The following text is for questions no. 1 and 2.

1. What is Azizah’s intention in writing the message?

A. To tell Muthiah about the up-coming nasyid competition.

B. To inform Syarifah about nasyid competition.

C. To ask Syarifah to practice nasyid together.

D. To tell Muthiah about practicing nasyid.


Tujuan Azizah menulis pesan singkat kepada Syarifah adalah mengajak Syarifah berlatih nasyid bersama sebagaimana disebutkan dalam kalimat we should practice nasyid this afterrnoon. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah to ask Syarifah to practice nasyid together.

Jawaban : C

2. What should Syarifah do on receiving the message?

A. Tell Mrs. Latifah.

B. Confirm Muthiah.

C. Practice nasyid.

D. Join the group.


Setelah menerima pesan Syarifah harus menanyai Muthiah apakah dia mau bergabung atau tidak sebagaimana dalam kalimat Don’t forget to ask Muthiah whether she wants to join us or not. Maka jawabannya adalah confirm Muthiah.

Jawaban : B

The following text is for questions no. 3 to 5.

3. Where can we likely find the announcement?

A. At police station.

B. At supermarket.

C. At laboratory.

D. At hospital

Pembahasan :

Pengumuman di atas kemungkinan besar ditemukan di rumah sakit, maka jawabannya adalah At hospital.

Jawaban : D

4. What must you do if you don’t want to get in long queue?

A. Set in very early in the morning.

B. Avoid coming after twelve.

C. Come at twelve or above.

D. Contact the management.


Agar tidak terjebak dalam antrian, maka kita harus menghindari datang pada jam sibuk yaitu antara jam 8.00 – 10.30 sebagaimana dalam kalimat The busiest times are generally between 08.00 and 10.30. Maka jawabannya adalah come at twelve or above.

Jawaban : C

5. The Healthcare NHS Trust announces new schedule ... there is a change of opening time.

A. so

B. if

C. when

D. because


Kata sambung yang tepat untuk kalimat di atas adalah because karena menerangkan hubungan sebab akibat.

Jawaban ; D

The following text is for questions no. 6 and 7.

6. What advantage can we get from the text? We can ….

A. have the rice for breakfast instantly

B. purchase the breakfast bubbles easily

C. get the information of the puffed rice in detail

D. know the bubbles’ serving size per mg appropriately

Pembahasan :

Manfaat yang didapat dari teks tersebut adalah mendapat informasi tentang puffed rice in detail

Jawaban : C

7. What is the most valuable aspect of the product?

A. The percentage daily intakes are the same for all people.

B. The product uses artificial colours and flavours.

C. The Breakfast Bubbles contains six vitamins.

D. There is no wheat and barley in the product.


Pernyataan tentang unsur dalam label yang paling benar adalah produk tersebut mengandung 6 vitamin

Jawaban: C

The following text is for question no. 8 and 9.

8. The students are invited to attend the activity of ….

A. celebrating new year eve

B. starting halal bi halal event

C. beginning a new school year

D. greeting school staffs and students


Kegiatan pada undangan di atas adalah menyambut permulaan tahun ajaran baru, maka jawabannya adalah beginning a new school year.

Jawaban : C

9. “Join us to celebrate the start of a new school year ....”

The underlined word means that the sender feels … as the new school year begins.

A. pleased

B. relieved

C. disprited

D. dejected

Pembahasan :

Celebrate artinya merayakan, berarti pengirim merasa senang, maka jawabannya adalah pleased.

Jawaban : A

The following text is for question no. 10 to 12.

10. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To give information about Lumia 430 to the readers.

B. To bring imagination of Lumia 430 to the readers.

C. To achieve more information about Lumia 430.

D. To persuade the readers to purchase Lumia 430.


Tujuan iklan di atas adalah membujuk pembaca untuk membeli Lumia 430, maka jawabannya adalah to persuade the readers to purchase Lumia 430.

Jawaban : D

11. What is the good point of Lumia 430?

A. More than 8 GB internal memory.

B. Upgradeable from Windows 8.

C. 2MP rear and front camera.

D. Available in triple colors.


Salah satu nilai lebih dari Lumia 430 adalah Upgradeable to Windows 10 (dapat di-upgrade ke Windows 10) artinya Lumia 430 dapat di-upgrade dari Windows 8 (Upgradeable from Windows 8).

