Introduction - Arizona State University

Business Process GuideHow to process a Personnel Transaction Request (PTR)A guide to hire, rehire, transfer and competitively promote/demote, process pay changes, retirements, holds and terminations for Faculty, Graduates, Academic Professionals, Students and Staff using the PTR applicationHR Data Management ContactsPlease refer to the Data Management staff directory, , for the Data Management Specialist responsible for your department.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc303609873 \h 4Preparation PAGEREF _Toc303609874 \h 5Security Roles You Will Need PAGEREF _Toc303609875 \h 5How to apply for these roles PAGEREF _Toc303609876 \h 5Position Management Security Roles PAGEREF _Toc303609877 \h 5Courtesy Affiliate (New Hires) PAGEREF _Toc303609878 \h 6PTR Originator PAGEREF _Toc303609879 \h 7Workflow Roles PAGEREF _Toc303609880 \h 8PTR Approver PAGEREF _Toc303609881 \h 8PTR Dean/VP Approver PAGEREF _Toc303609882 \h 8PTR Provost EVP PAGEREF _Toc303609883 \h 9Common Error Messages Related to Security PAGEREF _Toc303609884 \h 10Error in Workflow Routing Messages PAGEREF _Toc303609885 \h 10Before You Start PAGEREF _Toc303609886 \h 12Department Procedures PAGEREF _Toc303609887 \h 12University Requirements on Approval and Documentation PAGEREF _Toc303609888 \h 12Recruiting Process PAGEREF _Toc303609889 \h 12Required Documentation PAGEREF _Toc303609890 \h 13Navigation to PTR PAGEREF _Toc303609891 \h 15General Overview of PTR Functionality PAGEREF _Toc303609892 \h 16Search Page Functionality PAGEREF _Toc303609893 \h 16Splash Page Functionality PAGEREF _Toc303609894 \h 19Important Concept on Promotions, Demotions, Transfers, and Return From Work Break PAGEREF _Toc303609895 \h 20Main Data Entry Page PAGEREF _Toc303609896 \h 20More Specific Information on the Search Page PAGEREF _Toc303609897 \h 23Searching for your candidate. PAGEREF _Toc303609898 \h 23Selecting what Action(s) you would like to take on the Splash Page PAGEREF _Toc303609899 \h 25Selecting a Record to Process from Multiple Jobs PAGEREF _Toc303609900 \h 25More Specific Information on the Main Page by Field PAGEREF _Toc303609901 \h 26Table of Actions and Action Reasons PAGEREF _Toc303609902 \h 26Position Number Field PAGEREF _Toc303609903 \h 31Other considerations when entering a position number PAGEREF _Toc303609904 \h 34Select an Effective (start) Date PAGEREF _Toc303609905 \h 35Enter the Salary amount PAGEREF _Toc303609906 \h 38Compensation Setup for Nonexempt hires PAGEREF _Toc303609907 \h 38Compensation Setup for Exempt Staff & Academic Fiscal Hires PAGEREF _Toc303609908 \h 39Compensation Setup for Faculty, Academic Professionals, Graduates PAGEREF _Toc303609909 \h 40Enter Recruiting Information PAGEREF _Toc303609910 \h 41Data Requirements for Recruit Data PAGEREF _Toc303609911 \h 41Recruiting Type Definitions PAGEREF _Toc303609912 \h 42Verify Correct Funding Is in Place for the Employee PAGEREF _Toc303609913 \h 44Adding PTR Business Notes PAGEREF _Toc303609914 \h 44Multiple Job Details PAGEREF _Toc303609916 \h 45Buttons available when creating a PTR PAGEREF _Toc303609917 \h 46Drafts PAGEREF _Toc303609918 \h 46How to Cancel a PTR PAGEREF _Toc303609919 \h 47How to View a Returned PTR and Resubmit It for Approval PAGEREF _Toc303609920 \h 49How to View a Previously Submitted PTR PAGEREF _Toc303609921 \h 51Status Definitions PAGEREF _Toc303609922 \h 52Archived PTR Information PAGEREF _Toc303609923 \h 53PTR Processing Times PAGEREF _Toc303609924 \h 53Emails PAGEREF _Toc303609925 \h 54Data Management Exception Form PAGEREF _Toc303609926 \h 54Resources PAGEREF _Toc303609927 \h 54Appendix A—Main Data Entry Page Messages PAGEREF _Toc303609928 \h 55IntroductionThe PTR (Personnel Transaction Request) is the front-end application used to submit a hiring request or change to an existing job data record to be processed in PeopleSoft. The employee’s job information is submitted through the PTR application, where it is sent to the Account Signer in your department for approval. Depending on the type of transaction, it also may be sent to other approvers who have been designated to approve. Once approved by all the appropriate levels, the PTR is uploaded to PeopleSoft. The transaction may also be staged until the effective date is met or if the payroll is open.Process Diagram for Hires30416557151234Recruit for candidate - TAM, Emergency Hire, Focused Recruitment process or Academic Recruitment process or Student Recruitment ProcessSelect candidate & candidate accepts offerCourtesy Affiliate process – to identify or create an Affiliate ID number for the employeeProcess a PTR to create a job record in PeopleSoft for your employee.001234Recruit for candidate - TAM, Emergency Hire, Focused Recruitment process or Academic Recruitment process or Student Recruitment ProcessSelect candidate & candidate accepts offerCourtesy Affiliate process – to identify or create an Affiliate ID number for the employeeProcess a PTR to create a job record in PeopleSoft for your employee.The PTR also will include Student Hires. Please refer to the Student Guide for more detailed information on this process.The PTR also is used to complete job changes that were once processed through Manager Self-service (MSS) including Promotions, Demotions, Transfers, Pay Changes, Retirements and Terminations for all employee classifications.This guide also lists several other roles needed for other systems you may need prior to creating the PTR. These roles may all be performed by the person who would originate the PTR or by another person in the department.PreparationSecurity Roles You Will NeedThe security roles should be distributed according to your department’s internal business processes. Some users will have all roles; some will have a few of them and will need to work with other users in the department to complete the full process. Each system (PTR and Workflow) requires specific roles to complete the necessary transactions. How to apply for these rolesTo check what roles you currently have, login to PeopleSoft at to ASU Customizations > ASU Security > Manage Security Requests > My Security Access RolesTo learn how to request a role, go to How to apply for a PeopleSoft Security Role.Here are the roles you or someone within your department will need to start the process. There also is a brief description of the type of access these roles will provide. Position Management Security RolesHCM Dept Financial Mgr: Provides you with the ability to update the funding tied to a position number.HCM Dept Position Manager: Provides you with the ability to review and create or modify a position number.Courtesy Affiliate (New Hires)Add/Update Courtesy: Provides you with the ability to search for existing Employee ID (previous known as the Affiliate ID numbers), create person data and an Employee ID number for your employee if a current ID number does not already exist, and to obtain early on-board access to ASU email, Blackboard, Sun Card etc.To process a hire through the PTR application, your candidate must have an Employee ID number prior to creating a PTR. If your candidate does not have an Employee ID number, you must first create one for them. To create an Employee ID number, you must attend the Courtesy Affiliate training and obtain the Add/Update Courtesy affiliate security role. This class is offered in person. Make a reservation at the UTO training calendar.To request a role, go to: OriginatorPTR Originator: This role is used to submit transactions through the PTR. You need in-person training, offered once each month, to receive access to this role. Check the current training schedule or sign up for a class Workflow RolesPTR ApproverPTR Approver: This role provides access to the work list to approve transactions at the account signer level. The user must be a signer in the Advantage Account Signer Tables to be able to apply for this role.You do not need formal training for this role, but it is helpful to look at the training documents online: Dean/VP ApproverPTR Dean/VP Approver: This role provides access to the work list to approve transactions at the Dean/VP level. Members of this role must be the Dean/VP or someone who has been designated by the Dean/VP to perform the approvals on their behalf. You do not need formal training for this role, but it is helpful to look at the training documents online: Provost EVPPTR Provost EVP: This role provides access to the work list to approve transactions at the Provost/EVP level. Membership is limited and will only be granted if you have been designated by the Provost/EVP to obtain access to this role. You do not need formal training for this role, but it is helpful to look at the training documents online:**There are many other security roles required to make the PTR process flow smoothly. All other roles are specific to areas within OHR, Financial Services or Student Administration and should not be requested by people outside of those mon Error Messages Related to SecurityThe PTR is dependent on security being set up appropriately not only for the originators of the transaction, but also for those at the different levels of approval. Here are a few of the most common security messages you will receive if there is a problem with your security: The following error message will appear if you do not have access to the PTR as an originator:What to do if you receive this message: If you have received this error message, you must request the PTR Originator Security Role. You will need to attend a training session to acquire access to this role. If you have requested the role, attended training and still receive this message, you should create a CRM ticket to PSSECTEC and include the error message. Error in Workflow Routing MessagesAnother common security message you may receive is in the PTR itself. This message lets you know the path for the workflow could not be built because one of the steps is missing members who are able to approve your transaction. The PTR is saved as a draft until approvers have been placed into the missing step. In this example, there is no one in the Staffing Security Role to approve the transaction. What to do if you receive this message: If you receive these error messages, you can contact your data management representative to determine who you should contact to get the security resolved. Once that specific person has been contacted, they must request the security role and be approved. After that process is complete, you must resubmit your transaction. The PTR will not allow you to update your own record. The following message will appear if you are trying to take action on your own record.What