed or unseen treasures are made visible it becomes essential to cooperate with your guests.  Then you enjoy your party more and more, letting go and trusting that all is well when you adjust to your new cleaner surroundings.  And when you focus on rooms you have ignored in the past, you get a renewed sense of balance that makes everyone smile.  

          You may have guessed already that this little tale describes your Astrology chart at the moment of your birth and how it lays the foundation for your experience here on Earth. Astrology helps us understand our home (You), the guests (planets) and what clutter (old unhealthy behaviors) needs clearing and how we can meet challenges or opportunities by tidying up the rooms (parts of life) of those things that no longer serve us.    There are infinite possibilities for awareness and change when the light of the Sun (aging) develops our wisdom. In Astrology, nothing is fixed or pre-destined.  You receive the foundation and the planets highlight areas of life as they change positions but the key factor for soul growth depends on your FREE WILL and how you use it! 

       If you want to learn more about your birth chart please contact Diane Fales today.  Find out when and where you have opportunities to grow and what the planets are doing now. I can create forecast reports for your individual year ahead. This is perfect if you need to make decisions and want to know the best time to take action!     Click here to learn more.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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