Jawaban : B

12. “Up to 30 GB free One Drive cloud storage”

It means Lumia 430 has … 30 GB cloud storage.

A. almost

B. more

C. exact

D. until


Up to 30 GB berarti memiliki kapasitas memori sampai 30 GB, maka jawabannya until.

Jawaban : D

The following text is for question no. 13 – 15.

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13. Who will be interested to join the course?

A. Examiner.

B. Employer.

C. Courier.

D. Courser.

Pembahasan :

Iklan di atas menawarkan kursus leadership an management, maka yang kemungkinan tertarik mengikuti adalah pengusaha (employer),bukan kurir (courier), pemburu (courser), penguji (examiner)

Jawaban : B

14. What is the special program offered for school students?

A. Test preparation.

B. Morning program.

C. Leadership class.

D. Safety course.


Program yang cocok untuk pelajar adalah test preparation.

Jawaban : A

15. The phrase “accredited teachers” means that the tutors of Elif Teaching & Training Institute are ….

A. prospective

B. prosperous

C. proficient

D. prolific


Accredited teachers artinya guru profesional, proficient.

Jawaban : C

The following text is for question no. 16 – 18.

16. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To show how he loves Muhammad Ahsan very much.

B. To describe Muhammad Ahsan’s badminton career.

C. To introduce Muhammad Ahsan to the readers.

D. To tell the main carreer on Muhammad Ahsan.


Tujuan teks descriptive di atas adalah untuk mengenalkan Muhammad Ahsan kepada pembaca.

Jawaban : C

17. Paragraph four mainly talks about Ahsan’s ....

A. gold medals

B. tournament rank

C. badminton career

D. world championship


Paragraf empat menceritakan tentang karier badminton Ahsan.

Jawaban : C

18. “... when its speed reached 372 km/hour”.

The word reached is close in meaning to ....

A. strained

B. retained

C. regained

D. attained


Sinonom dari reached (mencapai) adalah attained

Jawaban : D

The following text is for question no. 19 to 22.

19. What is the topic of the text?

A. The San Fransisco Gate.

B. The iconic bridge of San Fransisco.

C. The suspension of Golden Gate Bridge.

D. The construction of Golden Gate Bridge.


Topik dari teks di atas adalah Golden Gate Bridge yang merupakan the iconic bridge of San Fransisco.

Jawaban : B

20. What is so special about the bridge now?

A. Its construction is unique and colorful.

B. It is the longest suspension bridge in the world.

C. Its orange color complements the natural surroundings.

D. It is the only internationally recognized symbol of San Francisco.


Keistimewaan jembatan tersebut terletak pada warna oranye-nya sebagaimana dalam kalimat The color of the bridge is officially an orange vermilion called international orange. The color was selected by consulting architect Irving Morrow because it complements the natural surroundings. Maka jawabannya Its orange color complements the natural surroundings

Jawaban : C

21. What may the readers do after reading the text?

A. Pass by the bridge on the visit to San Fransisco.

B. Take photos of the bridges in the United States.

C. Have a short route across San Fransisco Bay by boat.

D. Visit the bridge as the symbol of all states of America.


Setelah pembaca membaca teks, maka akan melintas di jembatan saat berkunjung ke San Fransisco

Jawaban : A

22. “it was ranked fifth on the List of America's Favorite Architecture .... “. The word it refers to ....

A. the bridge

B. the lighting

C. cable

D. tower


It pada kalimat tersebut mengacu pada the bridge

Jawaban : A

The following text is for questions no. 23 – 26.

23. What does the text mainly talk about?

A. A memorable upset holiday experience.

B. Graveyard ceremonial event attendance.

C. The writer’s friend embarrassing moment.

D. The writer’s memorable shameful experience.


Teks ini menceritakan tentang pengalaman tak terlupakan tetapi memalukan darri penulis yaitu merasa ketakutan saat melewati kuburan, maka jawabannya The writer’s memorable shameful experience.

Jawaban : D

24. Why did the writer feel afraid when he approached the graveyard?

A. He fell down from the bicycle.

B. He thought a zombie chasing him.

C. He heard someone called his name.

D. He saw a zombie trying to catch him.


Penulis merasa takut saat mendekati kuburan karena mendengar seseorang memanggil namanya sebagaimana dalam kalimat As I approached the graveyard, I heard some sounds behind me. The sound clearly called my name. I was frightened..., maka jawabannya He heard someone called his name.

