Federal Communications Commission

November 5, 1999

FCC Filings

October 28

In the Matter of Provision of Directory Listing Information Under the Information Under the Communications Act of 1934, As Amended (CC Docket No. 99-273). Reply Comments – Excel Agent Services, L.L.C., The Association of Directory Publishers, DirectoryNet, LLC., BellSouth Corporation, Sprint Corporation, NetDQ, Inc., The Yellow Pages Publishers Association, Telegate AG, SBC Communications, Inc., Metro One Telecommunications, Inc.

In the Matter of Amendment of the Commission’s Rules with Regard to the 3650-3700 MHz Government Transfer Band (ET Docket No. 98-237). Modified Request for Emergency Relief and Request for Expedited Action – New Skies Satellites N.V.

In the Matter of Application by New York Telephone Company (d/b/a Bell Atlantic – New York), Bell Atlantic Communications, Inc., NYNEX Long Distance Company, and Bell Atlantic Global Networks, Inc., for Authorization to Provide In-Region, InterLATA Services in New York (CC Docket No. 99-295). Comments – The New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners.

In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b) Table of Allotments FM Broadcast Stations (Greeley and Broomfield, Colorado)(MM Docket No. 99-279/RM 9716). Comments of Expression of Continuing Interest – Chancellor Media/Shamrock Radio Licenses, L.L.C.


October 29

In the Matter of Promotion of Competitive Networks in Local Telecommunications Markets/Wireless Communications Association International, Inc. Petition for Rulemaking to Amend 1.4000 of the Commission’s Rules to Preempt Restrictions on Subscriber Premises Reception or Transmission Antennas Designed To Provide Fixed Wireless Service (WT Docket No. 99-217)/Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association Petition for Rulemaking and Amendment of the Commission’s Rules to Preempt State and Local Imposition of Discriminatory And/Or Excessive Taxes and Assessments/Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (CC Docket no. 96-98). Motion of Concerned Communities and Organizations for Leave to File Further Reply Comments, Further Reply Comments, Response to Motion of the Wireless Communications Association International, Inc. for Leave to File.Further Reply Comments.

In the Matter of Truth-In-Billing and Billing Format (CC Docket No. 98-170). Petition for Temporary Limited Waiver – Consolidated Telephone Cooperative, Inc.

In the Matter of Methods for Verifying Compliance with E911 Accuracy Standards (ET Docket No. 99-300). Comments – Airtouch Communications, Inc., US West Wireless, L.L.C., Nextel Communications, Inc., BellSouth Corporation, Bell Atlantic Mobile, Inc., US West Wireless, L.L.C., Airtouch Communications, Inc., Nextel Communications, Inc., BellSouth Corporation.

In the Matter of Methods for Verifying Compliance with E911 Accuracy Standards (ET Docket No. 99-300)/Revision of the Commission’s Rules to Ensure Compatibility With Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling Systems (CC Docket No. 94-102). Comments – Bell Atlantic Mobile, Inc.


In the Matter of Access Charge Reform (CC Docket No. 96-262)/Price Cap Performance Review for Local Exchange Carriers (CC Docket No. 94-1)/Interexchange Carrier Purchases of Switched Access Services Offered by Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CCB/CPD File No. 98-63)/Petition of US West Communications, Inc. for Forbearance from Regulation as a Dominant Carrier in the Phoenix, Arizona MSA (CC Docket No. 98-157). Comments – GTE Service Corporation, Cox Communications, Inc., The Rural Independent Competitive Alliance, The Minnesota CLEC Consortium, The Competitive Telecommunications Association, US West, Inc., WINSTAR Communications, Inc., Allegiance Telecom, Inc., AT&T Corporation, Time Warner Telecom, BellSouth Corporation, Corecomm, Ltd., CTSI, Inc., Cable & Wireless USA, Inc., Teligent, Inc., General Services Administration, The State of Hawaii, The State of Alaska, Focal Communications Corporation and Hyperion Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a Adelphia Business Solutions, .

In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b), FM Table of Allotments to substitute Channel 267C1 for Channel 280C3, Gering, Nebraska at coordinates 41-50-23 and 103-49-36, and substitute Channel 380C1 for Channel 287C at Pine Bluffs, Wyoming at coordinates 41-38-44 and 104-14-27 and substitute Channel 239C3 for Channel 267C at Bridgeport, Nebraska at coordinates 41-24-41 and 102-41-10. Reply Comments to Counterproposal – Tracy Broadcasting Corporation.