to do if you receive this message: In this case, you must have another person in your department update your record.Before You StartDepartment ProceduresThis training guide has been created as departmental instruction about how to process actions after all of the preliminary work within the department has been completed. Departments should follow their current internal business processes to obtain internal approvals and determine an appropriate recruiting method. Typically, an appropriate method includes notifying/working with the primary business officer within your Dean’s office.University Requirements on Approval and DocumentationThe PTR is built so the approval documentation will be recorded electronically through the workflow approvals. Departments still must follow their internal business process to obtain approvals in a way that is acceptable for their department standards. However, there are still many paper requirements for HR transactions. To view these paper requirements, read the Required Documents section of this guide.Recruiting ProcessPrior to submitting a PTR, the department should:obtain an approval to fill the position, follow the appropriate recruiting steps, get approval of an offer request from the Recruitment and Selection Department ( HYPERLINK ",,,," .HRStaffing), make an offer to the final candidate and Receive the candidate’s acceptance of the job offer. For Classified and Service Professionals, you must follow additional steps in TAM (Talent Acquisition Management) and approvals must be obtained from the Recruitment and Selection Department before a PTR can be processed for your employee. Here are the steps you must follow:Staff HiresCompetitive TAM, Emergency Hires and Focus Recruitments for Classified and Service Professionals must be entered in TAM (Talent Acquisition Management) and approved by the Recruitment & Selection department prior to submitting a PTR request. If you have recruited for your position in one of the following ways, please wait for your job offer to be approved by the Recruitment & Selection Department (i.e. job offer changed to accept) prior to submitting your PTR:Classified/Service Professional – Competitive TAMClassified/Service Professional – Waiver of RecruitmentThe system will be reviewing all Competitive TAM and Waiver of Recruitment job offers for Classified and Service Professionals to verify a job offer has been created and approved and that all attributes of the job offer match what has been submitted in the PTR. The system will be looking to see that the position attributes and compensation amount in the job offer matches the PTR submission. If your job offer has not been created and approved, the system will not let you submit or create a draft of your transaction until this detail has been resolved. If your job offer details do not match the PTR, the transaction will be routed for additional approvals. The current TAM Training Digests for the Competitive, Focused Recruitment and Emergency Hire processes are online on the Recruitment and Selection website.Student HiresCampus employers and FWS agencies interested in posting Hourly or Work-Study jobs must use our web-based process and enter the job information directly into an online form. Any student enrolled for at least one credit hour at ASU may use the service. Students will contact the employer directly by following the instructions on the job posting. All job postings will be reviewed by the Student Employment Office within 48 hours and will remain active until closed by the employer. ASU is an Equal Opportunity employer. You may close your position after 48 hours or after you have interviewed three applicants. You also should review all student hiring policies regarding recruitment of student workers at HiresWhen recruiting for a faculty hire, it is best to review the Faculty and Academic Professional Recruitment Handbook at DocumentationNew Hires:Once an offer has been made to a new employee, he/she must fill out the New Employee Payroll Packet. This packet provides the department and Payroll with the required demographic, contact and tax information to hire and pay the employee. The employee’s I-9 must be certified no later than three business days after the employee’s start date. Fax a copy of the New Employee Payroll Packet, including a copy of the certified I-9, to Data Management 480.993.0005.If your employee will bring their packet in to the Employee Service Center (ESC), the ESC will eFax the employee’s packet to Data Management where payroll will be able to access the information. To process a New Hire in the PTR application, the department must have a copy of the employee’s ASU Personal Data Form located in the New Employee Payroll Packet. If your department performs the I-9 certification, your employee is presently turning in the New Employee Payroll Packet to your department. You must keep a copy of the ASU Personal Data Form to be used in the Courtesy Affiliate and PTR process prior to sending the original documentation to OHR. If your department does not perform the I-9 certification, a copy of the ASU Personal Data Form must be obtained from the employee BEFORE he/she brings their New Employee Payroll Packet to the ESC for processing. You must keep the copy on file until you have completed the PTR process. Non-resident AliensAll Non-resident Aliens must bring their New Employee Payroll Packet to the Employee Service Center so that a NRA Payroll Specialist can verify the employee’s I-9 and process the employee’s Glacier Paperwork.For Rehires Employees who do not have active job records in the system must complete a new I-9 form. Please eFax a copy of the newly certified I-9 documentation to Data Management or send your employee to ESC to turn in their new I-9 form. If the rehire is a person who has been gone from the university more than 12 months, then that person must fill out the complete New Hire Packet. **All rehires for Non-resident Aliens must bring their New Employee Payroll Packet/I-9 documentation to the Employee Service Center. Offer letters/Memo of UnderstandingOffer letters for Classified and Service Professionals for new hires must be faxed to 480.993.0005. The Recruitment and Selection group will review these offer letters to change the offer in TAM (Talent Acquisition Management) to “offer accepted.” As an originator, you will be unable to submit the PTR until Staffing and Recruitment has changed the offer to accepted status. All other offer letters will remain in the employees file at the department. Applicant List/Search Plan/ CV or Resume—Faculty SpecificTo maintain governmental reports about our university, departments must send the applicant list, search plan and CV or resume to data management where the Office of Equity & Inclusion will be able to review these items.Navigation to PTRGo to My ASU and sign in using your ASURITE and Password.Step 1: Under the My Compensation menu, click on the Manage tab.Step 2: Under the Manage tab, click on the PTR link.Note** There is a secondary link that will take you to your work list so you can track you’re the progress of your PTRs. Please refer to the Workflow/Work List BPG for further information on how to use the Work List. If My ASU is currently down, you can also navigate to the PTR via PeopleSoft. Log in at navigation path within in PeopleSoft is:General Overview of PTR FunctionalitySearch Page FunctionalityThe Search Page is the first page in a series of three pages you may encounter on the PTR. The Search page allows you to search for an employee or potential employee within your department role level security or outside your role level security, depending on the way you perform the search. There are three different ways to perform the search:Type in the Empl IdType in a Department code that will bring up all employees in that department code. NOTE: You can only use this search result for departments in your securityType in First Name, Last Name and Date of Birth**Remember: The most accurate way to search for an employee is always by typing in that employee’s ID.There are two checkboxes in the upper right hand corner of the screen. The first checkbox is “My Departments.” This checkbox will automatically be checked when you enter the PTR. Performing a search with a checkmark in this box means you are looking for an employee who is already within your department. To search for a person who is not currently employed in your department, uncheck the box. EXAMPLE: You would uncheck the box if you were transferring an employee from another department into your department. The second checkbox you will see in the upper right hand corner of the screen is the “Additional Job.” This box is used to let the system know your intent is to create an Additional Job for an existing employee. By checking this checkbox and putting in the search criteria, the system will automatically take you to the Main Page, where you will be able to enter your data for the employee’s additional job. Another important thing to remember about this checkbox is that it will automatically uncheck the “My Departments” checkbox so you will always need to use the employee’s ID number to create an Additional Job. You also may leave this box unchecked to pull up the search results for a specific employee and then decide to create an additional job based upon the results you see. If you are searching for an employee who already has had multiple jobs with ASU, you will receive a table at the bottom of the search page that displays the current and past jobs the employee has held. It is important to make note of this information as it may help you determine what action you are trying to take on an employee. Employee Status DefinitionsStatus CodeDefinitionAActiveDDeceasedQRetired With PayRRetiredSSuspendedTTerminatedUTerminated With PayVTerminated With Pension Pay OutWShort Work BreakXRetried – Pension AdministrationNOTE*** Employees on a Leave of Absence will not appear in your search results. To take action on this type of employee, you need to work with the OHR Benefits team to return the employee from leave. If you need to give the employee a job in addition to the one from which they are currently on leave, terminate their job that is on leave or retire their job that is on leave, you must fill out the Data Management Exception Form.NOTE*** Employees who have a job data record that was brought over from the HRMS system as a terminated employee (from conversion) will also not appear in the search results. These employees will need to be done via Data Management Exception Form.Splash Page FunctionalityThe Splash Page is where you can pick what type of