? N F A P P O L I C Y B R I E F A U G U S T 2 0 2 1



International students are a significant source of talent for U.S. employers and allow U.S. universities to offer highquality academic programs in science and engineering for American students. Without international students the number of students in America pursuing graduate degrees (master's and Ph.D.'s) in fields such as computer and information sciences and electrical engineering would be small relative to the size of the U.S. economy. In 2019, at U.S. universities, there were only 9,083 full-time U.S. graduate students in electrical engineering, compared to 26,343 full-time international students. Similarly, in computer and information sciences, in 2019, there were only 17,334 full-time U.S. graduate students compared to 44,786 international graduate students at U.S. universities.1 This report updates an October 2017 study.

Among the key findings of the research:

- The number of full-time international students enrolled in graduate-level electrical engineering at U.S. universities dropped 19.5% between 2015 and 2019. The number of full-time international students enrolled in graduate-level computer and information sciences at U.S. universities declined 9.5% between 2016 and 2019. This decline in international graduate students was before the new restrictions imposed on Chinese students and the impact of Covid-19. A continuation of this trend would present serious issues for U.S. employers and universities.

- At U.S. universities, foreign nationals account for 82% of the full-time graduate students in petroleum engineering, 74% in electrical engineering, 72% in computer and information sciences, 71% in industrial and manufacturing engineering, 70% in statistics, 67% in economics, 61% in civil engineering, 58% in mechanical engineering and agricultural economics, 56% in mathematics, 54% in chemical engineering, 53% in metallurgical and materials engineering, 52% in materials sciences and 50% in pharmaceutical sciences.

- At many U.S. universities, the data show it would be difficult to maintain important graduate programs without international students. In electrical engineering, the majority of full-time graduate students (master's and Ph.D.'s) are international students at 88% of the U.S. graduate school programs with at least 30 students, or 149 U.S. universities total. In computer and information sciences, the majority of full-time graduate students are international students at 211 universities, representing 78% of the U.S. graduate school programs with at least 30 students.

1 Note the designation computer and information sciences includes what in the past was referred to only as computer sciences or computer sciences.

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- Over the past two decades, foreign-born scientists and engineers have played a critical role in filling the demand for high-level technical talent in the United States. Between 1998 and 2019, the annual number of full-time international graduate students in computer and information sciences increased by 310%, from 10,930 in 1998 to 44,786 in 2019. In comparison, over the same period, the annual number of full-time U.S. graduate students in computer and information sciences increased by 91%, from 9,042 in 1998 to 17,334 in 2019.

- A May 2020 Trump administration presidential proclamation (PP10043), continued by the Biden administration, contains overly broad criteria and is blocking visas for Chinese graduate students based on the universities they attended in China, not based on the individual risk of the students. After the resumption of consular activities in China, U.S. universities reported denials of J-1 visas for Chinese scholars and new and F-1 visas for graduate students in science and engineering. The implications of the denials have alarmed analysts and universities, given the significant role Chinese graduate students and scholars play in key technical fields in the United States.

- The policy is likely to block at least 3,000 to 5,000 Chinese graduate students a year. The policy is costly to the United States. Every 1,000 Ph.D. students blocked in a year from U.S. universities costs an estimated $210 billion in the expected value of patents produced at universities over 10 years and nearly $1 billion in lost tuition over a decade, according to an analysis from the National Foundation for American Policy. Other economic costs include the loss of highly productive scientists and engineers prevented from working in the U.S. economy or patents and innovations produced outside university settings.

- The annual number of full-time U.S. graduate students in electrical engineering increased by only 12% over the past 21 years, from 8,139 in 1998 to 9,083 in 2019. Over the same period, the annual number of fulltime international graduate students in electrical engineering increased by 130%, from 11,469 in 1998 to 26,343 in 2019.

- The increase in both the size and number of graduate programs in science and engineering at U.S. universities indicates U.S. student enrollment has not been held down by the lack of available slots at U.S. graduate schools. Research by economist Kevin Shih found, "At the graduate level, international students do not crowd-out, but actually increase domestic enrollment."2

2 Kevin Shih, Do International Students Crowd Out or Cross-Subsidize Americans in Higher Education? September 25, 2017.

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- In electrical engineering, international students account for 83% of the full-time graduate students at Auburn University, 81% at Duke University, 61% at the University of Kentucky, 88% at Texas A&M, 88% at SMU and 73% at the University of Texas at Austin.