Jawaban: C

25. What did the writer do during the heavy rain?

A. Watched film.

B. Prayed Isha’.

C. Screamed loudly.

D. Recited ayat kursi.

Pembahasan: Selama menunggu hujan reda, penulis menonton film sebagaimana dalam kalimat While waiting the rain over, we watched horror movie after praying Isha’. Maka jawabannya Watched film.

Jawaban : A

26. “I was frozen at that time…” (paragraph 4)

The underlined word means the writer couldn’t ….

A. move

B. hear

C. think

D. saw


Sinonim frozen (membeku) adalah couldn’t move (tidak dapat bergerak)

Jawaban : A

The following text is for question no. 27 – 30.

27. What is the purpose of writing the text?

A. To identify how to prepare a photocopier

B. To know how to copy a document using photocopier

C. To get the information on how to turn on a photocopier

D. To give instruction on how to copy a document in a photocopier

Pembahasan :

Tujuan teks prosedur di atas adalah menunjukkan cara memfotokopi dokumen maka jawabannya To give instruction on how to copy a document in a photocopier.

Jawaban: D

28. What should we do if we want to get ten numbers of copies?

A. Choose the paper size.

B. Select the color you prefer.

C. Press the button on the display to make changes.

D. Change the quantity on the digital numbers display.


Untuk mendapatkan 10 kopian ada di langkah ke 4, Change the quantity on the digital numbers display

Jawaban : D

29. What may cause the copier not responding while it is already on?

A. The copier’s cord is not plugged into a nearby outlet

B. The document is not placed properly

C. There is no paper on the paper tray

D. The machine is on sleep mode

Pembahasan :

Yang menyebabkan mesin foto kopi tidak merespon mungkin karena the unit is already on but is not responding, then it may be in “sleep” mode.

Jawaban : D

30. “...if you notice that it is empty.”

The word “it” in the text refers to ....

A. button

B. tray

C. device

D. paper

Pembahasan :

It dalam kalimat tersebut merujuk pada mesin foto kopi

Jawaban : B

The following text is for questions no. 31 – 34.

31. What is the topic of the text?

A. Bae, a lazy cowboy.

B. Bae, an intrepid boy.

C. Bae, the lazy cow.

D. Bae, the indolent boy.


Topik teks di atas adalah Bae, anak laki-laki yang malas (indolent).

Jawaban: D

32. What is the problem of the above story?

A. Bae changed himself into a cow.

B. Bae disliked to help his parent.

C. Bae ran away from the village.

D. The mask seller sold the cow.


Masalah utama pada cerita di atas adalah Bae tidak suka membantu orang tuanya. Bae disliked to help his parent.

Jawaban : B

33. What happened after Bae becoming a boy again?

A. He always attended school.

B. He skipped from the school.

C. He whipped the farmer back.

D. He began to sleep all day long.


Setelah berubah kembali menjadi anak laki-laki, Bae menjadi anak rajin sebagaimana dalam kalimat he became the most diligent boy in his village. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dia tidak pernah membolos sekolah lagi.

Jawaban : A

34. How would you describe Bae?

A. Smart, but turned into a lazy boy.

B. Diligent, but actually a weak boy.

C. Coward, but used to be a gentle boy.

D. Indolent, but changed into a diligent boy


Awalnya Bae anak malas, tapi kemudian berubah menjadi rajin, indolent, but changed into a diligent boy.

Jawaban : D

The following text is for question no. 35 – 38.

35. What does the text tell about?

A. The seismic waves generator.

B. The seismic event of an area.

C. The main cause of earthquake.

D. The shaking of the surface of the earth.

Pembahasan :

Teks di atas menceritakan tentang gempa, the shaking of the surface of the earth.

Jawaban : D

36. Paragraph two tells about ....

A. the displacement of the ground

B. the manifest of earthquake

C. he shaking of earthquake

D. the surface of the earth


Paragraf dua menceritakan tentang manifestasi gempa, the manifest of earthquake.

Jawaban : B

37. The main cause of earthquake is ....

A. volcanic random activity

B. geoligical faults rupturing

C. massive nuclear tests

D. severe mine blast

Pembahasan :

Penyebab utama gempa bumi adalah Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of geological faults (paragraf 3).

Jawaban : B

38. “Earthquakes can range in size from those that are so weak that they cannot be felt to those violent enough to toss people around and destroy whole cities”.

