Let's Talk Culture!

META-LEVEL REFLECTION LOG Project Based Cycle (PBC)and Plan – Do – Review (PDR) ActivitiesGrade 6-9Name: _____________________________________Class: _____________________________________Meta-level Reflection Log:Meta-level Student OrganizerMeta-level Reflection Log for the Project Based Cycle and Plan-Do-Review ActivitiesHighScope Indonesia Core ValuesHighScope Indonesia Learner OutcomesHighScope Indonesia Habits of EmpowermentHabit 1Habit 2Habit 3Habit 4Habit 5Habit 6Habit 7Habit 8Table of ContentHighScope Indonesia Core ValuesiHighScope Indonesia Learner OutcomesiiHighScope Indonesia Habits of EmpowermentiiiTable of Contents1Guideline on How to Use the Meta-level Reflection Log Book2Chapter 1The Goal7Strengths, Areas for Improvement, and Strategies to Achieve the Learner Outcomes8Chapter 2My Strengths, Areas for Improvement and Strategies to Achieve Subject Outcomes9HighScope Indonesia Project-Based Cycle Sequence12Chapter 3 – Part 1 PBC Log in EnglishEmpower Student Learning13Plan26Do33Review46Chapter 3 – Part 2 PBC Log in Bahasa IndonesiaPendahuluan (Memberdayakan Pembelajaran Siswa)48Perencanaan61Pelaksanaan68Peninjauan Kembali79Chapter 4 Plan-Do-Review Log82Chapter 5 Reviewing How Far I am from achieving the Learner Outcomes83Guideline on How to Use the Meta-level Reflection Log BookWhy Meta-level reflection log?The Meta-level Reflection Log is important for you to practice decision making skills and / or problem solving skills. In order for us to make good decisions and/or to find good solutions to problems, we need to use valid and reliable data. That data can be taken from valid previous experiences and/or from experiments and research. This log gives us opportunities to practice how to compile data and how to use it to make wise decisions.For example, you have a problem in your learning; let us call it Problem A.Then, you try to solve problem A using method no. 1. After trying it out, you now know that method no. 1 cannot be used to solve problem A. Then you think, “Why doesn’t it work? What other method can I use to solve this?”. As you are thinking, you will be guided by the questions in this meta-level reflection log, until you find the right solution.Those steps are found in the meta-level reflection log. By writing it down in a more structured way you will develop a pattern in your brain and every time you are facing problems the brain will automatically use the pattern to solve those problems; thus, you will be making better decisions and discovering better solutions in the future.What does Meta-level Reflection consist of?Meta-level reflection Log for the Project based Cycle and Plan – Do – Review activities.This part consists of 4 chapters, as follows:Chapter 1 : 4369435213360Part A: The interconnection of Learning Activities to the Learner Outcomes The learning targets of Sekolah HighScope Indonesia graduates are to achieve the Learner Outcomes (Social Problem Solving; Adaptability and Agility; meta-level reflection; Ethical Leadership; Complex Thinking; Communication; Creativity and Innovation; and Collaboration).Putting the Habits of empowerment on the same page as the PBC Projects and PDR Projects provides a clear big picture that every learning process is aimed at achieving those Learner Outcomes. Graphic Source:4405630561975 B: Identifying my own strengths and skills that are still potential for growth.What are the things in me that I still need to work on so that I can achieve the Learner outcomes?What are my strengths that will support me in achieving the learner outcome goals?Graphic source: do I do this?At the beginning of the term, after I know about the upcoming projects that I will do this term.494982576835How do I do this?A discussion between me and my teachers will play a very important role in filling out this page so that I will be able to see the connection between all of the activities that lead to achieving the Learner Outcomes.Graphic source: 2: Identifying what will be learned during a particular term and understanding its relation to the Learning goals.Why do I need to do this?482346066040To make learning more meaningful for me, I need to know what I’ll be studying; thus, I can predict what kind of things I’ll be dealing with in the upcoming term. Knowing this, will help me identify my own strength areas and it will boost my confidence. 800100213360As Richard Cash said in his book Advancing Differentiation : “Self-esteem is a primary key to well-being and happiness. Building self-esteem is to know what you’re good at and what strength you possess.”Richard cash also said that by knowing the ways to monitor, control, or adjust their attitude throughout the activity will make the students’ motivation towards learning grow.Graphic sources : and When do I do this?At the beginning of the term, after we are informed about the upcoming subject outcomes.How do I do this?I will need feedback when I am filling out the areas for improvement and/or my strength areas, especially when I am planning on how I can get support in resolving my areas for improvement.For example:In the log I wrote:“I think I will be having difficulty when I am working with my colleagues”This means that I will need to think of strategies I can use to resolve this, and I can also ask my teachers for feedback.In this chapter, the ability to re-think and reflect and also the feedback from my teachers arevery important for me to improve myself in a specific area.Chapter 3 : The project Based Cycle LogThis log consists of 2 parts. One part is for the student Science Project (Written in English) and the other is for their Social Studies Project (Written in Indonesian).Why do I need to do this?The sequences in the log are to help me build the thinking pattern in my mind.Recording each step will also help me to keep on track about where I am in achieving my goal and to remind me of the steps I haven’t done yet.Graphic source: ; When do I need to do this?I need to do this throughout the project.How do I do this?I need to follow the sequence written in the log.There are things that I will need to fill out at the beginning of the project right after I receive my project mission; there will also be some things that I will need to do while I am doing the project (In the middle of the project), such as: the experiment, analyzing the data that I got during the interview, etc.Teacher monitoring will play a crucial role in this part. When the teacher checks the log and notices that I need support / mini lesson / feedback or other help then he/she will need to give it right away.Chapter 4 :Reviewing How far I am from achieving the Learner Outcomes443865013335Why do I need to do this?For me to be aware that I have to achieve the ultimate learning goal by the time I finish High school – the Learner Outcomes. It is like a GPS (Global Positioning system) that will tell me my exact position and how far I am from reaching my target.When do I need to do this?At the end of the term.How do I do this?Set some time at the end of the term when all lessons / projects / activities are done.I will need to take a look at the Learner Outcomes, and then I will be looking back on what I have done during that particular term by going over the meta-level reflection log.I will need to identify in which part I have accomplished a certain target. In which part I have not yet reached the target. And I need to understand why.Chapter 1To achieve my specific goals, I do several actions:The GoalLearners’ OutcomeSpecific GoalsSocial Problem SolvingComplex ThinkingCommunicationCollaborationCreativity and InnovationMeta-level ReflectionEthical LeadershipAdaptability and Agility………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….I conduct my PBC Project+……………………………….