Prenatal Care 5-Year Action Plan Sample

Deliverable Form D – 5-Year Action PlansLate Initiation of Prenatal Care (PNC) and/or Inadequate Prenatal Care (For further instructions see separate document titled “Action Plan Guidelines”)MCAH SOW Goal X:Problem Category(ies)From Deliverable Form B of your Title V Needs Assessment.Problem Statement(s)From Deliverable Form B of your Title V Needs Assessment.Five Year Local Goal(s)Develop one or more five year local goal(s) that state the desired results of your interventions. Example: Increase utilization of timely and adequate prenatal care.Risk/Contributing FactorsList LHJ-specific contributing factors using a problem analysis. Examples: Lack of knowledge of importance of early prenatal care, lack of providers, lack of transportation, and lack of insurance.Best Practice Strategies/ InterventionsList best practice strategies and/or interventions to address your problems. Examples: Targeted outreach, recruit providers accepting Medi-Cal and presumptive eligibility, recruit CPSP providers, and provide transportation assistance.California Department of Public Health/Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health: Preconception Health: Department of Public Health/Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health: Maternal Health: CA: Population(s)List the populations you will be focusing on for the next five years. Examples: Women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, CPSP providers, obstetric (OB) providers, Medi-Cal providers, public clinics, faith communities, and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) clients.Short and/or Intermediate Objective(s)1Inputs, including Community Partner InvolvementIntervention Activities to Meet ObjectivesPerformance MeasuresShort and/or IntermediateProcess Description and Measure(s) including Data SourceOutcome Measure(s) including Data SourceFiscal Year 1By June 30, 20XX, (X number) of women in (X population) that is currently underserved will initiate prenatal care in the first trimester (Examples of (X) may include battered women shelters, farm laborers, homeless shelters, teens, Native Americans or other underserved groups)(This objective may be repeated in subsequent years with the same or another underserved group)Providers accessible to pregnant womenLHJ and MCAH staffWomen and community leaders in (X) populationTransportation vendors(Insert LHJ specific partners and resources, such as funding)Identify underserved population Conduct survey or focus group with women in the population to identify barriers to early prenatal careAssist clients to obtain health insurance as needed:Medi-Cal Eligibility: CA: program to address barriers Identify providers to deliver care to womenRefer women to the provider and address barriers (i.e. cultural concerns, transportation, etc.) to women receiving careDevelop a system to track the number of women accessing care and time in pregnancy care accessed Develop and implement a Continuous Quality Improvement/Quality Assurance (CQI/QA) process to monitor implementation of policies/processes, a regular feedback mechanism to continually improve the process and a plan to evaluate the impactBriefly describe reasons women in (X population) don’t receive early and adequate PNCDescribe process to improve access to careBriefly describe implementation Describe process to collect the dataBriefly describe CQI/QA processNumber of women initiating prenatal care in the first trimester/goal (X)Briefly describe the system to track women accessing careDescribe outcome of CQI/QA process, including methods of measurements and resultsFiscal Year 2By June 30, 20XX, (X number) of additional Medi-Cal providers will begin to accept presumptive eligibility (PE) for prenatal care (This objective may be repeated in subsequent years depending on your capacity and the number of providers you are trying to reach)OB providersLHJ staff(Insert LHJ specific partners and resources, such as funding)Identify providers who are not currently accepting presumptive eligibilityEncourage them to become Medi-Cal providers, if they are not alreadyEncourage them to become presumptive eligibility providers and provide information on application and implementation Assist the providers to apply and implement PE in their practiceCalifornia Department of Health Care Services: Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women: describe the process to encourage additional providers to become PE providers Briefly describe successes and barriersNumber of OB providers, Medi-Cal OB providers and number accepting PE at baseline Number of Medi-Cal providers beginning to accept presumptive eligibility/goal (X)Fiscal Year 3By June 30, 20XX, (X number) of Medi-Cal providers will apply to become a Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program (CPSP) provider(This objective may be repeated in subsequent years depending on your capacity and the number of providers you are trying to reach) And/or: By June 30, 20XX, develop and implement a joint CQI/QA process with Medi-Cal Managed Care (MCMC) plans and providers to improve the quality of comprehensive perinatal services in the LHJ’s MCMC plansFederally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC)Community clinicsPrivate OB providers Certified nurse midwives LHJ staff(Insert LHJ specific partners and resources, such as funding)MCMC plan staffMCMC providersPerinatal Services CoordinatorMCAH DirectorRefer to the CPSP website at: the PPT: Introduction to CPSP: providers who are not currently CPSP providers Encourage them to apply to become Medi-Cal providers, if they are not alreadyExplain the benefits of CPSP to the provider and the clientAssist the provider in applying to be a CPSP providerProvide continuing technical assistance to the provider in implementing CPSP in their practiceBecome familiar with the MCMC contract requirements for perinatal careObtain a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the LHJ and the MCMC plans related to maternal healthReview the MOU. Identify any revisions needed to support CQI/QA of perinatal care provided by MCMC providersMeet with MCMC staff to identify the ways the MCMC plan fulfills the requirements in their contract for