Based on the sentence, we know that ….

A. violent earthquakes cannot cause a lot of victims

B. people sometimes do not feel the earthquakes

C. earthquakes always happen in the same size

D. very weak earthquakes can cause damages

Pembahasan :

Dari kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa gempa bumi kadang-kadang tidak dirasakan oleh orang.

Jawaban : B

The following text is for question no. 39 to 41.

39. The writer writes the text in order to ....

A. explain the size of saltwater crocodile

B. give general information about saltwater crocodile

C. inform the most dangerous vertebrate in the world

D. tell the physical description of saltwater crocodile


Tujuan teks report di atas adalah to describe the saltwater crocodile in general.

Jawaban : B

40. The saltwater crocodile can live in ....

A. mangrove swamps, deltas, and high stretches of river

B. deltas, lagoons, and lower stretches of river

C. lagoons, lakes, and lower stretches of river

D. mangrove swamps, ponds, and lagoons

Pembahasan :

Berdasarkan kalimat this species of crocodile can live in marine environments, but usually resides in saline and brackish mangrove swamps, estuaries, deltas, lagoons, and lower stretches of rivers, maka jawabannya adalah deltas, lagoons, and lower stretches of river

Jawaban : B

41. What benefit can you get by reading the text?

A. Knowing more about saltwater crocodile

B. Recognizing the habitat of saltwater crocodile

C. Being able to explain habit of saltwater crocodile

D. Understanding the classification of saltwater crocodile

Pembahasan :

Manfaat setelah membaca teks ini adalah mengetahui lebih banyak tentang saltwater crocodile.

Jawaban : A

The following text is for question no. 42 to 44.

42. After reading the text, we will ....

A. know that curing is giving

B. learn that thinking is giving

C. feel that learning is enjoying

D. understand that sharing is living


Setelah membaca teks pembaca akan mengetahui bahwa berbagi itu menghidupkan, sharing is living.

Jawaban : D

43. Why did the writer collect the donation?

A. He felt annoyed with the conflict victim.

B. He felt sorry for the poor people.

C. He got angry to the needy people.

D. He got disturbed by his relatives.

Pembahasan :

Penulis merasa kasihan kepada orang miskin he felt sorry for the poor people.

Jawaban : B

44. We have to listen to the preacher in the Eid prayer ... we want to get perfect reward.

A. if

B. so

C. and

D. although

Pembahasan :

Kata sambung yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah if.

Jawaban : A

The following text is for question no. 45 to 47.

45. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To talk about how mice conduct discussion.

B. To show how to stop cats’ terror cleverly.

C. To explain how stop the terror from cats.

D. To tell an entertaining story about mice.

Pembahasan :

Tujuan teks narrative di atas adalah to tell an entertaining story about mice

Jawaban: D

46. Why did Mahraz’s third minister disagree with the second minister?

He disagreed because ….

A. the king was brave enough to hang a bell to a cat

B. the second minister’s idea was too astonishing

C. he believed that second minister was so poor

D. it was difficult to adapt into a new habitat

Pembahasan :

Menteri ketiga tidak setuju karena it was difficult to adapt into a new habitat sebagaimana dalam kalimat it was also hard for the mice to adapt in new environment.

Jawaban : D

47. What can we learn from the story?

A. The unorganized truth will be defeated by organized falsehood.

B. An ounce of loyalty is worthier than a pound of cleverness.

C. Passion often makes a madman of the cleverest man

D. Never trust people who give you sweet talk.


Pelajaran yang bisa diambil dari cerita di atas adalah The unorganized truth will be defeated by organized falsehood.

Jawaban : A

The following text is for questions no. 48 to 50.

48. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?

A. To support Syamil to get the first winner.

B. To praise Syamil for his achievement.

C. To share his happiness with Syamil.

D. To inspire Syamil to reach his goal.


Tujuan penulisan teks di atas adalah To praise Syamil for his achievement.

Jawaban : B

49. “May your achievement continue to inspire you in the years ahead.”

We can infer form the sentence that Salman hopes Syamil ....

A. keep on success in the future

B. be the first winner forever

C. will inspire the others

D. always hard work


Kesimpulan dari kalimat tersebut adalah Salman hopes that Syamil keep on success in the future.

Jawaban : A

50. “to inspire you in the years ahead.”. The word “inspire” can be best replaced by ....