……………………………………………………………I conduct my PDR project+Respect myself, everyone, and everythingListen with heart and mindOptimize my potential and do my bestTake charge and be accountableBe truthfulBe curious and find solutionThink, Act, and, ReflectTeam up for better resultsI apply Habits of Empowerment in my daily lifeFind a time to have a 1 on 1 discussion with your teacher to discuss the interconnection of the Habits of empowerment, Project Based Cycle and the PDR in achieving your learner outcomes.Strengths, Areas for Improvement, and Strategies to Achieve the Learner OutcomesMy strength, areas for improvement and strategies to achieve Learner Outcomes Areas for my improvement I am good atStrategies that I will use to achieve the Learners’ Outcomes:Chapter 2My strength, Areas for Improvement and Strategies to Achieve Subjects OutcomesSubjects outcomesMy strength in achieving the subject outcomesMy areas for improvement in achieving the subject outcomesStrategies I will use to improve myself…….Transferrable Concept & Big QuestionMathematicsScienceBahasa IndonesiaSocial StudiesEnglishArtMusicReligionPhysical EducationChecked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback: Chapter 3 – Part 1Project Based Cycle LogEmpower Student LearningUnderstanding the Project MissionThe mission wants me to: (Write the mission in your own words)Facts of the MissionCaseMy TaskBuilding Background KnowledgePut a tick mark ( ) in the provided box below the activities that you will be doing in class to get to know the content for this term.Watching a video/slide/clipsGoing on a field tripHaving a simulation/role playListening to a guest speakerDoing vocabulary activities (Compulsory)Reading articles (Compulsory)_______________________ Note: You may Choose 4-5 activities (example: 2 compulsory activities and 3 chosen activities) YET it is advised that you go through all the activities.Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : Watching a video/slide/clips Activities_____________________________________________What I conclude from the activity___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : Note:If you think that you need more paper to write the conclusion of this activity please inform your teacher.Your teacher might want to use additional recording sheet to help you summarize the information taken from this activity, and that will be fine. You can just attach the paper given by your teacher.Going on a field tripPlace to VisitFacts/Information You Find During VisitWhat I conclude from the activity__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : Note:If you think that you need more paper to write the conclusion of this activity please inform your teacher.Your teacher might want to use additional recording sheet to help you summarize the information taken from this activity, and that will be fine. You can just attach the paper given by your teacher.Having a simulation/role playRole Play TitleMy Description of the Activity (Sequence)What I conclude from the activity:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : Note:If you think that you need more paper to write the conclusion of this activity please inform your teacher.Your teacher might want to use additional recording sheet to help you summarize the information taken from this activity, and that will be fine. You can just attach the paper given by your teacher.Listening to a guest speakerGuest speaker’s name: __________________________________Guest speaker’s occupation: __________________________________My Notes/Important points I gotChecked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : Note:If you think that you need more paper to write the conclusion of this activity please inform your teacher.Your teacher might want to use additional recording sheet to help you summarize the information taken from this activity, and that will be fine. You can just attach the paper given by your teacher.Doing vocabulary activitiesWordsMeaningIllustrationChecked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : Note:If you think that you need more paper to write the conclusion of this activity please inform your teacher.Your teacher might want to use additional recording sheet to help you summarize the information taken from this activity, and that will be fine. You can just attach the paper given by your teacher.The article_____________________________________________Reading articlesWhat I conclude from the activity__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : Note:If you think that you need more paper to write the conclusion of this activity please inform your teacher.Your teacher might want to use additional recording sheet to help you summarize the information taken from this activity, and that will be fine. You can just attach the paper given by your teacher.Problem FindingMy mission is ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Current Condition Ideal ConditionWhat is missing in the current condition compare to the ideal condition?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the problem?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : Understanding the expectationsBig Question Understanding____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Key Word in the Big Question:_________________________________DefinitionPictures/Graph/GOAdditional Information from Peers Outcomes Understanding OutcomesOutcomes FocusScience/Social StudiesBahasa IndonesiaOther: ___________________Other:___________________Big Question & Outcomes connection (Write your understanding about the outcomes in relation with the Big Question)Outcomes:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Big Question:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Explain in your own words how the Science / Social Studies Outcomes connect with the Big Question.