Event Name: ENGL 4111 Class 07 (PKN835033)

Event Name: ENGL 4111 Class 07 (PKN835033)

File Saved by: Boyd Davis

Date Time: Tue February 24 2009 20:00:41

Sidney Fligel: No mic tonight, no voice...kinda sick I guess

Leah Cagle: you're sick too?? seems like everybody is!

Sidney Fligel: more or less just allergies

Lanita Wilks: sick, allergies... uughhh! sinus infection :(

Jessica Drennen: I can't tell if my mic works

Sidney Fligel: it does, if that was you saying hello

Leah Cagle: hello!

Jessica Camargo: not the pill, the feeling...

Sidney Fligel: haha

Sidney Fligel: i know what she means though

Sidney Fligel: you just let go and then who knows

Sidney Fligel: from concerts, not the whole church thing

Jessica Camargo: yes, in church...when the Holy Spirit hits...in whatever form it happens...that's such a great feeling

Lanita Wilks: Agreed! :)

Jessica Camargo: sometimes it might be a church of trees and clouds...

Sidney Fligel: called a diferum? or something right?

Stefanie Ward: diphram?

Stefanie Ward: battle of the bands! With interpretive dance! And emcee competitions!

Jessica Drennen: lol

Sidney Fligel: haha

Sidney Fligel: that is what i was thinking

Jessica Camargo: can all you prospective english teachers say "how to make it relevant?"

Sidney Fligel: 1 million and 1 actually

Stefanie Ward: so basically what today's movie stores would call "drama"

Sidney Fligel: the jabbawockeez?

William Sturge: nice

Stefanie Ward: I'd like to try to have the Oscars that way: see all the flicks, THEN pick...

Jessica Camargo: dithram?

Stefanie Ward: ... and Oedipus is in good shape?

Jacqueline Bieringer: yes, this play took away the only value of women I thought at least was attributed to them- the children aren't related to their mothers? I hate Apollo.

Stefanie Ward: I was thinking he wasn't very observant. Because children NEVER resemble their mothers more than their fathers..

Jacqueline Bieringer: Yeah, really.

Jessica Camargo: i wish we could take a class field trip to Greece...

Jessica Drennen: was thinking the same thing

Jacqueline Bieringer: Haha- yeah, only if it's fully funded.

Jessica Drennen: lol

Jacqueline Bieringer: cold, murdering horror... yup, that's Apollo.

Sidney Fligel: dont forget rapist

Stefanie Ward: name ONE classical god who wasn't.

Jacqueline Bieringer: the more I read about him, the more horrid he is.

Sidney Fligel: seriously

William Sturge: did neptune ever rape anyone

Sidney Fligel: i used to like reading about Apollo, now all i can see is how bad he is

Jacqueline Bieringer: Yes, but Apollo is the worst. He never says or does anything that doesn't make me want to kick him in the face.

Jacqueline Bieringer: I've never heard of Neptune raping anyone...

Jacqueline Bieringer: I think he prefered supernatural mates.

Stefanie Ward: you didn't see where Medusa came from

Jacqueline Bieringer: true. maybe he's asexual. I can see Medusa coming from a chopped-off tentacle or something.

Jessica Drennen: I thought Medusa was originally a mortal who challenged one of the gods & that god cursed her.

Jessica Camargo: i just showed my daughter how this works. she thinks its cool!

Jessica Drennen: lol

Jacqueline Bieringer: I don't know. You're probably right about Medusa.

Sidney Fligel: medusa was formed from the g-ds out of some argument

Sidney Fligel: if i recall correctly

Stephanie Rimmer: all of this narrows down th list of true "heroes" was can consider for the paper

Kelly Edwards: I thought Neptune raped her, so she purposefully became a mess to scare others off

Stefanie Ward: Does this play wreck Aristotle's Unity of Place?

Jessica Camargo: to all my Lost fans out there...the black and white pebbles? remember season one?

Jacqueline Bieringer: I know- there aren't many to choose from. I'd prefer writing about the women, but I don't think they're considered heroes.

Jessica Drennen: I was wondering about the women too, maybe Penelope? I don't know, that may be reaching

Jessica Camargo: i think you can write a comparison of any two features, not just heroes...