A. encourage

B. endorse

C. evaluate

D. elaborate

Pembahasan :

Sinonim kata inspire adalah encourage.

Jawaban : A



Mrs. Latifah told me that we should practice nasyid this afternoon because the competition is near. Don’t forget to ask Muthiah whether she wants to join us or not. She told me yesterday that she wanted to join our group. Let me know her reply very soon.


Surrey and Sussex

Healthcare NHS Trust


Change to Opening Times

As of 1st June 2017 The Departement will be open for Blood tests

Monday to Friday

08.00 a.m.– 03.00 p.m.

If it is not necessary for you to have your blood test early in the morning you could avoid a long wait by coming later in the day.

The busiest times are generally between 08.00 a.m and 10.30.a.m.

More information 6384 798 000 300



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July 10, 2017

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Muhammad Ahsan is an Indonesian badminton player who specializes in the men’s double. He was born on 7 September 1987 in Palembang but now he lives in Jakarta.

Ahsan got married to C. Novitania in 2013 and has two children. Ahsan is a loving father. He often spends his spare time with his kids and uploads photos of his family on his social media account. His kids call him “Babah” and this makes his fans call him “Babah Ahsan”.

As a badminton athlete, Ahsan has proportional body. He is 1,73 m tall. His weight is 68 kg. He plays with his right hand. He is known as an athlete with fast and deadly smash. He recorded his smash as the fastest smash in 2015, when its speed reached 372 km/hour.

Ahsan started his career as professional badminton player from a club in Kudus, Central Java in 2007. He has got many achievements in international badminton tournaments mainly in men’s double with Hendra Setiawan. They became the world champion in 2013 and 2015 and got gold medals in Asian Games (2014). They got his first highest rank in 2013.

Recently, Ahsan attracts people attention due to his Islamic perfomance. He and his new partner, Rian, covered their aurat by wearing a black long legging in the World Championship in Scotland. Ahsan also drank water while sitting down. In the end of the match, he didn’t touch the hand of the female service judge.

The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the one-mile-wide (1.6 km) strait connecting San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. The structure links the American city of San Francisco, California – the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula – to Marin County, carrying both U.S. Route 101 and California State Route 1 across the strait. The bridge is one of the most internationally recognized symbols of San Francisco, California, and the United States. It has been declared one of the Wonders of the Modern World by the American Society of Civil Engineers.

The Frommer's travel guide describes the Golden Gate Bridge as "possibly the most beautiful, certainly the most photographed, bridge in the world.  At the time of its opening in 1937, it was both the longest and the tallest suspension bridge in the world, with a main span of 4,200 feet (1,280 m) and a total height of 746 feet (227 m). Today, the Golden Gate Bridge is neither the longest nor the tallest in the world, but remains the tallest bridge in the United States.

Before the bridge was built, the only practical short route between San Francisco and what is now Marin County was by boat across a section of San Francisco Bay. A ferry service began as early as 1820, with a regularly scheduled service beginning in the 1840s for the purpose of transporting water to San Francisco.

The color of the bridge is officially an orange vermilion called international orange. The color was selected by consulting architect Irving Morrow because it complements the natural surroundings and enhances the bridge's visibility in fog. Upon re-submission of his bridge construction plan, Josehp Strauss added details, such as lighting, to outline the bridge's cables and towers. In 1999, it was ranked fifth on the List of America's Favorite Architecture by the American Institute of Architects.

There are several unforgettable moments in our life. They stick on our memory for long time, as if it just happened yesterday. I myself ever experienced such a memorable but embarrassing moment. It happened on a Sunday when I was in elementary school.

On that day, I went to my friend’s home, Rais, to do our homework together. Actually, we had finished it at 6.30 p.m. but due to the heavy rain I could not go home soon. While waiting the rain over, we watched horror movie after praying Isha’.

My watch showed 9.30 p.m. when the rain was over. I got on to my bicycle and pedaled hard on my bicycle. My thought went back to the movie I had just seen. I could remember clearly a boy screaming as he was being attacked by a zombie. I continued pedaling my bicycle while thinking of that scary scene. The road was dark and quiet. I had to pass a graveyard on the way home. As I approached the graveyard, I heard some sounds behind me. The sound clearly called my name. I was frightened and I could not do nothing but kept pedaling faster and faster.

