React JS Course - A2N Academy

React JS Course

You Look Better as a Confident Professional.

Join our Specially designed course & Become A Professional today

Duration:2 Months

Class Duration:1hr to 1.5hr

Course Fee: 15,000 INR

No of Assignments: 10 Assignments

No of Projects: 2

No of Live Projects: 1

Key Features:

















Understand the job profile

Learn how IT industry works

Get Corporate Level Exposure

Industrial Training & Customer Interactions during the project development

Mentor Session from Google Certified Professionals

Learn in Google Partner Company

Real World Projects

Profile Building

Collaborative learning with other team members

Job Assistance and Growth Hacking

Certification from Google Partner Company

Recorded Sessions after the class

How to Manage and Update Job Profile

Understand All Elements of Website & use cases

Industry Best Practice

Understand Stages of Real Time Projects




Connecting with job network

Salary negotiation skill management

Publishing Live Profile on Company Website for Hiring Managers.

Highlights of the course:







Building fast and efficient website with React

How to build complete Responsive application using React, Bootstrap, Node Js, Express

Js, mongo dB

Deploying the application on Heroku

Understanding complete end to end flow

Examples with Real Time Use cases

Transforms you to Work on React Js In the Industry with Confidence

? Javascript


1. Introduction to Js

2. Array Methods (e.g. map(), filter() etc)

3. Callback functions

4. Async await

5. call(), bind(), apply()


7. JSON Objects

8. Ajax

9. Variables And Methods

10. Functions

11. Array Methods

12. Events

13. Create Elements

14. Attributes

15. Set Timeout

16. Set Interval

17. Browser Storages

18. Call apply bind

19. Closure

20. Callbacks

21. Promises

22. Async Await

? React JS with ES 6


1. Why we go for React?

2. How to display view/template to the end user (components, JSX)

3. How to handle events.

4. How to take data from input controls (3) and validate.

5. How to handle AJAX.

6. How to render text dynamically in the view.

7. How to apply styles dynamically.

8. node js basics

9. React Code(client) + node JS(server) + MYSQL (End to End Application)

10. React Routing (create-react-app, create-react-component to get u r application structure)

+ build + deployment.

11. Reusable components

12. Life cycle methods

13. HOC

14. Communication between components

15. Context

16. JSX

17. Lists (map), keys

18. Conditional rendering

19. State less vs state full

20. Controlled vs uncontrolled components

21. React fragment.

22. Test cases using Jest Framework.

23. Integrate with other libraries (React Table, React-spinner, React-Modal etc.)

? ES6


1. Introduction

2. Array Helper Methods

3. Let and Const

4. Template Literals

5. Arrow Functions

6. Default Function Parameters

7. Rest and Spread

8. Destructuring

9. Classes

10. Promises

11. Fetch

? Redux with React:


1. How to implement redux in react.

2. Redux logger

3. Redux thunk

4. (react + redux) client + node JS(server) + MongoDB

? React Hooks


1. useState

2. useEffect

3. useRef

4. useReducer

5. useMemo

6. useCallback

7. React hooks(client) + node JS(server) + Mongo DB + webpack


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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