Alberta Petro-Chemical Safety Council (North)

Alberta Petro-Chemical Safety Council (Northern)

Meeting Minutes

Thursday, September 19, 2002

Ramada Inn, Edmonton

Chairperson: Marilee Jardine

Meeting started at 8:45 a.m. with greeting and introductions.


Wes Hutton Agrium Inc. – Redwater

Gerry Wagner AB Human Resources & Employment, WH&S

Bill Marlowe Brand Scaffold Services

Sandy Eggen Catalyst Technology Canada

Marilee Jardine CEDA Reactor Ltd.

Don Karpiak Imperial Oil (Strathcona Refinery)

Sheree Nimmo Nimmo Construction Ltd.

Don Gibson Owens-Corning Canada

Carolyn Glavine REPPSCO

Brenda Clements Sherritt International Corporation

Ken Rogan Steeplejack Industrial Group Inc.,

John Tanasichuk Sterling Crane

Al Kenney Suncor Energy Inc. Oil Sands

Doug Stanley Syncrude Canada Ltd.

Donna Lloyd Syncrude Canada Ltd.

Doug Kelly TransAlta Energy Corporation

Mike Varley Umicore Canada Inc.

Don Pye United Safety Ltd.

Members Absent:

Pat Hlushak Agrium Inc. – Fort Saskatchewan

Steve Chabot Aqua Lazer Alberta Ltd.

Tracey Zarn Alberta Envirofuels Inc.

Brent Landry Bantrel Inc.

Jeff Grubbs CEDA Reactor Ltd.

Steve MacDonald Celanese Canada Inc.

Les Paul Central Alberta Midstream

Rod LeRoux Delta Catalytic Industrial Services Ltd.

Kevin Swaile Duke Energy

John Gillespie Dow Chemical

Donna Quinn Eveready Industrial Services

Kevin MacDougall Husky Oil Operations Ltd

Rod Brown Petro-Canada

Lloyd Selk Shell Canada Products Ltd., Scotford Refinery

Randy Wachowicz Shell Chemicals

Matt Corrigan Sherritt International Corporation

Lorne Halisky Surface Engineered Products

John Soldan The Canadian Salt Co. Ltd.

Perry Larson The Westaim Corporation

Kevin Swaile Westcoast Energy

Review/Adoption of Minutes – 2002/07/19

Motion: That the minutes of the May 16, 2002 Meeting be adopted.

Moved: Don Gibson

Second: Bill Marlowe


Review/Adoption of Agenda

Motion: That the agenda be adopted.

Moved: Don Pye

Second: Don Gibson


Incident Reviews

▪ House incident – Linseed Oil and Sponge– Don Pye, United Safety Resources

Spontaneous combustion sponge was smoking 25 – 26 (C. Had not burst into flames, but was smoking and warm on his deck at home. Sitting from the heat (sponge).

A crane was on site. The contractor used their sling and attached the load when it let go. What constitutes a safe lift. When does the operator walk away?

Gerry Wagner – the crane operator Section 118 has to check the rigging before doing the lift.

▪ Incident in San Francisco – Don Gibson, Owens–Corning

Polishing a shaft and a section of the spine pulled the two fingers into the lathe. He was an individual that was a whiner and when he got hurt no one paid attention right away to him. Using a glove is not correct positioning of holding the shaft is what came out of the action taken.

▪ Lost Time – Don Karpiak, Imperial Oil

Boilermaker was taking bolts off with impact gun. Wouldn’t come off, then had to use the super wrench and when he was struggling with it slipped and broke his ankle. He received pins. Supervisor and foreman had been walking around and saw no problems, but it was how the task was being done.

Bill Marlowe, Brand Scaffold

A lady was taking down scaffold. She stepped down on the plank and broke a small bone in the toe. Don’t overlap planks. Wooden plank.

Doug Stanley, Syncrude

Placing a pig in the line tank. A contractor employee was doing a task with a tank line pressuring placing a pig. Water was to hot, too much pressure, worker had no orientation and was new worker (contractor). He did not know the procedure. Was ok, had nasty burns but returned to work quickly.

Medical Aid - Al Kenney, Suncor

Quality of material, inspection is important. During shutdown, air delivery pressure from the compressor to the tool was very high like 200 instead of a lower pressure.

Gerry Wagner, Alberta Human Resource, Workplace Health & Safety

Fort McMurray – A lady got run over on the highway. How can we protect our workers flag people? The company was doing everything that was required. The driver’s cell phone was ringing, reached down to get it and realized the vehicle ahead was stopped. To avoid he swerved and hit the flag person. There was warning signs prior to the area, traffic was being stopped both ways. Her boyfriend actually witnessed the incident. The driver hit the flag girls’ car that was parked in the ditch; that’s what stopped him.