Stephanie Rimmer: i looked up several list and they include many that i don't consider to be "heroes"

Stephanie Rimmer: yeah the topic is so open that i don't know what to do really

Jacqueline Bieringer: Again, that depends on you definition of 'hero'. I thought Clytaemnestra was just as heroic (or not) as Agamemnon.

Sidney Fligel: as long as they follow Campbells steps cant they be considered a hero?

Sidney Fligel: by modern day readers that is

William Sturge: nice purse

Jessica Camargo: perseus sounds like 'purse' which is what it looks like hes carrying

Sidney Fligel: or just someone's head who he killed?

Jessica Camargo: no dude, there's a strap. thats a purse girlfriend

Jessica Drennen: but he has the GOD status so it's OK lol

William Sturge: european carry-on

Jacqueline Bieringer: If you're totally rational, how can you be the god of music? I dont' consider creativity rational, I guess...

Stefanie Ward: music is mathematical - it's just better when it's chaos theory

Jessica Camargo: no wonder athena doesnt have a boyfriend...lol

Jessica Drennen: lol awww

Jacqueline Bieringer: Heh, guess that's why there are muses.

Jessica Camargo: you sound like my little brother...


Jacqueline Bieringer: yup, today, dionysius would be the god of drugs. I've heard of addicts killing their children.

Jessica Camargo: if not literally, physically... then with neglect, abandonment, etc.

Stefanie Ward: wine, drugs... just a difference of degree, really

Stefanie Ward: of course, power and rationality can be drugs, too.

Sidney Fligel: when abused

Jacqueline Bieringer: ... I heard of a mother trying to fry her baby on the stove when she was on hallucinogens...

Jacqueline Bieringer: balance is key ^_^

Jessica Camargo: sooo...how about that greek theatre...

William Sturge: I wish you didn't tell me that

Jacqueline Bieringer: I dunno. I heard it a long time ago. Could have been some icky little boy trying to scare me.

Stefanie Ward: pride which is humiliating

Jessica Camargo: Tiresias as shaman...nice. intertextuality, anyone? interculturaltextuality maybe?

Jessica Camargo: thematic application

Sidney Fligel: only in movies

Sidney Fligel: it is pretty interesting

Erika Summers: I love the Sims

Stefanie Ward: nice

Jessica Camargo: SIMS?

Jessica Drennen: I think it's a computer game.

Stefanie Ward: simulated people/families

Erika Summers: Only one of the greatest computer games. lol

Stefanie Ward: think of it as a computer dollhouse

Jessica Drennen: lol

Jessica Camargo: oh, cause real families arent challenging enough?

Erika Summers: For people who can't control their own lives--so they control characters. ;)

Jessica Drennen: nice!

Leah Cagle: is it just me or is he kinda cross-eyed?

Jessica Camargo: Jill Scott as in the singer?

Sidney Fligel: that is what i am thinking

Leah Cagle: nevermind. she changed the picture

Sidney Fligel: but i doubt it

Leah Cagle: haha

William Sturge: they fall in love with me

Jessica Camargo: who's your daddy?

Stefanie Ward: oh bro


Leah Cagle: oooh wow.

Jessica Camargo: i love toni morrison

Leah Cagle: me too!

Jessica Drennen: yes!

Jessica Camargo: and Beloved has a chorus...

Jessica Drennen: oh cute!

Sidney Fligel: wouldnt rap be the same? i mean 2pac rap not soulja boy

Jessica Camargo: #2 looks like someone i know...

Jessica Drennen: HAA HAA

Sidney Fligel: you are welcome

Sidney Fligel: or not...

Boyd Davis: still can't hear you

Lanita Wilks: Good night everyone!

Sidney Fligel: turn the mic volume up maybe

Melissa Pierre-Louis: Dr. Davis: how can I get a copy of the take home essay questions?

Michael DeCoulaz: s Orestes just with dealing out justice to his mother? Hubris?

Jessica Camargo: hey melissa. i gotta email you re presentation

Melissa Pierre-Louis: ok! Thank you so much!

Melissa Pierre-Louis: ok! I was gonna email you about that! thanks Jessica


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