Because of the rain, the road was slippery. It made me hard to control my bicycle and forced me to fall down. I could do nothing but kept reciting ayat kursi. Meanwhile, the sound came nearer and closer. I was frozen at that time until I realized that the sound was so familiar. I looked back and saw Rais. He helped me to get up. He told me that I left my book and he tried to give it back to me. Both of us laughed out loud when I told him that I thought he was a zombie trying to catch me. For me, it was an embarrassing moment. I couldn’t imagine how coward I was. Now I have come to understand that as a muslim it’s not necessary to be afraid of anything but Allah.

(Adapted from: Contextual Teaching and Learning 8)

1. Turn on the Photocopier

First, check for plugs, and make sure that the copier’s cord is plugged into a nearby outlet. If you find that the unit is already on but is not responding, then it may be in “sleep” mode. In that case, you can press the “copy” button to see if it responds to that.

2. Then, make sure that the copier has paper in it.

The paper tray will be located either on the front or the side of the device. Fill the tray with paper if you notice that it is empty or the level is low.

3. Put Your Document on the Copier

Lift the photocopier’s cover and place your document on the glass surface. You will want the front of the document facing downward on the glass. After you have properly placed your document, you can close the copier cover.

4. Select the Number of Copies

The unit will have a digital number display and a set of plus and minus keys so that you can change the quantity.

5. Select the Color Preference

Tell the copier whether you would like color copies or black and white copies. The unit will have a dedicated button for this selection. Press the button to make your changes.

6. Select Paper Size

8.5 x 11 inches is the standard paper size. If you need to use a special paper size, then you will have to feed the paper into the tray.

7. Press the Copy Button

Finally, you will press the “copy” button to print your copies. Some units have the copy button labeled as a start button. Once you press the copy button, your copies will start printing.

Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Bae who did not like to work at anything. The only thing Bae loved was sleeping. He could sleep all day long, and all night long, too.

Every day, when his parent asked him to help them, he ignored it. What he did was only sleeping all day long. He only woke up when he wanted to eat. That’s why people in his village didn't call him Bae. They called him Lazy Cow.

One day, Bae thought, it would be nice to be far away from his family, so he wouldn’t be asked to work. It would be even nicer to be far away from his teachers, who asked him to do his work in school. Then, he decided to run away from home.

He went to the next village and came upon a market, where he happened to walk past an old man selling masks. When he spied a cow mask, he stopped and smiled.

"Only this morning I was wishing I could be a cow," Bae said.

"Why is that?" the old man asked.

"I don't like to work," Bae told him.

The man smiled. "Well," he said, "why don't you go ahead and take this mask. If you put it on, you'll be a cow!"

Gingerly, Bae lifted it up and put it on, the moment he was wearing the mask, he turned into a cow! He opened his mouth to ask the old man what was happening, but "moo" was the only word he could utter.

The old man called out to the farmer nearby, and sell the cow to him. The farmer led his new cow to his farm, and there he put him to work in the fields, hauling the plow. Whenever the cow stopped to rest, the farmer whipped him.

"Lazy cow!" he called.

Bae began to dream of the days when he had been a boy. If only he could turn back into that boy, he swore he would never complain about helping his parent. He missed his family, and he even missed school!

Then one morning, Bae, who turned into a cow, felt so hungry. He found a basket of turnips near the barn and he took a big bite of them. The moment he did, he felt himself changing, and he looked down and saw he was a boy.

"I'll never be lazy again," he whispered. "I'll never be lazy again." After that day he returned to his home, and he became the most diligent boy in his village.

(Adapted from: )

An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) is the shaking of the surface of the Earth, resulting from the sudden release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes can range in size from those that are so weak that they cannot be felt to those violent enough to toss people around and destroy whole cities. The seismicity or seismic activity of an area refers to the frequency, type and size of earthquakes experienced over a period of time.

At the Earth's surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by shaking and sometimes displacement of the ground. When the epicenter of a large earthquake is located offshore, the seabed may be displaced sufficiently to cause a tsunami. Earthquakes can also trigger landslides, and occasionally volcanic activity.

In its most general sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event (whether natural or caused by humans) that generates seismic waves. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of geological faults, but also by other events such as volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear tests. An earthquake's point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter. The epicenter is the point at ground level directly above the hypocenter.

The saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), also known as the estuarine crocodile, Indo-Pacific crocodile, marine crocodile, sea crocodile or informally as saltie, is the largest of all living reptiles, as well as the largest riparian predator in the world. Males of this species can reach sizes up to 6.30 m (20.7 ft) and possibly up to 7.0 m (23.0 ft) in length. However, an adult male saltwater crocodile rarely reaches or exceeds a size of 6 m (19.7 ft) weighing 1,000 to 1,200 kg (2,200–2,600 lb). Females are much smaller and often do not surpass 3 m (9.8 ft

As its name implies, this species of crocodile can live in marine environments, but usually resides in saline and brackish mangrove swamps, estuaries, deltas, lagoons, and lower stretches of rivers. They have the broadest distribution of any modern crocodile, ranging from the eastern coast of India throughout most of Southeast Asia and northern Australia.

The saltwater crocodile is a large and opportunistic hypercarnivorous apex predator. Most prey are ambushed and then drowned or swallowed whole. It is capable of prevailing over almost any animal that enters its territory, including other apex predators such as sharks, varieties of freshwater and marine fish including pelagic species, invertebrates such as crustaceans, various reptiles, birds and mammals, including humans. Due to their size, aggression and distribution, saltwater crocodiles are regarded as the most dangerous extant crocodilian to humans, alongside the Nile crocodile.

One year ago, it was the feast of Eid al-Fitr 1437 H. I woke up early to prepare everything before following the Eid prayer. After I had done the dawn prayer, taken bath, and had breakfast, I immediately went to the field with my family to do Eid al-Fitr prayer. We met many people from several villages there. After doing Eid al-Fitr prayer I listened to the preacher carefully, as listening to the preacher is the part of Eid al-Fitr also. The preacher emphasized on the urge of grateful to Allah. As, we can do prayer safely in Indonesia. The preacher also said we had to remember and keep giving support to our brothers and sisters in conflict area who couldn’t do prayer safely. It was a touching preaching.

I returned home when the prayer was over. Then my family and I gathered together in the living room. After that, I also tasted a variety of cakes made by my mother and my sisters. But, my feeling was not fully staying there as I still remembered what was delivered by the preacher.

Then, I got an idea. When my family and I visited closed neighbors, closed friends, and some relatives for having silaturrohim, I shared my idea . Formerly, it was quite strange to share such a story in the Lebaran moment, but what came next was surprising me. I got many positive responses. Finally, we came to one point. In that Lebaran moment, my village did not only hold halal bi halal, but we also held fundraising for those who needed help. We collected quite much money, and donated several amount of it for our brothers and sisters.

It was a special Lebaran, and it was the most interesting one in my life. We did many happy things together. Moreover, I could share my happiness to others by giving donation.

One day, in the city of Aydazinun, all the mice ministers were gathered in the presence of the king of the mice, Mahraz, discussing various things. Then, Mahraz asked the suggestion from his ministers to stop the terror of their eternal enemies, cats. The first minister suggested to collect as many bells as possible, and hanged a bell around the neck of every cat so that they could hear them coming and having time to hide in their holes.

But the king and the second minister disagreed with this idea. As, there was no mouse that brave enough to approach the cat, even just a small kitten. The second minister gave an idea to from the city a year until the people of the city thought that they could dispense with the cats who were eating them out of house and home. Then they'd kick them out, or kill them. Then, they could safely return to the city and live forever without worrying about cats.

Then the king turned to the third and wisest minister. "It's pretty poor," replied the third minister. The third minister argued if they left the city, there was no exact guarantee for the cats would be sent out from the city also. On the other side, it was also hard for the mice to adapt in new environment. Mahraz the mice king agreed with the third minister and then asked him a suggestion. The third minister suggested the king to summon all the mice and construct a tunnel in the house of the people in the city, and to store up enough food for ten days. Then, they were not allowed to touch human’s food. What they should do was only damaging people’s property and made it as if caused by cats.

So the king followed the advice of the third minister and before very long not a cat remained in the city. The people remained so convinced that they were right about the cats that whenever they saw a hole in their clothes, they would say, ‘‘A cat must have gotten into the house last night." And even when there was an outbreak of disease among men or livestock, they would say, "A cat must have walked through the town last night." So by this stratagem, the mice freed themselves forevermore from their hereditary fear of cats.

(Adapted from Kalila wa Dimna)

Dear Syamil,

I would like to congratulate you on your success as the first winner of National Science Olympiad. Your hard work had put you on a new high. May your achievement continue to inspire you in the years ahead.



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