- In computer and information sciences, international students account for 80% of the full-time graduate students at Rice University, 63% at Texas Tech, 67% at UCLA, 76% at North Carolina State, 70% at LSU, 77% at George Mason University, 61% at Vanderbilt, 56% at West Virginia University and 72% at Virginia Tech.

- A high level of international students allows U.S. universities to attract and retain faculty. "If we were not to place such a heavy emphasis on research, we wouldn't be able to get faculty that teach the wide range of things we do, with the appropriate expertise, so our educational mission would suffer," said Professor Christopher Raphael, who heads the Music Informatics program in the School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University.

- "To get tenure and perform research, professors require a significant number of graduate students and there are not enough domestic students alone in certain fields," said Stuart Cooper, a professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at Ohio State University.

- Postdocs assist in critical research at U.S. universities after completing their doctorate. Fifty-six percent of postdocs at U.S. universities are foreign nationals who work on temporary visas, including 73% in electrical engineering (954 postdocs in 2019), 72% in metallurgical and materials engineering, 69% in mechanical engineering, 68% in chemical engineering, 66% in oncology and cancer research (1,202 postdocs), 66% in physics (1,785 postdocs), 64% in computer and information sciences, 63% in chemistry, 53% in neurobiology and neuroscience (1,179 postdocs) and 49% (1,951 postdocs) in clinical medicine.

Maintaining a welcoming policy on international students is essential to preserving America's role as a center of technological innovation. Such a policy means reasonable visa policies for international students and making it easier for students to work after graduation, including preserving STEM OPT (Optional Practical Training) and improved policies on H-1B visas, per-country limits and employment-based green cards. Today, the global competition for international students and talented scientists and engineers is intense. Recent U.S. efforts to block many Chinese graduate students from U.S. universities might deal a significant blow to future innovation and scientific research in America.

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At U.S. universities, international students account for 82% of the full-time graduate students in petroleum engineering, 74% in electrical engineering and 72% in computer and information sciences, 71% in industrial and manufacturing engineering, 70% in statistics, 67% in economics, 61% in civil engineering, 58% in mechanical engineering and agricultural economics, 56% in mathematics and applied mathematics, 54% in chemical engineering, 53% in metallurgical and materials engineering, 52% in materials sciences and pharmaceutical sciences.3 (Data for 2019.) The field computer and information sciences includes what a few years earlier encompassed computer sciences.

Table 1 Full-time Graduate Students and the Percent of International Students by Field (2019)


Petroleum Engineering Electrical Engineering Computer and Information Sciences Industrial and Manufact. Engineering Statistics Economics Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Agricultural Economics Mathematics and Applied Math Chemical Engineering Metallurgical/Materials Engineering Materials Sciences Pharmaceutical Sciences

Percent of International Students

82% 74% 72% 71% 70% 67% 61% 58% 58% 56% 54% 53% 52% 50%

Number of Full-time Graduate Students ? International Students

803 26,343 44,786

6,554 5,497 8,023 8,775 11,215

766 9,902 4,590 2,981

713 1,790

Number of Full-time Graduate Students ? U.S. Students

181 9,083 17,334 2,632 2,406 4,049 5,527 8,130

564 7,876 3,975 2,671

660 1,827

Source: National Science Foundation Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering, Public Use Microdata files, National Foundation for American Policy. U.S. students include lawful permanent residents.

3 National Science Foundation Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering, Public Use Microdata files, National Foundation for American Policy. Data for 2019.

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Over the past two decades, have helped fill the demand for high-level technical talent in the United States. Between 1998 and 2019, the annual number of full-time international graduate students in computer and information sciences increased by 310%, from 10,930 in 1998 to 44,786 in 2019. In comparison, over the same period, the annual number of full-time U.S. graduate students in computer and information sciences increased by 91%, from 9,042 in 1998 to 17,334 in 2019.