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : Reviewing what happened between me and my group in my previous project and what I would do differently in my current project.What am I expected to do when I am working with my group? On my previous group project, these were the things that I did:This time, I will do the followings when I am working with my group:On the previous group work, each of the members has certain task/job to do individually. My job was to : …………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………..How did I do that previous task / job?This time I will do the followings when I am working on my own for the group project:What am I expected to do when I am working on the individual written product?My previous written product was : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..How did I do it? Did I do well? Why? : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………This time I will: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………This time this is how I will make it ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : The Criteria to produce a good quality work will be(Check the exemplary work and/or study the criteria on how to produce a high performance product – rubric provided by teacher) Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : PLANFraming Project Focus Questionafter a discussion with your peer you come to the conclusion that the project focus question is ….Brainstorming the possible hypothesisCheck on page 19 “Problem Finding”. Re-read the problem part. Now, think of the something that might solve the problemMy Hypothesis (My Prediction) is : Forming HypothesisChecked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : Developing The Project ProposalNeed to know listI will need these information / skills to be able to make my productNote:Row no. 1 has been done as an example for you, nevertheless you will need to write more information and/or skills in row 2 onwards that you think you will need to have / be able to do, so that you can make your product.rmation I need to knowResearch questionSkills needed1.Example:The importance of knowing that one system affects another system of our bodyExample:Where can I find data about respiratory system?How will I know that if one system in our body is malfunctioning it will be affecting other function as well?Example:I need to know research skills I need to be able to decide which sources are valid and which one is notI need to be able to determine the cause and effect of a certain phenomenaChecked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : ______________________________________________________Time Line LogWrite the activity on a certain date in the box. Do this at the beginning of your project.Insert the review date. This is when you have finished with your project and exhibition.Insert Exhibition date. Insert the important date (e.g. Earth day, Kartini Day, Exam date etc)Insert the date of when you are going to do the experiment / researchInsert the date of when you are going to do the interview to find dataInsert the date of when you are going to make the productInsert the date of when you are going to prepare and practice for the exhibition.Note: You may add other important date in the calendar.Project Time Line LogMonth: Month: Month: Month: DateActivityDateActivityDateActivityDateActivity111122223333444455556666777788889999101010101111111112121212131313131414141415151515161616161717171718181818191919192020202021212121222222222323232324242424252525252626262627272727282828282929292930303030?313131Important date:Project ProposalRe-stating your plan in a BRIEF flow.(Note: This project proposal will be presented in front of your peer, and if there is any feedback on your plan that you think is good, you can put it in your note – here in the log)PROJECT PLANNERThe mission is ..(Please refer to part I)Project Title ( To fulfill my mission, My group and I will be making)Project Focus QuestionHypothesisProject DescriptionResearch StepIt is the process on how you are making the product. Write in short sentences what are the steps that you will do. Product (When you present the project description you can show your blue print / sketch / prototype/ rough design of your product). Here you can write a brief explanation of it in short sentences.To make this project runs well I will need this / these materials and tools: …I can get the materials and/or tools from :… If I can’t find the material I will contact : ..ResourcesData Collecting Method(s:ObservationInterviewingReadingBrowsingExperimentingMy responsibilities in this project is / are :Note: you can use this sample of graphic organizer to describe your task and your friends' task if it is a group project.Sample:Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : Class Process Meeting Result On _____________(date/month/year), I received useful peer feedback on my PBC project proposalFeedback Category Feedback What they like about our plans…What they wonder about our plans… What they have to help us improve our plans… *To be filled in after you conduct the “Constructive Friend Protocol”Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback :Review on My planningI think my plan will be effective / ineffective because:IndicatorsNot really Partially TotallyThe Reasons(must be filled out)Note: tick oneWill my project answer the big questions and the outcome? Will my project answer the project mission and the project focus question?Have I considered HP (High Performance Criteria) when I design my product?Will “The need to know list” really help me to finish my project?Is the timeframe I designed effective to get the project done?Has everybody got the fair amount of responsibility?Note: If it is a group work.Note: Please give a tick (√) to each indicator based on your condition and give the reason!Conclusion:In the planning, things that should be improved is/are:Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : DOConducting Research (Experiment / Observation / Survey)Before I make the product, I need to do a research / interview / experiment to validate the product that I created.Note: The note from your interview, research from books / internet / article, experiment can be written on a separate paper. What you will write in this box below is the conclusion of your interview. What is the most important information that you get from the activities.Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : Interview.Person / people who I interview is : _____________________________The conclusion that I made after interviewing the person / the peopleNote: The note from your interview can be written on a separate paper. What you will write in this box below is the conclusion of your interview. What is the most important information that you getLibrary ResearchThe book (s) that I read is/are: Title : ____________________________ author : ___________________Title : ____________________________ author : ___________________The conclusion of the library research that I have conducted:Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : Web-surfingThe conclusion of the web-surfing research that I have conducted:Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : Listening / watching radio and /or TelevisionThe conclusion is: Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : The conclusion of the experiment is:Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : ExperimentNote: You will need to record the experiment details on a separate recording sheetField trip *IF ANYOther sourcesChecked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback :Analyzing The Gap(Write the conclusion in the chart below)Ideal SituationThe (your topic) should be …Current Situation(What I found out after I did my research / experiment)e.g: An ideal government should be….The gap between the ideal and the current situation:Conclusion and recommendation:Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback :Designing and Creating the productBased on my conclusion and my recommendation, the product to represent my ideas is: (see the example on the next page)The blue print / dummy of my productThe result of the experiment / researchThe final design of my product will be:Description of the productThe picture of the productSample:The blue print / dummy of my productYou can make this on a separate piece of paper.Note: Teacher needs to check on this additional paper.The result of the experiment / researchI want to make diorama of how respiratory system works in humanMy drawinghuman needs healthy lungs to…. .. …….