Board Members Present (in alphabetical order): Laura Guest ...

Call to Order

Vice-President Brenda South called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. at the Hillman Branch Library.

Board Members Present (in alphabetical order): Mary Alsobrooks, Patt Hopkins, Robin Smiley, and Brenda South

Board Members Absent (in alphabetical order): Betty Comoford

County Commissioner: none

Staff Members Present: Lori Haas —Director, Tina Mulka, Hillman Librarian

Others present: none

Approval of Agenda

Patt Hopkins made the motion to approve the agenda as presented, Robin Smiley seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Public Comment


Minutes to Meeting

Patt Hopkins made the motion to accept the minutes for June 11, 2013 as written. Mary Alsobrooks seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Approval of Bills

Mary questioned the credit card bill for $30.72 finance charge? The bill must have been late, Midwest Library services, we pay the bill for the blue bag delivery and we are reimbursed for it. 3000 assorted book marks, were printed with the new hours on them and they have different photos on them of each library and library patrons. There was a bill for weed and feed, a hose, sprinkler, then a bill for a landscaper so they must be for the Atlanta Library.

Mary questioned the high heating bill from Hillman at last month's meeting, Lori has contacted PIE&G and is waiting for the return call.

Robin Smiley made the motion to pay the bills, Patt Hopkins seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Old Business

The lease for the Lewiston Library seems to have fallen by the wayside. There has been no response from Albert Township since we sent them the lease they asked us for.

There have been bids on the carpet problem in Hillman, we don't want to do this until after September when kids are back in school.

Brenda asked about the depositions, the lawyer has not set a date yet.

New Business


Directors Report

The Director will be out of town from late July until August 11 with the regular meeting August 13, the Board decided to move the meeting until August 27, 2013.

The Director reports: she applied for an upgrade for our internet funding from the Universal Service Fund and we were approved for 80 percent funding. Frontier has been contacted and the process has been started. The last time Frontier had us messed up for about a week. We hope to prevent this from happening again. We will need faster modems for each Branch, Jim has been contacted about this change. We hope to have this change in place by the end of summer.

Tina Mulka , Hillman Librarian, was present so she gave her report; June found us preparing for summer. Our patron count has been continually going up. We have had a Momma Skunk with 6 babies move in and out during the month of June. (I believe she is gone now!) Our rooms are used daily for tutoring & meetings. We have a tutor who uses one of our rooms and has had a huge success helping many throughout the summer. We went without the Internet 3 days during the month of June, one day was a Frontier issue and two days it was a house issue. We have 74 children signed up for summer reading program, we average 65 a week. The new hours seem to be a hit. We had a patron who insisted we needed a "Library table" and offered to pick it out and pay for it. They donated $700 and ordered the table, and another patron offered to buy something for the children's area, and requested Tina put up another wish list.

Andrea , Atlanta Librarian reports: We have been really busy, the kids are having fun doing the different crafts or science projects each week. Two of the special events, painting their own planter and tie-dying were very popular. This year there was a choice of a t-shirt or a large tote bag.

Wendy, Lewiston Librarian reports: We have had alot of great things going on this summer so far. Saige (American Girl Doll) has been on three adventures so far this summer and is loving every minute of it. We had a kite building class on Saturday June 29 and it was very successful with 15 kids and after the class they went to the ball fields and flew them, and all 15 were a success. On July 13 we will be hosting a self defense workshop for women, which I think is gonna be a blast! Last but not least the Summer Reading Program is going really well, alot of folders went out but with only the same bunch of kids are showing up each week for a craft and to get stamped. I am having alot of fun with those kids! Oh by the way we have been cleaning up our shelves here at Lewiston branch with old books gone and new ones on the shelf and a little rearranging of some things. We also have a cooking class coming up in August.

Next Meeting Scheduled

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday August 27, 2013, at Atlanta Branch at 4p.m.


Motion made by Robin Smiley to adjourn at 5:15 p.m. Mary Alsobrooks seconded by. All in favor, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted

Robin Smiley

accepted 8-27-2013


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