perinatal assessments, care plans and interventionsTalk with MCMC providers to identify the reimbursement process for perinatal care and evaluate whether reimbursement is adequate to assure that women have access to comprehensive perinatal services. Obtain specific documentation of failure to provide assessments, care plans and interventions If services are adequate, discuss with MCAH Nurse Consultant and consider referral to Medi-Cal Managed Care to determine whether the arrangements are in compliance with the contract Conduct joint visits with MCMC staff to review procedures for perinatal care at MCMC providers Develop corrective action plans as indicated and share with MCMC staff and providers. Develop and implement a CQI/QA process to monitor implementation of policies/processes to maintain quality of care, a regular feedback mechanism to continually improve the process and a plan to evaluate the impact Briefly describe the process to encourage additional providers to become CPSP providers. Briefly describe successes and barriers and opportunities for solutions.Describe the process to implement CQI/QA with MCMC providersBriefly describe successes and barriers and opportunities for solutions.Number of visits to review procedures for perinatal care at MCMC providersBriefly describe the CQI/QA process developedNumber of providers applying to become a CPSP provider/goal (X)Describe outcomes of the corrective action plansDescribe the outcome of the CQI/QA process including methods of measurements and resultsFiscal Year 4By June 30, 20xx, increase by (number and x%) the number of callers accessing the toll-free line to obtain information on prenatal care, family planning and preconception health, and referral to appropriate resourcesPublic health department (PHD) staffAdvertising agencyLocal mediaCDPH/MCAH staff(Insert LHJ specific partners and resources, such as funding)Implement a system to count the number of calls to the toll-free line and the subject and disposition of the calls Develop and implement a marketing campaign to increase the knowledge of the toll-free line in the target population Compare the number of calls, subject and disposition of calls before and after the campaign to determine any increase in the number of calls and the types of referrals made Develop and implement a CQI/QA process to monitor implementation of policies/processes, a regular feedback mechanism to continually improve the process and a plan to evaluate the impactDescribe the system to count the number of calls and the subject and referrals made in response to the calls. Describe the marketing campaign to increase the knowledge of the toll-free line in the target population.Briefly describe the CQI/QA process developedNumber of callers accessing the toll free line to obtain information on prenatal care, family planning and preconception health, and referral to appropriate resources/ number in previous fiscal year + x% Describe the outcome of the CQI/QA process including methods of measurements and resultsFiscal Year 5By June 30, 20XX, implement a program to provide free pregnancy testing in (X) community and refer all women with positive pregnancy test to (X) provider, and provide information on preconception health and referral to family planning services to women with a negative pregnancy test. Or, By June 30, 20XX, (X) number of women in (X) population will receive free pregnancy testing at (describe location) and if pregnant will receive referral and care from a provider, or if not pregnant will express understanding of preconception health and available family planning services, and will obtain family planning services if the woman does not want to become pregnant Community organizationsPHD staffOB and CPSP providersAdvertising agenciesLocal mediaManufacturers of pregnancy tests March of DimesPHCC(insert LHJ specific partners and resources, such as funding)Identify resources to provide free pregnancy testing to clientsIdentify location(s) for free pregnancy testsIdentify materials for education of clients Develop a referral process for OB care, family planning and preconception education CDPH/MCAH Preconception Health: and implement policies to ensure that women obtain needed family planning servicesFamily PACT: with clients to determine if they have seen a providerDevelop a tracking process to count the number of tests, the results, and referrals made Train staffImplement the systemProvide technical assistance as neededDevelop a process to measure knowledge change and intent to change behaviorDevelop and implement a CQI/QA process to monitor implementation of policies/processes, a regular feedback mechanism to continually improve the process and a plan to evaluate the impactBriefly describe process to develop the program Briefly describe the programList the resources used to provide information on family planning and preconception health Number of women testedNumber of women with a positive pregnancy testNumber of women with a negative pregnancy testBriefly describe process to measure knowledge change and intent to change behavior Briefly describe technical assistance providedBriefly describe the CQI/QA process developedChoose from the outcome measures below, which are applicable to both objectives: Number of women referred to provider/number of women with a positive pregnancy testNumber of women receiving information on preconception health and referral to family planning/number of women with a negative pregnancy test.Describe the outcome of the CQI/QA process including methods of measurements and resultsBriefly describe the referral process and submit referral formNumber of women expressing understanding of preconception health and availability of family planning services/number receiving a negative pregnancy testingBriefly describe knowledge gained and intent to change behaviorNumber of women with a negative pregnancy test who see a provider for family planning services/number of women with a negative pregnancy test who do not want to become pregnantBriefly describe policies developed and implemented Describe the outcome of the CQI/QA process including methods of measurements and results ................

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