action you want on a specific employee. This page is skipped for Hires, Rehires and Additional Jobs. If you have reached this page and meant to do an Additional Job for an employee, you will need to click Return to Search at the bottom of the page.The Splash Page also is self-editing and will gray out options not permissible for a specific employee, depending on their job data status. Here is a table that describes the types of actions that can be taken on certain employee types.Employee StatusEmployee TypeActions that can be takenAClassifiedService ProfessionalFacultyPost DocsAdministratorsPromotionDemotionTransferPay changeTerminationRetirementAGradStudentPromotionDemotionTransferPay ChangeTerminationAFacultyGradsPost DocsPlace on Short work BreakWFacultyPost DocsGradsReturn from Work BreakSClassifiedService ProfessionalFacultyPost DocsAdministratorTerminationNOTE** If your intent is to take the employee off of “S” or Hold status, you must complete the paper form with the OHR Benefits team.Important Concept on Promotions, Demotions, Transfers, and Return From Work Break When picking Promotion, Demotion, Transfer or Return from Short Work Break, you are indicating to the system that you no longer intend to keep the job that the employee currently holds and are moving them to another job. In some cases the PTR will use the same employee record and in other cases (if there is a benefit eligibility change) the PTR will terminate the original job the employee holds and create an additional job for the new job that they have been promoted, demoted, transferred, or returned from work break into.Example: Department chooses a Benefit Eligible Professor position from the search results screen and selected the option “Return From Work Break” on the splash page. The position number that they are returning the employee into is not benefit eligible, so the PTR will terminate the Benefit Eligible Professor position and create an additional job for the non-benefit eligible position.Main Data Entry PageThe Main Page is where you will enter the data for the action you are performing on a specific employee. This page contains many field edits and messages that provide guidance to ensure the PTR is being submitted as you intend, and that all of the data required to create an employee record in PeopleSoft is present.If you are performing an action on an existing employee, the main page also will display the employee’s current job information so you will always have a comparison of what the employee was compared to what you are proposing them to be.You also can use the PTR Business Notes as a way to communicate information that was not covered in the PTR. In certain circumstances, the business notes will be required and a message will be displayed to alert you that business notes are required. The business notes will not only be a way for you to communicate with people who are set up as workflow approvers on a given transaction, but it also will copy those business notes into the “notepad” on job data. These will become part of the employee’s permanent record with the university. These notes also will be available to every approver after you.For a complete list of messages you might see on this page, please see Appendix A.Here is a page view for a “New Hire.”More Specific Information on the Search PageSearching for your candidate. To obtain the most accurate search results, search use your candidate’s Affiliate/Employee ID number. Enter the Employee (1000 or 1200) ID number in the Empl Id field and then click the search button at the bottom of the page.Note** Depending on the type of employee/transaction you are trying to submit, the PTR will navigate to the appropriate page. Below are some of the common navigations that might occur once you have selected an empl id and clicked on the search button. IDs that currently do not have any job data or employees who have one terminated employee record – You will be taken directly to the main PTR page to enter the Hiring information.IDs currently active or on work break with only one job- You will be taken to the Splash PTR page to select which action you would like to perform on that employee.Selecting what Action(s) you would like to take on the Splash PageOn the Splash Page, you will be required to check the box next to each action you would like to take on the employee. The PTR will automatically gray out buttons not applicable for the person you have selected. Once you have selected the action(s), click the Create PTR link.Note** On Promotion, Reassignment/Demotion and Lateral/Transfers, you also are able to select Pay Rate Change. It is important to you check the Pay Rate Change checkbox on the Splash Page if you also would like to change the employee’s pay while moving them to a new position number. IDs that have or have had multiple jobs with ASU – Search results will be displayed. After you select the empl record you would like to take action on, you will be taken to the PTR Splash Page. If the employee record you have selected is a terminated empl record, you will be taken to the Main PTR Page to complete the hiring information. Selecting a Record to Process from Multiple JobsAfter you have clicked the “search” button on the search page, the PTR will display the current job information for the employee in the search results. Here is an example:Select the employee record you wish to take action on by clicking the blue emplid link.Note** If you select an employee currently in a “T” empl status, you will be directly taken to the Main PTR Page with the action set to REH.More Specific Information on the Main Page by FieldSelect Action Reason associated with your specific Action.Table of Actions and Action ReasonsActionCodeDefinitionReasons that would skip the Splash PageHire Action HIRInitial HireREGA new employee who has no active or inactive jobs in PeopleSoft and is not being hired from ABOR, another Arizona University or an Arizona state agency.Hired from ABOR or AZ UniversityAFLA new hire transferring to ASU from ABOR, Northern Arizona University or the University of Arizona.Hired from AZ State AgencySTAA new hire transferring to ASU from another State of Arizona Agency.Hire Additional JobADDAn employee who already has been employed with the university and is obtaining a secondary job with the universityRehire Action REHRehire less than 30 days30DWhen a former employee returns to ASU within 30 days or less from their termination date.Rehire more than 30 days and less than 12 monthsREHWhen a former employee returns to ASU after 30 days, but less than 12 months from termination date.Rehire greater than 12 monthsRHAFormer employee hired 12 months after termination date.Changed to Rehire when Additional Job was originally selected ADDThis happens is when the system is going to re-use a terminated employee record because the benefit eligibility of the new job matches the benefit eligibility of the terminated job.ActionCodeDefinitionReasons that can be chosen from the Splash PagePromotion Action PROCompetitive no Pay ChangeCONChange in salary grade to a higher level grade than current salary grade because the applicant applied to a posted position with no pay changeCompetitive with Pay ChangeCOPChange in salary grade to a higher level grade than current salary grade because the applicant applied to a posted position with a pay changeNon- Competitive No Pay ChangeNCNChange in salary grade to higher level grade than the current salary grade with no pay changeNon-Competitive with Pay ChangeNCPChange in salary grade to higher level grade than the current salary grade with a pay changeDemotion/Reassignment Action DEMCompetitive with No Pay ChangeCONChange in salary grade to a lower level grade than the current salary grade because the applicant applied to a posted position with no pay changeCompetitive with Pay ChangeCOPChange in salary grade to a lower level grade than the current salary grade because the applicant applied to a posted position with a pay changeNon-Competitive no pay changeNCNChange in salary grade to a lower level than the current salary grade with no pay changeNon-Competitive with a pay changeNCPChange in salary grade to a lower level than the current salary grade with a change in payInvoluntaryINNA demotion that is a result of an action being taken without the employees consentTransfer Action XFRCompetitive with no pay changeCONChange in salary grade to the same grade as the current salary grade or a change in salary administration plan because the applicant applied to a posted position with no pay changeCompetitive with a pay changeCOPChange in salary grade to the same grade than the current salary grade or a change in salary administration plan because the applicant applied to a posted position with a pay changeNon-competitive with no pay changeNCNChange in salary grade to the same grade than the current salary grade or a change in salary administration plan with no change in pay.Non-competitive with a pay changeNCPChange in salary grade to the same grade than the current salary grade or a change in salary administration plan with a change in pay.Pay Rate Change Action PAYCourse Load AdjustmentCLAChange in number of courses taught during defined semester.GRD Pass comprehensive exam PHDCMPFor Graduates only, Passed comprehensive exam to graduate PhD program.Per ContractCONThis is the amount that was agreed to in the new contract for the employeeData CorrectionCORTo correct prior rate due to error in data entry.GeneralGENEquity AdjustmentPEAAs a result of an internal analysis of similar jobs within the area or across the university to more closely equalize pay.Market AdjustmentPMAAs a result of an external analysis of prevailing wage rates necessary to maintain the defined competitive relationship.Performance BasedPPBUsed for university-wide salary increases when the legislature has voted for a budget increase. Change directly related to demonstrated performance and contribution; associated with receipt of Performance Evaluation.PromotionPROThis reason should be selected if the employee received a title change through Position Management and is now getting a pay rate change in conjunction with that title changeGRD Pass Qualifications to PHDQLSFor Graduates only; Passed qualification to enter PhD program.RetentionRETTo retain an employee so they do not leave for another organization outside of the universityFTE AdjustmentRFTChange due to increase/decrease in total hours worked per week for exempt staff.Skill / Competency BasedSCBChange directly related to and to recognize demonstrated increased skills, abilities, knowledge and competency within current job. Generally used