……..The final design of my product will be:Description:Steps (Tick when you are done):Create the design / blue print / proto-type / the dummy of your product-to be.Present the design / blue print / proto-type / the dummy of your product-to be in front of your friends, do a “Constructive Friends Protocol” to get feedback.Record the feedback on the paper below entitled “Class Meeting Process”.Now after you’ve done all the steps above, you will make your product.Note:While you are doing the project to produce your group product, the teacher will give you an exemplary work and/or the criteria to have a high performance individual written product.Class Process Meeting Result On _____________(date/month/year), my group received useful peer feedback on my PBC project proposalFeedback CategoryFeedbackWhat they like about our plans…What they wonder about our plans… What they have to help us improve our plans… *To be filled in after you conduct the “Constructive Friend Protocol”Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback :Individual written ProductThe draft for my Individual written productPlease refer to your Language and Art teacher to make an individual written product related to this project.You will need to keep a folder in which you can keep your draft and other related matters with your written final product.Presenting to the expert/teachers or peers to get feedbackThe Steps:Before the presentation:My objective of presenting my product to the experts and/peers are ___________________________________I have set the stage/place/zone to display the productI have prepared the check list / feedback form I have prepared the utensils I might need.I practice my presentation skillDuring The presentationI greet the audience. I state the objective of the presentationI use visual aids.I master the content.I use my body gestures My voice is loud and clear.I maintain eye contact with the audience. I close my presentation by saying “Thank you for listening to my presentation”Note:Language and Art teacher will assess the speaking skill (Presentation skills) → refer to the Language Art Rubric The content will be assessed by your subject teacher based on the subjects that your project is related to. You can ask your teacher about the rubrics that they will use.Note: This feedback form can be photo-copied and to be given to the audiences after they hear your presentationORAL PRESENTATION RUBRICSPresenter’s name: ____________________ Grade : ____________________Note:Circle the appropriate box according to the presenter’s skillNONVERBAL SKILLS4321EYE CONTACT Holds attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact, seldom looking at notes. Consistent use of direct eye contact with audience, but still returns to notes. Displayed minimal eye contact with audience, while reading mostly from the notes. No eye contact with audience, as entire report is read from notes. BODY LANGUAGE Movements seem fluid and help the audience visualize. Made movements or gestures that enhances articulation. Very little movement or descriptive gestures. No movement or descriptive gestures. POISE Student displays relaxed, self-confident nature about self, with no mistakes. Makes minor mistakes, but quickly recovers from them; displays little or no tension. Displays mild tension; has trouble recovering from mistakes. Tension and nervousness is obvious; has trouble recovering from mistakes. COMMENTS:VERBAL SKILLS 4321ENTHUSIASM Demonstrates a strong, positive feeling about topic during entire presentation. Occasionally shows positive feelings about topic. Shows some negativity toward topic presented. Shows absolutely no interest in topic presented. ELOCUTION Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear presentation. Student’s voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly. Most audience members can hear presentation. Student’s voice is low. Student incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members have difficulty hearing presentation. Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for a majority of students to hear. COMMENTS:CONTENT 4321SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE Student demonstrates full knowledge by answering all class questions with explanations and elaboration. Student is at ease with expected answers to all questions, without elaboration. Student is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions. Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject. ORGANIZATION Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow. Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around. Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. MECHANICS Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors. Presentation has no more than two misspellings and/or grammatical errors. Presentation has three misspellings and/or grammatical errors. Student’s presentation has four or more spelling and/or grammatical errors. COMMENTS:Source: Note for teachers:Teachers may re-design the oral presentation rubrics that are suitable for the use of the classroomExhibition (To real audiences e.g parents or other people from places where you are going to hold your exhibition)The Steps Before the presentation:I have the objective of the exhibition, which is _____________I have set the stage/place/zone to display the productI have prepared the check list / feedback form I have prepared the utensils I might need.I make some revisions based on the feedback during Presentation of Learning related to my presentation skill, content and design.I practice my presentation skillDuring The presentationI greet the audience. I state the objective of the presentationI use visual aids.I master the content.I use my body gestures My voice is loud and clear.I maintain eye contact with the audience. I close my presentation by saying “Thank you for listening to my presentation”Based on the Feedback form that I got from the audience, things that I will need to improve is/ are :……………………….