
Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.Contents PAGEREF _Toc358976023 \h 12.Scope and Applicability PAGEREF _Toc358976024 \h 23.OJT and Personnel Data PAGEREF _Toc358976025 \h 33.1OJT Data PAGEREF _Toc358976026 \h 34.OJT Programme PAGEREF _Toc358976027 \h 44.1Logbook Filling Instructions PAGEREF _Toc358976028 \h 44.2Logbook Records PAGEREF _Toc358976029 \h 54.3Logbook Additional Optional Records PAGEREF _Toc358976030 \h 134.4Compliance Report PAGEREF _Toc358976031 \h 145.Final assessment of the OJT PAGEREF _Toc358976032 \h 15Scope and ApplicabilityFollowing a recent amendment of Part 66 {(EC) 1149/2011}, in order to endorse the first A/C type in the EASA Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance license A/C C/S and S/S shall be able to demonstrate he/she followed an appropriate On-the-Job (OJT) training as detailed in the Appendix III to Annex III (EASA Part-66).For similarity the “Foreign Part 145 approvals – Aircraft type training (theoretical and practical) and On-the-Job training” UG.CAO.00.122-xxx requires in the case of A/C C/S and S/S not holding an EASA Part 66 AML, that such staff shall be able to demonstrate he/she followed an appropriate On-the-Job (OJT) training as detailed in the Appendix III to Annex III (EASA Part-66) for the first A/C type endorsed in an EASA Part 145 individual authorization.This OJT logbook is intended to:be used by a Part 145 AMO delivering the OJT. The Part 145 Organisation shall be appropriately approved on the specific aircraft type in accordance with Annex II (Part-145);be completed by the Part 145 AMO delivering the OJT to meet the objective and content of the OJT and the related assessment in accordance with Appendix II to AMC to Part 66 be customised for the specific aircraft type intended to be endorsed in the EASA Part 145 individual authorisationbe used for recording the required information (tasks performed, personnel data, assessment, etc..) OJT and Personnel DataOJT Data Trainee DataSupervisor (s) DataNameNameSurnameCertification Authorisation Nr.SignatureSurnameDate of birthPlace of birthSignaturePractical type training dataAssessor (s) DataStart dateNameSurnameCertification Authorisation Nr.SignatureEnd dateMaintenance Organisation*(Name and EASA approval nr)LocationOJT Programme Logbook Filling Instructions IDOptionDescription/ Remarks ID-Task progressive identification number. This field is pre-filledATA-ATA Chapter identification. This field is pre-filled Subject-Subject identification as per Appendix II to AMCs of Part 66 (Aircraft type practical experience and On-the-Job Training List of Tasks). M/OMMandatory tasks. This field is pre-filledAt least 50% of the tasks contained in Appendix II to AMC to Part 66, which are relevant to the particular aircraft type, shall be identified/ included as “mandatory tasks” in the practical training logbookOOptional tasks. This field is pre-filledAdditional optional tasks are recommended to be completed based on the availability of the aircraft/related maintenance activity. The decision to perform or not these optional tasks is at the discretion of the Part 145 AMO delivering the OJT (i.e. Quality Manager, Supervisor, assessor) Reference-Maintenance data task description and identification number (i.e. AMM ATA-Sub-Task). This field is pre-filledET (min)-Estimated time (in minutes) to accomplish the task. This field is pre-filledA/C Reg.-A/C registration marks. To be filled by the traineeThe aircraft registration shall correspond to the same aircraft type for which the OJT is conducted.The engine difference shall be also considered when performing maintenance tasks applicable to the engine.For example, a B1 category practical training on A320(CFM56) may be performed on a A320(V2500) aircraft when related to OJT tasks on the landing gear, but necessarily on A320(CFM56) when related to OJT tasks on the engine. Date-Date when the specific task is carried out. To be filled by the traineeOperation performed-This filed is used to provide detailed reference to the task carried out. To be filled by the trainee Precise reference to the aircraft logbook and/or work card / work package shall be entered in this block to retrieve the evidence of the task carried out.Trainee’s signature-Self-explanatory. Supervisor’s signature-Self-explanatory. Logbook RecordsThe Organisation delivering the OJT is responsible to prepare and complete the table below. The tasks selected shall be not less than 50% of the tasks contained in the Appendix II to AMC to Part 66 and shall: be representative of the aircraft and systems both in complexity and in the technical input required to complete that task. While relatively simple tasks may be included, other more complex maintenance tasks shall also be incorporated and undertaken as appropriate to the aircraft type;be selected among those applicable to the type of aircraft and licence (sub)category applied for. Other tasks than those in the Appendix II may be considered as a replacement when they are relevant;be representative of the maintenance to be performed in terms of complexity, frequency, variety, safety, criticality, novelty etc….;include components unique to the type, or type-specific maintenance practices;be distributed in order that all ATA chapters and task categories (servicing, trouble shooting, component location, deactivation, removal/installation, etc.) are covered;take into account, when available, the feedback from in-service experience or customer specific additional training needs.Grey blocks are intended to be prefilled by the organisation delivering the OJT ensuring pre-identification of specific tasks to be carried out. This includes whether the tasks is mandatory or not (column 4), the reference of the specific maintenance tasks selected (column 5) and the time to perform it (column 6). Time limits/Maintenance checks….