for salary increases due to promotion.Temp Interim Assignment BeginTIASupplemental compensation for taking on additional duties above and beyond regular job, with a set begin and end date.Temp Interim Assignment EndTIEUsed when the Supplemental compensation for taking on additional duties above and beyond regular job, is ending.Place on Short Work BreakAuto Job Hold No Pay No BenefitsUsed when an academic employee is ending their contract earlier that what was originally agreed upon.Return From Work BreakEmployee RenewalUsed when an academic employee is returning from a work break status to active status. This should only be used if the online renewal process is not available for use.Termination Action TERInvol - Job AbandonmentABDPer SPP 1011, this is an involuntary Termination:"A position will be considered abandoned when an employee has not reported for work for three or more consecutive working days and is not on an approved leave."Term -Transfer to ABOR/TRI-U'sBORAn employee leaves and goes to work for ABOR or one of the other TRI-Us.Lack of Career OpportunitiesCAREmployee voluntarily decides to resign due to their perceived lack of career opportunities/advancement.DeathDTHEmployee is deceasedDuplicate ID - Do Not UseDUPUsed by the system when a duplicate ID was created for the same employeeDissatisfied w/ CoworkersEESEmployee voluntarily decides to resign due to co-workers (lack of harmony, teamwork, etc.).End Of AssignmentENDA short-term temporary (less than six months), long-term temporary (six to 24 months), emergency hire (no more than 120 calendar days), or limited classified employee (scheduled for less than 20 hours per week for any number of weeks in a fiscal year or is scheduled for 20 hours or more per week for not more than 19 weeks in a fiscal year OR an employee who is scheduled for 20 hours or more per week for any 20 weeks in a fiscal year) has completed their assignment as indicated in their offer letter.Failure to Report 1st Work DayFLREmployee did not report to work on their first agreed upon date of employmentFailure To Return From LeaveFRLEmployee did not report to work on their agreed return from leave dateGraduationGRDAn employee voluntarily resigns and their primary reason for leaving is due to graduation. The employee may now have a new degree in a different field/area, etc. in which they wish to pursue a new career or opportunity. This information can be obtained either via a discussion with the employee and/or an exit interview/survey.Work Schedule/ HoursHRSAn employee voluntarily resigns and their primary reason for leaving is due to work schedule/hours. This information can be obtained either via a discussion with the employee and/or an exit interview/survey.Invol Completion of ContractICTA service professional or administrative whose contract has ended, per SPP 302 Conditions of Administrative Professional and 320 Conditions of Service Professional. Refer to Retirement section for employees choosing to retire in lieu of termination.Invol - Excessive AbsencesIEAAn employee is terminated due to their excessive absences, per department policy and/or SPP 801 Conduct & Work Rules. This does not apply to Faculty & Academic Professionals.Invol Lack of FundingIFDA service or administrative professional or classified staff is let go due to lack of funding.Invol Misconduct/Violation RulesIMSAn employee has violated University Policies and/or has demonstrated misconduct defined per University Policies. For Faculty & Academic Professionals, see term code 22 (Unsatisfactory Performance)Invol Reduction In ForceIRFA classified employee who was RIFd due to budget constraints, funding reductions and/or reorganization. Refer to retirement section for employees choosing to retire to avoid RIF. This does not apply to Faculty.Invol Released During ProbationIRPA classified employee is terminated during their six-month probationary period per SPP 1011 - Involuntary Termination. For on-track Assistant Professors, use when terminated in the first six years and for on-track Associate Professors & Professors, use when terminated in first four years.Invol Resigned In Lieu of TermIRSA classified, service professional, or administrative resigns in lieu of an involuntary termination in accordance with SPP 1011 (term codes, 21, 23 or 22). This would also be the same for Faculty, Academic Professionals and Students.Invol UnSat PerformanceIUPA classified employee is terminated per SPP 801 - Conduct and Work Rules and/or SPP 809 - Discipline for unsatisfactory performance. For Faculty & Academic Professionals, see ACD 506-08 and ACD 506-10 (Dismissal for Cause).Dissatisfied with CommuteLOCEmployee voluntarily decides to resign due to the commute (too long, far, etc).Military ServiceMILEmployee voluntarily decides to resign employment and pursue military options.Invol -Doesn't Meet I-9 RequirementsNI9Did not produce required documents for 1-9 (could also be used if they did not produce within three-day time limit)Disability >= 5 Years Of ServiceOVFTermination due to a disability that prohibits the employee from performing essential functions of the job, where employee possesses at least five years of continuous service at onset of disability.SalaryPAYDissatisfied with salaryPersonal ReasonsPERUse as last resort if we cannot categorize reason elsewhere Quit Without NoticeQWNAn employee does not provide at least a two-week notice they are resigning.Lack of RecognitionRECEmployee voluntarily decides to resign employment due to their perceived lack of recognition.RelocationLOCEmployee voluntarily decides to resign due to personal relocation.Returned To SchoolSCHPursuing educational opportunity versus working Self EmploymentSLFEmployee voluntarily decides to resign to pursue self-employment. Term -Transfer to State AgencySTAAn employee leaves and goes to work for the State of AZ at an agency other than ABOR or one of the universities.Quality of SupervisionSUPEmployee voluntarily decides to resign due to their perceived lack of quality of supervision (poor).System Term 0 CompSY0Only used by the system when an employee’s record is terminated because there is no compensation in their job data recordSystem TerminationSYSOnly used by the system when the employee is being auto terminated because of lack of pay for four monthsTerm for Benefits Record ChangTBROnly used by the system when an Additional Job record needs to be created due to a change in benefit eligibility. The old employee record will be terminated with this reason and a new employee will be created. Excessive WorkloadTYPEmployee voluntarily decides to resign due to the excessive workload (too much).Invol -Unsuc Compl Hire ProcessUCHDid not complete hiring process successfully (i.e. - did not pass background check)Disability < 5 Years of ServiceUNFTermination due to a disability that prohibits the employee from performing essential functions of the job, where employee possesses less than five years of continuous service at onset of disability. Benefits end on Pay Period End DateWork EnvironmentWORi.e. - culture, equipment, etc.Retirement Action RETRetire Complete ContractRCCUsed for employee meeting guidelines for retirement, who has chosen to retire in lieu of an involuntary termination due to completion of contractRetirementRETUsed to terminate an employee who has completed at least five years of continuous, full-time employment in the Arizona university system immediately preceding retirement, who is receiving a retirement annuity under an Arizona university-sponsored retirement program, who is at least 50 years old (41, if Public Safety Personnel Retirement System (PSPRS) employee) and whose employment has not yet been terminated for cause by the university.Invol - Retire In Lieu of TermRITUsed for employee meeting guidelines for retirement, who has chosen to retire in lieu of an involuntary terminationRetire Reduction ForceRRFUsed for employee meeting guidelines for retirement, who has chosen to retire in lieu of an involuntary reduction in force (RIF)Position Number FieldIf you know the position number, you may type it directly into the position number field or you may use the looking glass to search for a position number within your security.**NOTE: Once a position number is selected, the attributes of that position number will fill in the rest of the PTR with the most current data on the position number. If there is future effective dated position changes that have already been submitted and approved that information will not be displayed on the PTR screen. It is highly recommended that a department make position changes (submit and be approved) prior to completing the PTR to ensure accurate data on this screen.What to do if the position number attributes are wrong: You have the ability to save the PTR as a draft and go back to Position Management to make your corrections to the position number. When you return to the PTR, you must refresh the position data by taking the position number out of the PTR and re-entering this information. When you complete this action, the PTR will refresh the Main Page with whatever the current attributes of the position number are. Keep in mind the Position Management is a manual process and may take some time to be updated.Other considerations when entering a position numberWhen entering the position number, consider the intended benefits eligibility of the person.Also, if the position number you have selected does not yet exist (has not yet been approved by data management), is not with your department security or has been previously inactivated you will receive the following error message:If you receive this error message, please select a different position number to use. If you feel you received this message in error please contact data management to resolve your position issue.The position number field also has several edits that do not allow you take action on a position number that is in process or a position number in which the effective date is greater that the effective date (start date) of the transaction. Select an Effective (start) DateYou may type the effective date directly into the effective date field. This date should match what was offered to the employee in their offer letter as a start date. On a termination transaction this date should be the employee’s last day plus one day.*Please note that when hiring or renewing a Graduate or Faculty/Academic Professional/Post Doctoral Scholar on an academic appointment the start date must be a pay period begin date. *The Effective Date must be on or after the Pos# Max Effdt. The Position Max Effdt is the most recent effective date on the position number that you have selected in PTR. If the PTR errors out because the position effective date is greater than the hire date, please contact your FS Data Management representative to determine an appropriate solution.