……………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… “DO” REVIEWIndicatorsThe Reasons(must be filled out)I was able/not able to do experiment correctly (circle either one of the bold statement)The difficulties that I had to face was / were (If any): ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..The difficulties that I had to face while writing a scientific report was/were (If any):………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………The planned time and the actual time needed for certain task was:The time needed for this project was exactly like what I have plannedIt took longer time for me to do this project than what I have planned earlier.I did this project faster.Note: Give ReasonsI think the time line log is useful / not useful (circle either one of the bold statement)Note: Give ReasonsTypes of problem that I had during the exhibition time was / wereConclusion:‘Do’ steps that I still need to be improved:Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : “DO” REVIEWNew skill, knowledge, or clarification I got about _____________________ is/are… (topic)Source (people/expert/media/web/etc/): __________________________________________Notes:Source (people/expert/media/web/etc/): __________________________________________Notes:Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : REVIEWEnd-of-Project ReflectionGoing over the reflection logThe Project Title:During the experiment and/or research I learned that… (related to your experiment): What have I learned:The Factual Knowledge(related to your focus question)The Conceptual Knowledge(related to the subject)The Procedural Knowledge(related to the skills)The topics/concepts of related subject that I can comprehend are:The procedures of doing experiments:The process of designing the product:Working collaborating with my group:Presentation Techniques:Presentation Preparation: Judging one’s own PerformanceIndicatorOK(give ‘√’)Not OK(give ‘√’)Reasons(Must be filled)The need to know list skills that I have listed at the beginning of the term are all well-learned therefore I am able to do all of themI can comprehend the topics/concepts of related subject in my project.The procedures of doing research and experiments.The process of designing the product.Working collaborating with my group. Presentation techniques.Preparing for presentation.Identifying aspects to be improved in future projectsThings that I Need to Improve:My StrengthsMy Action Plan:Chapter 3 – Part 2Catatan Siklus ProjekPendahuluan (Memberdayakan Pembelajaran Siswa)Memahami Misi dari Projek(Understanding the project Mission)Misinya menginginkan saya untuk: (Tulis ulang misinya dengan kata-katamu sendiri)Fakta yang terdapat dalam misiKasusTugaskuMembangun Pengetahuan Awal (Building Background Knowledge)Membangun Pengetahuan AwalBerilah tanda cek pada kotak di bawah ini sesuai dengan kegiatan yang kamu lakukan di kelas yang berkaitan dengan pengenalan isi dari hal-hal yang akan kamu pelajari.Menonton Video / Pemaparan / klip / videoMelakukan kunjungan lapanganMelakukan simulasi atau bermain peranMendengarkan Pembicara tamuMelakukan kegiatan pengayaan kosa kata (Wajib)Membaca Artikel (Wajib)_______________________ Catatan: Pilihlah 4-5 kegiatan (2 wajib dan 3 pilihan ) membangun pengetahuan awal TAPI DISARANKAN agar kamu dapat mengerjakan semua kegiatan yang disarankan.Kegiatan_____________________________________________Menonton Video / Pemaparan / klip / videoApa yang bisa aku simpulkan dari kegiatan ini:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Diperiksa oleh guru pada : hari / tanggal : ___________________ tanda tangan guru: ________________Umpan balik (Feedback) dari guru :Catatan:Apabila kamu membutuhkan kertas tambahan untuk menulis kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini, maka kamu dapat menghubungi gurumu.Gurumu mungkin akan memberikan kertas tambahan yang dapat membantumu merangkum kegiatan ini, tak mengapa. Kamu dapat mencantumkan kertas dari gurumu pada dokumen ini.Melakukan Kunjungan LapanganTempat yang akan dikunjungiFakta / Informasi yang saya temukan saat melakukan kunjunganApa yang bisa aku simpulkan dari kegiatan ini:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Diperiksa oleh guru pada : hari / tanggal : ___________________ tanda tangan guru: ________________Umpan balik (Feedback) dari guru :Catatan:Apabila kamu membutuhkan kertas tambahan untuk menulis kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini, maka kamu dapat menghubungi gurumu.Gurumu mungkin akan memberikan kertas tambahan yang dapat membantumu merangkum kegiatan ini, tak mengapa. Kamu dapat mencantumkan kertas dari gurumu pada dokumen ini.Melakukan simulasi atau bermain peran Judul Dari Kegiatan Bermain peran / simulasiDeskripsi dari kegiatan (Urutan / runutan peristiwa / sekuens)Apa yang bisa aku simpulkan dari kegiatan ini:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Diperiksa oleh guru pada : hari / tanggal : ___________________ tanda tangan guru: ________________Umpan balik (Feedback) dari guru :Catatan:Apabila kamu membutuhkan kertas tambahan untuk menulis kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini, maka kamu dapat menghubungi gurumu.Gurumu mungkin akan memberikan kertas tambahan yang dapat membantumu merangkum kegiatan ini, tak mengapa. Kamu dapat mencantumkan kertas dari gurumu pada dokumen ini.Kegiatan_____________________________________________Mendengarkan Pembicara tamuApa yang bisa aku simpulkan dari kegiatan ini:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Diperiksa oleh guru pada : hari / tanggal : ___________________ tanda tangan guru: ________________Umpan balik (Feedback) dari guru :Catatan:Apabila kamu membutuhkan kertas tambahan untuk menulis kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini, maka kamu dapat menghubungi gurumu.Gurumu mungkin akan memberikan kertas tambahan yang dapat membantumu merangkum kegiatan ini, tak mengapa. Kamu dapat mencantumkan kertas dari gurumu pada dokumen ini.Melakukan kegiatan pengayaan kosa kataKosa KataArtiIlustrasiDiperiksa oleh guru pada : hari / tanggal : ___________________ tanda tangan guru: ________________Umpan balik (Feedback) dari guru :Catatan:Apabila kamu membutuhkan kertas tambahan untuk menulis kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini, maka kamu dapat menghubungi gurumu.Gurumu mungkin akan memberikan kertas tambahan yang dapat membantumu merangkum kegiatan ini, tak mengapa. Kamu dapat mencantumkan kertas dari gurumu pada dokumen ini.Kegiatan_____________________________________________Membaca ArtikelApa yang bisa aku simpulkan dari kegiatan ini:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Diperiksa oleh guru pada : hari / tanggal : ___________________ tanda tangan guru: ________________Umpan balik (Feedback) dari guru :Catatan:Apabila kamu membutuhkan kertas tambahan untuk menulis kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini, maka kamu dapat menghubungi gurumu.Gurumu mungkin akan memberikan kertas tambahan yang dapat membantumu merangkum kegiatan ini, tak mengapa. Kamu dapat mencantumkan kertas dari gurumu pada dokumen ini.Penemuan Masalah (Problem Finding)Misiku dalam projek ini adalah ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Kondisi Saat iniKondisi ideal nya adalah ….Apa yang tidak ada saat ini dan bandingkanlah dengan kondisi yang seharusnya?