Homework 4 Solutions - Statistics Department

Homework 4 Solutions


Let [pic] be the probability that Andre wins a set against his father, and let [pic] be the probability that Andre wins a set against the club champion. Clearly, because the club champion is a better player than Andre’s father, we have [pic].

For sequence (a) father-champion-father, the probability of Andre winning at least 2 tennis sets in a row is just the probability of him winning the first 2 sets plus the probability of him losing the 1st set and winning the 2nd and 3rd sets:


For sequence (b) champion-father-champion, the probability of Andre winning at least 2 tennis sets in a row is instead [pic].

Comparing the probabilities for (a) and (b), note that because [pic], it follows that [pic]; this means that Andre would have a higher probability of winning at least 2 sets in a row if he chose to play the champion-father-champion sequence.

2. Ross 3.80 p. 122

a) Let [pic] be the event that A plays in exactly i contests, where i can be any integer value between 1 nd n, inclusive. In order for A to play in exactly i contests, A must lose the i-th contests for values of i less than n ([pic]). Why does this not hold when [pic]? Because once A reaches the n-th contest, there are none after, so A will play in exactly n contests regardless of whether he wins or loses the n-th contest. In other words, the probability that A plays in exactly n contests is just the probability that A wins all contests up to and including contest [pic]. These statements give us [pic] as


b) Let E denote the event that contestants A and B ever play each other. We can obtain this probability by conditioning on the events [pic]. In other words, we know that


Note that [pic] means A faced i different contestants, and each of the [pic] other contestants have an equal chance of ever playing with A; hence, [pic].

Using what we determined for [pic] from (a), we have


c) Let [pic] be the probability that A and B meet in a contest with [pic] players. Now, let F be the event that A and B play in the first contest; then [pic]. But since we know that the probability that A and B meet in the first contest is just [pic], we get that


Now, let G be the event that both A and B advance to the second round of this contest (i.e., the event that both win their first match). Then we have that


In other words, the probability that they meet given that they both advance to the second round and don’t meet in the first round is just the probability that out of [pic] possible contestants, we see A and B meet ([pic] because the number of contestants left after 1 round has been completed is half the original number). Hence, we have that


To verify that this holds, let us plug in [pic] (and hence [pic]) to verify that this identity holds:


(Checks out)

d) Note that every game played yields 1 loser. Also, with [pic] contestants and only 1 winner, there must be [pic] losers; hence, we require [pic] games in order to obtain [pic] losers.

e) Let [pic] denote the event that A and B play each other in game i, where [pic]. Note that there are [pic] possible pairings that can occur. Also, since players are equally skilled, the 2 players in game i are equally likely to be any of the [pic] pairs. Hence, it follows that [pic].

f) Since the events [pic] are mutually exclusive, then the event E is just the union of the events [pic]; hence,



Let [pic] denote the probability of having no two consecutive heads in a sequence of k tosses of a fair coin. Then let [pic] be the probability of having at least 2 heads in a row if there are k tosses remaining, i consecutive heads have already appeared, and there has not already been a run of at least 2 heads prior to the current run of i heads in a row. A recursive formula using [pic]’s will give the complement to [pic].

Adapting the FT shooting recursive formula from the addendum to the notes for a coin-tossing scenario, we have that


with boundary conditions

[pic] and [pic].

Then the probability that we have no runs of at least 2 consecutive heads in a sequence of k tosses of a fair coin is just [pic].

The following R function will be used to calculate [pic] for k = 5, 10, and 25 by calculating [pic].

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