….…………………….…..………………..……Dimensions/Areas….….…………………….…..………………..……Lifting and shoring….….…………………….…..………………..……Leveling/Weighing….….…………………….…..………………..……Towing and Taxiing….….…………………….…..………………..……Parking and Mooring….….…………………….…..………………..……Placards and Markings….….…………………….…..………………..……Servicing….….…………………….…..………………..……Vibration and Noise Analysis….….…………………….…..………………..……Air Conditioning….….…………………….…..………………..……Auto flight….….…………………….…..………………..……Communications….….…………………….…..………………..……Electrical Power….….…………………….…..………………..……Equipment/Furnishings….….…………………….…..………………..……Fire protection….….…………………….…..………………..……Flight Controls….….…………………….…..………………..……Fuel….….…………………….…..………………..……Hydraulics….….…………………….…..………………..……Ice and rain protection….….…………………….…..………………..……Indicating/recording systems….….…………………….…..………………..……Landing Gear….….…………………….…..………………..……Lights….….…………………….…..………………..……Navigation….….…………………….…..………………..……Oxygen….….…………………….…..………………..……Pneumatic systems….….…………………….…..………………..……Vacuum systems….….…………………….…..………………..……Water/Waste….….…………………….…..………………..……Central Maintenance System….….…………………….…..………………..……Airborne Auxiliary power….….…………………….…..………………..……Structures….….…………………….…..………………..……Doors….….…………………….…..………………..……Windows….….…………………….…..………………..……Wings….….…………………….…..………………..……Propeller….….…………………….…..………………..……Main Rotors….….…………………….…..………………..……Rotor Drive….….…………………….…..………………..……Tail Rotors….….…………………….…..………………..……Tail Rotor Drive….….…………………….…..………………..……Rotorcraft flight controls….….…………………….…..………………..……Power Plant….….…………………….…..………………..……Piston Engines….….…………………….…..………………..……Turbine Engines….….…………………….…..………………..……Fuel and control, piston….….…………………….…..………………..……Fuel and control, turbine….….…………………….…..………………..……Ignition systems, piston….….…………………….…..………………..……Ignition systems, turbine….….…………………….…..………………..……Engine Controls….….…………………….…..………………..……Engine Indicating….….…………………….…..………………..……Exhaust, piston….….…………………….…..………………..……Exhaust, turbine….….…………………….…..………………..……Oil….….…………………….…..………………..……Starting….….…………………….…..………………..……Turbines, piston engines….….…………………….…..………………..……Engine water injection….….…………………….…..………………..……Accessory gear boxes….….…………………….…..………………..……APU….….…………………….…..………………..……Logbook Additional Optional RecordsThe completion of this part is optional and intended to be used when the need exist to record additional data which was not possible to be entered in the previous pre-filled logbook. This need may be identified by the Part 145 AMO delivering the training (i.e. Quality Manager, Supervisor, assessor)In particular, when a pre-filled task required in the logbook cannot be completed due to unavailability of the particular maintenance activity, this part may be used to record evidence of a different maintenance task performed to satisfy the same requirement. In this case a cross reference shall be made between the two tables to identify the task which is replaced under the responsibility of the supervisor countersigning the corresponding raw.The table below is intended to be hand written (add rows as necessary). Compliance ReportThe intent of this table is to provide a compliance report demonstrating that the OJT meets the standard required by Appendix III to Part 66. In particular, the table shall indicate the percentage of tasks effectively performed against the tasks contained in the Appendix II to Part 66 which are applicable to the aircraft type.This table is to be completed by the Organisation delivering the OJT training.(to be completed for each group)GroupNumber of tasks applicable to the A/C typeNumber of tasks effectively performedPercentage (%) of tasks effectively performed against the applicable tasks(Should be at least 50% of the applicable tasks on each row)Time limits/Maintenance checksDimensions/Areas………..………………………………………..Place………………………………………..Date………………………………………..Name & TitleApproval signature (*)(*) this approval signature shall be entered by a responsible person of the Organisation providing the training (i.e. Quality manager). This person undertakes the responsibility on behalf of the Organisation that the OJT program meets the standard required by Appendix III to Part 66. This report shall be signed before the final assessment. Final assessment of the OJTThis is to certify that Mrs./Mr. ………(Trainee`s name SURNAME)…………..:has completed the ………..( aircraft type and category)…….On-the-Job Training as evidenced in the enclosed logbook (compliance report signed by the Organisation providing the training);has been assessed on the following tasks and successfully passed the practical assessment demonstrating appropriate knowledge and skills: IDATASubjectReferenceA/C RegDateOperation performedTrainee’s signaturePractical Assessor’ssignatureThis table is intended to be hand written. The number, type and content of task used for the assessment is solely under the discretion of the practical assessor.Remarks: This remark field is intended to leave the practical assessor the possibility to enter additional comments regarding the trainee`s knowledge and skills. The completion of this field is optional………………………………………..Place………………………………………..Date………………………………………..Practical Assessor`s signature(conducting the final assessment) ................

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