_______________________________________________________________________Apa yang menjadi permasalahan?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Memahami Ekspektasi / target Memahami “Big Question”____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Kata Kunci dalam “Big Question:”_________________________________Kata Kunci_________________________DefinisiGambar / Grafik / Grafik PengorganisasiInformasi tambahan dari kawan Memahami “Outcome” OutcomesFokus Outcomes Ilmu Pengetahuan SosialBahasa IndonesiaLain-lain: ___________________Lain-lain: ___________________Outcomes:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Keterkaitan antara Big Question & OutcomesBig Question:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Jelaskan dengan kata-katamu sendiri bagaimana Outcomes Sains dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial saling terkait dengan the Big Question.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Meninjau kembali apa yang pernah terjadi antara aku dan kelompokku ketika kami mengerjakan projek sebelumnya dan hal apa yang akan aku lakukan dengan cara yang berbeda pada projekku saat ini.Apa yang yang diharapkan saat saat saya bekerja dengan kelompokku?Dalam projekku yang pernah aku kerjakan sebelumnya, berikut adalah hal-hal yang pernah aku kerjakan:Kali ini, dalam kegiatan bersama dengan kelompokku berikut adalah hal-hal yang akan saya lakukan: Dalam tugas kelompok sebelumnya, setiap anggota kelompok memiliki tugas masing-masing, tugasku saat itu adalah……………………………….…….................................. …………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………….Menurutku kualitas pekerjaanku dalam tugas kelompok sebelumnya adalah…Kali ini, saat bekerja dalam kelompok hal – hal yang akan aku lakukan adalah…Apa yang diharapkan untuk aku lakukan ketika aku mengerjakan tugas tertulisku sendiri?Tugas tertulisku sebelumnya adalah mengenai: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Seberapa bagus aku mengerjakan tugas tertulisku sebelumnya:: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Yang akan aku lakukan ketika mengerjakan tugas tertulisku saat ini adalah: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Saat ini aku akan mengerjakannya seperti ini: ………………………………………………………………………………Diperiksa oleh guru pada : hari / tanggal : ___________________ tanda tangan guru: ________________Umpan balik (Feedback) dari guru :Kriteria untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk yang dikatakan sebagai produk yang berkualitas baik adalah … (Cek kembali Rubrik produk terbaik (exemplary work) dan/atau kriteria bagaimana cara menghasilkan produk terbaik yang ditunjukkan oleh gurumu) Dicek oleh guru pada: hari / tanggal: _________________ tanda tangan guru: __________________Umpan balik (Feedback) guru: PERENCANAANMembentuk Pertanyaan Fokus Dari projek(Framing Project Focus Question)Setelah melewati proses diskusi bersama rekan-rekanmu, akhirnya kamu mendapatkan kesimpulan bahwa pertanyaan focus dari projekmu adalah …Membangun Hipotesis (Brainstorming the possible hypothesis)Buka kembali halaman 54 (Penemuan masalah). Baca kembali apa yang menjadi permasalahannya.Sekarang, pikirkanlah sesuatu yang menurutmu dapat memecahkan masalah tersebut.Membentuk hipotesisHipotesisku adalah (Perkiraanku): Dicek oleh guru pada: hari / tanggal: _________________ tanda tangan guru: __________________Umpan balik (Feedback) guru: Hal – hal yang harus aku ketahui / harus bisa aku lakukanAku akan membutuhkan informasi / keahlian di bawah ini, supaya aku bisa membuat produk yang aku ingin buat:Keterangan:Baris nomor 1 adalah contoh, kamu harus menuliskan informasi / keahlian lain lagi yang akan kamu butuhkan ketika membuat produkmu. Kamu dapat menuliskannya pada baris ke-2 dan seterusnya.rmasi yang harus aku ketahuiPertanyaan Riset(Research question)Keahlian yang harus aku bisa lakukan(Skills needed)1.Contoh:Pentingnya mengetahui bahwa sebuah system dapat mempengaruhi system-sistem lain di dalam tubuh.Contoh:Di mana saya bisa mendapatkan data mengenai system pernafasan?Bagaimana caranya agar saya bisa mengeahui bahwa saat sebuah system dalam tubuh tidak berfungsi dengan baik maka hal ini akan mempengaruhi system-sistem lain di dalam tubuh kita?Contoh:Saya harus tahu bagaimana cara membuat riset.Saya harus tahu bagaimana caranya menentukan apakah sebuah narasumber / sumber informasi dapat dikatakan valid atau tidak.Saya harus dapat menentukan / menetapkan sebab – akibat dari sebuah fenomena tertentu. Dicek oleh guru pada: hari / tanggal: _________________ tanda tangan guru: __________________ Umpan balik (Feedback) guru:Catatan Perjalanan Projekku (Time Line Log).Tulislah kegiatan yang akan kamu lakukan dalam sebuah tanggal tertentu dalam tabel di bawah ini. Kerjakan ini di awal projek.Masukkan tanggal dimana kamu harus meninjau (Review) kembali keseluruhan perjalanan projekmu. Ini adalah hari/tanggal di mana kamu sudah menyelesaikan projek dan eksebisimu.Masukkan tanggal dimana kamu harus melakukan eksebisi / mempertunjukkan projekmu.Masukkan tanggal / hari – hari penting dalam termin ini (Kegiatan Earth day / hari Kartini / Business day dll).Masukkan tanggal dimana kamu harus melakukan eksperimen atau kapan kamu harus mulai melakukan riset.Masukkan tanggal dimana kamu harus melakukan wawancara dalam rangka mencari data yang akan membantumu menyelesaikan produkmu.Masukkan tanggal dimana kamu harus mulai membuat produkmu dalam bentuk fisik.Masukkan tanggal kapan kamu akan mempersiapkan dan berlatih untuk eksebisimuNote: Kamu dapat menambahkan tanggal penting lain di calendar iniCatatan Perjalanan ProjekkuBulan: Bulan: Bulan: Bulan: TanggalKegiatanTanggalKegiatanTanggalKegiatanTanggalKegiatan111122223333444455556666777788889999101010101111111112121212131313131414141415151515161616161717171718181818191919192020202021212121222222222323232324242424252525252626262627272727282828282929292930303030?313131Tanggal penting:Proposal dari Projekku Menyatakan kembali perencanaan dari projekmu dalam sebuah aliran (sekuens) secara singkat . Catatan:Proposal Projek ini akan dipresentasikan di hadapan kawan-kawanmu, dan bila ada umpanbalik dari kawanmu yang kamu anggap akan membuat produkmu menjadi lebih baik, maka kamu apat menuliskan catatan dalam Log ini.Perencanan Project(PROJECT PLANNER)Misinya adalah …(Lihat part 1 point 3.a)Judul dari Projek ku: (Untuk dapat memenuhi misiku, maka aku dan kelompokku akan membuat)Project Focus QuestionHipotesisDeskripsi dari projekkuLangkah-langkah risetBagian ini adalah saat di mana kamu harus menceritakan proses bagaimana kamu akan membuat produkmu. Tulislah dalam kalimat-kalimat singkat, langkah-langkah apa saja yang akan kamu lakukanContoh Grafik PengorganisasiProduk(Ketika kamu mempresentasikan deskripsi projekmu kamu dapat menunjukkan Blue Print / Sketsa / Purwarupa (prototype) disain dari produkmu)Tulis juga