*The Effective Date also must be on or after the Person Effdt. The person effective date is the date you created your employee’s personal data record through the Courtesy Affiliate process. When creating the personal data record in Courtesy Affiliate, the effective date for that record must be on or before the start date for your employee. If you have already created your employee’s personal data record and are getting the following error message in the PTR, please contact your FS Data Management representative to determine an appropriate solution.Enter the Salary amount The Pay Frequency will default based on the position number selected. Pay Frequency is driven from the job code attached to the position number you chose. For Non-Exempt (Hourly) and Exempt (Salaried) staff, the pay frequency will default appropriately. For Graduate and Academic hires, the pay frequency will adjust based upon the start and stop dates you have selected in the PTR. This should always match the amount listed in the offer letter that was given to the employee.For staff positions, this information should match the offer amount in TAM. For student positions, this information should be equal to or more than the amount posted on the pensation Setup for Nonexempt hires Pay frequency is defaulted to H (hourly) for all non-exempt positions. Enter the Hourly pensation Setup for Exempt Staff & Academic Fiscal HiresPay frequency is defaulted to ASUBW (salary) for all exempt staff and academic positions on a fiscal appointment. Enter the Annual Compensation and the Per Pay Period amount will automatically calculate. NOTE** The amount of salary entered should reflect what the rate of pay should be in relationship to the FTE if this is a salaried employee. Compensation Setup for Faculty, Academic Professionals, Graduates First and foremost, the date you enter must be pay period begin dates as the effective date. The frequency will be determined by the PTR effective and end dates. In the frequency (ASU##), the number stands for the number of pay periods within your employee’s appointment period. For example, the full academic year is 20 pay periods, so the system will automatically calculate 20 pay periods based upon the effective and end dates you select.NOTE** Frequency “BW” will only be chosen for Faculty or Academic Professionals who are currently on a 9-over-12 (A12) pay option. If the employee is currently on a 9-over-9 (ACD) pay option, their new position must also set up as (ACD). The employee can change their pay option at the beginning of the new fiscal year or if they are switching from a position that is FSC- (fiscal) to an ACD (academic) position number. New hires may not be set up as A12.Once you have selected your Effective Date and End Date (start and end date of the contract), enter the Salary. This number is what was formally known as the contract amount. Once a Salary amount is entered, the Per Pay Period amount will automatically calculate based on the Comp Frequency calculated by the PTR and Salary entered. (i.e., $20,000/10 pay periods)Enter Recruiting InformationThe type of employee you are hiring will determine what information if any is needed in the Recruiting Data. Even you are hiring a classified or service professional position with a focused recruitment you will still need to provide the Job Opening Id and the Applicant Id.Here is a chart showing which pieces of information are required for different employee types and transactions.Data Requirements for Recruit DataType of Transaction Type of Employee Required FieldsHire/RehireClassified or Service ProfessionalRecruit Type Job OpeningApplicant IdCompetitive Promotion, Demotion and TransferClassified or Service ProfessionalRecruit TypeJob OpeningApplicant IdHire/RehireStudentRecruit TypeJob OpeningHire/RehireFaculty, Grad, Post DocRecruit TypeEnter the Recruit Type:Recruiting Type DefinitionsThis table describes the different recruiting types and their definitions.Hire TypeDefinitionEmergency HireA short-term temporary hire to fill an immediate job need in a vacant classified position.? Job duration not to exceed 120 calendar days.? If anticipated job need extends beyond 120 days, an advertised competitive recruitment should be conducted during this time.? Consult Recruitment & Selection regarding situations with special circumstances.Focused RecruitmentAn exception to the advertised competitive recruitment policy.? Used to hire individuals who have specific and unique skills, knowledge or education essential to the success of the job, would bring particular distinction to and serve the best interests of the university. **Note for classified staff**?The primary use of a focused recruitment is to fill long-term, temporary positions.? Classified positions lower than salary grade M43 and service professional positions lower than grade E will require approval from the Director of the Office of Equity & Inclusion. Summer/Winter – (Additional Jobs Only)A short-term temporary Additional Job to hire a faculty, academic professional, graduate or post doctoral scholar for one or more of the summer or winter session(s).Competitive HireAn advertised competitive recruitment with a specific application deadline to fill a vacant position.RIF ReplacementA hire made of a person who was on the ASU RIF list, and had been given notice.SeasonalA hire made to fill an “on-call” job, for which individuals work only as needed, and often just during certain seasons of the year. Designated in the job title as “prn” and with a “Full-time/Part-time” status of “N.”Search Recruitment FirmA hire made for which a recruitment firm conducted the applicant search.Student StipendThis allows on-campus departments to pay flat stipends that are reserved for elected and/or appointed positions or resident halls assistances. The stipend is part of the specific position.Student Hire HourlyOn-campus hourly student employment staff may be hired if enrolled in at least one credit hour at ASU. Eligible non-citizens also may be employed under this program. Student Worker Emergency HireIn emergency staffing situations, student staff may be hired for periods not to exceed 10 working days without going through the usual student employment hiring process. Student staff hired must still meet student employment eligibility requirements and cannot be employed beyond 10 working days.Student InternshipThis student employment represents the activities of an established undergraduate internship program, which has selection and performance criteria consistent with its educational goals. Because the students will be providing services in addition to participating in a training experience, federal tax laws require that they be paid through the payroll process. STI was created to facilitate this process.Student Hire Work StudyThis student employment requires a student to be eligible for a FWS award. The student will need to be at least part-time at ASU and be eligible for receive Federal Financial Assistance.**NOTE** The offer in PeopleSoft for a classified or service professional must be in “Offer Accepted” Status for you to process a PTR. If the offer is not accepted in TAM, you will not be able to save the PTR as a draft. It is imperative that you send the offer letter to the appropriate fax number prior to entering your PTR. This is the piece of information needed for Recruitment and Selection to change the offer to “Offer Accepted” Status. You will need to work with the Recruitment and Selection department to get this information updated. It is important to give the correct information in the Job Opening and Applicant ID fields because the system will run a variety of checks on this data. If incorrect data is given, it will result in extra workflow routing steps for more approval of the position as well as a delay in processing. For more detailed explanation of hiring or rehiring a student worker please refer to the Student Guide.If applicable, enter the Job Opening and the Applicant ID:Verify Correct Funding Is in Place for the EmployeeThe funding information of the PTR will be displayed for your review. If the funding information is not correct, please save the PTR as a Draft and go into Position Management to correct the funding information before proceeding. When you return to the PTR, refresh this data by popping the position number in and out of the position number field. Since this is one of the factors used to determine workflow routing, it is critical for this information to be correct. The PTR will be routed to people who are signers on that specific account with the PTR Approver security role. If there are multiple accounts and no common signer between all of the accounts, then a signer from each account must approve the PTR transaction before it will either proceed to the next approval step or be processed into Job Data.Adding PTR Business NotesPTR business notes are a way for you to add any additional information that was not covered in the PTR about the specific employee. In some cases, these notes will be required. EXAMPLES: If you are hiring someone into a position number that is already filled or promoting a student worker. In these cases the business notes should further elaborate on why you are taking a specific action. When business notes are required by the PTR, you will receive the following message:**NOTE** These notes will be visible to all workflow approver(s) at various levels within the university. These notes also will be added to the job data record of the employee in PeopleSoft and will become part of the employee’s permanent record.Multiple Job DetailsIf your candidate currently has active job(s) in PeopleSoft, they will be listed at the bottom of the PTR form. The table will provide you with the following information:Empl_Rcd – Employee Record NumberPayroll Status – The status of the Employee Record Paygroup – The employee’s pay groupReg_Temp – The Regular/Temporary status set on the employee’s position number (Regular, Short-term Temporary, Long-term Temporary & Seasonal)Remember this is a factor in determining the employee’s benefits eligilbility.FTE – Percent of full time employmentPosition Number – The position number along with the job titlePosition Description – The title associated with the position numberDept – The department code that is associated with the position numberDepartment Name – The name of the department associated with that department code.Buttons available when creating a PTRAfter you have completed all the necessary information for the PTR and scrolled to the bottom of the page, you will find a series of action buttons.Save as Draft – This button allows you to save the data you have entered as a draft if you are not quite ready to send it for approval. You may use this option when you need to check for further information about the employee. This button also allows you to see any associated error messages with the PTR. Note that if you save the PTR as a draft, the employee record will be locked by you and no one else will be able to take any action on the employee. Save and Send for Approval – This button allows you to send the PTR for approval. When you click this button, it generates an email to the first account signer. This button also will fill in the Originator, Created On, Last Updated By and Last Updated time stamps above the buttons.Return to Search – This button allows you to return to the PTR Search Page. It will completely clear all information entered in the PTR.Go to PTR Work list – This button will navigate to your work list to view all transactions you have recently submitted for approval. