1st June Education and Children Action Plan

0-25400000All Saints Church School?Ladies Walk, Montacute, Somerset,?TA15 6XG?Tel: 01935 826626 Fax: 01935 825788?e-mail: office@allsaints.?? Head Teacher: Mrs Sharon Bowditch BAQTS?1st June Education and Children Action PlanQuestionsWhat learning provision will look like at All Saints Church SchoolHow will the children be educated when the school is reopened to years R, 1 and 6 and factoring in that Year groups 2, 3, 4 and 5 who are still at home?All staff will continue to plan Home Learning activities (Maths, Literacy, Topic, R.E. and PSHE) for year groups who are at home (2, 3, 4, and 5), as well as Key Worker and vulnerable children. For children in school, lessons will be delivered by a teacher (in person or via Teams). For those children at home, a continuation of previous routines already established will be in place. Each child working in school will receive an additional exercise book to record their answers for English and for Maths. These will stay in school. Each child will have their equipment at their individual desk. No pencil cases or extra equipment will be brought into school. No books or equipment from home will be brought into school.All children will receive open ended topic related learning opportunities in line with their yearly curriculum. This will include topic area which can be enhanced by STEAM.Teachers are using yearly National Curriculum objectives to ensure the curriculum coverage is taught to the best of their ability.Key topics necessary for transition include e.g. PSHE and sex and relationship educationBasic skills e.g. reading, writing etc Investigative work in mathematics.Home Learning is provided for all children and differentiation is put in to place for groups and individuals. Class teachers are providing provision for SEN children individually, communicating with parents via email and phone.Overviews and weekly plan/ resources are all online Monday morning for parents and children to access.Class teacher emails are available for parents to contact Teachers. Teachers provide feedback to learning throughout the working day or as children upload completed work. What will Reception children be taught?Staff will continue to plan Home Learning activities (Maths, Literacy, Topic, R.E. and PSHE) Guidance from: have amended legislation to allow for the temporary disapplying and modifying of a number of requirements within the early years foundation stage (EYFS), which covers children in reception, giving settings flexibility to respond to changes in workforce availability and potential fluctuations in demand. These temporary changes came into force on 24 April 2020. During the coronavirus outbreak, schools should use reasonable endeavours to meet the existing?EYFS learning and development requirements. As far as possible, children should benefit from a broad range of educational opportunities, but this also provides schools with the flexibility to give additional focus to fundamental areas where support is required following time spent out of school, such as reading.All Saints Church School EYFS Curriculum will look like this:EYFS legislation has been amended, meaning that the EYFS profile for Summer 2020 is no longer statutory. The EYFS Framework will continue to be used as a basis for children’s learning opportunities.Learning will begin with a primary focus on the Prime Areas of Learning. Children will be sensitively welcomed back into the school environment and a significant amount of time will be allocated to Personal, Social and Emotional Development. Age-appropriate language and resources will be used to achieve this. Staff will endeavour to support the building of relationships and social skills as much as possible, despite physical restrictions that will be in place for the safety of all. Activities that encourage Physical Development will be planned for daily, whether this be ‘Wake and Shake’ style activities for gross-motor development or fine motor skill challenges. Age-appropriate language and routines will be in place to ensure children understand healthy choices. Communication and Language will be developed through role-play activities and story time, for example.The Specific Areas of Learning will be taught through a mixture of adult input and adult-led activities, to begin with. Adult input for Literacy and Maths may be delivered by a Teaching Assistant or video input from the Class Teacher. Teaching Assistant led lessons will be supplemented and supported by interactive resources such as videos, stories or computer-based presentations. To ensure high-quality teaching and consistency across learning at home and at school, Ruth Miskin Training videos will be used to support Read Write Inc Phonics input. Reading, writing, maths and the wider curriculum (Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design) will be consolidated with adult-led activities. Feedback will be orally given to ensure children’s learning is moved on in a timely manner.Home learning will continue to be set on Tapestry with the same videos, presentations and stories being shared with families to support home learning. Adult-led activity resources will also be shared with families. Feedback will continue to be given to move children’s on via Tapestry.What will Year 1 children be taught?Staff will continue to plan Home Learning activities (Maths, Literacy, Topic, R.E and PSHE) for Year 1 childrenFor children in school, lessons will be delivered by a teacher (in person or via Teams/ J2e). For those children at home, a continuation of previous routines already established will be in placeGuidance from: Year 1, where possible schools should ascertain where children have fallen behind or have progressed further against the school’s existing reading curriculum. If they have forgotten aspects already covered, then staff will reteach and practise this material, where necessary reteaching