penjelasan singkatdari disainmu Untuk membuat projek ini dapat berlangsung dengan baik maka saya akan membutuhkan material dan alat – alat sebagai berikut:Saya bisa mendapatkan material ini dari: Bila saya tak bisa mendapatkan material ini maka saya akan menghubungi:Sumber InformasiMetoda Pengumpulan Data:ObservasiWawancaraMembacaBrowsingEksperimenTanggung jawabku dalam projek ini adalah:Catatan: kamu dapat menggunakan contoh Graphic Organizer di bawah ini untuk mendeskripsikan tugas – tugas yang harus kamu lakukan an juga tugas yang akan dilakukan oleh rekanmu.Dicek oleh guru pada: hari / tanggal: _________________ tanda tangan guru: __________________Umpan balik (Feedback) guru:Hasil dari Pertemuan Proses Kelas (Class Process Meeting Result )Pada _____________( Tanggal / bulan / tahun), kelompokku menerima beberapa umpan balik (Feedback) dari rekan-rekan kita di kelas tentang proposal PBC dari kelompokku.Kategori dari umpan balikUmpan balikApa yang mereka sukai dari rencanaku…Hal apa yang masih mereka belum faham benar dari rencanaku … Apa yang mereka miliki yang dapat digunakan untuk memperbaiki perencanaan yang kumiliki… *Diisi setelah aku mengadakan sesi “Constructive Friends Protocol”.Dicek oleh guru pada: hari / tanggal: _________________ tanda tangan guru: __________________Umpan balik (Feedback) guru:Meninjau Kembali PerencanaankuMenurutku, perencanaanyang sudah aku buat sudah efektif / kurang efektif karena: IndikatorTidakSebagianIyaAlasan(Harus di isi)Note: cek salah satu kotakApakah projekku dapat menjawab Big Questions dan Outcome? Apakah projekku akan dapat menjawab Project Mission dan juga Project Focus Question?Apakah aku telah mempertimbangkan faktor HP (Kriteria untuk menapatkan High Performance) ketika saya mendisain produkku?Apakah “Need to know list” yang saya sudah buat benar – benar membantu saya menyelesaikan projek ?Apakah perencanaan waktu (Time frame) yang aku buat sudah efektif dalam membantuku menyelesaikan produkku?Apakah setiap anggota kelompok masing-masing sudah mendapatkan tugas secara adil?Catatan:Apabila projek nya adalah tugas kelompok.Kesimpulan:Hal yang saya harus perbaiki lagi dalam proses perencanaan ini adalah?Catatan: Beri tanda tick untuk setiap idikator berdasarkan kondisimu sendiri dan berikan alasannyaDicek oleh guru pada: hari / tanggal: _________________ tanda tangan guru: __________________Umpan balik (Feedback) guru:PELAKSANAANMelakukan Riset (Eksperimen / Observasi / Research )Sebelum saya membuat produknya, saya harus melakukan riset / wawancara / eksperimen yang dapat memvalidasi produk yang akan saya buat.Catatan: Catatan hasil dari wawancara yang kamu lakukan, riset dari buku yang kamu sudah baca dari buku / internet / artikel atau catatan yang kamu hasilkan dari eksperimenmu dapat kamu tuliskan di kertas lain, namun bila memungkinkan kamu dapat melampirkannya di catatan ini.Apa yang kamu tulis di kotak di bawah ini hanya kesimpulan yang kamu anggap paling penting.WawancaraOrang / sekelompok orang yang saya wawancarai adalah: ___________Hasil wawancara ditulis di kertas terpisah. Apa yang kamu tulis di bawah ini hanya kesimpulan dari isi wawancara saja. Kesimpulan dari wawancara ini adalah:Dicek oleh guru pada: hari / tanggal: _________________ tanda tangan guru: __________________Umpan balik (Feedback) guru:Kajian Pustaka (Library Research)Buku (buku-buku) yang sudah saya baca adalah:Judul buku: _____________________ Penulis: ___________________Judul buku: _____________________ Penulis: ___________________Kesimpulan dari kajian Pustaka yang saya lakukan ini adalah:Dicek oleh guru pada: hari / tanggal: _________________ tanda tangan guru: __________________Umpan balik (Feedback) guru:Web-surfingKesimpulan dari Web Surfing yang saya lakukan ini adalah:Dicek oleh guru pada: hari / tanggal: _________________ tanda tangan guru: __________________Umpan balik (Feedback) guru:Mendengarkan/ menonton / radio atau televisi:Kesimpulan dari informasi – informasi yang saya dapatkan setelah saya mendengarkan radio dan atau menonton televise:Dicek oleh guru pada: hari / tanggal: _________________ tanda tangan guru: __________________Umpan balik (Feedback) guru: Kesimpulan dari eksperimen yang sudah aku lakukan adalah:Dicek oleh guru pada: hari / tanggal: _________________ tanda tangan guru: __________________Umpan balik (Feedback) guru:Eksperimencatatan: Kamu harus menyimpan catatan eksperimenmu di kertas yang lain, dan kesimpulannya dapat ditulis pada kotak di bawah ini.Kunjungan Lapangan (Field trip )Bila adaSumber lainDicek oleh guru pada: hari / tanggal: _________________ tanda tangan guru: __________________Umpan balik (Feedback) guru:Menganalisa kesenjangan(Tulislah kesimpulannya pada table di bawah ini)Situasi ideal(Topik mu) seharusnya …..Situasi saat ini(Apa yang aku temukan setelah aku melakukan eksperimen)Contoh: Pemerintahan yang ideal seharusnya………..Kesenjangan (Gap) antara situasi ideal dengan situasi yang terjadi saat ini berdasarkan penelitianku adalah:Kesimpulan dan rekomendasiku:Dicek oleh guru pada: hari / tanggal: _________________ tanda tangan guru: __________________Umpan balik (Feedback) guru:Mendisain dan Membuat produkkuBerdasarkan kesimpulan dan rekomendasiku, produk yang akan kubuat untuk mengkomunikasikan ide ku adalah: (lihat contoh di halaman berikutnya)Blue Print dari produkkuhasil eksperimen / riset kuDisain Akhir dari produkkuDeskripsi produkGambar produkKamu dapat membuat diagram ini pada selembar kertas terpisah, dan kemudian melampirkannya pada lembaran iniCatatan:guru harus mengecek lembaran tambahan dari blue print iniContoh:Blue Print dari produkkuhasil eksperimen / riset kuSaya mau membuat diorama bagaimana system pernafasan manusia bekerjaGambar Sistem pernafasan manusiaManusia butuh paru paru yang sehat untuk bisa bernafas…….Manusia butuh udaraDisain Akhir dari produkku ….deskripsiLangkah-langkah untuk mendesain dan membuat produk:(Tick ketika selesai melakukan):Buatlah disain / cetak biru / Purnarupa/ barang contoh dari produk yang akan kamu buat.Presentasikan disain / cetak biru / Purnarupa/ barang contoh dari produk yang akan kamu buat di hadapan kawan – kawanmu, lakukan kegiatan “Constructive Friends Protocol” untuk mendapatkan umpan balik (Feedback) dari kawan – kawanmu.Catatlah umpan balik (Feedback) yang kamu terima pada table di bawah ini yang berjudul “Pertemuan kelas proses” atau “Class Meeting Process”.Sekarang, setelah langkah di atas sudah dikerjakan maka kamu dapat membuat produkmu. Catatan:Ketika kamu sedang mengerjakan projek untuk membuat produk kelompokmu, gurumu akan memberitahukan kepadamu “Contoh model yang dikehendaki” atau “Exemplary work” dan/atau kriteria-kriteria dari sebuah produk INDIVIDUAL yang dapat dikatakan sebagai produk TERTULIS INDIVIDUAL berkualitas tinggi (High Performance products criteria). Pertemuan Proses di Kelas (Class Proces Meeting)Pada tanggal _____ Bulan _________ Tahun ______ aku menerima umpan balik (Feedback) yang bermanfaat, saat aku mempresentasikan “Proposal Proyekku”……Kategori Umpan balikUmpan BalikYang mereka sukai dari