In the Matter of Application by Bell Atlantic for Authorization Under Section 271 of the Communications Act to Provide In-Region, InterLata Service in the State of New York (CC Docket No. 99-295). Comments – The New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners.

In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.622 of the Commission’s Rules Table of Allotments, Digital Television Stations Cocoa, Florida (RM/MM Docket No.). Petition for Rulemaking – Good Life Broadcasting, Inc.


In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b) Table of Allotments FM Broadcast Stations (Hays, Kansas)(MM Docket No. 99-283/RM 9711). Comments – Gatoradio Media Group, Inc.

In the Matters of Ameritech Corporation Telephone Operating Companies’ Continuing Property Records Audit/Bell Atlantic (North) Telephone Companies’ Continuing Property Records Audit/Bell Atlantic (South) Telephone Companies’ Continuing Property Records Audit/BellSouth Telecommunications Continuing Property Records Audit/Pacific Bell and Nevada Bell Telephone Companies’ Continuing Property Records Audit/Southwestern Bell Telephone Company’s Continuing Property Records Audit/US West Telephone Companies’ Continuing Property Records (CC Docket No. 99-117/ASD File No. 99-22). Comments – The Florida Public Service Commission.

In the Matter of Access Charge Reform (CC Docket No. 96-262). Comments – McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc., Sprint Corporation, RCN Telecom Services, Inc.

November 1

In the Matter of Amendment of Parts 21 and 74 to Enable Multipoint Distribution Service and Instructional Television Fixed Service Licensees to Enage in Fixed Two-Way Transmissions (MM Docket No. 97-217/RM 9060). Request for Stay Pending Reconsideration – Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP, Petition for Further Reconsideration – Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP, MCI WorldCom, Inc.

In the Matter of Access Charge Reform (CC Docket No. 96-262)/Price Cap Performance Review for Local Exchange Carriers (CC Docket No. 94-1)/Interexchange Cararier Purchases of Switched Access Services Offered by Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CCB/CPD File No. 98-63)/Petition of US West Communications, Inc. for Forbearance from Regulation as a Dominant Carrier in the Phoenix, Arizona MSA (CC Docket No. 98-157). Comments on LEC Pricing Flexibility FNPRM – AT&T Communications.


In the Matter of Petition for Waiver Filed by Roosevelt County Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Concerning the Definition of “Study Area” Contained in the Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission’s Rules (CC Docket No. 96-45/AAD 95-82). Request for Removal of Waiver Condition Consistent with Commission Policy – Roosevelt County Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc., Ozark Telephone Company,

In the Matter of Consolidated Telephone Cooperative, Inc./Consolidated Telecom, Inc. Petition for Temporary, Limited Waiver (CC Docket No. 98-170 Filed October 29, 1999). Declaration – Dan Wilhelmson, Southwest Arkansas Telephone Coop., Inc., Georgetown Telephone Company, Home Telephone Company.

In re Gerard A. Turro For Renewal of License for FM Translator Stations W276AQ(FM), Fort Lee, NJ, and W232AL(FM), Pomona, NY Monticello Mountaintop Broadcasting, Inc. Order to Show Cause Why the Construction Permit for FM Radio Station WJUX(FM), Monticello, NY Should Not Be Revoked (MM Docket No. 97-122/File Nos. BRFT-970129YC/BRFT-970129YD). Opposition to Renewed Petition for Extraordinary Relief – Gerard A. Turro.

In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b) Table of Allotments FM Broadcast Stations (Susquehanna, Pennsylvania and Conklin)(MM Docket No. 99-278/RM 9424). Joint Comments – Majac of Michigan, Inc.

In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.622(b) Table of Allotments, Digital Television Broadcast Stations Corpus Christi, Texas (MM Docket No. 99-277/RM 9666). Comments – The University of Houston System.

In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b) Table of Allotments FM Broadcast Stations (Littlefield, Arizona, et al.)(Docket No. 99-282/RM 9710). Opposing Comments – Death Valley Broadcasters.


In the Matter of Application by New York Telephone Company (d/b/a Bell Atlantic – New York), Bell Atlantic Communications, Inc., NYNEX Long Distance Company, and Bell Atlantic Global Networks, Inc., for Authorization to Provide In-Region, InterLATA Services in New York (CC Docket No. 99-295). Evaluation – The United States Department of Justice.

