Instructions - Association of Social Work Boards - ASWB

87630-152400857256350Association of Social Work BoardsApproved Continuing Education ProgramApplication Part 2 – Course Sample Review00Association of Social Work BoardsApproved Continuing Education ProgramApplication Part 2 – Course Sample ReviewInstructionsCourse sample: Complete a separate Application Part 2 – Course Sample Review (this document) for each course sample being submitted for review. If you are seeking approval for more than one overall type of course format, a different course sample is required to be submitted for each. Conference session sample: Complete a copy of this document for each overall type of conference session being submitted for review. Additional course samples may be requested during the review process if the review team determines more information is needed before an approval decision can be made.For more information, contact ACE staff at ace@ or 800.225.6880, ext. 3021 or ext. 3014. I. Applicant informationOrganizationACE provider # (renewal applicants only) II. Course/Session overviewCourse/Session title:Select the format associated with this course (or session): (Choose one overall format type – in bold print - and one sub-type for this sample course.)? In-person:?Workshop, seminar, lecture?Semester course?Other, describe below:? Conference session:?Lecture/discussion?Case study?Keynote presenter?Panel discussion?Scientific paper?Hybrid or other, describe: (inquire for standards before submitting)? Live distance learning:? Webinar?Teleconference?Audio/visual conference?Hybrid or other; describe below: ? Self-paced distance learning?Home study?Reading based online activity?Recorded video online activity?Webinar?Teleconference?Audio/visual conference?Hybrid or other; describe below: CE hours and creditsTotal learning hours:Total credits awarded:Audience composition (if course was presented in the past) Use total numbers and not percentages.Total participants:Total social workers:Course or session developers must determine the level at which the content and materials are developed. See below for more information and review Standard 4.4 in the ACE Handbook. At which level is the course materials presented??Beginning level?Intermediate level?Advanced levelBeginning level courses may provide an introduction to a content area and may include information about a particular condition, treatment method, or issue. Learning objectives involve learning and comprehending content.Intermediate level courses provide information that builds on knowledge practitioners with some experience already have. These courses focus on skill-building or adding knowledge, possibly following a brief overview of basic information. Learning objectives involve using information in concrete situations and understanding the underlying structure of the material. Advanced level courses provide content for participants who have been working in the content area and have a clear understanding of the issues. These courses cover and address the complexities involved in the work. Learning objectives involve synthesizing material to create new patterns or structures or evaluating material for a specific purpose. III. Course promotional materialsSection instructionsCourse sampleIf completing this application for a courseSubmit a copy of all materials used to advertise the course, on paper and electronically.Review Standards 6.1 and 6.2 in the ACE Handbook to ensure an understanding of ACE requirements regarding promotional materials. The information listed below is required in course promotional materials.Check each item to indicate the information is included in promotional materials. Highlight each item in the promotional materials attached to this application to help reviewers find it. Contact ACE if you have questions about a requirement or if the requirement represents a new area of program administration for the organization. Conference session sampleIf completing this application for a conference sessionAttach promotional materials for the overall conferenceAttach promotional materials (paper & electronic) for each session Complete and submit Application part 3C – Conference The information listed below is required in promotional materials?Contact information for the organization responsible for the course?Course fees, including what is covered, and deadlines for cancellations and refunds?Course description ?Course syllabus, outline, or agenda (if course is over two hours in length)?Continuing education hours offered? Where both educational and noneducational sessions are offered, the courses for credit must be clearly identified?Course completion requirements, e.g., completing the course evaluation, participating in all sessions, etc.?Statement of when and how certificate of credit will be awarded?Instructions for addressing grievances, including contact information?Instructions for requesting accommodations for individuals with disabilities?ACE provider number, approval statement, and expiration date (Do not add the ACE approval statement to published material until after approved by ACE. The approval statement may be placed in mocked up promotional samples submitted for review.)?Information about approvals by other approvers?Instructors and their qualifications (include brief bio)?Course delivery method and format?Distance learning interactivity is clearly indicated and described ? Specific learning objectives for the course are identified:?Each learning objective is measurable and/or observable?Each learning objective illustrates knowledge or a skill that a participant will be able to demonstrate after completing the course?Each learning objective is stated identically in the course promotional materials, course content, and course evaluation.? The target audience (i.e., who should attend the course). Materials used to advertise a course must communicate to potential attendees the level of practice experience or knowledge for which the course information will be most applicable. See explanation of levels below:Targeted Practice Levels:Beginning level courseIntermediate level courseAdvanced level course(The focus of these descriptions is promotional materials)New graduates (BSW or MSW) or individuals who have recently changed fields of practice.Individuals with a year or more experience in the relevant field of practice.Individuals with several years of experience in related work. Level of education may be relevant in cases such as advanced clinical skills training. III. Course/Session required materialsThe materials listed below are required for each course or conference session submitted with this application. Check each item to indicate compliance.?Course promotional materials (all used – e.g., brochures, flyers, emails, websites, mailings, etc.)?Pilot test (required for all self-paced distance learning courses)?Course or session agenda or outline/timeline (for all courses over two hours in length)?Course or session learning objectives?Course or session content & materials, including, but not limited to:?Books, handouts?PowerPoint slides, articles, presenter notes?Bibliography, references?Posttest (all distance learning courses, ask staff about other options available for live distance learning)?Evaluation for the course/session?Certificate of completion for the course?Attendance roster or sign-in/sign-out form IV. Course/Session contentCourse or session description (50 words or less)List course or session educational objectives; objectives mustBe specific, clear, and conciseBe measurable and/or observableDescribe what the participant will be able to demonstrate as an outcome of the learning experienceBe stated consistently in promotional materials, content, and evaluationDescribe how course content reflects current (within the last five years) literature, materials and references, and how it relates to one or more of the following social work educational areas.Check the boxes for the areas it relates to: ?Theories and concepts of human behavior