Some companies have made policies on the use of cell phones while driving. Highway traffic act says undue care and attention you could be charged (drinking coffee, changing radio station, etc.) Everyone should go back to his or her company and have an intense discussion on cell phones.

Chairperson’s Report – Marilee Jardine

• Web Page is almost ready. Only small part left for Lorne to do.

• Marilee is representing the Council on the Alberta Injury Control Strategy Advisory Committee. She has attended one meeting and the next one is next Wednesday, September 25th.

• To date we have raised $9,500. Dr. Francescutti will be attending the November meeting and he will be presented with the money.

• Al Kenney suggested the membership committee should be getting the display unit to the new trade show ACSA.

• Gerry Wagner brought up the two or three-day shutdown conference trade show at the end of October or in November.

Treasurer’s Report – Matt Corrigan

Motion: To accept Financial Statement.

Moved: Bill Marlowe

Second: Don Pye


Committee Reports

Education & Training - Chairperson: Pat Hlushak

• Carolyn Glavine indicated there is no speaker today.

• November – Dr. Francescutti in the morning.

• John – sleep depravation or Winter safety, stretch programs

• January – Construction Safety

• March – Turnaround safety – maybe a write up of contractor preparation to the customer site vac truck safety – not the operation of, but in the unit area

• Process safety management

• Management change

• Charlie Moorecraft has a new video

• Gerry will email Marilee the interpretation of the regulations on the field level risk assessment. She will forward to members. Hazard assessment to be done prior to the work being done before the work commences.

• November will be Ken Hample for field risk assessment in the afternoon.

Membership - Chairperson: Lorne Halisky

▪ Lorne will remain as Chairman.

▪ They will check into the ACSA trade show. November – Don Pye will act as chairman while Lorne is out.

Legislative - Chairperson: Wes Hutton

▪ The deputy minister on the previous certificates has changed. Changed last week.

▪ Workplace Safety 2.0 announced this morning (attached sheets).

▪ Gerry’s department is going to WCB to get more money. Proposed 28 new staff , 19 field, 2 partnership programs, 2 research and stats, 1 education for province present into the schools about program, 1 website person, 1 marketing person and 2 clerical staff. Interviews started for 2 team leaders and 10 lead investigators started yesterday for the province to hire them. Get another crown prosecutor as of today.

▪ Gerry will be team leader to investigate for the north. He may have to leave Council. He would have to be on call.

▪ Bill Wong still can come to some of the meetings. Gerry will talk to his team leader replacement to possibly take over for him as a rep.

▪ 300 – 500 next year could be 1500 employers that were bad WCB employers will be checked out. The new investigator that will be hired will be targeting these bad employers, the investigator will audit them 4 times a year and (2000 program) work with

▪ Question – why increase the fines, how does that reduce injuries? There aren’t a lot of fines given out. Other provinces have higher fines than Alberta. The list will become public (employers) (new proposal the roofer will possibly get from 3 meters to 6 meters for fall protection.)

▪ Allowing minister to put regulation into a code of practice.

▪ Gerry recommended that the Council draft a letter together for the concerns as a Council not as an independent person or company. May have a bigger impact.

Social Activities/Awards – Chairperson: Bill Marlowe (Absent)

• Marilee will circulate the script.

• Will have a comedian at banquet.

• Check into creative control for the script. May get CD or VHS tapes.

• Banquet will be on March 1, 2003 and is being held at the Best Western Hotel in Sherwood Park.

• Certificates will have no frames this year. Each certificate will be in a separate folder.

• Marilee will change wording on the awards on the certificate to say incident not accident.

• Don Gibson will go over the Safety Awards Criteria at the November meeting.

• Bring to the meetings a couple of membership packages so that members can give them out.

• Need to select a theme for banquet. Everyone will think about it over the next few days and get back to Bill Marlowe.

• Marilee said the attendance for meetings is way down. How can we boost attendance?

• Possibly do a survey on what members are getting out of the meetings.

• Do a write-up on the history and accomplishments of the Council.

• Mandate – says to be a voice to government and take back to senior management. What is going on today that you couldn’t get elsewhere? All members to send an email to Don Gibson. What the Council should do and are maybe not doing? What do we expect, concerns, ideas. Don will send out an email

New Business

Throw out to the Council

▪ Wes Hutton mentioned possibility of having a meeting at the Mallard Centre across the street.

▪ Discussion for future meetings at Mallard Centre.

▪ New Discussion for next meeting – what the results were from the survey.

▪ Al Kenney asked if we track the reps in the companies, does everyone know who the reps are?

Meeting adjourned at 2:20 pm

Next meeting: Thursday, November 21, 2002


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