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not save the current PTR you are working on, you will lose it when you navigate to the Work list. The “Go to PTR Work list” button will be available after you have clicked on the “Save and Send for Approval” button.DraftsWhen saving the PTR as a draft, you can go back to the PTR and edit the information. Drafts remain in daft status for an extended period of time. After that time, the PTR will automatically cancel the draft. IMPORTANT: Because no one will be able to take action on someone whose PTR data has been saved in draft mode, remember to cancel any drafts you do not intend to use. If you have a saved a transaction as a draft to go back and correct a piece of data (i.e. position attributes, funding, etc.), you must come back to the PTR and refresh the information (usually the position number) for the PTR to show the newest information. When you come back into your drafted PTR, it is very important to refresh the position number by first deleting it and then re-entering it in that field. The PTR will automatically update the fields associated with that position number with the newest information.How to Cancel a PTROnce a PTR has been submitted for approval, the Originator can cancel the transaction at any time until the final approval has been made on the transaction. If the transaction is a future dated transaction, it can be cancelled up until the point when the effective date is met. The Originator is the only person who can cancel a request.There are two ways that an Originator can cancel a PTR. The first way is from the Main PTR Page. First, navigate to your In-process PTR by using the Search Page. Once you have arrived at the Main Data Entry Page, the Cancel button will be available at the bottom of the page. Click the Cancel button to cancel.Once you have clicked on the “Cancel” button, the following message will appear: Click the “ok” button to continue.At this point, the PTR has been canceled and will not be written to job data; however, it is not completely gone from the system. The PTR will regularly auto-archive Processed, Canceled and Returned PTRs. If you need to take further action on the selected employee before waiting for PTRs be auto-archived, you can manually archive your canceled PTR by clicking the Archive PTR button at the bottom of the page.After you click on the Archive PTR button, the following message will appear:Click the “ok” button to continue.An Originator also can cancel a PTR is from the Work List.To cancel a PTR, navigate to your work list and locate the transaction you intend to cancel. Click on the Red Cancel Symbol to cancel the transaction. Once you have clicked on the cancel symbol, you will receive the following message:Click the “ok” button to continue.The PTR will regularly auto-archive Processed, Canceled and Returned PTRs. At this point, a cancelled PTR will not be written to job data; however it is not completely gone from the system. If you still need to take further action on the selected employee before the PTR is auto-archived, you can manually archive your canceled PTR by clicking on the View PTR button on your work. This action will take you back to the Main Data Entry Page of the PTR where the Archive PTR button will be available for you to select to remove the PTR from the system.NOTE** In either circumstance mentioned above, any approvers who had previously approved the PTR will be notified of the cancellation via email.How to View a Returned PTR and Resubmit It for ApprovalThere may be instances when you submit a PTR and one of the approvers of the transaction will return it for you to make adjustments to the data you have submitted, or because the transaction is no longer necessary. In these circumstances, you will receive a system-generated email alerting you a PTR has been returned. There are three ways to go back to the PTR to make corrections and resubmit.The first is to click on the link generated in the email, which will take you to the Work List, where you can locate the returned transaction. Click on the View PTR icon, which will bring you into the Main PTR Data Entry Page.At the bottom of the PTR Page, the Edit PTR button will become activated. Click on this button to make corrections to the PTR.You will receive the following message:For the system to generate a workflow for the transaction, you must create another PTR. If you click the “OK” button, the PTR will make the fields on the Main Data Entry page editable. The PTR will retain the current information that was submitted for the previous PTR. The previous PTR will be automatically archived.Once you have made your corrections, click on the “Save and Send for Approval” Button at the bottom of the page.How to View a Previously Submitted PTRPTRs will populate your work list as you submit them. The work list is where you go to view previously submitted PTRs. To view a previously submitted PTR, navigate to your work list either by using the work list link on My ASU or by logging directly into PeopleSoft. If you log directly in to PeopleSoft, you must navigate to the following area:Once on the work list, you can filter the list so only the items you wish to see are displayed. To view the PTR Main Data Page, you can click on the “View PTR” link for any given PTR. As action is being taken on the work list, the status field will change with all of the different available statuses. Status DefinitionsThis table shows different PTR statuses you might see on your work list. StatusWhat it means to youDraftA PTR was started by you, but not submitted for approvalIn-ProcessThe PTR is waiting for all the approvals to be gathered for the transaction to be uploaded into job data. To find out which specific level of approval is needed, click on the “View Approvers” icon.CI ErrorThe PTR has been approved by all approval levels, but was unable to upload to PeopleSoft. Data Management will manually process the transaction.ManualThe PTR has been approved by all levels of approval, but was set to manual status. Data Management will manually process your transaction.ReturnedThe PTR was returned by one of the approvers because the PTR needs editing.CancelThe PTR was canceled by the originator and is waiting for the archive process to run to archive the information.Pend BatchThe PTR was approved by all levels of approval, but is for a future effective date or payroll is open. These PTRs are staged in this status until the effective date of the PTR is met or payroll has closed. PTRs in this status can still be canceled by the originator.ProcessedThe PTR has successfully uploaded to PeopleSoft and the transaction will be archived when the archive process runs.Archived PTR InformationPTRs in the following statuses will remain on the Originator’s work list for five days after the transaction has reached that status:ProcessedCanceledReturnedPTRs in other statuses will remain on the Originator’s work list indefinitely.NOTE** When PTRs are in a draft status, other users (Originators) cannot take any action on that specific employee and employee record number. If Originators do not plan to continue to take action on an employee, it is important to cancel drafted PTRs as soon as possible.Currently, there is no way to access your archived PTRs through the People Soft system. However, there is a dashboard available that contains information of all PTR’s that have been submitted. The dashboard can be found at under Personnel Transaction Request.PTR Processing TimesThe PTR is available to Originators 24 hours/7 days a week with no lockout periods. Most PTR transactions will automatically update PeopleSoft Job Data as soon as the final approval is given. There are two exceptions to this rule: Transactions that have a future effective date.Any time you future-date a transaction, the PTR will accept approvals and then place the transaction into a Pend Batch status until that effective date is met. Once the effective date of the transaction is the current date and all approvals have been given, the PTR will write the data to job data. From that point forward, the employee will start receiving paychecks.Payroll ProcessingPayroll starts processing on Thursday night in the week prior to the Friday when paychecks are distributed. The current process takes from Thursday night to the following Tuesday night to run. If a PTR is submitted within this time frame and all approvals have been given, the PTR status will change to Pend Batch. The system will run the job update process once payroll has been completed and update all PTRs in this status that have met their effective date. EmailsThe PTR will send out a variety of emails upon completion of the update to job data. These emails will indicate that the PTR has been updated into job data or that there was an error in that process. If there was an error, the PTR will be sent to data management for manual entry into job data. There is no further action that is required from the department in this circumstance.Data Management Exception Form There may be certain circumstances when you will not be able to submit your transaction through the PTR. A few of the most common examples are:Backdating actions more than the control table allowsClassified staff salary is already outside their range (this excludes PRN positions)People on LOA need a termination or retirementHire date needs to be changedMid-pay period start dates for Faculty positionsThis form will be available on the PTR website at You can enter information