rencanaku ini adalah …Apa yang mereka masih ingin tahu dari rencanakuMenurut mereka, hal yang harus masih aku perbaiki dari rencanaku ini adalah …*Dapat diisi setelah kamu melakukan kegiatan “Constructive Friends’ Protocol”.Dicek oleh guru pada: hari / tanggal: _________________ tanda tangan guru: __________________Umpan balik (Feedback) guru:Produk tertulis perorangan (individual)Draft dari produk tertulis perorangan.Hubungi guru Language and Art mu untuk membuat produk tertulis perorangan yang terkait dengan projek Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial ini. Kamu akan memerlukan sebuah folder khusus agar kamu dapat menyimpan draft tulisanmu atau hal-hal lain yang terkait dengan produk akhir perorangan ini.Mempresentasikan produkku kepada staff ahli (Guru) dan rekan sejawat untuk mendapatkan umpan balik.Langkah-langkahnya antara lain:Sebelum presentasiTujuanku melakukan presentasi dari produkku ini di hadapan para ahli adalah:___________________________________Saya sudah menyiapkan tempat / panggung / wilayah untuk memamerkan produkku.Saya sudah menyiapkan daftar yang harus aku lakukan serta formulir umpan balik.Saya sudah menyiapkan alat tulis yang aku butuhkanSaya sudah berlatih cara memberikanpresentasi.Saat melakukan presentasi:Saya memberi salam kepada pemirsa saya.Saya menyampaikan tujuan saya memberikan presentasi kepada pemirsa. Saya menggunakan alat bantu visual.Saya menguasai isi presentasi.Saya menggunakan Bahasa tubuh yang sopan dan tepat.Suara saya cukup keras dan jelas.Saya menjaga kontak mata selama presentasi.Saya menutup presentasi dengan mengucapkan “Terima kasih sudah mendengarkan presentasi saya”. Catatan:Guru “Language and Art” akan melakukan penilaian keahlian berbicara (Speaking skill) atau keahlian memberikan presentasi harap merujuk pada rubric mata pelajaran Language and Arts.Isi dari presentasi akan dinilai oleh guru subject yang bersangkutan langsung dengan projekmu (Tanyakan pada gurumu mengenai detail dari rubric penilaian yang akan mereka gunakan)Contoh Rubrik yang akan digunakan dalam menilai presentasi lisanmu ini sama dengan “Oral presentation Rubrics” yang ada pada halaman 40-41. Eksebisi (Pemirsa yang akan menyaksikan eksebisi adalah orang – orang selain teman sekelasmu. Contohnya : Orang tua murid, atau orang – orang di mana eksebisimu akan diselenggarakan) Langkah-langkah:Sebelum presentasiTujuanku melakukan presentasi dari produkku ini di hadapan para ahli adalah:___________________________________Saya sudah menyiapkan tempat / panggung / wilayah untuk memamerkan produkku.Saya sudah menyiapkan daftar yang harus aku lakukan serta formulir umpan balik.Saya sudah menyiapkan alat tulis yang aku butuhkanSaya sudah berlatih cara memberikanpresentasi.Saat melakukan presentasi:Saya memberi salam kepada pemirsa saya.Saya menyampaikan tujuan saya memberikan presentasi kepada pemirsa. Saya menggunakan alat bantu visual.Saya menguasai isi presentasi.Saya menggunakan Bahasa tubuh yang sopan dan tepat.Suara saya cukup keras dan jelas.Saya menjaga kontak mata selama presentasi.Saya menutup presentasi dengan mengucapkan “Terima kasih sudah mendengarkan presentasi saya”. Menurut “Feedback form yang kudapat dari pemirsa (Audience), hal – hal yang harus aku perhatikan adalah: …………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Meninjau kembali bagian “DO” atau PelaksanaanIndikatorAlasannya(Harus di isi)Saya dapat / tidak dapat melakukan eksperimen dengan baik (Lingkari salah satu pernyataan yang bercetak tebal)Kesulitan yang saya hadapi ketika melakukan bagian in adalah .. (Bila ada)Kesulitan yang harus saya hadapi ketika saya mengerjakan Penulisan Laporan Ilimiah adalah (Bila ada)Perbandingan antara Waktu yang direncanakan untuk dapat menyelesaikan projek ini dengan waktu sesungguhnya adalah:Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk projek ini sama persis dengan apa yang yang sudah aku rencanakan.Projek ini butuh waktu lebih lama dari yang sudah direncanakan.Aku dapat mengerjakan projek ini lebih cepat dari yang sudah direncanakanCatatan: Beri alasanMenurutku catatan perjalanan projekku (Timeline log) berguna / tidak berguna (Lingkari pernyatan yang bercetak tebal)Catatan: Beri alasanJenis – jenis permasalahan yang harus saya hadapi ketika sedang melakukan eksebisi adalah..Kesimpulan:Yang masih harus saya perbaiki dari bagian ‘Do’ ini adalah: Dicek oleh guru pada: hari __________ tanggal: _________________ tanda tangan guru: __________________Umpan balik guru: _____________________________________________________Meninjau kembali bagian “DO” atau PelaksanaanKeterampilan, pengetahuan, atau klarifikasi yang kudapat tentang _____________________ adalah… (topic)Sumber (narasumber/pakar/media/web/dll.): _______________________________________Catatan:Sumber (narasumber/pakar/media/web/dll.): _______________________________________Catatan:Checked by teacher on : Day / date : ____________ teacher’s Signature: ___________Teacher’s feedback : PENINJAUAN KEMBALIRefleksi Akhir Dari Pelaksaan ProjekMeninjau kembali hal – hal yang aku lakukan saat mengerjakan projekJudul Projek:Selama melakukan eksperimen / riset saya mempelajari bahwa :(Yang terkait langsung dengan projekmu)Apa yang saya pelajari:Pengetahuan Faktual (Hal yang terkait dengan Focus Question mu)Pengetahuan Konseptual (Berkaitan dengan subjekmu)Pengetahuan Prosedural (Berkaitan dengan keahlian)Topik atau konsep yang terkait langsung dengan subjek dan yang bisa aku fahami adalah:Prosedur melakukan eksperimen:Proses mendisain sebuah produk:Bekerja sama dan berkolaborasi dengan kelompokku:Teknik memberikan presentasi:Mempersiapkan presentasi:Menilai performa SendiriIndikatorBaik(Beri tanda tick ‘√’)Kurang Baik(Beri tanda tick ‘√’)Alasan(Harus di isi)“Need to know list skill” yang sudah aku buat di awal termin sudah semuanya terpelajari karenanya saya sekarang sudah bisa melakukan hal-hal yang ada di dalamnyaSaya dapat memahami semua topik / konsep yang terkait dengan subject yang ada di dalam projekkuSaya dapat melakukan semua prosedur dalam mengerjakan riset dan eksperimenSaya dapat memahami proses mendisain sebuah produkSaya dapat bekerja sama / berkolaborasi dengan kelompokkuSaya mengetahui dan memahami teknik-teknik memberikan presentasiSaya dapat melakukan hal-hal yang harus saya lakukan sebelum presentasi dan semua hal lain yang terkait dengan presentasikuMengidentifikasi hal-hal yang harus saya perbaiki pada projekku di masa mendatangHal yang harus aku perbaikiKekuatankuRencana aksi ku (Action plan)Chapter 4Plan Do Review LogChapter 5Reviewing How Far I am from achieving the Learner OutcomesHave I met the Specific goals that I made at the beginning of the term to achieve the Learner Outcomes?Learners’ OutcomeSpecific Goals(Refer to chapter 1 part B)Did I achieve my goal?Evidence(link, photo, documents, journal entry, your blog, etc)Social Problem SolvingComplex ThinkingCommunicationCollaborationCreativity and InnovationMeta-level ReflectionEthical LeadershipAdaptability and Agility ................

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