Table 2 Computer and Information Sciences: Full-time Graduate Students: 1998 to 2019


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

U.S. Students

9,042 9,939 9,630 10,164 11,919 12,744 12,719 12,226 11,959 11,814 11,684 12,113 12,072 11,579 11,534 11,481 12,232 12,539 13,854 13,224 15,904 17,334

International Students

10,930 12,748 16,928 19,923 20,660 17,964 16,443 16,091 16,801 18,268 19,654 20,085 20,710 21,282 22,574 27,787 39,837 45,790 49,507 42,982 41,885 44,786

Percent International Students 54.7% 56.2% 63.7% 66.2% 63.4% 58.5% 56.4% 56.8% 58.4% 60.7% 62.7% 62.4% 63.2% 64.8% 66.2% 70.8% 76.5% 78.5% 78.1% 76.5% 72.5% 72.1%

Source: National Science Foundation, Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates, National Foundation for American Policy calculations. U.S. students include lawful permanent residents.

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Figure 1

Computer and Information Sciences: Full-Time U.S. and International Graduate Students, 1998-2019







0 1998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019

US Student

International Student

Source: National Science Foundation, Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates, National Foundation for American Policy calculations. U.S. students include lawful permanent residents.

Figure 2

Electrical Engineering: Full-Time U.S. and International Graduate Students, 1998-2019








0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

US Student

International Student

Source: National Science Foundation, Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates, National Foundation for American Policy calculations. U.S. students include lawful permanent residents.

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The annual number of full-time U.S. graduate students in electrical engineering increased by only 12% over the past 21 years, from 8,139 in 1998 to 9,083 in 2019. Over the same period, the annual number of full-time international graduate students in electrical engineering increased by 130%, from 11,469 in 1998 to 26,343 in 2019.

Table 3 Electrical Engineering: Full-time Graduate Students: 1998 to 2019


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

U.S. Students

8,139 7,595 7,253 7,750 8,654 9,601 8,792 8,790 8,696 8,448 8,486 8,362 8,904 8,802 8,278 8,130 7,925 7,783 7,758 8,108 8,338 9,083

International Students

11,469 12,926 15,709 17,490 19,586 19,328 17,940 17,059 18,683 20,628 20,726 20,920 21,073 21,933 23,248 26,530 31,943 32,736 30,400 28,096 26,476 26,343

Percent International Students 58.5% 63.0% 68.4% 69.3% 69.4% 66.8% 67.1% 66.0% 68.2% 70.9% 71.0% 71.4% 70.3% 71.4% 73.7% 76.5% 80.1% 80.8% 79.7% 77.6% 76.0% 74.4%

Source: National Science Foundation, Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates, National Foundation for American Policy calculations. U.S. students include lawful permanent residents. This includes full-time graduate students in electrical, electronic and communications engineering.

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At many U.S. universities, it would be difficult to maintain important graduate programs without international students. In electrical engineering, the majority of full-time graduate students (master's and Ph.D.'s) are international students at 88% of the U.S. graduate school programs with at least 30 students, or 149 U.S. universities total. In computer and information sciences, the majority of full-time graduate students are international students at 211 universities, representing 78% of the U.S. graduate school programs with at least 30 students.4 The story is similar in other fields. In mechanical engineering, the majority of full-time graduate students are international students at 101 universities, representing 67% of the U.S. graduate school programs with at least 30 students.5 The story is similar in other fields.

Table 4 U.S. University Graduate Programs with a Majority of International Students (2019)


Electrical (and Electronics and Commercial) Engineering Industrial/Manufact. Engineering Economics Statistics Computer and Information Sciences Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical and Materials Eng. Pharmaceutical Sciences Chemical Engineering Mathematics/Applied Math.

Number of U.S. Universities with More Than 50 Percent International Students in Graduate School Program (2019) 149

65 86 60 211

93 101

36 29 55 83

Percentage of U.S. Universities with a Majority of International Students in Graduate School Program (2019) 88%

86% 80% 79% 78%

76% 67% 63% 63% 61% 54%

Source: National Science Foundation, Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates, National Foundation for American Policy calculations. U.S. students include lawful permanent residents. Note: analysis limited to programs with at least 30 fulltime students.

The high level of international students plays a role in universities being able to attract and retain faculty, which benefits U.S. students. "If we were not to place such a heavy emphasis on research, we wouldn't be able to get

4 Ibid. 5 Ibid.


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