November 2

In the Request for FCC to Notice and Solicit Comment on Cost Study Analysis Tool – Filed in proceeding captioned – In the Matter of Jurisdictional Separations Reform and Referral to the Federal-State Joint Board (CC Docket No. 80-286). Comments – State Members.

In the Matter of Petition for Waiver Filed by Lincolnville Telephone Company Tidewater Telecom, Inc. Concerning the Definition of “Study Area” Contained in the Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission’s Rules (CC Docket No. 96-45/AAD 96-70). Request for Removal of Waiver Condition Consistent With Commission Policy – Lincolnville Telephone Company.

In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b), FM Table of Allotments to substitute Channel 267C1 for Channel 280C3, Gering, Nebraska at coordinates 41-50-23 and 103-49-36, and substitute Channel 380C1 for Channel 287C at Pine Bluffs, Wyoming at coordinates 41-38-44 and 104-14-27 and substitute Channel 239C3 for Channel 267C at Bridgeport, Nebraska at coordinates 41-24-41 and 102-41-10. Erratum to Reply Comments to Counterproposal – Tracy Broadcasting Corporation.

In the Matter of Implementation of the Subscriber Changes Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996/Policies and Rules Concerning Unauthorized Changes of Consumers’ Long Distance Carriers Net2000 Request for Waiver (CC Docket No. 94-129). Petition for Expedited Waiver – Net2000 Communications, Inc., TruCom Corporation.


In the Matter of Closed Captioning Requirements for Digital Television Receivers (ET Docket No. 99-254). Reply Comments – The American Society for Deaf Children.

In the Matter of James A. Kay, Jr. Licensee of One Hundred Fifty Two Part 90 Licenses in Los Angeles, California Area (WT Docket No. 94-147). Request for Oral Argument/Motion to Strike – James A. Kay, Jr., Reply to the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau’s Exceptions and Brief – James A. Kay, Jr.

In the Matter of Low Power FM Radio Service (MM Docket No. 99-25). Comments – John Jaltorossian.

In the Matter of Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service Promoting Deployment and Subscribership in Unserved and Underserved Areas, Including Tribal and Insular Areas (CC Docket No. 96-45). Comments – Small Business in Telecommunications.

In the Matter of Truth-In-Billing and Billing Format (CC Docket No. 98-170). Petition for Temporary, Limited Waiver – UNITEL, Inc., Clay County Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc., Pulaski-White Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc., Merrimack County Telephone Company.

In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Allotments, FM Broadcast Stations (Wake Village, Texas; Arcadia, Gibland and Hodge, Louisiana)(MM Docket No. 99-144/RM 9538). Reply Comments – Contemporary Communications.

In the Matter of Amendment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Allotments, FM Broadcast Stations Keno, Oregon (MM Docket No. 99-275/RM 9704). Comments Reply Comments – Klamath Basin Broadcasting, Inc.


November 3

In the Matter of Petition for Waiver Filed by Accipiter Communications, Inc. Concerning the Definition of “Study Area” Contained in the Part 36 Appendix-Glossary of the Commission’s Rules (CC Docket No. 96-45/AAD 96-35). Request for Removal of Waiver Condition Consistent With Commission Policy – Accipiter Communications, Inc.

In the Matter of Truth-in-Billing and Billing Format (CC Docket No. 98-170). Petition for Temporary Limited Waiver – Hancock Telephone Company, Delta Telephone Company, Inc., Franklin Telephone Company, Vista-United Telecommunications.

In the Matter of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio Petition for Delegation of Additional Authority to Implement Number Conservation Measures (NSD File No. L-99-74)/Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (CC Docket No. 96-98). Public Utilities Commission of Ohio’s Reply Comments Regarding Its Petition for Additional Delegated Authority to Implement Numbering Conservation Measures.

In re: Merrimack County Telephone Company Contoocook Valley Telephone Company, Inc. Petition for Temporary, Limited Waiver (CC Docket No. 98-170/Filed November 2, 1999). Comments – Margaret Nyland.

In re: Clay County Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Pulaski-White Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Petition for Temporary Limited Waiver (CC Docket no. 98-170/Filed November 2, 1999). Comments – Margaret Nyland.






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