How I Will Represent my University after Graduation

How I Will Represent my University after Graduation

Although I had not considered this question before, it seems clear to me now that no matter what I do in life I will be an example of the kinds of students who attend and graduate from my university. People often judge a person based on the school they gradate from. For example, it is normally assumed that graduates from Harvard or Oxford are very intelligent. Conversely, a university is also judged based on the behavior and success of their graduates. For example, many people consider the fact that President Bush attended Yale means that not all Yale graduates necessarily deserve to attend the university. Therefore, I hope that in my career my colleagues and employers will be happy with the work I do and that I will be good representative of the quality of the university’s education, faculty, and students.

Of course every student wants to be a great success and honor their university through their accomplishments. Even if I do not accomplish greatness, however, I hope that my skills, dedication to my work, and determination to work hard and well for my employers will help build a great reputation for me in the technology industry. I would like to be known for my skill in solving technology problems and in devising technological solutions. Although many outside of the industry may not realize this, the technology industry can be one where there is a great need for creativity. I believe my education, which has been quite rounded, will reflect well on me when creativity is needed. The more diverse the education a student receives, even if he or she graduates with a degree in field known for its specific course of study, such as accounting or computer information systems, the better off he or she will be able to perform in his or her career.

Because my university has allowed me to obtain a broad base of knowledge I will be able to apply many different areas of knowledge to any technological problem I encounter. Whether I work for a large corporation or a small entrepreneurial firm my education will have effectively prepared me to succeed in my industry. My education has also prepared me to work with many diverse people and cultures. In our world, where diversity is growing, this too will help me succeed greatly because the better I am able to work with others the more likely I am to succeed in my career. Because I will be able to pursue challenging work in many environments I will be able to succeed in many different environments. All of these things will help me reflect well on my university. Further, my determination to work hard and to satisfy my employer’s needs, will also help me represent my university well and proudly.


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