phonics and using appropriately matched reading books to practise reading. Where there are small numbers significantly behind others then teachers will ensure individuals receive support as intensively as can be managed to catch up and liaise where possible with parents and carers to ensure they can support too.What will Year 6 children be taught?Staff will continue to plan Home Learning activities (Maths, Literacy, RE, Topic, PSHE) for Year 6For children in school, lessons will be delivered by a teacher (in person or via Teams/ J2e). For those children at home, a continuation of previous routines already established will be in placeGuidance from: 6 teaching during this time should focus on readiness for secondary school, including academic readiness, which could involve additional teaching in any subject, but in particular mathematics and English to make up for any losses to learning incurred while at home.Physical education lessons may continue to take place providing they are strictly non-contact and do not involve more than any one temporary group. There will be much focus on emotional and social needs as part of the integration back into school and to support any anxiety and sadness based around the ‘loss’ of some Year 6 traditionsHow do we support SEN children? Teaching staff to produce tailored work for those in school and at home.Teachers to continue emails identified SEN children who require tailored work and Teachers who is delivering in the classroom. SENCO will continue to support vulnerable children and SEN when needed and appropriateSENCo will liaise with secondary schools re SEN transitionHow do we support Vulnerable children?If staffing levels are challenging, solutions suggested:At all times prioritise ALL vulnerable pupils and key worker pupils and proactively encourage to attend schoolCarry out Risk Assessments for pupils with EHCP, SEN, SEMH needs including how to mitigate identified risks. SENCO will continue to support vulnerable children and SEN when needed and appropriateHow will we support Pupil Premium children? Each class group has individuals support plan which includes children’s current progress and areas of concerns. This information will be used by teachers to target and support these children on return to school and if appropriate support for those at homeHow will we manage home work?No homework tasks will be set to prevent cross contamination How will we manage years R, 1, 6 and Key worker/vulnerable children returning to school on the 1st JuneParents to provide the school with the intention to return their child to school on the 1st of June. Each Class has been risk assessed based on number of children that can safely be allowed in each room. Acorn Class:10Intervention (Acorn Class): 6Class 1: 10Class 2: 10Class 3: 10Class 4: 10Class 5: 10Class 6: 10Library Area: 7Main Hall: 14All staff members will be used across the school to teach and support in the different year groups.The Library, Intervention area and school hall will also be used during these times as temporary classrooms. One location will require a computer to be put in place (Intervention area) in order to have the correct technology and equipment to support puters will be installed in these areas.How will we assess the children’s current academic attainment to support with gap filling? Once a transition period has been completed, the SLT will discuss the implementation of assessments using appropriate materials at the appropriate time. How will we manage issues with uniform? is no need for anything other than normal personal hygiene and washing of clothes following a day in a school.?Uniform?that cannot be machine washed should be avoided.You will want to think about leeway for any child who has grown out of any parts of their?uniform?since March but whose parents cannot currently replace it.Where there are issues with uniform not fitting children and lack of supplies, the school will be flexible with parents and children. How will we support Year 6 transition to Secondary School?Assessment based on where the children were at Easter but with optimism about what they could have achieved with good support.Possible update of assessments of pupils with SEND so that up-to-date information can be passed to secondary schools.Taken from the DFE guidance ‘Planning guide for Primary Schools’ In Year 6 it is unlikely that many of the end of term traditions will be able to take place, for example, whole year or class assemblies with parents, school journeys and trips. Schools should provide opportunities for children to discuss this as it may be a source of anxiety or sadness. Though visits to secondary schools for induction will not take place this year, some secondary schools may have capacity to undertake remote induction briefings or other types of sessions for pupils, for example to meet form tutors, heads of year, or other key staff, or have a tour of the school virtually. You should discuss the options with your secondary schools. How will we manage year 6 leaving the school?This could be project based work linking to transition and safeguarding long term their memories of school.E.g. Year 6 collaborative banner, leavers book, consider a recorded song and organisation of hoodies, an alternative for residential in the futureHow will we mark children’s work? Emphasis on self-assessment, dictated comments, verbal feedback, work discussed on board.Where work requires direct marking involving the teacher touching the work – teacher must wear gloves. This type of work to be completed on single paper and handed back 24hrs later. How will we manage attendance recording?Continue to undertake what is already in place. Parents will be told to let the office know, in the morning, if their child is not attending school that day. They must phone the school by 9.30am once staggered timings are in place. ................

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