in the social environment?Social work practice, knowledge, and skills?Social work research, programs, or practice evaluations?Social work agency management or administration?Development, evaluation, and/or implementation of social policy?Social work generalist practice?Social work clinical practice?Diversity and social justice?Social work ethics?Other, describe below:Submit the bibliography or list of references for the course along with the course sample.Which of the following practice areas (one or more) are incorporated into the course or session??Knowledge base?Engagement/relationship building?Assessment?Planning?Intervention/treatment?Evaluation?Termination of treatmentDescribe how the practice area(s) indicated in question 4 is addressed in the course content.This course applies to work with: Check all that apply?Individuals ?Groups?Organizations?Communities?Social systemsWhich of the following current issues in social work practice are addressed in the course??Diversity, cultural, linguistic competencies, multiculturalism?Social work values and ethics?Assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental, emotional or behavioral disorder, condition, and/or addictions ?Assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of specific populations (e.g. HIV/AIDS, aging) ?Nonclinical practice?Other, describe below:Describe course content relating to professional activities involving direct services to clients, and/or social work practice with individuals, families, and/or groups. (direct practice, clinical practice)Describe course content relating to areas of social work practice not involving immediate or personal contact with clients being served, and/or professional activities other than direct practice to individuals, families, and/or groups. (indirect, nonclinical practice) V. Certificate of course completionSection instructionsThe ACE provider must issue a completed and signed certificate verifying attendance and credit awarded to each participant who completes a course, a conference, or conference sessions. These certificates may only be provided after the participant has completed the course/conference/conference session and course evaluation, and must be provided within 30 days after the event. Certificates of completion and credit or other means of documenting the credit a participant receives upon completion of a course must include items 1 through 10 listed below. Check each item below to indicate it is included in the certificate. Include comments after each item if you have questions about a specific requirement. Submit a copy of a certificate used for the course sample.The information below is required in certificates of completion.?Name of participant?Participant’s license jurisdiction and social work license/certification/registration number (if required by jurisdiction) Note: You must include a space on the certificate for this or let the ACE program know that this is not required by the jurisdiction(s) you serve if you are not including it on the certificate.Provide details here about why you are not including the participant’s license information, only if you are not including this on your certificate sample:?Title of the course (or conference)?Location and date(s) of the course (or conference)?Begin and end time of the course (or conference)?Amount of credit awarded/clock hours For conferences, the total amount of credit awarded for the conference as well credit awarded for individual conference sessions, will be indicated on the course certificate.?If the focus of the course is content that is required by a jurisdiction (clinical, social work ethics, cultural diversity, etc.), the course focus will be indicated on the course certificate.?Course delivery formatFor distance learning courses, the course format, and any interactive aspects of the course, will be indicated on the course certificate. It must be clear on the certificate whether the course is a live or self-paced distance learning course, e.g., “recorded webinar,” “self-paced online training,” or “live interactive teleconference.”?For conferences, the certificate must list each session attended and the individual number of credits provided for each session: “(Session name): _____ continuing education credits.”?ACE approval statement[Provider name], [provider number], is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved as ACE providers. State and provincial regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. [Provider name) maintains responsibility for this course. ACE provider approval period: [dates]. Social workers completing this course receive [number] [type] continuing education credits. VI. EvaluationSection InstructionsReview standard 7.4 in the ACE Handbook to ensure an understanding of ACE standards and requirements for evaluation materials. Evaluations must be completed by social workers requesting CE credit. Course sample evaluationAttach a copy of the evaluation for the course submitted with this application.Conference session sample evaluationIf completing this document for a conference session, you will also complete Part 3C Conference.How does the organization use participant evaluations to improve courses?How does the organization apply participant course evaluations to develop/modify the overall program?Does your organization require the attendee to put their name on the evaluation? (Yes or no)If you answered no to question 3 above, explain how your organization tracks who completed an evaluation in order to ensure that every social worker requesting CE credit completed an evaluation, as required by ACE standards.In order to meet ACE standards, questions 5, A – G must be included and rated in every evaluation. A Likert scale can be used to measure participant response to each statement. Depending on the course format, additional questions from 6, 7, and 8 will be added to the evaluation as needed. Check each item to indicate it is included in evaluations.?List and rate each learning objective as stated in the promotional materials and course materials ?The course material was appropriate to my education, experience, and/or licensure level?The course material was relevant to my practice?The course material was current?The course material presented the course content effectively?The handouts and teaching aids enhanced the content of the course?Program administration?Questions or concerns were addressed effectively and in a timely manner?The registration process was straightforward?The instructions for requesting accommodations for a disability were clearInstructor-led course evaluation questionsFor courses delivered by an individual (instructor, facilitator, or panel), such as workshops, conference sessions, live webinars, and synchronous online programs, course evaluations must also include the following questions. Check each item to indicate the information is included in evaluations. ?The instructor was knowledgeable about the content ?The instructor presented the subject matter clearly?The instructor was responsive to participants?The instructor used technology effectivelyOnsite course evaluation questionsOnsite courses (workshops and live webinars, if applicable) and conferences, must also include the following questions. Check each item to indicate the information is included in evaluations.?The location was suitable?The facilities were conducive to learningSelf-paced learning evaluationsFor asynchronous learning (self-paced home study, asynchronous online, and recorded webinars), also include the following questions. Check each item to indicate the information is included in evaluations. ?The technology was user-friendly?The length of time to complete the course matches the number of CE credits awarded for the courseASWB ACE Program Lisa Casler Haun, Manager of Continuing Competence and Continuing Education Services: lcasler@Donna Edwards, Continuing Education Specialist: 800.225.6880, ext. 3021 dedwards@ ................

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