Draft Teaching Manual - EDB



Topic 7 The Legacies of Greece and Rome

Teaching flow


|Knowledge |To acquire the basic knowledge of the achievements of ancient Greece and Rome |

| |To know the legacies of ancient Greece and Rome persist to the present day |

|Skills |To build concept: ‘continuity’ and ‘legacy’ in the studying of history |

| |To find out ‘similarities’ and ‘differences’ |

|Attitude |To appreciate the contributions of the ancestors and predecessors |

| |To respect the different cultures |

| |Items |

|Augustus Caesar |The first emperor of the Roman Empire |

|Mark Antony |Married Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt |

|Julius Caesar |Introduced Julian calendar |

|Socrates |A great Greek philosopher |

|Herodotus |Father of History |

|Pythagoras |A great Greek mathematician |

Task 1: Between Latin and English-Origin of some common English words

Could we find the original meanings of some English Words from Roman civilization from sources A to C?

Source A

|Octo and Deca |

|Words like octo- and deca- come from Latin, the language of Rome. Latin is different from Greek. The English language has borrowed |

|heavily from both these two classical languages. Just as English borrowed Latin words when it accepted the Roman calendar, it borrowed|

|Greek words when it adopted Greek teaching |

Source B

|July and August |

| |

|Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar were great ancient Roman leaders. As Julius Caesar was born in the 7th month of the Julian calendar,|

|that month was named ‘Julius’ by Augustus to honor Julius Caesar. The Romans also named the month of August after Augustus. These |

|names became July and August in English. |


Topic 7 The legacies of Greece and Rome

Source C

|Greek and Roman words in English |

| |

|We have been using Roman and Greek words without realizing, for example, sophia = wisdom; philo = love; philosophy = love of wisdom; geo |

|= earth; metria = to measure; geometry = measuring the earth, that is, the mathematics for measuring; -logy comes from “logus”, which |

|means “word”; geology, therefore, is talking about the earth, biology is talking about life, etc. |

|The ancient Greek philosophers were interested in understanding the universe. In this sense, they were also scientists. The word |

|“science”, however, is Roman. In Latin, it simply means “to know”. |

| |

|Nowadays we usually talk about ‘democracy’. The word was formed from two Greek words ‘dêmos’, which refers to ‘people’ and ‘krátos’, |

|which meant ‘government. So the word means people’s government. This is also the idea of the city-states of Greece. |

1. According to the writer as shown in Source A, which two languages does English borrow from?

Suggested answer: Greek and Latin

2. With reference to Source B, could you tell us how the months are affected by Roman civilization?

Suggested answer:

|Month |Rome |

|July |The name of Roman emperor, Julius Caesar |

|August |The name of Roman emperor, Augustus Caesar |

3. With reference to Source C, fill in the blanks as shown in the following table:

Suggested answer:

|English words |Meaning |

|Sophia |Wisdom |

|Philosophy |Love of wisdom |

|Democracy |Power of people |

|Biology |Talking about life |

|Geology |Talking about the earth |

|Sociology |Talking about the Society |

|Science |To know |


Source E is a description of the Greek beliefs

|It could be that the Greeks wanted to say something about human beings, so much so that when they talked about their gods, even gods |

|were very human-like. For example, they could be both good and evil at the same time. |

Source F is about Greek and Roman gods

|The Roman gods were similar to the Greek gods. It is usually the case that different gods are given different functions as follows: |

| |

|Gods |

|Greek Name |

|Roman Name |

| |

|Ruler of Gods |

|Zeus |

|Jupiter |

| |

|God of War |

|Ares |

|Mars |

| |

|Goddess of Wisdom |

|Athena |

|Minerva |

| |

|Goddess of Love |

|Aphrodite |

|Venus |

| |

| |

|However, religious beliefs in ancient changed greatly since 2nd century AD Christianity was becoming increasingly important. It taught|

|that a single God was the creator and law-giver. When the Roman emperor also embraced this religion, from the time of Constantine (who|

|built Constantinople), the empire and religion under a single God were merged. There was one god in heaven, and one emperor on earth, |

|his representative. |

Source: photos provided by Ms Joan Cheng

Task 20Religion-Human-like or not? One god or many gods?

Are there any changes of the Greek and Roman religious beliefs?

Task 2 Religion-Human-like or not? One god or many gods?

Are there any changes of the Greek and Roman religious beliefs?

Source D shows the statue of god in Athens in the 1st century(left) and the statue of the ancient Egyptian god in 1480BC. (right)

1. Some people say that the gods in Greek times are more human-like than those of the previous times. Do you agree? Cite evidence from Sources D and E to support your answer.

Suggested answer:

I agree. The appearance of statues in the Greek time looks most human-like than those of the previous times. Moreover, when the Greeks talked about their gods, even gods were very human-like as gods could be both good and evil at the same time.

2. Could you tell us one similarity and one difference in religion between Greek and Roman times? Find out the answer from Source F.

Suggested answers:

• Similarity: Both believed in god.

• Difference: In Greek time, people believed that there were many gods, but in late Roman time, they believed in one single god.

3. Do you find that Christianity in ancient Rome is still similar to that at present?

Suggested answers:

• Similarity: Christians still believe that there is only one god in Heaven.

• Difference: Christians in the past believed the emperor on earth represented the god. Nowadays the Christians do not believe that any more.

Task 3: Culture heritage-Greece and Rome-A symbol of civilization?

Do you agree that the culture of Greece and Rome still influence the world today?

Source G is about the impact of the Roman Empire.

| |

| |

| |

|The Roman Empire lasted for so long and embodied so much of Europe that for many years afterwards, it remained a symbol of |

|civilization. Especially after the fifteenth century, it was looked upon as being much more civilized than the period that came |

|after, known as the Dark or Middle Ages. It became a symbol of Western civilization. |

Source H It is a cartoon video about ancient Olympic Games as shown in

Topic 7 The legacies of Greece and Rome



Extended activity:

Powerpoint presentation: Are there any other legacies of ancient Greece and Rome?


1. Form a group of four to five

2. Choose ONE legacy of ancient Greece or Rome which is not covered in this chapter

3. Make a Powerpoint to show the details of the legacy you chose.

4. Include key points and relevant photos/pictures in the Powerpoint

5. Present the Powerpoint to your class in 5 minutes

Source I

Source: photo provided by Dr. Ma Muk Chi Source:

1. According to Source G, why do we say the Roman Empire remained a symbol of civilization?

Suggested answer:

The Roman Empire lasted for so long and embodied so much of Europe for many years afterwards.

2. Do you agree that the culture of Greece and Rome still influence the world today? Explain your answer with reference to Sources H and I, and using your own knowledge.

Suggested answer:

Source H: Olympic Games, which came from ancient Greece, is still an important sports event in the whole world today.

Source I: The former Legislative Council building in Central District shows the Greek and Roman architectural styles.

These two examples show that the ancient Greek and Roman culture still influence civilization nowadays. Other examples include numbers, words, calendar and so on.

Summary chart

The Roman Empire learnt a great deal from the Greeks, and, as the empire expanded, Greek and Roman ideas and practices spread to many parts of Europe. For example, they made an impact on the calendar, European words, ideas about knowledge, religion and architecture. These influences are still with us today.


Topic 7 The legacies of Greece and Rome




← October

← December

← July

← August

Legacies of Greece





← Olympic Games

← Architectural styles



← Number

← Appearance

← Functions





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