directly into the form and also can electronically sign the form. You still must attach any required approvals for a given transaction for the form to be processed by your Data Management Representative.This form must be printed and faxed to the Data Management Fax at 480.993.0005. IMPORTANT: Remember that this a paper form that must be processed manually. You also should keep a copy of this form for your own personnel records.ResourcesFor comprehensive training materials, check the training guides section of In this section, you will be able to read a training guide, watch a video or try a transaction yourself. These materials are another way to gain more knowledge about the PTR.Appendix A—Main Data Entry Page MessagesMESSAGE_SET_NBRMESSAGE_NBRMESSAGE_TEXTDESCRLONG2001245Job Listing Not ActiveYour job has been closed for more than 60 days. Please re-open your job before requesting a hire.2001267Pay rate below currentYou are decreasing the pay rate on an existing pay line.2001247Insufficient Enrollment for Hourly EmploymentYour student is not eligible to work as a student worker based on their enrollment status. Contact your student and advise him/her to enroll for classes.2001248No FAFSA for Federal Work Study EmploymentYour student is not eligible for Federal Work Study because we do not have a FAFSA on file. Your student must contact the Student Financial Assistance Office. If you would like to still hire your student please change the hire to Hourly.2001249No Package for Federal Work Study EmploymentYour student is not eligible for Federal Work Study because your student has not been awarded financial aid. Your student must contact the Student Financial Assistance Office. If you would like to still hire your student please change the hire to Hourly.2001250Insufficient Need for Federal Work Study EmploymentYour student is not eligible for Federal Work Study based on their financial aid need. If you would still like to hire your student please change the hire to Hourly.2001251Ineligible SAP Status for Federal Work Study EmploymentYour student is not eligible for Federal Work Study based on their Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Please have your student contact the Student Financial Assistance Office. If you would like to hire your student please change the hire to Hourly.2001252Insufficient Enrollment for Federal Work Study EmploymentYour student is not eligible for Federal Work Study based on their current enrollment. Your student must be at least half-time enrollment.2001253Insufficient Summer Enrollment for Federal Work Study EmploymentYour student is not enrolled for summer term. Your student must be enrolled in at least one credit hour (two credit hours for America Reads Program).2001254International > 50% FTEWarning: Your International student has other active jobs and is working greater than 50% Full Time Employment (FTE). This may jeopardize their visa status.2001255Route to ICAYour student has a current athlete status. In order to continue the hiring process Intercollegiate Athletics (ICA) will need to approve in order to be in compliance with NCAA rules.2001256Route to ISSO for enrollmentYour International student is currently less than full-time status. ISSO will need to approve in order to continue the hiring process.2001257Route to SFA for Pay rate Out of Wage ScaleYour hire pay rate is not consistent with the posted pay rate on your job posting. The Student Employment Office (SEO) will need to approve in order to continue the hiring process.2001258Route to ISSO for J1 VisaYour student currently has a J1 visa status. ISSO will need to approve in order to continue the hiring process.2001259Route to SFA for Position Grade Different from Job Listing GradeYour student employment job code listed does not match with your student employment job code on your posted position. The Student Employment Office (SEO) will need to approve in order to continue the hiring process.2001260Student has active non-student pay linesYour student currently has another job classification posted with HR which may conflict with your student worker job classification. If your student's current job classification is benefit eligible then your student may not be eligible to hold a student worker job classification. Contact Student Employment to resolve.2001261Route to SFA for Internship StipendYou have indicated that this is an internship/stipend. The Student Employment Office (SEO) will need to approve in order to continue the hiring process.2001262Stipend Grade 5Positions for hiring type of 'STI' must be Grade 52001263Stipend Pay ratePay rate for Hiring type STI must be $02001264Rate ChangeThis is a pay rate change on an existing pay line. The Student Employment Office (SEO) will need to approve in order to continue the hiring process.2001265Job not FWS EligThis job has not been approved for Federal Work Study hiring. Please select a different recruitment type2001266Pay rate below listedThe pay rate you have entered is below the minimum pay rate specified on the job listing. This transaction will be routed to the Student Financial Assistance office for approval.2001246Ineligible Citizenship or Visa for Hourly EmploymentYour student is not eligible to work as a student worker based on their visa status.210251Maximum number of rows to return (up to 300):?210252Please enter required search parameters.Required search parameters are either Emplid or Alternate Emplid or First Name Last Name and Birthdate.210253Error in building Action Reason prompt for Action: %1. Please contact system support.?210254No matching values found?210255You do not have permission to access this componentIf you need to access PTR please obtain the necessary security roles.210256No matching values found.If you are trying to perform a Hire you must first create the affiliate record.210257Additional Job not allowed at this time due to pending %1 transaction.Please wait for the pending %1 transaction to complete for Emplid/Empl Rcd: %2 before creating a %3 transaction.210258PTR already in process for Emplid %1 Empl Rcd %2A transaction is already in process that you do not have security to view. Please wait for it to be completed before creating a new PTR for this Emplid and Empl Rcd combination.210259Person data does not exist. Please add affiliate first.?2102510Page value of %1 is not valid for TransferPage. Please contact system support.?2102511When entering Birthdate40625.88074280092102512Page value not set on call to DisplayPage Function. Contact system support.?2102513Please enter required search valuesThe dialog box is prompting you for key values -- you must enter a value into at least one key field (Emplid Alternate ID First Name Last Name or Department ID).2102514Please enter required search valuesIf Empl Rcd# is entered please also enter an Empl Id or Alternate ID.2102515Empl ID or Alternate ID entered without other search parms.If you search by Empl ID or Alternate ID please do not enter any other search parameters.2102516Please select a transaction?2102517Fatal error %1 in building PTR page40625.88074280092102518Field Property must be Display Only or Hide for this record?2102519Field %1 / %2 is required.?2102520Backdating PTR may require PARWhen effective date is less than the pay period begin date for an open payroll a PAR form may be needed.2102521PTR Effective date must be greater than effective date of the Affiliate/Person?2102522Salary amount has not been changed from current amount?2102523Effective date is invalidEffective date must be equal to pay period begin date. Please select a valid value from the prompt.2102524End date is invalidEnd date must be equal to pay period end date. Please select a valid value from the prompt.2102525End date must be greater than effective date?2102526Effective date exceeds back-dating maximum of %1 days which equals %2?2102527Effective date exceeds future-dating maximum of %1 days which equals %2?2102528Effective date is required. Please enter a value?2102529Change in effective date causes Position Number %1 to be invalid as no data exists for this date.?2102530Confirm canceling of PTRThis action will cancel the PTR. If the PTR is 'In Process' and any approvers have already approved they will be notified via e-mail of this cancellation. Press OK to continue or Cancel to stop.2102531Confirm creation of new PTR from canceled PTRPress OK if you want to use the canceled PTR to create %1 PTR or Cancel to stop.2102532Access not allowed to this componentIf you are an Approver trying to approve a PTR please access your transactions by clicking on the Work list link in the menu bar at the top of the screen.2102533Applicant ID is requiredApplicant ID is required when Employee Class is Service Professional (SRP) Classified (CLS) or Administrator (ADM).2102534Confirm archival of PTR that has not been applied to Job DataYou are attempting to archive a PTR that has not been applied to Job data. You should manually update Job before archiving the PTR. If you want to continue and archive the PTR and remove it from the transaction tables then upon successful archival you will be returned to the PTR Search Page. Press OK to continue or Cancel to Stop.2102535PTR effective date cannot be less than %1 effective date?2102536Position on the PTR is different from value in TAMThe Position Number entered on the PTR is different than the value in TAM for the Job Offer.2102537Applicant ID is invalidThe Applicant ID entered on the PTR is different from the value in TAM for the Job Offer2102538Job Opening not found in TAMThe Job Opening entered on the PTR is not found in TAM with a status 071/Accepted.2102539Position Number %1 is already filled. Please update Business Notes with justification.Justification should include if this is a group position or an overlap of job responsibilities in a Lateral/Transfer. If for a different reason please provide a detailed explanation for the position number reuse.2102540Position Number %1 is in a pending status in Position Management.Please contact your Data Management representative.2102541Salary must be >= Minimum Rate of %1 and <= Maximum Rate of %2?2102542Salary increase is greater than 10%. Additional HR approval(s) will be required.?2102543Confirm archival of PTRThis action will archive the PTR and remove it from the transaction tables. Upon successful archival you will be returned to the PTR Search Page. Press OK to continue or Cancel to stop.2102544Pay periods between effective date of: %1 and end date of: %2 cannot be calculated.Please make sure end date is greater than effective date.2102545Hourly rate must be greater than or equal to minimum wage of: %1?2102546Effective