
|Cannon Building |STATE OF DELAWARE |Telephone: (302) 744-4500 |

|861 Silver Lake Blvd., Suite 203 |DEPARTMENT OF STATE |Fax: (302) 739-2711 |

|Dover, Delaware 19904-2467 |DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION |Website: dpr. |


MEETING DATE AND TIME: Monday, January 9, 2006 at 9:00 a.m.

PLACE: 861 Silver Lake Boulevard, Dover, Delaware

Conference Room A, second floor of the Cannon Building

MINUTES APPROVED: March 20, 2006


Gloria Ho-Ruggiero, Professional Member, President

Ralph Robinson, Professional Member, Secretary

Robb Carter, Public Member

Winnie Lewis, Public Member

Division Staff/Deputy Attorney General PRESENT

James Collins, Director, DPR

Allison Reardon, Deputy Attorney General

Timothy Oswell, Administrative Specialist II


Timothy J. Toole, Professional Member, Vice President

Dr. Maria Carroll, Professional Member




Ms. Ho-Ruggiero called the meeting to order at 9:43 a.m.


The Board reviewed the November 21, 2005 minutes for approval. Ms. Ho-Ruggiero made a motion, seconded by Mr. Robinson to approve the minutes as amended. Motion unanimously carried.


Review of tabled Application to sit for the ASWB exam – Heather Cohen

The Board reviewed Ms. Cohen’s verification of licensure in good standing from the Maryland Board that was requested by the Board at its November 21, 2005 meeting. Ms. Ho-Ruggiero made a motion, seconded by Mr. Carter to approve the application. Motion unanimously carried.


Review of Application for Licensure by Application – Michael Peyton

The Board reviewed Michael Peyton’s application for LCSW licensure. Mr. Carter made a motion, seconded by Mr. Robinson to approve the application. Motion unanimously carried.

Review of Application to sit for the ASWB exam – Kelley Citro

The Board reviewed Kelley Citro’s application to sit for the ASWB exam. Ms. Ho-Ruggiero made a motion, seconded by Mr. Robinson to approve the application. Motion unanimously carried.

Review of Application to sit for the ASWB exam – Kristal Roberts

The Board reviewed Kristal Robert’s application to sit for the ASWB exam. Mr. Carter made a motion, seconded by Ms. Ho-Ruggiero to table the application for an updated supervisory reference form that clearly indicates the number of post-master’s supervised experience. Motion unanimously carried.

Review of Application to sit for the ASWB exam – Kyong Turner

The Board reviewed Kyong Turner’s application to sit for the ASWB exam. Mr. Carter made a motion, seconded by Ms. Ho-Ruggiero to table the application until the June 5, 2006 meeting date. Kyong Turner’s application indicated only post master’s clinical experience from May 2004 until December 2005. The requirement for licensure is two years of post master’s clinical experience. Motion unanimously carried.

Review of Application to sit for the ASWB exam – Starlin Gibbs

The Board reviewed Starlin Gibb’s application to sit for the ASWB exam. Ms. Ho-Ruggiero made a motion, seconded by Mr. Robinson to approve the application. Motion unanimously carried.

Review of Application for Licensure by Reciprocity – Linda Creighton

The Board reviewed Linda Creighton’s application for licensure by reciprocity. Mr. Carter made a motion, seconded by Ms. Ho-Ruggiero to table the application for the correct number of total hours for all three periods of employment listed on her application. In addition the Board requires that Ms. Creighton contact her supervisor and have her complete and submit the current supervisory reference form. Motion unanimously carried.

Review of Application for Licensure by Reciprocity – Leighanne Hollans

The Board reviewed Leighanne Hollans’ application for licensure by reciprocity. Included with Ms. Hollans’ application was a score verification from the ASWB showing that she had taken and passed the Advanced Generalist examination, however the Board does not recognize the Advanced Generalist exam as being equivalent to the Clinical exam. Mr. Carter made a motion, seconded by Mr. Robinson to table the application for licensure by reciprocity, but approve Ms. Hollans application to sit for the ASWB examination. Motion unanimously carried.

Assign Contact Person for Complaint # 31-03-05

Mr. Robinson agreed to be the contact person for complaint # 31-03-05.

Review of List of Passing ASWB Clinical Exam Candidates

Mr. Oswell presented the Board with a list of licensees who successfully passed the ASWB exam between September 20, 2005 and December 31, 2005 and who subsequently received their Clinical Social Worker licenses. Those licensees are Denise Crowley, Allen Etty, Dale Perkel, Paula Varrassi, Adrienne Bey, Dora Temple, Angela Ramone, Nancy Gaddis and Bettina Rubin. Mr. Robinson made a motion, seconded by Mr. Carter to recognize and congratulate those that successfully passed the ASWB clinical exam during that time. Motion unanimously carried.

Other Business Before the Board (for discussion only)

Mr. Oswell presented the Board with a notice from the ASWB about the upcoming new board member training. Mr. Robinson agreed to attend the June 23-25, 2006 meeting in Northern Virginia. All expenses will be paid for by the ASWB.


There was no public comment.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on February 13, 2006. All Board members present indicated they would attend.


Ms. Ho-Ruggiero made a motion, seconded by Mr. Carter, to adjourn. Motion unanimously carried. There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Timothy E. Oswell, Administrative Specialist II

Delaware Board of Clinical Social Work Examiners


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