date on the Position Nbr: %1 is greater than effective date on the PTR.Please contact your Data Management representative.2102547Standard hours on PTR is not equal to value in TAM?2102548Reg Temp on PTR is not equal to value in TAMThe value for Reg Temp on the PTR is not equal to the value in TAM2102549Jobcode on PTR is not equal to value in TAM?2102550Salary amount on PTR is not equal to offer amount in TAM?2102551Job opening ID and Applicant ID are required.?2102552Job opening ID is required.?2102553Applicant ID is required.?2102554Recruitment type is invalid.Please select a valid one based on employee's attributes.2102555Security does not permit you to update your own record.?2102556Employee must have at least one active Job row for an additional job to be created.If you want to re-hire this employee please uncheck the 'Create Additional Job?' check box.2102557Create Additional Job checkbox ignored as %1 has no Job data. Initial HIR record will be created.?2102558%1 cannot be validated due to difference in %2. Action will be changed to %3?2102559PTR may require additional approvals due to %1?2102560Job opening ID is invalid?2102561Hire PTR cannot be created due to missing personal data.Please verify that person is setup with SSN gender and state.2102562PromotionChange to a higher pay grade in the same or another department2102563DemotionVoluntary or involuntary change to a lower pay grade in the same or another department2102564LateralChange an assignment with no change in pay grade in the same or another department2102565Pay Rate ChangeChange in pay by itself or in conjunction with a promotion or demotion or lateral (transfer)2102566Place on Short Work BreakLimited to Faculty and Graduates2102567Return from Short Work BreakLimited to Faculty and Graduates2102568TerminationWhen the employee/employer relationship ends for one or multiple jobs. Not to be used when employee is transferring2102569RetirementRouted to OHR Benefits for eligibility confirmation2102570Place on HoldTemporarily stop employee's paycheck2102571Return from Hold:Employee returned from temporary hold and will receive a paycheck2102572Position is not Work Study eligible.Select different position or change recruitment type.2102573Not stipend eligible.The position number you selected is not stipend eligible. Select different position or change recruitment type.2102574Not stipend eligible.The position number you selected is not stipend eligible. Select different position change recruitment type2102575Job opening ID is not open or not closed within last %1 days?2102576Student validation did not pass. Please review errors and make the necessary corrections?2102577Critical error in PTR CI Update of PTR Status?2102578You do not have security to access this employeeDepartment-level security does not permit you to access this employee.2102579You do not have security to access this PTR?2102580PTR does not need to be approved at this timeYou are trying to access a PTR that does not need approval at this time.2102581%1 PTR has been applied to Job Data for %2This e-mail is to inform you that the respective records in PeopleSoft have been updated with the PTR data for the employee listed in the e-mail subject line.2102582When calculating Comprate40625.8807775231Please limit the date range so that you do not exceed the maximum number of pay periods per year which is 252102583No action is required at present time?2102584Change in Action to HIR and Reason to ADDThe new position number you have entered has resulted in a change in benefit record number. This is due to a change in one or all of the fields: Reg/Temp Officer Cd and/or Empl Class. Due to this your transaction has been changed to a HIR/ADD where you will be required to enter Salary.2102585Action changed back to %1The new position number you have entered has undone the prior change in benefit record number due to a change in one or all of the fields: Reg/Temp Officer Cd and/or Empl Class. Due to this your transaction has been changed back to the initial value you selected on the PTR splash page. Please make sure to select the appropriate Reason2102586Existing PTR for Emplid %1 Empl Rcd# %2 will not allow a new PTR to be createdExisting PTR data is causing a conflict with the new one you are trying to create. Please wait for this PTR to be approved processed and archived before creating a new one for the given Emplid/Empl Rcd#. If this PTR has already been approved and processed please archive it.2102587Additional Job not allowed at this time due to pending %1 transaction for %2The new position number you have entered has resulted in a change in the benefit record number. Due to an already existing PTR the system cannot change the action/reason to HIR/ADD. Please wait for the open PTR to be approved applied to production and archived before attempting this change.2102588System encountered a critical error %1The system tried to update Job data with your PTR but encountered a critical error. Please work with your Data Management representative to have your PTR applied to Job.2102589%1 processing continues...?2102590Update Job?2102591Please select either a Promotion40625.8807775231You do not have security to perform a pay change on the employee unless you also perform a Promotion Demotion or Lateral Transfer.2102592Your security does not allow you to perform this transaction for employees outside of your security?2102593The transaction you selected will be routed to OHR Benefits for Approval?2102594Please select a valid recruitment typeThe recruitment type you selected is not valid for students.2102595Job opening is not validYou have selected a job opening that is not valid for students.2102596Cannot change A12 to non-ACD position?2102597A workflow instance already exists for this PTR.This PTR already has existing workflow so a new instance cannot be launched.2102598You currently do not have any pending PTRs to approve?2102599No path found for action %1M40625.9177837963There is not workflow path for the PTR action for the employee type listed. Please contact your Data Management Representative before trying to submit.21025100Query access is incorrect for the query %1.Your query security is incorrect for the query listed above. Please contact security.21025101No users found for %140625.9177837963There were no approvers found for the approval level above. This PTR remains in Draft status. Please contact your Data Management Representative for assistance.21025102No valid approval steps for PTR %1 on path %2.No valid approval steps have been found for this transaction. Please contact your Data Management Representative for assistance.21025103Could not update PTR %1 status to %2. Returning status to In Process.The PTR listed above was not processed properly. Please contact your Data Management Representative for assistance.21025104Approval Submission Failed - PTR saved as draft?21025105Unable to update PTR to Canceled status for PTR %1. Returning status to In Process.Workflow process is unable to move pending step to canceled. Please contact your Data Management Representative for assistance.21025106User has no pending step to return for PTR %1The system is unable to find the approval step that you are authorized to return for the current PTR. Please contact your Data Management Representative for assistance.21025107Please provide a commentA comment is required. Please provide a comment and submit again.21025108Text entry is limited to 250 characters. You have %1 characters.A comment cannot be longer than 250 characters. Please shorten your comment and submit again.21025109Limited to 250 charactersComment length is limited to 250 characters.21025110Proposed DataTitle for main grid on PTR Work list page.21025111View ApproversWording for the tool tip on the approvers button on the main grid of the PTR Work list page. Also used as the wording in the icon legend.21025112Approve PTRWording for the icon legend on the PTR Work list page.21025113Return PTRWording for the icon legend on the PTR Work list page.21025114Cancel PTRWording for the icon legend on the PTR Work list page.21025115View PTRWording for the icon legend on the PTR Work list page.21025116Proposed DataTab label for first tab on main grid on PTR Work list page.21025117DetailsTab label for second tab on main grid on PTR Work list page.21025118The PTR for %1 %2 has been approved.?21025119The PTR for %1 %2 has been returned.?21025120A PTR with Action/Reason %1 already exists for this Emplid/EmplRcd# created by %2?21025121You have exceeded the maximum number of Additional Jobs to have open as PTRs at one time.The maximum number of open PTRs for Additional jobs is set at 10.21025122%1 PTR has been canceled for %2 (%3).This e-mail is to inform you that the PTR for the employee listed below has been canceled. For your reference this notification was generated by Process Instance: %4.21025123%1 PTR has been returned for %2 (%3).This e-mail is to inform you that the PTR for the employee listed below has been returned. For your reference this notification was generated by App Engine job ASU_AW_NOTIF Process Instance: %4. Please review your work list for details: %921025124%1 PTR for %2 (%3) needs your approval.This e-mail is to inform you that the PTR for the employee listed below has been requires your approval. For your reference this notification was generated by App Engine job ASU_AW_NOTIF Process Instance: %4. Please review your work list for details: %921025125%1 PTR for %2 (%3) has final approval.This e-mail is to inform you that the PTR for the employee listed below has been approved for entry into Job Data. For your reference this notification was generated by App Engine job ASU_AW_NOTIF Process Instance: %4. Please review your work list for details: %921025126You have pending PTR approvalsYou have %1 PTR's awaiting your approval. Please click the link to review your work list: %221025127End date must be less than or equal to 8/7/11.Summer transactions must end on 8/7/11.21025128Salary must be 0 for Student Worker V employees.?21025129Step %1There are no users assigned to step %1 %2. The transaction will be set to draft status please contact your Data Management Representative for support.21025130Start date must be greater than expected end date of %1?21025131User insert failed for step %1The workflow was unable to insert one of the users. This will mean that an approver who should be able to perform approvals will not be included as an approver for this PTR. Please review the approvers from your work list and contact HR if the listed approver will be required to process this PTR. ................

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